Get the .NET Core DNX SDK on Windows ==================================== These instructions will lead you through acquiring the .NET Core DNX SDK via the [.NET Version Manager (DNVM)]( and running a "Hello World" demo on Windows. The instructions use a particular set of paths. You'll need to adjust if you want to use a different set. These instructions are for .NET Core console apps. If you want to try out ASP.NET 5 on top of .NET Core - which is a great idea - check out the [ASP.NET 5 instructions]( .NET Core NuGet packages and the .NET Core DNX SDKs are available on the [ASP.NET 'vnext' myget feed](, which you can more easily view on [gallery]( for the feed. You can also acquire .NET Core directly via [NuGet restore]( or [build from source](../building/ Installing DNVM =============== You need DNVM as a starting point. DNVM enables you to acquire a (or multiple) .NET Execution Environment (DNX). DNVM is simply a script, which doesn't depend on .NET. You can install it via a PowerShell command. You can find alternate DNVM install instructions at the [ASP.NET Home repo]( C:\coreclr-demo> @powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "&{$Branch='dev';iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))}" You must close your command-prompt and start a new one in order for the user-wide environment variables to take effect. You can see the currently installed DNX versions with `dnvm list`, which will display an empty set of installed runtimes. C:\coreclr-demo> dnvm list Installing a .NET Core DNX ========================== It's easy to install the latest .NET Core-based DNX, using the `dnvm install` command. The `-u` (or `-Unstable`) parameter installs latest unstable version. C:\coreclr-demo> dnvm install -r coreclr latest -u This will install the 32-bit version of .NET Core. If you want the 64-bit version, you can specify processor architecture: C:\coreclr-demo> dnvm install -r coreclr -arch x64 latest -u You can see the currently installed DNX versions with `dnvm list` (your display may vary as new versions of the DNX are published): C:\coreclr-demo>dnvm list ``` Active Version Runtime Architecture Location Alias ------ ------- ------- ------------ -------- ----- 1.0.0-beta7-12364 coreclr x86 C:\Users\rlander\.dnx\runtimes 1.0.0-beta7-12364 coreclr x64 C:\Users\rlander\.dnx\runtimes ``` You can choose which of these DNXs you want to use with `dnvm use`, with similar arguments. ``` C:\coreclr-demo>dnvm use -r coreclr -arch x86 1.0.0-beta7-12364 Adding C:\Users\rlander\.dnx\runtimes\dnx-coreclr-win-x86.1.0.0-beta7-12364\bin to process PATH C:\coreclr-demo>dnvm list Active Version Runtime Architecture Location Alias ------ ------- ------- ------------ -------- ----- * 1.0.0-beta7-12364 coreclr x86 C:\Users\rlander\.dnx\runtimes 1.0.0-beta7-12364 coreclr x64 C:\Users\rlander\.dnx\runtimes ``` Write your App ============== You need a Hello World application to run. You can write your own, if you'd like. Here's a very simple one: ```csharp using System; public class Program { public static void Main (string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello, Windows"); Console.WriteLine("Love from CoreCLR."); } } ``` Some people on the .NET Core team are partial to a demo console app on corefxlab repo which will print a picture for you. Download the [corefxlab demo]( to `C:\coreclr-demo`. You need a `project.json` that matches your app. Use this one. It will work for both of the apps provided/referenced above. Save the project.json beside your app. ``` { "version": "1.0.0-*", "dependencies": { }, "frameworks" : { "dnx451" : { }, "dnxcore50" : { "dependencies": { "System.Console": "4.0.0-beta-*" } } } } ``` Run your App ============ You need to restore packages for your app, based on your project.json, with `dnu restore`. C:\coreclr-demo> dnu restore You can run your app with the DNX command. C:\coreclr-demo> dnx run Hello, Windows Love from CoreCLR.