;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; This comment block added by the CLR dev team. ; ; This is a custom autoexp.dat that causes VS2005 to nicely ; pretty-print common CLR data types (MethodDesc, EEClass, etc.) ; in the debugger watch window. For example, instead of ; seeing ; ; pString {...} ; ; you will see the more useful ; ; pString {0x "Hello" } ; ; ; ; ; To use this file, replace the autoexp.dat file in your VS ; installation with this one. This file is normally found under ; this path: ; ; C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\Packages\Debugger ; ; If you have your own custom rules that you don't want messed ; up or you're just healthily paranoid, you can cut and paste ; the CLR-specific section only. The section begins with ; ; ;---- [BEGIN] CLR-specific autoexps --------------------------- ; ; and ends with ; ; ;---- [END] CLR-specific autoexps --------------------------- ; ; Note that this *must* go into the [AutoExpand] section of the file. ; Don't just append to the end of the file or the debugger won't ; see it. ; ; ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; AutoExp.Dat - templates for automatically expanding data ; Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; While debugging, Data Tips and items in the Watch and Variable ; windows are automatically expanded to show their most important ; elements. The expansion follows the format given by the rules ; in this file. You can add rules for your types or change the ; predefined rules. ; ; For good examples, read the rules in this file. ; ; To find what the debugger considers the type of a variable to ; be, add it to the Watch window and look at the Type column. ; ; An AutoExpand rule is a line with the name of a type, an equals ; sign, and text with replaceable parts in angle brackets. The ; part in angle brackets names a member of the type and an ; optional Watch format specifier. ; ; AutoExpand rules use the following syntax. The equals sign (=), ; angle brackets (<>), and comma are taken literally. Square ; brackets ([]) indicate optional items. ; ; type=[text]... ; ; type Name of the type (may be followed by <*> for template ; types such as the ATL types listed below). ; ; text Any text.Usually the name of the member to display, ; or a shorthand name for the member. ; ; member Name of a member to display. ; ; format Watch format specifier. One of the following: ; ; Letter Description Sample Display ; ------ -------------------------- ------------ ------------- ; d,i Signed decimal integer 0xF000F065,d -268373915 ; u Unsigned decimal integer 0x0065,u 101 ; o Unsigned octal integer 0xF065,o 0170145 ; x,X Hexadecimal integer 61541,X 0X0000F065 ; l,h long or short prefix for 00406042,hx 0x0c22 ; d, i, u, o, x, X ; f Signed floating-point 3./2.,f 1.500000 ; e Signed scientific-notation 3./2.,e 1.500000e+000 ; g Shorter of e and f 3./2.,g 1.5 ; c Single character 0x0065,c 'e' ; s Zero-terminated string pVar,s "Hello world" ; su Unicode string pVar,su "Hello world" ; ; For details of other format specifiers see Help under: ; "format specifiers/watch variable" ; ; The special format <,t> specifies the name of the most-derived ; type of the object. This is especially useful with pointers or ; references to a base class. ; ; If there is no rule for a class, the base classes are checked for ; a matching rule. ; ; There are some special entries allowed in the AutoExpand section: ; $BUILTIN is used to display more complex types that need to do more ; than just show a member variable or two. ; $ADDIN allows external DLLs to be added to display even more complex ; types via the EE Add-in API. The first argument is the DLL name, the ; second argument is the name of the export from the DLL to use. For ; further information on this API see the sample called EEAddIn. ; ; WARNING: if hexadecimal mode is on in the watch window, all numbers here are ; evaluated in hex, e.g. 42 becomes 0x42 [AutoExpand] ;---- [BEGIN] CLR-specific autoexps --------------------------- ; PEFile= Module=m_pDebugName, su> Assembly=m_pDebugName,su> ClassLoader=m_pManifestFile->m_pDebugName,su> AssemblySpec= v... TypeHandle=m_pEEClass->m_szDebugClassName,s> ParamTypeDesc=m_pEEClass->m_szDebugClassName, s> EEClass= MethodTable=m_szDebugClassName,s> MethodDesc=:: ReflectMethod=m_pszDebugClassName,s>::m_pszDebugMethodName,s> FieldDesc=m_pEEClass->m_szDebugClassName,s>:: Thread= BaseObject=m_pEEClass->m_szDebugClassName,s> Object=m_pEEClass->m_szDebugClassName,s> StringObject= OBJECTREF= m_pMethTab->m_pEEClass->m_szDebugClassName,s> REF=m_Characters> REF<*>= m_pMethTab->m_pEEClass->m_szDebugClassName,s> ; SStrings are annoying because their internal buffer can be in either ; unicode or ansi depending on the code path. Thus, this rule attempts ; to print it both ways. We will do the ascii attempt first as it's ; less likely to produce verbose garbage (usually, it'll print just the ; first character.) ; ; So the typical output you'll see is... ; ; {"A"/"ABCD"} ; sbuffer is using unicode representation ; {"ABCD"/""} ; sbuffer