#!/usr/bin/env bash # Stop script on NZEC set -e # Stop script if unbound variable found (use ${var:-} if intentional) set -u # By default cmd1 | cmd2 returns exit code of cmd2 regardless of cmd1 success # This is causing it to fail set -o pipefail __PROJECT_DIR=${1:-} __DOTNET_CMD=${2:-} __TOOLRUNTIME_DIR=${3:-} __PACKAGES_DIR=${4:-$__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR} __TOOLS_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd -P) __MICROBUILD_VERSION=0.2.0 __PORTABLETARGETS_VERSION=0.1.1-dev __ROSLYNCOMPILER_VERSION=2.8.0-beta2-62719-08 __PORTABLETARGETS_PROJECT_CONTENT=" netcoreapp1.0;net46 true " __PUBLISH_TFM=netcoreapp2.0 __INIT_TOOLS_RESTORE_ARGS="--source https://dotnet.myget.org/F/dotnet-buildtools/api/v3/index.json --source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json ${__INIT_TOOLS_RESTORE_ARGS:-}" __TOOLRUNTIME_RESTORE_ARGS="--source https://dotnet.myget.org/F/dotnet-core/api/v3/index.json ${__INIT_TOOLS_RESTORE_ARGS}" if [ ! -d "$__PROJECT_DIR" ]; then echo "ERROR: Cannot find project root path at '$__PROJECT_DIR'. Please pass in the source directory as the 1st parameter." exit 1 fi if [ ! -e "$__DOTNET_CMD" ]; then echo "ERROR: Cannot find dotnet.exe at path '$__DOTNET_CMD'. Please pass in the path to dotnet.exe as the 2nd parameter." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR" ]; then echo "ERROR: Please pass in the tools directory as the 3rd parameter." exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "$__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR" ]; then mkdir $__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR fi cp -R $__TOOLS_DIR/* $__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR __TOOLRUNTIME_PROJECT=$__TOOLS_DIR/tool-runtime/project.csproj echo "Running: $__DOTNET_CMD restore \"${__TOOLRUNTIME_PROJECT}\" $__TOOLRUNTIME_RESTORE_ARGS" $__DOTNET_CMD restore "${__TOOLRUNTIME_PROJECT}" $__TOOLRUNTIME_RESTORE_ARGS echo "Running: $__DOTNET_CMD publish --no-restore \"${__TOOLRUNTIME_PROJECT}\" -f ${__PUBLISH_TFM} -o $__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR" $__DOTNET_CMD publish --no-restore "${__TOOLRUNTIME_PROJECT}" -f ${__PUBLISH_TFM} -o $__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR # Copy Portable Targets Over to ToolRuntime if [ ! -d "${__PACKAGES_DIR}/generated" ]; then mkdir "${__PACKAGES_DIR}/generated"; fi __PORTABLETARGETS_PROJECT=${__PACKAGES_DIR}/generated/project.csproj echo $__PORTABLETARGETS_PROJECT_CONTENT > "${__PORTABLETARGETS_PROJECT}" echo "Running: \"$__DOTNET_CMD\" restore \"${__PORTABLETARGETS_PROJECT}\" $__INIT_TOOLS_RESTORE_ARGS --packages \"${__PACKAGES_DIR}/.\"" $__DOTNET_CMD restore "${__PORTABLETARGETS_PROJECT}" $__INIT_TOOLS_RESTORE_ARGS --packages "${__PACKAGES_DIR}/." # Copy portable and MicroBuild targets from packages, allowing for lowercased package IDs. cp -R "${__PACKAGES_DIR}"/[Mm]icrosoft.[Pp]ortable.[Tt]argets/"${__PORTABLETARGETS_VERSION}/contentFiles/any/any/Extensions/." "$__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR/." cp -R "${__PACKAGES_DIR}"/[Mm]icro[Bb]uild.[Cc]ore/"${__MICROBUILD_VERSION}/build/." "$__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR/." # Temporary Hacks to fix couple of issues in the msbuild and roslyn nuget packages # https://github.com/dotnet/buildtools/issues/1464 [ -e "$__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR/Microsoft.CSharp.Targets" ] || mv "$__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR/Microsoft.CSharp.targets" "$__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR/Microsoft.CSharp.Targets" # Copy some roslyn files over cp $__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR/runtimes/any/native/* $__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR/ #Temporarily rename roslyn compilers to have exe extension cp ${__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR}/csc.dll ${__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR}/csc.exe cp ${__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR}/vbc.dll ${__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR}/vbc.exe #Copy RID specific assets to the tools dir since we don't have a deps.json for .NETCore msbuild cp ${__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR}/runtimes/unix/lib/netstandard1.3/*.dll $__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR/ # Override versions in runtimeconfig.json files with highest available runtime version. __MNCA_FOLDER=$(dirname $__DOTNET_CMD)/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App __HIGHEST_RUNTIME_VERSION=`ls $__MNCA_FOLDER | sed 'r/\([0-9]\+\).*/\1/g' | sort -n | tail -1` sed -i -e "s/1.1.0/$__HIGHEST_RUNTIME_VERSION/g" $__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR/*.runtimeconfig.json # Restore ILAsm, if requested in the environment. __ILASM_PACKAGE_VERSION="${ILASMCOMPILER_VERSION:-}" if [ "$__ILASM_PACKAGE_VERSION" ]; then echo "Restoring ILAsm version '$__ILASM_PACKAGE_VERSION'..." __ILASM_PACKAGE_RID="${NATIVE_TOOLS_RID:-}" if [ "$__ILASM_PACKAGE_RID" == "" ]; then echo "ERROR: Please specify native package RID." exit 1 fi echo "Running: \"$__DOTNET_CMD\" build \"${__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR}/ilasm/ilasm.depproj\"" $__DOTNET_CMD build "${__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR}/ilasm/ilasm.depproj" --packages "${__PACKAGES_DIR}/." --source https://dotnet.myget.org/F/dotnet-core/api/v3/index.json -r $__ILASM_PACKAGE_RID -p:ILAsmPackageVersion=$__ILASM_PACKAGE_VERSION fi # Download the package version props file, if passed in the environment. __PACKAGE_VERSION_PROPS_URL="${PACKAGEVERSIONPROPSURL:-}" __PACKAGE_VERSION_PROPS_PATH="$__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR/DownloadedPackageVersions.props" if [ "$__PACKAGE_VERSION_PROPS_URL" ]; then echo "Downloading package version props from '$__PACKAGE_VERSION_PROPS_URL' to '$__PACKAGE_VERSION_PROPS_PATH'..." # Copied from CoreFX init-tools.sh if command -v curl > /dev/null; then echo "Using curl to download the the package version props" curl --retry 10 -sSL --create-dirs -o "$__PACKAGE_VERSION_PROPS_PATH" "$__PACKAGE_VERSION_PROPS_URL" exit_Code=$? download_Method="curl" else echo "Using wget to download the the package version props" wget -q -O "$__PACKAGE_VERSION_PROPS_PATH" "$__PACKAGE_VERSION_PROPS_URL" exit_Code=$? download_Method="wget" fi if [ $exit_Code -ne 0 ]; then echo "$download_Method returned exit code $exit_Code" fi echo "Successfully downloaded package version props:" cat "$__PACKAGE_VERSION_PROPS_PATH" fi exit 0