path: root/tests/src/JIT/Performance/CodeQuality/V8/DeltaBlue/DeltaBlue.cs
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diff --git a/tests/src/JIT/Performance/CodeQuality/V8/DeltaBlue/DeltaBlue.cs b/tests/src/JIT/Performance/CodeQuality/V8/DeltaBlue/DeltaBlue.cs
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index 0000000000..ee14b8b1b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/JIT/Performance/CodeQuality/V8/DeltaBlue/DeltaBlue.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,1068 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+ This is a Java implemention of the DeltaBlue algorithm described in:
+ "The DeltaBlue Algorithm: An Incremental Constraint Hierarchy Solver"
+ by Bjorn N. Freeman-Benson and John Maloney
+ January 1990 Communications of the ACM,
+ also available as University of Washington TR 89-08-06.
+ This implementation by Mario Wolczko, Sun Microsystems, Sep 1996,
+ based on the Smalltalk implementation by John Maloney.
+// The code has been adapted for use as a C# benchmark by Microsoft.
+#define USE_STACK
+using Microsoft.Xunit.Performance;
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+[assembly: OptimizeForBenchmarks]
+[assembly: MeasureInstructionsRetired]
+Strengths are used to measure the relative importance of constraints.
+New strengths may be inserted in the strength hierarchy without
+disrupting current constraints. Strengths cannot be created outside
+this class, so pointer comparison can be used for value comparison.
+internal class Strength
+ private int _strengthValue;
+ private String _name;
+ private Strength(int strengthValue, String name)
+ {
+ _strengthValue = strengthValue;
+ _name = name;
+ }
+ public static Boolean stronger(Strength s1, Strength s2)
+ {
+ return s1._strengthValue < s2._strengthValue;
+ }
+ public static Boolean weaker(Strength s1, Strength s2)
+ {
+ return s1._strengthValue > s2._strengthValue;
+ }
+ public static Strength weakestOf(Strength s1, Strength s2)
+ {
+ return weaker(s1, s2) ? s1 : s2;
+ }
+ public static Strength strongest(Strength s1, Strength s2)
+ {
+ return stronger(s1, s2) ? s1 : s2;
+ }
+ // for iteration
+ public Strength nextWeaker()
+ {
+ switch (_strengthValue)
+ {
+ case 0: return weakest;
+ case 1: return weakDefault;
+ case 2: return normal;
+ case 3: return strongDefault;
+ case 4: return preferred;
+ case 5: return strongPreferred;
+ case 6:
+ default:
+ Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid call to nextStrength()!");
+ //System.exit(1);
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ // Strength constants
+ public static Strength required = new Strength(0, "required");
+ public static Strength strongPreferred = new Strength(1, "strongPreferred");
+ public static Strength preferred = new Strength(2, "preferred");
+ public static Strength strongDefault = new Strength(3, "strongDefault");
+ public static Strength normal = new Strength(4, "normal");
+ public static Strength weakDefault = new Strength(5, "weakDefault");
+ public static Strength weakest = new Strength(6, "weakest");
+ public void print()
+ {
+ Console.Write("strength[" + _strengthValue + "]");
+ }
+//------------------------------ variables ------------------------------
+// I represent a constrained variable. In addition to my value, I
+// maintain the structure of the constraint graph, the current
+// dataflow graph, and various parameters of interest to the DeltaBlue
+// incremental constraint solver.
