@if not defined _echo @echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion EnableExtensions :: Define a prefix for most output progress messages that come from this script. That makes :: it easier to see where these are coming from. Note that there is a trailing space here. set "__MsgPrefix=BUILD: " echo %__MsgPrefix%Starting Build at %TIME% set __ThisScriptFull="%~f0" set __ThisScriptDir="%~dp0" call "%__ThisScriptDir%"\setup_vs_tools.cmd if NOT '%ERRORLEVEL%' == '0' exit /b 1 if defined VS160COMNTOOLS ( set "__VSToolsRoot=%VS160COMNTOOLS%" set "__VCToolsRoot=%VS160COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\Auxiliary\Build" set __VSVersion=vs2019 ) else if defined VS150COMNTOOLS ( set "__VSToolsRoot=%VS150COMNTOOLS%" set "__VCToolsRoot=%VS150COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\Auxiliary\Build" set __VSVersion=vs2017 ) :: Work around Jenkins CI + msbuild problem: Jenkins sometimes creates very large environment :: variables, and msbuild can't handle environment blocks with such large variables. So clear :: out the variables that might be too large. set ghprbCommentBody= :: Note that the msbuild project files (specifically, dir.proj) will use the following variables, if set: :: __BuildArch -- default: x64 :: __BuildType -- default: Debug :: __BuildOS -- default: Windows_NT :: __ProjectDir -- default: directory of the dir.props file :: __SourceDir -- default: %__ProjectDir%\src\ :: __PackagesDir -- default: %__ProjectDir%\packages\ :: __RootBinDir -- default: %__ProjectDir%\bin\ :: __BinDir -- default: %__RootBinDir%\%__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch.%__BuildType%\ :: __IntermediatesDir :: __PackagesBinDir -- default: %__BinDir%\.nuget :: __TestWorkingDir -- default: %__RootBinDir%\tests\%__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch.%__BuildType%\ :: :: Thus, these variables are not simply internal to this script! :: Set the default arguments for build set __BuildArch=x64 set __BuildType=Debug set __BuildOS=Windows_NT :: Set the various build properties here so that CMake and MSBuild can pick them up set "__ProjectDir=%~dp0" :: remove trailing slash if %__ProjectDir:~-1%==\ set "__ProjectDir=%__ProjectDir:~0,-1%" set "__ProjectFilesDir=%__ProjectDir%" set "__SourceDir=%__ProjectDir%\src" set "__PackagesDir=%DotNetRestorePackagesPath%" if [%__PackagesDir%]==[] set "__PackagesDir=%__ProjectDir%\packages" set "__RootBinDir=%__ProjectDir%\bin" set "__LogsDir=%__RootBinDir%\Logs" set "__MsbuildDebugLogsDir=%__LogsDir%\MsbuildDebugLogs" set __BuildAll= set __BuildArchX64=0 set __BuildArchX86=0 set __BuildArchArm=0 set __BuildArchArm64=0 set __BuildTypeDebug=0 set __BuildTypeChecked=0 set __BuildTypeRelease=0 set __PgoInstrument=0 set __PgoOptimize=1 set __EnforcePgo=0 set __IbcTuning= set __IbcOptimize=0 set __IbcOnly=0 REM __PassThroughArgs is a set of things that will be passed through to nested calls to build.cmd REM when using "all". set __PassThroughArgs= REM __UnprocessedBuildArgs are args that we pass to msbuild (e.g. /p:__BuildArch=x64) set "__args= %*" set processedArgs= set __UnprocessedBuildArgs= set __CommonMSBuildArgs= set __BuildCoreLib=1 set __BuildSOS=1 set __BuildNative=1 set __BuildCrossArchNative=0 set __SkipCrossArchNative=0 set __BuildTests=1 set __BuildPackages=1 set __BuildNativeCoreLib=1 set __BuildManagedTools=1 set __RestoreOptData=1 set __GenerateLayout=0 set __CrossgenAltJit= set __SkipRestoreArg= set __OfficialBuildIdArg= set __CrossArch= set __SkipNugetPackage=0 set __PgoOptDataVersion= set __IbcOptDataVersion= set __IbcMergeVersion= @REM CMD has a nasty habit of eating "=" on the argument list, so passing: @REM -priority=1 @REM appears to CMD parsing as "-priority 1". Handle -priority specially to avoid problems, @REM and allow the "-priority=1" syntax. set __Priority= :Arg_Loop if "%1" == "" goto ArgsDone if /i "%1" == "/?" goto Usage if /i "%1" == "-?" goto Usage if /i "%1" == "/h" goto Usage if /i "%1" == "-h" goto Usage if /i "%1" == "/help" goto Usage if /i "%1" == "-help" goto Usage if /i "%1" == "--help" goto Usage if /i "%1" == "-all" (set __BuildAll=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-x64" (set __BuildArchX64=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-x86" (set __BuildArchX86=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-arm" (set __BuildArchArm=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-arm64" (set __BuildArchArm64=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-debug" (set __BuildTypeDebug=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-checked" (set __BuildTypeChecked=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-release" (set __BuildTypeRelease=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) REM TODO these are deprecated remove them eventually REM don't add more, use the - syntax instead if /i "%1" == "all" (set __BuildAll=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "x64" (set __BuildArchX64=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "x86" (set __BuildArchX86=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "arm" (set __BuildArchArm=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "arm64" (set __BuildArchArm64=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "debug" (set __BuildTypeDebug=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "checked" (set __BuildTypeChecked=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "release" (set __BuildTypeRelease=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-priority" (set __Priority=%2&shift&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1=%2&shift&goto Arg_Loop) REM Explicitly block -Rebuild. if /i "%1" == "Rebuild" ( echo "ERROR: 'Rebuild' is not supported. Please remove it." goto Usage ) if /i "%1" == "-Rebuild" ( echo "ERROR: 'Rebuild' is not supported. Please remove it." goto Usage ) REM All arguments after this point will be passed through directly to build.cmd on nested invocations REM using the "all" argument, and must be added to the __PassThroughArgs variable. if [!__PassThroughArgs!]