// Import the utility functionality. import jobs.generation.Utilities; def project = 'dotnet/coreclr' // Map of OS's to labels. TODO: Maybe move this into the Utils def machineLabelMap = ['Ubuntu':'ubuntu', 'OSX':'mac', 'Windows_NT':'windows', 'FreeBSD': 'freebsd', 'CentOS7.1': 'centos-71', 'OpenSUSE13.2': 'openSuSE-132'] // Map of the build OS to the directory that will have the outputs def osGroupMap = ['Ubuntu':'Linux', 'OSX':'OSX', 'Windows_NT':'Windows_NT', 'FreeBSD':'FreeBSD', 'CentOS7.1': 'Linux', 'OpenSUSE13.2': 'Linux'] // Innerloop build OS's def osList = ['Ubuntu', 'OSX', 'Windows_NT', 'FreeBSD', 'CentOS7.1', 'OpenSUSE13.2'] def static getBuildJobName(def configuration, def architecture, def os) { // If the architecture is x64, do not add that info into the build name. // Need to change around some systems and other builds to pick up the right builds // to do that. if (architecture == 'x64') { return configuration.toLowerCase() + '_' + os.toLowerCase() } else { // Massage names a bit return architecture.toLowerCase() + '_' + configuration.toLowerCase() + '_' + os.toLowerCase() } } // ************************** // Define the basic inner loop builds for PR and commit. This is basically just the set // of coreclr builds over linux/osx/freebsd/windows and debug/release. In addition, the windows // builds will do a couple extra steps. // ************************** // Loop over the options and build up the innerloop build matrix // Default architecture is x64. Right now that isn't built into the // build name. We'll need to change that eventually, but for now leave as is. // x86 builds have the new build name ['x64', 'x86'].each { architecture -> ['Debug', 'Release'].each { configuration -> osList.each { os -> // Calculate names def lowerConfiguration = configuration.toLowerCase() // Calculate job name def jobName = getBuildJobName(configuration, architecture, os) def buildCommands = []; def osGroup = osGroupMap[os] // Calculate the build commands if (os == 'Windows_NT') { // On Windows we build the mscorlibs too. buildCommands += "build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${architecture}" // If x64, we run tests if (architecture == 'x64') { buildCommands += "tests\\runtest.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${architecture}" } // Build the mscorlib for the other OS's buildCommands += "build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${architecture} linuxmscorlib" buildCommands += "build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${architecture} freebsdmscorlib" buildCommands += "build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${architecture} osxmscorlib" } else { // On other OS's we skipmscorlib but run the pal tests buildCommands += "./build.sh skipmscorlib verbose ${lowerConfiguration} ${architecture}" buildCommands += "src/pal/tests/palsuite/runpaltests.sh \${WORKSPACE}/bin/obj/${osGroup}.${architecture}.${configuration} \${WORKSPACE}/bin/paltestout" } // Create the new job def newCommitJob = job(Utilities.getFullJobName(project, jobName, false)) { // Set the label. label(machineLabelMap[os]) steps { if (os == 'Windows_NT') { buildCommands.each { buildCommand -> batchFile(buildCommand) } } else { buildCommands.each { buildCommand -> shell(buildCommand) } } } } // Add commit job options Utilities.addScm(newCommitJob, project) Utilities.addStandardNonPRParameters(newCommitJob) // Add a push trigger. Do not enable the push trigger for non-windows x86, // which do not work at the moment. if (architecture == 'x64' || osGroup == 'Windows_NT') { Utilities.addGithubPushTrigger(newCommitJob) } // Create the new PR job def newPRJob = job(Utilities.getFullJobName(project, jobName, true)) { // Set the label. label(machineLabelMap[os]) steps { if (os == 'Windows_NT') { buildCommands.each { buildCommand -> batchFile(buildCommand) } } else { buildCommands.each { buildCommand -> shell(buildCommand) } } } } // Add a PR trigger. For some OS's, create an explicit trigger // PR's are run for everything except SuSE by default. Add on-demand triggers // for everything else. This probably deserves a bit of cleanup eventually once we // have an easy way to do regex trigger phrases, to put in some more structured test phrases. def triggerPhraseString = '' if (os == 