#The Book of the Runtime Welcome to the Book of the Runtime (BOTR) for the .NET Runtime. This contains a collection of articles about the non-trivial internals of the .NET Runtime. Its intended audience are people actually modifying the code or simply wishing to have a deep understanding of the runtime. Below is a table of contents. - [Book of the Runtime FAQ](botr-faq.md) - [Introduction to the Common Language Runtime](intro-to-clr.md) - [Garbage Collection Design](garbage-collection.md) - [Threading](threading.md) - [RyuJIT Overview](ryujit-overview.md) - [Porting RyuJIT to other platforms](porting-ryujit.md) - [Type System](type-system.md) - [Type Loader](type-loader.md) - [Method Descriptor](method-descriptor.md) - [Virtual Stub Dispatch](virtual-stub-dispatch.md) - [Stack Walking](stackwalking.md) - [Mscorlib and Calling Into the Runtime](mscorlib.md) - [Data Access Component (DAC) Notes](dac-notes.md) - [Profiling](profiling.md) - [Implementing Profilability](profilability.md) - [What Every Dev needs to Know About Exceptions in the Runtime](exceptions.md) - [ReadyToRun Overview](readytorun-overview.md) - [CLR ABI](clr-abi.md) It may be possible that this table is not complete. You can get a complete list by looking at the directory where all the chapters are stored: * [All Book of the Runtime (BOTR) chapters on GitHub](../botr)