path: root/src/vm/virtualcallstub.h
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1 files changed, 1625 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000000..b3f736fcae
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+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// File: VirtualCallStub.h
+// See code:VirtualCallStubManager for details
+// ============================================================================
+#if defined(_TARGET_X86_)
+// If this is uncommented, leaves a file "StubLog_<pid>.log" with statistics on the behavior
+// of stub-based interface dispatch.
+//#define STUB_LOGGING
+#include "stubmgr.h"
+// Forward class declarations
+class FastTable;
+class BucketTable;
+class Entry;
+class Prober;
+class VirtualCallStubManager;
+class VirtualCallStubManagerManager;
+struct LookupHolder;
+struct DispatchHolder;
+struct ResolveHolder;
+// Forward function declarations
+extern "C" void InContextTPQuickDispatchAsmStub();
+extern "C" PCODE STDCALL StubDispatchFixupWorker(TransitionBlock * pTransitionBlock,
+ TADDR siteAddrForRegisterIndirect,
+ DWORD sectionIndex,
+ Module * pModule);
+extern "C" PCODE STDCALL VSD_ResolveWorker(TransitionBlock * pTransitionBlock,
+ TADDR siteAddrForRegisterIndirect,
+ size_t token
+#ifndef _TARGET_X86_
+ , UINT_PTR flags
+ );
+// This is used by TransparentProxyWorkerStub to take a stub address (token), and
+// MethodTable and return the target. It will look in the cache first, and if not found
+// will call the resolver and then put the result into the cache.
+extern "C" PCODE STDCALL VSD_GetTargetForTPWorkerQuick(TransparentProxyObject * orTP, size_t token);
+extern "C" PCODE STDCALL VSD_GetTargetForTPWorker(TransitionBlock * pTransitionBlock, size_t token);
+#if defined(_TARGET_X86_) || defined(_TARGET_AMD64_)
+typedef INT32 DISPL;
+// Represents the struct that is added to the resolve cache
+// NOTE: If you change the layout of this struct, you'll need to update various
+// ASM helpers in VirtualCallStubCpu that rely on offsets of members.
+struct ResolveCacheElem
+ void *pMT;
+ size_t token; // DispatchToken
+ void *target;
+ // These are used for chaining
+ ResolveCacheElem *pNext;
+ ResolveCacheElem *Next()
+ { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return VolatileLoad(&pNext); }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ UINT16 debug_hash;
+ UINT16 debug_index;
+#endif // _DEBUG
+ BOOL Equals(size_t token, void *pMT)
+ { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (this->pMT == pMT && this->token == token); }
+ BOOL Equals(ResolveCacheElem *pElem)
+ { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return Equals(pElem->token, pElem->pMT); }
+ e_resolveCacheElem_sizeof_mt = sizeof(void *),
+ e_resolveCacheElem_sizeof_token = sizeof(size_t),
+ e_resolveCacheElem_sizeof_target = sizeof(void *),
+ e_resolveCacheElem_sizeof_next = sizeof(ResolveCacheElem *),
+ e_resolveCacheElem_offset_mt = 0,
+ e_resolveCacheElem_offset_token = e_resolveCacheElem_offset_mt + e_resolveCacheElem_sizeof_mt,
+ e_resolveCacheElem_offset_target = e_resolveCacheElem_offset_token + e_resolveCacheElem_sizeof_token,
+ e_resolveCacheElem_offset_next = e_resolveCacheElem_offset_target + e_resolveCacheElem_sizeof_target,
+// A utility class to help manipulate a call site
+struct StubCallSite
+ friend class VirtualCallStubManager;
+ // On x86 are four possible kinds of callsites when you take into account all features
+ // Relative: direct call, e.g. "call addr". Not used currently.
+ // RelativeIndirect (JmpRel): indirect call through a relative address, e.g. "call [addr]"
+ // RegisterIndirect: indirect call through a register, e.g. "call [eax]"
+ // DelegateCallSite: anything else, tail called through a register by shuffle thunk, e.g. "jmp [eax]"
+ //
+ // On all other platforms we always use an indirect call through an indirection cell
+ // In these cases all calls are made by the platform equivalent of "call [addr]".
+ //
+ // DelegateCallSite are particular in that they can come in a variety of forms:
+ // a direct delegate call has a sequence defined by the jit but a multicast or secure delegate
+ // are defined in a stub and have a different shape
+ //
+ PTR_PCODE m_siteAddr; // Stores the address of an indirection cell
+ PCODE m_returnAddr;
+#if defined(_TARGET_X86_)
+ StubCallSite(TADDR siteAddrForRegisterIndirect, PCODE returnAddr);
+ PCODE GetCallerAddress();
+#else // !defined(_TARGET_X86_)
+ // On platforms where we always use an indirection cell things
+ // are much simpler - the siteAddr always stores a pointer to a
+ // value that in turn points to the indirection cell.
+ StubCallSite(TADDR siteAddr, PCODE returnAddr)
+ { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_siteAddr = dac_cast<PTR_PCODE>(siteAddr); m_returnAddr = returnAddr; }
+ PCODE GetCallerAddress() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_returnAddr; }
+#endif // !defined(_TARGET_X86_)
+ PCODE GetSiteTarget() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return *(GetIndirectCell()); }
+ void SetSiteTarget(PCODE newTarget);
+ PTR_PCODE GetIndirectCell() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return dac_cast<PTR_PCODE>(m_siteAddr); }
+ PTR_PCODE * GetIndirectCellAddress() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return &m_siteAddr; }
+ PCODE GetReturnAddress() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_returnAddr; }
+extern "C" void StubDispatchFixupStub(); // for lazy fixup of ngen call sites
+// These are the assembly language entry points that the stubs use when they want to go into the EE
+extern "C" void ResolveWorkerAsmStub(); // resolve a token and transfer control to that method
+extern "C" void ResolveWorkerChainLookupAsmStub(); // for chaining of entries in the cache
+#ifdef _TARGET_X86_
+extern "C" void BackPatchWorkerAsmStub(); // backpatch a call site to point to a different stub
+#endif // _TARGET_X86_
+typedef VPTR(class VirtualCallStubManager) PTR_VirtualCallStubManager;
+// VirtualCallStubManager is the heart of the stub dispatch logic. See the book of the runtime entry
+// file:../../doc/BookOfTheRuntime/ClassLoader/VirtualStubDispatchDesign.doc
+// The basic idea is that a call to an interface (it could also be used for virtual calls in general, but we
+// do not do this), is simply the code
+// call [DispatchCell]
+// Where we make sure 'DispatchCell' points at stubs that will do the right thing. DispatchCell is writable
+// so we can udpate the code over time. There are three basic types of stubs that the dispatch cell can point
+// to.
+// * Lookup: The intial stub that has no 'fast path' and simply pushes a ID for interface being called
+// and calls into the runtime at code:VirtualCallStubManager.ResolveWorkerStatic.
+// * Dispatch: Lookup stubs are patched to this stub which has a fast path that checks for a particular
+// Method Table and if that fails jumps to code that
+// * Decrements a 'missCount' (starts out as code:STUB_MISS_COUNT_VALUE). If this count goes to zero
+// code:VirtualCallStubManager.BackPatchWorkerStatic is called, morphs it into a resolve stub
+// (however since this decrementing logic is SHARED among all dispatch stubs, it may take
+// multiples of code:STUB_MISS_COUNT_VALUE if mulitple call sites are actively polymorphic (this
+// seems unlikley).
+// * Calls a resolve stub (Whenever a dispatch stub is created, it always has a cooresponding resolve
+// stub (but the resolve stubs are shared among many dispatch stubs).
+// * Resolve: see code:ResolveStub. This looks up the Method table in a process wide cache (see
+// code:ResolveCacheElem, and if found, jumps to it. This code path is about 17 instructions long (so
+// pretty fast, but certainly much slower than a normal call). If the method table is not found in
+// the cache, it calls into the runtime code:VirtualCallStubManager.ResolveWorkerStatic, which
+// populates it.
+// So the general progression is call site's cells
+// * start out life pointing to a lookup stub
+// * On first call they get updated into a dispatch stub. When this misses, it calls a resolve stub,
+// which populates a resovle stub's cache, but does not update the call site' cell (thus it is still
+// pointing at the dispatch cell.
+// * After code:STUB_MISS_COUNT_VALUE misses, we update the call site's cell to point directly at the
+// resolve stub (thus avoiding the overhead of the quick check that always seems to be failing and
+// the miss count update).
+// QUESTION: What is the lifetimes of the various stubs and hash table entries?
+// QUESTION: There does not seem to be any logic that will change a call site's cell once it becomes a
+// Resolve stub. Thus once a particular call site becomes a Resolve stub we live with the Resolve stub's
+// (in)efficiency forever.
+// see code:#StubDispatchNotes for more
+class VirtualCallStubManager : public StubManager
+ friend class ClrDataAccess;
+ friend class VirtualCallStubManagerManager;
+ friend class VirtualCallStubManagerIterator;
+ VPTR_VTABLE_CLASS(VirtualCallStubManager, StubManager)
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ virtual const char * DbgGetName() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return "VirtualCallStubManager"; }
+ // The reason for our existence, return a callstub for type id and slot number
+ // where type id = 0 for the class contract (i.e. a virtual call), and type id > 0 for an
+ // interface invoke where the id indicates which interface it is.
+ //
+ // The function is idempotent, i.e.
+ // you'll get the same callstub twice if you call it with identical inputs.
+ PCODE GetCallStub(TypeHandle ownerType, MethodDesc *pMD);
+ PCODE GetCallStub(TypeHandle ownerType, DWORD slot);
+ // Generate an fresh indirection cell.
+ BYTE* GenerateStubIndirection(PCODE stub, BOOL fUseRecycledCell = FALSE);
+ // Set up static data structures - called during EEStartup
+ static void InitStatic();
+ static void UninitStatic();
+ // Per instance initialization - called during AppDomain::Init and ::Uninit and for collectible loader allocators
+ void Init(BaseDomain* pDomain, LoaderAllocator *pLoaderAllocator);
+ void Uninit();
+ //@TODO: the logging should be tied into the VMs normal loggin mechanisms,
+ //@TODO: for now we just always write a short log file called "StubLog_<pid>.log"
+ static void StartupLogging();
+ static void LoggingDump();
+ static void FinishLogging();
+ static void ResetCache();
+ // Reclaim/rearrange any structures that can only be done during a gc sync point.
+ // This is the mechanism we are using to avoid synchronization of alot of our
+ // cache and hash table accesses. We are requiring that during a gc sync point we are not
+ // executing any stub code at all, hence at this time we are serialized on a single thread (gc)
+ // and no other thread is accessing the data structures.
+ static void ReclaimAll();
+ void Reclaim();
+ VirtualCallStubManager()
+ : StubManager(),
+ lookup_rangeList(),
+ resolve_rangeList(),
+ dispatch_rangeList(),
+ cache_entry_rangeList(),
+ parentDomain(NULL),
+ isCollectible(false),
+ m_initialReservedMemForHeaps(NULL),
+ m_FreeIndCellList(NULL),
+ m_RecycledIndCellList(NULL),
+ indcell_heap(NULL),
+ cache_entry_heap(NULL),
+ lookup_heap(NULL),
+ dispatch_heap(NULL),
+ resolve_heap(NULL),
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ m_fShouldAllocateLongJumpDispatchStubs(FALSE),
+ lookups(NULL),
+ cache_entries(NULL),
+ dispatchers(NULL),
+ resolvers(NULL),
+ m_counters(NULL),
+ m_cur_counter_block(NULL),
+ m_cur_counter_block_for_reclaim(NULL),
+ m_cur_counter_block_for_reclaim_index(NULL),
+ m_pNext(NULL)
+ {
+ ZeroMemory(&stats, sizeof(stats));
+ }
+ ~VirtualCallStubManager();
+ enum StubKind {
+ SK_LOOKUP, // Lookup Stubs are SLOW stubs that simply call into the runtime to do all work.
+ SK_DISPATCH, // Dispatch Stubs have a fast check for one type otherwise jumps to runtime. Works for monomorphic sites
+ SK_RESOLVE, // Resolve Stubs do a hash lookup before fallling back to the runtime. Works for polymorphic sites.
+ };
+ // peek at the assembly code and predict which kind of a stub we have
+ StubKind predictStubKind(PCODE stubStartAddress);
+ /* know thine own stubs. It is possible that when multiple
+ virtualcallstub managers are built that these may need to become
+ non-static, and the callers modified accordingly */
+ StubKind getStubKind(PCODE stubStartAddress)
+ {
+ // This method can called with stubStartAddress==NULL, e.g. when handling null reference exceptions
+ // caused by IP=0. Early out for this case to avoid confusing handled access violations inside predictStubKind.
+ if (PCODEToPINSTR(stubStartAddress) == NULL)
+ return SK_UNKNOWN;
+ // Rather than calling IsInRange(stubStartAddress) for each possible stub kind
+ // we can peek at the assembly code and predict which kind of a stub we have
+ StubKind predictedKind = predictStubKind(stubStartAddress);
+ if (predictedKind == SK_DISPATCH)
+ {
+ if (isDispatchingStub(stubStartAddress))
+ return SK_DISPATCH;
+ }
+ else if (predictedKind == SK_LOOKUP)
+ {
+ if (isLookupStub(stubStartAddress))
+ return SK_LOOKUP;
+ }
+ else if (predictedKind == SK_RESOLVE)
+ {
+ if (isResolvingStub(stubStartAddress))
+ return SK_RESOLVE;
+ }
+ // This is the slow case. If the predict returned SK_UNKNOWN, SK_BREAKPOINT,
+ // or the predict was found to be incorrect when checked against the RangeLists
+ // (isXXXStub), then we'll check each stub heap in sequence.
