#!/usr/bin/env bash # Work around Jenkins CI + msbuild problem: Jenkins sometimes creates very large environment # variables, and msbuild can't handle environment blocks with such large variables. So clear # out the variables that might be too large. export ghprbCommentBody= # resolve python-version to use if [ "$PYTHON" == "" ] ; then if ! PYTHON=$(command -v python3 || command -v python2 || command -v python || command -v py) then echo "Unable to locate build-dependency python!" 1>&2 exit 1 fi fi # validate python-dependency # useful in case of explicitly set option. if ! command -v $PYTHON > /dev/null then echo "Unable to locate build-dependency python ($PYTHON)!" 1>&2 exit 1 fi export PYTHON usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [BuildArch] [BuildType] [-verbose] [-coverage] [-cross] [-gccx.y] [-clangx.y] [-ninja] [-configureonly] [-skipconfigure] [-skipnative] [-skipcrossarchnative] [-skipmanaged] [-skipmscorlib] [-skiptests] [-stripsymbols] [-ignorewarnings] [-cmakeargs] [-bindir]" echo "BuildArch can be: -x64, -x86, -arm, -armel, -arm64" echo "BuildType can be: -debug, -checked, -release" echo "-coverage - optional argument to enable code coverage build (currently supported only for Linux and OSX)." echo "-ninja - target ninja instead of GNU make" echo "-gccx.y - optional argument to build using gcc version x.y." echo "-clangx.y - optional argument to build using clang version x.y." echo "-cross - optional argument to signify cross compilation," echo " - will use ROOTFS_DIR environment variable if set." echo "-nopgooptimize - do not use profile guided optimizations." echo "-pgoinstrument - generate instrumented code for profile guided optimization enabled binaries." echo "-ibcinstrument - generate IBC-tuning-enabled native images when invoking crossgen." echo "-configureonly - do not perform any builds; just configure the build." echo "-skipconfigure - skip build configuration." echo "-skipnative - do not build native components." echo "-skipcrossarchnative - do not build cross-architecture native components." echo "-skipmanaged - do not build managed components." echo "-skipmscorlib - do not build mscorlib.dll." echo "-skiptests - skip the tests in the 'tests' subdirectory." echo "-skipnuget - skip building nuget packages." echo "-skiprestoreoptdata - skip restoring optimization data used by profile-based optimizations." echo "-skipcrossgen - skip native image generation" echo "-crossgenonly - only run native image generation" echo "-partialngen - build CoreLib as PartialNGen" echo "-verbose - optional argument to enable verbose build output." echo "-skiprestore: skip restoring packages ^(default: packages are restored during build^)." echo "-disableoss: Disable Open Source Signing for System.Private.CoreLib." echo "-officialbuildid=^: specify the official build ID to be used by this build." echo "-stripSymbols - Optional argument to strip native symbols during the build." echo "-skipgenerateversion - disable version generation even if MSBuild is supported." echo "-ignorewarnings - do not treat warnings as errors" echo "-cmakeargs - user-settable additional arguments passed to CMake." echo "-bindir - output directory (defaults to $__ProjectRoot/bin)" echo "-msbuildonunsupportedplatform - build managed binaries even if distro is not officially supported." echo "-numproc - set the number of build processes." echo "-portablebuild - pass -portablebuild=false to force a non-portable build." echo "-staticanalyzer - build with clang static analyzer enabled." exit 1 } initTargetDistroRid() { source init-distro-rid.sh local passedRootfsDir="" # Only pass ROOTFS_DIR if cross is specified. if (( ${__CrossBuild} == 1 )); then passedRootfsDir=${ROOTFS_DIR} elif [ "${__BuildArch}" != "${__HostArch}" ]; then echo "Error, you are building a cross scenario without passing -cross." exit 1 fi initDistroRidGlobal ${__BuildOS} ${__BuildArch} ${__PortableBuild} ${passedRootfsDir} } setup_dirs() { echo Setting up directories for build mkdir -p "$__RootBinDir" mkdir -p "$__BinDir" mkdir -p "$__LogsDir" mkdir -p "$__MsbuildDebugLogsDir" mkdir -p "$__IntermediatesDir" if [ $__CrossBuild == 1 ]; then mkdir -p "$__CrossComponentBinDir" fi } # Check the system to ensure the right prereqs are in place check_prereqs() { echo "Checking prerequisites..." # Check presence of CMake on the path hash cmake 2>/dev/null || { echo >&2 "Please install cmake before running this script"; exit 1; } # Minimum required version of clang is version 4.0 for arm/armel cross build if [[ $__CrossBuild == 1 && $__GccBuild == 0 && ("$__BuildArch" == "arm" || "$__BuildArch" == "armel") ]]; then if ! [[ "$__ClangMajorVersion" -ge "4" ]]; then echo "Please install clang4.0 or latest for arm/armel cross build"; exit 1; fi fi # Check for clang if [[ $__GccBuild == 0 ]]; then __ClangCombinedDottedVersion=$__ClangMajorVersion; if [[ "$__ClangMinorVersion" != "" ]]; then __ClangCombinedDottedVersion=$__ClangCombinedDottedVersion.$__ClangMinorVersion fi hash clang-$__ClangCombinedDottedVersion 2>/dev/null || hash clang$__ClangMajorVersion$__ClangMinorVersion 2>/dev/null || hash clang 2>/dev/null || { echo >&2 "Please install clang-$__ClangMajorVersion.$__ClangMinorVersion before running this script"; exit 1; } else __GccCombinedDottedVersion=$__GccMajorVersion; if [[ "$__GccMinorVersion" != "" ]]; then __GccCombinedDottedVersion=$__GccCombinedDottedVersion.$__GccMinorVersion fi hash gcc-$__GccCombinedDottedVersion 2>/dev/null || hash gcc$__GccMajorVersion$__GccMinorVersion 2>/dev/null || hash gcc 2>/dev/null || { echo >&2 "Please install gcc-$__GccMajorVersion.$__GccMinorVersion before running this script"; exit 1; } fi } restore_optdata() { # we only need optdata on a Release build if [[ "$__BuildType" != "Release" ]]; then __SkipRestoreOptData=1; fi local OptDataProjectFilePath="$__ProjectRoot/src/.nuget/optdata/optdata.csproj" if [[ ( $__SkipRestoreOptData == 0 ) && ( $__isMSBuildOnNETCoreSupported == 1 ) ]]; then echo "Restoring the OptimizationData package" "$__ProjectRoot/dotnet.sh" restore /nologo /verbosity:minimal /clp:Summary /m \ $OptDataProjectFilePath \ $__CommonMSBuildArgs $__UnprocessedBuildArgs if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Failed to restore the optimization data package." exit 1 fi fi if [ $__isMSBuildOnNETCoreSupported == 1 ]; then # Parse the optdata package versions out of msbuild so that we can pass them on to CMake local DotNetCli="$__ProjectRoot/.dotnet/dotnet" if [ ! -f $DotNetCli ]; then source "$__ProjectRoot/init-dotnet.sh" if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Failed to install dotnet." exit 1 fi fi __PgoOptDataVersion=$(DOTNET_SKIP_FIRST_TIME_EXPERIENCE=1 $DotNetCli msbuild $OptDataProjectFilePath /t:DumpPgoDataPackageVersion /nologo) if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Failed to get PGO data package version." exit $? fi __PgoOptDataVersion=$(echo $__PgoOptDataVersion | sed 's/^\s*//') __IbcOptDataVersion=$(DOTNET_SKIP_FIRST_TIME_EXPERIENCE=1 $DotNetCli msbuild $OptDataProjectFilePath /t:DumpIbcDataPackageVersion /nologo) if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Failed to get IBC data package version." exit $? fi __IbcOptDataVersion=$(echo $__IbcOptDataVersion | sed 's/^[[:blank:]]*//') fi } generate_event_logging_sources() { __OutputDir=$1 __OutputEventingDir="$__OutputDir/Eventing" __PythonWarningFlags="-Wall" if [[ $__IgnoreWarnings == 0 ]]; then __PythonWarningFlags="$__PythonWarningFlags -Werror" fi echo "Laying out dynamically generated EventSource classes" $PYTHON -B $__PythonWarningFlags "$__ProjectRoot/src/scripts/genRuntimeEventSources.py" --man "$__ProjectRoot/src/vm/ClrEtwAll.man" --intermediate "$__OutputEventingDir" } generate_event_logging() { # Event Logging Infrastructure if [[ $__SkipMSCorLib == 0 ]]; then generate_event_logging_sources "$__IntermediatesDir" fi } build_native() { skipCondition=$1 platformArch="$2" intermediatesForBuild="$3" extraCmakeArguments="$4" message="$5" if [ $skipCondition == 1 ]; then echo "Skipping $message build." return fi # All set to commence the build echo "Commencing build of $message for $__BuildOS.$__BuildArch.$__BuildType in $intermediatesForBuild" generator="" buildFile="Makefile" buildTool="make" if [ $__UseNinja == 1 ]; then generator="ninja" buildFile="build.ninja" if ! buildTool=$(command -v ninja || command -v ninja-build); then echo "Unable to locate ninja!" 1>&2 exit 1 fi fi if [ $__SkipConfigure == 0 ]; then # if msbuild is not supported, then set __SkipGenerateVersion to 1 if [ $__isMSBuildOnNETCoreSupported == 0 ]; then __SkipGenerateVersion=1; fi # Drop version.c file __versionSourceFile="$intermediatesForBuild/version.c" if [ $__SkipGenerateVersion == 0 ]; then pwd "$__ProjectRoot/eng/common/msbuild.sh" $__ProjectRoot/eng/empty.csproj \ /p:NativeVersionFile=$__versionSourceFile \ /p:ArcadeBuild=true /t:GenerateNativeVersionFile /restore \ $__CommonMSBuildArgs $__UnprocessedBuildArgs if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to generate native version file." exit $? fi else # Generate the dummy version.c, but only if it didn't exist to make sure we don't trigger unnecessary rebuild __versionSourceLine="static char sccsid[] __attribute__((used)) = \"@(#)No version information produced\";" if [ -e $__versionSourceFile ]; then read existingVersionSourceLine < $__versionSourceFile fi if [ "$__versionSourceLine" != "$existingVersionSourceLine" ]; then echo $__versionSourceLine > $__versionSourceFile fi fi pushd "$intermediatesForBuild" # Regenerate the CMake solution scriptDir="$__ProjectRoot/src/pal/tools" if [[ $__GccBuild == 0 ]]; then scan_build= if [[ $__StaticAnalyzer == 1 ]]; then scan_build=scan-build fi echo "Invoking \"$scriptDir/gen-buildsys-clang.sh\" \"$__ProjectRoot\" $__ClangMajorVersion \"$__ClangMinorVersion\" $platformArch "$scriptDir" $__BuildType $__CodeCoverage $scan_build $generator $extraCmakeArguments $__cmakeargs" source "$scriptDir/gen-buildsys-clang.sh" "$__ProjectRoot" $__ClangMajorVersion "$__ClangMinorVersion" $platformArch "$scriptDir" $__BuildType $__CodeCoverage $scan_build $generator "$extraCmakeArguments" "$__cmakeargs" else echo "Invoking \"$scriptDir/gen-buildsys-gcc.sh\" \"$__ProjectRoot\" $__GccMajorVersion \"$__GccMinorVersion\" $platformArch "$scriptDir" $__BuildType $__CodeCoverage $generator $extraCmakeArguments $__cmakeargs" source "$scriptDir/gen-buildsys-gcc.sh" "$__ProjectRoot" "$__GccMajorVersion" "$__CGccMinorVersion" $platformArch "$scriptDir" $__BuildType $__CodeCoverage $generator "$extraCmakeArguments" "$__cmakeargs" fi popd fi if [ ! -f "$intermediatesForBuild/$buildFile" ]; then echo "Failed to generate $message build project!" exit 1 fi # Build if [ $__ConfigureOnly == 1 ]; then echo "Finish configuration & skipping $message build." return fi # Check that the makefiles were created. pushd "$intermediatesForBuild" if [ $__StaticAnalyzer == 1 ]; then buildTool="$SCAN_BUILD_COMMAND $buildTool" fi echo "Executing $buildTool install -j $__NumProc" $buildTool install -j $__NumProc if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Failed to build $message." exit 1 fi popd } build_cross_architecture_components() { local