path: root/tests/src/performance/linkbench
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/src/performance/linkbench')
6 files changed, 467 insertions, 206 deletions
diff --git a/tests/src/performance/linkbench/assets/MusicStore/Get-Crossgen.ps1 b/tests/src/performance/linkbench/assets/MusicStore/Get-Crossgen.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a7cdf9802
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/performance/linkbench/assets/MusicStore/Get-Crossgen.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Gets crossgen.exe
+# Downloads NuGet.exe
+# Installs crossgen.exe and clrjit.dll using NuGet
+# Copies the files to $path
+param([string]$path = ".")
+$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
+Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Installing crossgen.exe to $path"
+if (-not (Test-Path $path))
+ New-Item -Path $path -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
+$path = Get-Item $path
+function Get-NETCoreAppVersion()
+ if (-not (Test-Path $PSScriptRoot\obj\project.assets.json))
+ {
+ Write-Error "project.assets.json is missing. do a dotnet restore."
+ exit
+ }
+ # ConvertFrom-Json can't be used here as it has an arbitrary size limit.
+ [void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Web.Extensions")
+ $serializer = New-Object -TypeName System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer
+ $serializer.MaxJsonLength = 67108864
+ $json = $serializer.DeserializeObject((Get-Content $PSScriptRoot\obj\project.assets.json -Raw))
+ foreach ($name in $json["libraries"].Keys)
+ {
+ if ($name.StartsWith("Microsoft.NETCore.App/"))
+ {
+ $version = $name.SubString("Microsoft.NETCore.App/".Length)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return $version
+$version = Get-NETCoreAppVersion
+Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "autodetected shared framework version $version"
+$platform = "win-x64"
+$netcoreapppackage = "runtime.$"
+$netcoreappversion = $version
+Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Getting NuGet.exe"
+$nugeturl = ""
+$nugetfeed = ""
+$nugetexepath = "$path\NuGet.exe"
+$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
+$wc.DownloadFile($nugeturl, $nugetexepath)
+Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Getting $netcoreapppackage $netcoreappversion"
+& "$nugetexepath" "install", "$netcoreapppackage", "-Source", "$nugetfeed", "-Version", "$netcoreappversion", "-OutputDirectory", "$path"
+if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
+ throw "NuGet install of $netcoreapppackage failed."
+Copy-Item "$path\$netcoreapppackage.$netcoreappversion\tools\crossgen.exe" "$path\crossgen.exe" -Force
+Copy-Item "$path\$netcoreapppackage.$netcoreappversion\runtimes\$platform\native\clrjit.dll" "$path\clrjit.dll" -Force
+Remove-Item "$path\$netcoreapppackage.$netcoreappversion\" -recurse
+Remove-Item "$path\NuGet.exe"
+Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Success"
diff --git a/tests/src/performance/linkbench/assets/Roslyn/illinkcsproj b/tests/src/performance/linkbench/assets/Roslyn/illinkcsproj
index 1247c5e715..c8549e2d47 100644
--- a/tests/src/performance/linkbench/assets/Roslyn/illinkcsproj
+++ b/tests/src/performance/linkbench/assets/Roslyn/illinkcsproj
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
- <TargetFramework>netcoreapp2.0</TargetFramework>
- <RuntimeIdentifiers>win7-x86;win7-x64</RuntimeIdentifiers>
+ <OutputType>Exe</OutputType>
+ <TargetFramework>netcoreapp1.1</TargetFramework>
- <PackageReference Include="ILLink.Tasks" Version="0.1.0-preview" />
+ <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NETCore.ILLink" Version="0.1.9-preview" />
diff --git a/tests/src/performance/linkbench/linkbench.cs b/tests/src/performance/linkbench/linkbench.cs
index 3d29957f90..ad0f83ef0e 100644
--- a/tests/src/performance/linkbench/linkbench.cs
+++ b/tests/src/performance/linkbench/linkbench.cs
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+using Microsoft.Xunit.Performance;
+using Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Api;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.Generic;
@@ -8,8 +10,6 @@ using System.Text;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
-using Microsoft.Xunit.Performance;
-using Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Api;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ namespace LinkBench
public class Benchmark
public string Name;
+ public bool ShouldRun;
+ public string ProjFile;
public string UnlinkedDir;
public string LinkedDir;
public double UnlinkedMsilSize;
@@ -28,18 +29,29 @@ namespace LinkBench
public double MsilSizeReduction;
public double DirSizeReduction;
+ public delegate void SetupDelegate();
+ public SetupDelegate Setup;
private DirectoryInfo unlinkedDirInfo;
private DirectoryInfo linkedDirInfo;
private double certDiff;
const double MB = 1024 * 1024;
- public Benchmark(string _Name, string _UnlinkedDir, string _LinkedDir)
+ public Benchmark(string _Name, string _UnlinkedDir, string _LinkedDir, SetupDelegate _setup = null, bool _shouldRun = false)
Name = _Name;
UnlinkedDir = _UnlinkedDir;
LinkedDir = _LinkedDir;
unlinkedDirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(UnlinkedDir);
linkedDirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(LinkedDir);
+ ShouldRun = _shouldRun;
+ Setup = _setup;
+ }
+ public void SetToRun()
+ {
+ ShouldRun = true;
+ Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("__test_" + Name, "true");
public void Compute()
@@ -50,8 +62,8 @@ namespace LinkBench
UnlinkedDirSize = GetDirSize(unlinkedDirInfo);
LinkedDirSize = GetDirSize(linkedDirInfo);
- MsilSizeReduction = (UnlinkedMsilSize - LinkedMsilSize) / UnlinkedMsilSize * 100;
- DirSizeReduction = (UnlinkedDirSize - LinkedDirSize) / UnlinkedDirSize * 100;
+ MsilSizeReduction = LinkedMsilSize / UnlinkedMsilSize;
+ DirSizeReduction = LinkedDirSize / UnlinkedDirSize;
// Compute total size of a directory, in MegaBytes
@@ -82,20 +94,10 @@ namespace LinkBench
foreach (string file in files)
- if (file.EndsWith(".ni.dll") || file.EndsWith(".ni.exe"))
+ if (IsMSIL(file))
- continue;
+ msilSize += new FileInfo(file).Length;
- try
- {
- AssemblyLoadContext.GetAssemblyName(file);
- }
- catch (BadImageFormatException)
- {
- continue;
- }
- msilSize += new FileInfo(file).Length;
return msilSize / MB;
@@ -126,22 +128,104 @@ namespace LinkBench
foreach (string file in files)
- try
+ if (IsMSIL(file))
- AssemblyLoadContext.GetAssemblyName(file);
+ FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(file);
+ long linkedCert = GetCertSize(file);
+ long unlinkedCert = GetCertSize(UnlinkedDir + "\\" + fileInfo.Name);
+ totalDiff += (unlinkedCert - linkedCert);
- catch (BadImageFormatException)
+ }
+ return totalDiff / MB;
+ }
+ //Use AssemblyLoadContext.GetAssemblyName(file);
+ private bool IsMSIL(string file)
+ {
+ if (file.EndsWith(".ni.dll") || file.EndsWith(".ni.exe"))
+ {
+ // Likely Native Image.
+ return false;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ AssemblyLoadContext.GetAssemblyName(file);
+ }
+ catch (Exception)
+ {
+ // We should check only for BadImageFormatException.
+ // But Checking for any exception until the following
+ // issue is fixed:
+ //
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public static void AddLinkerReference(string csproj)
+ {
+ var xdoc = XDocument.Load(csproj);
+ var ns = xdoc.Root.GetDefaultNamespace();
+ bool added = false;
+ foreach (var el in xdoc.Root.Elements(ns + "ItemGroup"))
+ {
+ if (el.Elements(ns + "PackageReference").Any())
- continue;
+ el.Add(new XElement(ns + "PackageReference",
+ new XAttribute("Include", "ILLink.Tasks"),
+ new XAttribute("Version", "0.1.4-preview")));
+ added = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!added)
+ {
+ xdoc.Root.Add(new XElement(ns + "ItemGroup",
+ new XElement(ns + "PackageReference",
+ new XAttribute("Include", "ILLink.Tasks"),
+ new XAttribute("Version", "0.1.4-preview"))));
+ added = true;
+ }
+ using (var fs = new FileStream(csproj, FileMode.Create))
+ {
+ xdoc.Save(fs);
+ }
+ }
- FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(file);
- long linkedCert = GetCertSize(file);
- long unlinkedCert = GetCertSize(UnlinkedDir + "\\" + fileInfo.Name);
- totalDiff += (unlinkedCert - linkedCert);
+ // TODO: remove this once the linker is able to handle
+ // ready-to-run assembies
+ public static void SetRuntimeFrameworkVersion(string csproj)
+ {
+ var xdoc = XDocument.Load(csproj);
+ var ns = xdoc.Root.GetDefaultNamespace();
+ var versionElement = xdoc.Root.Descendants(ns + "RuntimeFrameworkVersion").First();
+ string runtimeFrameworkVersion = "2.0.0-preview2-002093-00";
+ versionElement.Value = runtimeFrameworkVersion;
+ using (var fs = new FileStream(csproj, FileMode.Create))
+ {
+ xdoc.Save(fs);
+ }
- return totalDiff / MB;
+ // TODO: Remove this once we figure out what to do about apps
+ // that have the publish output filtered by a manifest
+ // file. It looks like aspnet has made this the default. See
+ // the bug at
+ public static void PreventPublishFiltering(string csproj)
+ {
+ var xdoc = XDocument.Load(csproj);
+ var ns = xdoc.Root.GetDefaultNamespace();
+ var propertygroup = xdoc.Root.Element(ns + "PropertyGroup");
+ propertygroup.Add(new XElement(ns + "PublishWithAspNetCoreTargetManifest",
+ "false"));
+ using (var fs = new FileStream(csproj, FileMode.Create))
+ {
+ xdoc.Save(fs);
+ }
@@ -149,42 +233,132 @@ namespace LinkBench
private static ScenarioConfiguration scenarioConfiguration = new ScenarioConfiguration(new TimeSpan(2000000));
private static MetricModel SizeMetric = new MetricModel { Name = "Size", DisplayName = "File Size", Unit = "MB" };
- private static MetricModel PercMetric = new MetricModel { Name = "Perc", DisplayName = "% Reduction", Unit = "%" };
+ private static MetricModel PercMetric = new MetricModel { Name = "Ratio", DisplayName = "Reduction", Unit = "Linked/Unlinked" };
public static string Workspace;
+ public static string LinkBenchRoot;
public static string ScriptDir;
public static string AssetsDir;
private static Benchmark CurrentBenchmark;
+ private static Benchmark[] Benchmarks =
+ {
+ new Benchmark("HelloWorld",
+ "HelloWorld\\bin\\release\\netcoreapp2.0\\win10-x64\\unlinked",
+ "HelloWorld\\bin\\release\\netcoreapp2.0\\win10-x64\\linked",
+ () => Benchmark.AddLinkerReference("HelloWorld\\HelloWorld.csproj")),
+ new Benchmark("WebAPI",
+ "WebAPI\\bin\\release\\netcoreapp2.0\\win10-x64\\unlinked",
+ "WebAPI\\bin\\release\\netcoreapp2.0\\win10-x64\\linked",
+ () => { Benchmark.AddLinkerReference("WebAPI\\WebAPI.csproj");
+ Benchmark.PreventPublishFiltering("WebAPI\\WebAPI.csproj"); }),
+ //Remove the MusicStore from the run as the scenario is currently flaky and breaking performance runs
+ /*new Benchmark("MusicStore",
+ "JitBench\\src\\MusicStore\\bin\\release\\netcoreapp2.0\\win10-x64\\unlinked",
+ "JitBench\\src\\MusicStore\\bin\\release\\netcoreapp2.0\\win10-x64\\linked",
+ () => { Benchmark.AddLinkerReference("JitBench\\src\\MusicStore\\MusicStore.csproj");
+ Benchmark.SetRuntimeFrameworkVersion("JitBench\\src\\MusicStore\\MusicStore.csproj"); }),
+ new Benchmark("MusicStore_R2R",
+ "JitBench\\src\\MusicStore\\bin\\release\\netcoreapp2.0\\win10-x64\\R2R\\unlinked",
+ "JitBench\\src\\MusicStore\\bin\\release\\netcoreapp2.0\\win10-x64\\R2R\\linked"),*/
+ new Benchmark("Corefx",
+ "corefx\\bin\\ILLinkTrimAssembly\\netcoreapp-Windows_NT-Release-x64\\pretrimmed",
+ "corefx\\bin\\ILLinkTrimAssembly\\netcoreapp-Windows_NT-Release-x64\\trimmed"),
+ /*new Benchmark("Roslyn",
+ "roslyn\\Binaries\\Release\\Exes\\CscCore\\win7-x64\\publish",
+ "roslyn\\Binaries\\Release\\Exes\\CscCore\\win7-x64\\Linked") */
+ };
+ static int UsageError()
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Usage: LinkBench [--nosetup] [--nobuild] [--perf:runid <id>] [<benchmarks>]");
+ Console.WriteLine(" --nosetup: Don't clone and fixup benchmark repositories");
+ Console.WriteLine(" --nosetup: Don't build and link benchmarks");
+ Console.WriteLine(" --perf:runid: Specify the ID to append to benchmark result files");
+ Console.WriteLine(" Benchmarks: HelloWorld, WebAPI, MusicStore, MusicStore_R2R, CoreFX, Roslyn");
+ Console.WriteLine(" Default is to run all the above benchmarks.");
+ return -4;
+ }
public static int Main(String [] args)
- // Workspace is the ROOT of the coreclr tree.