+ if (isDispatchingStub(stubStartAddress))
+ return SK_DISPATCH;
+ else if (isLookupStub(stubStartAddress))
+ return SK_LOOKUP;
+ else if (isResolvingStub(stubStartAddress))
+ return SK_RESOLVE;
+ return SK_UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ inline BOOL isStub(PCODE stubStartAddress)
+ {
+ return (getStubKind(stubStartAddress) != SK_UNKNOWN);
+ }
+ BOOL isDispatchingStub(PCODE stubStartAddress)
+ {
+ return GetDispatchRangeList()->IsInRange(stubStartAddress);
+ }
+ BOOL isResolvingStub(PCODE stubStartAddress)
+ {
+ return GetResolveRangeList()->IsInRange(stubStartAddress);
+ }
+ BOOL isLookupStub(PCODE stubStartAddress)
+ {
+ return GetLookupRangeList()->IsInRange(stubStartAddress);
+ }
+ static BOOL isDispatchingStubStatic(PCODE addr)
+ {
+ StubKind stubKind;
+ FindStubManager(addr, &stubKind);
+ return stubKind == SK_DISPATCH;
+ }
+ static BOOL isResolvingStubStatic(PCODE addr)
+ {
+ StubKind stubKind;
+ FindStubManager(addr, &stubKind);
+ return stubKind == SK_RESOLVE;
+ }
+ static BOOL isLookupStubStatic(PCODE addr)
+ {
+ StubKind stubKind;
+ FindStubManager(addr, &stubKind);
+ return stubKind == SK_LOOKUP;
+ }
+ //use range lists to track the chunks of memory that are part of each heap
+ LockedRangeList lookup_rangeList;
+ LockedRangeList resolve_rangeList;
+ LockedRangeList dispatch_rangeList;
+ LockedRangeList cache_entry_rangeList;
+ // Get dac-ized pointers to rangelist.
+ RangeList* GetLookupRangeList()
+ {
+ TADDR addr = PTR_HOST_MEMBER_TADDR(VirtualCallStubManager, this, lookup_rangeList);
+ return PTR_RangeList(addr);
+ }
+ RangeList* GetResolveRangeList()
+ {
+ TADDR addr = PTR_HOST_MEMBER_TADDR(VirtualCallStubManager, this, resolve_rangeList);
+ return PTR_RangeList(addr);
+ }
+ RangeList* GetDispatchRangeList()
+ {
+ TADDR addr = PTR_HOST_MEMBER_TADDR(VirtualCallStubManager, this, dispatch_rangeList);
+ return PTR_RangeList(addr);
+ }
+ RangeList* GetCacheEntryRangeList()
+ {
+ TADDR addr = PTR_HOST_MEMBER_TADDR(VirtualCallStubManager, this, cache_entry_rangeList);
+ return PTR_RangeList(addr);
+ }
+ //allocate and initialize a stub of the desired kind
+ DispatchHolder *GenerateDispatchStub(PCODE addrOfCode,
+ PCODE addrOfFail,
+ void *pMTExpected,
+ size_t dispatchToken);
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // Used to allocate a long jump dispatch stub. See comment around
+ // m_fShouldAllocateLongJumpDispatchStubs for explaination.
+ DispatchHolder *GenerateDispatchStubLong(PCODE addrOfCode,
+ PCODE addrOfFail,
+ void *pMTExpected,
+ size_t dispatchToken);
+ ResolveHolder *GenerateResolveStub(PCODE addrOfResolver,
+ PCODE addrOfPatcher,
+ size_t dispatchToken);
+ LookupHolder *GenerateLookupStub(PCODE addrOfResolver,
+ size_t dispatchToken);
+ template <typename STUB_HOLDER>
+ void AddToCollectibleVSDRangeList(STUB_HOLDER *holder)
+ {
+ if (isCollectible)
+ {
+ parentDomain->GetCollectibleVSDRanges()->AddRange(reinterpret_cast<BYTE *>(holder->stub()),
+ reinterpret_cast<BYTE *>(holder->stub()) + holder->stub()->size(),
+ this);
+ }
+ }
+ // The resolve cache is static across all AppDomains
+ ResolveCacheElem *GenerateResolveCacheElem(void *addrOfCode,
+ void *pMTExpected,
+ size_t token);
+ ResolveCacheElem *GetResolveCacheElem(void *pMT,
+ size_t token,
+ void *target);
+ //Given a dispatch token, an object and a method table, determine the
+ //target address to go to. The return value (BOOL) states whether this address
+ //is cacheable or not.
+ static BOOL Resolver(MethodTable * pMT,
+ DispatchToken token,
+ OBJECTREF * protectedObj,
+ PCODE * ppTarget);
+ // This can be used to find a target without needing the ability to throw
+ static BOOL TraceResolver(Object *pObj, DispatchToken token, TraceDestination *trace);
+ // Return the MethodDesc corresponding to this token.
+ static MethodDesc *GetRepresentativeMethodDescFromToken(DispatchToken token, MethodTable *pMT);
+ static MethodDesc *GetInterfaceMethodDescFromToken(DispatchToken token);
+ static MethodTable *GetTypeFromToken(DispatchToken token);
+ //This is used to get the token out of a stub
+ static size_t GetTokenFromStub(PCODE stub);
+ //This is used to get the token out of a stub and we know the stub manager and stub kind
+ static size_t GetTokenFromStubQuick(VirtualCallStubManager * pMgr, PCODE stub, StubKind kind);
+ // General utility functions
+ // Quick lookup in the cache. NOTHROW, GC_NOTRIGGER
+ static PCODE CacheLookup(size_t token, UINT16 tokenHash, MethodTable *pMT);
+ // Full exhaustive lookup. THROWS, GC_TRIGGERS
+ static PCODE GetTarget(DispatchToken token, MethodTable *pMT);
+ // Given a dispatch token, return true if the token represents an interface, false if just a slot.
+ static BOOL IsInterfaceToken(DispatchToken token);
+ // Given a dispatch token, return true if the token represents a slot on the target.
+ static BOOL IsClassToken(DispatchToken token);
+ static ResolveCacheElem* __fastcall PromoteChainEntry(ResolveCacheElem *pElem);
+ // Flags used by the non-x86 versions of VSD_ResolveWorker
+#define SDF_ResolveBackPatch (0x01)
+#define SDF_ResolvePromoteChain (0x02)
+#define SDF_ResolveFlags (0x03)
+ // These method needs to call the instance methods.
+ friend PCODE VSD_ResolveWorker(TransitionBlock * pTransitionBlock,
+ TADDR siteAddrForRegisterIndirect,
+ size_t token
+#ifndef _TARGET_X86_
+ , UINT_PTR flags
+ );
+ //These are the entrypoints that the stubs actually end up calling via the
+ // xxxAsmStub methods above
+ static void STDCALL BackPatchWorkerStatic(PCODE returnAddr, TADDR siteAddrForRegisterIndirect);
+ PCODE ResolveWorker(StubCallSite* pCallSite, OBJECTREF *protectedObj, DispatchToken token, StubKind stubKind);
+ void BackPatchWorker(StubCallSite* pCallSite);
+ //Change the callsite to point to stub
+ void BackPatchSite(StubCallSite* pCallSite, PCODE stub);
+ /* the following two public functions are to support tracing or stepping thru
+ stubs via the debugger. */
+ virtual BOOL CheckIsStub_Internal(PCODE stubStartAddress);
+ virtual BOOL TraceManager(Thread *thread,
+ TraceDestination *trace,
+ T_CONTEXT *pContext,
+ BYTE **pRetAddr);
+ size_t GetSize()
+ {
+ size_t retval=0;
+ if(indcell_heap)
+ retval+=indcell_heap->GetSize();
+ if(cache_entry_heap)
+ retval+=cache_entry_heap->GetSize();
+ if(lookup_heap)
+ retval+=lookup_heap->GetSize();
+ if(dispatch_heap)
+ retval+=dispatch_heap->GetSize();
+ if(resolve_heap)
+ retval+=resolve_heap->GetSize();
+ return retval;
+ };
+ /* the following two private functions are to support tracing or stepping thru
+ stubs via the debugger. */
+ virtual BOOL DoTraceStub(PCODE stubStartAddress,
+ TraceDestination *trace);
+ // The parent domain of this manager
+ PTR_BaseDomain parentDomain;
+ bool isCollectible;
+ BYTE * m_initialReservedMemForHeaps;
+ static const UINT32 INDCELLS_PER_BLOCK = 32; // 32 indirection cells per block.
