Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OAuth Infrastructure for mapping user data from a json structure to claims on the ClaimsIdentity. Create a new claim manipulation action. The value to use for Claim.Type when creating a Claim. The value to use for Claim.ValueType when creating a Claim. The value to use for Claim.Type when creating a Claim. Examine the given userData json, determine if the requisite data is present, and optionally add it as a new Claim on the ClaimsIdentity. The source data to examine. This value may be null. The identity to add Claims to. The value to use for Claim.Issuer when creating a Claim. A collection of ClaimActions used when mapping user data to Claims. Remove all claim actions. Remove all claim actions for the given ClaimType. The ClaimType of maps to remove. Add a claim action to the collection. The claim action to add. A ClaimAction that selects the value from the json user data by running the given Func resolver. Creates a new CustomJsonClaimAction. The value to use for Claim.Type when creating a Claim. The value to use for Claim.ValueType when creating a Claim. The Func that will be called to select value from the given json user data. The Func that will be called to select value from the given json user data. A ClaimAction that deletes all claims from the given ClaimsIdentity with the given ClaimType. Creates a new DeleteClaimAction. The ClaimType of Claims to delete. A ClaimAction that selects a top level value from the json user data with the given key name and adds it as a Claim. This no-ops if the key is not found or the value is empty. Creates a new JsonKeyClaimAction. The value to use for Claim.Type when creating a Claim. The value to use for Claim.ValueType when creating a Claim. The top level key to look for in the json user data. The top level key to look for in the json user data. A ClaimAction that selects a second level value from the json user data with the given top level key name and second level sub key name and add it as a Claim. This no-ops if the keys are not found or the value is empty. Creates a new JsonSubKeyClaimAction. The value to use for Claim.Type when creating a Claim. The value to use for Claim.ValueType when creating a Claim. The top level key to look for in the json user data. The second level key to look for in the json user data. The second level key to look for in the json user data. A ClaimAction that selects all top level values from the json user data and adds them as Claims. This excludes duplicate sets of names and values. Contains information about the login session as well as the user . Initializes a new . The . The . The HTTP environment. The authentication scheme. The options used by the authentication middleware. The HTTP client used by the authentication middleware The tokens returned from the token endpoint. The JSON-serialized user. Gets the JSON-serialized user or an empty if it is not available. Gets the token response returned by the authentication service. Gets the access token provided by the authentication service. Gets the access token type provided by the authentication service. Gets the refresh token provided by the authentication service. Gets the access token expiration time. Gets the backchannel used to communicate with the provider. Gets the main identity exposed by the authentication ticket. This property returns null when the ticket is null. Default implementation. Gets or sets the function that is invoked when the CreatingTicket method is invoked. Gets or sets the delegate that is invoked when the RedirectToAuthorizationEndpoint method is invoked. Invoked after the provider successfully authenticates a user. Contains information about the login session as well as the user . A representing the completed operation. Called when a Challenge causes a redirect to authorize endpoint in the OAuth handler. Contains redirect URI and of the challenge. The parameter key for the "scope" argument being used for a challenge request. The "scope" parameter value being used for a challenge request. Set the "scope" parameter value. List of scopes. Contains information used to perform the code exchange. Initializes a new . The . The code returned from the authorization endpoint. The redirect uri used in the authorization request. State for the authentication flow. The code returned from the authorization endpoint. The redirect uri used in the authorization request. Constants used in the OAuth protocol code_verifier defined in code_challenge defined in code_challenge_method defined in S256 defined in The handler calls methods on the events which give the application control at certain points where processing is occurring. If it is not provided a default instance is supplied which does nothing when the methods are called. Creates a new instance of the events instance. A new instance of the events instance. Format a list of OAuth scopes. List of scopes. Formatted scopes. Format the property. Formatted scopes. Subclasses should rather override . Configuration options OAuth. Check that the options are valid. Should throw an exception if things are not ok. Gets or sets the provider-assigned client id. Gets or sets the provider-assigned client secret. Gets or sets the URI where the client will be redirected to authenticate. Gets or sets the URI the middleware will access to exchange the OAuth token. Gets or sets the URI the middleware will access to obtain the user information. This value is not used in the default implementation, it is for use in custom implementations of IOAuthAuthenticationEvents.Authenticated or OAuthAuthenticationHandler.CreateTicketAsync. Gets or sets the used to handle authentication events. A collection of claim actions used to select values from the json user data and create Claims. Gets the list of permissions to request. Gets or sets the type used to secure data handled by the middleware. Enables or disables the use of the Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) standard. See The default value is `false` but derived handlers should enable this if their provider supports it. The '{0}' option must be provided. The '{0}' option must be provided. An ICertificateValidator cannot be specified at the same time as an HttpMessageHandler unless it is a WebRequestHandler. Select a top level value from the json user data with the given key name and add it as a Claim. This no-ops if the key is not found or the value is empty. The value to use for Claim.Type when creating a Claim. The top level key to look for in the json user data. Select a top level value from the json user data with the given key name and add it as a Claim. This no-ops if the key is not found or the value is empty. The value to use for Claim.Type when creating a Claim. The top level key to look for in the json user data. The value to use for Claim.ValueType when creating a Claim. Select a second level value from the json user data with the given top level key name and second level sub key name and add it as a Claim. This no-ops if the keys are not found or the value is empty. The value to use for Claim.Type when creating a Claim. The top level key to look for in the json user data. The second level key to look for in the json user data. Select a second level value from the json user data with the given top level key name and second level sub key name and add it as a Claim. This no-ops if the keys are not found or the value is empty. The value to use for Claim.Type when creating a Claim. The top level key to look for in the json user data. The second level key to look for in the json user data. The value to use for Claim.ValueType when creating a Claim. Run the given resolver to select a value from the json user data to add as a claim. This no-ops if the returned value is empty. The value to use for Claim.Type when creating a Claim. The Func that will be called to select value from the given json user data. Run the given resolver to select a value from the json user data to add as a claim. This no-ops if the returned value is empty. The value to use for Claim.Type when creating a Claim. The value to use for Claim.ValueType when creating a Claim. The Func that will be called to select value from the given json user data. Clears any current ClaimsActions and maps all values from the json user data as claims, excluding duplicates. Clears any current ClaimsActions and maps all values from the json user data as claims, excluding the specified types. Delete all claims from the given ClaimsIdentity with the given ClaimType. Delete all claims from the ClaimsIdentity with the given claimTypes. Used to setup defaults for the OAuthOptions.