@if not defined _echo @echo off setlocal set "__ProjectDir=%~dp0" call "%__ProjectDir%"\setup_vs_tools.cmd REM setup_vs_tools.cmd will correctly echo error message. if NOT '%ERRORLEVEL%' == '0' exit /b 1 :: Clear the 'Platform' env variable for this session, as it's a per-project setting within the build, and :: misleading value (such as 'MCD' in HP PCs) may lead to build breakage (issue: #69). set Platform= set __ProjectDir= :: Restore the Tools directory call %~dp0init-tools.cmd if NOT [%ERRORLEVEL%]==[0] ( exit /b 1 ) pushd %~dp0 echo Running: msbuild.exe %* call msbuild.exe %* popd if NOT [%ERRORLEVEL%]==[0] ( exit /b 1 ) exit /b 0