- // If CORECLR_REPO is not set, the script assumes that the location of sandbox
- // is <path>\coreclr\sandbox.
- bool doClone = true;
+ bool doSetup = true;
bool doBuild = true;
+ string runId = "";
+ string runOne = null;
+ bool benchmarkSpecified = false;
- for(int i=0; i < args.Length; i++)
+ for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
- if (String.Compare(args[i], "noclone", true) == 0)
+ if (String.Compare(args[i], "--nosetup", true) == 0)
- doClone = false;
+ doSetup = false;
- else if (String.Compare(args[i], "nobuild", true) == 0)
+ else if (String.Compare(args[i], "--nobuild", true) == 0)
- doClone = false;
+ doSetup = false;
doBuild = false;
+ else if (String.Compare(args[i], "--perf:runid", true) == 0)
+ {
+ if (i + 1 < args.Length)
+ {
+ runId = args[++i] + "-";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Missing runID ");
+ return UsageError();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (args[i][0] == '-')
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Unknown Option {0}", args[i]);
+ return UsageError();
+ }
- Console.WriteLine("Unknown argument");
- return -4;
+ foreach (Benchmark benchmark in Benchmarks)
+ {
+ if (String.Compare(args[i], benchmark.Name, true) == 0)
+ {
+ benchmark.SetToRun();
+ benchmarkSpecified = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!benchmarkSpecified)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Unknown Benchmark {0}", args[i]);
+ }
+ // If benchmarks are not explicitly specified, run all benchmarks
+ if (!benchmarkSpecified)
+ {
+ foreach (Benchmark benchmark in Benchmarks)
+ {
+ if (String.Compare(benchmark.Name, "CoreFX", true) == 0)
+ {
+ // CoreFX is not enabled by default, because the lab cannot run it yet.
+ // Jenkins runs on an older OS with path-length limit, which causes
+ // CoreFX build to fail.
+ continue;
+ }
+ benchmark.SetToRun();
+ }
+ }
+ // Workspace is the ROOT of the coreclr tree.
+ // If CORECLR_REPO is not set, the script assumes that the location of sandbox
+ // is <path>\coreclr\sandbox.
+ LinkBenchRoot = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
Workspace = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CORECLR_REPO");
if (Workspace == null)
- Workspace = Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).FullName;
+ Workspace = Directory.GetParent(LinkBenchRoot).FullName;
if (Workspace == null)
@@ -192,38 +366,38 @@ namespace LinkBench
return -1;
- string LinkBenchDir = Workspace + "\\tests\\src\\performance\\linkbench\\";
- ScriptDir = LinkBenchDir + "scripts\\";
- AssetsDir = LinkBenchDir + "assets\\";
+ string linkBenchSrcDir = Workspace + "\\tests\\src\\performance\\linkbench\\";
+ ScriptDir = linkBenchSrcDir + "scripts\\";
+ AssetsDir = linkBenchSrcDir + "assets\\";
- Benchmark[] Benchmarks =
- {
- new Benchmark("HelloWorld",
- "LinkBench\\HelloWorld\\bin\\release\\netcoreapp2.0\\win10-x64\\publish",
- "LinkBench\\HelloWorld\\bin\\release\\netcoreapp2.0\\win10-x64\\linked"),
- new Benchmark("WebAPI",
- "LinkBench\\WebAPI\\bin\\release\\netcoreapp2.0\\win10-x64\\publish",
- "LinkBench\\WebAPI\\bin\\release\\netcoreapp2.0\\win10-x64\\linked"),
- new Benchmark("MusicStore",
- "LinkBench\\JitBench\\src\\MusicStore\\bin\\release\\netcoreapp2.0\\win10-x64\\publish",
- "LinkBench\\JitBench\\src\\MusicStore\\bin\\release\\netcoreapp2.0\\win10-x64\\linked"),
- new Benchmark("MusicStore_R2R",
- "LinkBench\\JitBench\\src\\MusicStore\\bin\\release\\netcoreapp2.0\\win10-x64\\publish_r2r",
- "LinkBench\\JitBench\\src\\MusicStore\\bin\\release\\netcoreapp2.0\\win10-x64\\linked_r2r"),
- new Benchmark("Corefx",
- "LinkBench\\corefx\\bin\\ILLinkTrimAssembly\\netcoreapp-Windows_NT-Release-x64\\pretrimmed",
- "LinkBench\\corefx\\bin\\ILLinkTrimAssembly\\netcoreapp-Windows_NT-Release-x64\\trimmed"),