'OpenSUSE13.2' && architecture == 'x64') { triggerPhraseString = '@dotnet-bot test suse' } else if (architecture == 'x86' && osGroup == 'Windows_NT') { triggerPhraseString = '@dotnet-bot test x86' } else if (architecture == 'x86' && osGroup == 'Linux') { triggerPhraseString = '@dotnet-bot test x86 linux' } else if (architecture == 'x86' && osGroup == 'OSX') { triggerPhraseString = '@dotnet-bot test x86 osx' } else if (architecture == 'x86' && osGroup == 'FreeBSD') { triggerPhraseString = '@dotnet-bot test x86 freebsd' } Utilities.addGithubPRTrigger(newPRJob, "${os} ${architecture} ${configuration} Build", triggerPhraseString) Utilities.addPRTestSCM(newPRJob, project) Utilities.addStandardPRParameters(newPRJob, project) // Add common options: [newPRJob, newCommitJob].each { newJob -> Utilities.addStandardOptions(newJob) if (osGroup == 'Windows_NT') { Utilities.addXUnitDotNETResults(newJob, 'bin/**/TestRun*.xml') Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "bin/Product/**,bin/tests/**", "bin/tests/obj/**") } else { // Add .NET results for the Utilities.addXUnitDotNETResults(newJob, '**/pal_tests.xml') Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "bin/Product/**") Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "bin/Product/**,bin/obj/*/tests/**") } } } // os } // configuration } // architecture // Ubuntu cross compiled arm and arm64 builds // Scheduled for nightly and on-demand PR for now // Cross compiled OS names go here ['Ubuntu'].each { os -> [true, false].each { isPR -> ['Debug', 'Release'].each { configuration -> def lowerConfiguration = configuration.toLowerCase() // Create the new job def newArm64Job = job(Utilities.getFullJobName(project, "arm64_cross_${os.toLowerCase()}_${lowerConfiguration}", isPR)) { // Set the label. label(machineLabelMap[os]) steps { shell(""" echo \"Using rootfs in /opt/aarch64-linux-gnu-root\" ROOTFS_DIR=/opt/aarch64-linux-gnu-root ./build.sh skipmscorlib arm64 cross verbose ${lowerConfiguration}""") } } if (!isPR) { // Add rolling job options Utilities.addScm(newArm64Job, project) Utilities.addStandardNonPRParameters(newArm64Job) Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(newArm64Job, '@daily') Utilities.addArchival(newArm64Job, "bin/Product/**") } else { // Add PR job options Utilities.addPRTestSCM(newArm64Job, project) Utilities.addStandardPRParameters(newArm64Job, project) Utilities.addGithubPRTrigger(newArm64Job, "Arm64 ${os} cross ${configuration} Build", '@dotnet-bot test arm') } // Create the new job def newArmJob = job(Utilities.getFullJobName(project, "arm_cross_${os.toLowerCase()}_${lowerConfiguration}", isPR)) { // Set the label. label(machineLabelMap[os]) steps { shell(""" echo \"Using rootfs in /opt/arm-liux-genueabihf-root\" ROOTFS_DIR=/opt/arm-liux-genueabihf-root ./build.sh skipmscorlib arm cross verbose ${lowerConfiguration}""") } } if (!isPR) { // Add rolling job options Utilities.addScm(newArmJob, project) Utilities.addStandardNonPRParameters(newArmJob) Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(newArmJob, '@daily') Utilities.addArchival(newArmJob, "bin/Product/**") } else { // Add PR job options Utilities.addPRTestSCM(newArmJob, project) Utilities.addStandardPRParameters(newArmJob, project) Utilities.addGithubPRTrigger(newArmJob, "Arm ${os} cross ${configuration} Build", '@dotnet-bot test arm') } [newArmJob, newArm64Job].each { newJob -> Utilities.addStandardOptions(newJob) } } } } // Create the Linux coreclr test leg for debug and release. // Architectures ['x64', 'x86'].each { architecture -> // Put the OS's supported for coreclr cross testing here ['Ubuntu'].each { os -> [true, false].each { isPR -> ['Debug', 'Release'].each { configuration -> def lowerConfiguration = configuration.toLowerCase() def osGroup = osGroupMap[os] def jobName = getBuildJobName(configuration, architecture, os) + "_tst" def inputCoreCLRBuildName = Utilities.getFolderName(project) + '/' + Utilities.getFullJobName(project, getBuildJobName(configuration, architecture, os), isPR) def inputWindowTestsBuildName = Utilities.getFolderName(project) + '/' + Utilities.getFullJobName(project, getBuildJobName(configuration, architecture, 'windows_nt'), isPR) def newJob = job(Utilities.getFullJobName(project, jobName, isPR)) { // Set the label. label(machineLabelMap[os]) // Add