==[] ( set __PassThroughArgs=%1 ) else ( set __PassThroughArgs=%__PassThroughArgs% %1 ) if /i "%1" == "-freebsdmscorlib" (set __BuildSOS=0&set __BuildNativeCoreLib=0&set __BuildNative=0&set __BuildTests=0&set __BuildPackages=0&set __BuildManagedTools=0&set __BuildOS=FreeBSD&set __SkipNugetPackage=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-linuxmscorlib" (set __BuildSOS=0&set __BuildNativeCoreLib=0&set __BuildNative=0&set __BuildTests=0&set __BuildPackages=0&set __BuildManagedTools=0&set __BuildOS=Linux&set __SkipNugetPackage=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-netbsdmscorlib" (set __BuildSOS=0&set __BuildNativeCoreLib=0&set __BuildNative=0&set __BuildTests=0&set __BuildPackages=0&set __BuildManagedTools=0&set __BuildOS=NetBSD&set __SkipNugetPackage=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-osxmscorlib" (set __BuildSOS=0&set __BuildNativeCoreLib=0&set __BuildNative=0&set __BuildTests=0&set __BuildPackages=0&set __BuildManagedTools=0&set __BuildOS=OSX&set __SkipNugetPackage=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-windowsmscorlib" (set __BuildSOS=0&set __BuildNativeCoreLib=0&set __BuildNative=0&set __BuildTests=0&set __BuildPackages=0&set __BuildManagedTools=0&set __BuildOS=Windows_NT&set __SkipNugetPackage=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-nativemscorlib" (set __BuildNativeCoreLib=1&set __BuildCoreLib=0&set __BuildNative=0&set __BuildTests=0&set __BuildPackages=0&set __BuildManagedTools=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-configureonly" (set __ConfigureOnly=1&set __BuildNative=1&set __BuildNativeCoreLib=0&set __BuildCoreLib=0&set __BuildTests=0&set __BuildPackages=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-skipconfigure" (set __SkipConfigure=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-skipmscorlib" (set __BuildCoreLib=0&set __BuildNativeCoreLib=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-skipnative" (set __BuildNative=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-skipcrossarchnative" (set __SkipCrossArchNative=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-skiptests" (set __BuildTests=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-skipbuildpackages" (set __BuildPackages=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-skiprestoreoptdata" (set __RestoreOptData=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-generatelayout" (set __GenerateLayout=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-usenmakemakefiles" (set __NMakeMakefiles=1&set __ConfigureOnly=1&set __BuildNative=1&set __BuildNativeCoreLib=0&set __BuildCoreLib=0&set __BuildTests=0&set __BuildPackages=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-pgoinstrument" (set __PgoInstrument=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-enforcepgo" (set __EnforcePgo=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-nopgooptimize" (set __PgoOptimize=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-ibcoptimize" (set __IbcOptimize=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-ibconly" (set __IbcOptimize=1&set __IbcOnly=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-ibcinstrument" (set __IbcTuning=/Tuning&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-crossgenaltjit" (set __CrossgenAltJit=%2&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1 %2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop) REM TODO remove these once they are no longer used in buildpipeline if /i "%1" == "-skiprestore" (set __SkipRestoreArg=/p:RestoreDuringBuild=false&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "-OfficialBuildId" (set __OfficialBuildIdArg=/p:OfficialBuildId=%2&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1=%2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop) REM TODO these are deprecated remove them eventually REM don't add more, use the - syntax instead if /i "%1" == "freebsdmscorlib" (set __BuildSOS=0&set __BuildNativeCoreLib=0&set __BuildNative=0&set __BuildTests=0&set __BuildPackages=0&set __BuildManagedTools=0&set __BuildOS=FreeBSD&set __SkipNugetPackage=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "linuxmscorlib" (set __BuildSOS=0&set __BuildNativeCoreLib=0&set __BuildNative=0&set __BuildTests=0&set __BuildPackages=0&set __BuildManagedTools=0&set __BuildOS=Linux&set __SkipNugetPackage=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "netbsdmscorlib" (set __BuildSOS=0&set __BuildNativeCoreLib=0&set __BuildNative=0&set __BuildTests=0&set __BuildPackages=0&set __BuildManagedTools=0&set __BuildOS=NetBSD&set __SkipNugetPackage=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "osxmscorlib" (set __BuildSOS=0&set __BuildNativeCoreLib=0&set __BuildNative=0&set __BuildTests=0&set __BuildPackages=0&set __BuildManagedTools=0&set __BuildOS=OSX&set __SkipNugetPackage=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "windowsmscorlib" (set __BuildSOS=0&set __BuildNativeCoreLib=0&set __BuildNative=0&set __BuildTests=0&set __BuildPackages=0&set __BuildManagedTools=0&set __BuildOS=Windows_NT&set __SkipNugetPackage=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "nativemscorlib" (set __BuildNativeCoreLib=1&set __BuildCoreLib=0&set __BuildNative=0&set __BuildTests=0&set __BuildPackages=0&set __BuildManagedTools=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "configureonly" (set __ConfigureOnly=1&set __BuildNative=1&set __BuildNativeCoreLib=0&set __BuildCoreLib=0&set __BuildTests=0&set __BuildPackages=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "skipconfigure" (set __SkipConfigure=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "skipmscorlib" (set __BuildCoreLib=0&set __BuildNativeCoreLib=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "skipnative" (set __BuildNative=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "skipcrossarchnative" (set __SkipCrossArchNative=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "skiptests" (set __BuildTests=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "skipbuildpackages" (set __BuildPackages=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "skiprestoreoptdata" (set __RestoreOptData=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "generatelayout" (set __GenerateLayout=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "usenmakemakefiles" (set __NMakeMakefiles=1&set __ConfigureOnly=1&set __BuildNative=1&set __BuildNativeCoreLib=0&set __BuildCoreLib=0&set __BuildTests=0&set __BuildPackages=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "pgoinstrument" (set __PgoInstrument=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "nopgooptimize" (set __PgoOptimize=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "enforcepgo" (set __EnforcePgo=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "ibcoptimize" (set __IbcOptimize=1&set __PartialNgen=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "ibcinstrument" (set __IbcTuning=/Tuning&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "crossgenaltjit" (set __CrossgenAltJit=%2&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1 %2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop) REM TODO remove this once it's no longer used in buildpipeline if /i "%1" == "--" (set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if [!processedArgs!]==[] ( set __UnprocessedBuildArgs=%__args% ) else ( set __UnprocessedBuildArgs=%__args% for %%t in (!processedArgs!) do ( set __UnprocessedBuildArgs=!__UnprocessedBuildArgs:*%%t=! ) ) :ArgsDone @REM Special handling for -priority=N argument. if defined __Priority ( if defined __PassThroughArgs ( set __PassThroughArgs=%__PassThroughArgs% -priority=%__Priority% ) else ( set __PassThroughArgs=-priority=%__Priority% ) ) if defined __BuildAll goto BuildAll set /A __TotalSpecifiedBuildArch=__BuildArchX64 + __BuildArchX86 + __BuildArchArm + __BuildArchArm64 if %__TotalSpecifiedBuildArch% GTR 1 ( echo Error: more than one build architecture specified, but "all" not specified. goto Usage ) if %__BuildArchX64%==1 set __BuildArch=x64 if %__BuildArchX86%==1 set __BuildArch=x86 if %__BuildArchArm%==1 ( set __BuildArch=arm set __CrossArch=x86 ) if %__BuildArchArm64%==1 ( set __BuildArch=arm64 set __CrossArch=x64 ) set /A __TotalSpecifiedBuildType=__BuildTypeDebug + __BuildTypeChecked + __BuildTypeRelease if %__TotalSpecifiedBuildType% GTR 1 ( echo Error: more than one build type specified, but "all" not specified. goto Usage ) if %__BuildTypeDebug%==1 set __BuildType=Debug if %__BuildTypeChecked%==1 set __BuildType=Checked if %__BuildTypeRelease%==1 set __BuildType=Release set __CommonMSBuildArgs=/p:__BuildOS=%__BuildOS% /p:__BuildType=%__BuildType% /p:__BuildArch=%__BuildArch% !__SkipRestoreArg! !__OfficialBuildIdArg! if %__EnforcePgo%==1 ( if %__BuildArchArm%==1 ( echo NOTICE: enforcepgo does nothing on arm architecture ) if %__BuildArchArm64%==1 ( echo NOTICE: enforcepgo does nothing on arm64 architecture ) ) REM Determine if this is a cross-arch build. Only do cross-arch build if we're also building native. if %__SkipCrossArchNative% EQU 0 ( if %__BuildNative% EQU 1 ( if /i "%__BuildArch%"=="arm64" ( set __BuildCrossArchNative=1 ) if /i "%__BuildArch%"=="arm" ( set __BuildCrossArchNative=1 ) ) ) REM Set the remaining variables based upon the determined build configuration if %__PgoOptimize%==0 set __RestoreOptData=0 if /i %__BuildType% NEQ Release set __RestoreOptData=0 REM REVIEW: why no System.Private.CoreLib NuGet package build for ARM64? if /i "%__BuildArch%"=="arm64" set __SkipNugetPackage=0 set "__BinDir=%__RootBinDir%\Product\%__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType%" set "__IntermediatesDir=%__RootBinDir%\obj\%__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType%" if "%__NMakeMakefiles%"=="1" (set "__IntermediatesDir=%__RootBinDir%\nmakeobj\%__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType%") set "__PackagesBinDir=%__BinDir%\.nuget" set "__CrossComponentBinDir=%__BinDir%" set "__CrossCompIntermediatesDir=%__IntermediatesDir%\crossgen" if NOT "%__CrossArch%" == "" set __CrossComponentBinDir=%__CrossComponentBinDir%\%__CrossArch% set "__CrossGenCoreLibLog=%__LogsDir%\CrossgenCoreLib_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.log" set "__CrossgenExe=%__CrossComponentBinDir%\crossgen.exe" REM Generate path to be set for CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to contain forward slash set "__CMakeBinDir=%__BinDir%" set "__CMakeBinDir=%__CMakeBinDir:\=/%" if not exist "%__BinDir%" md "%__BinDir%" if not exist "%__IntermediatesDir%" md "%__IntermediatesDir%" if not exist "%__LogsDir%" md "%__LogsDir%" if not exist "%__MsbuildDebugLogsDir%" md "%__MsbuildDebugLogsDir%" REM Set up the directory for MSBuild debug logs. set MSBUILDDEBUGPATH=%__MsbuildDebugLogsDir% REM It is convenient to have your Nuget search path include the location where the build REM will place packages. However nuget used during the build will fail if that directory REM does not exist. Avoid this in at least one case by aggressively creating the directory. if not exist "%__BinDir%\.nuget\pkg" md "%__BinDir%\.nuget\pkg" echo %__MsgPrefix%Commencing CoreCLR product build REM Set the remaining variables based upon the determined build configuration echo %__MsgPrefix%Checking prerequisites set __CMakeNeeded=1 if %__BuildNative%==0 if %__BuildNativeCoreLib%==0 if %__BuildTests%==0 set __CMakeNeeded=0 if %__CMakeNeeded%==1 ( REM Eval the output from set-cmake-path.ps1 for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy ByPass "& ""%__SourceDir%\pal\tools\set-cmake-path.ps1"""') do %%a REM echo Using CMake from %CMakePath% ) REM NumberOfCores is an WMI property providing number of physical cores on machine REM processor(s). It is used to set optimal level of CL parallelism during native build step if not defined NumberOfCores ( REM Determine number of physical processor cores available on machine set TotalNumberOfCores=0 for /f "tokens=*" %%I in ( 'wmic cpu get NumberOfCores /value ^| find "=" 2^>NUL' ) do set %%I & set /a TotalNumberOfCores=TotalNumberOfCores+NumberOfCores set NumberOfCores=!TotalNumberOfCores! ) echo %__MsgPrefix%Number of processor cores %NumberOfCores% REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === Start the build steps REM === REM ========================================================================================= @if defined _echo @echo on call %__ProjectDir%\dotnet.cmd msbuild /nologo /verbosity:minimal /clp:Summary /nodeReuse:false^ /l:BinClashLogger,Tools/Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.dll;LogFile=binclash.log^ /p:RestoreDefaultOptimizationDataPackage=false /p:PortableBuild=true^ /p:UsePartialNGENOptimization=false /maxcpucount^ %__ProjectDir%\build.proj /t:GenerateVersionHeader /p:GenerateVersionHeader=true /p:NativeVersionHeaderFile="%__RootBinDir%\obj\_version.h"^ %__CommonMSBuildArgs% %__UnprocessedBuildArgs% REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === Restore optimization profile data REM === REM ========================================================================================= if %__RestoreOptData% EQU 1 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Restoring the OptimizationData Package call %__ProjectDir%\dotnet.cmd msbuild /nologo /verbosity:minimal /clp:Summary /nodeReuse:false^ /p:RestoreDefaultOptimizationDataPackage=false /p:PortableBuild=true^ /p:UsePartialNGENOptimization=false /maxcpucount^ ./build.proj /t:RestoreOptData^ %__CommonMSBuildArgs% %__UnprocessedBuildArgs% if not !errorlevel! == 0 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Failed to restore the optimization data package. exit /b 1 ) ) REM Parse the optdata package versions out of msbuild so that we can pass them on to CMake set OptDataProjectFilePath=%__ProjectDir%\src\.nuget\optdata\optdata.csproj for /f "tokens=*" %%s in ('call "%__ProjectDir%\dotnet.cmd" msbuild "%OptDataProjectFilePath%" /t:DumpPgoDataPackageVersion /nologo') do ( set __PgoOptDataVersion=%%s ) for /f "tokens=*" %%s in ('call "%__ProjectDir%\dotnet.cmd" msbuild "%OptDataProjectFilePath%" /t:DumpIbcDataPackageVersion /nologo') do ( set __IbcOptDataVersion=%%s ) REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === Generate source files for eventing REM === REM ========================================================================================= set __IntermediatesIncDir=%__IntermediatesDir%\src\inc set __IntermediatesEventingDir=%__IntermediatesDir%\Eventing REM Find python and set it to the variable PYTHON echo import sys; sys.stdout.write(sys.executable) | (py -3 || py -2 || python3 || python2 || python) > %TEMP%\pythonlocation.txt 2> NUL set /p PYTHON=<%TEMP%\pythonlocation.txt if NOT DEFINED PYTHON ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Could not find a python installation exit /b 1 ) if %__BuildNative% EQU 1 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Laying out dynamically generated files consumed by the native build system echo %__MsgPrefix%Laying out dynamically generated Event test files and etmdummy stub functions "!PYTHON!" -B -Wall %__SourceDir%\scripts\genEventing.py --inc %__IntermediatesIncDir% --dummy %__IntermediatesIncDir%\etmdummy.h --man %__SourceDir%\vm\ClrEtwAll.man --nonextern --noxplatheader|| exit /b 1 echo %__MsgPrefix%Laying out dynamically generated EventPipe Implementation "!PYTHON!" -B -Wall %__SourceDir%\scripts\genEventPipe.py --man %__SourceDir%\vm\ClrEtwAll.man --exc %__SourceDir%\vm\ClrEtwAllMeta.lst --intermediate %__IntermediatesEventingDir%\eventpipe --nonextern || exit /b 1 echo %__MsgPrefix%Laying out ETW event logging interface "!PYTHON!" -B -Wall %__SourceDir%\scripts\genEtwProvider.py --man %__SourceDir%\vm\ClrEtwAll.man --intermediate %__IntermediatesIncDir% --exc %__SourceDir%\vm\ClrEtwAllMeta.lst || exit /b 1 ) if %__BuildCoreLib% EQU 1 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Laying out dynamically generated EventSource classes "!PYTHON!" -B -Wall %__SourceDir%\scripts\genRuntimeEventSources.py --man %__SourceDir%\vm\ClrEtwAll.man --intermediate %__IntermediatesEventingDir% || exit /b 1 ) if %__BuildCrossArchNative% EQU 1 ( set __CrossCompIntermediatesIncDir=%__CrossCompIntermediatesDir%\src\inc set __CrossCompIntermediatesEventingDir=%__CrossCompIntermediatesDir%\eventing echo %__MsgPrefix%Laying out dynamically generated files consumed by the crossarch build system echo %__MsgPrefix%Laying out dynamically generated Event test files and etmdummy stub functions "!PYTHON!" -B -Wall %__SourceDir%\scripts\genEventing.py --inc !__CrossCompIntermediatesIncDir! --dummy !__CrossCompIntermediatesIncDir!\etmdummy.h --man %__SourceDir%\vm\ClrEtwAll.man --nonextern || exit /b 1 echo %__MsgPrefix%Laying out dynamically generated EventPipe Implementation "!PYTHON!" -B -Wall %__SourceDir%\scripts\genEventPipe.py --man %__SourceDir%\vm\ClrEtwAll.man --exc %__SourceDir%\vm\ClrEtwAllMeta.lst --intermediate !__CrossCompIntermediatesEventingDir!\eventpipe --nonextern || exit /b 1 echo %__MsgPrefix%Laying out dynamically generated EventSource classes "!PYTHON!" -B -Wall %__SourceDir%\scripts\genRuntimeEventSources.py --man %__SourceDir%\vm\ClrEtwAll.man --intermediate !__CrossCompIntermediatesEventingDir! || exit /b 1 echo %__MsgPrefix%Laying out ETW event logging interface "!PYTHON!" -B -Wall %__SourceDir%\scripts\genEtwProvider.py --man %__SourceDir%\vm\ClrEtwAll.man --intermediate !__CrossCompIntermediatesIncDir! --exc %__SourceDir%\vm\ClrEtwAllMeta.lst || exit /b 1 ) REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === Build the CLR VM REM === REM ========================================================================================= if %__BuildNative% EQU 1 ( REM Scope environment changes start { setlocal echo %__MsgPrefix%Commencing build of native components for %__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType% REM Set the environment for the native build set __VCBuildArch=x86_amd64 if /i "%__BuildArch%" == "x86" ( set __VCBuildArch=x86 ) if /i "%__BuildArch%" == "arm" ( set __VCBuildArch=x86_arm REM Make CMake pick the highest installed version in the 10.0.* range set ___SDKVersion="-DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=10.0" ) if /i "%__BuildArch%" == "arm64" ( set __VCBuildArch=x86_arm64 REM Make CMake pick the highest installed version in the 10.0.* range set ___SDKVersion="-DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=10.0" ) echo %__MsgPrefix%Using environment: "%__VCToolsRoot%\vcvarsall.bat" !__VCBuildArch! call "%__VCToolsRoot%\vcvarsall.bat" !__VCBuildArch! @if defined _echo @echo on if not defined VSINSTALLDIR ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: VSINSTALLDIR variable not defined. exit /b 1 ) if not exist "!VSINSTALLDIR!DIA SDK" goto NoDIA if defined __SkipConfigure goto SkipConfigure echo %__MsgPrefix%Regenerating the Visual Studio solution pushd "%__IntermediatesDir%" set __ExtraCmakeArgs=!