path: root/tests/src/CoreMangLib/cti/system/decimal/decimaltryparse.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/src/CoreMangLib/cti/system/decimal/decimaltryparse.cs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 839 deletions
diff --git a/tests/src/CoreMangLib/cti/system/decimal/decimaltryparse.cs b/tests/src/CoreMangLib/cti/system/decimal/decimaltryparse.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index e6203babcf..0000000000
--- a/tests/src/CoreMangLib/cti/system/decimal/decimaltryparse.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,839 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
-// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
-// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
-using System;
-using System.Globalization;
-// Ported to CoreCLR from Co7531TryParse_all.cs
-// Tests Decimal.TryParse(String), Decimal.TryParse(String, NumberStyles, IFormatProvider, ref Decimal)
-// 2003/04/01 KatyK
-// 2007/07/12 adapted by MarielY
-public class Co7531TryParse
- static bool verbose = false;
- public static int Main()
- {
- bool passed = true;
- try
- {
- // Make the test culture independent
- TestLibrary.Utilities.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
- // Set up NFIs to use
- NumberFormatInfo goodNFI = new NumberFormatInfo();
- NumberFormatInfo corruptNFI = new NumberFormatInfo(); // DecimalSeparator == GroupSeparator
- corruptNFI.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
- corruptNFI.NumberGroupSeparator = ".";
- corruptNFI.CurrencyDecimalSeparator = ".";
- corruptNFI.CurrencyGroupSeparator = ".";
- corruptNFI.CurrencySymbol = "$";
- NumberFormatInfo swappedNFI = new NumberFormatInfo(); // DecimalSeparator & GroupSeparator swapped
- swappedNFI.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
- swappedNFI.NumberGroupSeparator = ",";
- swappedNFI.CurrencyDecimalSeparator = ",";
- swappedNFI.CurrencyGroupSeparator = ".";
- swappedNFI.CurrencySymbol = "$";
- NumberFormatInfo distinctNFI = new NumberFormatInfo(); // DecimalSeparator & GroupSeparator distinct
- distinctNFI.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
- distinctNFI.NumberGroupSeparator = ",";
- distinctNFI.CurrencyDecimalSeparator = ":";
- distinctNFI.CurrencyGroupSeparator = ";";
- distinctNFI.CurrencySymbol = "$";
- NumberFormatInfo customNFI = new NumberFormatInfo();
- customNFI.NegativeSign = "^";
- NumberFormatInfo ambigNFI = new NumberFormatInfo();
- ambigNFI.NegativeSign = "^";
- ambigNFI.CurrencySymbol = "^";
- CultureInfo invariantCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
- CultureInfo germanCulture = new CultureInfo("de-DE");
- CultureInfo japaneseCulture;
- try {
- japaneseCulture = new CultureInfo("ja-JP");
- }
- catch (CultureNotFoundException)
- {
- TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogInformation("East Asian Languages are not installed. Skipping Japanese culture test(s).");
- japaneseCulture = null;
- }
- // Parse tests included for comparison/regression
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5", 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5 ", 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5\0", 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("-5", -5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("893382737", 893382737);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("-893382737", -893382737);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("1234567891", 1234567891);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("-1234567891", -1234567891);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("123456789123456789", 123456789123456789);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("-123456789123456789", -123456789123456789);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5", NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5 \0", NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5\0\0\0", NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("-5", NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, -5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5", NumberStyles.Integer, goodNFI, 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5.0", NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, goodNFI, 5.0m);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5.3", NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, goodNFI, 5.3m);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("123456789123456789123", 123456789123456789123m);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("-123456789123456789123", -123456789123456789123m);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("18446744073709551615", 18446744073709551615);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("79228162514264337593543950335", 79228162514264337593543950335m);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("-79228162514264337593543950335", -79228162514264337593543950335m);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5.555555555", 5.555555555m);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("1.000000", 1.000000m);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("123", NumberStyles.Integer, germanCulture, 123);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("123", NumberStyles.Integer, japaneseCulture, 123);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("123.456", NumberStyles.Any, germanCulture, 123456);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("123,456", NumberStyles.Any, japaneseCulture, 123456);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("123,456", NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, germanCulture, 123.456m);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("123.456", NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, japaneseCulture, 123.456m);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5,23 " + germanCulture.NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol, NumberStyles.Any, germanCulture, 5.23m); // currency
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5.23 " + germanCulture.NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol, NumberStyles.Any, germanCulture, 523); // currency
- //
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5", NumberStyles.Integer, corruptNFI, 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5", NumberStyles.Number, corruptNFI, 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5.3", NumberStyles.Number, corruptNFI, 5.3m);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("5,3", NumberStyles.Number, corruptNFI, typeof(FormatException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("5.2.3", NumberStyles.Number, corruptNFI, typeof(FormatException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("$5.3", NumberStyles.Currency, corruptNFI, 5.3m);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("$5,3", NumberStyles.Currency, corruptNFI, typeof(FormatException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("$5.2.3", NumberStyles.Currency, corruptNFI, typeof(FormatException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5.3", NumberStyles.Currency, corruptNFI, 5.3m);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("5,3", NumberStyles.Currency, corruptNFI, typeof(FormatException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("5.2.3", NumberStyles.Currency, corruptNFI, typeof(FormatException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5.3", NumberStyles.Any, corruptNFI, 5.3m);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("5,3", NumberStyles.Any, corruptNFI, typeof(FormatException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("5.2.3", NumberStyles.Any, corruptNFI, typeof(FormatException));