+ CrstExplicitInit m_indCellLock;
+ // List of free indirection cells. The cells were directly allocated from the loader heap
+ // (code:VirtualCallStubManager::GenerateStubIndirection)
+ BYTE * m_FreeIndCellList;
+ // List of recycled indirection cells. The cells were recycled from finalized dynamic methods
+ // (code:LCGMethodResolver::RecycleIndCells).
+ BYTE * m_RecycledIndCellList;
+ // This methods returns the a free cell from m_FreeIndCellList. It returns NULL if the list is empty.
+ BYTE * GetOneFreeIndCell()
+ {
+ return GetOneIndCell(&m_FreeIndCellList);
+ }
+ // This methods returns the a recycled cell from m_RecycledIndCellList. It returns NULL if the list is empty.
+ BYTE * GetOneRecycledIndCell()
+ {
+ return GetOneIndCell(&m_RecycledIndCellList);
+ }
+ // This methods returns the a cell from ppList. It returns NULL if the list is empty.
+ BYTE * GetOneIndCell(BYTE ** ppList)
+ {
+ PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppList));
+ PRECONDITION(m_indCellLock.OwnedByCurrentThread());
+ BYTE * temp = *ppList;
+ if (temp)
+ {
+ BYTE * pNext = *((BYTE **)temp);
+ *ppList = pNext;
+ RETURN temp;
+ }
+ }
+ // insert a linked list of indirection cells at the beginning of m_FreeIndCellList
+ void InsertIntoFreeIndCellList(BYTE * head, BYTE * tail)
+ {
+ InsertIntoIndCellList(&m_FreeIndCellList, head, tail);
+ }
+ // insert a linked list of indirection cells at the beginning of ppList
+ void InsertIntoIndCellList(BYTE ** ppList, BYTE * head, BYTE * tail)
+ {
+ PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppList));
+ PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(head));
+ PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(tail));
+ PRECONDITION(m_indCellLock.OwnedByCurrentThread());
+ BYTE * temphead = *ppList;
+ *((BYTE**)tail) = temphead;
+ *ppList = head;
+ }
+ PTR_LoaderHeap indcell_heap; // indirection cells go here
+ PTR_LoaderHeap cache_entry_heap; // resolve cache elem entries go here
+ PTR_LoaderHeap lookup_heap; // lookup stubs go here
+ PTR_LoaderHeap dispatch_heap; // dispatch stubs go here
+ PTR_LoaderHeap resolve_heap; // resolve stubs go here
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // When we layout the stub heaps, we put them close together in a sequential order
+ // so that we maximize performance with respect to branch predictions. On AMD64,
+ // dispatch stubs use a rel32 jump on failure to the resolve stub. This works for
+ // a while because of the ordering, but as soon as we have to start allocating more
+ // memory for either the dispatch or resolve heaps we have a chance that we'll be
+ // further away than a rel32 jump can reach, because we're in a 64-bit address
+ // space. As such, this flag will indicate when we allocate the first dispatch stub
+ // that cannot reach a resolve stub, and when this happens we'll switch over to
+ // allocating the larger version of the dispatch stub which contains an abs64 jump.
+ //@TODO: This is a bit of a workaround, but the limitations of LoaderHeap require that we
+ //@TODO: take this approach. Hopefully in Orcas we'll have a chance to rewrite LoaderHeap.
+ BOOL m_fShouldAllocateLongJumpDispatchStubs; // Defaults to FALSE.
+ BucketTable * lookups; // hash table of lookups keyed by tokens
+ BucketTable * cache_entries; // hash table of dispatch token/target structs for dispatch cache
+ BucketTable * dispatchers; // hash table of dispatching stubs keyed by tokens/actualtype
+ BucketTable * resolvers; // hash table of resolvers keyed by tokens/resolverstub
+ // This structure is used to keep track of the fail counters.
+ // We only need one fail counter per ResolveStub,
+ // and most programs use less than 250 ResolveStubs
+ // We allocate these on the main heap using "new counter block"
+ struct counter_block
+ {
+ static const UINT32 MAX_COUNTER_ENTRIES = 256-2; // 254 counters should be enough for most cases.
+ counter_block * next; // the next block
+ UINT32 used; // the index of the next free entry
+ INT32 block[MAX_COUNTER_ENTRIES]; // the counters
+ };
+ counter_block *m_counters; // linked list of counter blocks of failure counters
+ counter_block *m_cur_counter_block; // current block for updating counts
+ counter_block *m_cur_counter_block_for_reclaim; // current block for updating
+ UINT32 m_cur_counter_block_for_reclaim_index; // index into the current block for updating
+ // Used to keep track of all the VCSManager objects in the system.
+ PTR_VirtualCallStubManager m_pNext; // Linked list pointer
+ // Given a stub address, find the VCSManager that owns it.
+ static VirtualCallStubManager *FindStubManager(PCODE addr,
+ StubKind* wbStubKind = NULL);
+ // insert a linked list of indirection cells at the beginning of m_RecycledIndCellList
+ void InsertIntoRecycledIndCellList_Locked(BYTE * head, BYTE * tail)
+ {
+ CrstHolder lh(&m_indCellLock);
+ InsertIntoIndCellList(&m_RecycledIndCellList, head, tail);
+ }
+ // These are the counters for keeping statistics
+ struct
+ {
+ UINT32 site_counter; //# of call sites
+ UINT32 stub_lookup_counter; //# of lookup stubs
+ UINT32 stub_poly_counter; //# of resolve stubs
+ UINT32 stub_mono_counter; //# of dispatch stubs
+ UINT32 site_write; //# of call site backpatch writes
+ UINT32 site_write_poly; //# of call site backpatch writes to point to resolve stubs
+ UINT32 site_write_mono; //# of call site backpatch writes to point to dispatch stubs
+ UINT32 worker_call; //# of calls into ResolveWorker
+ UINT32 worker_call_no_patch; //# of times call_worker resulted in no patch
+ UINT32 worker_collide_to_mono; //# of times we converted a poly stub to a mono stub instead of writing the cache entry
+ UINT32 stub_space; //# of bytes of stubs
+ UINT32 cache_entry_counter; //# of cache structs
+ UINT32 cache_entry_space; //# of bytes used by cache lookup structs
+ } stats;
+ void LogStats();
+ virtual void DoEnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags);
+ virtual LPCWSTR GetStubManagerName(PCODE addr)
+ {
+ CONSISTENCY_CHECK(isStub(addr));
+ if (isLookupStub(addr))
+ {
+ return W("VSD_LookupStub");
+ }
+ else if (isDispatchingStub(addr))
+ {
+ return W("VSD_DispatchStub");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CONSISTENCY_CHECK(isResolvingStub(addr));
+ return W("VSD_ResolveStub");
+ }
+ }
+typedef VPTR(class VirtualCallStubManagerManager) PTR_VirtualCallStubManagerManager;
+class VirtualCallStubManagerIterator;
+class VirtualCallStubManagerManager : public StubManager
+ VPTR_VTABLE_CLASS(VirtualCallStubManagerManager, StubManager)
+ friend class StubManager;
+ friend class VirtualCallStubManager;
+ friend class VirtualCallStubManagerIterator;
+ friend class StubManagerIterator;
+ public:
+ virtual BOOL TraceManager(Thread *thread, TraceDestination *trace,
+ T_CONTEXT *pContext, BYTE **pRetAddr);
+ virtual BOOL CheckIsStub_Internal(PCODE stubStartAddress);
+ virtual BOOL DoTraceStub(PCODE stubStartAddress, TraceDestination *trace);
+ static MethodDesc *Entry2MethodDesc(PCODE stubStartAddress, MethodTable *pMT);
+ virtual void DoEnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags);
+ virtual LPCWSTR GetStubManagerName(PCODE addr)
+ { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return FindVirtualCallStubManager(addr)->GetStubManagerName(addr); }
+ private:
+ // Used to keep track of all the VCSManager objects in the system.
