@if not defined _echo @echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion echo Running clean.cmd set bin=false set packages=false set tools = false if [%1]==[] ( set bin=true set packages=true set tools=true set all=false goto Begin ) :Loop if [%1]==[] goto Begin if /I [%1] == [-?] goto Usage if /I [%1] == [-help] goto Usage if /I [%1] == [-p] ( set packages=true set thisArgs=!thisArgs!%1 goto Next ) if /I [%1] == [-b] ( set bin=true set thisArgs=!thisArgs!%1 goto Next ) if /I [%1] == [-t] ( set tools=true set thisArgs=!thisArgs!%1 goto Next ) if /I [%1] == [-all] ( set tools=true set bin=true set packages=true set all=true goto Begin ) :Next shift /1 goto Loop :Begin :: Set __ProjectDir to be the directory of this script set "__ProjectDir=%~dp0" :: remove trailing slash if %__ProjectDir:~-1%==\ set "__ProjectDir=%__ProjectDir:~0,-1%" set "__RootBinDir=%__ProjectDir%\bin" :: Check if VBCSCompiler.exe is running and stop it tasklist /fi "imagename eq VBCSCompiler.exe" |find ":" > nul if errorlevel 1 ( echo Stop VBCSCompiler.exe execution. for /f "tokens=2 delims=," %%F in ('tasklist /nh /fi "imagename eq VBCSCompiler.exe" /fo csv') do taskkill /f /PID %%~F ) if [%bin%] == [true] ( if exist "%__RootBinDir%" ( echo Deleting bin directory rd /s /q "%__RootBinDir%" if NOT [!ERRORLEVEL!]==[0] ( echo ERROR: An error occurred while deleting the bin directory - error code is !ERRORLEVEL! exit /b 1 ) ) ) if [%tools%] == [true] ( if exist "%__ProjectDir%\Tools" ( echo Deleting tools directory rd /s /q "%__ProjectDir%\Tools" if NOT [!ERRORLEVEL!]==[0] ( echo ERROR: An error occurred while deleting the Tools directory - error code is !ERRORLEVEL! exit /b 1 ) ) ) if [%packages%] == [true] ( if exist "%__ProjectDir%\packages" ( echo Deleting packages directory rd /s /q "%__ProjectDir%\packages" if NOT [!ERRORLEVEL!]==[0] ( echo ERROR: An error occurred while deleting the packages directory - error code is !ERRORLEVEL! exit /b 1 ) ) ) if [%all%] == [true] ( echo Cleaning entire working directory ... call git clean -xdf exit /b !ERRORLEVEL! ) echo Clean was successful exit /b 0 :Usage echo. echo Repository cleaning script. echo Options: echo -b - Cleans the bin directory echo -p - Cleans the packages directory echo -t - Cleans the tools directory echo -all - Cleans everything and restores repository to pristine state echo. echo If no option is specified then clean.cmd -b -p -t is implied. exit /b