path: root/src/System.Private.CoreLib/Resources
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2020-01-14Stop throwing exception in TimeZoneInfo POSIX parsing (#27969)Eric Erhardt1-3/+0
2019-07-03Cleanup IL linker heuristic usage (#25547)Jan Kotas1-3/+0
2019-06-23MemoryExtensions ToUpper / ToLower throws for overlapping buffer (#25327)Marco Rossignoli1-1/+4
2019-06-19Exception format cleanup subset (#25185)Dan Moseley1-1/+1
2019-05-21Implement AppDomain.Monitoring*MemorySize (#24610)Stephen Toub1-3/+0
2019-05-21Enhance the Missing Resources Exception Message (#24645)Tarek Mahmoud Sayed1-2/+2
2019-05-09Dead string (#24516)Dan Moseley1-3/+0
2019-05-08Add support in SPCL to call into user supplied register and unregisteā€¦ (#24...Aaron Robinson1-0/+18
2019-04-13EnterContextualReflection handle null (#23953)Steve MacLean1-1/+4
2019-04-04Fix merge conflicts on Delegate and String.resxSantiago Fernandez Madero1-3/+0
2019-04-04Support simple assembly name in startup hook (#23517)Jan Kotas1-3/+6
2019-04-04Fixes for extra path separatorsVitek Karas1-3/+0
2019-04-03Remove ADID and ADIndex from CoreCLR (#23588)David Wrighton1-3/+0
2019-04-03Implement checking for simple assembly names in startuphook.vitek-karas1-0/+6
2019-04-01Remove s_isProcessExiting and Clear of ALC list at exitJan Vorlicek1-3/+0
2019-03-01Implement Serialization GuardMorgan Brown1-2/+8
2019-02-26Move Thread to shared CoreLib (#22744)Filip Navara1-0/+66
2019-02-13Move SafeHandle to managed code and shared (#22564)Stephen Toub1-0/+3
2019-02-11Move GCHandle to shared (#22499)Stephen Toub1-3/+3
2019-02-08Move GCSettings to shared (#22483)Stephen Toub1-0/+3
2019-02-01Move ResourceManager to shared CoreLib. (#22249)Filip Navara1-0/+3
2019-01-30Switch CoreLib over to using shared Environment from corefx (#22106)Stephen Toub1-0/+9
2019-01-29Add AmbiguousImplementationException (#22280)Markus Kitsinger1-0/+3
2019-01-20Cleanup array related FCalls (#22097)Jan Kotas1-0/+9
2019-01-18Add Per-assembly Load Native Library callbacks (#21555)Swaroop Sridhar1-1/+4
2019-01-17Remove a few stale resource strings for ConcurrentStack (#22037)Stephen Toub1-9/+0
2019-01-09Implement AssemblyDependencyResolver (#21896)Jeremy Koritzinsky1-0/+6
2018-12-31Delete useless ArgumentNullException message (#21728)Jan Kotas1-3/+0
2018-12-28Remove dead Guid parsing code (#21123)Hugh Bellamy1-1/+1
2018-12-10Refactor internal System.AppDomain out of CoreLib (#21460)Jan Kotas1-6/+0
2018-12-07Add PNSE implementations of unsupported built-in custom marshalers to enable ...Jeremy Koritzinsky1-0/+6
2018-12-06Port CustomMarshalers.dll to C# and .NET Core (#21343)Jeremy Koritzinsky1-0/+6
2018-12-03Refactor all FCalls out of AppDomain.cs (#21337)Jan Kotas1-3/+0
2018-12-01Enable COM interop for collectible classes (#20919)Jan Vorlicek1-2/+2
2018-11-26Remove TypedReference.MakeTypedReference readonly restriction (#21193)Stephen Toub1-1/+1
2018-11-22Delete System.AppDomainSetup (#21157)Jan Kotas1-3/+0
2018-11-21Delete dead/unused code (#21138)Jan Kotas1-7/+1
2018-11-13Initial commit for System.Text.Rune (#20935)Levi Broderick1-0/+3
2018-11-12Moving the Utf8Formatter and Utf8Parser into S.P.Corelib (#20934)Tanner Gooding1-1/+10
2018-11-09Add back support for deserialization of BinaryFormatted resources (#20907)Eric StJohn1-0/+3
2018-11-07Fixing up the Double/Single parsing code to be correct (#20707)Tanner Gooding1-6/+0
2018-11-03Improve error messages for byref-like type loading errors (#20789)Jan Kotas1-2/+2
2018-10-29Unhelpful error when Activator.CreateInstance can't find default constructor ...Andrew Au1-1/+1
2018-10-26Add IAsyncDisposable implementation to Timer (#20646)Stephen Toub1-0/+3
2018-09-28Unify argument verification for Marshal.GetHINSTANCE off-Windows (#20130)Jeremy Koritzinsky1-3/+0
2018-09-28Enable delegate marshalling for collectible types (#20158)Jan Vorlicek1-3/+0
2018-09-20Move RegistryKey to shared CoreLib partition (#20067)Jan Kotas1-27/+0
2018-08-30Add startup hook in System.Private.CoreLib (#19486)Sven Boemer1-0/+6
2018-08-23Enable unloading of AssemblyLoadContext (#18476)Jan Vorlicek1-0/+12
2018-08-12Fix a couple of apartment state issues (#19384)Koundinya Veluri1-0/+3