intermediatesForBuild="$__IntermediatesDir/Host$__CrossArch/crossgen" local crossArchBinDir="$__BinDir/$__CrossArch" mkdir -p "$intermediatesForBuild" mkdir -p "$crossArchBinDir" generate_event_logging_sources "$intermediatesForBuild" "the crossarch build system" __SkipCrossArchBuild=1 # check supported cross-architecture components host(__HostArch)/target(__BuildArch) pair if [[ ("$__BuildArch" == "arm" || "$__BuildArch" == "armel") && ("$__CrossArch" == "x86" || "$__CrossArch" == "x64") ]]; then __SkipCrossArchBuild=0 elif [[ "$__BuildArch" == "arm64" && "$__CrossArch" == "x64" ]]; then __SkipCrossArchBuild=0 else # not supported return fi export __CMakeBinDir="$crossArchBinDir" export CROSSCOMPILE=0 __ExtraCmakeArgs="-DCLR_CMAKE_TARGET_ARCH=$__BuildArch -DCLR_CMAKE_TARGET_OS=$__BuildOS -DCLR_CMAKE_PACKAGES_DIR=$__PackagesDir -DCLR_CMAKE_PGO_INSTRUMENT=$__PgoInstrument -DCLR_CMAKE_OPTDATA_VERSION=$__PgoOptDataVersion -DCLR_CMAKE_PGO_OPTIMIZE=$__PgoOptimize -DCLR_CROSS_COMPONENTS_BUILD=1" build_native $__SkipCrossArchBuild "$__CrossArch" "$intermediatesForBuild" "$__ExtraCmakeArgs" "cross-architecture components" export CROSSCOMPILE=1 } isMSBuildOnNETCoreSupported() { __isMSBuildOnNETCoreSupported=$__msbuildonunsupportedplatform if [ $__isMSBuildOnNETCoreSupported == 1 ]; then return fi if [ $__SkipManaged == 1 ]; then __isMSBuildOnNETCoreSupported=0 return fi if [ "$__HostArch" == "x64" ]; then if [ "$__HostOS" == "Linux" ]; then __isMSBuildOnNETCoreSupported=1 # note: the RIDs below can use globbing patterns UNSUPPORTED_RIDS=("ubuntu.17.04-x64") for UNSUPPORTED_RID in "${UNSUPPORTED_RIDS[@]}" do if [[ ${__DistroRid} == $UNSUPPORTED_RID ]]; then __isMSBuildOnNETCoreSupported=0 break fi done elif [ "$__HostOS" == "OSX" ]; then __isMSBuildOnNETCoreSupported=1 elif [ "$__HostOS" == "FreeBSD" ]; then __isMSBuildOnNETCoreSupported=1 fi fi } build_CoreLib_ni() { local __CrossGenExec=$1 local __CoreLibILDir=$2 if [ $__PartialNgen == 1 ]; then export COMPlus_PartialNGen=1 fi if [ -e $__CrossGenCoreLibLog ]; then rm $__CrossGenCoreLibLog fi echo "Generating native image of System.Private.CoreLib.dll for $__BuildOS.$__BuildArch.$__BuildType. Logging to \"$__CrossGenCoreLibLog\"." echo "$__CrossGenExec /Platform_Assemblies_Paths $__CoreLibILDir $__IbcTuning /out $__BinDir/System.Private.CoreLib.dll $__CoreLibILDir/System.Private.CoreLib.dll" $__CrossGenExec /Platform_Assemblies_Paths $__CoreLibILDir $__IbcTuning /out $__BinDir/System.Private.CoreLib.dll $__CoreLibILDir/System.Private.CoreLib.dll >> $__CrossGenCoreLibLog 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to generate native image for System.Private.CoreLib. Refer to $__CrossGenCoreLibLog" exit 1 fi if [ "$__BuildOS" == "Linux" ]; then echo "Generating symbol file for System.Private.CoreLib.dll" echo "$__CrossGenExec /Platform_Assemblies_Paths $__BinDir /CreatePerfMap $__BinDir $__BinDir/System.Private.CoreLib.dll" $__CrossGenExec /Platform_Assemblies_Paths $__BinDir /CreatePerfMap $__BinDir $__BinDir/System.Private.CoreLib.dll >> $__CrossGenCoreLibLog 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to generate symbol file for System.Private.CoreLib. Refer to $__CrossGenCoreLibLog" exit 1 fi fi } build_CoreLib() { if [ $__isMSBuildOnNETCoreSupported == 0 ]; then echo "System.Private.CoreLib.dll build unsupported." return fi if [ $__SkipMSCorLib == 1 ]; then echo "Skipping building System.Private.CoreLib." return fi echo "Commencing build of managed components for $__BuildOS.$__BuildArch.$__BuildType" # Invoke MSBuild __ExtraBuildArgs="" if [[ "$__IbcTuning" == "" ]]; then __ExtraBuildArgs="$__ExtraBuildArgs /p:OptimizationDataDir=\"$__PackagesDir/optimization.