- //
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5", NumberStyles.Integer, swappedNFI, 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("1,234", NumberStyles.Integer, swappedNFI, typeof(FormatException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5", NumberStyles.Number, swappedNFI, 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5.0", NumberStyles.Number, swappedNFI, 5.0m);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("1,234", NumberStyles.Number, swappedNFI, 1234);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("1,234.0", NumberStyles.Number, swappedNFI, 1234.0m);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("5.000.000", NumberStyles.Number, swappedNFI, typeof(FormatException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("5.000,00", NumberStyles.Number, swappedNFI, typeof(FormatException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5.000", NumberStyles.Currency, swappedNFI, 5); //???
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("5.000,00", NumberStyles.Currency, swappedNFI, typeof(FormatException)); //???
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("$5.000", NumberStyles.Currency, swappedNFI, 5000);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("$5.000,00", NumberStyles.Currency, swappedNFI, 5000);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5.000", NumberStyles.Any, swappedNFI, 5); //?
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("5.000,00", NumberStyles.Any, swappedNFI, typeof(FormatException)); //?
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("$5.000", NumberStyles.Any, swappedNFI, 5000);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("$5.000,00", NumberStyles.Any, swappedNFI, 5000);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5,0", NumberStyles.Currency, swappedNFI, 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("$5,0", NumberStyles.Currency, swappedNFI, 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5,000", NumberStyles.Currency, swappedNFI, 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("$5,000", NumberStyles.Currency, swappedNFI, 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("5,000.0", NumberStyles.Currency, swappedNFI, typeof(FormatException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("$5,000.0", NumberStyles.Currency, swappedNFI, typeof(FormatException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5,000", NumberStyles.Any, swappedNFI, 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("$5,000", NumberStyles.Any, swappedNFI, 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("5,000.0", NumberStyles.Any, swappedNFI, typeof(FormatException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("$5,000.0", NumberStyles.Any, swappedNFI, typeof(FormatException));
- //
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5.0", NumberStyles.Number, distinctNFI, 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("1,234.0", NumberStyles.Number, distinctNFI, 1234);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5.0", NumberStyles.Currency, distinctNFI, 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("1,234.0", NumberStyles.Currency, distinctNFI, 1234);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5.0", NumberStyles.Any, distinctNFI, 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("1,234.0", NumberStyles.Any, distinctNFI, 1234);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("$5.0", NumberStyles.Currency, distinctNFI, typeof(FormatException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("$5.0", NumberStyles.Any, distinctNFI, typeof(FormatException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("5:0", NumberStyles.Number, distinctNFI, typeof(FormatException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("5;0", NumberStyles.Number, distinctNFI, typeof(FormatException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("$5:0", NumberStyles.Number, distinctNFI, typeof(FormatException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5:0", NumberStyles.Currency, distinctNFI, 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5:000", NumberStyles.Currency, distinctNFI, 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5;000", NumberStyles.Currency, distinctNFI, 5000);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("$5:0", NumberStyles.Currency, distinctNFI, 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("$5;0", NumberStyles.Currency, distinctNFI, 50);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5:0", NumberStyles.Any, distinctNFI, 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5;0", NumberStyles.Any, distinctNFI, 50);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("$5:0", NumberStyles.Any, distinctNFI, 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("$5;0", NumberStyles.Any, distinctNFI, 50);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("123,456;789.0", NumberStyles.Number, distinctNFI, typeof(FormatException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("123,456;789.0", NumberStyles.Currency, distinctNFI, 123456789);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("123,456;789.0", NumberStyles.Any, distinctNFI, 123456789);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("$123,456;789.0", NumberStyles.Any, distinctNFI, typeof(FormatException));
- //
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("79228162514264337593543950336", typeof(OverflowException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("-79228162514264337593543950336", typeof(OverflowException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("Garbage", typeof(FormatException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("5\0Garbage", typeof(FormatException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException(null, typeof(ArgumentNullException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("FF", NumberStyles.HexNumber, goodNFI, typeof(ArgumentException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("4", (NumberStyles)(-1), typeof(ArgumentException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("4", (NumberStyles)0x10000, typeof(ArgumentException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("4", (NumberStyles)(-1), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, typeof(ArgumentException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("4", (NumberStyles)0x10000, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, typeof(ArgumentException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("123,000,000,000,000,000,000", NumberStyles.Any, germanCulture, typeof(FormatException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("", NumberStyles.Any, japaneseCulture, typeof(FormatException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParseException("5,00 \u20AC", NumberStyles.Integer, germanCulture, typeof(FormatException)); // currency
- // Underflow cases - see VSWhidbey #576556
- Decimal zeroScale28 = new Decimal(0, 0, 0, false, 28);