+ PTR_VirtualCallStubManager m_pManagers; // Head of the linked list
+ // Ctor. This is only used by StaticInit.
+ VirtualCallStubManagerManager();
+ // A cache element to quickly check the last matched manager.
+ Volatile<VirtualCallStubManager*> m_pCacheElem;
+ // RW lock for reading entries and removing them.
+ SimpleRWLock m_RWLock;
+ // This will look through all the managers in an intelligent fashion to
+ // find the manager that owns the address.
+ VirtualCallStubManager *FindVirtualCallStubManager(PCODE stubAddress);
+ protected:
+ // Add a VCSManager to the linked list.
+ void AddStubManager(VirtualCallStubManager *pMgr);
+ // Remove a VCSManager from the linked list.
+ void RemoveStubManager(VirtualCallStubManager *pMgr);
+ VirtualCallStubManager *FirstManager()
+ { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return m_pManagers; }
+ static void InitStatic();
+ public:
+ SPTR_DECL(VirtualCallStubManagerManager, g_pManager);
+ static VirtualCallStubManagerManager *GlobalManager()
+ { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(CheckPointer(g_pManager)); return g_pManager; }
+ VirtualCallStubManagerIterator IterateVirtualCallStubManagers();
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // Debug helper to help identify stub-managers.
+ virtual const char * DbgGetName() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return "VirtualCallStubManagerManager"; }
+class VirtualCallStubManagerIterator
+ friend class VirtualCallStubManagerManager;
+ public:
+ BOOL Next();
+ VirtualCallStubManager *Current();
+ // Copy ctor
+ inline VirtualCallStubManagerIterator(const VirtualCallStubManagerIterator &it);
+ protected:
+ inline VirtualCallStubManagerIterator(VirtualCallStubManagerManager *pMgr);
+ BOOL m_fIsStart;
+ VirtualCallStubManager *m_pCurMgr;
+// Ctor
+inline VirtualCallStubManagerIterator::VirtualCallStubManagerIterator(VirtualCallStubManagerManager *pMgr)
+ : m_fIsStart(TRUE), m_pCurMgr(pMgr->m_pManagers)
+ CONSISTENCY_CHECK(CheckPointer(pMgr));
+// Copy ctor
+inline VirtualCallStubManagerIterator::VirtualCallStubManagerIterator(const VirtualCallStubManagerIterator &it)
+ : m_fIsStart(it.m_fIsStart), m_pCurMgr(it.m_pCurMgr)
+A note on approach. The cache and hash tables used by the stub and lookup mechanism
+are designed with an eye to minimizing interlocking and/or syncing and/or locking operations.
+They are intended to run in a highly concurrent environment. Since there is no magic,
+some tradeoffs and and some implementation constraints are required. The basic notion
+is that if all reads and writes are atomic and if all functions and operations operate
+correctly in the face of commutative reorderings of the visibility of all reads and writes
+across threads, then we don't have to interlock, sync, or serialize. Our approximation of
+this is:
+1. All reads and all writes to tables must be atomic. This effectively limits the actual entry
+size in a table to be a pointer or a pointer sized thing.
+2. All functions, like comparisons for equality or computation of hash values must function
+correctly in the face of concurrent updating of the underlying table. This is accomplished
+by making the underlying structures/entries effectively immutable, if concurrency is in anyway possible.
+By effectively immutatable, we mean that the stub or token structure is either immutable or that
+if it is ever written, all possibley concurrent writes are attempting to write the same value (atomically)
+or that the competing (atomic) values do not affect correctness, and that the function operates correctly whether
+or not any of the writes have taken place (is visible yet). The constraint we maintain is that all competeing
+updates (and their visibility or lack thereof) do not alter the correctness of the program.
+3. All tables are inexact. The counts they hold (e.g. number of contained entries) may be inaccurrate,
+but that inaccurracy cannot affect their correctness. Table modifications, such as insertion of
+an new entry may not succeed, but such failures cannot affect correctness. This implies that just
+because a stub/entry is not present in a table, e.g. has been removed, that does not mean that
+it is not in use. It also implies that internal table structures, such as discarded hash table buckets,
+cannot be freely recycled since another concurrent thread may still be walking thru it.
+4. Occassionaly it is necessary to pick up the pieces that have been dropped on the floor
+so to speak, e.g. actually recycle hash buckets that aren't in use. Since we have a natural
+sync point already in the GC, we use that to provide cleanup points. We need to make sure that code that
+is walking our structures is not a GC safe point. Hence if the GC calls back into us inside the GC
+sync point, we know that nobody is inside our stuctures and we can safely rearrange and recycle things.
+//initial and increment value for fail stub counters
+#else // !STUB_LOGGING
+#endif // !STUB_LOGGING
+//size and mask of the cache used by resolve stubs
+#define CALL_STUB_CACHE_NUM_BITS 12 //10
+#define CALL_STUB_CACHE_SIZE 4096 //1024
+//min sizes for BucketTable and buckets and the growth and hashing constants
+//this is so that the very first growth will jump from 4 to 32 entries, then double from there.
+#define CALL_STUB_HASH_CONST1 1327
+#define CALL_STUB_HASH_CONST2 43627
+#define LARGE_PRIME 7199369
+//internal layout of buckets=size-1,count,entries....
+//marker entries in cache and hash tables
+// number of successes for a chained element before it gets moved to the front
+Entry is an abstract class. We will make specific subclasses for each kind of
+entry. Entries hold references to stubs or tokens. The principle thing they provide
+is a virtual Equals function that is used by the caching and hashing tables within which
+the stubs and tokens are stored. Entries are typically stack allocated by the routines
+that call into the hash and caching functions, and the functions stuff stubs into the entry
+to do the comparisons. Essentially specific entry subclasses supply a vtable to a stub
+as and when needed. This means we don't have to have vtables attached to stubs.
+Summarizing so far, there is a struct for each kind of stub or token of the form XXXXStub.
+They provide that actual storage layouts.
+There is a stuct in which each stub which has code is containted of the form XXXXHolder.
+They provide alignment and anciliary storage for the stub code.
+There is a subclass of Entry for each kind of stub or token, of the form XXXXEntry.
