path: root/src/vm/crossgen
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2015-12-15Build arm64 using private toolsetRahul Kumar1-1/+6
2015-12-13Remove unnecessary files from build and disable LNK4221Mike Danes1-3/+1
2015-11-12Enable offline generation of text-based symbol tables for native images. Thi...Brian Robbins1-0/+6
2015-08-04Enable the Windows x86 buildMike Danes1-1/+6
2015-07-27[aarch64] Initial aarch64/linux bring upGeoff Norton1-1/+6
2015-07-24Add ARM target for CoreCLR on Linux.Ben Pye1-2/+14
2015-05-20Enable ReadyToRun feature on UnixJan Vorlicek1-6/+1
2015-05-07Merge changes from parent branchdotnet-bot1-1/+3
2015-04-30Merge pull request #887 from janvorli/windows-readytorunJan Vorlicek1-0/+6
2015-04-30Enable ReadyToRun for Windows CoreCLRJan Vorlicek1-0/+6
2015-04-28Build crossgen for LinuxJohn Chen (JOCHEN7)1-55/+58
2015-04-20Enable build crossgen.exe from build.cmd.John Chen1-0/+124
2015-01-30Initial commit to populate CoreCLR repo dotnet-bot2-0/+164