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9 files changed, 5 insertions, 521 deletions
diff --git a/src/pal/inc/pal.h b/src/pal/inc/pal.h
index 44e9cd4b56..7bddd88f3e 100644
--- a/src/pal/inc/pal.h
+++ b/src/pal/inc/pal.h
@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
- This file includes parts which are Copyright (c) 1982-1986 Regents
- of the University of California. All rights reserved. The
- Berkeley Software License Agreement specifies the terms and
- conditions for redistribution.
Module Name:
diff --git a/src/pal/inc/pal_error.h b/src/pal/inc/pal_error.h
index ff0123a6a6..167cadb478 100644
--- a/src/pal/inc/pal_error.h
+++ b/src/pal/inc/pal_error.h
@@ -129,71 +129,6 @@
-#define WSAEINTR 10004L
-#define WSAEBADF 10009L
-#define WSAEACCES 10013L
-#define WSAEFAULT 10014L
-#define WSAEINVAL 10022L
-#define WSAEMFILE 10024L
-#define WSAEWOULDBLOCK 10035L
-#define WSAEINPROGRESS 10036L
-#define WSAEALREADY 10037L
-#define WSAENOTSOCK 10038L
-#define WSAEMSGSIZE 10040L
-#define WSAEPROTOTYPE 10041L
-#define WSAENOPROTOOPT 10042L
-#define WSAEOPNOTSUPP 10045L
-#define WSAEADDRINUSE 10048L
-#define WSAENETDOWN 10050L
-#define WSAENETUNREACH 10051L
-#define WSAENETRESET 10052L
-#define WSAECONNRESET 10054L
-#define WSAENOBUFS 10055L
-#define WSAEISCONN 10056L
-#define WSAENOTCONN 10057L
-#define WSAESHUTDOWN 10058L
-#define WSAETIMEDOUT 10060L
-#define WSAELOOP 10062L
-#define WSAEHOSTDOWN 10064L
-#define WSAENOTEMPTY 10066L
-#define WSAEPROCLIM 10067L
-#define WSAEUSERS 10068L
-#define WSAEDQUOT 10069L
-#define WSAESTALE 10070L
-#define WSAEREMOTE 10071L
-#define WSASYSNOTREADY 10091L
-#define WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND 10109L
-#define WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND 11001L
-#define WSATRY_AGAIN 11002L
-#define WSANO_RECOVERY 11003L
-#define WSANO_DATA 11004L
#define CRYPT_E_NO_MATCH 0x80092009
/* ENDERRORCODES - do not remove this marker, it is consumed by the palsatellite tool */
@@ -203,9 +138,4 @@
#define NOERROR 0
#define NO_ERROR 0L
#endif // __PAL_ERROR_H__
diff --git a/src/pal/src/misc/errorstrings.cpp b/src/pal/src/misc/errorstrings.cpp
index b879ae49ed..a4cc80f6ba 100644
--- a/src/pal/src/misc/errorstrings.cpp
+++ b/src/pal/src/misc/errorstrings.cpp
@@ -136,58 +136,7 @@ ErrorString palErrorStrings[] =
{ RPC_S_INVALID_VERS_OPTION, W("The version option is invalid.\n") },
{ ERROR_RESOURCE_DATA_NOT_FOUND, W("The specified image file did not contain a resource section.\n") },
{ ERROR_RESOURCE_LANG_NOT_FOUND, W("The specified resource language ID cannot be found in the image file.\n") },
- { ERROR_TAG_NOT_PRESENT, W("A required tag is not present.\n") },
- { WSAEINTR, W("A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.\n") },
- { WSAEBADF, W("The file handle supplied is not valid.\n") },
- { WSAEACCES, W("An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.\n") },
- { WSAEFAULT, W("The system detected an invalid pointer address in attempting to use a pointer argument in a call.\n") },
- { WSAEINVAL, W("An invalid argument was supplied.\n") },
- { WSAEMFILE, W("Too many open sockets.\n") },
- { WSAEWOULDBLOCK, W("A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately.\n") },
- { WSAEINPROGRESS, W("A blocking operation is currently executing.\n") },
- { WSAEALREADY, W("An operation was attempted on a non-blocking socket that already had an operation in progress.\n") },
- { WSAENOTSOCK, W("An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket.\n") },
- { WSAEDESTADDRREQ, W("A required address was omitted from an operation on a socket.\n") },
- { WSAEMSGSIZE, W("A message sent on a datagram socket was larger than the internal message buffer or some other network limit, or the buffer used to receive a datagram into was smaller than the datagram itself.\n") },
- { WSAEPROTOTYPE, W("A protocol was specified in the socket function call that does not support the semantics of the socket type requested.\n") },
- { WSAENOPROTOOPT, W("An unknown, invalid, or unsupported option or level was specified in a getsockopt or setsockopt call.\n") },
- { WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT, W("The requested protocol has not been configured into the system, or no implementation for it exists.\n") },
- { WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT, W("The support for the specified socket type does not exist in this address family.\n") },
- { WSAEOPNOTSUPP, W("The attempted operation is not supported for the type of object referenced.\n") },
- { WSAEPFNOSUPPORT, W("The protocol family has not been configured into the system or no implementation for it exists.\n") },
- { WSAEAFNOSUPPORT, W("An address incompatible with the requested protocol was used.\n") },
- { WSAEADDRINUSE, W("Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.\n") },
- { WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL, W("The requested address is not valid in its context.\n") },
- { WSAENETDOWN, W("A socket operation encountered a dead network.\n") },
- { WSAENETUNREACH, W("A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network.\n") },
- { WSAENETRESET, W("The connection has been broken due to keep-alive activity detecting a failure while the operation was in progress.\n") },
- { WSAECONNABORTED, W("An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.\n") },
- { WSAECONNRESET, W("An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.\n") },
- { WSAENOBUFS, W("An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full.\n") },
- { WSAEISCONN, W("A connect request was made on an already connected socket.\n") },
- { WSAENOTCONN, W("A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied.\n") },
- { WSAESHUTDOWN, W("A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket had already been shut down in that direction with a previous shutdown call.\n") },
- { WSAETOOMANYREFS, W("Too many references to some kernel object.\n") },
- { WSAETIMEDOUT, W("A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.\n") },
- { WSAECONNREFUSED, W("No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.\n") },
- { WSAELOOP, W("Cannot translate name.\n") },
- { WSAENAMETOOLONG, W("Name component or name was too long.\n") },
- { WSAEHOSTDOWN, W("A socket operation failed because the destination host was down.\n") },
- { WSAEHOSTUNREACH, W("A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable host.\n") },
- { WSAENOTEMPTY, W("Cannot remove a directory that is not empty.\n") },
- { WSAEPROCLIM, W("A sockets implementation may have a limit on the number of applications that may use it simultaneously.\n") },
- { WSAEUSERS, W("Ran out of quota.\n") },
- { WSAEDQUOT, W("Ran out of disk quota.\n") },
- { WSAESTALE, W("File handle reference is no longer available.\n") },
- { WSAEREMOTE, W("Item is not available locally.\n") },
- { WSASYSNOTREADY, W("WSAStartup cannot function at this time because the underlying system it uses to provide network services is currently unavailable.\n") },
- { WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED, W("The sockets version requested is not supported.\n") },
- { WSANOTINITIALISED, W("Either the application has not called WSAStartup, or WSAStartup failed.\n") },
- { WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND, W("The specified class was not found.\n") },
- { WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND, W("No such host is known.\n") },
- { WSATRY_AGAIN, W("This is usually a temporary error during hostname resolution and means that the local server did not receive a response from an authoritative server.\n") },
- { WSANO_RECOVERY, W("A non-recoverable error occurred during a database lookup.\n") },
- { WSANO_DATA, W("The requested name is valid and was found in the database, but it does not have the correct associated data being resolved for.\n") }
+ { ERROR_TAG_NOT_PRESENT, W("A required tag is not present.\n") }
int CompareErrorStrings(const void *a, const void *b)
diff --git a/src/pal/src/misc/perftrace.cpp b/src/pal/src/misc/perftrace.cpp
index d4223a629a..68cbb1f669 100644
--- a/src/pal/src/misc/perftrace.cpp
+++ b/src/pal/src/misc/perftrace.cpp
@@ -286,8 +286,6 @@ PERFInitProgramInfo(LPWSTR command_line, LPWSTR exe_path)
ULONGLONG start_tick;
time_t tv;
- WSADATA WsaData;
- WORD VersionRequested = MAKEWORD(2, 2);
struct timeval tv;
@@ -299,18 +297,10 @@ PERFInitProgramInfo(LPWSTR command_line, LPWSTR exe_path)
program_info.exe_path, PAL_PERF_MAX_LOGLINE-1, NULL, NULL) == 0)
return FALSE;
-/* Windows needs a call to WSAStartup before calling gethostname */
-/* Immediately after gethostname call, we call WSACleanup to prevent */
-/* affecting networking test cases */
- WSAStartup(VersionRequested, &WsaData);
gethostname(program_info.hostname, PAL_PERF_MAX_FUNCTION_NAME);
program_info.process_id = getpid();
- WSACleanup( );
time( &tv );
strcpy(program_info.start_time, ctime( &tv ));
diff --git a/src/pal/tests/palsuite/DisabledTests.txt b/src/pal/tests/palsuite/DisabledTests.txt
index 12bee55c8a..242d910951 100644
--- a/src/pal/tests/palsuite/DisabledTests.txt
+++ b/src/pal/tests/palsuite/DisabledTests.txt
@@ -82,79 +82,6 @@ function is not implemented except to return an error. This test
will be useful when full calendar support is implemented.