+They provide the specific implementations of the virtual functions declared in Entry. */
+class Entry
+ //access and compare the keys of the entry
+ virtual BOOL Equals(size_t keyA, size_t keyB)=0;
+ virtual size_t KeyA()=0;
+ virtual size_t KeyB()=0;
+ //contents is the struct or token that the entry exposes
+ virtual void SetContents(size_t contents)=0;
+/* define the platform specific Stubs and stub holders */
+#include <virtualcallstubcpu.hpp>
+LookupEntry wraps LookupStubs and provide the concrete implementation of the abstract class Entry.
+Virtual and interface call sites when they are first jitted point to LookupStubs. The hash table
+that contains look up stubs is keyed by token, hence the Equals function uses the embedded token in
+the stub for comparison purposes. Since we are willing to allow duplicates in the hash table (as
+long as they are relatively rare) we do use direct comparison of the tokens rather than extracting
+the fields from within the tokens, for perf reasons. */
+class LookupEntry : public Entry
+ //Creates an entry that wraps lookup stub s
+ LookupEntry(size_t s)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(VirtualCallStubManager::isLookupStubStatic((PCODE)s));
+ stub = (LookupStub*) s;
+ }
+ //default contructor to allow stack and inline allocation of lookup entries
+ LookupEntry() {LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; stub = NULL;}
+ //implementations of abstract class Entry
+ BOOL Equals(size_t keyA, size_t keyB)
+ { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return stub && (keyA == KeyA()) && (keyB == KeyB()); }
+ size_t KeyA() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return Token(); }
+ size_t KeyB() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return (size_t)0; }
+ void SetContents(size_t contents)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(VirtualCallStubManager::isLookupStubStatic((PCODE)contents));
+ stub = LookupHolder::FromLookupEntry((PCODE)contents)->stub();
+ }
+ //extract the token of the underlying lookup stub
+ inline size_t Token() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return stub ? stub->token() : 0; }
+ LookupStub* stub; //the stub the entry wrapping
+ResolveCacheEntry wraps a ResolveCacheElem and provides lookup functionality for entries that
+were created that may be added to the ResolveCache
+class ResolveCacheEntry : public Entry
+ ResolveCacheEntry(size_t elem)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(elem != 0);
+ pElem = (ResolveCacheElem*) elem;
+ }
+ //default contructor to allow stack and inline allocation of lookup entries
+ ResolveCacheEntry() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; pElem = NULL; }
+ //access and compare the keys of the entry
+ virtual BOOL Equals(size_t keyA, size_t keyB)
+ { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return pElem && (keyA == KeyA()) && (keyB == KeyB()); }
+ virtual size_t KeyA()
+ { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return pElem != NULL ? pElem->token : 0; }
+ virtual size_t KeyB()
+ { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return pElem != NULL ? (size_t) pElem->pMT : 0; }
+ //contents is the struct or token that the entry exposes
+ virtual void SetContents(size_t contents)
+ {
+ pElem = (ResolveCacheElem*) contents;
+ }
+ inline const BYTE *Target()
+ {
+ return pElem != NULL ? (const BYTE *)pElem->target : NULL;
+ }
+ ResolveCacheElem *pElem;
+ResolveEntry wraps ResolveStubs and provide the concrete implementation of the abstract class Entry.
+Polymorphic call sites and monomorphic calls that fail end up in a ResolveStub. Resolve stubs
+are stored in hash tables keyed by token, hence the Equals function uses the embedded token in
+the stub for comparison purposes. Since we are willing to allow duplicates in the hash table (as
+long as they are relatively rare) we do use direct comparison of the tokens rather than extracting
+the fields from within the tokens, for perf reasons. */
+class ResolveEntry : public Entry
+ //Creates an entry that wraps resolve stub s
+ ResolveEntry (size_t s)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(VirtualCallStubManager::isResolvingStubStatic((PCODE)s));
+ stub = (ResolveStub*) s;
+ }
+ //default contructor to allow stack and inline allocation of resovler entries
+ //implementations of abstract class Entry
+ inline BOOL Equals(size_t keyA, size_t keyB)
+ { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return stub && (keyA == KeyA()) && (keyB == KeyB()); }
+ inline size_t KeyA() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return Token(); }
+ inline size_t KeyB() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return (size_t)0; }
+ void SetContents(size_t contents)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(VirtualCallStubManager::isResolvingStubStatic((PCODE)contents));
+ stub = ResolveHolder::FromResolveEntry((PCODE)contents)->stub();
+ }
+ //extract the token of the underlying resolve stub
+ inline size_t Token() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return stub ? (size_t)(stub->token()) : 0; }
+ ResolveStub* stub; //the stub the entry is wrapping
+DispatchEntry wraps DispatchStubs and provide the concrete implementation of the abstract class Entry.
+Monomorphic and mostly monomorphic call sites eventually point to DispatchStubs. Dispatch stubs
+are placed in hash and cache tables keyed by the expected Method Table and token they are built for.
+Since we are willing to allow duplicates in the hash table (as long as they are relatively rare)
+we do use direct comparison of the tokens rather than extracting the fields from within the tokens,
+for perf reasons.*/
+class DispatchEntry : public Entry
+ //Creates an entry that wraps dispatch stub s
+ DispatchEntry (size_t s)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(VirtualCallStubManager::isDispatchingStubStatic((PCODE)s));
+ stub = (DispatchStub*) s;
+ }
+ //default contructor to allow stack and inline allocation of resovler entries
+ //implementations of abstract class Entry
+ inline BOOL Equals(size_t keyA, size_t keyB)
+ { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return stub && (keyA == KeyA()) && (keyB == KeyB()); }
+ inline size_t KeyA() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return Token(); }
+ inline size_t KeyB() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return ExpectedMT();}
+ void SetContents(size_t contents)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(VirtualCallStubManager::isDispatchingStubStatic((PCODE)contents));
+ stub = DispatchHolder::FromDispatchEntry((PCODE)contents)->stub();
+ }
+ //extract the fields of the underlying dispatch stub
+ inline size_t ExpectedMT()
+ { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return stub ? (size_t)(stub->expectedMT()) : 0; }
+ size_t Token()
+ {
+ if (stub)
+ {
+ ResolveHolder * resolveHolder = ResolveHolder::FromFailEntry(stub->failTarget());
+ size_t token = resolveHolder->stub()->token();
+ _ASSERTE(token == VirtualCallStubManager::GetTokenFromStub((PCODE)stub));
+ return token;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ inline PCODE Target()
+ { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return stub ? stub->implTarget() : 0; }
+ DispatchStub* stub;
+DispatchCache is the cache table that the resolve stubs use for inline polymorphic resolution
+of a call. The cache entry is logically a triplet of (method table, token, impl address) where method table
+is the type of the calling frame's <this>, token identifies the method being invoked,
+i.e. is a (type id,slot #) pair, and impl address is the address of the method implementation.
+class DispatchCache
+ static const UINT16 INVALID_HASH = (UINT16)(-1);
+ DispatchCache();
+ //read and write the cache keyed by (method table,token) pair.
+ inline ResolveCacheElem* Lookup(size_t token, void* mt)
+ { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return Lookup(token, INVALID_HASH, mt);}
+ ResolveCacheElem* Lookup(size_t token, UINT16 tokenHash, void* mt);
+ BOOL Insert(ResolveCacheElem* elem, InsertKind insertKind);
+ void PromoteChainEntry(ResolveCacheElem* elem);
+ // This is the heavyweight hashing algorithm. Use sparingly.
