JIT Optimizer Planning Guide ============================ The goal of this document is to capture some thinking about the process used to prioritize and validate optimizer investments. The overriding goal of such investments is to help ensure that the dotnet platform satisfies developers' performance needs. Benchmarking ------------ There are a number of public benchmarks which evaluate different platforms' relative performance, so naturally dotnet's scores on such benchmarks give some indication of how well it satisfies developers' performance needs. The JIT team has used some of these benchmarks, particularly [TechEmpower](https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/) and [Benchmarks Game](http://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/), for scouting out optimization opportunities and prioritizing optimization improvements. While it is important to track scores on such benchmarks to validate performance changes in the dotnet platform as a whole, when it comes to planning and prioritizing JIT optimization improvements specifically, they aren't sufficient, due to a few well-known issues: - For macro-benchmarks, such as TechEmpower, compiler optimization is often not the dominant factor in performance. The effects of individual optimizer changes are most often in the sub-percent range, well below the noise level of the measurements, which will usually be at least 3% or so even for the most well-behaved macro-benchmarks. - Source-level changes can be made much more rapidly than compiler optimization changes. This means that for anything we're trying to track where the whole team is effecting changes in source, runtime, etc., any particular code sequence we may target with optimization improvements may well be targeted with source changes in the interim, nullifying the measured benefit of the optimization change when it is eventually merged. Source/library/runtime changes are in play for TechEmpower and Benchmarks Game both. Compiler micro-benchmarks (like those in our [test tree](https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/tree/master/tests/src/JIT/Performance/CodeQuality)) don't share these issues, and adding them as optimizations are implemented is critical for validation and regression prevention; however, micro-benchmarks often aren't as representative of real-world code, and therefore not as reflective of developers' performance needs, so aren't well suited for scouting out and prioritizing opportunities. Benefits of JIT Optimization ---------------------------- While source changes can more rapidly and dramatically effect changes to targeted hot code sequences in macro-benchmarks, compiler changes have the advantage that they apply broadly to all compiled code. One of the best reasons to invest in compiler optimization improvements is to capitalize on this. A few specific benefits: - Optimizer changes can effect "peanut-butter" improvements; by making an improvement which is small in any particular instance to a code sequence that is repeated thousands of times across a codebase, they can produce substantial cumulative wins. These should accrue toward the standard metrics (benchmark scores and code size), but identifying the most profitable "peanut-butter" opportunities is difficult. Improving our methodology for identifying such opportunities would be helpful; some ideas are below. - Optimizer changes can unblock coding patterns that performance-sensitive developers want to employ but consider prohibitively expensive. They may have inelegant works-around in their code, such as gotos for loop-exiting returns to work around poor block layout, manually scalarized structs to work around poor struct promotion, manually unrolled loops to work around lack of loop unrolling, limited use of lambdas to work around inefficient access to heap-allocated closures, etc. The more the optimizer can improve such situations, the better, as it both increases developer productivity and increases the usefulness of abstractions provided by the language and libraries. Finding a measurable metric to track this type of improvement poses a challenge, but would be a big help toward prioritizing and validating optimization improvements; again, some ideas are below. Brainstorm ---------- Listed here are several ideas for undertakings we might pursue to improve our ability to identify opportunities and validate/track improvements that mesh with the benefits discussed above. Thinking here is in the early stages, but the hope is that with some thought/discussion some of these will surface as worth investing in. - Is there telemetry we can implement/analyze to identify "peanut-butter" opportunities, or target "coding pattern"s? Probably easier to use this to evaluate/prioritize patterns we're considering targeting than to identify the patterns in the first place. - Can we construct some sort of "peanut-butter profiler"? The idea would roughly be to aggregate samples/counters under particular input constructs rather than aggregate them under callstack. Might it be interesting to group by MSIL opcode, or opcode pair, or opcode triplet... ? - It might behoove us to build up some SPMI traces that could be data-mined for any of these experiments. - We should make it easy to view machine code emitted by the jit, and to collect profiles and correlate them with that machine code. This could benefit any developers doing performance analysis of their own code. The JIT team has discussed this, options include building something on top of the profiler APIs, enabling COMPlus_JitDisasm in release builds, and shipping with or making easily available an alt jit that supports JitDisasm. - Hardware companies maintain optimization/performance guides for their ISAs. Should we maintain one for MSIL and/or C# (and/or F#)? If we hosted such a thing somewhere publicly votable, we could track which anti-patterns people find most frustrating to avoid, and subsequent removal of them. Does such a guide already exist somewhere, that we could use as a starting point? Should we collate GitHub issues or Stack Overflow issues to create such a thing? - Maybe we should expand our labels on GitHub so that there are sub-areas within "optimization"? It could help prioritize by letting us compare the relative sizes of those buckets. - Can we more effectively leverage the legacy JIT codebases for comparative analysis? We've compared micro-benchmark performance against Jit64 and manually compared disassembly of hot code, what else can we do? One concrete idea: run over some large corpus of code (SPMI?), and do a path-length comparison e.g. by looking at each sequence of k MSIL instructions (for some small k), and for each combination of k opcodes collect statistics on the size of generated machine code (maybe using debug line number info to do the correlation?), then look for common sequences which are much longer with RyuJIT. - Maybe hook RyuJIT up to some sort of superoptimizer to identify opportunities? - Microsoft Research has done some experimenting that involved converting RyuJIT IR to LLVM IR; perhaps we could use this to identify common expressions that could be much better optimized. - What's a practical way to establish a metric of "unblocked coding patterns"? - How developers give feedback about patterns/performance could use some thought; the GitHub issue list is open, but does it need to be publicized somehow? We perhaps should have some regular process where we pull issues over from other places where people report/discuss dotnet performance issues, like [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/performance+.net).