-Currently disable, since there is a discrepancy between what is documented in
-MSDN and the rotor_pal.doc. Connection of a datagram socket to a broadcast
-address should return an error, yet under WIN32 and FreeBSD, there is no error.
-PAL specifications now dictate that a pass for this test is not required.
-These test are temporarily disabled because they hang when executed under
-Calling send after shutdown on a given socket raises an unhandled SIGPIPE
-signal in FreeBSD 4.4 and FreeBSD 4.5. Microsoft confirmed they could
-live with that problem, so these tests are not required.
-PAL specifications now dictate that a pass for this test is not required.
-networking/send_recv/send_neg7(Bug #1722)
-Currently disable, since there is a discrepancy between what is documented in
-MSDN and the rotor_pal.doc. Send with MSG_OOB flag with socket option
-SO_OOBINLINE enabled should return an error, yet under WIN32 and FreeBSD,
-there is no error.
-networking/sendto_recvfrom/sendto_neg7(Bug #1723)
-Currently disable, since there is a discrepancy between what is documented in
-MSDN and the rotor_pal.doc. Sendto with a non-blocking socket should return
-and error, yet under WIN32 and FreeBSD, there is no error.
-PAL specifications now dictate that a pass for these tests is not required.
-Disabling this test because it is severely crippling our FreeBSD test
-macines. Bug 1791 covers this issue and the test is being moved into
-the severebug.dat file. dm
-Currently disabled, since there is a difference in the validation order of
-socket()'s parameters between WIN32 and FREEBSD (implies a wrong last error code).
-In rotor_pal.doc, that difference is tolerated.
pal_specific/pal_get_stdin/test1 :
This test case should be run manually. Requires user input.
@@ -167,78 +94,6 @@ threading/setconsolectrlhandler/test4
These tests cases should be run manually. Requires user input.
-This test case is written according to the MSDN doc: testing gethostbyaddr
-with an invalid type, an error WSAEAFNOSUPPORT is expected, the test result is:
-no error occurred with PAL library.
-no error occurred with win32 base library.
-This test case is written according to the MSDN doc: testing gethostbyaddr
-with a small len parameter, an error WSAEFAULT is expected, the test result is:
-no error occurred with PAL library
-and correct hostent struct data is retrieved
-no error occurred with win32 base library
-and correct hostent struct data is retrieved
-This test case is written according to the MSDN doc: testing closesocket to
-close a non-blocking stream socket with SO_LINGER setting to a nonzero
-time-out value, an error WSAEWOULDBLOCK is expected, the test result is:
-no error occurred with PAL library
-no error occurred with win32 base library
-This test case is designd according to MSDN, test recv API by passing a
-smaller buf size, the revceiving data will be truncated and an error
-WSAEMSGSIZE will be detected. the test result is:
-link to PAL library. No error is detected and data is truncated.
-link to Win32 base library. No error is detected and data is truncated.
-So, Windows 2000 is assumed right, and disable this negative test case
-This test case is designd according to MSDN, test connect API to connect
-a broadcast address with setting this socket option as broadcast, an error
-WSAEACCESS is expected, the test result is:
-link to PAL library. No error is detected
-link to Win32 base library. No error is detected
-So, Windows 2000 is assumed right, and disable this negative test case
-In Windows recv, recvfrom and WSARecv will return WSAESHUTDOWN when the
-connection has been shutdown, in BSD recv return 0 bytes read with no error
-when the connection has been shutdown. This difference is considered as
-On win32, depending on the value returned by recv(), 0 or -1, we can distinguish
-between a *graceful* (0) and *abortive* (-1) socket remote closure.
-Unfortunately on bsd, there's no way to distinguish between the two cases,
-in fact, recv returns 0, with no error, for both *graceful* and *abortive* closure.
-This difference is considered as acceptable (similar to the issue when recv()
-called after shutdown()).