$__BuildOS-$__BuildArch.IBC.CoreCLR/$__IbcOptDataVersion/data\"" __ExtraBuildArgs="$__ExtraBuildArgs /p:EnableProfileGuidedOptimization=true" fi if [[ "$__BuildManagedTools" -eq "1" ]]; then __ExtraBuildArgs="$__ExtraBuildArgs /p:BuildManagedTools=true" fi $__ProjectRoot/dotnet.sh restore /nologo /verbosity:minimal /clp:Summary \ /p:PortableBuild=true /maxcpucount /p:IncludeRestoreOnlyProjects=true /p:ArcadeBuild=true\ $__ProjectDir/src/build.proj \ /flp:Verbosity=normal\;LogFile=$__LogsDir/System.Private.CoreLib_$__BuildOS__$__BuildArch__$__BuildType.log \ /p:__IntermediatesDir=$__IntermediatesDir /p:__RootBinDir=$__RootBinDir \ $__CommonMSBuildArgs $__ExtraBuildArgs $__UnprocessedBuildArgs if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to restore managed components." exit 1 fi $__ProjectRoot/dotnet.sh msbuild /nologo /verbosity:minimal /clp:Summary \ /p:PortableBuild=true /maxcpucount /p:ArcadeBuild=true\ $__ProjectDir/src/build.proj \ /flp:Verbosity=normal\;LogFile=$__LogsDir/System.Private.CoreLib_$__BuildOS__$__BuildArch__$__BuildType.log \ /p:__IntermediatesDir=$__IntermediatesDir /p:__RootBinDir=$__RootBinDir \ $__CommonMSBuildArgs $__ExtraBuildArgs $__UnprocessedBuildArgs if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to build managed components." exit 1 fi local __CoreLibILDir=$__BinDir/IL if [ $__SkipCrossgen == 1 ]; then echo "Skipping generating native image" if [ $__CrossBuild == 1 ]; then # Crossgen not performed, so treat the IL version as the final version cp $__CoreLibILDir/System.Private.CoreLib.dll $__BinDir/System.Private.CoreLib.dll fi return fi # The cross build generates a crossgen with the target architecture. if [ $__CrossBuild == 0 ]; then if [ $__SkipCoreCLR == 1 ]; then return fi # The architecture of host pc must be same architecture with target. if [[ ( "$__HostArch" == "$__BuildArch" ) ]]; then build_CoreLib_ni "$__BinDir/crossgen" $__CoreLibILDir elif [[ ( "$__HostArch" == "x64" ) && ( "$__BuildArch" == "x86" ) ]]; then build_CoreLib_ni "$__BinDir/crossgen" $__CoreLibILDir elif [[ ( "$__HostArch" == "arm64" ) && ( "$__BuildArch" == "arm" ) ]]; then build_CoreLib_ni "$__BinDir/crossgen" $__CoreLibILDir else exit 1 fi else if [[ ( "$__CrossArch" == "x86" ) && ( "$__BuildArch" == "arm" ) ]]; then build_CoreLib_ni "$__CrossComponentBinDir/crossgen" $__CoreLibILDir elif [[ ( "$__CrossArch" == "x64" ) && ( "$__BuildArch" == "arm" ) ]]; then build_CoreLib_ni "$__CrossComponentBinDir/crossgen" $__CoreLibILDir elif [[ ( "$__HostArch" == "x64" ) && ( "$__BuildArch" == "arm64" ) ]]; then build_CoreLib_ni "$__CrossComponentBinDir/crossgen" $__CoreLibILDir else # Crossgen not performed, so treat the IL version as the final version cp $__CoreLibILDir/System.Private.CoreLib.dll $__BinDir/System.Private.CoreLib.dll fi fi } generate_NugetPackages() { # We can only generate nuget package if we also support building mscorlib as part of this build. if [ $__isMSBuildOnNETCoreSupported == 0 ]; then echo "Nuget package generation unsupported." return fi # Since we can build mscorlib for this OS, did we build the native components as well? if [[ $__SkipCoreCLR == 1 && $__CrossgenOnly == 0 ]]; then echo "Unable to generate nuget packages since native components were not built." return fi echo "Generating nuget packages for "$__BuildOS echo "DistroRid is "$__DistroRid echo "ROOTFS_DIR is "$ROOTFS_DIR # Build the packages # Package build uses the Arcade system and scripts, relying on it to restore required toolsets as part of build $__ProjectRoot/eng/common/build.sh -r -b -projects $__SourceDir/.nuget/packages.builds \ -verbosity minimal -bl:$__LogsDir/Nuget_$__BuildOS__$__BuildArch__$__BuildType.binlog \ /p:PortableBuild=true /p:ArcadeBuild=true \ /p:__IntermediatesDir=$__IntermediatesDir /p:__RootBinDir=$__RootBinDir /p:__DoCrossArchBuild=$__CrossBuild \ $__CommonMSBuildArgs $__UnprocessedBuildArgs if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to generate Nuget packages." exit 1 fi } echo "Commencing CoreCLR Repo build" # Argument types supported by this script: # # Build architecture - valid values are: x64, ARM. # Build Type - valid values are: Debug, Checked, Release # # Set the default arguments for build # Obtain the location of the bash script to figure out where the root of the repo is. __ProjectRoot="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" # Use uname to determine what the CPU is. CPUName=$(uname -p) # Some Linux platforms report unknown for platform, but the arch for machine. if [ "$CPUName" == "unknown" ]; then CPUName=$(uname -m) fi case $CPUName in i686) echo "Unsupported CPU $CPUName detected, build might not succeed!" __BuildArch=x86 __HostArch=x86 ;; x86_64) __BuildArch=x64 __HostArch=x64 ;; armv7l) echo "Unsupported CPU $CPUName detected, build might not succeed!" __BuildArch=arm __HostArch=arm ;; aarch64) __BuildArch=arm64 __HostArch=arm64 ;; amd64) __BuildArch=x64 __HostArch=x64 ;; *) echo "Unknown CPU $CPUName detected, configuring as if for x64" __BuildArch=x64 __HostArch=x64 ;; esac # Use uname to determine what the OS is. OSName=$(uname -s) case $OSName in Linux) __BuildOS=Linux __HostOS=Linux ;; Darwin) __BuildOS=OSX __HostOS=OSX ;; FreeBSD) __BuildOS=FreeBSD __HostOS=FreeBSD ;; OpenBSD) __BuildOS=OpenBSD __HostOS=OpenBSD ;; NetBSD) __BuildOS=NetBSD __HostOS=NetBSD ;; SunOS) __BuildOS=SunOS __HostOS=SunOS ;; *) echo "Unsupported OS $OSName detected, configuring as if for Linux" __BuildOS=Linux __HostOS=Linux ;; esac __BuildType=Debug __CodeCoverage= __IgnoreWarnings=0 # Set the various build properties here so that CMake and MSBuild can pick them up __ProjectDir="$__ProjectRoot" __SourceDir="$__ProjectDir/src" __PackagesDir="${DotNetRestorePackagesPath:-${__ProjectDir}/.packages}" __RootBinDir="$__ProjectDir/bin" __UnprocessedBuildArgs= __CommonMSBuildArgs= __MSBCleanBuildArgs= __UseNinja=0 __VerboseBuild=0 __PgoInstrument=0 __PgoOptimize=1 __IbcTuning="" __ConfigureOnly=0 __SkipConfigure=0 __SkipManaged=0 __SkipRestore="" __SkipNuget=0 __SkipCoreCLR=0 __SkipCrossArchNative=0 __SkipMSCorLib=0 __SkipRestoreOptData=0 __SkipCrossgen=0 __CrossgenOnly=0 __PartialNgen=0 __SkipTests=0 __CrossBuild=0 __ClangMajorVersion=0 __ClangMinorVersion=0 __GccBuild=0 __GccMajorVersion=0 __GccMinorVersion=0 __NuGetPath="$__PackagesDir/NuGet.exe" __DistroRid="" __cmakeargs="" __SkipGenerateVersion=0 __PortableBuild=1 __msbuildonunsupportedplatform=0 __PgoOptDataVersion="" __IbcOptDataVersion="" __BuildManagedTools=1 __SkipRestoreArg="/p:RestoreDuringBuild=true" __SignTypeArg="" __OfficialBuildIdArg="" __StaticAnalyzer=0 # Get the number of processors available to the scheduler # Other techniques such as `nproc` only get the number of # processors available to a single process. if [ `uname` = "FreeBSD" ]; then __NumProc=`sysctl hw.ncpu | awk '{ print $2+1 }'` elif [ `uname` = "NetBSD" ]; then __NumProc=$(($(getconf NPROCESSORS_ONLN)+1)) elif [ `uname` = "Darwin" ]; then __NumProc=$(($(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)+1)) else __NumProc=$(nproc --all) fi while :; do if [ $# -le 0 ]; then break fi lowerI="$(echo $1 | awk '{print tolower($0)}')" case $lowerI in -\?