path: root/src/vm/util.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/vm/util.hpp')
1 files changed, 1382 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/vm/util.hpp b/src/vm/util.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d81eedb0df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vm/util.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1382 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// util.hpp
+// Miscellaneous useful functions
+#ifndef _H_UTIL
+#define _H_UTIL
+#define MAX_UINT32_HEX_CHAR_LEN 8 // max number of chars representing an unsigned int32, not including terminating null char.
+#define MAX_INT32_DECIMAL_CHAR_LEN 11 // max number of chars representing an int32, including sign, not including terminating null char.
+#include "utilcode.h"
+#include "metadata.h"
+#include "holderinst.h"
+#include "clrdata.h"
+#include "xclrdata.h"
+#include "posterror.h"
+#include "clr_std/type_traits"
+// Prevent the use of UtilMessageBox and WszMessageBox from inside the EE.
+#undef UtilMessageBoxCatastrophic
+#undef UtilMessageBoxCatastrophicNonLocalized
+#undef UtilMessageBoxCatastrophic
+#undef UtilMessageBoxCatastrophicNonLocalizedVA
+#undef UtilMessageBox
+#undef UtilMessageBoxNonLocalized
+#undef UtilMessageBoxVA
+#undef UtilMessageBoxNonLocalizedVA
+#undef WszMessageBox
+#define UtilMessageBoxCatastrophic __error("Use one of the EEMessageBox APIs (defined in eemessagebox.h) from inside the EE")
+#define UtilMessageBoxCatastrophicNonLocalized __error("Use one of the EEMessageBox APIs (defined in eemessagebox.h) from inside the EE")
+#define UtilMessageBoxCatastrophicVA __error("Use one of the EEMessageBox APIs (defined in eemessagebox.h) from inside the EE")
+#define UtilMessageBoxCatastrophicNonLocalizedVA __error("Use one of the EEMessageBox APIs (defined in eemessagebox.h) from inside the EE")
+#define UtilMessageBox __error("Use one of the EEMessageBox APIs (defined in eemessagebox.h) from inside the EE")
+#define UtilMessageBoxNonLocalized __error("Use one of the EEMessageBox APIs (defined in eemessagebox.h) from inside the EE")
+#define UtilMessageBoxVA __error("Use one of the EEMessageBox APIs (defined in eemessagebox.h) from inside the EE")
+#define UtilMessageBoxNonLocalizedVA __error("Use one of the EEMessageBox APIs (defined in eemessagebox.h) from inside the EE")
+#define WszMessageBox __error("Use one of the EEMessageBox APIs (defined in eemessagebox.h) from inside the EE")
+// More convenient names for integer types of a guaranteed size.
+typedef __int8 I1;
+typedef ArrayDPTR(I1) PTR_I1;
+typedef unsigned __int8 U1;
+typedef __int16 I2;
+typedef unsigned __int16 U2;
+typedef __int32 I4;
+typedef unsigned __int32 U4;
+typedef __int64 I8;
+typedef unsigned __int64 U8;
+typedef float R4;
+typedef double R8;
+// Forward the FastInterlock methods to the matching Win32 APIs. They are implemented
+// using compiler intrinsics so they are as fast as they can possibly be.
+// these don't have corresponding compiler intrinsics
+#define FastInterlockIncrement(a) (++(*a))
+#define FastInterlockDecrement(a) (--(*a))
+#define FastInterlockOr(a, b) (*a |= (DWORD)b)
+#define FastInterlockAnd(a, b) (*a &= (DWORD)b)
+#define FastInterlockIncrementLong(a) (++(*a))
+#define FastInterlockDecrementLong(a) (--(*a))
+#define FastInterlockOrLong(a, b) (*a |= (UINT64)b)
+#define FastInterlockAndLong(a, b) (*a &= (UINT64)b)
+#define FastInterlockCompareExchange InterlockedCompareExchange
+#define FastInterlockCompareExchangePointer InterlockedCompareExchangeT
+// these DO have corresponding compiler intrinsics
+#define FastInterlockIncrement InterlockedIncrement
+#define FastInterlockDecrement InterlockedDecrement
+#define FastInterlockExchange InterlockedExchange
+#define FastInterlockCompareExchange InterlockedCompareExchange
+#define FastInterlockExchangeAdd InterlockedExchangeAdd
+#define FastInterlockExchangeLong InterlockedExchange64
+#define FastInterlockCompareExchangeLong InterlockedCompareExchange64
+#define FastInterlockExchangeAddLong InterlockedExchangeAdd64
+// Forward FastInterlock[Compare]ExchangePointer to the
+// Utilcode Interlocked[Compare]ExchangeT.