parameters for the inputs parameters { stringParam('CORECLR_WINDOWS_BUILD', '', 'Build number to copy CoreCLR windows test binaries from') stringParam('CORECLR_LINUX_BUILD', '', 'Build number to copy CoreCLR linux binaries from') } steps { // Set up the copies // Coreclr build we are trying to test copyArtifacts(inputCoreCLRBuildName) { excludePatterns('**/testResults.xml', '**/*.ni.dll') buildSelector { buildNumber('${CORECLR_LINUX_BUILD}') } } // Coreclr build containing the tests and mscorlib copyArtifacts(inputWindowTestsBuildName) { excludePatterns('**/testResults.xml', '**/*.ni.dll') buildSelector { buildNumber('${CORECLR_WINDOWS_BUILD}') } } // Corefx native components copyArtifacts("dotnet_corefx_linux_nativecomp_debug") { includePatterns('bin/**') buildSelector { latestSuccessful(true) } } // Corefx linux binaries copyArtifacts("dotnet_corefx_linux_debug") { includePatterns('bin/Linux*/**') buildSelector { latestSuccessful(true) } } // Execute the shell command shell(""" ./tests/runtest.sh \\ --testRootDir=\"\${WORKSPACE}/bin/tests/Windows_NT.${architecture}.${configuration}\" \\ --testNativeBinDir=\"\${WORKSPACE}/bin/obj/Linux.${architecture}.${configuration}/tests\" \\ --coreClrBinDir=\"\${WORKSPACE}/bin/Product/Linux.${architecture}.${configuration}\" \\ --mscorlibDir=\"\${WORKSPACE}/bin/Product/Linux.${architecture}.${configuration}\" \\ --coreFxBinDir=\"\${WORKSPACE}/bin/Linux.AnyCPU.Debug\" \\ --coreFxNativeBinDir=\"\${WORKSPACE}/bin/Linux.${architecture}.Debug\"""") } } if (!isPR) { // Add rolling job options Utilities.addScm(newJob, project) Utilities.addStandardNonPRParameters(newJob) } else { // Add PR job options Utilities.addPRTestSCM(newJob, project) Utilities.addStandardPRParameters(newJob, project) } Utilities.addStandardOptions(newJob) Utilities.addXUnitDotNETResults(newJob, '**/coreclrtests.xml') // Create a build flow to join together the build and tests required to run this // test. // Windows CoreCLR build and Linux CoreCLR build (in parallel) -> // Linux CoreCLR test def flowJobName = getBuildJobName(configuration, architecture, os) + "_flow" def fullTestJobName = Utilities.getFolderName(project) + '/' + newJob.name def newFlowJob = buildFlowJob(Utilities.getFullJobName(project, flowJobName, isPR)) { buildFlow(""" // Grab the checked out git commit hash so that it can be passed to the child // builds. // Temporarily output the properties for diagnosis of issues with the statement below out.println 'Triggered Parameters Map:' out.println params out.println 'Build Object Properties:' build.properties.each { out.println \"\$it.key -> \$it.value\" } // globalParams = params + [GitBranchOrCommit: build.environment.get('GIT_COMMIT')] globalParams = params // Build the input jobs in parallel parallel ( { linuxBuildJob = build(globalParams, '${inputCoreCLRBuildName}') }, { windowsBuildJob = build(globalParams, '${inputWindowTestsBuildName}') } ) // And then build the test build build(globalParams + [CORECLR_LINUX_BUILD: linuxBuildJob.build.number, CORECLR_WINDOWS_BUILD: windowsBuildJob.build.number], '${fullTestJobName}') """) // Needs a workspace configure { def buildNeedsWorkspace = it / 'buildNeedsWorkspace' buildNeedsWorkspace.setValue('true') } } if (isPR) { Utilities.addPRTestSCM(newFlowJob, project) Utilities.addStandardPRParameters(newFlowJob, project) if (architecture == 'x64') { if (configuration == 'Release') { // Tests will be run on x64 Release by default (no trigger phase required). Utilities.addGithubPRTrigger(newFlowJob, "Ubuntu ${architecture} ${configuration} Build and Test") } else { Utilities.addGithubPRTrigger(newFlowJob, "Ubuntu ${architecture} ${configuration} Build and Test", "(?i).*test\\W+ubuntu\\W+debug.*") } } else if (architecture == 'x86') { if (configuration == 'Release') { Utilities.addGithubPRTrigger(newFlowJob, "Ubuntu ${architecture} ${configuration} Build and Test", "(?i).*test\\W+ubuntu\\W+x86.*") } else { Utilities.addGithubPRTrigger(newFlowJob, "Ubuntu ${architecture} ${configuration} Build and Test", "(?i).*test\\W+ubuntu\\W+x86\\W+debug.*") } } } else { Utilities.addScm(newFlowJob, project) Utilities.addStandardNonPRParameters(newFlowJob) if (architecture == 'x64') { Utilities.addGithubPushTrigger(newFlowJob) } } Utilities.addStandardOptions(newFlowJob) } } } }