|-h|--help) usage exit 1 ;; x86|-x86) __BuildArch=x86 ;; x64|-x64) __BuildArch=x64 ;; arm|-arm) __BuildArch=arm ;; armel|-armel) __BuildArch=armel ;; arm64|-arm64) __BuildArch=arm64 ;; debug|-debug) __BuildType=Debug ;; checked|-checked) __BuildType=Checked ;; release|-release) __BuildType=Release ;; coverage|-coverage) __CodeCoverage=Coverage ;; cross|-cross) __CrossBuild=1 ;; -portablebuild=false) __PortableBuild=0 ;; verbose|-verbose) __VerboseBuild=1 ;; stripsymbols|-stripsymbols) __cmakeargs="$__cmakeargs -DSTRIP_SYMBOLS=true" ;; clang3.5|-clang3.5) __ClangMajorVersion=3 __ClangMinorVersion=5 ;; clang3.6|-clang3.6) __ClangMajorVersion=3 __ClangMinorVersion=6 ;; clang3.7|-clang3.7) __ClangMajorVersion=3 __ClangMinorVersion=7 ;; clang3.8|-clang3.8) __ClangMajorVersion=3 __ClangMinorVersion=8 ;; clang3.9|-clang3.9) __ClangMajorVersion=3 __ClangMinorVersion=9 ;; clang4.0|-clang4.0) __ClangMajorVersion=4 __ClangMinorVersion=0 ;; clang5.0|-clang5.0) __ClangMajorVersion=5 __ClangMinorVersion=0 ;; clang6.0|-clang6.0) __ClangMajorVersion=6 __ClangMinorVersion=0 ;; clang7|-clang7) __ClangMajorVersion=7 __ClangMinorVersion= ;; gcc5|-gcc5) __GccMajorVersion=5 __GccMinorVersion= __GccBuild=1 ;; gcc6|-gcc6) __GccMajorVersion=6 __GccMinorVersion= __GccBuild=1 ;; gcc7|-gcc7) __GccMajorVersion=7 __GccMinorVersion= __GccBuild=1 ;; gcc8|-gcc8) __GccMajorVersion=8 __GccMinorVersion= __GccBuild=1 ;; gcc|-gcc) __GccMajorVersion= __GccMinorVersion= __GccBuild=1 ;; ninja|-ninja) __UseNinja=1 ;; pgoinstrument|-pgoinstrument) __PgoInstrument=1 ;; nopgooptimize|-nopgooptimize) __PgoOptimize=0 __SkipRestoreOptData=1 ;; ibcinstrument|-ibcinstrument) __IbcTuning="/Tuning" ;; configureonly|-configureonly) __ConfigureOnly=1 __SkipMSCorLib=1 __SkipNuget=1 ;; skipconfigure|-skipconfigure) __SkipConfigure=1 ;; skipnative|-skipnative) # Use "skipnative" to use the same option name as build.cmd. __SkipCoreCLR=1 ;; skipcoreclr|-skipcoreclr) # Accept "skipcoreclr" for backwards-compatibility. __SkipCoreCLR=1 ;; skipcrossarchnative|-skipcrossarchnative) __SkipCrossArchNative=1 ;; skipmanaged|-skipmanaged) __SkipManaged=1 ;; skipmscorlib|-skipmscorlib) __SkipMSCorLib=1 ;; skipgenerateversion|-skipgenerateversion) __SkipGenerateVersion=1 ;; skiprestoreoptdata|-skiprestoreoptdata) __SkipRestoreOptData=1 ;; skipcrossgen|-skipcrossgen) __SkipCrossgen=1 ;; crossgenonly|-crossgenonly) __SkipMSCorLib=1 __SkipCoreCLR=1 __CrossgenOnly=1 ;; partialngen|-partialngen) __PartialNgen=1 ;; skiptests|-skiptests) __SkipTests=1 ;; skipnuget|-skipnuget|skipbuildpackages|-skipbuildpackages) __SkipNuget=1 ;; ignorewarnings|-ignorewarnings) __IgnoreWarnings=1 __cmakeargs="$__cmakeargs -DCLR_CMAKE_WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS=OFF" ;; cmakeargs|-cmakeargs) if [ -n "$2" ]; then __cmakeargs="$__cmakeargs $2" shift else echo "ERROR: 'cmakeargs' requires a non-empty option argument" exit 1 fi ;; bindir|-bindir) if [ -n "$2" ]; then __RootBinDir="$2" if [ ! -d $__RootBinDir ]; then mkdir $__RootBinDir fi __RootBinParent=$(dirname $__RootBinDir) __RootBinName=${__RootBinDir##*/} __RootBinDir="$(cd $__RootBinParent &>/dev/null && printf %s/%s $PWD $__RootBinName)" shift else echo "ERROR: 'bindir' requires a non-empty option argument" exit 1 fi ;; msbuildonunsupportedplatform|-msbuildonunsupportedplatform) __msbuildonunsupportedplatform=1 ;; numproc|-numproc) if [ -n "$2" ]; then __NumProc="$2" shift else echo "ERROR: 'numproc' requires a non-empty option argument" exit 1 fi ;; osgroup|-osgroup) if [ -n "$2" ]; then __BuildOS="$2" shift else echo "ERROR: 'osgroup' requires a non-empty option argument" exit 1 fi ;; rebuild|-rebuild) echo "ERROR: 'Rebuild' is not supported. Please remove it." exit 1 ;; -skiprestore) __SkipRestoreArg="/p:RestoreDuringBuild=false" ;; -disableoss) __SignTypeArg="/p:SignType=real" ;; -officialbuildid=*) __Id=$(echo $1| cut -d'=' -f 2) __OfficialBuildIdArg="/p:OfficialBuildId=$__Id" ;; -staticanalyzer) __StaticAnalyzer=1 ;; --) # Skip -Option=Value style argument passing ;; *) __UnprocessedBuildArgs="$__UnprocessedBuildArgs $1" ;; esac shift done __CommonMSBuildArgs="/p:__BuildArch=$__BuildArch /p:__BuildType=$__BuildType /p:__BuildOS=$__BuildOS $__OfficialBuildIdArg $__SignTypeArg $__SkipRestoreArg" # Configure environment if we are doing a verbose build if [ $__VerboseBuild == 1 ]; then export VERBOSE=1 __CommonMSBuildArgs="$__CommonMSBuildArgs /v:detailed" fi # Set default clang version if [[ $__ClangMajorVersion == 0 && $__ClangMinorVersion == 0 ]]; then if [[ "$__BuildArch" == "arm" || "$__BuildArch" == "armel" ]]; then __ClangMajorVersion=5 __ClangMinorVersion=0 else __ClangMajorVersion=3 __ClangMinorVersion=9 fi fi # Set dependent variables __LogsDir="$__RootBinDir/Logs" __MsbuildDebugLogsDir="$__LogsDir/MsbuildDebugLogs" # Set the remaining variables based upon the determined build configuration __BinDir="$__RootBinDir/Product/$__BuildOS.$__BuildArch.$__BuildType" __PackagesBinDir="$__BinDir/.nuget" export __IntermediatesDir="$__RootBinDir/obj/$__BuildOS.$__BuildArch.$__BuildType" __isMSBuildOnNETCoreSupported=0 __CrossComponentBinDir="$__BinDir" __CrossArch="$__HostArch" if [ $__CrossBuild == 1 ]; then __CrossComponentBinDir="$__CrossComponentBinDir/$__CrossArch" fi __CrossGenCoreLibLog="$__LogsDir/CrossgenCoreLib_$__BuildOS.$__BuildArch.$__BuildType.log" # Configure environment if we are doing a cross compile. if [ $__CrossBuild == 1 ]; then export CROSSCOMPILE=1 if ! [[ -n "$ROOTFS_DIR" ]]; then export ROOTFS_DIR="$__ProjectRoot/cross/rootfs/$__BuildArch" fi fi # init the target distro name initTargetDistroRid if [ $__PortableBuild == 0 ]; then __CommonMSBuildArgs="$__CommonMSBuildArgs /p:PortableBuild=false" fi # Init if MSBuild for .NET Core is supported for this platform isMSBuildOnNETCoreSupported # CI_SPECIFIC - On CI machines, $HOME may not be set. In such a case, create a subfolder and set the variable to set. # This is needed by CLI to function. if [ -z "$HOME" ]; then if [ ! -d "$__ProjectDir/temp_home" ]; then mkdir temp_home fi export HOME=$__ProjectDir/temp_home echo "HOME not defined; setting it to $HOME" fi # Specify path to be set for CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. # This is where all built CoreClr libraries will copied to. export __CMakeBinDir="$__BinDir" # Make the directories necessary for build if they don't exist setup_dirs # Set up the directory for MSBuild debug logs. export MSBUILDDEBUGPATH="${__MsbuildDebugLogsDir}" # Check prereqs. check_prereqs # Restore the package containing profile counts for profile-guided optimizations restore_optdata # Generate event logging infrastructure sources generate_event_logging # Build the coreclr (native) components. __ExtraCmakeArgs="-DCLR_CMAKE_TARGET_OS=$__BuildOS -DCLR_CMAKE_PACKAGES_DIR=$__PackagesDir -DCLR_CMAKE_PGO_INSTRUMENT=$__PgoInstrument -DCLR_CMAKE_OPTDATA_VERSION=$__PgoOptDataVersion -DCLR_CMAKE_PGO_OPTIMIZE=$__PgoOptimize" # [TODO] Remove this when the `build-test.sh` script properly builds and deploys test assets. if [ $__SkipTests != 1 ]; then echo "Adding CMake flags to build native tests for $__BuildOS.$__BuildArch.$__BuildType" __ExtraCmakeArgs="$__ExtraCmakeArgs -DCLR_CMAKE_BUILD_TESTS=ON" fi build_native $__SkipCoreCLR "$__BuildArch" "$__IntermediatesDir" "$__ExtraCmakeArgs" "CoreCLR component" # Build cross-architecture components if [ $__SkipCrossArchNative != 1 ]; then if [[ $__CrossBuild == 1 ]]; then build_cross_architecture_components fi fi # Build System.Private.CoreLib. build_CoreLib if [ $__CrossgenOnly == 1 ]; then build_CoreLib_ni "$__BinDir/crossgen" fi # Generate nuget packages if [ $__SkipNuget != 1 ]; then generate_NugetPackages fi # Build complete echo "Repo successfully built." echo "Product binaries are available at $__BinDir" exit 0