@Library('dotnet-ci') _ // Incoming parameters. Access with "params.". // Note that the parameters will be set as env variables so we cannot use names that conflict // with the engineering system parameter names. //--------------------- Windows Functions ----------------------------// def windowsBuild(String arch, String config, String pgo, boolean isBaseline) { checkout scm String pgoBuildFlag = ((pgo == 'nopgo') ? '-nopgooptimize' : '-enforcepgo') String baselineString = "" // For baseline builds, checkout the merge's parent if (isBaseline) { baselineString = "-baseline" bat "git checkout HEAD^^1" } bat "set __TestIntermediateDir=int&&.\\build.cmd -${config} -${arch} -skipbuildpackages ${pgoBuildFlag}" bat "tests\\runtest.cmd ${config} ${arch} GenerateLayoutOnly" bat "rd /s /q bin\\obj" // Stash build artifacts. Stash tests in an additional stash to be used by Linux test runs stash name: "nt-${arch}-${pgo}${baselineString}-build-artifacts", includes: 'bin/**' stash name: "nt-${arch}-${pgo}${baselineString}-test-artifacts", includes: 'bin/tests/**' } def windowsPerf(String arch, String config, String uploadString, String runType, String opt_level, String jit, String pgo, String scenario, boolean isBaseline, boolean isProfileOn, int slice) { withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'CoreCLR Perf BenchView Sas', variable: 'BV_UPLOAD_SAS_TOKEN')]) { checkout scm String baselineString = "" if (isBaseline) { baselineString = "-baseline" } dir ('.') { unstash "nt-${arch}-${pgo}${baselineString}-test-artifacts" unstash "benchview-tools" unstash "metadata" } String pgoTestFlag = ((pgo == 'nopgo') ? '-nopgo' : '') // We want to use the baseline metadata for baseline runs. We expect to find the submission metadata in // submission-metadata.py if (isBaseline) { bat "move /y submission-metadata-baseline.json submission-metadata.json" } String testEnv = "" String failedOutputLogFilename = "run-xunit-perf-scenario.log" bat "py \".\\Microsoft.BenchView.JSONFormat\\tools\\machinedata.py\"" bat ".\\init-tools.cmd" // We run run-xunit-perf differently for each of the different job types String profileArg = isProfileOn ? "BranchMispredictions+CacheMisses+InstructionRetired" : "stopwatch" String runXUnitCommonArgs = "-arch ${arch} -configuration ${config} -generateBenchviewData \"%WORKSPACE%\\Microsoft.Benchview.JSONFormat\\tools\" ${uploadString} ${pgoTestFlag} -runtype ${runType} ${testEnv} -optLevel ${opt_level} -jitName ${jit} -outputdir \"%WORKSPACE%\\bin\\sandbox_logs\"" if (scenario == 'perf') { String runXUnitPerfCommonArgs = "${runXUnitCommonArgs} -stabilityPrefix \"START \\\"CORECLR_PERF_RUN\\\" /B /WAIT /HIGH /AFFINITY 0x2\"" if (slice == -1) { String runXUnitPerflabArgs = "${runXUnitPerfCommonArgs} -testBinLoc bin\\tests\\${os}.${arch}.${config}\\performance\\perflab\\Perflab -library" profileArg = isProfileOn ? "default+${profileArg}+gcapi" : profileArg bat "py tests\\scripts\\run-xunit-perf.py ${runXUnitPerflabArgs} -collectionFlags ${profileArg}" String runXUnitCodeQualityArgs = "${runXUnitPerfCommonArgs} -testBinLoc bin\\tests\\${os}.${arch}.${config}\\Jit\\Performance\\CodeQuality\\" bat "py tests\\scripts\\run-xunit-perf.py ${runXUnitCodeQualityArgs} -collectionFlags ${profileArg}" } else { String runXUnitCodeQualityArgs = "${runXUnitPerfCommonArgs} -slice ${slice} -sliceConfigFile \"%WORKSPACE%\\tests\\scripts\\perf-slices.json\" -testBinLoc bin\\tests\\${os}.${arch}.${config}" bat "py tests\\scripts\\run-xunit-perf.py ${runXUnitCodeQualityArgs} -collectionFlags ${profileArg}" } } else if (scenario == 'jitbench') { String runXUnitPerfCommonArgs = "${runXUnitCommonArgs} -stabilityPrefix \"START \"CORECLR_PERF_RUN\" /B /WAIT /HIGH\" -scenarioTest" runXUnitPerfCommonArgs = "${runXUnitPerfCommonArgs} -testBinLoc bin\\tests\\${os}.${arch}.${config}\\performance\\Scenario\\JitBench -group CoreCLR-Scenarios" if (!