import os import platform import urllib import urllib2 import glob import time import sys import subprocess import string import traceback def get_timestamp(): print(time.time()) def install_dumpling(): try: if (not os.path.isfile(dumplingPath)): url = "" scriptPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) downloadLocation = scriptPath + "/" response = urllib2.urlopen(url) if response.getcode() == 200: with open(downloadLocation, 'w') as f: f.write([sys.executable, downloadLocation, "install", "--update"]) else: raise urllib2.URLError("HTTP Status Code" + str(result.getcode()))[sys.executable, dumplingPath, "install"]) except urllib2.HTTPError, e: print("Dumpling cannot be installed from " + url + " due to: " + str(e).replace(':', '')) # Remove : to avoid looking like error format except urllib2.URLError, e: print("Dumpling cannot be installed from " + url + " due to: " + str(e.reason)) except: print("An unexpected error was encountered while installing " + traceback.format_exc()) def ensure_installed(): if (not os.path.isfile(dumplingPath)): print("Dumpling has not been installed yet. Please run \" install_dumpling\" before collect_dumps.") return False else: return True def find_latest_dump(folder, startTimeStr): startTime = float(startTimeStr) globPattern = "/*"; # Outside of Windows, core files are generally dumped into the executable's directory, # so it may have many other files in it. Filter those out. if sys.platform != "win32": globPattern = "/*core*" allFiles = glob.glob(folder + globPattern); if allFiles: latestFile = max(allFiles, key=os.path.getmtime) latestTime = os.path.getmtime(latestFile) if (latestTime > startTime): return latestFile return None def collect_dump(exitcodeStr, folder, startTimeStr, projectName, incpaths): exitcode = int(exitcodeStr) if (exitcode == 0): sys.exit(exitcode) if not ensure_installed(): sys.exit(exitcode) if (not incpaths is None): # Normalize incpaths so it can be passed to incpaths = incpaths.split(",") incpaths = string.join(incpaths, " ") # Find candidate crash dumps in the given folder. print("Trying to find crash dumps for project: " + projectName) file = find_latest_dump(folder, startTimeStr) if (file is None): print("No new dump file was found in " + folder) else: # File was found; upload it. print("Uploading dump file: " + file) procArgs = string.join([ sys.executable, dumplingPath, "upload", "--dumppath", file, "--noprompt", "--triage", "none", "--displayname", projectName, "--properties", "STRESS_TESTID="+projectName ], " "); if (not incpaths is None): procArgs = procArgs + " --incpaths " + incpaths, shell=True) sys.exit(exitcode) def print_usage(): print(" ") print("Commands:") print(" install_dumpling:") print(" - Installs dumpling globally on the machine.") print(" get_timestamp:") print(" - Prints out the current timestamp of the machine.") print(" collect_dump :") print(" - Collects and uploads the latest dump (after start time) from the folder to the dumpling service.") # Main def main(argv): if (len(argv) <= 1): print_usage() sys.exit(1) if (argv[1] == "install_dumpling"): install_dumpling() elif (argv[1] == "get_timestamp"): get_timestamp() elif (argv[1] == "collect_dump"): if (len(argv) == 6): collect_dump(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5], None) elif (len(argv) == 7): collect_dump(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5], argv[6]) else: print("Invalid number of arguments passed to collect_dump.") sys.exit(1) else: print(argv[1] + " is not a valid command.") print_usage() sys.exit(1) dumplingPath = os.path.expanduser("~/.dumpling/") if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv)