path: root/init-tools.msbuild
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2019-05-03Use our local-built instances of tools from ↵Jeremy Koritzinsky1-3/+0
Microsoft.DotNet.BuildTools.CoreClr instead of using the package. (#24347) * Use our local-built instances of tools from Microsoft.DotNet.BuildTools.CoreClr instead of using the package. * Fix const-correctness in InjectResource. * Build cross-arch native components before building native components for target arch. * Build InjectResource and GenClrDebugResource for the host arch when cross-building and import the targets into the cross-build. * install(EXPORT) in the directory where the target is created
2019-02-28Remove unused packages from init-tools.msbuild (#22884)Steve MacLean1-6/+0
2018-04-06Publish symbols using Microsoft.SymbolUploader.Build.Task package (#17463)Mike McLaughlin1-0/+3
Added PB_SymbolExpirationInDays (settable at queue time), PB_MsdlSymbolServerPAT, PB_SymwebSymbolServerPAT variables. Added "msdl" (publish symbols to public Microsoft server) and "symweb" (publish symbols to symweb) variables to PB_PublishType. Update to version 1.0.0-beta-62806-01 of the symbol uploader. Issue #16482
2018-01-25Compute System.Private.CoreLib roots required by the runtime. (#15525)Eugene Rozenfeld1-1/+4
Embed the result as a System.Private.CoreLib.dll xml resource for consumption by ILLink. Update mscorlib.h to make several dependencies explicit. The actual msbuild task lives in the linker repo:
2017-10-24Use new feed tasks package & auto-update versionwtgodbe1-13/+2
2017-10-10Proof-of-concept of using new Publish infra in coreclrwtgodbe1-3/+19
2017-05-19Clean up 2.0.0 BuildTools PRwtgodbe1-5/+5
2017-05-16Update Coreclr to 2.0.0 buildtoolswtgodbe1-0/+16