// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. using System.Collections; using System.Runtime.Serialization; namespace System { [Serializable] [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedFrom("mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089")] public partial class Exception : ISerializable { private protected const string InnerExceptionPrefix = " ---> "; public Exception() { _HResult = HResults.COR_E_EXCEPTION; } public Exception(string? message) : this() { _message = message; } // Creates a new Exception. All derived classes should // provide this constructor. // Note: the stack trace is not started until the exception // is thrown // public Exception(string? message, Exception? innerException) : this() { _message = message; _innerException = innerException; } protected Exception(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { if (info == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(info)); _message = info.GetString("Message"); // Do not rename (binary serialization) _data = (IDictionary?)(info.GetValueNoThrow("Data", typeof(IDictionary))); // Do not rename (binary serialization) _innerException = (Exception?)(info.GetValue("InnerException", typeof(Exception))); // Do not rename (binary serialization) _helpURL = info.GetString("HelpURL"); // Do not rename (binary serialization) _stackTraceString = info.GetString("StackTraceString"); // Do not rename (binary serialization) _HResult = info.GetInt32("HResult"); // Do not rename (binary serialization) _source = info.GetString("Source"); // Do not rename (binary serialization) RestoreRemoteStackTrace(info, context); } public virtual string Message { get { return _message ?? SR.Format(SR.Exception_WasThrown, GetClassName()); } } public virtual IDictionary Data { get { return _data ?? (_data = CreateDataContainer()); } } private string GetClassName() => GetType().ToString(); // Retrieves the lowest exception (inner most) for the given Exception. // This will traverse exceptions using the innerException property. public virtual Exception GetBaseException() { Exception? inner = InnerException; Exception back = this; while (inner != null) { back = inner; inner = inner.InnerException; } return back; } public Exception? InnerException => _innerException; // Sets the help link for this exception. // This should be in a URL/URN form, such as: // "file:///C:/Applications/Bazzal/help.html#ErrorNum42" public virtual string? HelpLink { get { return _helpURL; } set { _helpURL = value; } } public virtual string? Source { get { return _source ?? (_source = CreateSourceName()); } set { _source = value; } } public virtual void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { if (info == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(info)); } if (_source == null) { _source = Source; // Set the Source information correctly before serialization } info.AddValue("ClassName", GetClassName(), typeof(string)); // Do not rename (binary serialization) info.AddValue("Message", _message, typeof(string)); // Do not rename (binary serialization) info.AddValue("Data", _data, typeof(IDictionary)); // Do not rename (binary serialization) info.AddValue("InnerException", _innerException, typeof(Exception)); // Do not rename (binary serialization) info.AddValue("HelpURL", _helpURL, typeof(string)); // Do not rename (binary serialization) info.AddValue("StackTraceString", SerializationStackTraceString, typeof(string)); // Do not rename (binary serialization) info.AddValue("RemoteStackTraceString", SerializationRemoteStackTraceString, typeof(string)); // Do not rename (binary serialization) info.AddValue("RemoteStackIndex", 0, typeof(int)); // Do not rename (binary serialization) info.AddValue("ExceptionMethod", null, typeof(string)); // Do not rename (binary serialization) info.AddValue("HResult", _HResult); // Do not rename (binary serialization) info.AddValue("Source", _source, typeof(string)); // Do not rename (binary serialization) info.AddValue("WatsonBuckets", SerializationWatsonBuckets, typeof(byte[])); // Do not rename (binary serialization) } public override string ToString() { string s = GetClassName(); string? message = Message; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { s += ": " + message; } if (_innerException != null) { s = s + Environment.NewLine + InnerExceptionPrefix + _innerException.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + " " + SR.Exception_EndOfInnerExceptionStack; } string? stackTrace = StackTrace; if (stackTrace != null) { s += Environment.NewLine + stackTrace; } return s; } protected event EventHandler? SerializeObjectState { add { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(SR.PlatformNotSupported_SecureBinarySerialization); } remove { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(SR.PlatformNotSupported_SecureBinarySerialization); } } public int HResult { get { return _HResult; } set { _HResult = value; } } // this method is required so Object.GetType is not made virtual by the compiler // _Exception.GetType() public new Type GetType() => base.GetType(); partial void RestoreRemoteStackTrace(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); } }