+internal class Variable
+ public int value; // my value; changed by constraints
+ public ArrayList constraints; // normal constraints that reference me
+ public Constraint determinedBy; // the constraint that currently determines
+ // my value (or null if there isn't one)
+ public int mark; // used by the planner to mark constraints
+ public Strength walkStrength; // my walkabout strength
+ public Boolean stay; // true if I am a planning-time constant
+ public String name; // a symbolic name for reporting purposes
+ private Variable(String name, int initialValue, Strength walkStrength,
+ int nconstraints)
+ {
+ value = initialValue;
+ constraints = new ArrayList(nconstraints);
+ determinedBy = null;
+ mark = 0;
+ this.walkStrength = walkStrength;
+ stay = true;
+ = name;
+ }
+ public Variable(String name, int value) : this(name, value, Strength.weakest, 2)
+ {
+ }
+ public Variable(String name) : this(name, 0, Strength.weakest, 2)
+ {
+ }
+ public void print()
+ {
+ Console.Write(name + "(");
+ walkStrength.print();
+ Console.Write("," + value + ")");
+ }
+ // Add the given constraint to the set of all constraints that refer to me.
+ public void addConstraint(Constraint c)
+ {
+ constraints.Add(c);
+ }
+ // Remove all traces of c from this variable.
+ public void removeConstraint(Constraint c)
+ {
+ constraints.Remove(c);
+ if (determinedBy == c) determinedBy = null;
+ }
+ // Attempt to assign the given value to me using the given strength.
+ public void setValue(int value, Strength strength)
+ {
+ EditConstraint e = new EditConstraint(this, strength);
+ if (e.isSatisfied())
+ {
+ this.value = value;
+ deltablue.planner.propagateFrom(this);
+ }
+ e.destroyConstraint();
+ }
+//------------------------ constraints ------------------------------------
+// I am an abstract class representing a system-maintainable
+// relationship (or "constraint") between a set of variables. I supply
+// a strength instance variable; concrete subclasses provide a means
+// of storing the constrained variables and other information required
+// to represent a constraint.
+internal abstract class Constraint
+ public Strength strength; // the strength of this constraint
+ public Constraint() { } // this has to be here because of
+ // Java's constructor idiocy.
+ public Constraint(Strength strength)
+ {
+ this.strength = strength;
+ }
+ // Answer true if this constraint is satisfied in the current solution.
+ public abstract Boolean isSatisfied();
+ // Record the fact that I am unsatisfied.
+ public abstract void markUnsatisfied();
+ // Normal constraints are not input constraints. An input constraint
+ // is one that depends on external state, such as the mouse, the
+ // keyboard, a clock, or some arbitrary piece of imperative code.
+ public virtual Boolean isInput() { return false; }
+ // Activate this constraint and attempt to satisfy it.
+ public void addConstraint()
+ {
+ addToGraph();
+ deltablue.planner.incrementalAdd(this);
+ }
+ // Deactivate this constraint, remove it from the constraint graph,
+ // possibly causing other constraints to be satisfied, and destroy
+ // it.
+ public void destroyConstraint()
+ {
+ if (isSatisfied()) deltablue.planner.incrementalRemove(this);
+ else
+ removeFromGraph();
+ }
+ // Add myself to the constraint graph.
+ public abstract void addToGraph();
+ // Remove myself from the constraint graph.
+ public abstract void removeFromGraph();
+ // Decide if I can be satisfied and record that decision. The output
+ // of the choosen method must not have the given mark and must have
+ // a walkabout strength less than that of this constraint.
+ public abstract void chooseMethod(int mark);
+ // Set the mark of all input from the given mark.
+ public abstract void markInputs(int mark);
+ // Assume that I am satisfied. Answer true if all my current inputs
+ // are known. A variable is known if either a) it is 'stay' (i.e. it
+ // is a constant at plan execution time), b) it has the given mark
+ // (indicating that it has been computed by a constraint appearing
+ // earlier in the plan), or c) it is not determined by any
+ // constraint.
+ public abstract Boolean inputsKnown(int mark);
+ // Answer my current output variable. Raise an error if I am not
+ // currently satisfied.
+ public abstract Variable output();
+ // Attempt to find a way to enforce this constraint. If successful,
+ // record the solution, perhaps modifying the current dataflow
+ // graph. Answer the constraint that this constraint overrides, if
+ // there is one, or nil, if there isn't.
+ // Assume: I am not already satisfied.