+ static UINT16 HashToken(size_t token);
+ inline void GetLoadFactor(size_t *total, size_t *used)
+ {
+ size_t count = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < CALL_STUB_CACHE_SIZE; i++)
+ if (cache[i] != empty)
+ count++;
+ *used = count;
+ }
+ inline void *GetCacheBaseAddr()
+ { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return &cache[0]; }
+ inline size_t GetCacheCount()
+ inline ResolveCacheElem *GetCacheEntry(size_t idx)
+ { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return VolatileLoad(&cache[idx]); }
+ inline BOOL IsCacheEntryEmpty(size_t idx)
+ { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return cache[idx] == empty; }
+ inline void SetCacheEntry(size_t idx, ResolveCacheElem *elem)
+ {
+ cacheData[idx].numWrites++;
+ CONSISTENCY_CHECK(m_writeLock.OwnedByCurrentThread());
+ cache[idx] = elem;
+ }
+ inline void ClearCacheEntry(size_t idx)
+ {
+ cacheData[idx].numClears++;
+ cache[idx] = empty;
+ }
+ struct
+ {
+ UINT32 insert_cache_external; //# of times Insert was called for IK_EXTERNAL
+ UINT32 insert_cache_shared; //# of times Insert was called for IK_SHARED
+ UINT32 insert_cache_dispatch; //# of times Insert was called for IK_DISPATCH
+ UINT32 insert_cache_resolve; //# of times Insert was called for IK_RESOLVE
+ UINT32 insert_cache_hit; //# of times Insert found an empty cache entry
+ UINT32 insert_cache_miss; //# of times Insert already had a matching cache entry
+ UINT32 insert_cache_collide; //# of times Insert found a used cache entry
+ UINT32 insert_cache_write; //# of times Insert wrote a cache entry
+ } stats;
+ void LogStats();
+ // Unlocked iterator of entries. Use only when read/write access to the cache
+ // is safe. This would typically be at GC sync points, currently needed during
+ // appdomain unloading.
+ class Iterator
+ {
+ public:
+ Iterator(DispatchCache *pCache);
+ inline BOOL IsValid()
+ { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return (m_curBucket < (INT32)m_pCache->GetCacheCount()); }
+ void Next();
+ // Unlink the current entry.
+ // **NOTE** Using this method implicitly performs a call to Next to move
+ // past the unlinked entry. Thus, one could accidentally skip
+ // entries unless you take this into consideration.
+ ResolveCacheElem *UnlinkEntry();
+ inline ResolveCacheElem *Entry()
+ private:
+ void NextValidBucket();
+ inline void NextBucket()
+ { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_curBucket++; m_ppCurElem = &m_pCache->cache[m_curBucket]; }
+ DispatchCache *m_pCache;
+ INT32 m_curBucket;
+ ResolveCacheElem **m_ppCurElem;
+ };
+ Crst m_writeLock;
+ //the following hash computation is also inlined in the resolve stub in asm (SO NO TOUCHIE)
+ inline static UINT16 HashMT(UINT16 tokenHash, void* mt)
+ {
+ UINT16 hash;
+ size_t mtHash = (size_t) mt;
+ mtHash = (((mtHash >> CALL_STUB_CACHE_NUM_BITS) + mtHash) >> LOG2_PTRSIZE) & CALL_STUB_CACHE_MASK;
+ hash = (UINT16) mtHash;
+ hash ^= (tokenHash & CALL_STUB_CACHE_MASK);
+ return hash;
+ }
+ ResolveCacheElem* cache[CALL_STUB_CACHE_SIZE]; //must be first
+ ResolveCacheElem* empty; //empty entry, initialized to fail all comparisons
+ struct CacheEntryData {
+ UINT32 numWrites;
+ UINT16 numClears;
+ };
+ CacheEntryData cacheData[CALL_STUB_CACHE_SIZE];
+#endif // STUB_LOGGING
+The hash tables are accessed via instances of the Prober. Prober is a probe into a bucket
+of the hash table, and therefore has an index which is the current probe position.
+It includes a count of the number of probes done in that bucket so far and a stride
+to step thru the bucket with. To do comparisons, it has a reference to an entry with which
+it can do comparisons (Equals(...)) of the entries (stubs) inside the hash table. It also has
+the key pair (keyA, keyB) that it is looking for.
+Typically, an entry of the appropriate type is created on the stack and then the prober is created passing
+in a reference to the entry. The prober is used for a complete operation, such as look for and find an
+entry (stub), creating and inserting it as necessary.
+The initial index and the stride are orthogonal hashes of the key pair, i.e. we are doing a varient of
+double hashing. When we initialize the prober (see FormHash below) we set the initial probe based on
+one hash. The stride (used as a modulo addition of the probe position) is based on a different hash and
+is such that it will vist every location in the bucket before repeating. Hence it is imperative that
+the bucket size and the stride be relative prime wrt each other. We have chosen to make bucket sizes
+a power of 2, so we force stride to be odd.
+Note -- it must be assumed that multiple probers are walking the same tables and buckets at the same time.
+Additionally, the counts may not be accurate, and there may be duplicates in the tables. Since the tables
+do not allow concurrrent deletion, some of the concurrency issues are ameliorated.
+class Prober
+ friend class FastTable;
+ friend class BucketTable;
+ Prober(Entry* e) {LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; comparer = e;}
+ //find the requested entry, if not there return CALL_STUB_EMPTY_ENTRY
+ size_t Find();
+ //add the entry into the bucket, if it is not already in the bucket.
+ //return the entry actually in the bucket (existing or added)
+ size_t Add(size_t entry);
+ //return the bucket (FastTable*) that the prober is currently walking
+ inline size_t* items() {LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return &base[-CALL_STUB_FIRST_INDEX];}
+ //are there more probes possible, or have we probed everything in the bucket
+ inline BOOL NoMore() {LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return probes>mask;} //both probes and mask are (-1)
+ //advance the probe to a new place in the bucket
+ inline BOOL Next()
+ {
+ index = (index + stride) & mask;
+ probes++;
+ return !NoMore();
+ }
+ inline size_t Read()
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(base);
+ return VolatileLoad(&base[index]);
+ }
+ //initialize a prober across a bucket (table) for the specified keys.
+ void InitProber(size_t key1, size_t key2, size_t* table);
+ //set up the initial index and stride and probe count
+ inline void FormHash()
+ {
+ probes = 0;
+ //these two hash functions have not been formally measured for effectiveness
+ //but they are at least orthogonal
+ size_t a = ((keyA>>16) + keyA);
+ size_t b = ((keyB>>16) ^ keyB);
+ index = (((a*CALL_STUB_HASH_CONST1)>>4)+((b*CALL_STUB_HASH_CONST2)>>4)+CALL_STUB_HASH_CONST1) & mask;
+ stride = ((a+(b*CALL_STUB_HASH_CONST1)+CALL_STUB_HASH_CONST2) | 1) & mask;
+ }
+ //atomically grab an empty slot so we can insert a new entry into the bucket
+ BOOL GrabEntry(size_t entryValue);
+ size_t keyA; //key pair we are looking for
+ size_t keyB;
+ size_t* base; //we have our own pointer to the bucket, so races don't matter.
+ // We won't care if we do the lookup in an
+ // outdated bucket (has grown out from under us).
+ // All that will happen is possibly dropping an entry
+ // on the floor or adding a duplicate.