- Decimal zeroScale27 = new Decimal(0, 0, 0, false, 27);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("0E-27", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, zeroScale27);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("0E-28", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, zeroScale28);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("0E-29", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, zeroScale28);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("0E-30", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, zeroScale28);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("0E-31", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, zeroScale28);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("0E-50", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, zeroScale28);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("0E-100", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, zeroScale28);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("0.000000000000000000000000000", zeroScale27);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("0.0000000000000000000000000000", zeroScale28); //28
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("0.00000000000000000000000000000", zeroScale28); //29
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("0.000000000000000000000000000000", zeroScale28); //30
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("0.0000000000000000000000000000000", zeroScale28); //31
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("0.0", new Decimal(0, 0, 0, false, 1));
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("0E-15", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, new Decimal(0, 0, 0, false, 15));
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("0", Decimal.Zero);
- Decimal oneScale27 = new Decimal(1, 0, 0, false, 27);
- Decimal oneScale28 = new Decimal(1, 0, 0, false, 28);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("1E-27", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, oneScale27);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("1E-28", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, oneScale28);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("1E-29", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, zeroScale28);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("1E-30", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, zeroScale28);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("1E-31", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, zeroScale28);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("1E-50", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, zeroScale28);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("1E-100", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, zeroScale28);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("1E-27", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, oneScale27);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("1E-28", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, oneScale28);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("1E-29", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, zeroScale28);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("1E-30", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, zeroScale28);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("1E-31", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, zeroScale28);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("1E-50", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, zeroScale28);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("1E-100", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, zeroScale28);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("0E-27", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, zeroScale27);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("0E-28", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, zeroScale28);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("0E-29", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, zeroScale28);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("0E-30", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, zeroScale28);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("0E-31", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, zeroScale28);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("0E-50", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, zeroScale28);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("0E-100", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, zeroScale28);
- // make sure parse lines up with compiler
- //passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("0E-50", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, 0E-50m); // V2->V4 compiler change
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("1E-50", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, 1E-50m);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("2E-100", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, 2E-100m);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("100E-29", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, 100E-29m);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("200E-29", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, 200E-29m);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("500E-29", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, 500E-29m);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("900E-29", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, 900E-29m);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("1900E-29", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, 1900E-29m);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("10900E-29", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, 10900E-29m);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("10900E-30", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, 10900E-30m);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("10900E-31", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, 10900E-31m);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("10900E-32", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, 10900E-32m);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("10900E-33", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, 10900E-33m);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("10900E-34", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, 10900E-34m);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("10900E-340", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, 10900E-340m);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("10900E-512", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, 10900E-512m);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("10900E-678", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, 10900E-678m);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalParse("10900E-999", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, 10900E-999m);
- /////////// TryParse(String)
- //// Pass cases
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5", 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse(" 5 ", 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("-5", -5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5\0", 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5 \0", 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5\0\0\0", 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("893382737", 893382737, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("-893382737", -893382737, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("1234567891", 1234567891, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("-1234567891", -1234567891, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("123456789123456789", 123456789123456789, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("-123456789123456789", -123456789123456789, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("123456789123456789123", 123456789123456789123m, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("-123456789123456789123", -123456789123456789123m, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("18446744073709551615", 18446744073709551615, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("79228162514264337593543950335", 79228162514264337593543950335m, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("-79228162514264337593543950335", -79228162514264337593543950335m, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("7.3", 7.3m, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse(".297", 0.297m, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5.555555555", 5.555555555m, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("1.000000", 1.000000m, true);
- //// Fail cases
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse(null, 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("", 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("Garbage", 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5\0Garbage", 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("FF", 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("23 5", 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("NaN", 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("Infinity", 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("-Infinity", 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("79228162514264337593543950336", 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("-79228162514264337593543950336", 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("1.234+E05", 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("1.234E+05", 0, false);
- /////////// TryParse(TryParse(String, NumberStyles, IFormatProvider, ref Decimal)
- //// Pass cases
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5", NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("-5", NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, -5, true);
- // Variations on NumberStyles
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse(" 5", NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite, goodNFI, 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5", NumberStyles.Number, goodNFI, 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5.0", NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, goodNFI, 5.0m, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5.3", NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, goodNFI, 5.3m, true);
- // Variations on IFP
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5", NumberStyles.Integer, goodNFI, 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5", NumberStyles.Integer, null, 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5", NumberStyles.Integer, new DateTimeFormatInfo(), 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("^42", NumberStyles.Any, customNFI, -42, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("123", NumberStyles.Integer, germanCulture, 123, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("123", NumberStyles.Integer, japaneseCulture, 123, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("123.456", NumberStyles.Any, germanCulture, 123456, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("123,456", NumberStyles.Any, japaneseCulture, 123456, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("123,456", NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, germanCulture, 123.456m, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("123.456", NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, japaneseCulture, 123.456m, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5,23 " + germanCulture.NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol, NumberStyles.Any, germanCulture, 5.23m, true); // currency
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5.23 " + germanCulture.NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol, NumberStyles.Any, germanCulture, 523, true); // currency
- //
- //// Fail cases
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("-79228162514264337593543950336", NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("-42", NumberStyles.Any, customNFI, 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5 ", NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite, goodNFI, 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("1.234+E05", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, goodNFI, 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5.3", NumberStyles.None, goodNFI, 0, false);
- //// Exception cases
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParseException("12", NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, typeof(ArgumentException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParseException("5", NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier | NumberStyles.AllowParentheses, null, typeof(ArgumentException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParseException("4", (NumberStyles)(-1), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, typeof(ArgumentException));
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParseException("4", (NumberStyles)0x10000, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, typeof(ArgumentException));
- // NumberStyles/NFI variations
- //
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5", NumberStyles.Integer, corruptNFI, 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5", NumberStyles.Number, corruptNFI, 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5.3", NumberStyles.Number, corruptNFI, 5.3m, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5,3", NumberStyles.Number, corruptNFI, 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5.2.3", NumberStyles.Number, corruptNFI, 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("$5.3", NumberStyles.Currency, corruptNFI, 5.3m, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("$5,3", NumberStyles.Currency, corruptNFI, 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("$5.2.3", NumberStyles.Currency, corruptNFI, 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5.3", NumberStyles.Currency, corruptNFI, 5.3m, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5,3", NumberStyles.Currency, corruptNFI, 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5.2.3", NumberStyles.Currency, corruptNFI, 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5.3", NumberStyles.Any, corruptNFI, 5.3m, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5,3", NumberStyles.Any, corruptNFI, 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5.2.3", NumberStyles.Any, corruptNFI, 0, false);
- //
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5", NumberStyles.Integer, swappedNFI, 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("1,234", NumberStyles.Integer, swappedNFI, 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5", NumberStyles.Number, swappedNFI, 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5.0", NumberStyles.Number, swappedNFI, 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("1,234", NumberStyles.Number, swappedNFI, 1234, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("1,234.0", NumberStyles.Number, swappedNFI, 1234, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5.000.000", NumberStyles.Number, swappedNFI, 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5.000,00", NumberStyles.Number, swappedNFI, 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5.000", NumberStyles.Currency, swappedNFI, 5, true); //???