+ //
+ public Constraint satisfy(int mark)
+ {
+ chooseMethod(mark);
+ if (!isSatisfied())
+ {
+ if (strength == Strength.required)
+ {
+ deltablue.error("Could not satisfy a required constraint");
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ // constraint can be satisfied
+ // mark inputs to allow cycle detection in addPropagate
+ markInputs(mark);
+ Variable outvar = output();
+ Constraint overridden = outvar.determinedBy;
+ if (overridden != null) overridden.markUnsatisfied();
+ outvar.determinedBy = this;
+ if (!deltablue.planner.addPropagate(this, mark))
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Cycle encountered");
+ return null;
+ }
+ outvar.mark = mark;
+ return overridden;
+ }
+ // Enforce this constraint. Assume that it is satisfied.
+ public abstract void execute();
+ // Calculate the walkabout strength, the stay flag, and, if it is
+ // 'stay', the value for the current output of this
+ // constraint. Assume this constraint is satisfied.
+ public abstract void recalculate();
+ public abstract void printInputs();
+ public void printOutput() { output().print(); }
+ public void print()
+ {
+ if (!isSatisfied())
+ {
+ Console.Write("Unsatisfied");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Console.Write("Satisfied(");
+ printInputs();
+ Console.Write(" -> ");
+ printOutput();
+ Console.Write(")");
+ }
+ Console.Write("\n");
+ }
+//-------------unary constraints-------------------------------------------
+// I am an abstract superclass for constraints having a single
+// possible output variable.
+internal abstract class UnaryConstraint : Constraint
+ public Variable myOutput; // possible output variable
+ public Boolean satisfied; // true if I am currently satisfied
+ public UnaryConstraint(Variable v, Strength strength) : base(strength)
+ {
+ myOutput = v;
+ satisfied = false;
+ addConstraint();
+ }
+ // Answer true if this constraint is satisfied in the current solution.
+ public override Boolean isSatisfied() { return satisfied; }
+ // Record the fact that I am unsatisfied.
+ public override void markUnsatisfied() { satisfied = false; }
+ // Answer my current output variable.
+ public override Variable output() { return myOutput; }
+ // Add myself to the constraint graph.
+ public override void addToGraph()
+ {
+ myOutput.addConstraint(this);
+ satisfied = false;
+ }
+ // Remove myself from the constraint graph.
+ public override void removeFromGraph()
+ {
+ if (myOutput != null) myOutput.removeConstraint(this);
+ satisfied = false;
+ }
+ // Decide if I can be satisfied and record that decision.
+ public override void chooseMethod(int mark)
+ {
+ satisfied = myOutput.mark != mark
+ && Strength.stronger(strength, myOutput.walkStrength);
+ }
+ public override void markInputs(int mark) { } // I have no inputs
+ public override Boolean inputsKnown(int mark) { return true; }
+ // Calculate the walkabout strength, the stay flag, and, if it is
+ // 'stay', the value for the current output of this
+ // constraint. Assume this constraint is satisfied."
+ public override void recalculate()
+ {
+ myOutput.walkStrength = strength;
+ myOutput.stay = !isInput();
+ if (myOutput.stay) execute(); // stay optimization
+ }
+ public override void printInputs() { } // I have no inputs
+// I am a unary input constraint used to mark a variable that the
+// client wishes to change.
+internal class EditConstraint : UnaryConstraint
+ public EditConstraint(Variable v, Strength str) : base(v, str) { }
+ // I indicate that a variable is to be changed by imperative code.
+ public override Boolean isInput() { return true; }
+ public override void execute() { } // Edit constraints do nothing.
+// I mark variables that should, with some level of preference, stay
+// the same. I have one method with zero inputs and one output, which
+// does nothing. Planners may exploit the fact that, if I am
+// satisfied, my output will not change during plan execution. This is
+// called "stay optimization".
+internal class StayConstraint : UnaryConstraint
+ // Install a stay constraint with the given strength on the given variable.
+ public StayConstraint(Variable v, Strength str) : base(v, str) { }
+ public override void execute() { } // Stay constraints do nothing.
+//-------------binary constraints-------------------------------------------
+// I am an abstract superclass for constraints having two possible
+// output variables.
+internal abstract class BinaryConstraint : Constraint
+ public Variable v1, v2; // possible output variables
+ public sbyte direction; // one of the following...
+ public static sbyte backward = -1; // v1 is output
+ public static sbyte nodirection = 0; // not satisfied
+ public static sbyte forward = 1; // v2 is output
+ public BinaryConstraint() { } // this has to be here because of
+ // Java's constructor idiocy.
+ public BinaryConstraint(Variable var1, Variable var2, Strength strength)
+ : base(strength)
+ {
+ v1 = var1;
+ v2 = var2;
+ direction = nodirection;
+ addConstraint();
+ }
+ // Answer true if this constraint is satisfied in the current solution.
+ public override Boolean isSatisfied() { return direction != nodirection; }
+ // Add myself to the constraint graph.
+ public override void addToGraph()
+ {
+ v1.addConstraint(this);
+ v2.addConstraint(this);
+ direction = nodirection;
+ }
+ // Remove myself from the constraint graph.
+ public override void removeFromGraph()
+ {
+ if (v1 != null) v1.removeConstraint(this);
+ if (v2 != null) v2.removeConstraint(this);
+ direction = nodirection;
+ }
+ // Decide if I can be satisfied and which way I should flow based on
+ // the relative strength of the variables I relate, and record that
+ // decision.
+ //
+ public override void chooseMethod(int mark)
+ {
+ if (v1.mark == mark)
+ direction =
+ v2.mark != mark && Strength.stronger(strength, v2.walkStrength)
+ ? forward : nodirection;
+ if (v2.mark == mark)
+ direction =
+ v1.mark != mark && Strength.stronger(strength, v1.walkStrength)
+ ? backward : nodirection;
+ // If we get here, neither variable is marked, so we have a choice.
+ if (Strength.weaker(v1.walkStrength, v2.walkStrength))
+ direction =
+ Strength.stronger(strength, v1.walkStrength) ? backward : nodirection;
+ else
+ direction =
+ Strength.stronger(strength, v2.walkStrength) ? forward : nodirection;
+ }
+ // Record the fact that I am unsatisfied.
+ public override void markUnsatisfied() { direction = nodirection; }
+ // Mark the input variable with the given mark.
+ public override void markInputs(int mark)
+ {
+ input().mark = mark;
+ }
+ public override Boolean inputsKnown(int mark)
+ {
+ Variable i = input();
+ return i.mark == mark || i.stay || i.determinedBy == null;
+ }
+ // Answer my current output variable.
+ public override Variable output() { return direction == forward ? v2 : v1; }
+ // Answer my current input variable
+ public Variable input() { return direction == forward ? v1 : v2; }
+ // Calculate the walkabout strength, the stay flag, and, if it is
+ // 'stay', the value for the current output of this
+ // constraint. Assume this constraint is satisfied.
+ //
+ public override void recalculate()
+ {
+ Variable invar = input(), outvar = output();
+ outvar.walkStrength = Strength.weakestOf(strength, invar.walkStrength);
+ outvar.stay = invar.stay;
+ if (outvar.stay) execute();
+ }
+ public override void printInputs()
+ {
+ input().print();
+ }
+// I constrain two variables to have the same value: "v1 = v2".
+internal class EqualityConstraint : BinaryConstraint
+ // Install a constraint with the given strength equating the given variables.
+ public EqualityConstraint(Variable var1, Variable var2, Strength strength)
+ : base(var1, var2, strength)
+ {
+ }
+ // Enforce this constraint. Assume that it is satisfied.
+ public override void execute()
+ {
+ output().value = input().value;
+ }
+// I relate two variables by the linear scaling relationship: "v2 =
+// (v1 * scale) + offset". Either v1 or v2 may be changed to maintain
+// this relationship but the scale factor and offset are considered
+// read-only.
+internal class ScaleConstraint : BinaryConstraint
+ public Variable scale; // scale factor input variable
+ public Variable offset; // offset input variable
+ // Install a scale constraint with the given strength on the given variables.
+ public ScaleConstraint(Variable src, Variable scale, Variable offset,
+ Variable dest, Strength strength)
+ {
+ // Curse this wretched language for insisting that constructor invocation
+ // must be the first thing in a method...
+ // ..because of that, we must copy the code from the inherited
+ // constructors.
+ this.strength = strength;
+ v1 = src;
+ v2 = dest;
+ direction = nodirection;
+ this.scale = scale;
+ this.offset = offset;
+ addConstraint();
+ }
+ // Add myself to the constraint graph.
+ public override void addToGraph()
+ {
+ base.addToGraph();
+ scale.addConstraint(this);
+ offset.addConstraint(this);
+ }
+ // Remove myself from the constraint graph.
+ public override void removeFromGraph()
+ {
+ base.removeFromGraph();
+ if (scale != null) scale.removeConstraint(this);
+ if (offset != null) offset.removeConstraint(this);
+ }
+ // Mark the inputs from the given mark.
+ public override void markInputs(int mark)
+ {
+ base.markInputs(mark);
+ scale.mark = offset.mark = mark;
+ }
+ // Enforce this constraint. Assume that it is satisfied.
+ public override void execute()
+ {
+ if (direction == forward)
+ v2.value = v1.value * scale.value + offset.value;
+ else
+ v1.value = (v2.value - offset.value) / scale.value;
+ }
+ // Calculate the walkabout strength, the stay flag, and, if it is
+ // 'stay', the value for the current output of this
+ // constraint. Assume this constraint is satisfied.
+ public override void recalculate()
+ {
+ Variable invar = input(), outvar = output();
+ outvar.walkStrength = Strength.weakestOf(strength, invar.walkStrength);
+ outvar.stay = invar.stay && scale.stay && offset.stay;
+ if (outvar.stay) execute(); // stay optimization
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+// A Plan is an ordered list of constraints to be executed in sequence
+// to resatisfy all currently satisfiable constraints in the face of
+// one or more changing inputs.
+internal class Plan
+ private ArrayList _v;
+ public Plan() { _v = new ArrayList(); }
+ public void addConstraint(Constraint c) { _v.Add(c); }
+ public int size() { return _v.Count; }
+ public Constraint constraintAt(int index)
+ {
+ return (Constraint)_v[index];
+ }
+ public void execute()
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+ {
+ Constraint c = (Constraint)constraintAt(i);
+ c.execute();
+ }
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+// The deltablue planner
+internal class Planner
+ private int _currentMark = 0;
+ // Select a previously unused mark value.
+ private int newMark() { return ++_currentMark; }
+ public Planner()
+ {
+ _currentMark = 0;
+ }
+ // Attempt to satisfy the given constraint and, if successful,
+ // incrementally update the dataflow graph. Details: If satifying
+ // the constraint is successful, it may override a weaker constraint
+ // on its output. The algorithm attempts to resatisfy that
+ // constraint using some other method. This process is repeated
+ // until either a) it reaches a variable that was not previously
+ // determined by any constraint or b) it reaches a constraint that
+ // is too weak to be satisfied using any of its methods. The
+ // variables of constraints that have been processed are marked with
+ // a unique mark value so that we know where we've been. This allows
+ // the algorithm to avoid getting into an infinite loop even if the
+ // constraint graph has an inadvertent cycle.
+ //
+ public void incrementalAdd(Constraint c)
+ {
+ int mark = newMark();
+ Constraint overridden = c.satisfy(mark);
+ while (overridden != null)
+ {
+ overridden = overridden.satisfy(mark);
+ }
+ }
+ // Entry point for retracting a constraint. Remove the given
+ // constraint and incrementally update the dataflow graph.
+ // Details: Retracting the given constraint may allow some currently
+ // unsatisfiable downstream constraint to be satisfied. We therefore collect
+ // a list of unsatisfied downstream constraints and attempt to
+ // satisfy each one in turn. This list is traversed by constraint
+ // strength, strongest first, as a heuristic for avoiding
+ // unnecessarily adding and then overriding weak constraints.
+ // Assume: c is satisfied.
+ //
+ public void incrementalRemove(Constraint c)
+ {
+ Variable outvar = c.output();
+ c.markUnsatisfied();
+ c.removeFromGraph();
+ ArrayList unsatisfied = removePropagateFrom(outvar);
+ Strength strength = Strength.required;
+ do
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < unsatisfied.Count; ++i)
+ {
+ Constraint u = (Constraint)unsatisfied[i];
+ if (u.strength == strength)
+ incrementalAdd(u);
+ }
+ strength = strength.nextWeaker();
+ } while (strength != Strength.weakest);
+ }
+ // Recompute the walkabout strengths and stay flags of all variables
+ // downstream of the given constraint and recompute the actual
+ // values of all variables whose stay flag is true. If a cycle is
+ // detected, remove the given constraint and answer
+ // false. Otherwise, answer true.
+ // Details: Cycles are detected when a marked variable is
+ // encountered downstream of the given constraint. The sender is
+ // assumed to have marked the inputs of the given constraint with
+ // the given mark. Thus, encountering a marked node downstream of
+ // the output constraint means that there is a path from the
+ // constraint's output to one of its inputs.
+ //
+ public Boolean addPropagate(Constraint c, int mark)
+ {
+ ArrayList todo = new ArrayList();
+ todo.Add(c);
+ while (!(todo.Count == 0))
+ {
+ Constraint d = (Constraint)todo[todo.Count - 1];
+ todo.RemoveAt(todo.Count - 1);
+ Constraint d= (Constraint)todo[0];
+ todo.RemoveAt(0);
+ if (d.output().mark == mark)
+ {
+ incrementalRemove(c);
+ return false;
+ }
+ d.recalculate();
+ addConstraintsConsumingTo(d.output(), todo);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // The given variable has changed. Propagate new values downstream.
+ public void propagateFrom(Variable v)
+ {
+ ArrayList todo = new ArrayList();
+ addConstraintsConsumingTo(v, todo);
+ while (!(todo.Count == 0))
+ {
+ Constraint c = (Constraint)todo[todo.Count - 1];
+ todo.RemoveAt(0);
+ Constraint c= (Constraint)todo[todo.Count-1];
+ todo.RemoveAt(0);
+ c.execute();
+ addConstraintsConsumingTo(c.output(), todo);
+ }
+ }
+ // Update the walkabout strengths and stay flags of all variables
+ // downstream of the given constraint. Answer a collection of
+ // unsatisfied constraints sorted in order of decreasing strength.
+ //
+ public ArrayList removePropagateFrom(Variable outvar)
+ {
+ outvar.determinedBy = null;
+ outvar.walkStrength = Strength.weakest;
+ outvar.stay = true;
+ ArrayList unsatisfied = new ArrayList();
+ ArrayList todo = new ArrayList();
+ todo.Add(outvar);
+ while (!(todo.Count == 0))
+ {
+ Variable v = (Variable)todo[todo.Count - 1];
+ todo.RemoveAt(todo.Count - 1);
+ Variable v= (Variable)todo[0];
+ todo.RemoveAt(0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < v.constraints.Count; ++i)
+ {
+ Constraint c = (Constraint)v.constraints[i];
+ if (!c.isSatisfied())
+ unsatisfied.Add(c);
+ }
+ Constraint determiningC = v.determinedBy;
+ for (int i = 0; i < v.constraints.Count; ++i)
+ {
+ Constraint nextC = (Constraint)v.constraints[i];
+ if (nextC != determiningC && nextC.isSatisfied())
+ {
+ nextC.recalculate();
+ todo.Add(nextC.output());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return unsatisfied;
+ }
+ // Extract a plan for resatisfaction starting from the outputs of
+ // the given constraints, usually a set of input constraints.