___SDKVersion! "-DCLR_CMAKE_TARGET_OS=%__BuildOS%" "-DCLR_CMAKE_PACKAGES_DIR=%__PackagesDir%" "-DCLR_CMAKE_PGO_INSTRUMENT=%__PgoInstrument%" "-DCLR_CMAKE_OPTDATA_VERSION=%__PgoOptDataVersion%" "-DCLR_CMAKE_PGO_OPTIMIZE=%__PgoOptimize%" call "%__SourceDir%\pal\tools\gen-buildsys-win.bat" "%__ProjectDir%" %__VSVersion% %__BuildArch% !__ExtraCmakeArgs! @if defined _echo @echo on popd :SkipConfigure if not exist "%__IntermediatesDir%\install.vcxproj" ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: failed to generate native component build project! exit /b 1 ) if defined __ConfigureOnly goto SkipNativeBuild set __BuildLogRootName=CoreCLR set __BuildLog="%__LogsDir%\!__BuildLogRootName!_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.log" set __BuildWrn="%__LogsDir%\!__BuildLogRootName!_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.wrn" set __BuildErr="%__LogsDir%\!__BuildLogRootName!_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.err" set __MsbuildLog=/flp:Verbosity=normal;LogFile=!__BuildLog! set __MsbuildWrn=/flp1:WarningsOnly;LogFile=!__BuildWrn! set __MsbuildErr=/flp2:ErrorsOnly;LogFile=!__BuildErr! set __Logging=!__MsbuildLog! !__MsbuildWrn! !__MsbuildErr! call %__ProjectDir%\cmake_msbuild.cmd /nologo /verbosity:minimal /clp:Summary /nodeReuse:false^ /l:BinClashLogger,Tools/net46/Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.dll;LogFile=binclash.log^ /p:RestoreDefaultOptimizationDataPackage=false /p:PortableBuild=true^ /p:UsePartialNGENOptimization=false /maxcpucount %__IntermediatesDir%\install.vcxproj^ !__Logging! /p:Configuration=%__BuildType% /p:Platform=%__BuildArch% %__CommonMSBuildArgs% /m:2 %__UnprocessedBuildArgs% if not !errorlevel! == 0 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: native component build failed. Refer to the build log files for details: echo !__BuildLog! echo !__BuildWrn! echo !__BuildErr! exit /b 1 ) :SkipNativeBuild REM } Scope environment changes end endlocal ) REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === Build Cross-Architecture Native Components (if applicable) REM === REM ========================================================================================= if %__BuildCrossArchNative% EQU 1 ( REM Scope environment changes start { setlocal echo %__MsgPrefix%Commencing build of cross architecture native components for %__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType% REM Set the environment for the cross-arch native build set __VCBuildArch=x86_amd64 if /i "%__CrossArch%" == "x86" ( set __VCBuildArch=x86 ) echo %__MsgPrefix%Using environment: "%__VCToolsRoot%\vcvarsall.bat" !__VCBuildArch! call "%__VCToolsRoot%\vcvarsall.bat" !__VCBuildArch! @if defined _echo @echo on if not exist "%__CrossCompIntermediatesDir%" md "%__CrossCompIntermediatesDir%" if defined __SkipConfigure goto SkipConfigureCrossBuild pushd "%__CrossCompIntermediatesDir%" set __CMakeBinDir=%__CrossComponentBinDir% set "__CMakeBinDir=!__CMakeBinDir:\=/!" set __ExtraCmakeArgs="-DCLR_CROSS_COMPONENTS_BUILD=1" "-DCLR_CMAKE_TARGET_ARCH=%__BuildArch%" "-DCLR_CMAKE_TARGET_OS=%__BuildOS%" "-DCLR_CMAKE_PACKAGES_DIR=%__PackagesDir%" "-DCLR_CMAKE_PGO_INSTRUMENT=%__PgoInstrument%" "-DCLR_CMAKE_OPTDATA_VERSION=%__PgoOptDataVersion%" "-DCLR_CMAKE_PGO_OPTIMIZE=%__PgoOptimize%" "-DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=10.0" call "%__SourceDir%\pal\tools\gen-buildsys-win.bat" "%__ProjectDir%" %__VSVersion% %__CrossArch% !__ExtraCmakeArgs! @if defined _echo @echo on popd :SkipConfigureCrossBuild if not exist "%__CrossCompIntermediatesDir%\install.vcxproj" ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: failed to generate cross-arch components build project! exit /b 1 ) if defined __ConfigureOnly goto SkipCrossCompBuild set __BuildLogRootName=Cross set __BuildLog="%__LogsDir%\!__BuildLogRootName!_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.log" set __BuildWrn="%__LogsDir%\!__BuildLogRootName!_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.wrn" set __BuildErr="%__LogsDir%\!__BuildLogRootName!_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.err" set __MsbuildLog=/flp:Verbosity=normal;LogFile=!__BuildLog! set __MsbuildWrn=/flp1:WarningsOnly;LogFile=!__BuildWrn! set __MsbuildErr=/flp2:ErrorsOnly;LogFile=!__BuildErr! set __Logging=!_MsbuildLog! !__MsbuildWrn! !__MsbuildErr! call %__ProjectDir%\cmake_msbuild.cmd /nologo /verbosity:minimal /clp:Summary /nodeReuse:false^ /l:BinClashLogger,Tools/net46/Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.dll;LogFile=binclash.log^ /p:RestoreDefaultOptimizationDataPackage=false /p:PortableBuild=true^ /p:UsePartialNGENOptimization=false /maxcpucount^ %__CrossCompIntermediatesDir%\install.vcxproj^ !__Logging! /p:Configuration=%__BuildType% /p:Platform=%__CrossArch% %__CommonMSBuildArgs% /m:2 %__UnprocessedBuildArgs% if not !errorlevel! == 0 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: cross-arch components build failed. Refer to the build log files for details: echo !__BuildLog! echo !__BuildWrn! echo !__BuildErr! exit /b 1 ) :SkipCrossCompBuild REM } Scope environment changes end endlocal ) REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === CoreLib and NuGet package build section. REM === REM ========================================================================================= if %__BuildCoreLib% EQU 1 ( REM Scope environment changes start { setlocal if %__IbcOnly% EQU 0 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Commencing build of System.Private.CoreLib for %__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType% rem Explicitly set Platform causes conflicts in CoreLib project files. Clear it to allow building from VS x64 Native Tools Command Prompt set Platform= set __ExtraBuildArgs= if "%__BuildSOS%" == "0" ( set __ExtraBuildArgs=!__ExtraBuildArgs! /p:SkipSOS=true ) if "%__BuildManagedTools%" == "1" ( set __ExtraBuildArgs=!__ExtraBuildArgs! /p:BuildManagedTools=true ) if "%__SkipNugetPackage%" == "1" ( set __ExtraBuildArgs=!__ExtraBuildArgs! /p:BuildNugetPackage=false ) else ( set __ExtraBuildArgs=!__ExtraBuildArgs! /p:BuildNugetPackage=true ) set __BuildLogRootName=System.Private.CoreLib set __BuildLog="%__LogsDir%\!