System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class using no parameters. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified object as the new item. An to use as the new item value. Gets or sets the object to be added to the binding list. The to be added as a new item to the associated collection. Represents the method that will handle the event. The source of the event, typically a data container or data-bound collection. A that contains the event data. Specifies the value to pass to a property to cause the property to get its value from another source. This is known as ambience. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class, given a Boolean value for its value. The value of this attribute. Initializes a new instance of the class, given an 8-bit unsigned integer for its value. The value of this attribute. Initializes a new instance of the class, given a Unicode character for its value. The value of this attribute. Initializes a new instance of the class, given a double-precision floating-point number for its value. The value of this attribute. Initializes a new instance of the class, given a 16-bit signed integer for its value. The value of this attribute. Initializes a new instance of the class, given a 32-bit signed integer for its value. The value of this attribute. Initializes a new instance of the class, given a 64-bit signed integer for its value. The value of this attribute. Initializes a new instance of the class, given an object for its value. The value of this attribute. Initializes a new instance of the class, given a single-precision floating point number for its value. The value of this attribute. Initializes a new instance of the class, given a string for its value. The value of this attribute. Initializes a new instance of the class, given the value and its type. The of the parameter. The value for this attribute. Determines whether the specified is equal to the current . The to compare with the current . if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, . Returns the hash code for this instance. A hash code for the current . Gets the object that is the value of this . The object that is the value of this . Provides a type converter to convert objects to and from various other representations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Converts the given value object to the specified destination type. An that provides a format context. The culture into which will be converted. The to convert. The to convert the value to. An that represents the converted value. is . The conversion cannot be performed. Gets a collection of properties for the type of array specified by the value parameter. An that provides a format context. An that specifies the type of array to get the properties for. An array of type that will be used as a filter. A with the properties that are exposed for an array, or if there are no properties. Gets a value indicating whether this object supports properties. An that provides a format context. because should be called to find the properties of this object. This method never returns . Represents a collection of attributes. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. An array of type that provides the attributes for this collection. is . Gets the attribute collection. The attribute collection. Determines whether this collection of attributes has the specified attribute. An to find in the collection. if the collection contains the attribute or is the default attribute for the type of attribute; otherwise, . Determines whether this attribute collection contains all the specified attributes in the attribute array. An array of type to find in the collection. if the collection contains all the attributes; otherwise, . Copies the collection to an array, starting at the specified index. The to copy the collection to. The index to start from. Gets the number of attributes. The number of attributes. Specifies an empty collection that you can use, rather than creating a new one. This field is read-only. Creates a new from an existing . An from which to create the copy. An array of type that provides the attributes for this collection. Can be . A new that is a copy of . is . Returns the default of a given . The of the attribute to retrieve. The default of a given . Gets an enumerator for this collection. An enumerator of type . Gets the attribute with the specified index number. The zero-based index of . The with the specified index number. Gets the attribute with the specified type. The of the to get from the collection. The with the specified type or, if the attribute does not exist, the default value for the attribute type. Determines whether a specified attribute is the same as an attribute in the collection. An instance of to compare with the attributes in this collection. if the attribute is contained within the collection and has the same value as the attribute in the collection; otherwise, . Determines whether the attributes in the specified array are the same as the attributes in the collection. An array of to compare with the attributes in this collection. if all the attributes in the array are contained in the collection and have the same values as the attributes in the collection; otherwise, . Gets the number of elements contained in the collection. The number of elements contained in the collection. Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). if access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, . Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. An object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. Returns an for the . An for the . Enables attribute redirection. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class with the given type name. The name of the type to specify. is . Initializes a new instance of the class with the given type name and property name. The name of the type to specify. The name of the property for which attributes will be retrieved. is . Initializes a new instance of the class with the given type. The type to specify. is . Gets the name of the property for which attributes will be retrieved. The name of the property for which attributes will be retrieved. Gets the assembly qualified type name passed into the constructor. The assembly qualified name of the type specified in the constructor. Provides a base type converter for nonfloating-point numerical types. Determines if this converter can convert an object in the given source type to the native type of the converter. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type from which you want to convert. if this converter can perform the operation; otherwise, . Returns a value indicating whether this converter can convert an object to the given destination type using the context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type to which you want to convert. if this converter can perform the operation; otherwise, . Converts the given object to the converter's native type. An that provides a format context. A that specifies the culture to represent the number. The object to convert. An that represents the converted value. is not a valid value for the target type. The conversion cannot be performed. Converts the specified object to another type. An that provides a format context. A that specifies the culture to represent the number. The object to convert. The type to convert the object to. An that represents the converted value. is . The conversion cannot be performed. Specifies whether a member is typically used for binding. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class with a Boolean value. to use property for binding; otherwise, . Initializes a new instance of the class. to use property for binding; otherwise, . One of the values. Initializes a new instance of the class with one of the values. One of the values. Initializes a new instance of the class. One of the values. One of the values. Gets a value indicating that a property is typically used for binding. if the property is typically used for binding; otherwise, . Specifies the default value for the , which is . This field is read-only. Gets a value indicating the direction or directions of this property's data binding. The direction of this property's data binding. Determines whether two objects are equal. The object to compare. if the specified is equal to the current ; if it is not equal. Serves as a hash function for the class. A hash code for the current . Determines if this attribute is the default. if the attribute is the default value for this attribute class; otherwise, . Specifies that a property is not typically used for binding. This field is read-only. Specifies that a property is typically used for binding. This field is read-only. Specifies values to indicate whether a property can be bound to a data element or another property. The property is set to the default. The property is not bindable at design time. The property is bindable at design time. Specifies whether the template can be bound one way or two ways. The template can only accept property values. Used with a generic . The template can accept and expose property values. Used with an . Provides a generic collection that supports data binding. The type of elements in the list. Initializes a new instance of the class using default values. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified list. An of items to be contained in the . Occurs before an item is added to the list. Adds a new item to the collection. The item added to the list. The property is set to . -or- A public parameterless constructor could not be found for the current item type. Adds a new item to the end of the collection. The item that was added to the collection. The new item is not the same type as the objects contained in the . Gets or sets a value indicating whether items in the list can be edited. if list items can be edited; otherwise, . The default is . Gets or sets a value indicating whether you can add items to the list using the method. if you can add items to the list with the method; otherwise, . The default depends on the underlying type contained in the list. Gets or sets a value indicating whether you can remove items from the collection. if you can remove items from the list with the method otherwise, . The default is . Sorts the items if overridden in a derived class; otherwise, throws a . A that specifies the property to sort on. One of the values. Method is not overridden in a derived class. Discards a pending new item. The index of the of the new item to be added Removes all elements from the collection. Commits a pending new item to the collection. The index of the new item to be added. Searches for the index of the item that has the specified property descriptor with the specified value, if searching is implemented in a derived class; otherwise, a . The to search for. The value of to match. The zero-based index of the item that matches the property descriptor and contains the specified value. is not overridden in a derived class. Inserts the specified item in the list at the specified index. The zero-based index where the item is to be inserted. The item to insert in the list. Gets a value indicating whether the list is sorted. if the list is sorted; otherwise, . The default is . Occurs when the list or an item in the list changes. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. Gets or sets a value indicating whether adding or removing items within the list raises events. if adding or removing items raises events; otherwise, . The default is . Removes the item at the specified index. The zero-based index of the item to remove. You are removing a newly added item and is set to . Removes any sort applied with if sorting is implemented in a derived class; otherwise, raises . Method is not overridden in a derived class. Raises a event of type . Raises a event of type for the item at the specified position. A zero-based index of the item to be reset. Replaces the item at the specified index with the specified item. The zero-based index of the item to replace. The new value for the item at the specified index. The value can be for reference types. is less than zero. -or- is greater than . Gets the direction the list is sorted. One of the values. The default is . Gets the property descriptor that is used for sorting the list if sorting is implemented in a derived class; otherwise, returns . The used for sorting the list. Gets a value indicating whether events are enabled. if events are supported; otherwise, . The default is . Gets a value indicating whether the list supports searching. if the list supports searching; otherwise, . The default is . Gets a value indicating whether the list supports sorting. if the list supports sorting; otherwise, . The default is . For a description of this member, see . The to add as a search criteria. Adds a new item to the list. For more information, see . The item added to the list. This method is not supported. Gets a value indicating whether items in the list can be edited. if list items can be edited; otherwise, . The default is . Gets a value indicating whether new items can be added to the list using the method. if you can add items to the list with the method; otherwise, . The default depends on the underlying type contained in the list. Gets a value indicating whether items can be removed from the list. if you can remove items from the list with the method; otherwise, . The default is . Sorts the list based on a and a . For a complete description of this member, see . The to sort by. One of the values. For a description of this member, see . The to search on. The value of the parameter to search for. The index of the row that has the given . For a description of this member, see . if has been called and has not been called; otherwise, . For a description of this member, see . A to remove from the indexes used for searching. For a description of this member, see For a description of this member, see . One of the values. For a description of this member, see . The that is being used for sorting. For a description of this member, see . if a event is raised when the list changes or when an item changes; otherwise, . For a description of this member, see . if the list supports searching using the method; otherwise, . For a description of this member, see . if the list supports sorting; otherwise, . Gets a value indicating whether item property value changes raise events of type . This member cannot be overridden in a derived class. if the list type implements , otherwise, . The default is . Provides a type converter to convert objects to and from various other representations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a value indicating whether this converter can convert an object in the given source type to a Boolean object using the specified context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type you wish to convert from. if this object can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Converts the given value object to a Boolean object. An that provides a format context. A that specifies the culture to which to convert. The to convert. An that represents the converted . is not a valid value for the target type. The conversion cannot be performed. Gets a collection of standard values for the Boolean data type. An that provides a format context. A that holds a standard set of valid values. Gets a value indicating whether the list of standard values returned from the method is an exclusive list. An that provides a format context. because the returned from is an exhaustive list of possible values. This method never returns . Gets a value indicating whether this object supports a standard set of values that can be picked from a list. An that provides a format context. because can be called to find a common set of values the object supports. This method never returns . Provides a type converter to convert 8-bit unsigned integer objects to and from various other representations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Represents the method that handles a cancelable event. The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Provides a type converter to convert Unicode character objects to and from various other representations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a value indicating whether this converter can convert an object in the given source type to a Unicode character object using the specified context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type you want to convert from. if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Converts the given object to a Unicode character object. An that provides a format context. The culture into which will be converted. The to convert. An that represents the converted . is not a valid value for the target type. The conversion cannot be performed. Converts the given value object to a Unicode character object using the arguments. An that provides a format context. The culture into which will be converted. The to convert. The to convert the value to. An that represents the converted value. The conversion cannot be performed. Specifies how the collection is changed. Specifies that an element was added to the collection. Specifies that the entire collection has changed. This is caused by using methods that manipulate the entire collection, such as . Specifies that an element was removed from the collection. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. One of the values that specifies how the collection changed. An that specifies the instance of the collection where the change occurred. Gets an action that specifies how the collection changed. One of the values. Gets the instance of the collection with the change. An that represents the instance of the collection with the change, or if you refresh the collection. Represents the method that handles the event raised when adding elements to or removing elements from a collection. The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Provides a type converter to convert collection objects to and from various other representations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Converts the given value object to the specified destination type. An that provides a format context. The culture to which will be converted. The to convert. This parameter must inherit from . The to convert the value to. An that represents the converted value. is . The conversion cannot be performed. Gets a collection of properties for the type of array specified by the value parameter using the specified context and attributes. An that provides a format context. An that specifies the type of array to get the properties for. An array of type that will be used as a filter. A with the properties that are exposed for this data type, or if there are no properties. This method always returns . Gets a value indicating whether this object supports properties. An that provides a format context. because should not be called to find the properties of this object. This method never returns . Specifies the data source and data member properties for a component that supports complex data binding. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class using no parameters. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified data source. The name of the property to be used as the data source. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified data source and data member. The name of the property to be used as the data source. The name of the property to be used as the source for data. Gets the name of the data member property for the component to which the is bound. The name of the data member property for the component to which is bound Gets the name of the data source property for the component to which the is bound. The name of the data source property for the component to which is bound. Represents the default value for the class. Determines whether the specified is equal to the current instance. The to compare with the current instance if the object is equal to the current instance; otherwise, , indicating they are not equal. Returns the hash code for this instance. A 32-bit signed integer hash code. Provides a type converter to convert components to and from various other representations. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that represents the type to associate with this component converter. Gets a collection of properties for the type of component specified by the value parameter. An that provides a format context. An that specifies the type of component to get the properties for. An array of type that will be used as a filter. A with the properties that are exposed for the component, or if there are no properties. Gets a value indicating whether this object supports properties using the specified context. An that provides a format context. because should be called to find the properties of this object. This method never returns . Provides the base class for a custom component editor. Initializes a new instance of the class. Edits the component and returns a value indicating whether the component was modified based upon a given context. An optional context object that can be used to obtain further information about the edit. The component to be edited. if the component was modified; otherwise, . Edits the component and returns a value indicating whether the component was modified. The component to be edited. if the component was modified; otherwise, . Provides simple functionality for enumerating resources for a component or object. The class is a . Initializes a new instance of the class with default values. Creates a that looks up resources in satellite assemblies based on information from the specified . A from which the derives all information for finding resource files. Applies a resource's value to the corresponding property of the object. An that contains the property value to be applied. A that contains the name of the object to look up in the resources. or is . Applies a resource's value to the corresponding property of the object. An that contains the property value to be applied. A that contains the name of the object to look up in the resources. The culture for which to apply resources. or is . Encapsulates zero or more components. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds the specified to the . The component is unnamed. The component to add. is . Adds the specified to the and assigns it a name. The component to add. The unique, case-insensitive name to assign to the component. -or- , which leaves the component unnamed. is . is not unique. Gets all the components in the . A collection that contains the components in the . Creates a site for the given and assigns the given name to the site. The to create a site for. The name to assign to , or to skip the name assignment. The newly created site. Releases all resources used by the . Releases the unmanaged resources used by the , and optionally releases the managed resources. to release both managed and unmanaged resources; to release only unmanaged resources. Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the is reclaimed by garbage collection. Gets the service object of the specified type, if it is available. The of the service to retrieve. An implementing the requested service, or if the service cannot be resolved. Removes a component from the . The component to remove. Removes a component from the without setting to . The component to remove. Determines whether the component name is unique for this container. The named component. The component name to validate. is . is not unique. Provides a base class for the container filter service. Initializes a new instance of the class. Filters the component collection. The component collection to filter. A that represents a modified collection. Provides a type converter to convert objects to and from various other representations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a value indicating whether this converter can convert an object in the given source type to a using the specified context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type you wish to convert from. if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Gets a value indicating whether this converter can convert an object to the given destination type using the context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type you wish to convert to. if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Converts the specified value object to a . An that provides a format context. A that specifies the culture to which to convert. The to convert. An that represents the converted value. specifies a culture that is not valid. The conversion cannot be performed. Converts the given value object to the specified destination type. An that provides a format context. A that specifies the culture to which to convert. The to convert. The to convert the value to. An that represents the converted . is . The conversion cannot be performed. Retrieves the name of the specified culture. A that specifies the culture to get the name for. The name of the specified culture. Gets a collection of standard values for a object using the specified context. An that provides a format context. A containing a standard set of valid values, or if the data type does not support a standard set of values. Gets a value indicating whether the list of standard values returned from is an exhaustive list. An that provides a format context. because the returned from is not an exhaustive list of possible values (that is, other values are possible). This method never returns . Gets a value indicating whether this object supports a standard set of values that can be picked from a list using the specified context. An that provides a format context. because should be called to find a common set of values the object supports. This method never returns . Provides a simple default implementation of the interface. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class using a parent custom type descriptor. The parent custom type descriptor. Returns a collection of custom attributes for the type represented by this type descriptor. An containing the attributes for the type. The default is . Returns the fully qualified name of the class represented by this type descriptor. A containing the fully qualified class name of the type this type descriptor is describing. The default is . Returns the name of the class represented by this type descriptor. A containing the name of the component instance this type descriptor is describing. The default is . Returns a type converter for the type represented by this type descriptor. A for the type represented by this type descriptor. The default is a newly created . Returns the event descriptor for the default event of the object represented by this type descriptor. The for the default event on the object represented by this type descriptor. The default is . Returns the property descriptor for the default property of the object represented by this type descriptor. A for the default property on the object represented by this type descriptor. The default is . Returns an editor of the specified type that is to be associated with the class represented by this type descriptor. The base type of the editor to retrieve. An editor of the given type that is to be associated with the class represented by this type descriptor. The default is . Returns a collection of event descriptors for the object represented by this type descriptor. An containing the event descriptors for the object represented by this type descriptor. The default is . Returns a filtered collection of event descriptors for the object represented by this type descriptor. An array of attributes to use as a filter. This can be . An containing the event descriptions for the object represented by this type descriptor. The default is . Returns a collection of property descriptors for the object represented by this type descriptor. A containing the property descriptions for the object represented by this type descriptor. The default is . Returns a filtered collection of property descriptors for the object represented by this type descriptor. An array of attributes to use as a filter. This can be . A containing the property descriptions for the object represented by this type descriptor. The default is . Returns an object that contains the property described by the specified property descriptor. The property descriptor for which to retrieve the owning object. An that owns the given property specified by the type descriptor. The default is . Identifies a type as an object suitable for binding to an object. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class and indicates whether an object is suitable for binding to an object. if the object is suitable for binding to an object; otherwise, . Indicates that the class is suitable for binding to an object at design time. This field is read-only. Represents the default value of the class, which indicates that the class is suitable for binding to an object at design time. This field is read-only. Determines whether this instance of fits the pattern of another object. An object to compare with this instance of . if this instance is the same as the instance specified by the parameter; otherwise, . Returns the hash code for this instance. A 32-bit signed integer hash code. Gets a value indicating whether an object should be considered suitable for binding to an object at design time. if the object should be considered suitable for binding to an object; otherwise, . Gets a value indicating whether the current value of the attribute is the default value for the attribute. if the current value of the attribute is the default; otherwise, . Indicates that the class is not suitable for binding to an object at design time. This field is read-only. Provides metadata for a property representing a data field. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class and indicates whether the field is the primary key for the data row. to indicate that the field is in the primary key of the data row; otherwise, . Initializes a new instance of the class and indicates whether the field is the primary key for the data row, and whether the field is a database identity field. to indicate that the field is in the primary key of the data row; otherwise, . to indicate that the field is an identity field that uniquely identifies the data row; otherwise, . Initializes a new instance of the class and indicates whether the field is the primary key for the data row, whether the field is a database identity field, and whether the field can be null. to indicate that the field is in the primary key of the data row; otherwise, . to indicate that the field is an identity field that uniquely identifies the data row; otherwise, . to indicate that the field can be null in the data store; otherwise, . Initializes a new instance of the class and indicates whether the field is the primary key for the data row, whether it is a database identity field, and whether it can be null and sets the length of the field. to indicate that the field is in the primary key of the data row; otherwise, . to indicate that the field is an identity field that uniquely identifies the data row; otherwise, . to indicate that the field can be null in the data store; otherwise, . The length of the field in bytes. Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object. An object to compare with this instance of . if this instance is the same as the instance specified by the parameter; otherwise, . Returns the hash code for this instance. A 32-bit signed integer hash code. Gets a value indicating whether a property represents an identity field in the underlying data. if the property represents an identity field in the underlying data; otherwise, . The default value is . Gets a value indicating whether a property represents a field that can be null in the underlying data store. if the property represents a field that can be null in the underlying data store; otherwise, . Gets the length of the property in bytes. The length of the property in bytes, or -1 if not set. Gets a value indicating whether a property is in the primary key in the underlying data. if the property is in the primary key of the data store; otherwise, . Identifies a data operation method exposed by a type, what type of operation the method performs, and whether the method is the default data method. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class and identifies the type of data operation the method performs. One of the values that describes the data operation the method performs. Initializes a new instance of the class, identifies the type of data operation the method performs, and identifies whether the method is the default data method that the data object exposes. One of the values that describes the data operation the method performs. to indicate the method that the attribute is applied to is the default method of the data object for the specified ; otherwise, . Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object. An object to compare with this instance of . if this instance is the same as the instance specified by the parameter; otherwise, . Returns the hash code for this instance. A 32-bit signed integer hash code. Gets a value indicating whether the method that the is applied to is the default data method exposed by the data object for a specific method type. if the method is the default method exposed by the object for a method type; otherwise, . Gets a value indicating whether this instance shares a common pattern with a specified attribute. An object to compare with this instance of . if this instance is the same as the instance specified by the parameter; otherwise, . Gets a value indicating the type of data operation the method performs. One of the values that identifies the type of data operation performed by the method to which the is applied. Identifies the type of data operation performed by a method, as specified by the applied to the method. Indicates that a method is used for a data operation that deletes data. Indicates that a method is used for a data operation that fills a object. Indicates that a method is used for a data operation that inserts data. Indicates that a method is used for a data operation that retrieves data. Indicates that a method is used for a data operation that updates data. Provides a type converter to convert objects to and from various other representations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a value indicating whether this converter can convert an object in the given source type to a using the specified context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type you wish to convert from. if this object can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Gets a value indicating whether this converter can convert an object to the given destination type using the context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type you wish to convert to. if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Converts the given value object to a . An that provides a format context. An optional . If not supplied, the current culture is assumed. The to convert. An that represents the converted . is not a valid value for the target type. The conversion cannot be performed. Converts the given value object to a using the arguments. An that provides a format context. An optional . If not supplied, the current culture is assumed. The to convert. The to convert the value to. An that represents the converted . The conversion cannot be performed. Provides a type converter to convert structures to and from various other representations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns a value that indicates whether an object of the specified source type can be converted to a . The date format context. The source type to check. if the specified type can be converted to a ; otherwise, . Returns a value that indicates whether a can be converted to an object of the specified type. The date format context. The destination type to check. if a can be converted to the specified type; otherwise, . Converts the specified object to a . The date format context. The date culture. The object to be converted. A that represents the specified object. The conversion cannot be performed. Converts a to an object of the specified type. The date format context. The date culture. The to be converted. The type to convert to. An object of the specified type that represents the . The conversion cannot be performed. Provides a type converter to convert objects to and from various other representations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a value indicating whether this converter can convert an object to the given destination type using the context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type you wish to convert to. if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Converts the given value object to a using the arguments. An that provides a format context. An optional . If not supplied, the current culture is assumed. The to convert. The to convert the value to. An that represents the converted value. The is . The conversion cannot be performed. Specifies the default binding property for a component. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class using no parameters. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified property name. The name of the default binding property. Represents the default value for the class. Determines whether the specified is equal to the current instance. The to compare with the current instance if the object is equal to the current instance; otherwise, , indicating they are not equal. Returns the hash code for this instance. A 32-bit signed integer hash code. Gets the name of the default binding property for the component to which the is bound. The name of the default binding property for the component to which the is bound. Specifies the default event for a component. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name of the default event for the component this attribute is bound to. Specifies the default value for the , which is . This field is read-only. Returns whether the value of the given object is equal to the current . The object to test the value equality of. if the value of the given object is equal to that of the current; otherwise, . Returns the hash code for this instance. A 32-bit signed integer hash code. Gets the name of the default event for the component this attribute is bound to. The name of the default event for the component this attribute is bound to. The default value is . Specifies the default property for a component. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name of the default property for the component this attribute is bound to. Specifies the default value for the , which is . This field is read-only. Returns whether the value of the given object is equal to the current . The object to test the value equality of. if the value of the given object is equal to that of the current; otherwise, . Returns the hash code for this instance. A 32-bit signed integer hash code. Gets the name of the default property for the component this attribute is bound to. The name of the default property for the component this attribute is bound to. The default value is . Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The document that is losing activation. The document that is gaining activation. Gets the document that is gaining activation. An that represents the document gaining activation. Gets the document that is losing activation. An that represents the document losing activation. Represents the method that will handle the event. The source of the event. An that contains the event data. The exception that is thrown when an attempt to check out a file that is checked into a source code management program is canceled or fails. Initializes a new instance of the class with no associated message or error code. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified serialization data and context. The to be used for deserialization. The destination to be used for deserialization. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified message. A message describing the exception. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified detailed description and the specified exception. A detailed description of the error. A reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified message and error code. A message describing the exception. The error code to pass. Initializes a new instance of the class that specifies that the check out was canceled. This field is read-only. Represents a unique command identifier that consists of a numeric command ID and a GUID menu group identifier. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified menu group GUID and command ID number. The GUID of the group that this menu command belongs to. The numeric identifier of this menu command. Determines whether two instances are equal. The object to compare. if the specified object is equivalent to this one; otherwise, . Serves as a hash function for a particular type. A hash code for the current . Gets the GUID of the menu group that the menu command identified by this belongs to. The GUID of the command group for this command. Gets the numeric command ID. The command ID number. Returns a that represents the current object. A string that contains the command ID information, both the GUID and integer identifier. Provides data for the event. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. The component that was changed. A that represents the member that was changed. The old value of the changed member. The new value of the changed member. Gets the component that was modified. An that represents the component that was modified. Gets the member that has been changed. A that indicates the member that has been changed. Gets the new value of the changed member. The new value of the changed member. This property can be . Gets the old value of the changed member. The old value of the changed member. This property can be . Represents the method that will handle a event. The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Provides data for the event. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. The component that is about to be changed. A indicating the member of the component that is about to be changed. Gets the component that is about to be changed or the component that is the parent container of the member that is about to be changed. The component that is about to have a member changed. Gets the member that is about to be changed. A indicating the member that is about to be changed, if known, or otherwise. Represents the method that will handle a event. The source of the event. A event that contains the event data. Provides data for the , , , and events. Initializes a new instance of the class. The component that is the source of the event. Gets the component associated with the event. The component associated with the event. Represents the method that will handle the , , , and events raised for component-level events. The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The component to be renamed. The old name of the component. The new name of the component. Gets the component that is being renamed. The component that is being renamed. Gets the name of the component after the rename event. The name of the component after the rename event. Gets the name of the component before the rename event. The previous name of the component. Represents the method that will handle a event. The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Represents a collection of designers. Initializes a new instance of the class that contains the specified set of designers. A list that contains the collection of designers to add. Initializes a new instance of the class that contains the specified designers. An array of objects to store. Gets the number of designers in the collection. The number of designers in the collection. Gets a new enumerator for this collection. An that enumerates the collection. Gets the designer at the specified index. The index of the designer to return. The designer at the specified index. Copies the elements of the collection to an , starting at a particular index. The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from collection. The must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in at which copying begins. Gets the number of elements contained in the collection. The number of elements contained in the collection. Gets a value indicating whether access to the is synchronized (thread safe). if access to the is synchronized (thread safe); otherwise, . Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. An object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. Gets a new enumerator for this collection. An that enumerates the collection. Provides data for the and events. Initializes a new instance of the class. The of the document. Gets the host of the document. The of the document. Represents the method that will handle the and events that are raised when a document is created or disposed of. The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Provides a base class for getting and setting option values for a designer. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a new with the given name and adds it to the given parent. The parent designer option collection. All collections have a parent except the root object collection. The name of this collection. The object providing properties for this collection. Can be if the collection should not provide any properties. A new with the given name. or is . is an empty string. Contains a collection of designer options. This class cannot be inherited. Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional , starting at the specified index of the target array. The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in at which copying begins. Gets the number of child option collections this contains. The number of child option collections this contains. Returns an that can be used to iterate this collection. An that can be used to iterate this collection. Returns the index of the first occurrence of a given value in a range of this collection. The object to locate in the collection. The index of the first occurrence of value within the entire collection, if found; otherwise, the lower bound of the collection minus 1. Gets the child collection at the given index. The zero-based index of the child collection to get. The child collection at the specified index. Gets the child collection at the given name. The name of the child collection. The child collection with the name specified by the parameter, or if the name is not found. Gets the name of this . The name of this . Gets the parent collection object. The parent collection object, or if there is no parent. Gets the collection of properties offered by this , along with all of its children. The collection of properties offered by this , along with all of its children. Displays a dialog box user interface (UI) with which the user can configure the options in this . if the dialog box can be displayed; otherwise, . Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized and, therefore, thread safe. if the access to the collection is synchronized; otherwise, . Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. An object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. Adds an item to the . The to add to the . The position into which the new element was inserted. Removes all items from the collection. Determines whether the collection contains a specific value. The to locate in the collection if the is found in the collection; otherwise, . Determines the index of a specific item in the collection. The to locate in the collection. The index of if found in the list; otherwise, -1. Inserts an item into the collection at the specified index. The zero-based index at which should be inserted. The to insert into the collection. Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, . Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only. if the collection is read-only; otherwise, . Gets or sets the element at the specified index. The zero-based index of the element to get or set. The element at the specified index. Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the collection. The to remove from the collection. Removes the collection item at the specified index. The zero-based index of the item to remove. Gets the options collection for this service. A populated with available designer options. Populates a . The collection to populate. Shows the options dialog box for the given object. The options collection containing the object to be invoked. The actual options object. if the dialog box is shown; otherwise, . Gets the value of an option defined in this package. The page to which the option is bound. The name of the option value. The value of the option named . or is . Sets the value of an option defined in this package. The page to which the option is bound The name of the option value. The value of the option. or is . Provides a way to group a series of design-time actions to improve performance and enable most types of changes to be undone. Initializes a new instance of the class with no description. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified transaction description. A description for this transaction. Cancels the transaction and attempts to roll back the changes made by the events of the transaction. Gets a value indicating whether the transaction was canceled. if the transaction was canceled; otherwise, . Commits this transaction. Gets a value indicating whether the transaction was committed. if the transaction was committed; otherwise, . Gets a description for the transaction. A description for the transaction. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the and optionally releases the managed resources. to release both managed and unmanaged resources; to release only unmanaged resources. Releases the resources associated with this object. This override commits this transaction if it was not already committed. Raises the event. Performs the actual work of committing a transaction. Releases all resources used by the . Provides data for the and events. Initializes a new instance of the class, using the specified value that indicates whether the designer called on the transaction. A value indicating whether the transaction was committed. Initializes a new instance of the class. A value indicating whether the transaction was committed. if this is the last transaction to close; otherwise, . Gets a value indicating whether this is the last transaction to close. , if this is the last transaction to close; otherwise, . Indicates whether the designer called on the transaction. if the designer called on the transaction; otherwise, . Represents the method that handles the and events of a designer. The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Represents a verb that can be invoked from a designer. Initializes a new instance of the class. The text of the menu command that is shown to the user. The event handler that performs the actions of the verb. Initializes a new instance of the class. The text of the menu command that is shown to the user. The event handler that performs the actions of the verb. The starting command ID for this verb. By default, the designer architecture sets aside a range of command IDs for verbs. You can override this by providing a custom command ID. Gets or sets the description of the menu item for the verb. A string describing the menu item. Gets the text description for the verb command on the menu. A description for the verb command. Overrides . The verb's text, or an empty string ("") if the text field is empty. Represents a collection of objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified array of objects. A array that indicates the verbs to contain within the collection. is . Adds the specified to the collection. The to add to the collection. The index in the collection at which the verb was added. Adds the specified set of designer verbs to the collection. An array of objects to add to the collection. is . Adds the specified collection of designer verbs to the collection. A to add to the collection. is . Gets a value indicating whether the specified exists in the collection. The to search for in the collection. if the specified object exists in the collection; otherwise, . Copies the collection members to the specified array beginning at the specified destination index. The array to copy collection members to. The destination index to begin copying to. Gets the index of the specified . The whose index to get in the collection. The index of the specified object if it is found in the list; otherwise, -1. Inserts the specified at the specified index. The index in the collection at which to insert the verb. The to insert in the collection. Gets or sets the at the specified index. The index at which to get or set the . A at each valid index in the collection. Raises the event. Raises the event. The index at which to insert an item. The object to insert. Raises the event. The index at which to remove the item. The object to remove. Raises the event. The index at which to set the item. The old object. The new object. Raises the event. The object to validate. Removes the specified from the collection. The to remove from the collection. Represents a design-time license context that can support a license provider at design time. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a saved license key. The type of the license key. The assembly to get the key from. The saved license key that matches the specified type. Sets a saved license key. The type of the license key. The license key. Gets the license usage mode. A indicating the licensing mode for the context. Provides support for design-time license context serialization. Serializes the licenses within the specified design-time license context using the specified key and output stream. The stream to output to. The key to use for encryption. A indicating the license context. Defines identifiers that indicate information about the context in which a request for Help information originated. A general context. A selection. A tool window selection. A window. Specifies the context keyword for a class or member. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The Help keyword value. is . Initializes a new instance of the class from the given type. The type from which the Help keyword will be taken. is . Represents the default value for . This field is read-only. Determines whether two instances are equal. The to compare with the current . if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, . Returns the hash code for this instance. A hash code for the current . Gets the Help keyword supplied by this attribute. The Help keyword supplied by this attribute. Determines whether the Help keyword is . if the Help keyword is ; otherwise, . Defines identifiers that indicate the type of a Help keyword. A keyword that F1 was pressed to request help about. A filter keyword. A general keyword. Provides an interface to add and remove the event handlers for events that add, change, remove or rename components, and provides methods to raise a or event. Occurs when a component has been added. Occurs when a component is in the process of being added. Occurs when a component has been changed. Occurs when a component is in the process of being changed. Occurs when a component has been removed. Occurs when a component is in the process of being removed. Occurs when a component is renamed. Announces to the component change service that a particular component has changed. The component that has changed. The member that has changed. This is if this change is not related to a single member. The old value of the member. This is valid only if the member is not . The new value of the member. This is valid only if the member is not . Announces to the component change service that a particular component is changing. The component that is about to change. The member that is changing. This is if this change is not related to a single member. Enables enumeration of components at design time. Gets the list of available component types. The designer host providing design-time services. Can be . The base type specifying the components to retrieve. Can be . The list of available component types. Provides a set of recommended default values during component creation. Restores an instance of a component to its default state. A dictionary of default property values, which are name/value pairs, with which to reset the component's state. Initializes a new component using a set of recommended values. A dictionary of default property values, which are name/value pairs, with which to initialize the component's state. Provides the basic framework for building a custom designer. Gets the base component that this designer is designing. An indicating the base component that this designer is designing. Performs the default action for this designer. Initializes the designer with the specified component. The component to associate with this designer. Gets a collection of the design-time verbs supported by the designer. A that contains the verbs supported by the designer, or if the component has no verbs. Provides event notifications when root designers are added and removed, when a selected component changes, and when the current root designer changes. Gets the root designer for the currently active document. The currently active document, or if there is no active document. Occurs when the current root designer changes. Occurs when a root designer is created. Occurs when a root designer for a document is disposed. Gets a collection of root designers for design documents that are currently active in the development environment. A containing the root designers that have been created and not yet disposed. Occurs when the current design-view selection changes. Provides an interface that enables a designer to access and filter the dictionaries of a that stores the property, attribute, and event descriptors that a component designer can expose to the design-time environment. When overridden in a derived class, allows a designer to change or remove items from the set of attributes that it exposes through a . The objects for the class of the component. The keys in the dictionary of attributes are the values of the attributes. When overridden in a derived class, allows a designer to change or remove items from the set of events that it exposes through a . The objects that represent the events of the class of the component. The keys in the dictionary of events are event names. When overridden in a derived class, allows a designer to change or remove items from the set of properties that it exposes through a . The objects that represent the properties of the class of the component. The keys in the dictionary of properties are property names. When overridden in a derived class, allows a designer to add items to the set of attributes that it exposes through a . The objects for the class of the component. The keys in the dictionary of attributes are the values of the attributes. When overridden in a derived class, allows a designer to add items to the set of events that it exposes through a . The objects that represent the events of the class of the component. The keys in the dictionary of events are event names. When overridden in a derived class, allows a designer to add items to the set of properties that it exposes through a . The objects that represent the properties of the class of the component. The keys in the dictionary of properties are property names. Provides an interface for managing designer transactions and components. Activates the designer that this host is hosting. Occurs when this designer is activated. Gets the container for this designer host. The for this host. Creates a component of the specified type and adds it to the design document. The type of the component to create. The newly created component. Creates a component of the specified type and name, and adds it to the design document. The type of the component to create. The name for the component. The newly created component. Creates a that can encapsulate event sequences to improve performance and enable undo and redo support functionality. A new instance of . When you complete the steps in your transaction, you should call on this object. Creates a that can encapsulate event sequences to improve performance and enable undo and redo support functionality, using the specified transaction description. A title or description for the newly created transaction. A new . When you have completed the steps in your transaction, you should call on this object. Occurs when this designer is deactivated. Destroys the specified component and removes it from the designer container. The component to destroy. Gets the designer instance that contains the specified component. The to retrieve the designer for. An , or if there is no designer for the specified component. Gets an instance of the specified, fully qualified type name. The name of the type to load. The type object for the specified type name, or if the type cannot be found. Gets a value indicating whether the designer host is currently in a transaction. if a transaction is in progress; otherwise, . Occurs when this designer completes loading its document. Gets a value indicating whether the designer host is currently loading the document. if the designer host is currently loading the document; otherwise, . Gets the instance of the base class used as the root component for the current design. The instance of the root component class. Gets the fully qualified name of the class being designed. The fully qualified name of the base component class. Adds an event handler for the event. Adds an event handler for the event. Gets the description of the current transaction. A description of the current transaction. Adds an event handler for the event. Adds an event handler for the event. Specifies methods for the designer host to report on the state of transactions. Gets a value indicating whether the designer host is closing a transaction. if the designer is closing a transaction; otherwise, . Provides access to the designer options located on the Tools menu under the Options command in the Visual Studio development environment. Gets the value of the specified Windows Forms Designer option. The name of the page that defines the option. The name of the option property. The value of the specified option. Sets the value of the specified Windows Forms Designer option. The name of the page that defines the option. The name of the option property. The new value. Provides a basic, component site-specific, key-value pair dictionary through a service that a designer can use to store user-defined data. Gets the key corresponding to the specified value. The value to look up in the dictionary. The associated key, or if no key exists. Gets the value corresponding to the specified key. The key to look up the value for. The associated value, or if no value exists. Sets the specified key-value pair. An object to use as the key to associate the value with. The value to store. Provides a service for registering event handlers for component events. Creates a unique name for an event-handler method for the specified component and event. The component instance the event is connected to. The event to create a name for. The recommended name for the event-handler method for this event. Gets a collection of event-handler methods that have a method signature compatible with the specified event. The event to get the compatible event-handler methods for. A collection of strings. Gets an for the event that the specified property descriptor represents, if it represents an event. The property that represents an event. An for the event that the property represents, or if the property does not represent an event. Converts a set of event descriptors to a set of property descriptors. The events to convert to properties. An array of objects that describe the event set. Converts a single event descriptor to a property descriptor. The event to convert. A that describes the event. Displays the user code for the designer. if the code is displayed; otherwise, . Displays the user code for the specified event. The component that the event is connected to. The event to display. if the code is displayed; otherwise, . Displays the user code for the designer at the specified line. The line number to place the caret on. if the code is displayed; otherwise, . Provides an interface that can list extender providers. Gets the set of extender providers for the component. An array of type that lists the active extender providers. If there are no providers, an empty array is returned. Provides an interface for adding and removing extender providers at design time. Adds the specified extender provider. The extender provider to add. Removes the specified extender provider. The extender provider to remove. Provides methods for showing Help topics and adding and removing Help keywords at design time. Adds a context attribute to the document. The name of the attribute to add. The value of the attribute. The type of the keyword, from the enumeration . Removes all existing context attributes from the document. Creates a local to manage subcontexts. The priority type of the subcontext to add. The newly created . Removes a previously added context attribute. The name of the attribute to remove. The value of the attribute to remove. Removes a context created with . The local context to remove. Shows the Help topic that corresponds to the specified keyword. The keyword of the Help topic to display. Shows the Help topic that corresponds to the specified URL. The URL of the Help topic to display. Provides methods for identifying the components of a component. Searches the specified component for fields that implement the interface and adds each to the specified container, storing the inheritance level of each which can be retrieved using the method. The to search. Searching begins with this component. The to add components to. Gets the inheritance attribute for the specified component. The for which to retrieve the inheritance attribute. An instance of that describes the level of inheritance of the specified component. Provides methods to manage the global designer verbs and menu commands available in design mode, and to show some types of shortcut menus. Adds the specified standard menu command to the menu. The to add. The of the specified is already present on a menu. Adds the specified designer verb to the set of global designer verbs. The to add. Searches for the specified command ID and returns the menu command associated with it. The to search for. The associated with the command ID, or if no command is found. Invokes a menu or designer verb command matching the specified command ID. The of the command to search for and execute. if the command was found and invoked successfully; otherwise, . Removes the specified standard menu command from the menu. The to remove. Removes the specified designer verb from the collection of global designer verbs. The to remove. Shows the specified shortcut menu at the specified location. The for the shortcut menu to show. The x-coordinate at which to display the menu, in screen coordinates. The y-coordinate at which to display the menu, in screen coordinates. Gets a collection of the designer verbs that are currently available. A that contains the designer verbs that are currently available. Provides an interface for obtaining references to objects within a project by name or type, obtaining the name of a specified object, and for locating the parent of a specified object within a designer project. Gets