Cross Compilation for Android on Linux ====================================== Through cross compilation, on Linux it is possible to build CoreCLR for arm64 Android. Requirements ------------ You'll need to generate a toolchain and a sysroot for Android. There's a script which takes care of the required steps. Generating the rootfs --------------------- To generate the rootfs, run the following command in the `coreclr` folder: ``` cross/ ``` This will download the NDK and any packages required to compile Android on your system. It's over 1 GB of data, so it may take a while. Cross compiling CoreCLR ----------------------- Once the rootfs has been generated, it will be possible to cross compile CoreCLR. When cross compiling, you need to set both the `CONFIG_DIR` and `ROOTFS_DIR` variables. To compile for arm64, run: ``` CONFIG_DIR=`realpath cross/android/arm64` ROOTFS_DIR=`realpath cross/android-rootfs/toolchain/arm64/sysroot` ./ cross arm64 skipgenerateversion skipmscorlib cmakeargs -DENABLE_LLDBPLUGIN=0 ``` The resulting binaries will be found in `bin/Product/Linux.BuildArch.BuildType/` Running the PAL tests on Android -------------------------------- You can run the PAL tests on an Android device. To run the tests, you first copy the PAL tests to your Android phone using `adb`, and then run them in an interactive Android shell using `adb shell`: To copy the PAL tests over to an Android phone: ``` adb push bin/obj/Linux.arm64.Debug/src/pal/tests/palsuite/ /data/local/tmp/coreclr/src/pal/tests/palsuite adb push cross/android/toolchain/arm64/sysroot/usr/lib/ /data/local/tmp/coreclr/lib adb push cross/android/toolchain/arm64/sysroot/usr/lib/ /data/local/tmp/coreclr/lib adb push cross/android/toolchain/arm64/sysroot/usr/lib/ /data/local/tmp/coreclr/lib/ adb push cross/android/toolchain/arm64/sysroot/usr/lib/ /data/local/tmp/coreclr/lib/ adb push src/pal/tests/palsuite/paltestlist.txt /data/local/tmp/coreclr adb push src/pal/tests/palsuite/ /data/local/tmp/coreclr/ ``` Then, use `adb shell` to launch a shell on Android. Inside that shell, you can launch the PAL tests: ``` LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/local/tmp/coreclr/lib ./ /data/local/tmp/coreclr/ ``` Debugging coreclr on Android ---------------------------- You can debug coreclr on Android using a remote lldb server which you run on your Android device. First, push the lldb server to Android: ``` adb push cross/android/lldb/2.2/android/arm64-v8a/lldb-server /data/local/tmp/ ``` Then, launch the lldb server on the Android device. Open a shell using `adb shell` and run: ``` adb shell cd /data/local/tmp ./lldb-server platform --listen *:1234 ``` After that, you'll need to forward port 1234 from your Android device to your PC: ``` adb forward tcp:1234 tcp:1234 ``` Finally, install lldb on your PC and connect to the debug server running on your Android device: ``` lldb-3.9 (lldb) platform select remote-android Platform: remote-android Connected: no (lldb) platform connect connect://localhost:1234 Platform: remote-android Triple: aarch64-*-linux-android OS Version: 23.0.0 (3.10.84-perf-gf38969a) Kernel: #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Sep 16 11:29:29 2016 Hostname: localhost Connected: yes WorkingDir: /data/local/tmp (lldb) target create coreclr/pal/tests/palsuite/file_io/CopyFileA/test4/paltest_copyfilea_test4 (lldb) env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/local/tmp/coreclr/lib (lldb) run ```