__BuildLogRootName!_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.log" set __BuildWrn="%__LogsDir%\!__BuildLogRootName!_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.wrn" set __BuildErr="%__LogsDir%\!__BuildLogRootName!_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.err" set __MsbuildLog=/flp:Verbosity=normal;LogFile=!__BuildLog! set __MsbuildWrn=/flp1:WarningsOnly;LogFile=!__BuildWrn! set __MsbuildErr=/flp2:ErrorsOnly;LogFile=!__BuildErr! set __Logging=!__MsbuildLog! !__MsbuildWrn! !__MsbuildErr! call %__ProjectDir%\dotnet.cmd msbuild /nologo /verbosity:minimal /clp:Summary /nodeReuse:false^ /l:BinClashLogger,Tools/Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.dll;LogFile=binclash.log^ /p:RestoreDefaultOptimizationDataPackage=false /p:PortableBuild=true^ /p:UsePartialNGENOptimization=false /maxcpucount^ %__ProjectDir%\build.proj^ !__Logging! %__CommonMSBuildArgs% !__ExtraBuildArgs! %__UnprocessedBuildArgs% if not !errorlevel! == 0 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: System.Private.CoreLib build failed. Refer to the build log files for details: echo !__BuildLog! echo !__BuildWrn! echo !__BuildErr! exit /b 1 ) ) if %__IbcOptimize% EQU 1 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Commencing IBCMerge of System.Private.CoreLib for %__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType% set IbcMergeProjectFilePath=%__ProjectDir%\src\.nuget\optdata\ibcmerge.csproj for /f "tokens=*" %%s in ('call "%__ProjectDir%\dotnet.cmd" msbuild "!IbcMergeProjectFilePath!" /t:DumpIbcMergePackageVersion /nologo') do @( set __IbcMergeVersion=%%s ) echo Restoring IBCMerge version !__IbcMergeVersion!... echo Running: %__ProjectDir%\dotnet.cmd restore src/.nuget/optdata/ibcmerge.csproj --no-cache --packages "%__PackagesDir%" --source "https://devdiv.pkgs.visualstudio.com/_packaging/dotnet-core-internal-tooling/nuget/v3/index.json" call %__ProjectDir%\dotnet.cmd restore src/.nuget/optdata/ibcmerge.csproj --no-cache --packages "%__PackagesDir%" --source "https://devdiv.pkgs.visualstudio.com/_packaging/dotnet-core-internal-tooling/nuget/v3/index.json" set IbcMergePath=%__PackagesDir%\microsoft.dotnet.ibcmerge\!__IbcMergeVersion!\tools\netcoreapp2.0\ibcmerge.dll if exist !IbcMergePath! ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Optimizing using IBC training data set OptimizationDataDir=%__PackagesDir%\optimization.%__BuildOS%-%__BuildArch%.IBC.CoreCLR\!__IbcOptDataVersion!\data\System.Private.CoreLib.dll\ set InputAssemblyFile=!OptimizationDataDir!System.Private.CoreLib.dll set TargetOptimizationDataFile=!OptimizationDataDir!System.Private.CoreLib.pgo if exist "!InputAssemblyFile!" ( set RawOptimizationDataFilePattern=!OptimizationDataDir!*.ibc set RawOptimizationDataFile= for %%x in (!RawOptimizationDataFilePattern!) do @( if [!RawOptimizationDataFile!] == [] ( set RawOptimizationDataFile="%%x" ) else ( set RawOptimizationDataFile=!RawOptimizationDataFile! "%%x" ) ) set IBCMergeCommand=%__ProjectDir%\dotnet.cmd --roll-forward-on-no-candidate-fx 2 "!IbcMergePath!" REM Merge the optimization data into the source DLL set NEXTCMD=!IBCMergeCommand! -q -f -delete -mo "!InputAssemblyFile!" !RawOptimizationDataFile! echo %__MsgPrefix%!NEXTCMD! >> "%__CrossGenCoreLibLog%" call !NEXTCMD! >> "%__CrossGenCoreLibLog%" 2>&1 if NOT !errorlevel! == 0 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: IbcMerge of System.Private.CoreLib build failed. Refer to %__CrossGenCoreLibLog% REM Put it in the same log, helpful for Jenkins type %__CrossGenCoreLibLog% goto CrossgenFailure ) REM Verify that the optimization data has been merged set NEXTCMD=!IBCMergeCommand! -mi "!InputAssemblyFile!" echo %__MsgPrefix%!NEXTCMD! >> "%__CrossGenCoreLibLog%" call !NEXTCMD! >> "%__CrossGenCoreLibLog%" 2>&1 if NOT !errorlevel! == 0 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: IbcMerge of System.Private.CoreLib build failed. Refer to %__CrossGenCoreLibLog% REM Put it in the same log, helpful for Jenkins type %__CrossGenCoreLibLog% goto CrossgenFailure ) REM Save the module as *.pgo to match the convention expected copy /y !InputAssemblyFile! !TargetOptimizationDataFile! ) if exist "!TargetOptimizationDataFile!" ( REM Customize IBCMerge's arguments depending on input props set IBCMergeArguments=-q -f -delete -mo "%__BinDir%\IL\System.Private.CoreLib.dll" -incremental "!TargetOptimizationDataFile!" REM Apply optimization data to the compiled assembly set NEXTCMD=!IBCMergeCommand! !IBCMergeArguments! echo %__MsgPrefix%!NEXTCMD! >> "%__CrossGenCoreLibLog%" call !NEXTCMD! >> "%__CrossGenCoreLibLog%" 2>&1 if NOT !errorlevel! == 0 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: IbcMerge of System.Private.CoreLib build failed. Refer to %__CrossGenCoreLibLog% REM Put it in the same log, helpful for Jenkins type %__CrossGenCoreLibLog% goto CrossgenFailure ) REM Verify that the optimization data has been applied set NEXTCMD=!IBCMergeCommand! -mi "%__BinDir%\IL\System.Private.CoreLib.dll" echo %__MsgPrefix%!NEXTCMD! >> "%__CrossGenCoreLibLog%" call !NEXTCMD! >> "%__CrossGenCoreLibLog%" 2>&1 if NOT !errorlevel! == 0 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: IbcMerge of System.Private.CoreLib build failed. Refer to %__CrossGenCoreLibLog% REM Put it in the same log, helpful for Jenkins type %__CrossGenCoreLibLog% goto CrossgenFailure ) ) else ( echo %__MsgPrefix%!TargetOptimizationDataFile! does not exist >> %__CrossGenCoreLibLog% echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: IbcMerge of System.Private.CoreLib build failed. Refer to %__CrossGenCoreLibLog% REM Put it in the same log, helpful for Jenkins type %__CrossGenCoreLibLog% goto CrossgenFailure ) ) else ( echo Could not find IBCMerge at !IbcMergePath! goto CrossgenFailure ) ) REM } Scope environment changes end endlocal ) REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === Build native System.Private.CoreLib. REM === REM ========================================================================================= REM Scope environment changes start { setlocal REM Need diasymreader.dll on your path for /CreatePdb set PATH=%PATH%;%WinDir%\Microsoft.Net\Framework64\V4.0.30319;%WinDir%\Microsoft.Net\Framework\V4.0.30319 if %__BuildNativeCoreLib% EQU 1 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Generating native image of System.Private.CoreLib for %__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType%. Logging to "%__CrossGenCoreLibLog%". if exist "%__CrossGenCoreLibLog%" del "%__CrossGenCoreLibLog%" REM Need VS native tools environment for the **target** arch when running instrumented binaries if %__PgoInstrument% EQU 1 ( set __VCExecArch=%__BuildArch% if /i [%__BuildArch%] == [x64] set __VCExecArch=amd64 echo %__MsgPrefix%Using environment: "%__VCToolsRoot%\vcvarsall.bat" !