import jobs.generation.JobReport; import jobs.generation.Utilities; import // The input project name (e.g. dotnet/corefx) def project = GithubProject // The input branch name (e.g. master) def branch = GithubBranchName // ************************** // Define innerloop testing. Any configuration in ForPR will run for every PR but all other configurations // will have a trigger that can be // ************************** def perfPipeline = Pipeline.createPipelineForGithub(this, project, branch, 'buildpipeline/perf-pipeline.groovy') def triggerName = "Perf Build and Test" def pipeline = perfPipeline // If we were using parameters for the pipeline job, we would define an array of parameter pairs // and pass that array as a parameter to the trigger functions. Ie: // def params = ['CGroup':'Release', // 'AGroup':'x64', // 'OGroup':'Windows_NT'] // pipeline.triggerPipelinOnGithubPRComment(triggerName, params) pipeline.triggerPipelineOnEveryGithubPR(triggerName) pipeline.triggerPipelineOnGithubPush()