(opt_level == 'min_opt' && isProfileOn)) { bat "py tests\\scripts\\run-xunit-perf.py ${runXUnitPerfCommonArgs} -collectionFlags ${profileArgs}" } } else if (scenario == 'illink') { String runXUnitPerfCommonArgs = "${runXUnitCommonArgs} -scenarioTest" bat "\"%VS140COMNTOOLS%\\..\\..\\VC\\vcvarsall.bat\" x86_amd64\n" + "py tests\\scripts\\run-xunit-perf.py ${runXUnitPerfCommonArgs} -testBinLoc bin\\tests\\${os}.${arch}.${config}\\performance\\linkbench\\linkbench -group ILLink -nowarmup" } archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: false, artifacts:'bin/sandbox_logs/**,machinedata.json', onlyIfSuccessful: false } } def windowsThroughput(String arch, String os, String config, String runType, String optLevel, String jit, String pgo, boolean isBaseline) { withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'CoreCLR Perf BenchView Sas', variable: 'BV_UPLOAD_SAS_TOKEN')]) { checkout scm String baselineString = "" if (isBaseline) { baselineString = "-baseline" } String pgoTestFlag = ((pgo == 'nopgo') ? '-nopgo' : '') dir ('.') { unstash "nt-${arch}-${pgo}${baselineString}-build-artifacts" unstash "benchview-tools" unstash "throughput-benchmarks-${arch}" unstash "metadata" } // We want to use the baseline metadata for baseline runs. We expect to find the submission metadata in // submission-metadata.py if (isBaseline) { bat "move /y submission-metadata-baseline.json submission-metadata.json" } bat "py \".\\Microsoft.BenchView.JSONFormat\\tools\\machinedata.py\"" bat ".\\init-tools.cmd" bat "tests\\runtest.cmd ${config} ${arch} GenerateLayoutOnly" bat "py -u tests\\scripts\\run-throughput-perf.py -arch ${arch} -os ${os} -configuration ${config} -opt_level ${optLevel} -jit_name ${jit} ${pgoTestFlag} -clr_root \"%WORKSPACE%\" -assembly_root \"%WORKSPACE%\\${arch}ThroughputBenchmarks\\lib\" -benchview_path \"%WORKSPACE%\\Microsoft.Benchview.JSONFormat\\tools\" -run_type ${runType}" archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: false, artifacts:'throughput-*.csv,machinedata.json', onlyIfSuccessful: false } } //------------------------ Linux Functions ----------------------------// def linuxBuild(String arch, String config, String pgo, boolean isBaseline) { checkout scm String pgoBuildFlag = ((pgo == 'nopgo') ? '-nopgooptimize' : '') String baselineString = "" // For baseline runs, checkout the merge's parent if (isBaseline) { baselineString = "-baseline" sh "git checkout HEAD^1" } sh "./build.sh -verbose -${config} -${arch} ${pgoBuildFlag}" stash name: "linux-${arch}-${pgo}${baselineString}-build-artifacts", includes: 'bin/**' } def linuxPerf(String arch, String os, String config, String uploadString, String runType, String optLevel, String pgo, boolean isBaseline) { withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'CoreCLR Perf BenchView Sas', variable: 'BV_UPLOAD_SAS_TOKEN')]) { checkout scm String baselineString = "" if (isBaseline) { baselineString = "-baseline" } String pgoTestFlag = ((pgo == 'nopgo') ? '-nopgo' : '') dir ('.') { unstash "linux-${arch}-${pgo}${baselineString}-build-artifacts" unstash "nt-${arch}-${pgo}${baselineString}-test-artifacts" unstash "metadata" } dir ('./tests/scripts') { unstash "benchview-tools" } // We want to use the baseline metadata for baseline runs. We expect to find the submission metadata in // submission-metadata.py if (isBaseline) { sh "mv -f submission-metadata-baseline.json submission-metadata.json" } sh "./tests/scripts/perf-prep.sh --nocorefx" sh "./init-tools.sh" sh "./build-test.sh release $arch generatelayoutonly" String runXUnitCommonArgs = "-arch ${arch} -os Ubuntu16.04 -configuration ${config} -stabilityPrefix \"taskset 0x00000002 nice --adjustment=-10\" -generateBenchviewData \"\${WORKSPACE}/tests/scripts/Microsoft.BenchView.JSONFormat/tools\" ${uploadString} ${pgoTestFlag} -runtype ${runType} -optLevel ${optLevel} -outputdir \"\${WORKSPACE}/bin/sandbox_logs\"" sh "python3 ./tests/scripts/run-xunit-perf.py -testBinLoc bin/tests/Windows_NT.${arch}.