__VCExecArch! call "%__VCToolsRoot%\vcvarsall.bat" !__VCExecArch! @if defined _echo @echo on if NOT !errorlevel! == 0 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Failed to load native tools environment for !__VCExecArch! goto CrossgenFailure ) REM HACK: Workaround for [dotnet/coreclr#13970](https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/issues/13970) set __PgoRtPath= for /f "tokens=*" %%f in ('where pgort*.dll') do ( if not defined __PgoRtPath set "__PgoRtPath=%%~f" ) echo %__MsgPrefix%Copying "!__PgoRtPath!" into "%__BinDir%" copy /y "!__PgoRtPath!" "%__BinDir%" || ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: copy failed goto CrossgenFailure ) REM End HACK ) if defined __CrossgenAltJit ( REM Set altjit flags for the crossgen run. Note that this entire crossgen section is within a setlocal/endlocal scope, REM so we don't need to save or unset these afterwards. echo %__MsgPrefix%Setting altjit environment variables for %__CrossgenAltJit%. echo %__MsgPrefix%Setting altjit environment variables for %__CrossgenAltJit%. >> "%__CrossGenCoreLibLog%" set COMPlus_AltJit=* set COMPlus_AltJitNgen=* set COMPlus_AltJitName=%__CrossgenAltJit% set COMPlus_AltJitAssertOnNYI=1 set COMPlus_NoGuiOnAssert=1 set COMPlus_ContinueOnAssert=0 ) set NEXTCMD="%__CrossgenExe%" %__IbcTuning% /Platform_Assemblies_Paths "%__BinDir%"\IL /out "%__BinDir%\System.Private.CoreLib.dll" "%__BinDir%\IL\System.Private.CoreLib.dll" echo %__MsgPrefix%!NEXTCMD! echo %__MsgPrefix%!NEXTCMD! >> "%__CrossGenCoreLibLog%" !NEXTCMD! >> "%__CrossGenCoreLibLog%" 2>&1 if NOT !errorlevel! == 0 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: CrossGen System.Private.CoreLib build failed. Refer to %__CrossGenCoreLibLog% REM Put it in the same log, helpful for Jenkins type %__CrossGenCoreLibLog% goto CrossgenFailure ) set NEXTCMD="%__CrossgenExe%" /Platform_Assemblies_Paths "%__BinDir%" /CreatePdb "%__BinDir%\PDB" "%__BinDir%\System.Private.CoreLib.dll" echo %__MsgPrefix%!NEXTCMD! echo %__MsgPrefix%!NEXTCMD! >> "%__CrossGenCoreLibLog%" !NEXTCMD! >> "%__CrossGenCoreLibLog%" 2>&1 if NOT !errorlevel! == 0 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: CrossGen /CreatePdb System.Private.CoreLib build failed. Refer to %__CrossGenCoreLibLog% REM Put it in the same log, helpful for Jenkins type %__CrossGenCoreLibLog% goto CrossgenFailure ) ) REM } Scope environment changes end endlocal REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === Build packages REM === REM ========================================================================================= if %__BuildPackages% EQU 1 ( REM Scope environment changes start { setlocal echo %__MsgPrefix%Building Packages for %__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType% set __BuildLogRootName=Nuget set __BuildLog="%__LogsDir%\!__BuildLogRootName!_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.log" set __BuildWrn="%__LogsDir%\!__BuildLogRootName!_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.wrn" set __BuildErr="%__LogsDir%\!__BuildLogRootName!_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.err" set __MsbuildLog=/flp:Verbosity=normal;LogFile=!__BuildLog! set __MsbuildWrn=/flp1:WarningsOnly;LogFile=!__BuildWrn! set __MsbuildErr=/flp2:ErrorsOnly;LogFile=!__BuildErr! set __Logging=!__MsbuildLog! !__MsbuildWrn! !__MsbuildErr! REM The conditions as to what to build are captured in the builds file. call %__ProjectDir%\dotnet.cmd msbuild /nologo /verbosity:minimal /clp:Summary /nodeReuse:false^ /l:BinClashLogger,Tools/Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.dll;LogFile=binclash.log^ /p:RestoreDefaultOptimizationDataPackage=false /p:PortableBuild=true^ /p:UsePartialNGENOptimization=false /maxcpucount^ %__SourceDir%\.nuget\packages.builds^ !__Logging! /p:Platform=%__BuildArch% %__CommonMSBuildArgs% %__UnprocessedBuildArgs% if not !errorlevel! == 0 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Nuget package generation failed. Refer to the build log files for details: echo !__BuildLog! echo !__BuildWrn! echo !__BuildErr! exit /b 1 ) REM } Scope environment changes end endlocal ) REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === Test build section REM === REM ========================================================================================= if %__BuildTests% EQU 1 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Commencing build of tests for %__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType% set __PriorityArg= if defined __Priority ( set __PriorityArg=-priority=%__Priority% ) set NEXTCMD=call %__ProjectDir%\build-test.cmd %__BuildArch% %__BuildType% !__PriorityArg! %__UnprocessedBuildArgs% echo %__MsgPrefix%!NEXTCMD! !NEXTCMD! if not !errorlevel! == 0 ( REM buildtest.cmd has already emitted an error message and mentioned the build log file to examine. exit /b 1 ) ) else if %__GenerateLayout% EQU 1 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Generating layout for %__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType% set NEXTCMD=call %__ProjectDir%\tests\runtest.cmd %__BuildArch% %__BuildType% GenerateLayoutOnly %__UnprocessedBuildArgs% echo %__MsgPrefix%!NEXTCMD! !NEXTCMD! if not !errorlevel! == 0 ( REM runtest.cmd has already emitted an error message and mentioned the build log file to examine. exit /b 1 ) ) REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === All builds complete! REM === REM ========================================================================================= echo %__MsgPrefix%Build succeeded. Finished at %TIME% echo %__MsgPrefix%Product binaries are available at !