+#define FastInterlockExchangePointer InterlockedExchangeT
+#define FastInterlockCompareExchangePointer InterlockedCompareExchangeT
+FORCEINLINE void FastInterlockOr(DWORD RAW_KEYWORD(volatile) *p, const int msk)
+ InterlockedOr((LONG *)p, msk);
+FORCEINLINE void FastInterlockAnd(DWORD RAW_KEYWORD(volatile) *p, const int msk)
+ InterlockedAnd((LONG *)p, msk);
+#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
+// Copied from malloc.h: don't want to bring in the whole header file.
+void * __cdecl _alloca(size_t);
+#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+// Suppress prefast warning #6255: alloca indicates failure by raising a stack overflow exception
+#pragma warning(disable:6255)
+#endif // _PREFAST_
+// Function to parse apart a command line and return the
+// arguments just like argv and argc
+LPWSTR* CommandLineToArgvW(__in LPWSTR lpCmdLine, DWORD *pNumArgs);
+#define ISWWHITE(x) ((x)==W(' ') || (x)==W('\t') || (x)==W('\n') || (x)==W('\r') )
+BOOL inline FitsInI1(__int64 val)
+ return val == (__int64)(__int8)val;
+BOOL inline FitsInI2(__int64 val)
+ return val == (__int64)(__int16)val;
+BOOL inline FitsInI4(__int64 val)
+ return val == (__int64)(__int32)val;
+BOOL inline FitsInU1(unsigned __int64 val)
+ return val == (unsigned __int64)(unsigned __int8)val;
+BOOL inline FitsInU2(unsigned __int64 val)
+ return val == (unsigned __int64)(unsigned __int16)val;
+BOOL inline FitsInU4(unsigned __int64 val)
+ return val == (unsigned __int64)(unsigned __int32)val;
+// returns FALSE if overflows 15 bits: otherwise, (*pa) is incremented by b
+BOOL inline SafeAddUINT15(UINT16 *pa, ULONG b)
+ UINT16 a = *pa;
+ // first check if overflows 16 bits
+ if ( ((UINT16)b) != b )
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // now make sure that doesn't overflow 15 bits
+ if (((ULONG)a + b) > 0x00007FFF)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ (*pa) += (UINT16)b;
+ return TRUE;
+// returns FALSE if overflows 16 bits: otherwise, (*pa) is incremented by b
+BOOL inline SafeAddUINT16(UINT16 *pa, ULONG b)
+ UINT16 a = *pa;
+ if ( ((UINT16)b) != b )
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // now make sure that doesn't overflow 16 bits
+ if (((ULONG)a + b) > 0x0000FFFF)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ (*pa) += (UINT16)b;
+ return TRUE;
+// returns FALSE if overflow: otherwise, (*pa) is incremented by b
+BOOL inline SafeAddUINT32(UINT32 *pa, UINT32 b)
+ UINT32 a = *pa;
+ if ( ((UINT32)(a + b)) < a)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ (*pa) += b;
+ return TRUE;
+// returns FALSE if overflow: otherwise, (*pa) is incremented by b
+BOOL inline SafeAddULONG(ULONG *pa, ULONG b)
+ ULONG a = *pa;
+ if ( ((ULONG)(a + b)) < a)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ (*pa) += b;
+ return TRUE;
+// returns FALSE if overflow: otherwise, (*pa) is multiplied by b
+BOOL inline SafeMulSIZE_T(SIZE_T *pa, SIZE_T b)
+#ifdef _DEBUG_IMPL
+ {
+ //Make sure SIZE_T is unsigned
+ SIZE_T m = ((SIZE_T)(-1));
+ SIZE_T z = 0;
+ _ASSERTE(m > z);
+ }
+ SIZE_T a = *pa;
+ const SIZE_T m = ((SIZE_T)(-1));
+ if ( (m / b) < a )
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ (*pa) *= b;
+ return TRUE;
+// CQuickHeap
+// A fast non-multithread-safe heap for short term use.
