trigger: batch: true branches: include: - release/3.0 - release/3.1 pr: none schedules: - cron: "0 13 * * *" displayName: Mon through Sun at 5:00 AM (UTC-8:00) branches: include: - master always: true - cron: "0 1 * * *" displayName: Mon through Sun at 5:00 PM (UTC-8:00) branches: include: - master always: true # See mappings in variables: - name: _DotNetArtifactsCategory value: CORECLR stages: - stage: build jobs: # # Release builds # - template: /eng/platform-matrix.yml parameters: jobTemplate: build-job.yml buildConfig: release platformGroup: all jobParameters: # Publishing packages to blob feeds sometimes takes a long time # due to waiting for an exclusive lock on the feed. # See timeoutInMinutes: 120 # # Publish build information to Build Assets Registry # # This job gathers build assets from the pipeline (from each official # product build job), and publishes them to the build assets # registry. Its dependencies should be updated to include all of the # official builds if we add more platform/arch combinations. - template: /eng/finalize-publish.yml parameters: dependsOn: - build_Linux_arm_release - build_Linux_arm64_release - build_Linux_musl_x64_release - build_Linux_musl_arm64_release - build_Linux_rhel6_x64_release - build_Linux_x64_release - build_OSX_x64_release - build_Windows_NT_x64_release - build_Windows_NT_x86_release - build_Windows_NT_arm_release - build_Windows_NT_arm64_release - ${{ if and(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notin(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}: - template: /eng/common/templates/post-build/post-build.yml parameters: # Symbol validation is not entirely reliable as of yet, so should be turned off until is resolved. enableSymbolValidation: false - stage: test displayName: Test jobs: # # Release test builds # - template: /eng/platform-matrix.yml parameters: jobTemplate: test-job.yml buildConfig: release platformGroup: all helixQueueGroup: all ignoreDependencyOnBuildJobs: true jobParameters: testGroup: outerloop # # ReadyToRun test builds # - template: /eng/platform-matrix.yml parameters: jobTemplate: test-job.yml buildConfig: release platformGroup: all helixQueueGroup: all ignoreDependencyOnBuildJobs: true jobParameters: testGroup: outerloop readyToRun: true displayNameArgs: R2R