According to rotor_pal.doc, GetProcessTimes() should be supported for the current
@@ -262,12 +117,3 @@ file_io/deletefilew/test3
No code in Rotor depends on DeleteFile[A/W] failing on readonly files so we
don't need to exactly emulate this feature of the Win32 filesystems on FreeBSD.
-This is a difference between Windows & FreeBSD : in FreeBSD, no socket
-exceptions are reported for a failed connection. No code in Rotor depends on
-the Windows behavior, and it has been decided that the networking API should
-be as thin a layer as possible over the native implementation. Managed apps
-will have to take such differences into account.
diff --git a/src/pal/tests/palsuite/README.txt b/src/pal/tests/palsuite/README.txt
index b07a2b1832..f8f8d477dd 100644
--- a/src/pal/tests/palsuite/README.txt
+++ b/src/pal/tests/palsuite/README.txt
@@ -19,8 +19,6 @@
File_IO: gettempfilename(a,w)/test2
File_IO: setfileattributesa/test(1,4), setfileattributesw/test(1,4)
Miscellaneous: messageboxw/test(1,2)
- Networking: closesocket/closesocket_raw
- Networking: wsasocketw/test2
Pal_specific:: pal_get_stdin/test1, pal_get_stdout/test1, pal_get_stderr/test1
Threading: setconsolectrlhandler/test(3,4)
@@ -127,20 +125,7 @@ where user interaction is not desired/possible, setting this environment
variable will prevent a pause in the automated test run.
-Networking: closesocket/closesocket_raw
-This test case fails only when run by a non-root FreeBSD user as it depends on
-the ability to create a socket of type SOCK_RAW, a function that only a root
-user can perform.
-Networking: wsasocketw/test2
-This test case requires administrator or super user (root) permissions in order
-to pass.
-Pal_specific: pal_get_stdin/test1, pal_get_stdout/test1, pal_get_stderr/test1
+ic: pal_get_stdin/test1, pal_get_stdout/test1, pal_get_stderr/test1
These test cases should be manually inspected to ensure the information being returned
is correct. The pal_get_stdin test case requires user input. The pal_get_stdout and
diff --git a/src/pal/tests/palsuite/manual-inspect.dat b/src/pal/tests/palsuite/manual-inspect.dat
index 3cbd2f3a36..7aac0c668d 100644
--- a/src/pal/tests/palsuite/manual-inspect.dat
+++ b/src/pal/tests/palsuite/manual-inspect.dat
@@ -7,10 +7,6 @@ miscellaneous/messageboxw/test1,1
# Automatable to detect gross errors; also manually inspect for proper behaviour
# Env var PAL_DISABLE_MESSAGEBOX=1 disables msg boxes for automation on Windows
-# gethostbyname2 will fail if one of the 2 conditions is not met:
-# i. the test machine's /etc/hosts file does not contain an entry for the local host
-# ii. the test machine is not registered with a reachable dns server
# Automatable to detect gross errors; also manually inspect for proper behaviour
diff --git a/src/pal/tests/palsuite/miscellaneous/FormatMessageW/test6/test.c b/src/pal/tests/palsuite/miscellaneous/FormatMessageW/test6/test.c
index 7404b6512b..551523e396 100644
--- a/src/pal/tests/palsuite/miscellaneous/FormatMessageW/test6/test.c
+++ b/src/pal/tests/palsuite/miscellaneous/FormatMessageW/test6/test.c
@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ int __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
ERROR_SUCCESS (0L) is normally returned by GetLastError,
But, the ERROR_SUCCESS is removed from messages for Unix based Systems
To ensure that we have some information into the buffer we are using the message
- identifier value 10093L (WSANOTINITIALISED)
+ identifier value 2L (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
ReturnResult = FormatMessage(
FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER, /* source and processing options */
NULL, /* message source */
- 10093L, /* message identifier */
+ 2L, /* message identifier */
0, /* language identifier */
(LPWSTR)&OutBuffer, /* message buffer */
0, /* maximum size of message buffer */
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ int __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if(wcslen(OutBuffer) <= 0)
Fail("ERROR: There are no characters in the buffer, and when the "
"something should be put into the buffer.");
diff --git a/src/pal/tests/palsuite/palverify.dat b/src/pal/tests/palsuite/palverify.dat
index 67223ec248..a9971578de 100644
--- a/src/pal/tests/palsuite/palverify.dat
+++ b/src/pal/tests/palsuite/palverify.dat
@@ -797,210 +797,6 @@ miscellaneous/wsprintfw/test9,1