+// Destroying the heap frees all blocks allocated from the heap.
+// Blocks cannot be freed individually.
+// The heap uses COM+ exceptions to report errors.
+// The heap does not use any internal synchronization so it is not
+// multithreadsafe.
+class CQuickHeap
+ public:
+ CQuickHeap();
+ ~CQuickHeap();
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Allocates a block of "sz" bytes. If there's not enough
+ // memory, throws an OutOfMemoryError.
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------
+ LPVOID Alloc(UINT sz);
+ private:
+ enum {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ kBlockSize = 24
+ kBlockSize = 1024
+ };
+ // The QuickHeap allocates QuickBlock's as needed and chains
+ // them in a single-linked list. Most QuickBlocks have a size
+ // of kBlockSize bytes (not counting m_next), and individual
+ // allocation requests are suballocated from them.
+ // Allocation requests of greater than kBlockSize are satisfied
+ // by allocating a special big QuickBlock of the right size.
+ struct QuickBlock
+ {
+ QuickBlock *m_next;
+ BYTE m_bytes[1];
+ };
+ // Linked list of QuickBlock's.
+ QuickBlock *m_pFirstQuickBlock;
+ // Offset to next available byte in m_pFirstQuickBlock.
+ LPBYTE m_pNextFree;
+ // Linked list of big QuickBlock's
+ QuickBlock *m_pFirstBigQuickBlock;
+// String Helpers
+ULONG StringHashValueW(__in LPWSTR wzString);
+ULONG StringHashValueA(LPCSTR szString);
+void PrintToStdOutA(const char *pszString);
+void PrintToStdOutW(const WCHAR *pwzString);
+void PrintToStdErrA(const char *pszString);
+void PrintToStdErrW(const WCHAR *pwzString);
+void NPrintToStdOutA(const char *pszString, size_t nbytes);
+void NPrintToStdOutW(const WCHAR *pwzString, size_t nchars);
+void NPrintToStdErrA(const char *pszString, size_t nbytes);
+void NPrintToStdErrW(const WCHAR *pwzString, size_t nchars);
+// Function for formatted text output to the debugger
+void __cdecl VMDebugOutputA(__in LPSTR format, ...);
+void __cdecl VMDebugOutputW(__in LPWSTR format, ...);
+// VM-safe wrapper for PostError.
+HRESULT VMPostError( // Returned error.
+ HRESULT hrRpt, // Reported error.
+ ...); // Error arguments.
+// Displays the messaage box or logs the message, corresponding to the last COM+ error occurred
+void VMDumpCOMErrors(HRESULT hrErr);
+HRESULT LoadMscorsn();
+#include "nativevaraccessors.h"
+#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
+HRESULT WszSHGetFolderPath(HWND hwndOwner, int nFolder, HANDLE hToken, DWORD dwFlags, size_t cchPath, __out_ecount(MAX_LONGPATH) LPWSTR pszwPath);
+HRESULT WszShellExecute(HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR lpOperation, LPCTSTR lpFile, LPCTSTR lpParameters, LPCTSTR lpDirectory, INT nShowCmd);
+#include "shellapi.h"
+#endif // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE
+#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
+BOOL GetUserDir(__out_ecount(bufferCount) WCHAR * buffer, size_t bufferCount, BOOL fRoaming);
+BOOL GetInternetCacheDir(__out_ecount(bufferCount) WCHAR * buffer, size_t bufferCount );
+HRESULT GetUserSidString (HANDLE hToken, __deref_out LPWSTR *wszSid);
+BOOL IsUserProfileLoaded();
+// Stack friendly registry helpers
+LONG UtilRegEnumKey(HKEY hKey, // handle to key to query
+ DWORD dwIndex, // index of subkey to query
+ CQuickWSTR* lpName);// buffer for subkey name
+LONG UtilRegQueryStringValueEx(HKEY hKey, // handle to key to query
+ LPCWSTR lpValueName, // address of name of value to query
+ LPDWORD lpReserved, // reserved
+ LPDWORD lpType, // address of buffer for value type
+ CQuickWSTR* lpData);// data buffer
+// Event logging
+BOOL ReportEventCLR (
+ IN WORD wType, // Event type - warning, error, success, etc
+ IN WORD wCategory, // Event category
+ IN DWORD dwEventID, // Event identifier (defined in shimr\
+ IN PSID lpUserSid, // user's security identifier
+ IN SString * message // message to log
+ );
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// GCX macros
+// These are the normal way to change or assert the GC mode of a thread. They handle
+// the required stack discipline in mode switches with an autodestructor which
+// automatically triggers on leaving the current scope.