${config}/JIT/Performance/CodeQuality ${runXUnitCommonArgs}" archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: false, artifacts:'bin/toArchive/**,machinedata.json', onlyIfSuccessful: false } } def linuxThroughput(String arch, String os, String config, String uploadString, String runType, String optLevel, String pgo, boolean isBaseline) { withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'CoreCLR Perf BenchView Sas', variable: 'BV_UPLOAD_SAS_TOKEN')]) { checkout scm String baselineString = "" if (isBaseline) { baselineString = "-baseline" } String pgoTestFlag = ((pgo == 'nopgo') ? '-nopgo' : '') dir ('.') { unstash "linux-${arch}-${pgo}${baselineString}-build-artifacts" unstash "throughput-benchmarks-${arch}" unstash "metadata" } dir ('./tests/scripts') { unstash "benchview-tools" } // We want to use the baseline metadata for baseline runs. We expect to find the submission metadata in // submission-metadata.py if (isBaseline) { sh "mv -f submission-metadata-baseline.json submission-metadata.json" } sh "./tests/scripts/perf-prep.sh --throughput" sh "./init-tools.sh" sh "python3 ./tests/scripts/run-throughput-perf.py -arch \"${arch}\" -os \"${os}\" -configuration \"${config}\" -opt_level ${optLevel} ${pgoTestFlag} -clr_root \"\${WORKSPACE}\" -assembly_root \"\${WORKSPACE}/${arch}ThroughputBenchmarks/lib\" -run_type \"${runType}\" -benchview_path \"\${WORKSPACE}/tests/scripts/Microsoft.BenchView.JSONFormat/tools\"" archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: false, artifacts:'throughput-*.csv,machinedata.json', onlyIfSuccessful: false } } //-------------------------- Job Definitions --------------------------// String config = "Release" String runType = isPR() ? 'private' : 'rolling' String uploadString = '-uploadToBenchview' stage ('Get Metadata and download Throughput Benchmarks') { simpleNode('Windows_NT', '20170427-elevated') { checkout scm String commit = getCommit() def benchViewName = isPR() ? "coreclr private %ghprbPullTitle%" : "coreclr rolling %GIT_BRANCH_WITHOUT_ORIGIN% ${commit}" def benchViewUser = getUserEmail() bat "mkdir tools\n" + "powershell Invoke-WebRequest https://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/v4.1.0/nuget.exe -OutFile %WORKSPACE%\\tools\\nuget.exe" bat "%WORKSPACE%\\tools\\nuget.exe install Microsoft.BenchView.JSONFormat -Source http://benchviewtestfeed.azurewebsites.net/nuget -Prerelease -ExcludeVersion" bat "%WORKSPACE%\\tools\\nuget.exe install Microsoft.BenchView.ThroughputBenchmarks.x64.Windows_NT -Source https://dotnet.myget.org/F/dotnet-core -Prerelease -ExcludeVersion" bat "%WORKSPACE%\\tools\\nuget.exe install Microsoft.BenchView.ThroughputBenchmarks.x86.Windows_NT -Source https://dotnet.myget.org/F/dotnet-core -Prerelease -ExcludeVersion" bat "set \"GIT_BRANCH_WITHOUT_ORIGIN=%GitBranchOrCommit:*/=%\"\n" + "py \"%WORKSPACE%\\Microsoft.BenchView.JSONFormat\\tools\\submission-metadata.py\" --name \"${benchViewName}\" --user-email \"${benchViewUser}\"\n" + "py \"%WORKSPACE%\\Microsoft.BenchView.JSONFormat\\tools\\build.py\" git --branch %GIT_BRANCH_WITHOUT_ORIGIN% --type ${runType}\n" + "py \"%WORKSPACE%\\Microsoft.BenchView.JSONFormat\\tools\\submission-metadata.py\" --name \"${benchViewName}-baseline\" --user-email \"${benchViewUser}\" -o submission-metadata-baseline.json\n" // TODO: revisit these moves. Originally, stash could not find the directories as currently named bat "move Microsoft.BenchView.ThroughputBenchmarks.x64.Windows_NT x64ThroughputBenchmarks" bat "move Microsoft.BenchView.ThroughputBenchmarks.x86.Windows_NT x86ThroughputBenchmarks" stash includes: 'Microsoft.BenchView.JSONFormat/**/*', name: 'benchview-tools' stash name: "metadata", includes: "*.json" stash name: "throughput-benchmarks-x64", includes: "x64ThroughputBenchmarks/**/*" stash name: "throughput-benchmarks-x86", includes: "x86ThroughputBenchmarks/**/*" } } // TODO: use non-pgo builds for throughput? def innerLoopBuilds = [ "windows