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5.000,00", NumberStyles.Currency, swappedNFI, 0, false); //???
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("$5.000", NumberStyles.Currency, swappedNFI, 5000, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("$5.000,00", NumberStyles.Currency, swappedNFI, 5000, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5.000", NumberStyles.Any, swappedNFI, 5, true); //?
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5.000,00", NumberStyles.Any, swappedNFI, 0, false); //?
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("$5.000", NumberStyles.Any, swappedNFI, 5000, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("$5.000,00", NumberStyles.Any, swappedNFI, 5000, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5,0", NumberStyles.Currency, swappedNFI, 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("$5,0", NumberStyles.Currency, swappedNFI, 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5,000", NumberStyles.Currency, swappedNFI, 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("$5,000", NumberStyles.Currency, swappedNFI, 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5,000.0", NumberStyles.Currency, swappedNFI, 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("$5,000.0", NumberStyles.Currency, swappedNFI, 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5,000", NumberStyles.Any, swappedNFI, 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("$5,000", NumberStyles.Any, swappedNFI, 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5,000.0", NumberStyles.Any, swappedNFI, 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("$5,000.0", NumberStyles.Any, swappedNFI, 0, false);
- //
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5.0", NumberStyles.Number, distinctNFI, 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("1,234.0", NumberStyles.Number, distinctNFI, 1234, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5.0", NumberStyles.Currency, distinctNFI, 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("1,234.0", NumberStyles.Currency, distinctNFI, 1234, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5.0", NumberStyles.Any, distinctNFI, 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("1,234.0", NumberStyles.Any, distinctNFI, 1234, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("$5.0", NumberStyles.Currency, distinctNFI, 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("$5.0", NumberStyles.Any, distinctNFI, 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5:0", NumberStyles.Number, distinctNFI, 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5;0", NumberStyles.Number, distinctNFI, 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("$5:0", NumberStyles.Number, distinctNFI, 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5:0", NumberStyles.Currency, distinctNFI, 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5:000", NumberStyles.Currency, distinctNFI, 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5;000", NumberStyles.Currency, distinctNFI, 5000, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("$5:0", NumberStyles.Currency, distinctNFI, 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("$5;0", NumberStyles.Currency, distinctNFI, 50, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5:0", NumberStyles.Any, distinctNFI, 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5;0", NumberStyles.Any, distinctNFI, 50, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("$5:0", NumberStyles.Any, distinctNFI, 5, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("$5;0", NumberStyles.Any, distinctNFI, 50, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("123,456;789.0", NumberStyles.Number, distinctNFI, 0, false);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("123,456;789.0", NumberStyles.Currency, distinctNFI, 123456789, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("123,456;789.0", NumberStyles.Any, distinctNFI, 123456789, true);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("$123,456;789.0", NumberStyles.Any, distinctNFI, 0, false);
- // Underflow cases - see VSWhidbey #576556
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("0E-27", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, zeroScale27, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("0E-28", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, zeroScale28, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("0E-29", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, zeroScale28, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("0E-30", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, zeroScale28, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("0E-31", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, zeroScale28, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("0E-50", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, zeroScale28, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("0E-100", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, zeroScale28, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("0.000000000000000000000000000", zeroScale27, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("0.0000000000000000000000000000", zeroScale28, true); //28
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("0.00000000000000000000000000000", zeroScale28, true); //29
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("0.000000000000000000000000000000", zeroScale28, true); //30