the component that contains the specified component. The object to retrieve the parent component for. The base that contains the specified object, or if no parent component exists. Gets the name of the specified component. The object to return the name of. The name of the object referenced, or if the object reference is not valid. Gets a reference to the component whose name matches the specified name. The name of the component to return a reference to. An object the specified name refers to, or if no reference is found. Gets all available references to project components. An array of all objects with references available to the . Gets all available references to components of the specified type. The type of object to return references to instances of. An array of all available objects of the specified type. Provides an interface for designers to access resource readers and writers for specific resource types. Locates the resource reader for the specified culture and returns it. The of the resource for which to retrieve a resource reader. An interface that contains the resources for the culture, or if no resources for the culture exist. Locates the resource writer for the specified culture and returns it. The of the resource for which to create a resource writer. An interface for the specified culture. Provides support for root-level designer view technologies. Gets a view object for the specified view technology. A that indicates a particular view technology. An object that represents the view for this designer. The specified view technology is not supported or does not exist. Gets the set of technologies that this designer can support for its display. An array of supported values. Provides an interface for a designer to select components. Gets a value indicating whether the specified component is currently selected. The component to test. if the component is part of the user's current selection; otherwise, . Gets a collection of components that are currently selected. A collection that represents the current set of components that are selected. Gets the object that is currently the primary selected object. The object that is currently the primary selected object. Occurs when the current selection changes. Occurs when the current selection is about to change. Gets the count of selected objects. The number of selected objects. Selects the specified collection of components. The collection of components to select. Selects the components from within the specified collection of components that match the specified selection type. The collection of components to select. A value from the enumeration. The default is . Provides a container for services. Adds the specified service to the service container. The type of service to add. A callback object that is used to create the service. This allows a service to be declared as available, but delays the creation of the object until the service is requested. Adds the specified service to the service container, and optionally promotes the service to parent service containers. The type of service to add. A callback object that is used to create the service. This allows a service to be declared as available, but delays the creation of the object until the service is requested. to promote this request to any parent service containers; otherwise, . Adds the specified service to the service container. The type of service to add. An instance of the service type to add. This object must implement or inherit from the type indicated by the parameter. Adds the specified service to the service container, and optionally promotes the service to any parent service containers. The type of service to add. An instance of the service type to add. This object must implement or inherit from the type indicated by the parameter. to promote this request to any parent service containers; otherwise, . Removes the specified service type from the service container. The type of service to remove. Removes the specified service type from the service container, and optionally promotes the service to parent service containers. The type of service to remove. to promote this request to any parent service containers; otherwise, . Provides support for building a set of related custom designers. Gets a collection of child designers. An , containing the collection of child objects of the current designer. Gets the parent designer. An representing the parent designer, or if there is no parent. Provides an interface to modify the set of member descriptors for a component in design mode. Filters the attributes that a component exposes through a . The component to filter the attributes of. A dictionary of attributes that can be modified. if the set of filtered attributes is to be cached; if the filter service must query again. Filters the events that a component exposes through a . The component to filter events for. A dictionary of events that can be modified. if the set of filtered events is to be cached; if the filter service must query again. Filters the properties that a component exposes through a . The component to filter properties for. A dictionary of properties that can be modified. if the set of filtered properties is to be cached; if the filter service must query again. Discovers available types at design time. Retrieves the list of available types. The base type to match. Can be . Indicates whether types from all referenced assemblies should be checked. A collection of types that match the criteria specified by and . Provides an interface to retrieve an assembly or type by name. Gets the requested assembly. The name of the assembly to retrieve. An instance of the requested assembly, or if no assembly can be located. Gets the requested assembly. The name of the assembly to retrieve. if this method should throw an exception if the assembly cannot be located; otherwise, , and this method returns if the assembly cannot be located. An instance of the requested assembly, or if no assembly can be located. Gets the path to the file from which the assembly was loaded. The name of the assembly. The path to the file from which the assembly was loaded. Loads a type with the specified name. The name of the type. If the type name is not a fully qualified name that indicates an assembly, this service will search its internal set of referenced assemblies. An instance of that corresponds to the specified name, or if no type can be found. Loads a type with the specified name. The name of the type. If the type name is not a fully qualified name that indicates an assembly, this service will search its internal set of referenced assemblies. if this method should throw an exception if the assembly cannot be located; otherwise, , and this method returns if the assembly cannot be located. An instance of that corresponds to the specified name, or if no type can be found. Loads a type with the specified name. The name of the type. If the type name is not a fully qualified name that indicates an assembly, this service will search its internal set of referenced assemblies. if this method should throw an exception if the assembly cannot be located; otherwise, , and this method returns if the assembly cannot be located. to ignore case when searching for types; otherwise, . An instance of that corresponds to the specified name, or if no type can be found. Adds a reference to the specified assembly. An that indicates the assembly to reference. Represents a Windows menu or toolbar command item. Initializes a new instance of the class. The event to raise when the user selects the menu item or toolbar button. The unique command ID that links this menu command to the environment's menu. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this menu item is checked. if the item is checked; otherwise, . Occurs when the menu command changes. Gets the associated with this menu command. The associated with the menu command. Gets a value indicating whether this menu item is available. if the item is enabled; otherwise, . Invokes the command. Invokes the command with the given parameter. An optional argument for use by the command. Gets the OLE command status code for this menu item. An integer containing a mixture of status flags that reflect the state of this menu item. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. Gets the public properties associated with the . An containing the public properties of the . Gets or sets a value indicating whether this menu item is supported. if the item is supported, which is the default; otherwise, . Returns a string representation of this menu command. A string containing the value of the property appended with the names of any flags that are set, separated by pipe bars (|). These flag properties include , , , and . Gets or sets a value indicating whether this menu item is visible. if the item is visible; otherwise, . Defines identifiers that indicate the type of a selection. Represents an add selection that adds the selected components to the current selection, maintaining the current set of selected components. Represents a regular selection. The selection service responds to the CTRL and SHIFT keys to support adding or removing components to or from the selection. Represents a selection that occurs when a user clicks a component. If the newly selected component is already selected, it is promoted to be the primary selected component rather than being canceled. Represents a selection that occurs when the user presses on the mouse button while the mouse pointer is over a component. If the component under the pointer is already selected, it is promoted to become the primary selected component rather than being canceled. Represents a selection that occurs when the user releases the mouse button immediately after a component has been selected. If the newly selected component is already selected, it is promoted to be the primary selected component rather than being canceled. Represents a regular selection. The selection service responds to the CTRL and SHIFT keys to support adding or removing components to or from the selection. Represents a primary selection that occurs when a user clicks on a component. If a component in the selection list is already selected, the component is promoted to be the primary selection. Represents a remove selection that removes the selected components from the current selection, maintaining the current set of selected components. Represents a selection that occurs when the content of a selection is replaced. The selection service replaces the current selection with the replacement. Represents a toggle selection that switches between the current selection and the provided selection. If a component is already selected and is passed into with a selection type of , the component selection will be canceled. Identifies the valid selection types as , , , , or . Provides the base class for serializing a set of components or serializable objects into a serialization store. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a new . A new created serialization store. Deserializes the given store to produce a collection of objects. The to deserialize. A collection of objects created according to the stored state. is . does not contain data in a format the serialization container can process. Deserializes the given store and populates the given with deserialized objects. The to deserialize. The to which objects will be added. A collection of objects created according to the stored state. or is . does not contain data in a format the serialization container can process. Deserializes the given to the given container. The to deserialize. The container to which objects will be added. or is . does not contain data in a format the serialization container can process. Deserializes the given to the given container, optionally validating recycled types. The to deserialize. The container to which objects will be added. to guarantee that the deserialization will only work if applied to an object of the same type. or is . does not contain data in a format the serialization container can process. Deserializes the given to the given container, optionally applying default property values. The to deserialize. The container to which objects will be added. to guarantee that the deserialization will only work if applied to an object of the same type. to indicate that the default property values should be applied. or is . does not contain data in a format the serialization container can process. Loads a from a stream. The from which the store will be loaded. A new instance. is . does not contain data saved by a previous call to . Serializes the given object to the given . The to which the state of will be written. The object to serialize. or is . is closed, or is not a supported type of serialization store. Use a store returned by . Serializes the given object, accounting for default property values. The to which the state of will be serialized. The object to serialize. or is . is closed, or is not a supported type of serialization store. Use a store returned by . Serializes the given member on the given object. The to which the state of will be serialized. The object to which is attached. A specifying the member to serialize. or is . is closed, or is not a supported type of serialization store. Use a store returned by . Serializes the given member on the given object, accounting for the default property value. The to which the state of will be serialized. The object to which is attached. The member to serialize. or is . is closed, or is not a supported type of serialization store. Use a store returned by . Provides a stack object that can be used by a serializer to make information available to nested serializers. Initializes a new instance of the class. Appends an object to the end of the stack, rather than pushing it onto the top of the stack. A context object to append to the stack. is . Gets the current object on the stack. The current object on the stack, or if no objects were pushed. Gets the object on the stack at the specified level. The level of the object to retrieve on the stack. Level 0 is the top of the stack, level 1 is the next down, and so on. This level must be 0 or greater. If level is greater than the number of levels on the stack, it returns . The object on the stack at the specified level, or if no object exists at that level. is less than 0. Gets the first object on the stack that inherits from or implements the specified type. A type to retrieve from the context stack. The first object on the stack that inherits from or implements the specified type, or if no object on the stack implements the type. is . Removes the current object off of the stack, returning its value. The object removed from the stack; if no objects are on the stack. Pushes, or places, the specified object onto the stack. The context object to push onto the stack. is . The attribute is placed on a serializer to indicate the class to use as a default provider of that type of serializer. Initializes a new instance of the class with the named provider type. The name of the serialization provider type. is . Initializes a new instance of the class with the given provider type. The of the serialization provider. is . Gets the type name of the serialization provider. A string containing the name of the provider. Provides a basic designer loader interface that can be used to implement a custom designer loader. Initializes a new instance of the class. Begins loading a designer. The loader host through which this loader loads components. Releases all resources used by the . Writes cached changes to the location that the designer was loaded from. Gets a value indicating whether the loader is currently loading a document. if the loader is currently loading a document; otherwise, . Indicates a serializer for the serialization manager to use to serialize the values of the type this attribute is applied to. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. The fully qualified name of the data type of the serializer. The fully qualified name of the base data type of the serializer. Multiple serializers can be supplied for a class as long as the serializers have different base types. Initializes a new instance of the class. The fully qualified name of the data type of the serializer. The base data type of the serializer. Multiple serializers can be supplied for a class as long as the serializers have different base types. Initializes a new instance of the class. The data type of the serializer. The base data type of the serializer. Multiple serializers can be supplied for a class as long as the serializers have different base types. Gets the fully qualified type name of the serializer base type. The fully qualified type name of the serializer base type. Gets the fully qualified type name of the serializer. The fully qualified type name of the serializer. Indicates a unique ID for this attribute type. A unique ID for this attribute type. Provides an interface that can extend a designer host to support loading from a serialized state. Ends the designer loading operation. The fully qualified name of the base class of the document that this designer is designing. if the designer is successfully loaded; otherwise, . A collection containing the errors encountered during load, if any. If no errors were encountered, pass either an empty collection or . Reloads the design document. Provides an interface that extends to specify whether errors are tolerated while loading a design document. Gets or sets a value indicating whether it is possible to reload with errors. if the designer loader can reload the design document when errors are detected; otherwise, . The default is . Gets or sets a value indicating whether errors should be ignored when is called. if the designer loader will ignore errors when it reloads; otherwise, . The default is . Provides an interface that can extend a designer loader to support asynchronous loading of external components. Registers an external component as part of the load process managed by this interface. Signals that a dependent load has finished. if the load of the designer is successful; if errors prevented the load from finishing. A collection of errors that occurred during the load, if any. If no errors occurred, pass either an empty collection or . Reloads the design document. if the reload request is accepted, or if the loader does not allow the reload. Provides an interface that can manage design-time serialization. Adds the specified serialization provider to the serialization manager. The serialization provider to add. Gets a stack-based, user-defined storage area that is useful for communication between serializers. A that stores data. Creates an instance of the specified type and adds it to a collection of named instances. The data type to create. The arguments to pass to the constructor for this type. The name of the object. This name can be used to access the object later through . If is passed, the object is still created but cannot be accessed by name. If , this object is added to the design container. The object must implement for this to have any effect. The newly created object instance. Gets an instance of a created object of the specified name, or if that object does not exist. The name of the object to retrieve. An instance of the object with the given name, or if no object by that name can be found. Gets the name of the specified object, or if the object has no name. The object to retrieve the name for. The name of the object, or if the object is unnamed. Gets a serializer of the requested type for the specified object type. The type of the object to get the serializer for. The type of the serializer to retrieve. An instance of the requested serializer, or if no appropriate serializer can be located. Gets a type of the specified name. The fully qualified name of the type to load. An instance of the type, or if the type cannot be loaded. Indicates custom properties that can be serializable with available serializers. A containing the properties to be serialized. Removes a custom serialization provider from the serialization manager. The provider to remove. This object must have been added using . Reports an error in serialization. The error to report. This information object can be of any object type. If it is an exception, the message of the exception is extracted and reported to the user. If it is any other type, is called to display the information to the user. Occurs when cannot locate the specified name in the serialization manager's name table. Occurs when serialization is complete. Sets the name of the specified existing object. The object instance to name. The name to give the instance. Provides an interface that enables access to a serializer. Gets a serializer using the specified attributes. The serialization manager requesting the serializer. An instance of the current serializer of the specified type. This can be if no serializer of the specified type exists. The data type of the object to serialize. The data type of the serializer to create. An instance of a serializer of the type requested, or if the request cannot be satisfied. Provides an interface that can invoke serialization and deserialization. Deserializes the specified serialization data object and returns a collection of objects represented by that data. An object consisting of serialized data. An of objects rebuilt from the specified serialization data object. Serializes the specified collection of objects and stores them in a serialization data object. A collection of objects to serialize. An object that contains the serialized state of the specified collection of objects. Provides a service that can generate unique names for objects. Creates a new name that is unique to all components in the specified container. The container where the new object is added. The data type of the object that receives the name. A unique name for the data type. Gets a value indicating whether the specified name is valid. The name to validate. if the name is valid; otherwise, . Gets a value indicating whether the specified name is valid. The name to validate. Provides the information necessary to create an instance of an object. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified member information and arguments. The member information for the descriptor. This can be a , , , or . If this is a , , or , it must represent a member. The collection of arguments to pass to the member. This parameter can be or an empty collection if there are no arguments. The collection can also consist of other instances of . is of type , , or , and it does not represent a member. -or- is of type and is not readable. -or- is of type or , and the number of arguments in does not match the signature of . -or- is of type and represents a member. -or- is of type , and the number of arguments in is not zero. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified member information, arguments, and value indicating whether the specified information completely describes the instance. The member information for the descriptor. This can be a , , , or . If this is a , , or , it must represent a member. The collection of arguments to pass to the member. This parameter can be or an empty collection if there are no arguments. The collection can also consist of other instances of . if the specified information completely describes the instance; otherwise, . is of type , , or , and it does not represent a member is of type and is not readable. is of type or and the number of arguments in does not match the signature of . is of type and represents a member is of type , and the number of arguments in is not zero. Gets the collection of arguments that can be used to reconstruct an instance of the object that this instance descriptor represents. An of arguments that can be used to create the object. Invokes this instance descriptor and returns the object the descriptor describes. The object this instance descriptor describes. Gets a value indicating whether the contents of this completely identify the instance. if the instance is completely described; otherwise, . Gets the member information that describes the instance this descriptor is associated with. A that describes the instance that this object is associated with. Represents a single relationship between an object and a member. Initializes a new instance of the class. The object that owns . The member which is to be related to . or is . Represents the empty member relationship. This field is read-only. Determines whether two instances are equal. The to compare with the current . if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, . Returns the hash code for this instance. A hash code for the current . Gets a value indicating whether this relationship is equal to the relationship. if this relationship is equal to the relationship; otherwise, . Gets the related member. The member that is passed in to the . Tests whether two specified structures are equivalent. The structure that is to the left of the equality operator. The structure that is to the right of the equality operator. This operator returns if the two structures are equal; otherwise, . Tests whether two specified structures are different. The structure that is to the left of the inequality operator. The structure that is to the right of the inequality operator. This operator returns if the two structures are different; otherwise, . Gets the owning object. The owning object that is passed in to the . Provides the base class for relating one member to another. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a relationship to the given source relationship. The source relationship. A relationship to , or if no relationship exists. Establishes a relationship between a source and target object. The source relationship. This is the left-hand side of a relationship assignment. The current relationship associated with , or if there is no relationship. is . is empty, or the relationship is not supported by the service. Establishes a relationship between a source and target object. The owner of a source relationship. The member of a source relationship. A structure encapsulating the relationship between a source and target object, or if there is no relationship. or is . or is empty, or the relationship is not supported by the service. Creates a relationship between the source object and target relationship. The source relationship. The relationship to set into the source. The relationship is not supported by the service. Gets a value indicating whether the given relationship is supported. The source relationship. The relationship to set into the source. if a relationship between the given two objects is supported; otherwise, . Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name to resolve. Gets the name of the object to resolve. The name of the object to resolve. Gets or sets the object that matches the name. The object that the name is associated with. Represents the method that handles the event of a serialization manager. The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Indicates the base serializer to use for a root designer object. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified attributes. The fully qualified name of the data type of the serializer. The name of the base type of the serializer. A class can include multiple serializers as they all have different base types. if this serializer supports dynamic reloading of the document; otherwise, . Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified attributes. The fully qualified name of the data type of the serializer. The name of the base type of the serializer. A class can include multiple serializers, as they all have different base types. if this serializer supports dynamic reloading of the document; otherwise, . Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified attributes. The data type of the serializer. The base type of the serializer. A class can include multiple serializers as they all have different base types. if this serializer supports dynamic reloading of the document; otherwise, . Gets a value indicating whether the root serializer supports reloading of the design document without first disposing the designer host. if the root serializer supports reloading; otherwise, . Gets the fully qualified type name of the base type of the serializer. The name of the base type of the serializer. Gets the fully qualified type name of the serializer. The name of the type of the serializer. Gets a unique ID for this attribute type. An object containing a unique ID for this attribute type. Provides the base class for storing serialization data for the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Closes the serialization store. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the and optionally releases the managed resources. to release both managed and unmanaged resources; to release only unmanaged resources. Gets a collection of errors that occurred during serialization or deserialization. An that contains errors that occurred during serialization or deserialization. Saves the store to the given stream. The stream to which the store will be serialized. Releases all resources used by the . Provides a simple implementation of the interface. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified parent service provider. A parent service provider. Adds the specified service to the service container. The type of service to add. A callback object that can create the service. This allows a service to be declared as available, but delays creation of the object until the service is requested. or is . A service of type already exists in the container. Adds the specified service to the service container. The type of service to add. A callback object that can create the service. This allows a service to be declared as available, but delays creation of the object until the service is requested. if this service should be added to any parent service containers; otherwise, . or is . A service of type already exists in the container. Adds the specified service to the service container. The type of service to add. An instance of the service to add. This object must implement or inherit from the type indicated by the parameter. or is . A service of type already exists in the container. Adds the specified service to the service container. The type of service to add. An instance of the service type to add. This object must implement or inherit from the type indicated by the parameter. if this service should be added to any parent service containers; otherwise, . or is . A service of type already exists in the container. Gets the default services implemented directly by . The default services. Disposes this service container. Disposes this service container. if the is in the process of being disposed of; otherwise, . Gets the requested service. The type of service to retrieve. An instance of the service if it could be found, or if it could not be found. Removes the specified service type from the service container. The type of service to remove. is . Removes the specified service type from the service container. The type of service to remove. if this service should be removed from any parent service containers; otherwise, . is . Provides a callback mechanism that can create an instance of a service on demand. The service container that requested the creation of the service. The type of service to create. The service specified by , or if the service could not be created. Defines identifiers for the standard set of commands that are available to most applications. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the for the AlignBottom command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the AlignHorizontalCenters command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the AlignLeft command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the AlignRight command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the AlignToGrid command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the AlignTop command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the AlignVerticalCenters command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the ArrangeBottom command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the ArrangeIcons command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the ArrangeRight command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the BringForward command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the BringToFront command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the CenterHorizontally command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the CenterVertically command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the Copy command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the Cut command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the Delete command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the Document Outline command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the F1Help command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the Group command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the HorizSpaceConcatenate command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the HorizSpaceDecrease command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the HorizSpaceIncrease command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the HorizSpaceMakeEqual command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the LineupIcons command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the LockControls command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the MultiLevelRedo command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the MultiLevelUndo command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the Paste command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the Properties command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the PropertiesWindow command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the Redo command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the Replace command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the SelectAll command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the SendBackward command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the SendToBack command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the ShowGrid command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the ShowLargeIcons command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the SizeToControl command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the SizeToControlHeight command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the SizeToControlWidth command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the SizeToFit command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the SizeToGrid command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the SnapToGrid command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the TabOrder command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the Undo command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the Ungroup command. This field is read-only. Gets the first of a set of verbs. This field is read-only. Gets the last of a set of verbs. This field is read-only. Gets the for the VertSpaceConcatenate command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the VertSpaceDecrease command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the VertSpaceIncrease command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the VertSpaceMakeEqual command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the ViewCode command. This field is read-only. Gets the for the ViewGrid command. This field is read-only. Defines GUID identifiers that correspond to the standard set of tool windows that are available in the design environment. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the GUID for the object browser. This field is read-only. Gets the GUID for the output window. This field is read-only. Gets the GUID for the solution explorer. This field is read-only. Gets the GUID for the Properties window. This field is read-only. Gets the GUID for the related links frame. This field is read-only. Gets the GUID for the server explorer. This field is read-only. Gets the GUID for the task list. This field is read-only. Gets the GUID for the Toolbox. This field is read-only. Provides a type description provider for a specified type. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a type description provider for the specified object. The object to get a type description provider for. A that corresponds with . Gets a type description provider for the specified type. The type to get a type description provider for. A that corresponds with . Defines identifiers for a set of technologies that designer hosts support. Specifies the default view technology support. The root designer may return any type of object, but the object must be compatible with an adapter for the technology of the host. Hosting environments such as Visual Studio provide a way to plug in new view technology adapters. The default view object for the Windows Forms designer is a instance. Represents a mode in which the view object is passed directly to the development environment. The view object must implement any interfaces the development environment requires. The Visual Studio development environment supports view objects that are either an ActiveX control, active document, or an object that implements the IVsWindowPane interface that is available through the Visual Studio VSI (Visual Studio Integration) program. The Visual Studio development environment provides support for this view technology. Support for this view technology is not necessarily available in all development environments. Represents a mode in which a Windows Forms control object provides the display for the root designer. The designer host fills the development environment document window with the Windows Forms control. Specifies the class used to implement design-time services for a component. Initializes a new instance of the class using the name of the type that provides design-time services. The concatenation of the fully qualified name of the type that provides design-time services for the component this attribute is bound to, and the name of the assembly this type resides in. Initializes a new instance of the class using the designer type and the base class for the designer. The concatenation of the fully qualified name of the type that provides design-time services for the component this attribute is bound to, and the name of the assembly this type resides in. The fully qualified name of the base class to associate with the designer class. Initializes a new instance of the class, using the name of the designer class and the base class for the designer. The concatenation of the fully qualified name of the type that provides design-time services for the component this attribute is bound to, and the name of the assembly this type resides in. A that represents the base class to associate with the . Initializes a new instance of the class using the type that provides design-time services. A that represents the class that provides design-time services for the component this attribute is bound to. Initializes a new instance of the class using the types of the designer and designer base class. A that represents the class that provides design-time services for the component this attribute is bound to. A that represents the base class to associate with the . Gets the name of the base type of this designer. The name of the base type of this designer. Gets the name of the designer type associated with this designer attribute. The name of the designer type associated with this designer attribute. Returns whether the value of the given object is equal to the current . The object to test the value equality of. if the value of the given object is equal to that of the current; otherwise, . Returns the hash code for this instance. A 32-bit signed integer hash code. Gets a unique ID for this attribute type. A unique ID for this attribute type. marks a component's visibility. If is present, a visual designer can show this component on a designer. Creates a new set to the default value of . Creates a new with the property set to the given value in . The value that the property will be set against. The default visibility which is . Returns a value that indicates whether this instance is equal to a specified object. An Object to compare with this instance or a null reference ( in Visual Basic). if equals the type and value of this instance; otherwise, . Returns the hash code for this instance. A 32-bit signed integer hash code. Gets a value indicating if this instance is equal to the value. , if this instance is equal to the value; otherwise, . Marks a component as not visible in a visual designer. Gets or sets whether the component should be shown at design time. if this component should be shown at design time, or if it shouldn't. Marks a component as visible in a visual designer. Provides a type converter to convert double-precision, floating point number objects to and from various other representations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Specifies the editor to use to change a property. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class with the default editor, which is no editor. Initializes a new instance of the class with the type name and base type name of the editor. The fully qualified type name of the editor. The fully qualified type name of the base class or interface to use as a lookup key for the editor. This class must be or derive from . Initializes a new instance of the class with the type name and the base type. The fully qualified type name of the editor. The of the base class or interface to use as a lookup key for the editor. This class must be or derive from . Initializes a new instance of the class with the type and the base type. A that represents the type of the editor. The of the base class or interface to use as a lookup key for the editor. This class must be or derive from . Gets the name of the base class or interface serving as a lookup key for this editor. The name of the base class or interface serving as a lookup key for this editor. Gets the name of the editor class in the format. The name of the editor class in the format. Returns whether the value of the given object is equal to the current . The object to test the value equality of. if the value of the given object is equal to that of the current object; otherwise, . Returns the hash code for this instance. A 32-bit signed integer hash code. Gets a unique ID for this attribute type. A unique ID for this attribute type. Provides a type converter to convert objects to and from various other representations. Initializes a new instance of the class for the given type. A that represents the type of enumeration to associate with this enumeration converter. Gets a value indicating whether this converter can convert an object in the given source type to an enumeration object using the specified context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type you wish to convert from. if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Gets a value indicating whether this converter can convert an object to the given destination type using the context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type you wish to convert to. if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Gets an that can be used to sort the values of the enumeration. An for sorting the enumeration values. Converts the specified value object to an enumeration object. An that provides a format context. An optional . If not supplied, the current culture is assumed. The to convert. An that represents the converted . is not a valid value for the target type. The conversion cannot be performed. Converts the given value object to the specified destination type. An that provides a format context. An optional . If not supplied, the current culture is assumed. The to convert. The to convert the value to. An that represents the converted . is . is not a valid value for the enumeration. The conversion cannot be performed. Specifies the type of the enumerator this converter is associated with. The type of the enumerator this converter is associated with. Gets a collection of standard values for the data type this validator is designed for. An that provides a format context. A that holds a standard set of valid values, or if the data type does not support a standard set of values. Gets a value indicating whether the list of standard values returned from is an exclusive list using the specified context. An that provides a format context. if the returned from is an exhaustive list of possible values; if other values are possible. Gets a value indicating whether this object supports a standard set of values that can be picked from a list using the specified context. An that provides a format context. because should be called to find a common set of values the object supports. This method never returns . Gets a value indicating whether the given object value is valid for this type. An that provides a format context. The to test. if the specified value is valid for this object; otherwise, . Gets or sets a that specifies the possible values for the enumeration. A that specifies the possible values for the enumeration. Provides information about an event. Initializes a new instance of the class with the name and attributes in the specified . A that contains the name of the event and its attributes. Initializes a new instance of the class with the name in the specified and the attributes in both the and the array. A that has the name of the member and its attributes. An array with the attributes you want to add to this event description. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name and attribute array. The name of the event. An array of type that contains the event attributes. When overridden in a derived class, binds the event to the component. A component that provides events to the delegate. A delegate that represents the method that handles the event. When overridden in a derived class, gets the type of component this event is bound to. A that represents the type of component the event is bound to. When overridden in a derived class, gets the type of delegate for the event. A that represents the type of delegate for the event. When overridden in a derived class, gets a value indicating whether the event delegate is a multicast delegate. if the event delegate is multicast; otherwise, . When overridden in a derived class, unbinds the delegate from the component so that the delegate will no longer receive events from the component. The component that the delegate is bound to. The delegate to unbind from the component. Represents a collection of objects. Initializes a new instance of the class with the given array of objects. An array of type that provides the events for this collection. Initializes a new instance of the class with the given array of objects. The collection is optionally read-only. An array of type that provides the events for this collection. to specify a read-only collection; otherwise, . Adds an to the end of the collection. An to add to the collection. The position of the within the collection. The collection is read-only. Removes all objects from the collection. The collection is read-only. Returns whether the collection contains the given . The to find within the collection. if the collection contains the parameter given; otherwise, . Gets the number of event descriptors in the collection. The number of event descriptors in the collection. Specifies an empty collection to use, rather than creating a new one with no items. This field is read-only. Gets the description of the event with the specified name in the collection. The name of the event to get from the collection. if you want to ignore the case of the event; otherwise, . The with the specified name, or if the event does not exist. Gets an enumerator for this . An enumerator that implements . Returns the index of the given . The to find within the collection. The index of the given within the collection. Inserts an to the collection at a specified index. The index within the collection in which to insert the parameter. An to insert into the collection. The collection is read-only. Sorts the members of this , using the specified . A comparer to use to sort the objects in this collection. Sorts the members of this . The specified order is applied first, followed by the default sort for this collection, which is usually alphabetical. An array of strings describing the order in which to sort the objects in this collection. Gets or sets the event with the specified index number. The zero-based index number of the to get or set. The with the specified index number. is not a valid index for . Gets or sets the event with the specified name. The name of the to get or set. The with the specified name, or if the event does not exist. Removes the specified from the collection. The to remove from the collection. The collection is read-only. Removes the at the specified index from the collection. The index of the to remove. The collection is read-only. Sorts the members of this , using the default sort for this collection, which is usually alphabetical. The new . Sorts the members of this , using the specified . An to use to sort the objects in this collection. The new . Sorts the members of this , given a specified sort order. An array of strings describing the order in which to sort the objects in the collection. The new . Sorts the members of this , given a specified sort order and an . An array of strings describing the order in which to sort the objects in the collection. An to use to sort the objects in this collection. The new . Copies the elements of the collection to an , starting at a particular index. The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from collection. The must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in at which copying begins. Gets the number of elements contained in the collection. The number of elements contained in the collection. Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized. if access to the collection is synchronized; otherwise, . Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. An object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An that can be used to iterate through the collection. Adds an item to the collection. The to add to the collection. The position into which the new element was inserted. The collection is read-only. Removes all the items from the collection. The collection is read-only. Determines whether the collection contains a specific value. The to locate in the collection. if the is found in the collection; otherwise, . Determines the index of a specific item in the collection. The to locate in the collection. The index of if found in the list; otherwise, -1. Inserts an item to the collection at the specified index. The zero-based index at which should be inserted. The to insert into the collection. The collection is read-only. Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, . Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only. if the collection is read-only; otherwise, . Gets or sets the element at the specified index. The zero-based index of the element to get or set. The element at the specified index. The collection is read-only. is less than 0. -or- is equal to or greater than . Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the collection. The to remove from the collection. The collection is read-only. Removes the item at the specified index. The zero-based index of the item to remove. The collection is read-only. Provides a type converter to convert expandable objects to and from various other representations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a collection of properties for the type of object specified by the value parameter. An that provides a format context. An that specifies the type of object to get the properties for. An array of type that will be used as a filter. A with the properties that are exposed for the component, or if there are no properties. Gets a value indicating whether this object supports properties using the specified context. An that provides a format context. because should be called to find the properties of this object. This method never returns . Specifies a property that is offered by an extender provider. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns a value that indicates whether this instance is equal to a specified object. An to compare with this instance or a null reference ( in Visual Basic). if equals the type and value of this instance; otherwise, . Gets the property that is being provided. A encapsulating the property that is being provided. Returns the hash code for this instance. A 32-bit signed integer hash code. Provides an indication whether the value of this instance is the default value for the derived class. if this instance is the default attribute for the class; otherwise, . Gets the extender provider that is providing the property. The that is providing the property. Gets the type of object that can receive the property. A describing the type of object that can receive the property. Provides a type converter to convert objects to and from various other representations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a value indicating whether this converter can convert an object in the given source type to a GUID object using the context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type you wish to convert from. if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Gets a value indicating whether this converter can convert an object to the given destination type using the context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type you wish to convert to. if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Converts the given object to a GUID object. An that provides a format context. An optional . If not supplied, the current culture is assumed. The to convert. An that represents the converted . The conversion cannot be performed. Converts the given object to another type. A formatter context. The culture into which will be converted. The object to convert. The type to convert the object to. The converted object. is . The conversion cannot be performed. Provides data for events that can be handled completely in an event handler. Initializes a new instance of the class with a default property value of . Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified default value for the property. The default value for the property. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the event handler has completely handled the event or whether the system should continue its own processing. if the event has been completely handled; otherwise, . Represents a method that can handle events which may or may not require further processing after the event handler has returned. The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Provides the features required to support both complex and simple scenarios when binding to a data source. Adds the to the indexes used for searching. The to add to the indexes used for searching. Adds a new item to the list. The item added to the list. is . Gets whether you can update items in the list. if you can update the items in the list; otherwise, . Gets whether you can add items to the list using . if you can add items to the list using ; otherwise, . Gets whether you can remove items from the list, using or . if you can remove items from the list; otherwise, . Sorts the list based on a and a . The to sort by. One of the values. is . Returns the index of the row that has the given . The to search on. The value of the parameter to search for. The index of the row that has the given . is . Gets whether the items in the list are sorted. if has been called and has not been called; otherwise, . is . Occurs when the list changes or an item in the list changes. Removes the from the indexes used for searching. The to remove from the indexes used for searching. Removes any sort applied using . is . Gets the direction of the sort. One of the values. is . Gets the that is being used for sorting. The that is being used for sorting. is . Gets whether a event is raised when the list changes or an item in the list changes. if a event is raised when the list changes or when an item changes; otherwise, . Gets whether the list supports searching using the method. if the list supports searching using the method; otherwise, . Gets whether the list supports sorting. if the list supports sorting; otherwise, . Extends the interface by providing advanced sorting and filtering capabilities. Sorts the data source based on the given . The containing the sorts to apply to the data source. Gets or sets the filter to be used to exclude items from the collection of items returned by the data source The string used to filter items out in the item collection returned by the data source. Removes the current filter applied to the data source. Gets the collection of sort descriptions currently applied to the data source. The currently applied to the data source. Gets a value indicating whether the data source supports advanced sorting. if the data source supports advanced sorting; otherwise, . Gets a value indicating whether the data source supports filtering. if the data source supports filtering; otherwise, . Adds transactional capability when adding a new item to a collection. Discards a pending new item from the collection. The index of the item that was previously added to the collection. Commits a pending new item to the collection. The index of the item that was previously added to the collection. Provides a top-level mapping layer between a COM object and a . Gets the attributes for the specified component. The component to get attributes for. A collection of attributes for . Gets the class name for the specified component. The component to get the class name for. The name of the class that corresponds with . Gets the type converter for the specified component. The component to get the for. The for . Gets the default event for the specified component. The component to get the default event for. An that represents 's default event. Gets the default property for the specified component. The component to get the default property for. A that represents 's default property. Gets the editor for the specified component. The component to get the editor for. The base type of the editor for . The editor for . Gets the events for the specified component. The component to get events for. A collection of event descriptors for . Gets the events with the specified attributes for the specified component. The component to get events for. The attributes used to filter events. A collection of event descriptors for . Gets the name of the specified component. The component to get the name of. The name of . Gets the properties with the specified attributes for the specified component. The component to get events for. The attributes used to filter properties. A collection of property descriptors for . Gets the value of the property that has the specified dispatch identifier. The object to which the property belongs. The dispatch identifier. A , passed by reference, that represents whether the property was retrieved. The value of the property that has the specified dispatch identifier. Gets the value of the property that has the specified name. The object to which the property belongs. The name of the property. A , passed by reference, that represents whether the property was retrieved. The value of the property that has the specified name. Provides an interface that supplies dynamic custom type information for an object. Returns a collection of custom attributes for this instance of a component. An containing the attributes for this object. Returns the class name of this instance of a component. The class name of the object, or if the class does not have a name. Returns the name of this instance of a component. The name of the object, or if the object does not have a name. Returns a type converter for this instance of a component. A that is the converter for this object, or if there is no for this object. Returns the default event for this instance of a component. An that represents the default event for this object, or if this object does not have events. Returns the default property for this instance of a component. A that represents the default property for this object, or if this object does not have properties. Returns an editor of the specified type for this instance of a component. A that represents the editor for this object. An of the specified type that is the editor for this object, or if the editor cannot be found. Returns the events for this instance of a component. An that represents the events for this component instance. Returns the events for this instance of a component using the specified attribute array as a filter. An array of type that is used as a filter. An that represents the filtered events for this component instance. Returns the properties for this instance of a component. A that represents the properties for this component instance. Returns the properties for this instance of a component using the attribute array as a filter. An array of type that is used as a filter. A that represents the filtered properties for this component instance. Returns an object that contains the property described by the specified property descriptor. A that represents the property whose owner is to be found. An that represents the owner of the specified property. Provides the functionality to offer custom error information that a user interface can bind to. Gets an error message indicating what is wrong with this object. An error message indicating what is wrong with this object. The default is an empty string (""). Gets the error message for the property with the given name. The name of the property whose error message to get. The error message for the property. The default is an empty string (""). Defines the interface for extending properties to other components in a container. Specifies whether this object can provide its extender properties to the specified object. The to receive the extender properties. if this object can provide extender properties to the specified object; otherwise, . Provides an interface to facilitate the retrieval of the builder's name and to display the builder. Gets a localized name. A localized name. Shows the builder. The language service that is calling the builder. The expression being edited. The new value. if the value should be replaced with ; otherwise, (if the user cancels, for example). Provides functionality to an object to return a list that can be bound to a data source. Gets a value indicating whether the collection is a collection of objects. if the collection is a collection of objects; otherwise, . Returns an that can be bound to a data source from an object that does not implement an itself. An that can be bound to a data source from the object. Provides functionality for nested containers, which logically contain zero or more other components and are owned by a parent component. Gets the owning component for the nested container. The that owns the nested container. Provides the ability to retrieve the full nested name of a component. Gets the full name of the component in this site. The full name of the component in this site. Indicates whether the component associated with this attribute has been inherited from a base class. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified inheritance level. An that indicates the level of inheritance to set this attribute to. Specifies that the default value for is . This field is read-only. Override to test for equality. The object to test. if the object is the same; otherwise, . Returns the hashcode for this object. A hash code for the current . Gets or sets the current inheritance level stored in this attribute. The stored in this attribute. Specifies that the component is inherited. This field is read-only. Specifies that the component is inherited and is read-only. This field is read-only. Gets a value indicating whether the current value of the attribute is the default value for the attribute. if the current value of the attribute is the default; otherwise, . Specifies that the component is not inherited. This field is read-only. Converts this attribute to a string. A string that represents this . Defines identifiers for types of inheritance levels. The object is inherited. The object is inherited, but has read-only access. The object is not inherited. Specifies the installer for a type that installs components. Initializes a new instance of the class with the name of the component's installer type. The name of a that represents the installer for the component this attribute is bound to. This class must implement . Initializes a new instance of the class, when given a that represents the installer for a component. A that represents the installer for the component this attribute is bound to. This class must implement . Returns whether the value of the given object is equal to the current . The object to test the value equality of. if the value of the given object is equal to that of the current; otherwise, . Returns the hashcode for this object. A hash code for the current . Gets the type of installer associated with this attribute. A that represents the type of installer associated with this attribute, or if an installer does not exist. Creates an instance of a particular type of property from a drop-down box within the . Initializes a new instance of the class. When overridden in a derived class, returns an instance of the specified type. The context information. The specified type. An instance of the specified type or . Gets the specified text. The specified text. Provides a type converter to convert 16-bit signed integer objects to and from other representations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Provides a type converter to convert 32-bit signed integer objects to and from other representations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Provides a type converter to convert 64-bit signed integer objects to and from various other representations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Thrown when a thread on which an operation should execute no longer exists or has no message loop. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with the given and . The to be used for deserialization. The destination to be used for deserialization. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified detailed description. A detailed description of the error. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified detailed description and the specified exception. A detailed description of the error. A reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. Indicates whether a class converts property change events to events. Gets a value indicating whether the object raises events. if the object raises events when one of its property values changes; otherwise, . Allows coordination of initialization for a component and its dependent properties. Occurs when initialization of the component is completed. Gets a value indicating whether the component is initialized. to indicate the component has completed initialization; otherwise, . Provides contextual information about a component, such as its container and property descriptor. Gets the container representing this request. An with the set of objects for this ; otherwise, if there is no container or if the does not use outside objects. Gets the object that is connected with this type descriptor request. The object that invokes the method on the ; otherwise, if there is no object responsible for the call. Raises the event. Raises the event. if this object can be changed; otherwise, . Gets the that is associated with the given context item. The that describes the given context item; otherwise, if there is no responsible for the call. Provides functionality to discover the schema for a bindable list, where the properties available for binding differ from the public properties of the object to bind to. Returns the that represents the properties on each item used to bind data. An array of objects to find in the collection as bindable. This can be . The that represents the properties on each item used to bind data. Returns the name of the list. An array of objects, for which the list name is returned. This can be . The name of the list. Provides the base class for all licenses. A license is granted to a specific instance of a component. Initializes a new instance of the class. When overridden in a derived class, disposes of the resources used by the license. When overridden in a derived class, gets the license key granted to this component. A license key granted to this component. Specifies when you can use a licensed object and provides a way of obtaining additional services needed to support licenses running within its domain. Initializes a new instance of the class. When overridden in a derived class, returns a saved license key for the specified type, from the specified resource assembly. A that represents the type of component. An with the license key. The for the specified type. This method returns unless you override it. Gets the requested service, if it is available. The type of service to retrieve. An instance of the service, or if the service cannot be found. When overridden in a derived class, sets a license key for the specified type. A that represents the component associated with the license key. The to save for the type of component. When overridden in a derived class, gets a value that specifies when you can use a license. One of the values that specifies when you can use a license. The default is . Represents the exception thrown when a component cannot be granted a license. Initializes a new instance of the class with the given and . The to be used for deserialization. The destination to be used for deserialization. Initializes a new instance of the class for the type of component that was denied a license. A that represents the type of component that was not granted a license. Initializes a new instance of the class for the type and the instance of the component that was denied a license. A that represents the type of component that was not granted a license. The instance of the component that was not granted a license. Initializes a new instance of the class for the type and the instance of the component that was denied a license, along with a message to display. A that represents the type of component that was not granted a license. The instance of the component that was not granted a license. The exception message to display. Initializes a new instance of the class for the type and the instance of the component that was denied a license, along with a message to display and the original exception thrown. A that represents the type of component that was not granted a license. The instance of the component that was not granted a license. The exception message to display. An that represents the original exception. Sets the with information about the exception. The to be used for deserialization. The destination to be used for deserialization. is . Gets the type of the component that was not granted a license. A that represents the type of component that was not granted a license. Provides properties and methods to add a license to a component and to manage a . This class cannot be inherited. Creates an instance of the specified type, given a context in which you can use the licensed instance. A that represents the type to create. A that specifies when you can use the licensed instance. An instance of the specified type. Creates an instance of the specified type with the specified arguments, given a context in which you can use the licensed instance. A that represents the type to create. A that specifies when you can use the licensed instance. An array of type that represents the arguments for the type. An instance of the specified type with the given array of arguments. Gets or sets the current , which specifies when you can use the licensed object. A that specifies when you can use the licensed object. The property is currently locked and cannot be changed. Returns whether the given type has a valid license. The to find a valid license for. if the given type is licensed; otherwise, . Determines whether a valid license can be granted for the specified type. A that represents the type of object that requests the . if a valid license can be granted; otherwise, . Determines whether a valid license can be granted for the specified instance of the type. This method creates a valid . A that represents the type of object that requests the license. An object of the specified type or a type derived from the specified type. A that is a valid license, or if a valid license cannot be granted. if a valid can be granted; otherwise, . Prevents changes being made to the current of the given object. The object whose current context you want to lock. The context is already locked. Allows changes to be made to the current of the given object. The object whose current context you want to unlock. represents a different user than the one specified in a previous call to . Gets the which specifies when you can use the licensed object for the . One of the values, as specified in the property. Determines whether a license can be granted for the specified type. A that represents the type of object that requests the license. A cannot be granted. Determines whether a license can be granted for the instance of the specified type. A that represents the type of object that requests the license. An of the specified type or a type derived from the specified type. A valid . The type is licensed, but a cannot be granted. Provides the base class for implementing a license provider. Initializes a new instance of the class. When overridden in a derived class, gets a license for an instance or type of component, when given a context and whether the denial of a license throws an exception. A that specifies where you can use the licensed object. A that represents the component requesting the license. An object that is requesting the license. if a should be thrown when the component cannot be granted a license; otherwise, . A valid . Specifies the to use with a class. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class without a license provider. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified type. The fully qualified name of the license provider class. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified type of license provider. A that represents the type of the license provider class. Specifies the default value, which is no provider. This field is read-only. Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. Another object to compare to. if is equal to this instance; otherwise, . Returns the hash code for this instance. A hash code for the current . Gets the license provider that must be used with the associated class. A that represents the type of the license provider. The default value is . Indicates a unique ID for this attribute type. A unique ID for this attribute type. Specifies when the can be used. Used during design time by a visual designer or the compiler. Used during runtime. Provides an implementation of a . The provider works in a similar fashion to the Microsoft .NET Framework standard licensing model. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns a key for the specified type. The object type to return the key. A confirmation that the parameter is licensed. Returns a license for the instance of the component, if one is available. A that specifies where you can use the licensed object. A that represents the component requesting the . An object that requests the . if a should be thrown when a component cannot be granted a license; otherwise, . A valid . If this method cannot find a valid or a valid parameter, it returns . Determines whether the key that the method retrieves is valid for the specified type. The to check. A that represents the component requesting the . if the key is a valid for the specified type; otherwise, . Specifies that a list can be used as a data source. A visual designer should use this attribute to determine whether to display a particular list in a data-binding picker. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class using a value to indicate whether the list is bindable. if the list is bindable; otherwise, . Initializes a new instance of the class using to indicate whether the list is bindable. A that indicates whether the list is bindable. Represents the default value for . Returns whether the object passed is equal to this . The object to test equality with. if the object passed is equal to this ; otherwise, . Returns the hash code for this instance. A hash code for the current . Returns whether is set to the default value. if is set to the default value; otherwise, . Gets whether the list is bindable. if the list is bindable; otherwise, . Specifies that the list is not bindable. This field is read-only. Specifies that the list is bindable. This field is read-only. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class given the type of change and the affected. A value indicating the type of change. The that was added, removed, or changed. Initializes a new instance of the class given the type of change and the index of the affected item. A value indicating the type of change. The index of the item that was added, changed, or removed. Initializes a new instance of the class given the type of change, the index of the affected item, and a describing the affected item. A value indicating the type of change. The index of the item that was added or changed. The describing the item. Initializes a new instance of the class given the type of change and the old and new index of the item that was moved. A value indicating the type of change. The new index of the item that was moved. The old index of the item that was moved. Gets the type of change. A value indicating the type of change. Gets the index of the item affected by the change. The index of the affected by the change. Gets the old index of an item that has been moved. The old index of the moved item. Gets the that was added, changed, or deleted. The affected by the change. Represents the method that will handle the event of the class. The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Specifies how the list changed. An item added to the list. contains the index of the item that was added. An item changed in the list. contains the index of the item that was changed. An item deleted from the list. contains the index of the item that was deleted. An item moved within the list. contains the previous index for the item, whereas contains the new index for the item. A was added, which changed the schema. A was changed, which changed the schema. A was deleted, which changed the schema. Much of the list has changed. Any listening controls should refresh all their data from the list. Provides a description of the sort operation applied to a data source. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified property description and direction. The that describes the property by which the data source is sorted. One of the values. Gets or sets the abstract description of a class property associated with this The associated with this . Gets or sets the direction of the sort operation associated with this . One of the values. Represents a collection of objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified array of objects. The array of objects to be contained in the collection. Determines if the contains a specific value. The to locate in the collection. if the is found in the collection; otherwise, . Copies the contents of the collection to the specified array, starting at the specified destination array index. The destination array for the items copied from the collection. The index of the destination array at which copying begins. Gets the number of items in the collection. The number of items in the collection. Returns the index of the specified item in the collection. The to locate in the collection. The index of if found in the list; otherwise, -1. Gets or sets the specified . The zero-based index of the to get or set in the collection. The with the specified index. An item is set in the , which is read-only. Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is thread safe. in all cases. Gets the current instance that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. The current instance of the . Gets a that can be used to iterate through the collection. An that can be used to iterate through the collection. Adds an item to the collection. The item to add to the collection. The position into which the new element was inserted. In all cases. Removes all items from the collection. In all cases. Inserts an item into the collection at a specified index. The zero-based index of the to get or set in the collection The item to insert into the collection. In all cases. Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. in all cases. Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only. in all cases. Gets the specified . The zero-based index of the to get in the collection The with the specified index. Removes the first occurrence of an item from the collection. The item to remove from the collection. In all cases. Removes an item from the collection at a specified index. The zero-based index of the to remove from the collection In all cases. Specifies the direction of a sort operation. Sorts in ascending order. Sorts in descending order. Specifies the properties that support lookup-based binding. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class using no parameters. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name of the property to be used as the data source. The name of the property to be used for the display name. The name of the property to be used as the source for values. The name of the property to be used for lookups. Gets the name of the data source property for the component to which the is bound. The data source property for the component to which the is bound. Represents the default value for the class. Gets the name of the display member property for the component to which the is bound. The name of the display member property for the component to which the is bound. Determines whether the specified is equal to the current instance. The to compare with the current instance if the object is equal to the current instance; otherwise, , indicating they are not equal. Returns the hash code for this instance. A hash code for the current . Gets the name of the lookup member for the component to which this attribute is bound. The name of the lookup member for the component to which the is bound. Gets the name of the value member property for the component to which the is bound. The name of the value member property for the component to which the is bound. Implements and provides the base implementation for remotable components that are marshaled by value (a copy of the serialized object is passed). Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the container for the component. An object implementing the interface that represents the component's container, or if the component does not have a site. Gets a value indicating whether the component is currently in design mode. if the component is in design mode; otherwise, . Releases all resources used by the . Releases the unmanaged resources used by the and optionally releases the managed resources. to release both managed and unmanaged resources; to release only unmanaged resources. Adds an event handler to listen to the event on the component. Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this component. An that provides the delegates for this component. Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. Gets the implementer of the . A that represents the type of service you want. An that represents the implementer of the . Gets or sets the site of the component. An object implementing the interface that represents the site of the component. Returns a containing the name of the , if any. This method should not be overridden. A containing the name of the , if any. if the is unnamed. Represents a mask-parsing service that can be used by any number of controls that support masking, such as the control. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified mask. A that represents the input mask. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified mask and ASCII restriction value. A that represents the input mask. to restrict input to ASCII-compatible characters; otherwise to allow the entire Unicode set. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified mask, password character, and prompt usage value. A that represents the input mask. A that will be displayed for characters entered into a password string. to allow the prompt character as input; otherwise . Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified mask and culture. A that represents the input mask. A that is used to set region-sensitive separator characters. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified mask, culture, and ASCII restriction value. A that represents the input mask. A that is used to set region-sensitive separator characters. to restrict input to ASCII-compatible characters; otherwise to allow the entire Unicode set. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified mask, culture, prompt usage value, prompt character, password character, and ASCII restriction value. A that represents the input mask. A that is used to set region-sensitive separator characters. A value that specifies whether the prompt character should be allowed as a valid input character. A that will be displayed as a placeholder for user input. A that will be displayed for characters entered into a password string. to restrict input to ASCII-compatible characters; otherwise to allow the entire Unicode set. The mask parameter is or . -or- The mask contains one or more non-printable characters. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified mask, culture, password character, and prompt usage value. A that represents the input mask. A that is used to set region-sensitive separator characters. A that will be displayed for characters entered into a password string. to allow the prompt character as input; otherwise . Adds the specified input character to the end of the formatted string. A value to be appended to the formatted string. if the input character was added successfully; otherwise . Adds the specified input character to the end of the formatted string, and then outputs position and descriptive information. A value to be appended to the formatted string. The zero-based position in the formatted string where the attempt was made to add the character. An output parameter. A that succinctly describes the result of the operation. An output parameter. if the input character was added successfully; otherwise . Adds the characters in the specified input string to the end of the formatted string. A containing character values to be appended to the formatted string. if all the characters from the input string were added successfully; otherwise to indicate that no characters were added. The parameter is . Adds the characters in the specified input string to the end of the formatted string, and then outputs position and descriptive information. A containing character values to be appended to the formatted string. The zero-based position in the formatted string where the attempt was made to add the character. An output parameter. A that succinctly describes the result of the operation. An output parameter. if all the characters from the input string were added successfully; otherwise to indicate that no characters were added. Gets a value indicating whether the prompt character should be treated as a valid input character or not. if the user can enter into the control; otherwise, . The default is . Gets a value indicating whether the mask accepts characters outside of the ASCII character set. if only ASCII is accepted; if can accept any arbitrary Unicode character. The default is . Gets the number of editable character positions that have already been successfully assigned an input value. An containing the number of editable character positions in the input mask that have already been assigned a character value in the formatted string. Gets the number of editable character positions in the input mask that have not yet been assigned an input value. An containing the number of editable character positions that not yet been assigned a character value. Clears all the editable input characters from the formatted string, replacing them with prompt characters. Clears all the editable input characters from the formatted string, replacing them with prompt characters, and then outputs descriptive information. A that succinctly describes the result of the operation. An output parameter. Creates a copy of the current . The object this method creates, cast as an object. Gets the culture that determines the value of the localizable separators and placeholders in the input mask. A containing the culture information associated with the input mask. Gets the default password character used obscure user input. A that represents the default password character. Gets the number of editable positions in the formatted string. An containing the number of editable positions in the formatted string. Gets a newly created enumerator for the editable positions in the formatted string. An that supports enumeration over the editable positions in the formatted string. Returns the position of the first assigned editable position after the specified position using the specified search direction. The zero-based position in the formatted string to start the search. A indicating the search direction; either to search forward or to search backward. If successful, an representing the zero-based position of the first assigned editable position encountered; otherwise . Returns the position of the first assigned editable position between the specified positions using the specified search direction. The zero-based position in the formatted string where the search starts. The zero-based position in the formatted string where the search ends. A indicating the search direction; either to search forward or to search backward. If successful, an representing the zero-based position of the first assigned editable position encountered; otherwise . Returns the position of the first editable position after the specified position using the specified search direction. The zero-based position in the formatted string to start the search. A indicating the search direction; either to search forward or to search backward. If successful, an representing the zero-based position of the first editable position encountered; otherwise . Returns the position of the first editable position between the specified positions using the specified search direction. The zero-based position in the formatted string where the search starts. The zero-based position in the formatted string where the search ends. A indicating the search direction; either to search forward or to search backward. If successful, an representing the zero-based position of the first editable position encountered; otherwise . Returns the position of the first non-editable position after the specified position using the specified search direction. The zero-based position in the formatted string to start the search. A indicating the search direction; either to search forward or to search backward. If successful, an representing the zero-based position of the first literal position encountered; otherwise . Returns the position of the first non-editable position between the specified positions using the specified search direction. The zero-based position in the formatted string where the search starts. The zero-based position in the formatted string where the search ends. A indicating the search direction; either to search forward or to search backward. If successful, an representing the zero-based position of the first literal position encountered; otherwise . Returns the position of the first unassigned editable position after the specified position using the specified search direction. The zero-based position in the formatted string to start the search. A indicating the search direction; either to search forward or to search backward. If successful, an representing the zero-based position of the first unassigned editable position encountered; otherwise . Returns the position of the first unassigned editable position between the specified positions using the specified search direction. The zero-based position in the formatted string where the search starts. The zero-based position in the formatted string where the search ends. A indicating the search direction; either to search forward or to search backward. If successful, an representing the zero-based position of the first unassigned editable position encountered; otherwise . Determines whether the specified denotes success or failure. A value typically obtained as an output parameter from a previous operation. if the specified value represents a success; otherwise, if it represents failure. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether literal characters in the input mask should be included in the formatted string. if literals are included; otherwise, . The default is . Gets or sets a value indicating whether is used to represent the absence of user input when displaying the formatted string. if the prompt character is used to represent the positions where no user input was provided; otherwise, . The default is . Inserts the specified character at the specified position within the formatted string. The to be inserted. The zero-based position in the formatted string to insert the character. if the insertion was successful; otherwise, . Inserts the specified character at the specified position within the formatted string, returning the last insertion position and the status of the operation. The to be inserted. The zero-based position in the formatted string to insert the character. If the method is successful, the last position where a character was inserted; otherwise, the first position where the insertion failed. An output parameter. A that succinctly describes the result of the insertion operation. An output parameter. if the insertion was successful; otherwise, . Inserts the specified string at a specified position within the formatted string. The to be inserted. The zero-based position in the formatted string to insert the input string. if the insertion was successful; otherwise, . The parameter is . Inserts the specified string at a specified position within the formatted string, returning the last insertion position and the status of the operation. The to be inserted. The zero-based position in the formatted string to insert the input string. If the method is successful, the last position where a character was inserted; otherwise, the first position where the insertion failed. An output parameter. A that succinctly describes the result of the insertion operation. An output parameter. if the insertion was successful; otherwise, . The parameter is . Gets the upper bound of the range of invalid indexes. A value representing the largest invalid index, as determined by the provider implementation. For example, if the lowest valid index is 0, this property will return -1. Determines whether the specified position is available for assignment. The zero-based position in the mask to test. if the specified position in the formatted string is editable and has not been assigned to yet; otherwise . Determines whether the specified position is editable. The zero-based position in the mask to test. if the specified position in the formatted string is editable; otherwise . Gets or sets a value that determines whether password protection should be applied to the formatted string. if the input string is to be treated as a password string; otherwise, . The default is . Determines whether the specified character is a valid input character. The value to test. if the specified character contains a valid input value; otherwise . Determines whether the specified character is a valid mask character. The value to test. if the specified character contains a valid mask value; otherwise . Determines whether the specified character is a valid password character. The value to test. if the specified character contains a valid password value; otherwise . Gets the element at the specified position in the formatted string. A zero-based index of the element to retrieve. The at the specified position in the formatted string. is less than zero or greater than or equal to the of the mask. Gets the index in the mask of the rightmost input character that has been assigned to the mask. If at least one input character has been assigned to the mask, an containing the index of rightmost assigned position; otherwise, if no position has been assigned, . Gets the length of the mask, absent any mask modifier characters. An containing the number of positions in the mask, excluding characters that modify mask input. Gets the input mask. A containing the full mask. Gets a value indicating whether all required inputs have been entered into the formatted string. if all required input has been entered into the mask; otherwise, . Gets a value indicating whether all required and optional inputs have been entered into the formatted string. if all required and optional inputs have been entered; otherwise, . Gets or sets the character to be substituted for the actual input characters. The value used as the password character. The password character specified when setting this property is the same as the current prompt character, . The two are required to be different. The character specified when setting this property is not a valid password character, as determined by the method. Gets or sets the character used to represent the absence of user input for all available edit positions. The character used to prompt the user for input. The default is an underscore (_). The prompt character specified when setting this property is the same as the current password character, . The two are required to be different. The character specified when setting this property is not a valid password character, as determined by the method. Removes the last assigned character from the formatted string. if the character was successfully removed; otherwise, . Removes the last assigned character from the formatted string, and then outputs the removal position and descriptive information. The zero-based position in the formatted string where the character was actually removed. An output parameter. A that succinctly describes the result of the operation. An output parameter. if the character was successfully removed; otherwise, . Removes the assigned character at the specified position from the formatted string. The zero-based position of the assigned character to remove. if the character was successfully removed; otherwise, . Removes the assigned characters between the specified positions from the formatted string. The zero-based index of the first assigned character to remove. The zero-based index of the last assigned character to remove. if the character was successfully removed; otherwise, . Removes the assigned characters between the specified positions from the formatted string, and then outputs the removal position and descriptive information. The zero-based index of the first assigned character to remove. The zero-based index of the last assigned character to remove. If successful, the zero-based position in the formatted string of where the characters were actually removed; otherwise, the first position where the operation failed. An output parameter. A that succinctly describes the result of the operation. An output parameter. if the character was successfully removed; otherwise, . Replaces a single character at or beyond the specified position with the specified character value. The value that replaces the existing value. The zero-based position to search for the first editable character to replace. if the character was successfully replaced; otherwise, . Replaces a single character between the specified starting and ending positions with the specified character value, and then outputs the removal position and descriptive information. The value that replaces the existing value. The zero-based position in the formatted string where the replacement starts. The zero-based position in the formatted string where the replacement ends. If successful, the zero-based position in the formatted string where the last character was actually replaced; otherwise, the first position where the operation failed. An output parameter. A that succinctly describes the result of the replacement operation. An output parameter. if the character was successfully replaced; otherwise, . Replaces a single character at or beyond the specified position with the specified character value, and then outputs the removal position and descriptive information. The value that replaces the existing value. The zero-based position to search for the first editable character to replace. If successful, the zero-based position in the formatted string where the last character was actually replaced; otherwise, the first position where the operation failed. An output parameter. A that succinctly describes the