- new Benchmark("Roslyn",
- "LinkBench\\roslyn\\Binaries\\Release\\Exes\\CscCore",
- "LinkBench\\roslyn\\Binaries\\Release\\Exes\\Linked"),
- };
+ Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("LinkBenchRoot", LinkBenchRoot);
+ Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("__dotnet1", LinkBenchRoot + "\\.Net1\\dotnet.exe");
+ Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("__dotnet2", LinkBenchRoot + "\\.Net2\\dotnet.exe");
// Update the build files to facilitate the link step
- if(doClone)
+ if (doSetup)
- if(!Setup())
+ // Clone the benchmarks
+ using (var setup = new Process())
- return -2;
+ setup.StartInfo.FileName = ScriptDir + "clone.cmd";
+ setup.Start();
+ setup.WaitForExit();
+ if (setup.ExitCode != 0)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Benchmark Setup failed");
+ return -2;
+ }
+ }
+ // Setup the benchmarks
+ foreach (Benchmark benchmark in Benchmarks)
+ {
+ if (benchmark.ShouldRun && benchmark.Setup != null)
+ {
+ benchmark.Setup();
+ }
@@ -238,7 +412,7 @@ namespace LinkBench
if (setup.ExitCode != 0)
- Console.WriteLine("Setup failed");
+ Console.WriteLine("Benchmark build failed");
return -3;
@@ -255,8 +429,12 @@ namespace LinkBench
for (int i = 0; i < Benchmarks.Length; i++)
CurrentBenchmark = Benchmarks[i];
- string[] scriptArgs = { "--perf:runid", CurrentBenchmark.Name };
+ if (!CurrentBenchmark.ShouldRun)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ string[] scriptArgs = { "--perf:runid", runId + CurrentBenchmark.Name };
using (var h = new XunitPerformanceHarness(scriptArgs))
h.RunScenario(emptyCmd, null, null, PostRun, scenarioConfiguration);
@@ -280,81 +458,14 @@ namespace LinkBench
addMeasurement(ref scenario, "MSIL Unlinked", SizeMetric, CurrentBenchmark.UnlinkedMsilSize);
addMeasurement(ref scenario, "MSIL Linked", SizeMetric, CurrentBenchmark.LinkedMsilSize);
- addMeasurement(ref scenario, "MSIL %Reduction", PercMetric, CurrentBenchmark.MsilSizeReduction);
+ addMeasurement(ref scenario, "MSIL Reduction", PercMetric, CurrentBenchmark.MsilSizeReduction);
addMeasurement(ref scenario, "Total Uninked", SizeMetric, CurrentBenchmark.UnlinkedDirSize);
addMeasurement(ref scenario, "Total Linked", SizeMetric, CurrentBenchmark.LinkedDirSize);
- addMeasurement(ref scenario, "Total %Reduction", PercMetric, CurrentBenchmark.DirSizeReduction);
+ addMeasurement(ref scenario, "Total Reduction", PercMetric, CurrentBenchmark.DirSizeReduction);
return scenario;
- private static bool Setup()
- {
- // Clone the benchmarks
- using (var setup = new Process())
- {
- setup.StartInfo.FileName = ScriptDir + "clone.cmd";
- Console.WriteLine("Run {0}", setup.StartInfo.FileName);
- setup.Start();
- setup.WaitForExit();
- if (setup.ExitCode != 0)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("clone failed");
- return false;
- }
- }
- //Update the project files
- AddLinkerReference("LinkBench\\HelloWorld\\HelloWorld.csproj");
- AddLinkerReference("LinkBench\\WebAPI\\WebAPI.csproj");
- AddLinkerReference("LinkBench\\JitBench\\src\\MusicStore\\MusicStore.csproj");
- RemoveCrossgenTarget("LinkBench\\JitBench\\src\\MusicStore\\MusicStore.csproj");
- return true;
- }
- private static void AddLinkerReference(string csproj)
- {
- var xdoc = XDocument.Load(csproj);
- var ns = xdoc.Root.GetDefaultNamespace();
- bool added = false;
- foreach (var el in xdoc.Root.Elements(ns + "ItemGroup"))
- {
- if (el.Elements(ns + "PackageReference").Any())
- {
- el.Add(new XElement(ns + "PackageReference",
- new XAttribute("Include", "ILLink.Tasks"),
- new XAttribute("Version", "0.1.0-preview")));
- added = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!added)
- {
- xdoc.Root.Add(new XElement(ns + "ItemGroup",
- new XElement(ns + "PackageReference",
- new XAttribute("Include", "ILLink.Tasks"),
- new XAttribute("Version", "0.1.0-preview"))));
- added = true;
- }
- using (var fs = new FileStream(csproj, FileMode.Create))
- {
- xdoc.Save(fs);
- }
- }
- private static void RemoveCrossgenTarget(string csproj)
- {
- var xdoc = XDocument.Load(csproj);
- var ns = xdoc.Root.GetDefaultNamespace();
- var target = xdoc.Root.Element(ns + "Target");
- target.Remove();
- using (var fs = new FileStream(csproj, FileMode.Create))
- {
- xdoc.Save(fs);
- }
- }
private static void addMeasurement(ref ScenarioBenchmark scenario, string name, MetricModel metric, double value)
var iteration = new IterationModel
diff --git a/tests/src/performance/linkbench/linkbench.csproj b/tests/src/performance/linkbench/linkbench.csproj
index 2a3048ab21..46c79ff039 100644
--- a/tests/src/performance/linkbench/linkbench.csproj
+++ b/tests/src/performance/linkbench/linkbench.csproj
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+ <NuGetTargetMonikerShort>netstandard1.4</NuGetTargetMonikerShort>
<!-- Default configurations to help VS understand the configurations -->
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|x64'">
@@ -23,8 +24,7 @@
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|x64'">
- <ProjectJson>..\project.json</ProjectJson>
- <ProjectLockJson>..\project.lock.json</ProjectLockJson>
+ <RestoreOutputPath>..\obj</RestoreOutputPath>
<CodeAnalysisDependentAssemblyPaths Condition=" '$(VS100COMNTOOLS)' != '' " Include="$(VS100COMNTOOLS)..\IDE\PrivateAssemblies">
diff --git a/tests/src/performance/linkbench/scripts/build.cmd b/tests/src/performance/linkbench/scripts/build.cmd
index 88b7eb139e..12f9f3f951 100644
--- a/tests/src/performance/linkbench/scripts/build.cmd
+++ b/tests/src/performance/linkbench/scripts/build.cmd
@@ -1,103 +1,141 @@
@echo off
REM Usage: Build.cmd <LinkBench assets directory>
-call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat"
-set ROOT=%cd%\LinkBench
set AssetDir=%1
set ExitCode=0
-mkdir LinkBench 2> nul
-pushd %ROOT%
+pushd %LinkBenchRoot%
+set __CORFLAGS="%VS140COMNTOOLS%\..\..\..\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.6.1 Tools\CorFlags.exe"
+if not exist %__CORFLAGS% (
+ echo corflags.exe not found
+ exit /b -1
+if defined __test_HelloWorld call :HelloWorld
+if defined __test_WebAPI call :WebAPI
+if defined __test_MusicStore call :MusicStore
+if defined __test_MusicStore_R2R call :MusicStore_R2R
+if defined __test_CoreFx call :CoreFx
+if defined __test_Roslyn call :Roslyn
+exit /b %ExitCode%
echo Build ** HelloWorld **
-cd %ROOT%\HelloWorld
-dotnet restore -r win10-x64
-dotnet publish -c release -r win10-x64
-dotnet msbuild /t:Link /p:LinkerMode=sdk /p:RuntimeIdentifier=win10-x64 /v:n /p:Configuration=release
+pushd %LinkBenchRoot%\HelloWorld
+call %__dotnet2% restore -r win10-x64
+call %__dotnet2% publish -c release -r win10-x64 /p:LinkDuringPublish=false --output bin\release\netcoreapp2.0\win10-x64\Unlinked
+call %__dotnet2% publish -c release -r win10-x64 --output bin\release\netcoreapp2.0\win10-x64\Linked
if errorlevel 1 set ExitCode=1
-echo -- Done --
+exit /b
echo Build ** WebAPI **
-cd %ROOT%\WebAPI
-dotnet restore -r win10-x64
-dotnet publish -c release -r win10-x64
-dotnet msbuild /t:Link /p:LinkerMode=sdk /p:RuntimeIdentifier=win10-x64 /v:n /p:Configuration=release
+pushd %LinkBenchRoot%\WebAPI
+call %__dotnet2% restore -r win10-x64
+call %__dotnet2% publish -c release -r win10-x64 /p:LinkDuringPublish=false --output bin\release\netcoreapp2.0\win10-x64\unlinked
+call %__dotnet2% publish -c release -r win10-x64 --output bin\release\netcoreapp2.0\win10-x64\linked
if errorlevel 1 set ExitCode=1
-echo -- Done --
+exit /b
echo Build ** MusicStore **
-cd %ROOT%\JitBench\src\MusicStore
+pushd %LinkBenchRoot%\JitBench\src\MusicStore
copy %AssetDir%\MusicStore\MusicStoreReflection.xml .