+ //
+ public Plan extractPlanFromConstraints(ArrayList constraints)
+ {
+ ArrayList sources = new ArrayList();
+ for (int i = 0; i < constraints.Count; ++i)
+ {
+ Constraint c = (Constraint)constraints[i];
+ if (c.isInput() && c.isSatisfied())
+ sources.Add(c);
+ }
+ return makePlan(sources);
+ }
+ // Extract a plan for resatisfaction starting from the given source
+ // constraints, usually a set of input constraints. This method
+ // assumes that stay optimization is desired; the plan will contain
+ // only constraints whose output variables are not stay. Constraints
+ // that do no computation, such as stay and edit constraints, are
+ // not included in the plan.
+ // Details: The outputs of a constraint are marked when it is added
+ // to the plan under construction. A constraint may be appended to
+ // the plan when all its input variables are known. A variable is
+ // known if either a) the variable is marked (indicating that has
+ // been computed by a constraint appearing earlier in the plan), b)
+ // the variable is 'stay' (i.e. it is a constant at plan execution
+ // time), or c) the variable is not determined by any
+ // constraint. The last provision is for past states of history
+ // variables, which are not stay but which are also not computed by
+ // any constraint.
+ // Assume: sources are all satisfied.
+ //
+ public Plan makePlan(ArrayList sources)
+ {
+ int mark = newMark();
+ Plan plan = new Plan();
+ ArrayList todo = sources;
+ while (!(todo.Count == 0))
+ {
+ Constraint c = (Constraint)todo[todo.Count - 1];
+ todo.RemoveAt(todo.Count - 1);
+ Constraint c= (Constraint)todo[todo.Count-1];
+ todo.RemoveAt(0);
+ if (c.output().mark != mark && c.inputsKnown(mark))
+ {
+ // not in plan already and eligible for inclusion
+ plan.addConstraint(c);
+ c.output().mark = mark;
+ addConstraintsConsumingTo(c.output(), todo);
+ }
+ }
+ return plan;
+ }
+ public void addConstraintsConsumingTo(Variable v, ArrayList coll)
+ {
+ Constraint determiningC = v.determinedBy;
+ ArrayList cc = v.constraints;
+ for (int i = 0; i < cc.Count; ++i)
+ {
+ Constraint c = (Constraint)cc[i];
+ if (c != determiningC && c.isSatisfied())
+ coll.Add(c);
+ }
+ }
+public class deltablue
+ internal static Planner planner;
+ internal static int chains, projections;
+ public static int Main(String[] args)
+ {
+ deltablue d = new deltablue();
+ bool result = d.inst_main(args);
+ return (result ? 100 : -1);
+ }
+ [Benchmark]
+ public static void Bench()
+ {
+ deltablue d = new deltablue();
+ int iterations = 200;
+ foreach (var iteration in Benchmark.Iterations)
+ {
+ using (iteration.StartMeasurement())
+ {
+ d.inst_inner(iterations, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public bool inst_main(String[] args)
+ {
+ int iterations = 200; // read iterations from arguments, walter 7/97
+ if (args.Length > 0)
+ {
+ bool parsed = Int32.TryParse(args[0], out iterations);
+ if (!parsed)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Error: expected iteration count, got '{0}'", args[0]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ inst_inner(iterations, true);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public void inst_inner(int iterations, bool verbose)
+ {
+ chains = 0; // NS 11/11
+ projections = 0; // NS 11/11
+ if (verbose)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("deltablue parameters: " + iterations + " iterations");
+ }
+ DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
+ for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
+ {
+ chainTest(1000);
+ projectionTest(1000);
+ }
+ DateTime end = DateTime.Now;
+ TimeSpan dur = end - start;