+// Usage:
+// GCX_COOP(); Switch to cooperative mode, assume thread is setup
+// GCX_PREEMP(); Switch to preemptive mode, NOP if no thread setup
+// GCX_COOP_THREAD_EXISTS(Thread*); Fast switch to cooperative mode, must pass non-null Thread
+// GCX_PREEMP_THREAD_EXISTS(Thread*); Fast switch to preemptive mode, must pass non-null Thread
+// (There is an intentional asymmetry between GCX_COOP and GCX_PREEMP. GCX_COOP
+// asserts if you call it without having a Thread setup. GCX_PREEMP becomes a NOP.
+// This is because all unmanaged threads are effectively preemp.)
+// (There is actually one more case here - an "EE worker thread" such as the debugger
+// thread or GC thread, which we don't want to call SetupThread() on, but which is
+// effectively in cooperative mode due to explicit cooperation with the collector.
+// This case is not handled by these macros; the current working assumption is that
+// such threads never use them. But at some point we may have to consider
+// this case if there is utility code which is called from those threads.)
+// GCX_MAYBE_*(BOOL); Same as above, but only do the switch if BOOL is TRUE.
+// GCX_ASSERT_*(); Same as above, but assert mode rather than switch to mode.
+// Note that assert is applied during backout as well.
+// No overhead in a free build.
+// GCX_FORBID(); Add "ForbidGC" semantics to a cooperative mode situation.
+// Asserts that the thread will not trigger a GC or
+// reach a GC-safe point, or call anything that might
+// do one of these things.
+// GCX_NOTRIGGER(); "ForbidGC" without the automatic assertion for coop mode.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class AutoCleanupGCAssert;
+class GCAssert;
+typedef AutoCleanupGCAssert<TRUE> AutoCleanupGCAssertCoop;
+typedef AutoCleanupGCAssert<FALSE> AutoCleanupGCAssertPreemp;
+typedef GCAssert<TRUE> GCAssertCoop;
+typedef GCAssert<FALSE> GCAssertPreemp;
+#if !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) && !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE)
+#define GCX_COOP() GCCoop __gcHolder("GCX_COOP", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define GCX_COOP_NO_DTOR() GCCoopNoDtor __gcHolder; __gcHolder.Enter(TRUE, "GCX_COOP_NO_DTOR", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define GCX_COOP_NO_DTOR_END() __gcHolder.Leave();
+#define GCX_COOP() GCCoop __gcHolder
+#define GCX_COOP_NO_DTOR() GCCoopNoDtor __gcHolder; __gcHolder.Enter(TRUE)
+#define GCX_COOP_NO_DTOR_END() __gcHolder.Leave();
+#define GCX_PREEMP() GCPreemp __gcHolder("GCX_PREEMP", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define GCX_PREEMP_NO_DTOR() GCPreempNoDtor __gcHolder; __gcHolder.Enter(TRUE, "GCX_PREEMP_NO_DTOR", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define GCX_PREEMP_NO_DTOR_HAVE_THREAD(curThreadNullOk) GCPreempNoDtor __gcHolder; __gcHolder.Enter(curThreadNullOk, TRUE, "GCX_PREEMP_NO_DTOR_HAVE_THREAD", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define GCX_PREEMP_NO_DTOR_END() __gcHolder.Leave();
+#define GCX_PREEMP() GCPreemp __gcHolder
+#define GCX_PREEMP_NO_DTOR_HAVE_THREAD(curThreadNullOk) GCPreempNoDtor __gcHolder; __gcHolder.Enter(curThreadNullOk, TRUE)
+#define GCX_PREEMP_NO_DTOR() GCPreempNoDtor __gcHolder; __gcHolder.Enter(TRUE)
+#define GCX_PREEMP_NO_DTOR_END() __gcHolder.Leave()
+#define GCX_COOP_THREAD_EXISTS(curThread) GCCoopThreadExists __gcHolder((curThread), "GCX_COOP_THREAD_EXISTS", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define GCX_COOP_THREAD_EXISTS(curThread) GCCoopThreadExists __gcHolder((curThread))