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("0.0000000000000000000000000000000", zeroScale28, true); //31
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("0.0", new Decimal(0, 0, 0, false, 1), true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("0E-15", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, new Decimal(0, 0, 0, false, 15), true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("0", Decimal.Zero, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("1E-27", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, oneScale27, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("1E-28", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, oneScale28, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("1E-29", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, zeroScale28, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("1E-30", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, zeroScale28, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("1E-31", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, zeroScale28, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("1E-50", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, zeroScale28, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("1E-100", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, zeroScale28, true);
- // make sure parse lines up with compiler
- //passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("0E-50", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, 0E-50m, true); // V2->V4 compiler change
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("1E-50", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, 1E-50m, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("2E-100", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, 2E-100m, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("100E-29", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, 100E-29m, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("200E-29", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, 200E-29m, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("500E-29", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, 500E-29m, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("900E-29", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, 900E-29m, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("1900E-29", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, 1900E-29m, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("10900E-29", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, 10900E-29m, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("10900E-30", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, 10900E-30m, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("10900E-31", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, 10900E-31m, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("10900E-32", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, 10900E-32m, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("10900E-33", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, 10900E-33m, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("10900E-34", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, 10900E-34m, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("10900E-340", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, 10900E-340m, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("10900E-512", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, 10900E-512m, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("10900E-678", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, 10900E-678m, true);
- passed &= VerifyExactDecimalTryParse("10900E-999", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, invariantCulture, 10900E-999m, true);
- // Should these pass or fail? Current parse behavior is to pass, so they might be
- // parse bugs, but they're not tryparse bugs.
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("5", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, goodNFI, 5);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("5", NumberStyles.AllowExponent, goodNFI, 5, true);
- // I expect ArgumentException with an ambiguous NFI
- passed &= VerifyDecimalParse("^42", NumberStyles.Any, ambigNFI, -42);
- passed &= VerifyDecimalTryParse("^42", NumberStyles.Any, ambigNFI, -42, true);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("Unexpected exception!! " + e.ToString());
- passed = false;
- }
- if (passed)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("paSs");
- return 100;
- }
- else
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAiL");
- return 1;
- }
- }
- public static bool VerifyDecimalTryParse(string value, Decimal expectedResult, bool expectedReturn)
- {
- if (verbose)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("Test: Decimal.TryParse, Value = '{0}', Expected Result = {1}, Expected Return = {2}",
- value, expectedResult, expectedReturn);
- }
- Decimal result = 0;
- try
- {
- bool returnValue = Decimal.TryParse(value, out result);
- if (returnValue != expectedReturn)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Value = '{0}', Expected Return: {1}, Actual Return: {2}", value, expectedReturn, returnValue);
- return false;
- }
- if (result != expectedResult)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Value = '{0}', Expected Return: {1}, Actual Return: {2}", value, expectedResult, result);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Unexpected Exception, Value = '{0}', Exception: {1}", value, ex);
