#!/usr/bin/env bash PYTHON=${PYTHON:-python} usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [BuildArch] [BuildType] [clean] [verbose] [coverage] [cross] [clangx.y] [ninja] [configureonly] [skipconfigure] [skipnative] [skipmscorlib] [skiptests]" echo "BuildArch can be: x64, x86, arm, arm64" echo "BuildType can be: Debug, Checked, Release" echo "clean - optional argument to force a clean build." echo "verbose - optional argument to enable verbose build output." echo "coverage - optional argument to enable code coverage build (currently supported only for Linux and OSX)." echo "ninja - target ninja instead of GNU make" echo "clangx.y - optional argument to build using clang version x.y." echo "cross - optional argument to signify cross compilation," echo " - will use ROOTFS_DIR environment variable if set." echo "configureonly - do not perform any builds; just configure the build." echo "skipconfigure - skip build configuration." echo "skipnative - do not build native components." echo "skipmscorlib - do not build mscorlib.dll even if mono is installed." echo "skiptests - skip the tests in the 'tests' subdirectory." exit 1 } setup_dirs() { echo Setting up directories for build mkdir -p "$__RootBinDir" mkdir -p "$__BinDir" mkdir -p "$__LogsDir" mkdir -p "$__IntermediatesDir" } # Performs "clean build" type actions (deleting and remaking directories) clean() { echo Cleaning previous output for the selected configuration rm -rf "$__BinDir" rm -rf "$__IntermediatesDir" rm -rf "$__TestWorkingDir" rm -rf "$__TestIntermediatesDir" rm -rf "$__LogsDir/*_$__BuildOS__$__BuildArch__$__BuildType.*" } # Check the system to ensure the right prereqs are in place check_prereqs() { echo "Checking prerequisites..." # Check presence of CMake on the path hash cmake 2>/dev/null || { echo >&2 "Please install cmake before running this script"; exit 1; } # Check for clang hash clang-$__ClangMajorVersion.$__ClangMinorVersion 2>/dev/null || hash clang$__ClangMajorVersion$__ClangMinorVersion 2>/dev/null || hash clang 2>/dev/null || { echo >&2 "Please install clang before running this script"; exit 1; } } build_coreclr() { # Event Logging Infrastructure __GeneratedIntermediate="$__IntermediatesDir/Generated" __GeneratedIntermediateEventProvider="$__GeneratedIntermediate/eventprovider_new" if [[ -d "$__GeneratedIntermediateEventProvider" ]]; then rm -rf "$__GeneratedIntermediateEventProvider" fi if [[ ! -d "$__GeneratedIntermediate/eventprovider" ]]; then mkdir -p "$__GeneratedIntermediate/eventprovider" fi mkdir -p "$__GeneratedIntermediateEventProvider" if [[ $__SkipCoreCLR == 0 || $__ConfigureOnly == 1 ]]; then echo "Laying out dynamically generated files consumed by the build system " echo "Laying out dynamically generated Event Logging Test files" $PYTHON -B -Wall -Werror "$__ProjectRoot/src/scripts/genXplatEventing.py" --man "$__ProjectRoot/src/vm/ClrEtwAll.man" --exc "$__ProjectRoot/src/vm/ClrEtwAllMeta.lst" --testdir "$__GeneratedIntermediateEventProvider/tests" if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then exit fi #determine the logging system case $__BuildOS in Linux) echo "Laying out dynamically generated Event Logging Implementation of Lttng" $PYTHON -B -Wall -Werror "$__ProjectRoot/src/scripts/genXplatLttng.py" --man "$__ProjectRoot/src/vm/ClrEtwAll.man" --intermediate "$__GeneratedIntermediateEventProvider" if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then exit fi ;; *) ;; esac fi echo "Cleaning the temp folder of dynamically generated Event Logging files" $PYTHON -B -Wall -Werror -c "import sys;sys.path.insert(0,\"$__ProjectRoot/src/scripts\"); from Utilities import *;UpdateDirectory(\"$__GeneratedIntermediate/eventprovider\",\"$__GeneratedIntermediateEventProvider\")" if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then exit fi rm -rf "$__GeneratedIntermediateEventProvider" # All set to commence the build echo "Commencing build of native components for $__BuildOS.$__BuildArch.