__BinDir! exit /b 0 REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === Handle the "all" case. REM === REM ========================================================================================= :BuildAll set __BuildArchList= set /A __TotalSpecifiedBuildArch=__BuildArchX64 + __BuildArchX86 + __BuildArchArm + __BuildArchArm64 if %__TotalSpecifiedBuildArch% EQU 0 ( REM Nothing specified means we want to build all architectures. set __BuildArchList=x64 x86 arm arm64 ) REM Otherwise, add all the specified architectures to the list. if %__BuildArchX64%==1 set __BuildArchList=%__BuildArchList% x64 if %__BuildArchX86%==1 set __BuildArchList=%__BuildArchList% x86 if %__BuildArchArm%==1 set __BuildArchList=%__BuildArchList% arm if %__BuildArchArm64%==1 set __BuildArchList=%__BuildArchList% arm64 set __BuildTypeList= set /A __TotalSpecifiedBuildType=__BuildTypeDebug + __BuildTypeChecked + __BuildTypeRelease if %__TotalSpecifiedBuildType% EQU 0 ( REM Nothing specified means we want to build all build types. set __BuildTypeList=Debug Checked Release ) if %__BuildTypeDebug%==1 set __BuildTypeList=%__BuildTypeList% Debug if %__BuildTypeChecked%==1 set __BuildTypeList=%__BuildTypeList% Checked if %__BuildTypeRelease%==1 set __BuildTypeList=%__BuildTypeList% Release REM Create a temporary file to collect build results. We always build all flavors specified, and REM report a summary of the results at the end. set __AllBuildSuccess=true set __BuildResultFile=%TEMP%\build-all-summary-%RANDOM%.txt if exist %__BuildResultFile% del /f /q %__BuildResultFile% for %%i in (%__BuildArchList%) do ( for %%j in (%__BuildTypeList%) do ( call :BuildOne %%i %%j ) ) if %__AllBuildSuccess%==true ( echo %__MsgPrefix%All builds succeeded! exit /b 0 ) else ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Builds failed: type %__BuildResultFile% del /f /q %__BuildResultFile% exit /b 1 ) REM This code is unreachable, but leaving it nonetheless, just in case things change. exit /b 99 :BuildOne set __BuildArch=%1 set __BuildType=%2 set __NextCmd=call %__ThisScriptFull% %__BuildArch% %__BuildType% %__PassThroughArgs% echo %__MsgPrefix%Invoking: %__NextCmd% %__NextCmd% if not !errorlevel! == 0 ( echo %__MsgPrefix% %__BuildArch% %__BuildType% %__PassThroughArgs% >> %__BuildResultFile% set __AllBuildSuccess=false ) exit /b 0 REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === Helper routines REM === REM ========================================================================================= :CrossgenFailure exit /b 1 :Usage echo. echo Build the CoreCLR repo. echo. echo Usage: echo build.cmd [option1] [option2] echo or: echo build.cmd all [option1] [option2] echo. echo All arguments are optional. The options are: echo. echo.-? -h -help --help: view this message. echo -all: Builds all configurations and platforms. echo Build architecture: one of -x64, -x86, -arm, -arm64 ^(default: -x64^). echo Build type: one of -Debug, -Checked, -Release ^(default: -Debug^). echo mscorlib version: one of -freebsdmscorlib, -linuxmscorlib, -netbsdmscorlib, -osxmscorlib, echo or -windowsmscorlib. If one of these is passed, only System.Private.CoreLib is built, echo for the specified platform ^(FreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD, OS X or Windows, echo respectively^). echo add nativemscorlib to go further and build the native image for designated mscorlib. echo -nopgooptimize: do not use profile guided optimizations. echo -enforcepgo: verify after the build that PGO was used for key DLLs, and fail the build if not echo -pgoinstrument: generate instrumented code for profile guided optimization enabled binaries. echo -ibcinstrument: generate IBC-tuning-enabled native images when invoking crossgen. echo -ibcoptimize: use IBC data to optimize System.Private.CoreLib.dll echo -ibconly: only run the ibcoptimize step. Assumes an appropriate build already exists echo -configureonly: skip all builds; only run CMake ^(default: CMake and builds are run^) echo -skipconfigure: skip CMake ^(default: CMake is run^) echo -skipmscorlib: skip building System.Private.CoreLib ^(default: System.Private.CoreLib is built^). echo -skipnative: skip building native components ^(default: native components are built^). echo -skipcrossarchnative: skip building cross-architecture native components ^(default: components are built^). echo -skiptests: skip building tests ^(default: tests are built^). echo -skipbuildpackages: skip building nuget packages ^(default: packages are built^). echo -skiprestoreoptdata: skip restoring optimization data used by profile-based optimizations. echo -skiprestore: skip restoring packages ^(default: packages are restored during build^). echo -disableoss: Disable Open Source Signing for System.Private.CoreLib. echo -priority=^ : specify a set of test that will be built and run, with priority N. echo -officialbuildid=^: specify the official build ID to be used by this build. echo -crossgenaltjit ^: run crossgen using specified altjit ^(used for JIT testing^). echo portable : build for portable RID. echo. echo If "all" is specified, then all build architectures and types are built. If, in addition, echo one or more build architectures or types is specified, then only those build architectures echo and types are built. echo. echo For example: echo build -all echo -- builds all architectures, and all build types per architecture echo build -all -x86 echo -- builds all build types for x86 echo build -all -x64 -x86 -Checked -Release echo -- builds x64 and x86 architectures, Checked and Release build types for each exit /b 1 :NoDIA echo Error: DIA SDK is missing at "%VSINSTALLDIR%DIA SDK". ^ This is due to a bug in the Visual Studio installer. It does not install DIA SDK at "%VSINSTALLDIR%" but rather ^ at the install location of previous Visual Studio version. The workaround is to copy the DIA SDK folder from the Visual Studio install location ^ of the previous version to "%VSINSTALLDIR%" and then build. REM DIA SDK not included in Express editions echo Visual Studio Express does not include the DIA SDK. ^ You need Visual Studio 2017 or 2019 (Community is free). echo See: https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/blob/master/Documentation/project-docs/developer-guide.md#prerequisites exit /b 1