+#define GCX_PREEMP_THREAD_EXISTS(curThread) GCPreempThreadExists __gcHolder((curThread), "GCX_PREEMP_THREAD_EXISTS", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define GCX_PREEMP_THREAD_EXISTS(curThread) GCPreempThreadExists __gcHolder((curThread))
+#define GCX_MAYBE_COOP(_cond) GCCoop __gcHolder(_cond, "GCX_MAYBE_COOP", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define GCX_MAYBE_COOP_NO_DTOR(_cond) GCCoopNoDtor __gcHolder; __gcHolder.Enter(_cond, "GCX_MAYBE_COOP_NO_DTOR", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define GCX_MAYBE_COOP_NO_DTOR_END() __gcHolder.Leave();
+#define GCX_MAYBE_COOP(_cond) GCCoop __gcHolder(_cond)
+#define GCX_MAYBE_COOP_NO_DTOR(_cond) GCCoopNoDtor __gcHolder; __gcHolder.Enter(_cond)
+#define GCX_MAYBE_COOP_NO_DTOR_END() __gcHolder.Leave();
+#define GCX_MAYBE_PREEMP(_cond) GCPreemp __gcHolder(_cond, "GCX_MAYBE_PREEMP", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define GCX_MAYBE_PREEMP_NO_DTOR(_cond) GCPreempNoDtor __gcHolder; __gcHolder.Enter(_cond, "GCX_MAYBE_PREEMP_NO_DTOR", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define GCX_MAYBE_PREEMP_NO_DTOR_END() __gcHolder.Leave();
+#define GCX_MAYBE_PREEMP(_cond) GCPreemp __gcHolder(_cond)
+#define GCX_MAYBE_PREEMP_NO_DTOR(_cond) GCPreempNoDtor __gcHolder; __gcHolder.Enter(_cond)
+#define GCX_MAYBE_PREEMP_NO_DTOR_END() __gcHolder.Leave()
+#define GCX_MAYBE_COOP_THREAD_EXISTS(curThread, _cond) GCCoopThreadExists __gcHolder((curThread), (_cond), "GCX_MAYBE_COOP_THREAD_EXISTS", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define GCX_MAYBE_COOP_THREAD_EXISTS(curThread, _cond) GCCoopThreadExists __gcHolder((curThread), (_cond))
+#define GCX_MAYBE_PREEMP_THREAD_EXISTS(curThread, _cond) GCPreempThreadExists __gcHolder((curThread), (_cond), "GCX_MAYBE_PREEMP_THREAD_EXISTS", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define GCX_MAYBE_PREEMP_THREAD_EXISTS(curThread, _cond) GCPreempThreadExists __gcHolder((curThread), (_cond))
+// This has a potential race with the GC thread. It is currently
+// used for a few cases where (a) we potentially haven't started up the EE yet, or
+// (b) we are on a "special thread".
+#define GCX_COOP_NO_THREAD_BROKEN() GCCoopHackNoThread __gcHolder
+#define GCX_MAYBE_COOP_NO_THREAD_BROKEN(_cond) GCCoopHackNoThread __gcHolder(_cond, "GCX_MAYBE_COOP_NO_THREAD_BROKEN", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define GCX_MAYBE_COOP_NO_THREAD_BROKEN(_cond) GCCoopHackNoThread __gcHolder(_cond)
+#else // !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) && !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE)
+#define GCX_COOP()
+#define GCX_COOP_NO_DTOR()
+#define GCX_PREEMP()
+#define GCX_PREEMP_NO_DTOR_HAVE_THREAD(curThreadNullOk)
+#define GCX_MAYBE_PREEMP(_cond)
+#define GCX_PREEMP_THREAD_EXISTS(curThread)
+#define GCX_COOP_THREAD_EXISTS(curThread)
+#define GCX_POP()
+#endif // !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) && !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE)
+#if defined(_DEBUG_IMPL) && !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE)
+#define GCX_ASSERT_PREEMP() ::AutoCleanupGCAssertPreemp __gcHolder
+#define GCX_ASSERT_COOP() ::AutoCleanupGCAssertCoop __gcHolder
+ { \
+ GCAssertCoop __gcHolder; \
+ __gcHolder.BeginGCAssert()
+ __gcHolder.EndGCAssert(); \
+ }
+ { \
+ GCAssertPreemp __gcHolder; \
+ __gcHolder.BeginGCAssert()
+ __gcHolder.EndGCAssert(); \