result of the replacement operation. An output parameter. if the character was successfully replaced; otherwise, . Replaces a range of editable characters starting at the specified position with the specified string. The value used to replace the existing editable characters. The zero-based position to search for the first editable character to replace. if all the characters were successfully replaced; otherwise, . The parameter is . Replaces a range of editable characters between the specified starting and ending positions with the specified string, and then outputs the removal position and descriptive information. The value used to replace the existing editable characters. The zero-based position in the formatted string where the replacement starts. The zero-based position in the formatted string where the replacement ends. If successful, the zero-based position in the formatted string where the last character was actually replaced; otherwise, the first position where the operation failed. An output parameter. A that succinctly describes the result of the replacement operation. An output parameter. if all the characters were successfully replaced; otherwise, . Replaces a range of editable characters starting at the specified position with the specified string, and then outputs the removal position and descriptive information. The value used to replace the existing editable characters. The zero-based position to search for the first editable character to replace. If successful, the zero-based position in the formatted string where the last character was actually replaced; otherwise, the first position where the operation failed. An output parameter. A that succinctly describes the result of the replacement operation. An output parameter. if all the characters were successfully replaced; otherwise, . Gets or sets a value that determines how an input character that matches the prompt character should be handled. if the prompt character entered as input causes the current editable position in the mask to be reset; otherwise, to indicate that the prompt character is to be processed as a normal input character. The default is . Gets or sets a value that determines how a space input character should be handled. if the space input character causes the current editable position in the mask to be reset; otherwise, to indicate that it is to be processed as a normal input character. The default is . Sets the formatted string to the specified input string. The value used to set the formatted string. if all the characters were successfully set; otherwise, . The parameter is . Sets the formatted string to the specified input string, and then outputs the removal position and descriptive information. The value used to set the formatted string. If successful, the zero-based position in the formatted string where the last character was actually set; otherwise, the first position where the operation failed. An output parameter. A that succinctly describes the result of the set operation. An output parameter. if all the characters were successfully set; otherwise, . The parameter is . Gets or sets a value indicating whether literal character positions in the mask can be overwritten by their same values. to allow literals to be added back; otherwise, to not allow the user to overwrite literal characters. The default is . Returns the formatted string in a displayable form. The formatted that includes prompts and mask literals. Returns the formatted string that includes all the assigned character values. The formatted that includes all the assigned character values. Returns the formatted string, optionally including password characters. to return the actual editable characters; otherwise, to indicate that the property is to be honored. The formatted that includes literals, prompts, and optionally password characters. Returns the formatted string, optionally including prompt and literal characters. to include prompt characters in the return string; otherwise, . to include literal characters in the return string; otherwise, . The formatted that includes all the assigned character values and optionally includes literals and prompts. Returns a substring of the formatted string, optionally including prompt, literal, and password characters. to return the actual editable characters; otherwise, to indicate that the property is to be honored. to include prompt characters in the return string; otherwise, . to return literal characters in the return string; otherwise, . The zero-based position in the formatted string where the output begins. The number of characters to return. If successful, a substring of the formatted , which includes all the assigned character values and optionally includes literals, prompts, and password characters; otherwise the string. Returns a substring of the formatted string, optionally including prompt and literal characters. to include prompt characters in the return string; otherwise, . to include literal characters in the return string; otherwise, . The zero-based position in the formatted string where the output begins. The number of characters to return. If successful, a substring of the formatted , which includes all the assigned character values and optionally includes literals and prompts; otherwise the string. Returns a substring of the formatted string, optionally including password characters. to return the actual editable characters; otherwise, to indicate that the property is to be honored. The zero-based position in the formatted string where the output begins. The number of characters to return. If successful, a substring of the formatted , which includes literals, prompts, and optionally password characters; otherwise the string. Returns a substring of the formatted string. The zero-based position in the formatted string where the output begins. The number of characters to return. If successful, a substring of the formatted , which includes all the assigned character values; otherwise the string. Tests whether the specified character could be set successfully at the specified position. The value to test. The position in the mask to test the input character against. A that succinctly describes the result of the operation. An output parameter. if the specified character is valid for the specified position; otherwise, . Tests whether the specified character would be escaped at the specified position. The value to test. The position in the mask to test the input character against. if the specified character would be escaped at the specified position; otherwise, . Tests whether the specified string could be set successfully. The value to test. if the specified string represents valid input; otherwise, . Tests whether the specified string could be set successfully, and then outputs position and descriptive information. The value to test. If successful, the zero-based position of the last character actually tested; otherwise, the first position where the test failed. An output parameter. A that succinctly describes the result of the test operation. An output parameter. if the specified string represents valid input; otherwise, . Specifies values that succinctly describe the results of a masked text parsing operation. Operation did not succeed.An input character was encountered that was not alphanumeric. . Operation did not succeed.An input character was encountered that was not a member of the ASCII character set. Success. The operation succeeded because a literal, prompt or space character was an escaped character. For more information about escaped characters, see the method. Operation did not succeed. An input character was encountered that was not a digit. Operation did not succeed. The program encountered an input character that was not valid. For more information about characters that are not valid, see the method. Operation did not succeed. An input character was encountered that was not a letter. Success. The primary operation was not performed because it was not needed; therefore, no side effect was produced. Operation did not succeed. The current position in the formatted string is a literal character. Operation did not succeed. The specified position is not in the range of the target string; typically it is either less than zero or greater then the length of the target string. Operation did not succeed. The prompt character is not valid at input, perhaps because the property is set to . Success. The primary operation was not performed because it was not needed, but the method produced a side effect. For example, the method can delete an unassigned edit position, which causes left-shifting of subsequent characters in the formatted string. Operation did not succeed. An input character was encountered that was not a signed digit. Success. The primary operation succeeded. Operation did not succeed. There were not enough edit positions available to fulfill the request. Unknown. The result of the operation could not be determined. Represents a class member, such as a property or event. This is an abstract base class. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified . A that contains the name of the member and its attributes. Initializes a new instance of the class with the name in the specified and the attributes in both the old and the array. A that has the name of the member and its attributes. An array of objects with the attributes you want to add to the member. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name of the member. The name of the member. The name is an empty string ("") or . Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name of the member and an array of attributes. The name of the member. An array of type that contains the member attributes. The name is an empty string ("") or . Gets or sets an array of attributes. An array of type that contains the attributes of this member. Gets the collection of attributes for this member. An that provides the attributes for this member, or an empty collection if there are no attributes in the . Gets the name of the category to which the member belongs, as specified in the . The name of the category to which the member belongs. If there is no , the category name is set to the default category, . Creates a collection of attributes using the array of attributes passed to the constructor. A new that contains the attributes. Gets the description of the member, as specified in the . The description of the member. If there is no , the property value is set to the default, which is an empty string (""). Gets whether this member should be set only at design time, as specified in the . if this member should be set only at design time; if the member can be set during run time. Gets the name that can be displayed in a window, such as a Properties window. The name to display for the member. Compares this instance to the given object to see if they are equivalent. The object to compare to the current instance. if equivalent; otherwise, . When overridden in a derived class, adds the attributes of the inheriting class to the specified list of attributes in the parent class. An that lists the attributes in the parent class. Initially, this is empty. Finds the given method through reflection, searching only for public methods. The component that contains the method. The name of the method to find. An array of parameters for the method, used to choose between overloaded methods. The type to return for the method. A that represents the method, or if the method is not found. Finds the given method through reflection, with an option to search only public methods. The component that contains the method. The name of the method to find. An array of parameters for the method, used to choose between overloaded methods. The type to return for the method. Whether to restrict search to public methods. A that represents the method, or if the method is not found. Returns the hash code for this instance. A hash code for the current . Retrieves the object that should be used during invocation of members. The of the invocation target. The potential invocation target. The object to be used during member invocations. or is . Gets the component on which to invoke a method. A representing the type of component this is bound to. For example, if this describes a property, this parameter should be the class that the property is declared on. An instance of the object to call. An instance of the component to invoke. This method returns a visual designer when the property is attached to a visual designer. or is . Gets a component site for the given component. The component for which you want to find a site. The site of the component, or if a site does not exist. Gets a value indicating whether the member is browsable, as specified in the . if the member is browsable; otherwise, . If there is no , the property value is set to the default, which is . Gets the name of the member. The name of the member. Gets the hash code for the name of the member, as specified in . The hash code for the name of the member. Provides a type converter to convert multiline strings to a simple string. Initializes a new instance of the class. Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the specified context and culture information. An that provides a format context. A . If is passed, the current culture is assumed. The to convert. The to convert the value parameter to. An that represents the converted value. is . The conversion cannot be performed. Returns a collection of properties for the type of array specified by the parameter, using the specified context and attributes. An that provides a format context. An that specifies the type of array for which to get properties. An array of type that is used as a filter. A with the properties that are exposed for this data type, or if there are no properties. Returns whether this object supports properties, using the specified context. An that provides a format context. if should be called to find the properties of this object; otherwise, . Provides the base implementation for the interface, which enables containers to have an owning component. Initializes a new instance of the class. The that owns this nested container. is . Creates a site for the component within the container. The to create a site for. The name to assign to , or to skip the name assignment. The newly created . is . Releases the resources used by the nested container. to release both managed and unmanaged resources; to release only unmanaged resources. Gets the service object of the specified type, if it is available. The of the service to retrieve. An that implements the requested service, or if the service cannot be resolved. Gets the owning component for this nested container. The that owns this nested container. Gets the name of the owning component. The name of the owning component. Provides automatic conversion between a nullable type and its underlying primitive type. Initializes a new instance of the class. The specified nullable type. is not a nullable type. Returns whether this converter can convert an object of the given type to the type of this converter, using the specified context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type you want to convert from. if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Returns whether this converter can convert the object to the specified type, using the specified context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type you want to convert to. if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Converts the given object to the type of this converter, using the specified context and culture information. An that provides a format context. The to use as the current culture. The to convert. An that represents the converted value. The conversion cannot be performed. Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the specified context and culture information. An that provides a format context. The to use as the current culture. The to convert. The to convert the value parameter to. An that represents the converted value. is . The conversion cannot be performed. Creates an instance of the type that this is associated with, using the specified context, given a set of property values for the object. An that provides a format context. An of new property values. An representing the given , or if the object cannot be created. This method always returns . Returns whether changing a value on this object requires a call to to create a new value, using the specified context. An that provides a format context. if changing a property on this object requires a call to to create a new value; otherwise, . Returns a collection of properties for the type of array specified by the value parameter, using the specified context and attributes. An that provides a format context. An that specifies the type of array for which to get properties. An array of type that is used as a filter. A with the properties that are exposed for this data type, or if there are no properties. Returns whether this object supports properties, using the specified context. An that provides a format context. if should be called to find the properties of this object; otherwise, . Returns a collection of standard values for the data type this type converter is designed for when provided with a format context. An that provides a format context that can be used to extract additional information about the environment from which this converter is invoked. This parameter or properties of this parameter can be . A that holds a standard set of valid values, or if the data type does not support a standard set of values. Returns whether the collection of standard values returned from is an exclusive list of possible values, using the specified context. An that provides a format context. if the returned from is an exhaustive list of possible values; if other values are possible. Returns whether this object supports a standard set of values that can be picked from a list, using the specified context. An that provides a format context. if should be called to find a common set of values the object supports; otherwise, . Returns whether the given value object is valid for this type and for the specified context. An that provides a format context. The to test for validity. if the specified value is valid for this object; otherwise, . Gets the nullable type. A that represents the nullable type. Gets the underlying type. A that represents the underlying type. Gets the underlying type converter. A that represents the underlying type converter. Indicates that an object's text representation is obscured by characters such as asterisks. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class, optionally showing password text. to indicate that the property should be shown as password text; otherwise, . The default is . Specifies the default value for the . Determines whether two instances are equal. The to compare with the current . if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, . Returns the hash code for this instance. A hash code for the current . Returns an indication whether the value of this instance is the default value. if this instance is the default attribute for the class; otherwise, . Specifies that a text property is not used as a password. This ( in Visual Basic) field is read-only. Gets a value indicating if the property for which the is defined should be shown as password text. if the property should be shown as password text; otherwise, . Specifies that a text property is used as a password. This ( in Visual Basic) field is read-only. Provides an abstraction of a property on a class. Initializes a new instance of the class with the name and attributes in the specified . A that contains the name of the property and its attributes. Initializes a new instance of the class with the name in the specified and the attributes in both the and the array. A containing the name of the member and its attributes. An array containing the attributes you want to associate with the property. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name and attributes. The name of the property. An array of type that contains the property attributes. Enables other objects to be notified when this property changes. The component to add the handler for. The delegate to add as a listener. or is . When overridden in a derived class, returns whether resetting an object changes its value. The component to test for reset capability. if resetting the component changes its value; otherwise, . When overridden in a derived class, gets the type of the component this property is bound to. A that represents the type of component this property is bound to. When the or methods are invoked, the object specified might be an instance of this type. Gets the type converter for this property. A that is used to convert the of this property. Creates an instance of the specified type. A that represents the type to create. A new instance of the type. Compares this to another object to see if they are equivalent. The object to compare to this . if the values are equivalent; otherwise, . Adds the attributes of the to the specified list of attributes in the parent class. An that lists the attributes in the parent class. Initially, this is empty. Returns the default . A collection of property descriptor. Returns a using a specified array of attributes as a filter. An array of type to use as a filter. A with the properties that match the specified attributes. Returns a for a given object. A component to get the properties for. A with the properties for the specified component. Returns a for a given object using a specified array of attributes as a filter. A component to get the properties for. An array of type to use as a filter. A with the properties that match the specified attributes for the specified component. Gets an editor of the specified type. The base type of editor, which is used to differentiate between multiple editors that a property supports. An instance of the requested editor type, or if an editor cannot be found. Returns the hash code for this object. The hash code for this object. This method returns the object that should be used during invocation of members. The of the invocation target. The potential invocation target. The that should be used during invocation of members. Returns a type using its name. The assembly-qualified name of the type to retrieve. A that matches the given type name, or if a match cannot be found. When overridden in a derived class, gets the current value of the property on a component. The component with the property for which to retrieve the value. The value of a property for a given component. Retrieves the current set of ValueChanged event handlers for a specific component The component for which to retrieve event handlers. A combined multicast event handler, or if no event handlers are currently assigned to . Gets a value indicating whether this property should be localized, as specified in the . if the member is marked with the set to ; otherwise, . When overridden in a derived class, gets a value indicating whether this property is read-only. if the property is read-only; otherwise, . Raises the ValueChanged event that you implemented. The object that raises the event. An that contains the event data. When overridden in a derived class, gets the type of the property. A that represents the type of the property. Enables other objects to be notified when this property changes. The component to remove the handler for. The delegate to remove as a listener. or is . When overridden in a derived class, resets the value for this property of the component to the default value. The component with the property value that is to be reset to the default value. Gets a value indicating whether this property should be serialized, as specified in the . One of the enumeration values that specifies whether this property should be serialized. When overridden in a derived class, sets the value of the component to a different value. The component with the property value that is to be set. The new value. When overridden in a derived class, determines a value indicating whether the value of this property needs to be persisted. The component with the property to be examined for persistence. if the property should be persisted; otherwise, . Gets a value indicating whether value change notifications for this property may originate from outside the property descriptor. if value change notifications may originate from outside the property descriptor; otherwise, . Represents a collection of objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. An array of type that provides the properties for this collection. Initializes a new instance of the class, which is optionally read-only. An array of type that provides the properties for this collection. If , specifies that the collection cannot be modified. Adds the specified to the collection. The to add to the collection. The index of the that was added to the collection. The collection is read-only. Removes all objects from the collection. The collection is read-only. Returns whether the collection contains the given . The to find in the collection. if the collection contains the given ; otherwise, . Copies the entire collection to an array, starting at the specified index number. An array of objects to copy elements of the collection to. The index of the parameter at which copying begins. Gets the number of property descriptors in the collection. The number of property descriptors in the collection. Specifies an empty collection that you can use instead of creating a new one with no items. This field is read-only. Returns the with the specified name, using a Boolean to indicate whether to ignore case. The name of the to return from the collection. if you want to ignore the case of the property name; otherwise, . A with the specified name, or if the property does not exist. Returns an enumerator for this class. An enumerator of type . Returns the index of the given . The to return the index of. The index of the given . Adds the to the collection at the specified index number. The index at which to add the parameter to the collection. The to add to the collection. The collection is read-only. Sorts the members of this collection, using the specified . A comparer to use to sort the objects in this collection. Sorts the members of this collection. The specified order is applied first, followed by the default sort for this collection, which is usually alphabetical. An array of strings describing the order in which to sort the objects in this collection. Gets or sets the at the specified index number. The zero-based index of the to get or set. The with the specified index number. The parameter is not a valid index for . Gets or sets the with the specified name. The name of the to get from the collection. The with the specified name, or if the property does not exist. Removes the specified from the collection. The to remove from the collection. The collection is read-only. Removes the at the specified index from the collection. The index of the to remove from the collection. The collection is read-only. Sorts the members of this collection, using the default sort for this collection, which is usually alphabetical. A new that contains the sorted objects. Sorts the members of this collection, using the specified . A comparer to use to sort the objects in this collection. A new that contains the sorted objects. Sorts the members of this collection. The specified order is applied first, followed by the default sort for this collection, which is usually alphabetical. An array of strings describing the order in which to sort the objects in this collection. A new that contains the sorted objects. Sorts the members of this collection. The specified order is applied first, followed by the sort using the specified . An array of strings describing the order in which to sort the objects in this collection. A comparer to use to sort the objects in this collection. A new that contains the sorted objects. Gets the number of elements contained in the collection. The number of elements contained in the collection. Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread safe). if access to the collection is synchronized (thread safe); otherwise, . Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. An object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. Adds an element with the provided key and value to the . The to use as the key of the element to add. The to use as the value of the element to add. The collection is read-only. is . Removes all elements from the . Determines whether the contains an element with the specified key. The key to locate in the . if the contains an element with the key; otherwise, . Returns an enumerator for this class. An enumerator of type . Gets a value indicating whether the has a fixed size. if the has a fixed size; otherwise, . Gets a value indicating whether the is read-only. if the is read-only; otherwise, . Gets or sets the element with the specified key. The key of the element to get or set. The element with the specified key. Gets an containing the keys of the . An containing the keys of the . Removes the element with the specified key from the . The key of the element to remove. Gets an containing the values in the . An containing the values in the . Returns an for the . An for the . Adds an item to the . The item to add to the collection. The position into which the new element was inserted. Removes all items from the collection. The collection is read-only. Determines whether the collection contains a specific value. The item to locate in the collection. if the item is found in the collection; otherwise, . Determines the index of a specified item in the collection. The item to locate in the collection. The index of if found in the list, otherwise -1. Inserts an item into the collection at a specified index. The zero-based index at which should be inserted. The item to insert into the collection. The collection is read-only. Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, . Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only. if the collection is read-only; otherwise, . Gets or sets an item from the collection at a specified index. The zero-based index of the item to get or set. The element at the specified index. The collection is read-only. is not a . is less than 0. -or- is equal to or greater than . Removes the first occurrence of a specified value from the collection. The item to remove from the collection. The collection is read-only. Removes the item at the specified index. The zero-based index of the item to remove. The collection is read-only. Identifies the property tab or tabs to display for the specified class or classes. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified tab class name. The assembly qualified name of the type of tab to create. For an example of this format convention, see . Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified tab class name and tab scope. The assembly qualified name of the type of tab to create. For an example of this format convention, see . A that indicates the scope of this tab. If the scope is , it is shown only for components with the corresponding . If it is , it is shown for all components on the document. is not or . Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified type of tab. The type of tab to create. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified type of tab and tab scope. The type of tab to create. A that indicates the scope of this tab. If the scope is , it is shown only for components with the corresponding . If it is , it is shown for all components on the document. is not or . Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified attribute. A to compare to this instance, or . if the instances are equal; otherwise, . The types specified by the property of the parameter cannot be found. Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object. An object to compare to this instance, or . if refers to the same instance; otherwise, . The types specified by the property of the parameter could not be found. Gets the hash code for this object. The hash code for the object the attribute belongs to. Initializes the attribute using the specified names of tab classes and array of tab scopes. An array of fully qualified type names of the types to create for tabs on the Properties window. The scope of each tab. If the scope is , it is shown only for components with the corresponding . If it is , it is shown for all components on the document. One or more of the values in is not or . -or- The length of the and arrays do not match. -or- or is . Initializes the attribute using the specified names of tab classes and array of tab scopes. The types of tabs to create. The scope of each tab. If the scope is , it is shown only for components with the corresponding . If it is , it is shown for all components on the document. One or more of the values in is not or . -or- The length of the and arrays do not match. -or- or is . Gets the types of tabs that this attribute uses. An array of types indicating the types of tabs that this attribute uses. The types specified by the property could not be found. Gets the names of the tab classes that this attribute uses. The names of the tab classes that this attribute uses. Gets an array of tab scopes of each tab of this . An array of objects that indicate the scopes of the tabs. Defines identifiers that indicate the persistence scope of a tab in the Properties window. This tab is specific to the current component. This tab is added to the Properties window for the current component only and is removed when the component is no longer selected. This tab is specific to the current document. This tab is added to the Properties window and is removed when the currently selected document changes. This tab is added to the Properties window and can only be removed explicitly by a parent component. This tab is added to the Properties window and cannot be removed. Specifies the name of the property that an implementer of offers to other components. This class cannot be inherited Initializes a new instance of the class with the name of the property and the type of its receiver. The name of the property extending to an object of the specified type. The name of the data type this property can extend. Initializes a new instance of the class with the name of the property and its . The name of the property extending to an object of the specified type. The of the data type of the object that can receive the property. Returns whether the value of the given object is equal to the current . The object to test the value equality of. if the value of the given object is equal to that of the current; otherwise, . Returns the hash code for this instance. A hash code for the current . Gets the name of a property that this class provides. The name of a property that this class provides. Gets the name of the data type this property can extend. The name of the data type this property can extend. Gets a unique identifier for this attribute. An that is a unique identifier for the attribute. Specifies that the property can be used as an application setting. Initializes a new instance of the class. if the property this attribute is bound to can be used as an application setting; otherwise, . Specifies the default value for the , which is . This field is read-only. Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. Another object to compare to. if is equal to this instance; otherwise, . Returns the hash code for this instance. A hash code for the current . Indicates whether the value of this instance is the default value for the class. if this instance is the default attribute for the class; otherwise, . Specifies that a property cannot be used as an application setting. This field is read-only. Gets a value indicating whether the property this attribute is bound to can be used as an application setting. if the property this attribute is bound to can be used as an application setting; otherwise, . Specifies that a property can be used as an application setting. This field is read-only. Provides a type converter to convert object references to and from other representations. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that represents the type to associate with this reference converter. Gets a value indicating whether this converter can convert an object in the given source type to a reference object using the specified context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type you wish to convert from. if this object can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Converts the given object to the reference type. An that provides a format context. A that specifies the culture used to represent the font. The to convert. An that represents the converted . The conversion cannot be performed. Converts the given value object to the reference type using the specified context and arguments. An that provides a format context. A that specifies the culture used to represent the font. The to convert. The type to convert the object to. The converted object. is . The conversion cannot be performed. Gets a collection of standard values for the reference data type. An that provides a format context. A that holds a standard set of valid values, or if the data type does not support a standard set of values. Gets a value indicating whether the list of standard values returned from is an exclusive list. An that provides a format context. because the returned from is an exhaustive list of possible values. This method never returns . Gets a value indicating whether this object supports a standard set of values that can be picked from a list. An that provides a format context. because can be called to find a common set of values the object supports. This method never returns . Returns a value indicating whether a particular value can be added to the standard values collection. An that provides an additional context. The value to check. if the value is allowed and can be added to the standard values collection; if the value cannot be added to the standard values collection. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class with the component that has changed. The component that changed. Initializes a new instance of the class with the type of component that has changed. The that changed. Gets the component that changed its properties, events, or extenders. The component that changed its properties, events, or extenders, or if all components of the same type have changed. Gets the that changed its properties or events. The that changed its properties or events. Represents the method that handles the event raised when a or component is changed during design time. A that contains the component or that changed. Specifies whether the Visual Studio Custom Action Installer or the Installutil.exe (Installer Tool) should be invoked when the assembly is installed. Initializes a new instance of the class. if an installer should be invoked during installation of an assembly; otherwise, . Specifies the default visibility, which is . This field is read-only. Determines whether the value of the specified is equivalent to the current . The object to compare. if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, . Generates a hash code for the current . A hash code for the current . Determines if this attribute is the default. if the attribute is the default value for this attribute class; otherwise, . Specifies that the Visual Studio Custom Action Installer or the Installutil.exe (Installer Tool) should not be invoked when the assembly is installed. This field is read-only. Gets a value indicating whether an installer should be invoked during installation of an assembly. if an installer should be invoked during installation of an assembly; otherwise, . Specifies that the Visual Studio Custom Action Installer or the Installutil.exe (Installer Tool) should be invoked when the assembly is installed. This field is read-only. Provides a type converter to convert 8-bit unsigned integer objects to and from a string. Initializes a new instance of the class. Specifies when a component property can be bound to an application setting. Initializes a new instance of the class. to specify that a property is appropriate to bind settings to; otherwise, . Gets a value indicating whether a property is appropriate to bind settings to. if the property is appropriate to bind settings to; otherwise, . Returns a value that indicates whether this instance is equal to a specified object. An to compare with this instance or a null reference ( in Visual Basic). if equals the type and value of this instance; otherwise, . Returns the hash code for this instance. A 32-bit signed integer hash code. Specifies that a property is not appropriate to bind settings to. Specifies that a property is appropriate to bind settings to. Provides a type converter to convert single-precision, floating point number objects to and from various other representations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Provides a type converter to convert string objects to and from other representations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a value indicating whether this converter can convert an object in the given source type to a string using the specified context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type you wish to convert from. if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Converts the specified value object to a object. An that provides a format context. The to use. The to convert. An that represents the converted value. The conversion could not be performed. Provides methods to verify the machine name and path conform to a specific syntax. This class cannot be inherited. Checks the syntax of the machine name to confirm that it does not contain "\". A string containing the machine name to check. if matches the proper machine name format; otherwise, . Checks the syntax of the path to see whether it starts with "\\". A string containing the path to check. if matches the proper path format; otherwise, . Checks the syntax of the path to see if it starts with "\" or drive letter "C:". A string containing the path to check. if matches the proper path format; otherwise, . Provides a type converter to convert objects to and from other representations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a value indicating whether this converter can convert an object in the given source type to a using the specified context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type you wish to convert from. if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Gets a value indicating whether this converter can convert an object to the given destination type using the context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type you wish to convert to. if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, . is . is not a valid value for the target type. Converts the given object to a . An that provides a format context. An optional . If not supplied, the current culture is assumed. The to convert. An that represents the converted value. The conversion cannot be performed. is not a valid value for the target type. Converts the given object to another type. A formatter context. The culture into which will be converted. The object to convert. The type to convert the object to. The converted object. Represents an attribute of a toolbox item. Initializes a new instance of the class and specifies whether to use default initialization values. to create a toolbox item attribute for a default type; to associate no default toolbox item support for this attribute. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified name of the type. The names of the type of the toolbox item and of the assembly that contains the type. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified type of the toolbox item. The type of the toolbox item. Initializes a new instance of the class and sets the type to the default, . This field is read-only. Returns a value that indicates whether this instance is equal to a specified object. An to compare with this instance or a null reference ( in Visual Basic). if equals the type and value of this instance; otherwise, . Returns the hash code for this instance. A 32-bit signed integer hash code. Gets a value indicating whether the current value of the attribute is the default value for the attribute. if the current value of the attribute is the default; otherwise, . Initializes a new instance of the class and sets the type to . This field is read-only. Gets or sets the type of the toolbox item. The type of the toolbox item. The type cannot be found. Gets or sets the name of the type of the current . The fully qualified type name of the current toolbox item. Specifies the filter string and filter type to use for a toolbox item. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified filter string. The filter string for the toolbox item. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified filter string and type. The filter string for the toolbox item. A indicating the type of the filter. Returns a value that indicates whether this instance is equal to a specified object. An to compare with this instance or a null reference ( in Visual Basic). if equals the type and value of this instance; otherwise, . Gets the filter string for the toolbox item. The filter string for the toolbox item. Gets the type of the filter. A that indicates the type of the filter. Returns the hash code for this instance. A 32-bit signed integer hash code. Indicates whether the specified object has a matching filter string. The object to test for a matching filter string. if the specified object has a matching filter string; otherwise, . Returns a string that represents the current object. A string that represents the current object. Gets the type ID for the attribute. The type ID for this attribute. All objects with the same filter string return the same type ID. Defines identifiers used to indicate the type of filter that a uses. Indicates that a toolbox item filter string is allowed, but not required. Indicates that custom processing is required to determine whether to use a toolbox item filter string. It is typically specified on a root designer class to indicate that the designer wishes to accept or reject a toolbox item through code. The designer must implement the method of the interface. Indicates that a toolbox item filter string is not allowed. If a designer and a component class both have a filter string and the value of one is ToolboxItemFilterType.Prevent, the toolbox item will not be available. Indicates that a toolbox item filter string must be present for a toolbox item to be enabled. For a toolbox item with a filter type of Require to be enabled, the designer and the component class must have a matching filter string. Additionally, neither the designer or component class can have a filter type of Prevent for the toolbox item to be enabled. Provides a unified way of converting types of values to other types, as well as for accessing standard values and subproperties. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns whether this converter can convert an object of the given type to the type of this converter, using the specified context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type you want to convert from. if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Returns whether this converter can convert an object of the given type to the type of this converter. A that represents the type you want to convert from. if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Returns whether this converter can convert the object to the specified type, using the specified context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type you want to convert to. if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Returns whether this converter can convert the object to the specified type. A that represents the type you want to convert to. if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Converts the given object to the type of this converter, using the specified context and culture information. An that provides a format context. The to use as the current culture. The to convert. An that represents the converted value. The conversion cannot be performed. Converts the given value to the type of this converter. The to convert. An that represents the converted value. The conversion cannot be performed. Converts the given string to the type of this converter, using the invariant culture and the specified context. An that provides a format context. The to convert. An that represents the converted text. The conversion cannot be performed. Converts the given string to the type of this converter, using the invariant culture. The to convert. An that represents the converted text. The conversion cannot be performed. Converts the given text to an object, using the specified context and culture information. An that provides a format context. A . If is passed, the current culture is assumed. The to convert. An that represents the converted text. The conversion cannot be performed. Converts the given text to an object, using the specified context. An that provides a format context. The to convert. An that represents the converted text. The conversion cannot be performed. Converts the specified text to an object. The text representation of the object to convert. An that represents the converted text. The string cannot be converted into the appropriate object. Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the specified context and culture information. An that provides a format context. A . If is passed, the current culture is assumed. The to convert. The to convert the parameter to. An that represents the converted value. The parameter is . The conversion cannot be performed. Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the arguments. The to convert. The to convert the parameter to. An that represents the converted value. The parameter is . The conversion cannot be performed. Converts the specified value to a culture-invariant string representation, using the specified context. An that provides a format context. The to convert. A that represents the converted value. The conversion cannot be performed. Converts the specified value to a culture-invariant string representation. The to convert. A that represents the converted value. The conversion cannot be performed. Converts the given value to a string representation, using the specified context and culture information. An that provides a format context. A . If is passed, the current culture is assumed. The to convert. An that represents the converted value. The conversion cannot be performed. Converts the given value to a string representation, using the given context. An that provides a format context. The to convert. An that represents the converted value. The conversion cannot be performed. Converts the specified value to a string representation. The to convert. An that represents the converted value. The conversion cannot be performed. Re-creates an given a set of property values for the object. An that represents a dictionary of new property values. An representing the given , or if the object cannot be created. This method always returns . Creates an instance of the type that this is associated with, using the specified context, given a set of property values for the object. An that provides a format context. An of new property values. An representing the given , or if the object cannot be created. This method always returns . Returns an exception to throw when a conversion cannot be performed. The to convert, or if the object is not available. An that represents the exception to throw when a conversion cannot be performed. Automatically thrown by this method. Returns an exception to throw when a conversion cannot be performed. The to convert, or if the object is not available. A that represents the type the conversion was trying to convert to. An that represents the exception to throw when a conversion cannot be performed. Automatically thrown by this method. Returns whether changing a value on this object requires a call to the method to create a new value. if changing a property on this object requires a call to to create a new value; otherwise, . Returns whether changing a value on this object requires a call to to create a new value, using the specified context. An that provides a format context. if changing a property on this object requires a call to to create a new value; otherwise, . Returns a collection of properties for the type of array specified by the value parameter, using the specified context. An that provides a format context. An that specifies the type of array for which to get properties. A with the properties that are exposed for this data type, or if there are no properties. Returns a collection of properties for the type of array specified by the value parameter, using the specified context and attributes. An that provides a format context. An that specifies the type of array for which to get properties. An array of type that is used as a filter. A with the properties that are exposed for this data type, or if there are no properties. Returns a collection of properties for the type of array specified by the value parameter. An that specifies the type of array for which to get properties. A with the properties that are exposed for this data type, or if there are no properties. Returns whether this object supports properties. if should be called to find the properties of this object; otherwise, . Returns whether this object supports properties, using the specified context. An that provides a format context. if should be called to find the properties of this object; otherwise, . Returns a collection of standard values from the default context for the data type this type converter is designed for. A containing a standard set of valid values, or if the data type does not support a standard set of values. Returns a collection of standard values for the data type this type converter is designed for when provided with a format context. An that provides a format context that can be used to extract additional information about the environment from which this converter is invoked. This parameter or properties of this parameter can be . A that holds a standard set of valid values, or if the data type does not support a standard set of values. Returns whether the collection of standard values returned from is an exclusive list. if the returned from is an exhaustive list of possible values; if other values are possible. Returns whether the collection of standard values returned from is an exclusive list of possible values, using the specified context. An that provides a format context. if the returned from is an exhaustive list of possible values; if other values are possible. Returns whether this object supports a standard set of values that can be picked from a list. if should be called to find a common set of values the object supports; otherwise, . Returns whether this object supports a standard set of values that can be picked from a list, using the specified context. An that provides a format context. if should be called to find a common set of values the object supports; otherwise, . Returns whether the given value object is valid for this type and for the specified context. An that provides a format context. The to test for validity. if the specified value is valid for this object; otherwise, . Returns whether the given value object is valid for this type. The object to test for validity. if the specified value is valid for this object; otherwise, . Represents an class that provides properties for objects that do not have properties. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that represents the type of component to which this property descriptor binds. The name of the property. A that represents the data type for this property. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that represents the type of component to which this property descriptor binds. The name of the property. A that represents the data type for this property. An array with the attributes to associate with the property. Returns whether resetting the component changes the value of the component. The component to test for reset capability. if resetting the component changes the value of the component; otherwise, . Gets the type of component to which this property description binds. A that represents the type of component to which this property binds. Gets a value indicating whether this property is read-only. if the property is read-only; if the property is read/write. Gets the type of the property. A that represents the type of the property. Resets the value for this property of the component. The component with the property value to be reset. Returns whether the value of this property can persist. The component with the property that is to be examined for persistence. if the value of the property can persist; otherwise, . Sorts a collection of properties. A that has the properties to sort. An array of names in the order you want the properties to appear in the collection. A that contains the sorted properties. Represents a collection of values. Initializes a new instance of the class. An that represents the objects to put into the collection. Copies the contents of this collection to an array. An that represents the array to copy to. The index to start from. Gets the number of objects in the collection. The number of objects in the collection. Returns an enumerator for this collection. An enumerator of type . Gets the object at the specified index number. The zero-based index of the to get from the collection. The with the specified index. For a description of this member, see . in all cases. For a description of this member, see . in all cases. Specifies what type to use as a converter for the object this attribute is bound to. Initializes a new instance of the class with the default type converter, which is an empty string (""). Initializes a new instance of the class, using the specified type name as the data converter for the object this attribute is bound to. The fully qualified name of the class to use for data conversion for the object this attribute is bound to. Initializes a new instance of the class, using the specified type as the data converter for the object this attribute is bound to. A that represents the type of the converter class to use for data conversion for the object this attribute is bound to. Gets the fully qualified type name of the to use as a converter for the object this attribute is bound to. The fully qualified type name of the to use as a converter for the object this attribute is bound to, or an empty string ("") if none exists. The default value is an empty string (""). Specifies the type to use as a converter for the object this attribute is bound to. Returns whether the value of the given object is equal to the current . The object to test the value equality of. if the value of the given object is equal to that of the current ; otherwise, . Returns the hash code for this instance. A hash code for the current . Provides supplemental metadata to the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class using a parent type description provider. The parent type description provider. Creates an object that can substitute for another data type. An optional service provider. The type of object to create. This parameter is never . An optional array of types that represent the parameter types to be passed to the object's constructor. This array can be or of zero length. An optional array of parameter values to pass to the object's constructor. The substitute . Gets a per-object cache, accessed as an of key/value pairs. The object for which to get the cache. An if the provided object supports caching; otherwise, . Gets an extended custom type descriptor for the given object. The object for which to get the extended type descriptor. An that can provide extended metadata for the object. Gets the extender providers for the specified object. The object to get extender providers for. An array of extender providers for . is . Gets the name of the specified component, or if the component has no name. The specified component. The name of the specified component. is . Performs normal reflection against the given object. An instance of the type (should not be ). The type of reflection for this . is . Performs normal reflection against a type. The type of object for which to retrieve the . The type of reflection for this . is . Performs normal reflection against the given object with the given type. The type of object for which to retrieve the . An instance of the type. Can be . The type of reflection for this . Converts a reflection type into a runtime type. The type to convert to its runtime equivalent. A that represents the runtime equivalent of . is . Gets a custom type descriptor for the given object. An instance of the type. Can be if no instance was passed to the . An that can provide metadata for the type. is . Gets a custom type descriptor for the given type. The type of object for which to retrieve the type descriptor. An that can provide metadata for the type. Gets a custom type descriptor for the given type and object. The type of object for which to retrieve the type descriptor. An instance of the type. Can be if no instance was passed to the . An that can provide metadata for the type. Gets a value that indicates whether the specified type is compatible with the type description and its chain of type description providers. The type to test for compatibility. if is compatible with the type description and its chain of type description providers; otherwise, . is . Specifies the custom type description provider for a class. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified type name. The qualified name of the type. is . Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified type. The type to store in the attribute. is . Gets the type name for the type description provider. A containing the qualified type name for the . Provides information about the characteristics for a component, such as its attributes, properties, and events. This class cannot be inherited. Adds class-level attributes to the target component instance. An instance of the target component. An array of objects to add to the component's class. The newly created that was used to add the specified attributes. One or both of the parameters is . Adds class-level attributes to the target component type. The of the target component. An array of objects to add to the component's class. The newly created that was used to add the specified attributes. One or both of the parameters is . Adds an editor table for the given editor base type. The editor base type to add the editor table for. If a table already exists for this type, this method will do nothing. The to add. Adds a type description provider for a single instance of a component. The to add. An instance of the target component. One or both of the parameters are . Adds a type description provider for a component class. The to add. The of the target component. One or both of the parameters are . Adds a type description provider for a single instance of a component. The to add. An instance of the target component. One or both of the parameters are . Adds a type description provider for a component class. The to add. The of the target component. One or both of the parameters are . Gets or sets the provider for the Component Object Model (COM) type information for the target component. An instance representing the COM type information provider. Gets the type of the Component Object Model (COM) object represented by the target component. The of the COM object represented by this component, or for non-COM objects. Creates a primary-secondary association between two objects. The primary . The secondary . One or both of the parameters are . is equal to . Creates an instance of the designer associated with the specified component and of the specified type of designer. An that specifies the component to associate with the designer. A that represents the type of designer to create. An that is an instance of the designer for the component, or if no designer can be found. Creates a new event descriptor that is identical to an existing event descriptor, when passed the existing . The type of the component for which to create the new event. The existing event information. The new attributes. A new that has merged the specified metadata attributes with the existing metadata attributes. Creates a new event descriptor that is identical to an existing event descriptor by dynamically generating descriptor information from a specified event on a type. The type of the component the event lives on. The name of the event. The type of the delegate that handles the event. The attributes for this event. An that is bound to a type. Creates an object that can substitute for another data type. The service provider that provides a service. This parameter can be . The of object to create. An optional array of parameter types to be passed to the object's constructor. This parameter can be or an array of zero length. An optional array of parameter values to pass to the object's constructor. If not , the number of elements must be the same as . An instance of the substitute data type if an associated is found; otherwise, . is , or is when is not . and have different number of elements. Creates a new property descriptor from an existing property descriptor, using the specified existing and attribute array. The of the component that the property is a member of. The existing property descriptor. The new attributes for this property. A new that has the specified metadata attributes merged with the existing metadata attributes. Creates and dynamically binds a property descriptor to a type, using the specified property name, type, and attribute array. The of the component that the property is a member of. The name of the property. The of the property. The new attributes for this property. A that is bound to the specified type and that has the specified metadata attributes merged with the existing metadata attributes. Returns an instance of the type associated with the specified primary object. The of the target component. The primary object of the association. An instance of the secondary type that has been associated with the primary object if an association exists; otherwise, if no specified association exists. One or both of the parameters are . Returns the collection of attributes for the specified component. The component for which you want to get attributes. An containing the attributes for the component. If is , this method returns an empty collection. Returns a collection of attributes for the specified component and a Boolean indicating that a custom type descriptor has been created. The component for which you want to get attributes. to use a baseline set of attributes from the custom type descriptor if is of type ; otherwise, . An with the attributes for the component. If the component is , this method returns an empty collection. Returns a collection of attributes for the specified type of component. The of the target component. An with the attributes for the type of the component. If the component is , this method returns an empty collection. Returns the name of the class for the specified component using the default type descriptor. The for which you want the class name. A containing the name of the class for the specified component. is . Returns the name of the class for the specified component using a custom type descriptor. The for which you want the class name. to consider custom type description information; otherwise, . A containing the name of the class for the