+ size_t index; //current probe point in the bucket
+ size_t stride; //amount to step on each successive probe, must be relatively prime wrt the bucket size
+ size_t mask; //size of bucket - 1
+ size_t probes; //number probes - 1
+ Entry* comparer;//used to compare an entry against the sought after key pair
+FastTable is used to implement the buckets of a BucketTable, a bucketized hash table. A FastTable is
+an array of entries (contents). The first two slots of contents store the size-1 and count of entries
+actually in the FastTable. Note that the count may be inaccurate and there may be duplicates. Careful
+attention must be paid to eliminate the need for interlocked or serialized or locked operations in face
+of concurrency.
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable : 4200) // disable zero-sized array warning
+#endif // _MSC_VER
+class FastTable
+ friend class BucketTable;
+ //initialize a prober for the specified keys.
+ inline BOOL SetUpProber(size_t keyA, size_t keyB, Prober* probe)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(probe);
+ _ASSERTE(contents);
+ probe->InitProber(keyA, keyB, &contents[0]);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ //find the requested entry (keys of prober), if not there return CALL_STUB_EMPTY_ENTRY
+ size_t Find(Prober* probe);
+ //add the entry, if it is not already there. Probe is used to search.
+ //Return the entry actually containted (existing or added)
+ size_t Add(size_t entry, Prober* probe);
+ void IncrementCount();
+ // Create a FastTable with space for numberOfEntries. Please note that this method
+ // does not throw on OOM. **YOU MUST CHECK FOR NULL RETURN**
+ static FastTable* MakeTable(size_t numberOfEntries)
+ {
+ size_t size = CALL_STUB_MIN_ENTRIES;
+ while (size < numberOfEntries) {size = size<<1;}
+// if (size == CALL_STUB_MIN_ENTRIES)
+// size += 3;
+ size_t* bucket = new size_t[(sizeof(FastTable)/sizeof(size_t))+size+CALL_STUB_FIRST_INDEX];
+ FastTable* table = new (bucket) FastTable();
+ table->InitializeContents(size);
+ return table;
+ }
+ //Initialize as empty
+ void InitializeContents(size_t size)
+ {
+ memset(&contents[0], CALL_STUB_EMPTY_ENTRY, (size+CALL_STUB_FIRST_INDEX)*sizeof(BYTE*));
+ contents[CALL_STUB_MASK_INDEX] = size-1;
+ }
+ inline size_t tableMask() {LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (size_t) (contents[CALL_STUB_MASK_INDEX]);}
+ inline size_t tableSize() {LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return tableMask()+1;}
+ inline size_t tableCount() {LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (size_t) (contents[CALL_STUB_COUNT_INDEX]);}
+ inline BOOL isFull()
+ {
+ return (tableCount()+1) * 100 / CALL_STUB_LOAD_FACTOR >= tableSize();
+ }
+ //we store (size-1) in bucket[CALL_STUB_MASK_INDEX==0],
+ //we store the used count in bucket[CALL_STUB_COUNT_INDEX==1],
+ //we have an unused cell to use as a temp at bucket[CALL_STUB_DEAD_LINK==2],
+ //and the table starts at bucket[CALL_STUB_FIRST_INDEX==3],
+ size_t contents[];
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(pop)
+BucketTable is a bucketized hash table. It uses FastTables for its buckets. The hash tables
+used by the VirtualCallStubManager are BucketTables. The number of buckets is fixed at the time
+the table is created. The actual buckets are allocated as needed, and grow as necessary. The reason
+for using buckets is primarily to reduce the cost of growing, since only a single bucket is actually
+grown at any given time. Since the hash tables are accessed infrequently, the load factor that
+controls growth is quite high (90%). Since we use hashing to pick the bucket, and we use hashing to
+lookup inside the bucket, it is important that the hashing function used here is orthogonal to the ones
+used in the buckets themselves (see FastTable::FormHash).
+class BucketTable
+ BucketTable(size_t numberOfBuckets)
+ {
+ size_t size = CALL_STUB_MIN_BUCKETS;
+ while (size < numberOfBuckets) {size = size<<1;}
+ buckets = AllocateBuckets(size);
+ // Initialize statistics counters
+ memset(&stats, 0, sizeof(stats));
+ }
+ ~BucketTable()
+ {
+ if(buckets != NULL)
+ {
+ size_t size = bucketCount()+CALL_STUB_FIRST_INDEX;
+ for(size_t ix = CALL_STUB_FIRST_INDEX; ix < size; ix++) delete (FastTable*)(buckets[ix]);
+ delete buckets;
+ }
+ }
+ //initialize a prober for the specified keys.
+ BOOL SetUpProber(size_t keyA, size_t keyB, Prober *prober);
+ //find the requested entry (keys of prober), if not there return CALL_STUB_EMPTY_ENTRY
+ inline size_t Find(Prober* probe) {WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return probe->Find();}
+ //add the entry, if it is not already there. Probe is used to search.
+ size_t Add(size_t entry, Prober* probe);
+ //reclaim abandoned buckets. Buckets are abaondoned when they need to grow.
+ //needs to be called inside a gc sync point.
+ static void Reclaim();
+ struct
+ {
+ UINT32 bucket_space; //# of bytes in caches and tables, not including the stubs themselves
+ UINT32 bucket_space_dead; //# of bytes of abandoned buckets not yet recycled.
+ } stats;
+ void LogStats();
+ inline size_t bucketMask() {LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (size_t) (buckets[CALL_STUB_MASK_INDEX]);}
+ inline size_t bucketCount() {LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return bucketMask()+1;}
+ inline size_t ComputeBucketIndex(size_t keyA, size_t keyB)
+ {
+ size_t a = ((keyA>>16) + keyA);
+ size_t b = ((keyB>>16) ^ keyB);
+ }
+ //grows the bucket referenced by probe.
+ BOOL GetMoreSpace(const Prober* probe);
+ //creates storage in which to store references to the buckets
+ static size_t* AllocateBuckets(size_t size)
+ {
+ size_t* buckets = new size_t[size+CALL_STUB_FIRST_INDEX];
+ if (buckets != NULL)
+ {
+ memset(&buckets[0], CALL_STUB_EMPTY_ENTRY, (size+CALL_STUB_FIRST_INDEX)*sizeof(void*));
+ buckets[CALL_STUB_MASK_INDEX] = size-1;
+ }
+ return buckets;
+ }
+ inline size_t Read(size_t index)
+ {
+ return VolatileLoad(&buckets[index]);
+ }
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(disable: 4267) //work-around for the compiler
+ inline void Write(size_t index, size_t value)
+ {
+ VolatileStore(&buckets[index], value);
+ }
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(default: 4267)
+ // We store (#buckets-1) in bucket[CALL_STUB_MASK_INDEX ==0]
+ // We have two unused cells at bucket[CALL_STUB_COUNT_INDEX ==1]
+ // and bucket[CALL_STUB_DEAD_LINK ==2]
+ // and the table starts at bucket[CALL_STUB_FIRST_INDEX ==3]
+ // the number of elements is bucket[CALL_STUB_MASK_INDEX]+CALL_STUB_FIRST_INDEX
+ size_t* buckets;
+ static FastTable* dead; //linked list head of to be deleted (abandoned) buckets
+#endif // !_VIRTUAL_CALL_STUB_H