- return false;
- }
- }
- public static bool VerifyDecimalTryParse(string value, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider, Decimal expectedResult, bool expectedReturn)
- {
- if (provider == null) return true;
- if (verbose)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("Test: Decimal.TryParse, Value = '{0}', Style = {1}, Provider = {2}, Expected Result = {3}, Expected Return = {4}",
- value, style, provider, expectedResult, expectedReturn);
- }
- Decimal result = 0;
- try
- {
- bool returnValue = Decimal.TryParse(value, style, provider, out result);
- if (returnValue != expectedReturn)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Value = '{0}', Style = {1}, Provider = {2}, Expected Return = {3}, Actual Return = {4}",
- value, style, provider, expectedReturn, returnValue);
- return false;
- }
- if (result != expectedResult)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Value = '{0}', Expected Return: {1}, Actual Return: {2}", value, expectedResult, result);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Unexpected Exception, Value = '{0}', Exception: {1}", value, ex);
- return false;
- }
- }
- public static bool VerifyDecimalTryParseException(string value, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider, Type exceptionType)
- {
- if (provider == null) return true;
- if (verbose)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("Test: Decimal.TryParse, Value = '{0}', Style = {1}, Provider = {2}, Expected Exception = {3}",
- value, style, provider, exceptionType);
- }
- try
- {
- Decimal result = 0;
- Boolean returnValue = Decimal.TryParse(value, style, provider, out result);
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Value = '{0}', Expected Exception: {1}", value, exceptionType);
- return false;
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- if (!ex.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(exceptionType))
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Wrong Exception Type, Value = '{0}', Exception Type: {1} Expected Type: {2}", value, ex.GetType(), exceptionType);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- public static bool VerifyDecimalParse(string value, Decimal expectedResult)
- {
- if (verbose)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("Test: Decimal.Parse, Value = '{0}', Expected Result, {1}",
- value, expectedResult);
- }
- try
- {
- Decimal returnValue = Decimal.Parse(value);
- if (returnValue != expectedResult)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Value = '{0}', Expected Return: {1}, Actual Return: {2}", value, expectedResult, returnValue);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Unexpected Exception, Value = '{0}', Exception: {1}", value, ex);
- return false;
- }
- }
- public static bool VerifyDecimalParse(string value, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider, Decimal expectedResult)
- {
- if (provider == null) return true;
- if (verbose)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("Test: Decimal.Parse, Value = '{0}', Style = {1}, provider = {2}, Expected Result = {3}",
- value, style, provider, expectedResult);
- }
- try
- {
- Decimal returnValue = Decimal.Parse(value, style, provider);
- if (returnValue != expectedResult)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Value = '{0}', Expected Return: {1}, Actual Return: {2}", value, expectedResult, returnValue);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Unexpected Exception, Value = '{0}', Exception: {1}", value, ex);
- return false;
- }
- }
- public static String HexValue(Decimal value)
- {
- Int32[] bits = Decimal.GetBits(value);
- return String.Format("{{0x{0:X8} {1:X8} {2:X8} {3:X8} }}", bits[0], bits[1], bits[2], bits[3]);
- }
- // Verify that decimals have the same bits, not just the same values.
- public static Boolean CompareExact(Decimal x, Decimal y)
- {
- Int32[] arrayX = Decimal.GetBits(x);
- Int32[] arrayY = Decimal.GetBits(y);
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- if (arrayX[i] != arrayY[i])
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- public static bool VerifyExactDecimalParse(string value, Decimal expectedResult)
- {
- if (verbose)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("Test: Decimal.Parse, Value = '{0}', Expected Result = {1}",
- value, expectedResult);
- }
- try
- {
- Decimal returnValue = Decimal.Parse(value);
- if (!CompareExact(returnValue, expectedResult))
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Value = '{0}', Expected Return: {1}, Actual Return: {2}", value, HexValue(expectedResult), HexValue(returnValue));
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Unexpected Exception, Value = '{0}', Exception: {1}", value, ex);
- return false;
- }
- }
- public static bool VerifyExactDecimalParse(string value, NumberStyles style, Decimal expectedResult)
- {
- if (verbose)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("Test: Decimal.Parse, Value = '{0}', Style = {1}, Expected Result = {2}",
- value, style, expectedResult);
- }
- try
- {
- Decimal returnValue = Decimal.Parse(value, style);
- if (!CompareExact(returnValue, expectedResult))
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Value = '{0}', Expected Return: {1}, Actual Return: {2}", value, HexValue(expectedResult), HexValue(returnValue));
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Unexpected Exception, Value = '{0}', Exception: {1}", value, ex);
- return false;
- }
- }