+ }
+#define GCX_ASSERT_COOP()
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ }
+#define GCX_FORBID() ::GCForbid __gcForbidHolder(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define GCX_NOTRIGGER() ::GCNoTrigger __gcNoTriggerHolder(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define GCX_MAYBE_FORBID(fConditional) ::GCForbid __gcForbidHolder(fConditional, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define GCX_MAYBE_NOTRIGGER(fConditional) ::GCNoTrigger __gcNoTriggerHolder(fConditional, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define GCX_FORBID()
+#define GCX_NOTRIGGER()
+#define GCX_MAYBE_FORBID(fConditional)
+#define GCX_MAYBE_NOTRIGGER(fConditional)
+typedef BOOL (*FnLockOwner)(LPVOID);
+struct LockOwner
+ LPVOID lock;
+ FnLockOwner lockOwnerFunc;
+// this is the standard lockowner for things that require a lock owner but which really don't
+// need any validation due to their simple/safe semantics
+// the classic example of this is a hash table that is initialized and then never grows
+extern LockOwner g_lockTrustMeIAmThreadSafe;
+// The OS ThreadId is not a stable ID for a thread we a host uses fiber instead of Thread.
+// For each managed Thread, we have a stable and unique id in Thread object. For other threads,
+// e.g. Server GC or Concurrent GC thread, debugger helper thread, we do not have a Thread object,
+// and we use OS ThreadId to identify them since they are not managed by a host.
+class EEThreadId
+ void *m_FiberPtrId;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ EEThreadId()
+ : m_FiberPtrId(NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ void SetToCurrentThread()
+ {
+ m_FiberPtrId = ClrTeb::GetFiberPtrId();
+ }
+ bool IsCurrentThread() const
+ {
+ return (m_FiberPtrId == ClrTeb::GetFiberPtrId());
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ bool IsUnknown() const
+ {
+ return m_FiberPtrId == NULL;
+ }
+ void Clear()
+ {
+ m_FiberPtrId = NULL;
+ }
+#define CLRTASKHOSTED 0x2
+#define CLRSYNCHOSTED 0x4
+#define CLRGCHOSTED 0x40
+#define CLRHOSTED 0x80000000
+GVAL_DECL(DWORD, g_fHostConfig);
+inline BOOL CLRHosted()
+ return g_fHostConfig;
+inline BOOL CLRMemoryHosted()
+ return g_fHostConfig&CLRMEMORYHOSTED;
+inline BOOL CLRTaskHosted()
+ // !!! Can not use contract here.
+ // !!! This function is called by Thread::DetachThread after we free TLS memory.
+ // !!! Contract will recreate TLS memory.
+ return g_fHostConfig&CLRTASKHOSTED;
+inline BOOL CLRSyncHosted()
+ return g_fHostConfig&CLRSYNCHOSTED;
+inline BOOL CLRThreadpoolHosted()
+ return g_fHostConfig&CLRTHREADPOOLHOSTED;
+inline BOOL CLRIoCompletionHosted()
+inline BOOL CLRAssemblyHosted()
+ return g_fHostConfig&CLRASSEMBLYHOSTED;
+inline BOOL CLRGCHosted()
+ return g_fHostConfig&CLRGCHOSTED;
+inline BOOL CLRSecurityHosted()
+ return g_fHostConfig&CLRSECURITYHOSTED;
+inline BOOL CLRMemoryHosted()
+ return FALSE;
+inline BOOL CLRTaskHosted()
+ return FALSE;
+inline BOOL CLRSyncHosted()
+ return FALSE;
+inline BOOL CLRThreadpoolHosted()
+ return FALSE;
+inline BOOL CLRIoCompletionHosted()
+ return FALSE;
+inline BOOL CLRAssemblyHosted()
+ return FALSE;
+inline BOOL CLRGCHosted()
+ return FALSE;
+inline BOOL CLRSecurityHosted()
+ return FALSE;
+#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
+HMODULE CLRGetModuleHandle(LPCWSTR lpModuleFileName);
+// Equivalent to CLRGetModuleHandle(NULL) but doesn't have the INJECT_FAULT contract associated
+// with CLRGetModuleHandle.