x64 pgo build": { simpleNode('Windows_NT','latest') { windowsBuild('x64', config, 'pgo', false) } }, "windows x86 pgo build": { simpleNode('Windows_NT','latest') { windowsBuild('x86', config, 'pgo', false) } }, "linux x64 pgo build": { simpleNode('RHEL7.2', 'latest-or-auto') { linuxBuild('x64', config, 'pgo', false) } } ] // Only run non-pgo builds on offical builds def outerLoopBuilds = [:] if (!isPR()) { outerLoopBuilds = [ "windows x64 nopgo build": { simpleNode('Windows_NT','latest') { windowsBuild('x64', config, 'nopgo', false) } }, "windows x86 nopgo build": { simpleNode('Windows_NT','latest') { windowsBuild('x86', config, 'nopgo', false) } }, "linux x64 nopgo build": { simpleNode('RHEL7.2', 'latest-or-auto') { linuxBuild('x64', config, 'nopgo', false) } } ] } /*def baselineBuilds = [:] if (isPR()) { baselineBuilds = [ "windows x64 pgo baseline build": { simpleNode('Windows_NT','latest') { windowsBuild('x64', config, 'pgo', true) } }, "windows x86 pgo baseline build": { simpleNode('Windows_NT','latest') { windowsBuild('x86', config, 'pgo', true) } } ] }*/ stage ('Build Product') { parallel innerLoopBuilds //+ outerLoopBuilds //+ baselineBuilds } // Pipeline builds don't allow outside scripts (ie ArrayList.Add) if running from a script from SCM, so manually list these for now. // Run the main test mix on all runs (PR + official) def innerLoopTests = [:] ['x64', 'x86'].each { arch -> ['full_opt'].each { opt_level -> [false].each { isBaseline -> [0,1,2,3,4,5].each { slice -> String baseline = "" if (isBaseline) { baseline = " baseline" } if (isPR() || !isBaseline) { innerLoopTests["windows ${arch} ryujit ${opt_level} pgo ${slice}${baseline} perf"] = { simpleNode('windows_server_2016_clr_perf', 180) { windowsPerf(arch, config, uploadString, runType, opt_level, 'ryujit', 'pgo', 'perf', isBaseline, true, slice) } } } } if (arch == 'x64') { innerLoopTests["linux ${arch} ryujit ${opt_level} pgo perf"] = { simpleNode('ubuntu_1604_clr_perf', 180) { linuxPerf(arch, 'Ubuntu16.04', config, uploadString, runType, opt_level, 'pgo', false) } } } } } } // Run the full test mix only on commits, not PRs def outerLoopTests = [:] if (!isPR()) { ['x64', 'x86'].each { arch -> outerLoopTests["windows ${arch} ryujit full_opt pgo${baseline} jitbench"] = { simpleNode('windows_server_2016_clr_perf', 180) { windowsPerf(arch, config, uploadString, runType, 'full_opt', 'ryujit', 'pgo', 'jitbench', false, false, -1) } } outerLoopTests["windows ${arch} ryujit full_opt pgo illink"] = { simpleNode('Windows_NT', '20170427-elevated') { windowsPerf(arch, config, uploadString, runType, 'full_opt', 'ryujit', 'pgo', 'illink', false, false, -1) } } } ['x64', 'x86'].each { arch -> ['min_opt', 'full_opt'].each { opt_level -> ['ryujit'].each { jit -> ['pgo', 'nopgo'].each { pgo_enabled -> [true, false].each { isProfileOn -> outerLoopTests["windows ${arch} ${jit} ${opt_level} ${pgo_enabled} perf"] = { simpleNode('windows_server_2016_clr_perf', 180) { windowsPerf(arch, config, uploadString, runType, opt_level, jit, pgo_enabled, 'perf', false, isProfileOn, -1) } } outerLoopTests["windows ${arch} ${jit} ${opt_level} ${pgo_enabled} throughput"] = { simpleNode('windows_server_2016_clr_perf', 180) { windowsThroughput(arch, 'Windows_NT', config, runType, opt_level, jit, pgo_enabled, false, isProfileOn) } } } } } } } ['x64'].each { arch -> ['min_opt', 'full_opt'].each { opt_level -> ['pgo', 'nopgo'].each { pgo_enabled -> outerLoopTests["linux ${arch} ryujit ${opt_level} ${pgo_enabled} perf"] = { simpleNode('ubuntu_1604_clr_perf', 180) { linuxPerf(arch, 'Ubuntu16.04', config, uploadString, runType, opt_level, pgo_enabled, false) } } outerLoopTests["linux ${arch} ryujit ${opt_level} ${pgo_enabled} throughput"] = { simpleNode('ubuntu_1604_clr_perf', 180) { linuxThroughput(arch, 'Ubuntu16.04', config, uploadString, runType, opt_level, pgo_enabled, false) } } } } } } stage ('Run testing') { parallel innerLoopTests //+ outerLoopTests }