- public static bool VerifyExactDecimalParse(string value, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider, Decimal expectedResult)
- {
- if (provider == null) return true;
- if (verbose)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("Test: Decimal.Parse, Value = '{0}', Style = {1}, provider = {2}, Expected Result = {3}",
- value, style, provider, expectedResult);
- }
- try
- {
- Decimal returnValue = Decimal.Parse(value, style, provider);
- if (!CompareExact(returnValue, expectedResult))
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Value = '{0}', Expected Return: {1}, Actual Return: {2}", value, HexValue(expectedResult), HexValue(returnValue));
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Unexpected Exception, Value = '{0}', Exception: {1}", value, ex);
- return false;
- }
- }
- public static bool VerifyExactDecimalTryParse(string value, Decimal expectedResult, bool expectedReturn)
- {
- if (verbose)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("Test: Decimal.TryParse, Value = '{0}', Expected Result = {1}, Expected Return = {2}",
- value, expectedResult, expectedReturn);
- }
- Decimal result = 0;
- try
- {
- bool returnValue = Decimal.TryParse(value, out result);
- if (returnValue != expectedReturn)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Value = '{0}', Expected Return: {1}, Actual Return: {2}", value, expectedReturn, returnValue);
- return false;
- }
- if (!CompareExact(result, expectedResult))
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Value = '{0}', Expected Return: {1}, Actual Return: {2}", value, HexValue(expectedResult), HexValue(result));
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Unexpected Exception, Value = '{0}', Exception: {1}", value, ex);
- return false;
- }
- }
- public static bool VerifyExactDecimalTryParse(string value, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider, Decimal expectedResult, bool expectedReturn)
- {
- if (provider == null) return true;
- if (verbose)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("Test: Decimal.TryParse, Value = '{0}', Style = {1}, Provider = {2}, Expected Result = {3}, Expected Return = {4}",
- value, style, provider, expectedResult, expectedReturn);
- }
- Decimal result = 0;
- try
- {
- bool returnValue = Decimal.TryParse(value, style, provider, out result);
- if (returnValue != expectedReturn)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Value = '{0}', Style = {1}, Provider = {2}, Expected Return = {3}, Actual Return = {4}",
- value, style, provider, expectedReturn, returnValue);
- return false;
- }
- if (!CompareExact(result, expectedResult))
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Value = '{0}', Expected Return: {1}, Actual Return: {2}", value, HexValue(expectedResult), HexValue(result));
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Unexpected Exception, Value = '{0}', Exception: {1}", value, ex);
- return false;
- }
- }
- public static bool VerifyDecimalParseException(string value, Type exceptionType)
- {
- if (verbose)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("Test: Decimal.Parse, Value = '{0}', Expected Exception, {1}",
- value, exceptionType);
- }
- try
- {
- Decimal returnValue = Decimal.Parse(value);
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Value = '{0}', Expected Exception: {1}", value, exceptionType);
- return false;
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- if (!ex.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(exceptionType))
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Wrong Exception Type, Value = '{0}', Exception Type: {1} Expected Type: {2}", value, ex.GetType(), exceptionType);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- public static bool VerifyDecimalParseException(string value, NumberStyles style, Type exceptionType)
- {
- if (verbose)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("Test: Decimal.Parse, Value = '{0}', Style = {1}, Expected Exception = {3}",
- value, style, exceptionType);
- }
- try
- {
- Decimal returnValue = Decimal.Parse(value, style);
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Value = '{0}', Expected Exception: {1}", value, exceptionType);
- return false;
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- if (!ex.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(exceptionType))
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Wrong Exception Type, Value = '{0}', Exception Type: {1} Expected Type: {2}", value, ex.GetType(), exceptionType);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- public static bool VerifyDecimalParseException(string value, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider, Type exceptionType)
- {
- if (provider == null) return true;
- if (verbose)
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("Test: Decimal.Parse, Value = '{0}', Style = {1}, Provider = {2}, Expected Exception = {3}",
- value, style, provider, exceptionType);
- }
- try
- {
- Decimal returnValue = Decimal.Parse(value, style, provider);
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Value = '{0}', Expected Exception: {1}", value, exceptionType);
- return false;
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- if (!ex.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(exceptionType))
- {
- TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Wrong Exception Type, Value = '{0}', Exception Type: {1} Expected Type: {2}", value, ex.GetType(), exceptionType);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- }