-dotnet restore -r win10-x64
-dotnet publish -c release -r win10-x64
-dotnet msbuild /t:Link /p:LinkerMode=sdk /p:RuntimeIdentifier=win10-x64 /v:n /p:LinkerRootFiles=MusicStoreReflection.xml /p:Configuration=release
+call %__dotnet2% restore -r win10-x64
+call %__dotnet2% publish -c release -r win10-x64 /p:LinkerRootDescriptors=MusicStoreReflection.xml /p:LinkDuringPublish=false --output bin\release\netcoreapp2.0\win10-x64\unlinked
+call %__dotnet2% publish -c release -r win10-x64 /p:LinkerRootDescriptors=MusicStoreReflection.xml --output bin\release\netcoreapp2.0\win10-x64\linked
if errorlevel 1 set ExitCode=1
-echo -- Done --
+exit /b
+REM Since the musicstore benchmark has a workaround to use an old framework (to get non-crossgen'd packages),
+REM we need to run crossgen on these assemblies manually for now.
+REM Even once we have the linker running on R2R assemblies and remove this workaround,
+REM we'll need a way to get the pre-crossgen assemblies for the size comparison.
+REM We need to use it to crossgen the linked assemblies for the size comparison,
+REM since the linker targets don't yet include a way to crossgen the linked assemblies.
echo Build ** MusicStore Ready2Run **
-cd %ROOT%\JitBench\src\MusicStore
+pushd %LinkBenchRoot%\JitBench\src\MusicStore
+copy %AssetDir%\MusicStore\Get-Crossgen.ps1
powershell -noprofile -executionPolicy RemoteSigned -file Get-Crossgen.ps1
pushd bin\release\netcoreapp2.0\win10-x64\
-call :SetupR2R publish
+mkdir R2R
+call :SetupR2R unlinked
if errorlevel 1 set ExitCode=1
call :SetupR2R linked
if errorlevel 1 set ExitCode=1
-echo -- Done --
+exit /b
echo Build ** CoreFX **
-cd %ROOT%\corefx
+pushd %LinkBenchRoot%\corefx
set BinPlaceILLinkTrimAssembly=true
call build.cmd -release
if errorlevel 1 set ExitCode=1
-echo -- Done --
+exit /b
echo Build ** Roslyn **
-cd %ROOT%\roslyn
-copy %AssetDir%\Roslyn\RoslynRoots.txt .
-copy %AssetDir%\Roslyn\RoslynRoots.xml .
-set RoslynRoot=%cd%
-REM Build Roslyn
-call restore.cmd
-msbuild /m Roslyn.sln /p:Configuration=Release
+pushd %LinkBenchRoot%\roslyn
REM Fetch ILLink
-mkdir illink
+if not exist illink mkdir illink
cd illink
-copy %AssetDir%\Roslyn\illinkcsproj illink.csproj
-dotnet restore illink.csproj -r win10-x64 --packages bin
+copy %AssetDir%\Roslyn\illinkcsproj illink.csproj
+call %__dotnet1% restore --packages pkg
+if errorlevel 1 set ExitCode=1
+set __IlLinkDll=%cd%\pkg\microsoft.netcore.illink\0.1.9-preview\lib\netcoreapp1.1\illink.dll
cd ..
+REM Build CscCore
+call Restore.cmd
+cd src\Compilers\CSharp\CscCore
+call %__dotnet1% publish -c Release -r win7-x64
+if errorlevel 1 set ExitCode=1
+REM Published CscCore to Binaries\Release\Exes\CscCore\win7-x64\publish
+cd ..\..\..\..