$__BuildType in $__IntermediatesDir" cd "$__IntermediatesDir" generator="" buildFile="Makefile" buildTool="make" if [ $__UseNinja == 1 ]; then generator="ninja" buildFile="build.ninja" buildTool="ninja" fi if [ $__SkipConfigure == 0 ]; then # Regenerate the CMake solution echo "Invoking \"$__ProjectRoot/src/pal/tools/gen-buildsys-clang.sh\" \"$__ProjectRoot\" $__ClangMajorVersion $__ClangMinorVersion $__BuildArch $__BuildType $__CodeCoverage $__IncludeTests $generator" "$__ProjectRoot/src/pal/tools/gen-buildsys-clang.sh" "$__ProjectRoot" $__ClangMajorVersion $__ClangMinorVersion $__BuildArch $__BuildType $__CodeCoverage $__IncludeTests $generator fi if [ $__SkipCoreCLR == 1 ]; then echo "Skipping CoreCLR build." return fi # Check that the makefiles were created. if [ ! -f "$__IntermediatesDir/$buildFile" ]; then echo "Failed to generate native component build project!" exit 1 fi # Get the number of processors available to the scheduler # Other techniques such as `nproc` only get the number of # processors available to a single process. if [ `uname` = "FreeBSD" ]; then NumProc=`sysctl hw.ncpu | awk '{ print $2+1 }'` elif [ `uname` = "NetBSD" ]; then NumProc=$(($(getconf NPROCESSORS_ONLN)+1)) else NumProc=$(($(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)+1)) fi # Build CoreCLR echo "Executing $buildTool install -j $NumProc $__UnprocessedBuildArgs" $buildTool install -j $NumProc $__UnprocessedBuildArgs if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Failed to build coreclr components." exit 1 fi } build_mscorlib() { hash mono 2> /dev/null || { echo >&2 "Skipping mscorlib.dll build since Mono is not installed."; return; } if [ $__SkipMSCorLib == 1 ]; then echo "Skipping mscorlib.dll build." return fi # Temporary hack to make dnu restore more reliable. This is specifically for dnu beta 5 since this issue should already be addressed in later versions of dnu. export MONO_THREADS_PER_CPU=2000 echo "Commencing build of mscorlib components for $__BuildOS.$__BuildArch.$__BuildType" # Pull NuGet.exe down if we don't have it already if [ ! -e "$__NuGetPath" ]; then hash curl 2>/dev/null || hash wget 2>/dev/null || { echo >&2 echo "cURL or wget is required to build mscorlib." ; exit 1; } echo "Restoring NuGet.exe..." # curl has HTTPS CA trust-issues less often than wget, so lets try that first. which curl > /dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then mkdir -p $__PackagesDir wget -q -O $__NuGetPath https://api.nuget.org/downloads/nuget.exe else curl -sSL --create-dirs -o $__NuGetPath https://api.nuget.org/downloads/nuget.exe fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to restore NuGet.exe." exit 1 fi fi # Grab the MSBuild package if we don't have it already if [ ! -e "$__MSBuildPath" ]; then echo "Restoring MSBuild..." $__ProjectRoot/init-tools.sh if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to restore MSBuild." exit 1 fi fi # Invoke MSBuild $__ProjectRoot/Tools/corerun "$__MSBuildPath" /nologo "$__ProjectRoot/build.proj" /verbosity:minimal "/fileloggerparameters:Verbosity=normal;LogFile=$__LogsDir/MSCorLib_$__BuildOS__$__BuildArch__$__BuildType.log" /t:Build /p:__BuildOS=$__BuildOS /p:__BuildArch=$__BuildArch /p:__BuildType=$__BuildType /p:__IntermediatesDir=$__IntermediatesDir /p:UseRoslynCompiler=true /p:BuildNugetPackage=false /p:UseSharedCompilation=false if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to build mscorlib." exit 1 fi if [ $__SkipCoreCLR == 0 -a -e $__BinDir/crossgen ]; then echo "Generating native image for mscorlib." $__BinDir/crossgen $__BinDir/mscorlib.dll if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to generate native image for mscorlib." exit 1 fi fi } echo "Commencing CoreCLR Repo build" # Argument types supported by this script: # # Build architecture - valid values are: x64, ARM. # Build Type - valid values are: Debug, Checked, Release # # Set the default arguments for build # Obtain the location of the bash script to figure out where the root of the repo is. __ProjectRoot="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" # Use uname to determine what the CPU is. CPUName=$(uname -p) # Some Linux platforms report unknown for platform, but the arch for machine. if [ $CPUName = "unknown" ]; then CPUName=$(uname -m) fi case $CPUName in i686) echo "Unsupported CPU $CPUName detected, build might not succeed!" __BuildArch=x86 ;; x86_64) __BuildArch=x64 ;; armv7l) echo "Unsupported CPU $CPUName detected, build might not succeed!" __BuildArch=arm ;; aarch64) echo "Unsupported CPU $CPUName detected, build might not succeed!" __BuildArch=arm64 ;; *) echo "Unknown CPU $CPUName detected, configuring as if for x64" __BuildArch=x64 ;; esac # Use uname to determine what the OS is. OSName=$(uname -s) case $OSName in Linux) __BuildOS=Linux ;; Darwin) __BuildOS=OSX ;; FreeBSD) __BuildOS=FreeBSD ;; OpenBSD) __BuildOS=OpenBSD ;; NetBSD) __BuildOS=NetBSD ;; SunOS) __BuildOS=SunOS ;; *) echo "Unsupported OS $OSName detected, configuring as if for Linux" __BuildOS=Linux ;; esac __BuildType=Debug __CodeCoverage= __IncludeTests=Include_Tests # Set the various build properties here so that CMake and MSBuild can pick them up __ProjectDir="$__ProjectRoot" __SourceDir="$__ProjectDir/src" __PackagesDir="$__ProjectDir/packages" __RootBinDir="$__ProjectDir/bin" __LogsDir="$__RootBinDir/Logs" __UnprocessedBuildArgs= __MSBCleanBuildArgs= __UseNinja=0 __ConfigureOnly=0 __SkipConfigure=0 __SkipCoreCLR=0 __SkipMSCorLib=0 __CleanBuild=0 __VerboseBuild=0 __CrossBuild=0 __ClangMajorVersion=3 __ClangMinorVersion=5 __MSBuildPath=$__ProjectRoot/Tools/MSBuild.exe __NuGetPath="$__PackagesDir/NuGet.exe" for i in "$@" do lowerI="$(echo $i | awk '{print tolower($0)}')" case $lowerI in -\?|-h|--help) usage exit 1 ;; x86) __BuildArch=x86 ;; x64) __BuildArch=x64 ;; arm) __BuildArch=arm ;; arm64) __BuildArch=arm64 ;; debug) __BuildType=Debug ;; checked) __BuildType=Checked ;; release) __BuildType=Release ;; coverage) __CodeCoverage=Coverage ;; clean) __CleanBuild=1 ;; verbose) __VerboseBuild=1 ;; cross) __CrossBuild=1 ;; clang3.5) __ClangMajorVersion=3 __ClangMinorVersion=5 ;; clang3.6) __ClangMajorVersion=3 __ClangMinorVersion=6 ;; clang3.7) __ClangMajorVersion=3 __ClangMinorVersion=7 ;; ninja) __UseNinja=1 ;; configureonly) __ConfigureOnly=1 __SkipCoreCLR=1 __SkipMSCorLib=1 __IncludeTests= ;; skipconfigure) __SkipConfigure=1 ;; skipnative) # Use "skipnative" to use the same option name as build.cmd. __SkipCoreCLR=1 ;; skipcoreclr) # Accept "skipcoreclr" for backwards-compatibility. __SkipCoreCLR=1 ;; skipmscorlib) __SkipMSCorLib=1 ;; includetests) ;; skiptests) __IncludeTests= ;; *) __UnprocessedBuildArgs="$__UnprocessedBuildArgs $i" ;; esac done if [[ $__ConfigureOnly == 1 && $__SkipConfigure == 1 ]]; then echo "configureonly and skipconfigure are mutually exclusive!" exit 1 fi # Set the remaining variables based upon the determined build configuration __BinDir="$__RootBinDir/Product/$__BuildOS.$__BuildArch.$__BuildType" __PackagesBinDir="$__BinDir/.nuget" __ToolsDir="$__RootBinDir/tools" __TestWorkingDir="$__RootBinDir/tests/$__BuildOS.$__BuildArch.$__BuildType" export __IntermediatesDir="$__RootBinDir/obj/$__BuildOS.$__BuildArch.$__BuildType" __TestIntermediatesDir="$__RootBinDir/tests/obj/$__BuildOS.$__BuildArch.$__BuildType" # Specify path to be set for CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. # This is where all built CoreClr libraries will copied to. export __CMakeBinDir="$__BinDir" # Configure environment if we are doing a clean build. if [ $__CleanBuild == 1 ]; then clean fi # Configure environment if we are doing a verbose build if [ $__VerboseBuild == 1 ]; then export VERBOSE=1 fi # Configure environment if we are doing a cross compile. if [ $__CrossBuild == 1 ]; then export CROSSCOMPILE=1 if ! [[ -n "$ROOTFS_DIR" ]]; then export ROOTFS_DIR="$__ProjectRoot/cross/rootfs/$__BuildArch" fi fi # Make the directories necessary for build if they don't exist setup_dirs # Check prereqs. check_prereqs # Build the coreclr (native) components. build_coreclr # Build mscorlib. build_mscorlib # Build complete echo "Repo successfully built." echo "Product binaries are available at $__BinDir" exit 0