#!/usr/bin/env bash function GetNativeInstallDirectory { local install_dir if [[ -z $NETCOREENG_INSTALL_DIRECTORY ]]; then install_dir=$HOME/.netcoreeng/native/ else install_dir=$NETCOREENG_INSTALL_DIRECTORY fi echo $install_dir return 0 } function GetTempDirectory { echo $(GetNativeInstallDirectory)temp/ return 0 } function ExpandZip { local zip_path=$1 local output_directory=$2 local force=${3:-false} echo "Extracting $zip_path to $output_directory" if [[ -d $output_directory ]] && [[ $force = false ]]; then echo "Directory '$output_directory' already exists, skipping extract" return 0 fi if [[ -d $output_directory ]]; then echo "'Force flag enabled, but '$output_directory' exists. Removing directory" rm -rf $output_directory if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo Unable to remove '$output_directory'>&2 return 1 fi fi echo "Creating directory: '$output_directory'" mkdir -p $output_directory echo "Extracting archive" tar -xf $zip_path -C $output_directory if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo "Unable to extract '$zip_path'" >&2 return 1 fi return 0 } function GetCurrentOS { local unameOut="$(uname -s)" case $unameOut in Linux*) echo "Linux";; Darwin*) echo "MacOS";; esac return 0 } function GetFile { local uri=$1 local path=$2 local force=${3:-false} local download_retries=${4:-5} local retry_wait_time_seconds=${5:-30} if [[ -f $path ]]; then if [[ $force = false ]]; then echo "File '$path' already exists. Skipping download" return 0 else rm -rf $path fi fi if [[ -f $uri ]]; then echo "'$uri' is a file path, copying file to '$path'" cp $uri $path return $? fi echo "Downloading $uri" # Use curl if available, otherwise use wget if command -v curl > /dev/null; then curl "$uri" -sSL --retry $download_retries --retry-delay $retry_wait_time_seconds --create-dirs -o "$path" --fail else wget -q -O "$path" "$uri" --tries="$download_retries" fi return $? } function GetTempPathFileName { local path=$1 local temp_dir=$(GetTempDirectory) local temp_file_name=$(basename $path) echo $temp_dir$temp_file_name return 0 } function DownloadAndExtract { local uri=$1 local installDir=$2 local force=${3:-false} local download_retries=${4:-5} local retry_wait_time_seconds=${5:-30} local temp_tool_path=$(GetTempPathFileName $uri) echo "downloading to: $temp_tool_path" # Download file GetFile "$uri" "$temp_tool_path" $force $download_retries $retry_wait_time_seconds if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo "Failed to download '$uri' to '$temp_tool_path'." >&2 return 1 fi # Extract File echo "extracting from $temp_tool_path to $installDir" ExpandZip "$temp_tool_path" "$installDir" $force $download_retries $retry_wait_time_seconds if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo "Failed to extract '$temp_tool_path' to '$installDir'." >&2 return 1 fi return 0 } function NewScriptShim { local shimpath=$1 local tool_file_path=$2 local force=${3:-false} echo "Generating '$shimpath' shim" if [[ -f $shimpath ]]; then if [[ $force = false ]]; then echo "File '$shimpath' already exists." >&2 return 1 else rm -rf $shimpath fi fi if [[ ! -f $tool_file_path ]]; then echo "Specified tool file path:'$tool_file_path' does not exist" >&2 return 1 fi local shim_contents=$'#!/usr/bin/env bash\n' shim_contents+="SHIMARGS="$'$1\n' shim_contents+="$tool_file_path"$' $SHIMARGS\n' # Write shim file echo "$shim_contents" > $shimpath chmod +x $shimpath echo "Finished generating shim '$shimpath'" return $? }