REM Create Linker Directory
-cd Binaries\Release\Exes
+cd Binaries\Release\Exes\CscCore\win7-x64\
mkdir Linked
-cd CscCore
REM Copy Unmanaged Assets
+cd publish
FOR /F "delims=" %%I IN ('DIR /b *') DO (
- corflags %%I >nul 2> nul
- if errorlevel 1 copy %%I ..\Linked >nul
+ %__CORFLAGS% %%I
+ if errorlevel 1 copy %%I ..\Linked
copy *.ni.dll ..\Linked
REM Run Linker
-dotnet %RoslynRoot%\illink\bin\illink.tasks\0.1.0-preview\tools\illink.dll -t -c link -a @%RoslynRoot%\RoslynRoots.txt -x %RoslynRoot%\RoslynRoots.xml -l none -out ..\Linked
+call %__dotnet1% %__IlLinkDll% -t -c link -a @%AssetDir%\Roslyn\RoslynRoots.txt -x %AssetDir%\Roslyn\RoslynRoots.xml -l none -out ..\Linked
if errorlevel 1 set ExitCode=1
-echo -- Done --
-exit /b %ExitCode%
+exit /b
REM Create R2R directory and copy all contents from MSIL to R2R directory
-mkdir %1_r2r
-xcopy /E /Y /Q %1 %1_r2r
+mkdir R2R\%1
+xcopy /E /Y /Q %1 R2R\%1
REM Generate Ready2Run images for all MSIL files by running crossgen
-cd %1_r2r
-copy ..\..\..\..\..\crossgen.exe
+pushd R2R\%1
+copy ..\..\..\..\..\..\crossgen.exe
FOR /F %%I IN ('dir /b *.dll ^| find /V /I ".ni.dll" ^| find /V /I "System.Private.CoreLib" ^| find /V /I "mscorlib.dll"') DO (
REM Don't crossgen Corlib, since the native image already exists.
REM For all other MSIL files (corflags returns 0), run crossgen
- corflags %%I >nul 2>nul
+ %__CORFLAGS% %%I
if not errorlevel 1 (
- crossgen /Platform_Assemblies_Paths . %%I >nul 2>nul
+ crossgen.exe /Platform_Assemblies_Paths . %%I
if errorlevel 1 (
exit /b 1
@@ -112,5 +150,5 @@ FOR /F "delims=" %%I IN ('dir /b *.dll') DO (
ren %%I
-cd ..
exit /b 0
diff --git a/tests/src/performance/linkbench/scripts/clone.cmd b/tests/src/performance/linkbench/scripts/clone.cmd
index ae28d41d08..60cfe202b6 100644
--- a/tests/src/performance/linkbench/scripts/clone.cmd
+++ b/tests/src/performance/linkbench/scripts/clone.cmd
@@ -1,30 +1,64 @@
@echo off
-rmdir /s /q LinkBench
+pushd %LinkBenchRoot%
-set ROOT=%cd%\LinkBench
-mkdir LinkBench 2> nul
-pushd %ROOT%
+if not exist %__dotnet1% call :DotNet
+if defined __test_HelloWorld call :HelloWorld
+if defined __test_WebAPI call :WebAPI
+if defined __test_MusicStore call :MusicStore
+if defined __test_MusicStore_R2R call :MusicStore_R2R
+if defined __test_CoreFx call :CoreFx
+if defined __test_Roslyn call :Roslyn
+exit /b %EXITCODE%
+REM Roslyn needs SDK 1.0.0, other benchmarks need SDK 2.0.0
+mkdir .Net1
+mkdir .Net2
+powershell -noprofile -executionPolicy RemoteSigned wget -OutFile dotnet-install.ps1
+powershell -noprofile -executionPolicy RemoteSigned -file dotnet-install.ps1 -InstallDir .Net1
+powershell -noprofile -executionPolicy RemoteSigned -file dotnet-install.ps1 -Channel master -InstallDir .Net2 -version 2.0.0-preview2-005905
+if not exist %__dotnet1% set EXITCODE=1&& echo DotNet.1.0.0 uninstalled
+if not exist %__dotnet2% set EXITCODE=1&& echo DotNet.2.0.0 uninstalled
+exit /b
mkdir HelloWorld
cd HelloWorld
-dotnet new console
-if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+call %__dotnet2% new console
+if errorlevel 1 set EXITCODE=1
cd ..
+exit /b
mkdir WebAPI
cd WebAPI
-dotnet new webapi
-if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+call %__dotnet2% new webapi
+if errorlevel 1 set EXITCODE=1
cd ..
+exit /b
git clone -b dev
-if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+if errorlevel 1 set EXITCODE=1
+exit /b
+REM MusicStore_R2R requires a previous MusicStore run.
+REM No Additional Setup
+exit /b
git clone
-if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+if errorlevel 1 set EXITCODE=1
+exit /b
git clone
-if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
-popd \ No newline at end of file
+if errorlevel 1 set EXITCODE=1
+exit /b