path: root/src/mscorlib
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2018-07-12Skip old time zones adjustments with offsets higher than 14h (#18305) (#18874)Krzysztof Wicher2-13/+104
2018-06-27Fix SpanHelpers.ClearWithoutReferences alignment detection (#18222)Pent Ploompuu1-5/+5
2018-06-27Optimize Array.Clear using SpanHelpers (#18101)Jan Kotas1-2/+29
2018-06-26Fix number formatting exception with empty NumberGroupSizes array (#18221) (#...Stephen Toub1-1/+2
2018-06-26Fix handling of generating relative path to parent (#18460)Jeremy Kuhne1-6/+16
2018-04-30Add better portable PDB caching to System.Diagnostics.StackTrace. (#17804) (#...Mike McLaughlin2-81/+71
2018-04-30Don't optimize away Task code needed for debugger (#17786)Jan Kotas1-0/+10
2018-04-30Fix Number.ParseNumber to not assume '\0' at the end of a span (#17808) (#17820)Stephen Toub1-26/+35
2018-04-20Preserve pinned flag in {ReadOnly}Memory<T>.Slice (dotnet/corefx#29246) (#177...Ahson Khan2-7/+19
2018-04-20Port two changes from CoreFX missed by mirror: (#17713)Dan Moseley2-10/+42
2018-04-19Fix reading Time zone rules using Julian days (#17672)Tarek Mahmoud Sayed2-62/+138
2018-04-13Fix default style argument to Double/Single/Decimal.Parse (#17556)Stephen Toub3-3/+3
2018-04-13Collapse leftover AsSpan().Slice(...) into AsSpan(...) (#29078)Ahson Khan1-1/+1
2018-04-12Remove CreateFromPinnedArray from Memory (moved to MemoryMarshal) (#17532)Ahson Khan1-31/+0
2018-04-12Use string.IsNullOrEmpty to eliminate bounds check to first char (#17512)Ben Adams1-1/+7
2018-04-11Some cleanup for ArrayPool trimming (#17518)Jeremy Kuhne2-18/+31
2018-04-11Remove MemoryManager.Length (#17498)Ben Adams2-18/+51
2018-04-11Fix CoreRT build breaksJan Kotas2-7/+2
2018-04-11Add GetPinnableReference back to Span and ReadOnlySpan (#17504)Ahson Khan2-0/+14
2018-04-11Fix Assert in ValueTask (#17511)Ben Adams1-1/+1
2018-04-10Simple trim of ArrayPool buffers (#17078)Jeremy Kuhne10-121/+362
2018-04-10Add CreateFromPinnedArray to MemoryMarshal (#17500)Ahson Khan2-1/+34
2018-04-10Use non-inlineable overload for rare CompareOrdinalIgnoreCase path (#17492)Jan Kotas1-1/+1
2018-04-09Avoid Unsafe.As usage in ValueTask that can break type safety (#17471)Stephen Toub3-234/+338
2018-04-09Fix MemoryManager ctor and use internal span ctor to improve performance (#17...Ahson Khan3-8/+10
2018-04-06Add YieldAwaiter support to the async method builder delegate optimization (#...Stephen Toub4-13/+50
2018-04-06Add some comments to SpanHelpers.Char IndexOf and LastIndexOf (#17447)Ahson Khan1-2/+14
2018-04-05revert "Work around MCG bug around `ref char` marshalling #5481" (#5656)Luqun Lou4-47/+0
2018-04-05Vectorize and use ROSpan.LastIndexOf as the workhorse for string.LastIndexOf ...Ahson Khan3-112/+135
2018-04-04Use FormattingHelpers.Count{Hex}Digits in {u}int/long.ToString/TryFormatStephen Toub1-139/+196
2018-04-04Move FormattingHelpers.Count{Hex}Digits from Utf8Formatter into sharedStephen Toub2-0/+133
2018-04-04Fix ExecutionContext capture in Task (#17407)Stephen Toub1-4/+4
2018-04-04Consolidate and optimize TextInfo.ChangeCase (#17391)Stephen Toub3-213/+236
2018-04-04Avoid unnecessary string allocations in IdnMapping (#17399)Stephen Toub3-21/+37
2018-04-02Added a new API to provide memory information that GC records. This (#17326)Maoni Stephens1-0/+8
2018-03-31Make AsSpan(this string) ForceInline to be on par with AsSpan(this T[]) (#17368)Jan Kotas3-6/+9
2018-03-30Change OwnedMemory to MemoryManager and add an IMemoryOwner. (#17340)Ahson Khan12-310/+266
2018-03-29Dict cache default comparer for object types (#17285)Ben Adams2-43/+143
2018-03-29StringBuilder.Equals: value to span (#17311)Maryam Ariyan1-4/+4
2018-03-28Use ROSpan.IndexOf as the workhorse for string.IndexOf (#17284)Ahson Khan2-171/+73
2018-03-28Fix Dictionary CopyTo regression (#17300)Ben Adams2-8/+8
2018-03-28Nit changes in API diff between .NET Core 2.0 and .NET Core 2.1 (#17288)Maryam Ariyan2-4/+4
2018-03-28Root methods used by debugger for IL linker (#17287)Jan Kotas1-5/+9
2018-03-27 Adding Memory.Pin() to eventually replace Memory.Retain(bool) (#17269)Ahson Khan2-4/+78
2018-03-27Fix regression in StreamWriter.Write perf for small inputs (#17251)Stephen Toub2-35/+45
2018-03-27Cleanup InternalsVisibleTo (#17185)Jan Kotas15-92/+35
2018-03-27Move String.Comparison.cs to shared CoreLib partition (#17247)Jan Kotas3-62/+52
2018-03-27Delete MemoryExtensions.AsBytes (#17245)Jan Kotas1-46/+0
2018-03-27Vectorized SequenceCompareTo for Span<char> (#17237)Jan Kotas7-204/+253
2018-03-26New chunk should be equal/larger than the one it replaces (#17219)Maryam Ariyan2-10/+16