specified component. is . is a cross-process remoted object. Returns the name of the class for the specified type. The of the target component. A containing the name of the class for the specified component type. is . Returns the name of the specified component using the default type descriptor. The for which you want the class name. A containing the name of the specified component, or if there is no component name. is . is a cross-process remoted object. Returns the name of the specified component using a custom type descriptor. The for which you want the class name. to consider custom type description information; otherwise, . The name of the class for the specified component, or if there is no component name. is . is a cross-process remoted object. Returns a type converter for the type of the specified component. A component to get the converter for. A for the specified component. is . is a cross-process remoted object. Returns a type converter for the type of the specified component with a custom type descriptor. A component to get the converter for. to consider custom type description information; otherwise, . A for the specified component. is . is a cross-process remoted object. Returns a type converter for the specified type. The of the target component. A for the specified type. is . Returns the default event for the specified component. The component to get the event for. An with the default event, or if there are no events. is . is a cross-process remoted object. Returns the default event for a component with a custom type descriptor. The component to get the event for. to consider custom type description information; otherwise, . An with the default event, or if there are no events. is . is a cross-process remoted object. Returns the default event for the specified type of component. The of the target component. An with the default event, or if there are no events. is . Returns the default property for the specified component. The component to get the default property for. A with the default property, or if there are no properties. is a cross-process remoted object. Returns the default property for the specified component with a custom type descriptor. The component to get the default property for. to consider custom type description information; otherwise, . A with the default property, or if there are no properties. is a cross-process remoted object. Returns the default property for the specified type of component. A that represents the class to get the property for. A with the default property, or if there are no properties. Gets an editor with the specified base type for the specified component. The component to get the editor for. A that represents the base type of the editor you want to find. An instance of the editor that can be cast to the specified editor type, or if no editor of the requested type can be found. or is . is a cross-process remoted object. Returns an editor with the specified base type and with a custom type descriptor for the specified component. The component to get the editor for. A that represents the base type of the editor you want to find. A flag indicating whether custom type description information should be considered. An instance of the editor that can be cast to the specified editor type, or if no editor of the requested type can be found. or is . is a cross-process remoted object. Returns an editor with the specified base type for the specified type. The of the target component. A that represents the base type of the editor you are trying to find. An instance of the editor object that can be cast to the given base type, or if no editor of the requested type can be found. or is . Returns the collection of events for the specified component. A component to get the events for. An with the events for this component. is a cross-process remoted object. Returns the collection of events for a specified component using a specified array of attributes as a filter. A component to get the events for. An array of type that you can use as a filter. An with the events that match the specified attributes for this component. is a cross-process remoted object. Returns the collection of events for a specified component using a specified array of attributes as a filter and using a custom type descriptor. A component to get the events for. An array of type to use as a filter. to consider custom type description information; otherwise, . An with the events that match the specified attributes for this component. is a cross-process remoted object. Returns the collection of events for a specified component with a custom type descriptor. A component to get the events for. to consider custom type description information; otherwise, . An with the events for this component. is a cross-process remoted object. Returns the collection of events for a specified type of component. The of the target component. An with the events for this component. Returns the collection of events for a specified type of component using a specified array of attributes as a filter. The of the target component. An array of type that you can use as a filter. An with the events that match the specified attributes for this component. Returns the fully qualified name of the component. The to find the name for. The fully qualified name of the specified component, or if the component has no name. is . Returns the collection of properties for a specified component. A component to get the properties for. A with the properties for the specified component. is a cross-process remoted object. Returns the collection of properties for a specified component using a specified array of attributes as a filter. A component to get the properties for. An array of type to use as a filter. A with the properties that match the specified attributes for the specified component. is a cross-process remoted object. Returns the collection of properties for a specified component using a specified array of attributes as a filter and using a custom type descriptor. A component to get the properties for. An array of type to use as a filter. to consider custom type description information; otherwise, . A with the events that match the specified attributes for the specified component. is a cross-process remoted object. Returns the collection of properties for a specified component using the default type descriptor. A component to get the properties for. to not consider custom type description information; otherwise, . A with the properties for a specified component. is a cross-process remoted object. Returns the collection of properties for a specified type of component. A that represents the component to get properties for. A with the properties for a specified type of component. Returns the collection of properties for a specified type of component using a specified array of attributes as a filter. The of the target component. An array of type to use as a filter. A with the properties that match the specified attributes for this type of component. Returns the type description provider for the specified component. An instance of the target component. A associated with the specified component. is . Returns the type description provider for the specified type. The of the target component. A associated with the specified type. is . Returns a that can be used to perform reflection, given an object. An instance of the target component. A for the specified object. is . Returns a that can be used to perform reflection, given a class type. The of the target component. A of the specified class. is . Gets a type that represents a type description provider for all interface types. A that represents a custom type description provider for all interface types. Clears the properties and events for the specified component from the cache. A component for which the properties or events have changed. Clears the properties and events for the specified assembly from the cache. The that represents the assembly to refresh. Each in this assembly will be refreshed. Clears the properties and events for the specified module from the cache. The that represents the module to refresh. Each in this module will be refreshed. Clears the properties and events for the specified type of component from the cache. The of the target component. Occurs when the cache for a component is cleared. Removes an association between two objects. The primary . The secondary . One or both of the parameters are . Removes all associations for a primary object. The primary in an association. is . Removes a previously added type description provider that is associated with the specified object. The to remove. An instance of the target component. One or both of the parameters are . Removes a previously added type description provider that is associated with the specified type. The to remove. The of the target component. One or both of the parameters are . Removes a previously added type description provider that is associated with the specified object. The to remove. An instance of the target component. One or both of the parameters are . Removes a previously added type description provider that is associated with the specified type. The to remove. The of the target component. One or both of the parameters are . Sorts descriptors using the name of the descriptor. An that contains the descriptors to sort. is . Provides a type converter that can be used to populate a list box with available types. Initializes a new instance of the class using the type array as the available types. The array of type to use as the available types. Gets a value indicating whether this converter can convert the specified of the source object using the given context. An that provides a format context. The of the source object. if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Gets a value indicating whether this converter can convert an object to the given destination type using the context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type you wish to convert to. if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Converts the specified object to the native type of the converter. An that provides a format context. A that specifies the culture used to represent the font. The to convert. An that represents the converted value. Converts the given value object to the specified destination type. An that provides a format context. An optional . If not supplied, the current culture is assumed. The to convert. The to convert the value to. An that represents the converted . is . The conversion cannot be performed. Gets a collection of standard values for the data type this validator is designed for. An that provides a format context. A that holds a standard set of valid values, or if the data type does not support a standard set of values. Gets a value indicating whether the list of standard values returned from the method is an exclusive list. An that provides a format context. because the returned from is an exhaustive list of possible values. This method never returns . Gets a value indicating whether this object supports a standard set of values that can be picked from a list using the specified context. An that provides a format context. because should be called to find a common set of values the object supports. This method never returns . Provides a type converter to convert 16-bit unsigned integer objects to and from other representations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Provides a type converter to convert 32-bit unsigned integer objects to and from various other representations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Provides a type converter to convert 64-bit unsigned integer objects to and from other representations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Provides a type converter to convert objects to and from various other representations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a value indicating whether this converter can convert an object in the given source type to a . An object that provides contextual information. The type of the object to be converted. if this converter can convert sourceType to a ; otherwise, . Gets a value indicating whether this converter can convert an object to the given destination type using the context. An object that provides contextual information. The target type for the conversion. if the converter can convert an object to the given destination type; otherwise, . Converts the specified object to a . An object that provides contextual information. The culture to use for the conversion. The value to convert to a . converted to a value. is not a valid string. Converts the specified value to the specified destination type using the specified context and arguments. An that provides a format context. The culture that supplies formatting information for the conversion. The value to be converted. The type to convert the value parameter to. An object that represents the converted value. Returns a value that indicates whether the given value object is valid for this type and for the specified context. An that provides a format context. The object to test for validity. if the specified value is valid for this object; otherwise, . Specifies an exception that is handled as a warning instead of an error. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified serialization data and context. The to be used for deserialization. The destination to be used for deserialization. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified message and no Help file. The message to display to the end user. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified detailed description and the specified exception. A detailed description of the error. A reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified message, and with access to the specified Help file. The message to display to the end user. The Help file to display if the user requests help. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified message, and with access to the specified Help file and topic. The message to display to the end user. The Help file to display if the user requests help. The Help topic to display if the user requests help. Sets the with the parameter name and additional exception information. Stores the data that was being used to serialize or deserialize the object that the was serializing or deserializing. Describes the source and destination of the stream that generated the exception, as well as a means for serialization to retain that context and an additional caller-defined context. is . Gets the Help topic associated with the warning. The Help topic associated with the warning. Gets the Help file associated with the warning. The Help file associated with the warning. Converts colors from one data type to another. Access this class through the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Determines if this converter can convert an object in the given source type to the native type of the converter. An that provides a format context. You can use this object to get additional information about the environment from which this converter is being invoked. The type from which you want to convert. if this object can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Returns a value indicating whether this converter can convert an object to the given destination type using the context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type to which you want to convert. if this converter can perform the operation; otherwise, . Converts the given object to the converter's native type. A that provides a format context. You can use this object to get additional information about the environment from which this converter is being invoked. A that specifies the culture to represent the color. The object to convert. An representing the converted value. The conversion cannot be performed. Converts the specified object to another type. A formatter context. Use this object to extract additional information about the environment from which this converter is being invoked. Always check whether this value is . Also, properties on the context object may return . A that specifies the culture to represent the color. The object to convert. The type to convert the object to. An representing the converted value. is . The conversion cannot be performed. Retrieves a collection containing a set of standard values for the data type for which this validator is designed. This will return if the data type does not support a standard set of values. A formatter context. Use this object to extract additional information about the environment from which this converter is being invoked. Always check whether this value is . Also, properties on the context object may return . A collection containing or a standard set of valid values. The default implementation always returns . Determines if this object supports a standard set of values that can be chosen from a list. A through which additional context can be provided. if must be called to find a common set of values the object supports; otherwise, . Converts a object from one data type to another. Initializes a new instance of the class. Determines if this converter can convert an object in the given source type to the native type of the converter. A formatter context. This object can be used to get additional information about the environment this converter is being called from. This may be , so you should always check. Also, properties on the context object may also return . The type you want to convert from. if this object can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Gets a value indicating whether this converter can convert an object to the given destination type using the context. An object that provides a format context. A object that represents the type you want to convert to. if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Converts the specified object to a object. A formatter context. This object can be used to get additional information about the environment this converter is being called from. This may be , so you should always check. Also, properties on the context object may also return . An object that contains culture specific information, such as the language, calendar, and cultural conventions associated with a specific culture. It is based on the RFC 1766 standard. The object to convert. The converted object. The conversion cannot be completed. Converts the specified object to the specified type. A formatter context. This object can be used to get additional information about the environment this converter is being called from. This may be , so you should always check. Also, properties on the context object may also return . An object that contains culture specific information, such as the language, calendar, and cultural conventions associated with a specific culture. It is based on the RFC 1766 standard. The object to convert. The type to convert the object to. The converted object. The conversion cannot be completed. Creates an instance of this type given a set of property values for the object. A type descriptor through which additional context can be provided. A dictionary of new property values. The dictionary contains a series of name-value pairs, one for each property returned from . The newly created object, or if the object could not be created. The default implementation returns . Determines if changing a value on this object should require a call to to create a new value. A through which additional context can be provided. if the method should be called when a change is made to one or more properties of this object; otherwise, . Retrieves the set of properties for this type. By default, a type does not return any properties. A type descriptor through which additional context can be provided. The value of the object to get the properties for. An array of objects that describe the properties. The set of properties that are exposed for this data type. If no properties are exposed, this method might return . The default implementation always returns . Determines if this object supports properties. By default, this is . A through which additional context can be provided. if should be called to find the properties of this object; otherwise, . Converts rectangles from one data type to another. Access this class through the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Determines if this converter can convert an object in the given source type to the native type of the converter. A formatter context. This object can be used to get additional information about the environment this converter is being called from. This may be , so you should always check. Also, properties on the context object may also return . The type you want to convert from. This method returns if this object can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Gets a value indicating whether this converter can convert an object to the given destination type using the context. An object that provides a format context. This can be , so you should always check. Also, properties on the context object can also return . A object that represents the type you want to convert to. This method returns if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Converts the given object to a object. A that can be used to get additional information about the environment this converter is being called from. This may be , so you should always check. Also, properties on the context object may also return . An that contains culture specific information, such as the language, calendar, and cultural conventions associated with a specific culture. It is based on the RFC 1766 standard. The object to convert. The converted object. The conversion cannot be completed. Converts the specified object to the specified type. A that can be used to get additional information about the environment this converter is being called from. This may be , so you should always check. Also, properties on the context object may also return . An that contains culture specific information, such as the language, calendar, and cultural conventions associated with a specific culture. It is based on the RFC 1766 standard. The object to convert. The type to convert the object to. The converted object. The conversion cannot be completed. Creates an instance of this type given a set of property values for the object. This is useful for objects that are immutable but still want to provide changeable properties. A through which additional context can be provided. A dictionary of new property values. The dictionary contains a series of name-value pairs, one for each property returned from a call to the method. The newly created object, or if the object could not be created. The default implementation returns . Determines if changing a value on this object should require a call to to create a new value. A type descriptor through which additional context can be provided. This method returns if should be called when a change is made to one or more properties of this object; otherwise, . Retrieves the set of properties for this type. By default, a type does not return any properties. A through which additional context can be provided. The value of the object to get the properties for. An array of objects that describe the properties. The set of properties that should be exposed for this data type. If no properties should be exposed, this may return . The default implementation always returns . Determines if this object supports properties. By default, this is . A through which additional context can be provided. This method returns if should be called to find the properties of this object; otherwise, . The class is used to convert from one data type to another. Access this class through the object. Initializes a new object. Determines whether this converter can convert an object in the specified source type to the native type of the converter. A that can be used to get additional information about the environment this converter is being called from. This may be , so you should always check. Also, properties on the context object may also return . The type you want to convert from. This method returns if this object can perform the conversion. Gets a value indicating whether this converter can convert an object to the given destination type using the context. A that can be used to get additional information about the environment this converter is being called from. This can be , so always check. Also, properties on the context object can return . A that represents the type you want to convert to. This method returns if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, . Converts the specified object to the converter's native type. A that can be used to get additional information about the environment this converter is being called from. This may be , so you should always check. Also, properties on the context object may also return . An object that contains culture specific information, such as the language, calendar, and cultural conventions associated with a specific culture. It is based on the RFC 1766 standard. The object to convert. The converted object. The conversion cannot be completed. Converts the specified object to the specified type. A that can be used to get additional information about the environment this converter is being called from. This may be , so you should always check. Also, properties on the context object may also return . An object that contains culture specific information, such as the language, calendar, and cultural conventions associated with a specific culture. It is based on the RFC 1766 standard. The object to convert. The type to convert the object to. The converted object. The conversion cannot be completed. Creates an object of this type by using a specified set of property values for the object. This is useful for creating non-changeable objects that have changeable properties. A through which additional context can be provided. A dictionary of new property values. The dictionary contains a series of name-value pairs, one for each property returned from the method. The newly created object, or if the object could not be created. The default implementation returns . Determines whether changing a value on this object should require a call to the method to create a new value. A through which additional context can be provided. if the object should be called when a change is made to one or more properties of this object. Retrieves the set of properties for this type. By default, a type does not have any properties to return. A through which additional context can be provided. The value of the object to get the properties for. An array of objects that describe the properties. The set of properties that should be exposed for this data type. If no properties should be exposed, this may return . The default implementation always returns . Determines whether this object supports properties. By default, this is . A through which additional context can be provided. if the method should be called to find the properties of this object. Converts objects from one type to another. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns a value indicating whether the converter can convert from the type specified to the type, using the specified context. An through which additional context can be supplied. A the represents the type you wish to convert from. to indicate the conversion can be performed; otherwise, . Returns a value indicating whether the can convert a to the specified type. An through which additional context can be supplied. A that represents the type you want to convert from. if this converter can perform the conversion otherwise, . Converts the given object to the type of this converter, using the specified context and culture information. An that provides a format context. The to use as the current culture. The to convert. An that represents the converted value. Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the specified context and culture information. An that provides a format context. A . If null is passed, the current culture is assumed. The to convert. The to convert the value parameter to. An that represents the converted value. Creates an instance of a with the specified property values using the specified context. An through which additional context can be supplied. An containing property names and values. An representing the new , or if the object cannot be created. Returns a value indicating whether changing a value on this object requires a call to the method to create a new value. An that provides a format context. This may be . Always returns . Retrieves a set of properties for the type using the specified context and attributes. An through which additional context can be supplied. The to return properties for. An array of objects that describe the properties. A containing the properties. Returns whether the type supports properties. An through which additional context can be supplied. Always returns . The class represents the type converter for extended protection policy used by the server to validate incoming client connections. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns whether this converter can convert the object to the specified type. The object to convert. A that represents the type you want to convert to. if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise . Convert the object to the specified type An that provides a format context. A object. If is passed, the current culture is assumed. The to convert. This should be a object. The to convert the value parameter to. An that represents the converted parameter. The parameter is . The conversion could not be performed. Provides data for the event. Gets the date/time when the event was raised. The time the event was raised. Represents the method that will handle the event of a . The source of the event. An object that contains the event data. Generates an event after a set interval, with an option to generate recurring events. Initializes a new instance of the class, and sets all the properties to their initial values. Initializes a new instance of the class, and sets the property to the specified number of milliseconds. The time, in milliseconds, between events. The value must be greater than zero and less than or equal to . The value of the parameter is less than or equal to zero, or greater than . Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether the should raise the event only once () or repeatedly (). if the should raise the event each time the interval elapses; if it should raise the event only once, after the first time the interval elapses. The default is . Begins the run-time initialization of a that is used on a form or by another component. Releases the resources used by the . Releases all resources used by the current . to release both managed and unmanaged resources; to release only unmanaged resources. Occurs when the interval elapses. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the should raise the event. if the should raise the event; otherwise, . The default is . This property cannot be set because the timer has been disposed. The property was set to a value greater than before the timer was enabled. Ends the run-time initialization of a that is used on a form or by another component. Gets or sets the interval, expressed in milliseconds, at which to raise the event. The time, in milliseconds, between events. The value must be greater than zero, and less than or equal to . The default is 100 milliseconds. The interval is less than or equal to zero. -or- The interval is greater than , and the timer is currently enabled. (If the timer is not currently enabled, no exception is thrown until it becomes enabled.) Gets or sets the site that binds the to its container in design mode. An interface representing the site that binds the object to its container. Starts raising the event by setting to . The is created with an interval equal to or greater than + 1, or set to an interval less than zero. Stops raising the event by setting to . Gets or sets the object used to marshal event-handler calls that are issued when an interval has elapsed. The representing the object used to marshal the event-handler calls that are issued when an interval has elapsed. The default is . Sets the description that visual designers can display when referencing an event, extender, or property. Initializes a new instance of the class. The description to use. Gets the description that visual designers can display when referencing an event, extender, or property. The description for the event, extender, or property. Converts a type to a type, and vice versa. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns whether this converter can convert an object of the given type to the type of this converter. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type that you want to convert from. if is a type or a type can be assigned from ; otherwise, . The parameter is . Returns whether this converter can convert the object to the specified type, using the specified context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type that you want to convert to. if is of type , , or ; otherwise, . Converts the given object to the type of this converter, using the specified context and culture information. An that provides a format context. The to use as the current culture. The to convert. An that represents the converted value. The conversion cannot be performed. Converts a given value object to the specified type, using the specified context and culture information. An that provides a format context. A . If is passed, the current culture is assumed. The to convert. The to convert the parameter to. An that represents the converted value. The parameter is . The conversion cannot be performed. Returns whether the given value object is a or a can be created from it. An that provides a format context. The to test for validity. if is a or a from which a can be created; otherwise, .