+ if (verbose)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("chains : " + chains); //NS
+ Console.WriteLine("projections : " + projections); //NS
+ Console.WriteLine("Doing {0} iters of Deltablue takes {1} ms; {2} us/iter.",
+ iterations, dur.TotalMilliseconds, (1000.0 * dur.TotalMilliseconds) / iterations);
+ }
+ }
+ // This is the standard DeltaBlue benchmark. A long chain of
+ // equality constraints is constructed with a stay constraint on
+ // one end. An edit constraint is then added to the opposite end
+ // and the time is measured for adding and removing this
+ // constraint, and extracting and executing a constraint
+ // satisfaction plan. There are two cases. In case 1, the added
+ // constraint is stronger than the stay constraint and values must
+ // propagate down the entire length of the chain. In case 2, the
+ // added constraint is weaker than the stay constraint so it cannot
+ // be accomodated. The cost in this case is, of course, very
+ // low. Typical situations lie somewhere between these two
+ // extremes.
+ //
+ private void chainTest(int n)
+ {
+ planner = new Planner();
+ Variable prev = null, first = null, last = null;
+ // Build chain of n equality constraints
+ for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
+ {
+ String name = "v" + i;
+ Variable v = new Variable(name);
+ if (prev != null)
+ new EqualityConstraint(prev, v, Strength.required);
+ if (i == 0) first = v;
+ if (i == n) last = v;
+ prev = v;
+ }
+ new StayConstraint(last, Strength.strongDefault);
+ Constraint editC = new EditConstraint(first, Strength.preferred);
+ ArrayList editV = new ArrayList();
+ editV.Add(editC);
+ Plan plan = planner.extractPlanFromConstraints(editV);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
+ {
+ first.value = i;
+ plan.execute();
+ if (last.value != i)
+ error("Chain test failed!");
+ }
+ editC.destroyConstraint();
+ deltablue.chains++;
+ }
+ // This test constructs a two sets of variables related to each
+ // other by a simple linear transformation (scale and offset). The
+ // time is measured to change a variable on either side of the
+ // mapping and to change the scale and offset factors.
+ //
+ private void projectionTest(int n)
+ {
+ planner = new Planner();
+ Variable scale = new Variable("scale", 10);
+ Variable offset = new Variable("offset", 1000);
+ Variable src = null, dst = null;
+ ArrayList dests = new ArrayList();
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ {
+ src = new Variable("src" + i, i);
+ dst = new Variable("dst" + i, i);
+ dests.Add(dst);
+ new StayConstraint(src, Strength.normal);
+ new ScaleConstraint(src, scale, offset, dst, Strength.required);
+ }
+ change(src, 17);
+ if (dst.value != 1170) error("Projection test 1 failed!");
+ change(dst, 1050);
+ if (src.value != 5) error("Projection test 2 failed!");
+ change(scale, 5);
+ for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i)
+ {
+ if (((Variable)dests[i]).value != i * 5 + 1000)
+ error("Projection test 3 failed!");
+ }
+ change(offset, 2000);
+ for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i)
+ {
+ if (((Variable)dests[i]).value != i * 5 + 2000)
+ error("Projection test 4 failed!");
+ }
+ deltablue.projections++;
+ }
+ private void change(Variable var, int newValue)
+ {
+ EditConstraint editC = new EditConstraint(var, Strength.preferred);
+ ArrayList editV = new ArrayList();
+ editV.Add(editC);
+ Plan plan = planner.extractPlanFromConstraints(editV);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ {
+ var.value = newValue;
+ plan.execute();
+ }
+ editC.destroyConstraint();
+ }
+ public static void error(String s)
+ {
+ throw new Exception(s);
+ }