was using ansi representation ; ; The rule below also kicks in as desired for StackSString and InlineSString. SString =| HolderBase<*>= NATIVE_BINDER_SPACE::IEntry=<_tag,su> HolderBase= _tag,su> HolderBase= _tag,su> HolderBase= _tag,su> NATIVE_BINDER_SPACE::CILEntryBind=<_pILEntry->_tag,su> HolderBase= _pILEntry->_tag,su> NATIVE_BINDER_SPACE::CNgenEntryBind=<_pNgenEntry->_tag,su> HolderBase= _pNgenEntry->_tag,su> NATIVE_BINDER_SPACE::CDependencyEntry=<_pEntry->_tag,su> HolderBase= _pEntry->_tag,su> CAssemblyName=<_rProp._rProp[3].asStr> HolderBase=_rProp._rProp[3].asStr> HolderBase=_asCAssemblyName->_rProp._rProp[3].asStr> BindResult= HolderBase=m_tag,su> HolderBase=_asBindResult->m_tag,su> AssemblyLocation= HolderBase=m_pwzAssemblyPath> HolderBase=_asAssemblyLocation->m_pwzAssemblyPath> ;---- [END] CLR-specific autoexps --------------------------- ; from windef.h tagPOINT =x= y= tagRECT =top= bottom= left= right= ; from winuser.h tagMSG =msg= wp= lp= ; intrinsics __m64 = __m128=$BUILTIN(M128) __m128i=$BUILTIN(M128I) __m128d=$BUILTIN(M128D) ; from afxwin.h CDC =hDC= attrib= CPaintDC =<,t> hWnd= CPoint =x= y= CRect =top= bottom= left= right= CSize =cx= cy= CWnd =<,t> hWnd= CWinApp =<,t> CWinThread =<,t> h= proc= ; from afxcoll.h CPtrList =cnt= ; from afxstat_.h CProcessLocalObject =<,t> CThreadLocalObject =<,t> ; from afx.h CArchiveException =cause= CFile =hFile= name= CFileException =cause= OS Error=m_lOsError CMemFile =pos= size= CObject =<,t> CRuntimeClass = CStdioFile =FILE*= name= CTimeSpan =time= CTime =time= ; from afxcoll.h CByteArray =count= CStringList =count= ; same for all CXXXArray classes ; same for CXXXList ; same for CMapXXToXX ; various string classes from MFC & ATL _com_error= _bstr_t=m_wstr,su> (m_RefCount,u>) _com_ptr_t<*>= _LARGE_INTEGER= _ULARGE_INTEGER= ATL::CComPtr<*>=


tagVARIANT=$BUILTIN(VARIANT) VARIANT=$BUILTIN(VARIANT) _GUID=$BUILTIN(GUID) ; see EEAddIn sample for how to use these ;_SYSTEMTIME=$ADDIN(EEAddIn.dll,AddIn_SystemTime) ;_FILETIME=$ADDIN(EEAddIn.dll,AddIn_FileTime) std::binder1st<*>= op= value= std::binder2nd<*>= op= value= std::less<*>=lessthan std::greater<*>=greaterthan [Visualizer] ; This section contains visualizers for STL and ATL containers ; DO NOT MODIFY ATL::CStringT|CSimpleStringT|ATL::CSimpleStringT{ preview([$c.m_pszData,s]) stringview([$c.m_pszData,sb]) } ATL::CStringT|CSimpleStringT|ATL::CSimpleStringT|ATL::CStringT|CSimpleStringT|ATL::CSimpleStringT{ preview([$c.m_pszData,su]) stringview([$c.m_pszData,sub]) } ATL::CComBSTR{ preview([$c.m_str,su]) stringview([$c.m_str,sub]) } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; std::vector specialization ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::vector{ children ( #array ( expr : ($c._Myvec._Myfirst[$i / _VBITS] >> ($i % _VBITS)), size : ($c._Mysize) ) : (bool)($e & 1) ) preview ( #( "[", $e._Mysize , "](", #array ( expr : ($c._Myvec._Myfirst[$i / _VBITS] >> ($i % _VBITS)), size : ($c._Mysize) ) : (bool)($e & 1), ")") ) } std::vector::iterator|std::vector::const_iterator|std::_Vb_iterator<*>|std::_Vb_const_iterator<*>{ preview ( #( (bool) (((*$e._Myptr) >> $e._Myoff) & 1) ) ) children ( #( ptr: (bool) (((*$e._Myptr) >> $e._Myoff) & 1) ) ) } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; std::vector ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::vector<*>{ children ( #array ( expr : ($c._Myfirst)[$i], size : $c._Mylast-$c._Myfirst ) ) preview ( #( "[", $e._Mylast - $e._Myfirst , "](", #array ( expr : ($c._Myfirst)[$i], size : $c._Mylast-$c._Myfirst ), ")" ) ) } std::_Vector_iterator<*>|std::_Vector_const_iterator<*>{ preview ( #(*$e._Myptr) ) children ( #(ptr: *$e._Myptr) ) } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; std::string/basic_string ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::basic_string{ preview ( #if(($e._Myres) < ($e._BUF_SIZE)) ( [$e._Bx._Buf,s] ) #else ( [$e._Bx._Ptr,s] ) ) stringview ( #if(($e._Myres) < ($e._BUF_SIZE)) ( [$e._Bx._Buf,sb] ) #else ( [$e._Bx._Ptr,sb] ) ) children ( #if(($e._Myres) < ($e._BUF_SIZE)) ( #([actual members]: [$e,!] , #array( expr: $e._Bx._Buf[$i], size: $e._Mysize)) ) #else ( #([actual members]: [$e,!], #array( expr: $e._Bx._Ptr[$i], size: $e._Mysize)) ) ) } std::basic_string|std::basic_string{ preview ( #if(($e._Myres) < ($e._BUF_SIZE)) ( [$e._Bx._Buf,su] ) #else ( [$e._Bx._Ptr,su] ) ) stringview ( #if(($e._Myres) < ($e._BUF_SIZE)) ( [$e._Bx._Buf,sub] ) #else ( [$e._Bx._Ptr,sub] ) ) children ( #if(($e._Myres) < ($e._BUF_SIZE)) ( #([actual members]: [$e,!] , #array( expr: $e._Bx._Buf[$i], size: $e._Mysize)) ) #else ( #([actual members]: [$e,!], #array( expr: $e._Bx._Ptr[$i], size: $e._Mysize)) ) ) } std::basic_string<*>::iterator|std::basic_string<*>::const_iterator|std::_String_iterator<*>|std::_String_const_iterator<*>{ preview ( #( $e._Myptr ) ) children ( #( ptr: $e._Myptr ) ) } std::pair<*>{ preview ( #( "(", $e.first, ",", $e.second , ")" ) ) } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; std::auto_ptr ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::auto_ptr<*>{ preview ( #( "auto_ptr ", (*(($T1 *)$c._Myptr)) ) ) children ( #( ptr: (*(($T1 *)$c._Myptr)) ) ) } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; std::map ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::map<*>{ children ( #tree ( head : $c._Myhead->_Parent, skip : $c._Myhead, size : $c._Mysize, left : _Left, right : _Right ) : $e._Myval ) preview ( #( "[", $e._Mysize, "](", #tree ( head : $c._Myhead->_Parent, skip : $c._Myhead, size : $c._Mysize, left : _Left, right : _Right ) : $e._Myval, ")" ) ) } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; std::multi_map ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::multimap<*>{ children ( #tree ( head : $c._Myhead->_Parent, skip : $c._Myhead, size : $c._Mysize, left : _Left, right : _Right ) : $e._Myval ) preview ( #( "[", $e._Mysize, "](", #tree ( head : $c._Myhead->_Parent, skip : $c._Myhead, size : $c._Mysize, left : _Left, right : _Right ) : $e._Myval, ")" ) ) } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; std::list ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::list<*>{ children ( #list ( head : $c._Myhead->_Next, size : $c._Mysize, next : _Next ) : $e._Myval ) preview ( #( "[", $e._Mysize, "](", #list ( head : $c._Myhead->_Next, size : $c._Mysize, next : _Next ) : $e._Myval, ")" ) ) } std::list<*>::iterator|std::list<*>::const_iterator|std::list<*>::_Iterator<1>|std::list<*>::_Const_iterator<1>{ preview ( #($e._Ptr->_Myval) ) children ( #(ptr: $e._Ptr->_Myval) ) } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; std::bitset ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::bitset<*>{ preview ( #( "[", $c.digits, "](", #array ( expr : ($c._Array[$i / $c._Bitsperword] >> ($i % $c._Bitsperword)), size : $c.digits ) : [($e & 1),d], ")" ) ) children ( #array ( expr : ($c._Array[$i / $c._Bitsperword] >> ($i % $c._Bitsperword)), size : $c.digits ) : (bool)($e & 1)) } std::bitset<*>::reference{ preview ( #( "bitset[", $e._Mypos, "] = ", (bool)(($e._Pbitset->_Array[$i / _Bitsperword] >> ($e._Mypos % _Bitsperword)) & 1) ) ) } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; std::deque ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::deque<*>{ children ( #array ( expr : $c._Map[ (($i + $c._Myoff) / $c._EEN_DS) % $c._Mapsize][($i + $c._Myoff) % $c._EEN_DS], size : $c._Mysize ) ) preview ( #( "[", $e._Mysize, "](", #array ( expr : $c._Map[ (($i + $c._Myoff) / $c._EEN_DS) % $c._Mapsize][($i + $c._Myoff) % $c._EEN_DS], size : $c._Mysize ), ")" ) ) } std::deque<*,*>::iterator|std::_Deque_iterator<*,*,*>|std::_Deque_const_iterator<*,*,*>{ preview ( #if( $e._Myoff >= ((std::deque<$T1,$T2 > *)$c._Mycont)->_Myoff + ((std::deque<$T1,$T2 > *)$c._Mycont)->_Mysize) ( #("") ) #else( #( "deque[", $e._Myoff - ((std::deque<$T1,$T2 > *)$c._Mycont)->_Myoff, "] = ", ((std::deque<$T1,$T2 > *)$c._Mycont)->_Map[ (($c._Myoff) / ((std::deque<$T1,$T2 > *)$c._Mycont)->_EEN_DS) % ((std::deque<$T1,$T2 > *)$c._Mycont)->_Mapsize][$c._Myoff % ((std::deque<$T1,$T2 > *)$c._Mycont)->_EEN_DS] ) ) ) children ( #if( ((std::deque<$T1,$T2 > *)$c._Mycont)->_Myoff + ((std::deque<$T1,$T2 > *)$c._Mycont)->_Mysize > $e._Myoff) ( #( ptr: ((std::deque<$T1,$T2 > *)$c._Mycont)->_Map[ ($c._Myoff / ((std::deque<$T1,$T2 > *)$c._Mycont)->_EEN_DS) % ((std::deque<$T1,$T2 > *)$c._Mycont)->_Mapsize][$c._Myoff % ((std::deque<$T1,$T2 > *)$c._Mycont)->_EEN_DS] ) ) ) } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; std::queue ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::queue<*>{ children ( #array ( expr : $c.c._Map[ (($i + $c.c._Myoff) / $c.c._EEN_DS) % $c.c._Mapsize][($i + $c.c._Myoff) % $c.c._EEN_DS], size : $c.c._Mysize ) ) preview ( #( "[", $e.c._Mysize, "](", #array ( expr : $c.c._Map[ (($i + $c.c._Myoff) / $c.c._EEN_DS) % $c.c._Mapsize][($i + $c.c._Myoff) % $c.c._EEN_DS], size : $c.c._Mysize ), ")" ) ) } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; std::priority_queue ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::priority_queue<*>{ preview ( $e.c ) } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; std::set ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::set<*>{ preview ( #( "[", $e._Mysize , "](", #tree ( head : $c._Myhead->_Parent, skip : $c._Myhead, left : _Left, right : _Right, size : $c._Mysize ) : $e._Myval, ")" ) ) children ( #tree ( head : $c._Myhead->_Parent, skip : $c._Myhead, left : _Left, right : _Right, size : $c._Mysize ) : $e._Myval ) } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; std::multi_set ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::multiset<*>{ preview ( #( "[", $e._Mysize , "](", #tree ( head : $c._Myhead->_Parent, skip : $c._Myhead, left : _Left, right : _Right, size : $c._Mysize ) : $e._Myval, ")" ) ) children ( #tree ( head : $c._Myhead->_Parent, skip : $c._Myhead, left : _Left, right : _Right, size : $c._Mysize ) : $e._Myval ) } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; std::_Tree (shared my map/multimap/set/multiset) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::_Tree<*>::iterator|std::_Tree<*>::const_iterator{ preview ( #($e._Ptr->_Myval) ) children ( #(ptr: $e._Ptr->_Myval) ) } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; std::stack ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::stack<*>{ children ( #array ( expr : $c.c._Map[ (($i + $c.c._Myoff) / $c.c._EEN_DS) % $c.c._Mapsize][($i + $c.c._Myoff) % $c.c._EEN_DS], size : $c.c._Mysize ) ) preview ( #( "[", $e.c._Mysize , "](", #array ( expr : $c.c._Map[ (($i + $c.c._Myoff) / $c.c._EEN_DS) % $c.c._Mapsize][($i + $c.c._Myoff) % $c.c._EEN_DS], size : $c.c._Mysize ), ")" ) ) } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; stdext::hash_map ; stdext::hash_multimap ; stdext::hash_set ; stdext::hash_multiset ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ stdext::hash_map<*>|stdext::hash_multimap<*>|stdext::hash_set<*>|stdext::hash_multiset<*>{ preview ( #( "[", $e._List._Mysize, "](", #list ( head : $c._List._Myhead->_Next, size : $c._List._Mysize, next : _Next ) : $e._Myval, ")" ) ) children ( #list ( head : $c._List._Myhead->_Next, size : $c._List._Mysize, next : _Next ) : $e._Myval ) } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; std::complex ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::complex<*>{ children ( #( real: $e._Val[0], imaginary: $e._Val[1] ) ) preview ( #if($e._Val[1] != 0) ( #if ($e._Val[0] != 0) ( ; Real and Imaginary components #if ($e._Val[1] >= 0) ( #($e._Val[0],"+i*", $e._Val[1]) ) #else ( #($e._Val[0],"-i*", -$e._Val[1]) ) ) #else ( ; Purely imaginary #if ($e._Val[1] >= 0.0) ( #("i*", $e._Val[1]) ) #else ( #("-i*", -$e._Val[1]) ) ) ) #else ( ; Purely real $e._Val[0] ) ) } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; std::valarray ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::valarray<*>{ preview ( #( "[", $e._Mysize , "](", #array ( expr : ($c._Myptr)[$i], size : $c._Mysize ), ")" ) ) children ( #array ( expr : ($c._Myptr)[$i], size : $c._Mysize ) ) } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; PROPVARIANT ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Visualizers for VT_VECTOR C arrays tagCAC|tagCAUB|tagCAI|tagCAUI|tagCAL|tagCAUL|tagCAFLT|tagCADBL|tagCACY|tagCADATE|tagCABSTR|tagCABSTRBLOB|tagCABOOL|tagCASCODE|tagCAPROPVARIANT|tagCAH|tagCAUH|tagCALPSTR|tagCALPWSTR|tagCAFILETIME|tagCACLIPDATA|tagCACLSID{ preview( #( "[", $e.cElems , "](", #array ( expr : ($c.pElems)[$i], size : $c.cElems ), ")" ) ) children ( #array ( expr : ($c.pElems)[$i], size : $c.cElems ) ) } ; Visualizers for SAFE ARRAY tagSAFEARRAY|SAFEARRAY{ preview( #if ($c.fFeatures & 0x0080) ; FADF_HAVEVARTYPE ( ; ; Switch on the variant type field - which is stored 4 bytes ; before the beginning of the SAFEARRAY type ; #switch( ((unsigned *)&($c))[-1] ) #case 0x2 ; VT_I2 | VT_ARRAY ( #( "safearray of I2 = [", ; output the rank array #array( expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims), "](", ; output the data elements #array( expr: ((signed short *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")" ) ) #case 0x3 ; VT_I4 | VT_ARRAY ( #( "safearray of I4 = [", ; output the rank array #array( expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims), "](", ; output the data elements #array( expr: ((signed int *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")" ) ) #case 0x4 ; VT_R4 | VT_ARRAY ( #( "safearray of R4 = [", ; output the rank array #array( expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims), "](", ; output the data elements #array( expr: ((float *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")" ) ) #case 0x5 ; VT_R8 | VT_ARRAY ( #( "safearray of R8 = [", ; output the rank array #array( expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims), "](", ; output the data elements #array( expr: ((double *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")" ) ) #case 0x6 ; VT_CY | VT_ARRAY ( #( "safearray of CY = [", ; output the rank array #array( expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims), "](", ; output the data elements #array( expr: ((CY *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")" ) ) #case 0x7 ; VT_DATE | VT_ARRAY ( #( "safearray of DATE = [", ; output the rank array #array( expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims), "](", ; output the data elements #array( expr: ((DATE *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")" ) ) #case 0x8 ; VT_BSTR | VT_ARRAY ( #( "safearray of BSTR = [", ; output the rank array #array( expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims), "](", ; output the data elements #array( expr: ((wchar_t **)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")" ) ) #case 0xa ; VT_ERROR | VT_ARRAY ( #( "safearray of ERROR = [", ; output the rank array #array( expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims), "](", ; output the data elements #array( expr: ((long *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")" ) ) #case 0xb ; VT_BOOL | VT_ARRAY ( #( "safearray of BOOL = [", ; output the rank array #array( expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims), "](", ; output the data elements #array( expr: ((short *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")" ) ) #case 0xc ; VT_VARIANT | VT_ARRAY ( #( "safearray of VARIANT = [", ; output the rank array #array( expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims), "](", ; output the data elements #array( expr: ((tagVARIANT *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")" ) ) #case 0x10 ; VT_I1 | VT_ARRAY ( #( "safearray of I1 = [", ; output the rank array #array( expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims), "](", ; output the data elements #array( expr: ((signed char *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")" ) ) #case 0x11 ; VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY ( #( "safearray of UI1 = [", ; output the rank array #array( expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims), "](", ; output the data elements #array( expr: ((unsigned char *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")" ) ) #case 0x12 ; VT_UI2 | VT_ARRAY ( #( "safearray of UI2 = [", ; output the rank array #array( expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims), "](", ; output the data elements #array( expr: ((unsigned short *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")" ) ) #case 0x13 ; VT_UI4 | VT_ARRAY ( #( "safearray of UI4 = [", ; output the rank array #array( expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims), "](", ; output the data elements #array( expr: ((unsigned int *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")" ) ) #case 0x14 ; VT_I8 | VT_ARRAY ( #( "safearray of I8 = [", ; output the rank array #array( expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims), "](", ; output the data elements #array( expr: ((signed __int64 *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")" ) ) #case 0x15 ; VT_UI8 | VT_ARRAY ( #( "safearray of UI8 = [", ; output the rank array #array( expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims), "](", ; output the data elements #array( expr: ((unsigned __int64 *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")" ) ) #case 0x16 ; VT_INT | VT_ARRAY ( #( "safearray of INT = [", ; output the rank array #array( expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims), "](", ; output the data elements #array( expr: ((int *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")" ) ) #case 0x17 ; VT_UINT | VT_ARRAY ( #( "safearray of UINT = [", ; output the rank array #array( expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims), "](", ; output the data elements #array( expr: ((unsigned *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")" ) ) #case 0x1e ; VT_LPSTR | VT_ARRAY ( #( "safearray of LPSTR = [", ; output the rank array #array( expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims), "](", ; output the data elements #array( expr: ((char **)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")" ) ) #case 0x1f ; VT_LPWSTR | VT_ARRAY ( #( "safearray of LPWSTR = [", ; output the rank array #array( expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims), "](", ; output the data elements #array( expr: ((wchar_t **)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")" ) ) #case 0x40 ; VT_FILETIME | VT_ARRAY ( #( "safearray of FILETIME = [", ; output the rank array #array( expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims), "](", ; output the data elements #array( expr: ((FILETIME *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")" ) ) #case 0x47 ; VT_CLIPDATA | VT_ARRAY ( #( "safearray of CLIPDATA = [", ; output the rank array #array( expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims), "](", ; output the data elements #array( expr: ((CLIPDATA *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")" ) ) #case 0x48 ; VT_CLSID | VT_ARRAY ( #( "safearray of CLSID = [", ; output the rank array #array( expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims), "](", ; output the data elements #array( expr: ((CLSID *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")" ) ) ) #elif ($c.fFeatures & 0x0100) ; FADF_BSTR ( #("safearray of BSTR = ",#array(expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims) : #("[",$e,"]"), "(", #array(expr: ((wchar_t * *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")") ) #elif ($c.fFeatures & 0x0200) ; FADF_UNKNOWN ( #("safearray of IUnknown* = ",#array(expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims) : #("[",$e,"]"), "(", #array(expr: ((IUnknown *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")") ) #elif ($c.fFeatures & 0x0400) ; FADF_DISPATCH ( #("safearray of IDispatch* = ",#array(expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims) : #("[",$e,"]"), "(", #array(expr: ((IDispatch*)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")") ) #elif ($c.fFeatures & 0x0800) ; FADF_VARIANT ( #("safearray of VARIANT = ",#array(expr: $c.rgsabound[$i].cElements, size: $c.cDims) : #("[",$e,"]"), "(", #array(expr: ((tagVARIANT *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ), ")") ) ) children( #( ;[actual members]: [$c,!], #if ($c.fFeatures & 0x0080) ; FADF_HAVEVARTYPE ( #switch( ((unsigned *)&($c))[-1] ) ; for some reason the VT field is before the SAFEARRAY struct #case 2 ; VT_I2|VT_ARRAY ( #array( expr: ((signed short *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #case 3 ; VT_I4|VT_ARRAY ( #array( expr: ((signed int *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #case 4 ; VT_R4|VT_ARRAY ( #array( expr: ((float *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #case 5 ; VT_R8|VT_ARRAY ( #array( expr: ((double *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #case 0x10 ; VT_I1|VT_ARRAY ( #array( expr: ((signed char *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #case 0x11 ; VT_UI1|VT_ARRAY ( #array( expr: ((unsigned char *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #case 0x12 ; VT_UI2|VT_ARRAY ( #array( expr: ((unsigned short *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #case 0x13 ; VT_UI4|VT_ARRAY ( #array( expr: ((unsigned int *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #case 0x14 ; VT_I8|VT_ARRAY ( #array( expr: ((signed __int64 *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #case 0x15 ; VT_UI8|VT_ARRAY ( #array( expr: ((unsigned __int64 *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #case 0x1e ; VT_LPSTR|VT_ARRAY ( #array( expr: ((char * *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #case 0x1f ; VT_LPWSTR|VT_ARRAY ( #array( expr: ((wchar_t **)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #case 0xc ; VT_VARIANT|VT_ARRAY ( #array( expr: ((tagVARIANT *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #case 0xb ; VT_BOOL|VT_ARRAY ( #array( expr: ((short *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #case 0xa ; VT_ERROR|VT_ARRAY ( #array( expr: ((long *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #case 6 ; VT_CY|VT_ARRAY ( #array( expr: ((CY *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #case 7 ; VT_DATE|VT_ARRAY ( #array( expr: ((DATE *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #case 0x40 ; VT_FILETIME|VT_ARRAY ( #array( expr: ((FILETIME *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #case 0x48 ; VT_CLSID|VT_ARRAY ( #array( expr: ((CLSID *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #case 0x47 ; VT_CF|VT_ARRAY ( #array( expr: ((CLIPDATA *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #case 8 ; VT_BSTR|VT_ARRAY ( #array( expr: ((wchar_t * *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #case 0x16 ; VT_INT|VT_ARRAY ( #array( expr: ((int *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #case 0x17 ; VT_UINT|VT_ARRAY ( #array( expr: ((unsigned int*)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #default ( #([actual members]: [$e,!]) ) #except ( #([actual members]: [$e,!]) ) ) #elif ($c.fFeatures & 0x0100) ; FADF_BSTR ( #array(expr: ((wchar_t * *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #elif ($c.fFeatures & 0x0200) ; FADF_UNKNOWN ( #array(expr: ((IUnknown *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #elif ($c.fFeatures & 0x0400) ; FADF_DISPATCH ( #array(expr: ((IDispatch *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) #elif ($c.fFeatures & 0x0800) ; FADF_VARIANT ( #array(expr: ((tagVARIANT *)$c.pvData)[$i], size: $c.rgsabound[$r].cElements, rank: $c.cDims, base: $c.rgsabound[$r].lLbound ) ) ) ) } tagPROPVARIANT|tagVARIANT|PROPVARIANT|VARIANT{ preview( #switch ($e.vt) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Base Types ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #case 0 ( #("Empty") ) ; VT_EMPTY #case 1 ( #("NULL") ) ; VT_NULL #case 2 ( #("I2 = ", $e.iVal) ) ; VT_I2 #case 3 ( #("I4 = ", $e.lVal) ) ; VT_I4 #case 4 ( #("R4 = ", $e.fltVal) ) ; VT_R4 #case 5 ( #("R8 = ", $e.dblVal) ) ; VT_R8 #case 6 ( #("CY = ", $e.cyVal) ) ; VT_CY #case 7 ( #("DATE = ", $e.date) ) ; VT_DATE #case 8 ( #("BSTR = ", $e.bstrVal) ) ; VT_BSTR #case 9 ( #("DISPATCH = ", $e.pdispVal) ) ; VT_DISPATCH #case 10 ( #("ERROR = ", $e.scode) ) ; VT_ERROR #case 0xB ( #("BOOL = ", $e.boolVal) ) ; VT_BOOL #case 0xC ( #("VARIANT ") ) ; VT_VARIANT #case 0xD ( #("UNKNOWN = ", $e.punkVal) ) ; VT_UNKNOWN #case 0xE ( #("DECIMAL = ", $e.hVal) ) ; VT_DECIMAL #case 0x10 ( #("I1 = ", $e.cVal) ) ; VT_I1 #case 0x11 ( #("UI1 = ", $e.bVal) ) ; VT_UI1 #case 0x12 ( #("UI2 = ", $e.uiVal) ) ; VT_UI2 #case 0x13 ( #("UI4 = ", $e.ulVal) ) ; VT_UI4 #case 0x14 ( #("I8 = ", $e.hVal) ) ; VT_I8 #case 0x15 ( #("UI8 = ", $e.uhVal) ) ; VT_UI8 #case 0x16 ( #("INT = ", $e.intVal) ) ; VT_INT #case 0x17 ( #("UINT = ", $e.uintVal) ) ; VT_UINT #case 0x18 ( #("VOID ") ) ; VT_VOID #case 0x19 ( #("HRESULT ") ) ; VT_HRESULT #case 0x1A ( #("PTR ") ) ; VT_PTR #case 0x1B ( #("SAFEARRAY ") ) ; VT_SAFEARRAY #case 0x1C ( #("CARRAY ") ) ; VT_CARRAY #case 0x1D ( #("USERDEFINED ") ) ; VT_USERDEFINED #case 0x1E ( #("LPSTR = ", $e.pszVal) ) ; VT_LPSTR #case 0x1F ( #("LPWSTR = ", $e.pwszVal) ) ; VT_LPWSTR #case 0x24 ( #("RECORD ") ) ; VT_RECORD #case 0x26 ( #("UINT_PTR ") ) ; VT_UINT_PTR #case 0x40 ( #("FILETIME = ", $e.filetime) ) ; VT_FILETIME #case 0x42 ( #("STREAM = ", $e.pStream) ) ; VT_STREAM #case 0x43 ( #("STORAGE = ", $e.pStorage) ) ; VT_STORAGE #case 0x44 ( #("STREAMED_OBJECT = ", $e.pStream) ) ; VT_STREAMED_OBJECT #case 0x45 ( #("STORED_OBJECT = ", $e.pStorage) ) ; VT_STORED_OBJECT #case 0x46 ( #("BLOB_OBJECT = ", $e.blob ) ) ; VT_BLOB_OBJECT #case 0x47 ( #("CF = ", $e.pclipdata) ) ; VT_CF #case 0x48 ( #("CLSID = ", $e.puuid) ) ; VT_CLSID #case 0x49 ( #("VERSIONED_STREAM = ", $e.pVersionedStream) ) ; VT_VERSIONED_STREAM ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Vector types ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #case 0x1002 ( #("vector of I2 = ", $e.cai) ) ; VT_I2|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1003 ( #("vector of I4 = ", $e.cal) ) ; VT_I4|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1004 ( #("vector of R4 = ", $e.caflt) ) ; VT_R4|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1005 ( #("vector of R8 = ", $e.cadbl) ) ; VT_R8|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1010 ( #("vector of I1 = ", $e.cac) ) ; VT_I1|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1011 ( #("vector of UI1 = ", $e.caub) ) ; VT_UI1|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1012 ( #("vector of UI2 = ", $e.caui) ) ; VT_UI2|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1013 ( #("vector of UI4 = ", $e.caul) ) ; VT_UI4|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1014 ( #("vector of I8 = ", $e.cah) ) ; VT_I8|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1015 ( #("vector of UI8 = ", $e.cauh) ) ; VT_UI8|VT_VECTOR #case 0x101E ( #("vector of LPSTR = ", $e.calpstr) ) ; VT_LPSTR|VT_VECTOR #case 0x101F ( #("vector of LPWSTR = ", $e.calpwstr) ) ; VT_LPWSTR|VT_VECTOR #case 0x100C ( #("vector of VARIANT ", $e.capropvar) ) ; VT_VARIANT|VT_VECTOR #case 0x100B ( #("vector of BOOL = ", $e.cabool) ) ; VT_BOOL|VT_VECTOR #case 0x100A ( #("vector of ERROR = ", $e.cascode) ) ; VT_ERROR|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1006 ( #("vector of CY = ", $e.cacy) ) ; VT_CY|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1007 ( #("vector of DATE = ", $e.cadate) ) ; VT_DATE|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1040 ( #("vector of FILETIME = ", $e.cafiletime) ) ; VT_FILETIME|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1048 ( #("vector of CLSID = ", $e.cauuid) ) ; VT_CLSID|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1047 ( #("vector of CF = ", $e.caclipdata) ) ; VT_CF|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1008 ( #("vector of BSTR = ", $e.cabstr) ) ; VT_BSTR|VT_VECTOR ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Byref Types ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #case 0x4016 ( #("byref of INT = ", $e.pintVal) ) ; VT_INT|VT_BYREF #case 0x4017 ( #("byref of UINT = ", $e.puintVal) ) ; VT_UINT|VT_BYREF #case 0x4002 ( #("byref of I2 = ", $e.piVal) ) ; VT_I2|VT_BYREF #case 0x4003 ( #("byref of I4 = ", $e.plVal) ) ; VT_I4|VT_BYREF #case 0x4004 ( #("byref of R4 = ", $e.pfltVal) ) ; VT_R4|VT_BYREF #case 0x4005 ( #("byref of R8 = ", $e.pdblVal) ) ; VT_R8|VT_BYREF #case 0x4010 ( #("byref of I1 = ", $e.pcVal) ) ; VT_I1|VT_BYREF #case 0x4011 ( #("byref of UI1 = ", $e.pbVal) ) ; VT_UI1|VT_BYREF #case 0x4012 ( #("byref of UI2 = ", $e.puiVal) ) ; VT_UI2|VT_BYREF #case 0x4013 ( #("byref of UI4 = ", $e.pulVal) ) ; VT_UI4|VT_BYREF #case 0x400C ( #("byref of VARIANT ", $e.pvarVal) ) ; VT_VARIANT|VT_BYREF #case 0x400B ( #("byref of BOOL = ", $e.pboolVal) ) ; VT_BOOL|VT_BYREF #case 0x400A ( #("byref of ERROR = ", $e.pscode) ) ; VT_ERROR|VT_BYREF #case 0x4006 ( #("byref of CY = ", $e.pcyVal) ) ; VT_CY|VT_BYREF #case 0x4007 ( #("byref of DATE = ", $e.pdate) ) ; VT_DATE|VT_BYREF #case 0x4008 ( #("byref of BSTR = ", $e.pbstrVal) ) ; VT_BSTR|VT_BYREF #case 0x400E ( #("byref of DECIMAL = ", $e.pdecVal) ) ; VT_DECIMAL|VT_BYREF #case 0x400D ( #("byref of UNKNOWN = ", $e.ppunkVal) ) ; VT_UNKNOWN|VT_BYREF #case 0x4009 ( #("byref of DISPATCH = ", $e.ppdispVal) ) ; VT_DISPATCH|VT_BYREF #case 0x6000 ( #("byref of ARRAY = ", $e.pparray) ) ; VT_ARRAY|VT_BYREF #default ( #if ($e.vt & 0x2000) ( $e.parray ) #else ( #("Unknown vt type = ", $e.vt) ) ) ) children( #(vt: $e.vt, #switch ($e.vt) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Base Types ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #case 0x2 ( #(I2 : $e.iVal) ) ; VT_I2 #case 0x3 ( #(I4 : $e.lVal) ) ; VT_I4 #case 0x4 ( #(R4 : $e.fltVal) ) ; VT_R4 #case 0x5 ( #(R8 : $e.dblVal) ) ; VT_R8 #case 0x6 ( #(CY : $e.cyVal) ) ; VT_CY #case 0x7 ( #(DATE : $e.date) ) ; VT_DATE #case 0x8 ( #(BSTR : $e.bstrVal) ) ; VT_BSTR #case 0x9 ( #(DISPATCH : $e.pdispVal) ) ; VT_DISPATCH #case 0xA ( #(ERROR : $e.scode) ) ; VT_ERROR #case 0xB ( #(BOOL : $e.boolVal) ) ; VT_BOOL #case 0xD ( #(UNKNOWN : $e.punkVal) ) ; VT_UNKNOWN #case 0xE ( #(DECIMAL : $e.hVal) ) ; VT_DECIMAL #case 0x10 ( #(I1 : $e.cVal) ) ; VT_I1 #case 0x11 ( #(UI1 : $e.bVal) ) ; VT_UI1 #case 0x12 ( #(UI2 : $e.uiVal) ) ; VT_UI2 #case 0x13 ( #(UI4 : $e.ulVal) ) ; VT_UI4 #case 0x14 ( #(I8 : $e.hVal) ) ; VT_I8 #case 0x15 ( #(UI8 : $e.uhVal) ) ; VT_UI8 #case 0x16 ( #(INT : $e.intVal) ) ; VT_INT #case 0x17 ( #(UINT : $e.uintVal) ) ; VT_UINT #case 0x1E ( #(LPSTR : $e.pszVal) ) ; VT_LPSTR #case 0x1F ( #(LPWSTR : $e.pwszVal) ) ; VT_LPWSTR #case 0x40 ( #(FILETIME : $e.filetime) ) ; VT_FILETIME #case 0x42 ( #(STREAM : $e.pStream) ) ; VT_STREAM #case 0x43 ( #(STORAGE : $e.pStorage) ) ; VT_STORAGE #case 0x44 ( #(STREAMED_OBJECT : $e.pStream) ) ; VT_STREAMED_OBJECT #case 0x45 ( #(STORED_OBJECT : $e.pStorage) ) ; VT_STORED_OBJECT #case 0x46 ( #(BLOB_OBJECT : $e.blob ) ) ; VT_BLOB_OBJECT #case 0x47 ( #(CF : $e.pclipdata) ) ; VT_CF #case 0x48 ( #(CLSID : $e.puuid) ) ; VT_CLSID #case 0x49 ( #(VERSIONED_STREAM : $e.pVersionedStream) ) ; VT_VERSIONED_STREAM ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Vector types ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #case 0x1002 ( #(vector of I2 : $e.cai) ) ; VT_I2|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1003 ( #(vector of I4 : $e.cal) ) ; VT_I4|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1004 ( #(vector of R4 : $e.caflt) ) ; VT_R4|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1005 ( #(vector of R8 : $e.cadbl) ) ; VT_R8|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1010 ( #(vector of I1 : $e.cac) ) ; VT_I1|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1011 ( #(vector of UI1 : $e.caub) ) ; VT_UI1|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1012 ( #(vector of UI2 : $e.caui) ) ; VT_UI2|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1013 ( #(vector of UI4 : $e.caul) ) ; VT_UI4|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1014 ( #(vector of I8 : $e.cah) ) ; VT_I8|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1015 ( #(vector of UI8 : $e.cauh) ) ; VT_UI8|VT_VECTOR #case 0x101E ( #(vector of LPSTR : $e.calpstr) ) ; VT_LPSTR|VT_VECTOR #case 0x101F ( #(vector of LPWSTR : $e.calpwstr) ) ; VT_LPWSTR|VT_VECTOR #case 0x100C ( #(vector of VARIANT : $e.capropvar) ) ; VT_VARIANT|VT_VECTOR #case 0x100B ( #(vector of BOOL : $e.cabool) ) ; VT_BOOL|VT_VECTOR #case 0x100A ( #(vector of ERROR : $e.cascode) ) ; VT_ERROR|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1006 ( #(vector of CY : $e.cacy) ) ; VT_CY|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1007 ( #(vector of DATE : $e.cadate) ) ; VT_DATE|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1040 ( #(vector of FILETIME : $e.cafiletime) ) ; VT_FILETIME|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1048 ( #(vector of CLSID : $e.cauuid) ) ; VT_CLSID|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1047 ( #(vector of CF : $e.caclipdata) ) ; VT_CF|VT_VECTOR #case 0x1008 ( #(vector of BSTR : $e.cabstr) ) ; VT_BSTR|VT_VECTOR ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Byref Types ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #case 0x4016 ( #(byref of INT : $e.pintVal) ) ; VT_INT|VT_BYREF #case 0x4017 ( #(byref of UINT : $e.puintVal) ) ; VT_UINT|VT_BYREF #case 0x4002 ( #(byref of I2 : $e.piVal) ) ; VT_I2|VT_BYREF #case 0x4003 ( #(byref of I4 : $e.plVal) ) ; VT_I4|VT_BYREF #case 0x4004 ( #(byref of R4 : $e.pfltVal) ) ; VT_R4|VT_BYREF #case 0x4005 ( #(byref of R8 : $e.pdblVal) ) ; VT_R8|VT_BYREF #case 0x4010 ( #(byref of I1 : $e.pcVal) ) ; VT_I1|VT_BYREF #case 0x4011 ( #(byref of UI1 : $e.pbVal) ) ; VT_UI1|VT_BYREF #case 0x4012 ( #(byref of UI2 : $e.puiVal) ) ; VT_UI2|VT_BYREF #case 0x4013 ( #(byref of UI4 : $e.pulVal) ) ; VT_UI4|VT_BYREF #case 0x400C ( #(byref of VARIANT : $e.pvarVal) ) ; VT_VARIANT|VT_BYREF #case 0x400B ( #(byref of BOOL : $e.pboolVal) ) ; VT_BOOL|VT_BYREF #case 0x400A ( #(byref of ERROR : $e.pscode) ) ; VT_ERROR|VT_BYREF #case 0x4006 ( #(byref of CY : $e.pcyVal) ) ; VT_CY|VT_BYREF #case 0x4007 ( #(byref of DATE : $e.pdate) ) ; VT_DATE|VT_BYREF #case 0x4008 ( #(byref of BSTR : $e.pbstrVal) ) ; VT_BSTR|VT_BYREF #case 0x400E ( #(byref of DECIMAL : $e.pdecVal) ) ; VT_DECIMAL|VT_BYREF #case 0x400D ( #(byref of UNKNOWN : $e.ppunkVal) ) ; VT_UNKNOWN|VT_BYREF #case 0x4009 ( #(byref of DISPATCH : $e.ppdispVal) ) ; VT_DISPATCH|VT_BYREF #case 0x6000 ( #(byref of ARRAY : $e.pparray) ) ; VT_ARRAY|VT_BYREF ; the following are either empty or invalid vt values for a variant ; #case 0 ( #(Empty :) ) ; VT_EMPTY ; #case 0x1 ( #(NULL :) ) ; VT_NULL ; #case 0xC ( #(VARIANT :) ) ; VT_VARIANT ; #case 0x18 ( #(VOID :) ) ; VT_VOID ; #case 0x19 ( #(HRESULT :) ) ; VT_HRESULT ; #case 0x1A ( #(PTR :) ) ; VT_PTR ; #case 0x1B ( #(SAFEARRAY :) ) ; VT_SAFEARRAY ; #case 0x1C ( #(CARRAY :) ) ; VT_CARRAY ; #case 0x1D ( #(USERDEFINED :) ) ; VT_USERDEFINED ; #case 0x24 ( #(RECORD :) ) ; VT_RECORD ; #case 0x26 ( #(UINT_PTR :) ) ; VT_UINT_PTR #default ( #if ($e.vt & 0x2000 ) ( #(safearray: $e.parray) ) #else ( #( [raw members]: [$e,!] ; unformatted data members ) ) ) #except ( #( [raw members]: [$e,!] ; unformatted data members ) ) )) } ; This section lets you define your own errors for the HRESULT display. ; You need to list the error code in unsigned decimal, followed by the message. ; Changes will take effect the next time you redisplay the variable. [hresult] ;1234=my custom error code