+HMODULE CLRGetCurrentModuleHandle();
+HMODULE CLRLoadLibraryEx(LPCWSTR lpLibFileName, HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFlags);
+#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
+HMODULE CLRLoadLibrary(LPCWSTR lpLibFileName);
+BOOL CLRFreeLibrary(HMODULE hModule);
+VOID CLRFreeLibraryAndExitThread(HMODULE hModule, DWORD dwExitCode);
+ IN HANDLE hFileMappingObject,
+ IN DWORD dwDesiredAccess,
+ IN DWORD dwFileOffsetHigh,
+ IN DWORD dwFileOffsetLow,
+ IN SIZE_T dwNumberOfBytesToMap,
+ IN LPVOID lpBaseAddress
+ );
+ IN HANDLE hFileMappingObject,
+ IN DWORD dwDesiredAccess,
+ IN DWORD dwFileOffsetHigh,
+ IN DWORD dwFileOffsetLow,
+ IN SIZE_T dwNumberOfBytesToMap
+ );
+ IN LPVOID lpBaseAddress
+ );
+BOOL CompareFiles(HANDLE hFile1,HANDLE hFile2);
+FORCEINLINE void VoidCLRUnmapViewOfFile(void *ptr) { CLRUnmapViewOfFile(ptr); }
+typedef Wrapper<void *, DoNothing, VoidCLRUnmapViewOfFile> CLRMapViewHolder;
+typedef Wrapper<void *, DoNothing, DoNothing> CLRMapViewHolder;
+void GetProcessMemoryLoad(LPMEMORYSTATUSEX pMSEX);
+void ProcessEventForHost(EClrEvent event, void *data);
+void ProcessSOEventForHost(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *pExceptionInfo, BOOL fInSoTolerant);
+BOOL IsHostRegisteredForEvent(EClrEvent event);
+#define SetupThreadForComCall(OOMRetVal) \
+ { \
+ CURRENT_THREAD = SetupThreadNoThrow(); \
+ return OOMRetVal; \
+ } \
+#define InternalSetupForComCall(CannotEnterRetVal, OOMRetVal, SORetVal, CheckCanRunManagedCode) \
+SetupThreadForComCall(OOMRetVal); \
+if (CheckCanRunManagedCode && !CanRunManagedCode()) \
+ return CannotEnterRetVal; \
+#define ComCallHostNotificationHR() \
+ReverseEnterRuntimeHolderNoThrow REHolder; \
+if (CLRTaskHosted()) \
+{ \
+ HRESULT hr = REHolder.AcquireNoThrow(); \
+ if (FAILED(hr)) \
+ { \
+ return hr; \
+ } \
+#define SetupForComCallHRNoHostNotif() InternalSetupForComCall(HOST_E_CLRNOTAVAILABLE, E_OUTOFMEMORY, COR_E_STACKOVERFLOW, true)
+#define SetupForComCallHRNoHostNotifNoCheckCanRunManagedCode() InternalSetupForComCall(HOST_E_CLRNOTAVAILABLE, E_OUTOFMEMORY, COR_E_STACKOVERFLOW, false)
+#define SetupForComCallDWORDNoHostNotif() InternalSetupForComCall(-1, -1, -1, true)
+#define SetupForComCallHR() \
+#define SetupForComCallHRNoCheckCanRunManagedCode() \
+// Since Corrupting exceptions can escape COM interop boundaries,
+// these macros will be used to setup the initial SO-Intolerant transition.
+#define InternalSetupForComCallWithEscapingCorruptingExceptions(CannotEnterRetVal, OOMRetVal, SORetVal, CheckCanRunManagedCode) \
+if (CheckCanRunManagedCode && !CanRunManagedCode()) \
+ return CannotEnterRetVal; \
+SetupThreadForComCall(OOMRetVal); \
+#define BeginSetupForComCallHRWithEscapingCorruptingExceptions() \
+HRESULT __hr = S_OK; \
+InternalSetupForComCallWithEscapingCorruptingExceptions(HOST_E_CLRNOTAVAILABLE, E_OUTOFMEMORY, COR_E_STACKOVERFLOW, true) \
+ReverseEnterRuntimeHolderNoThrow REHolder; \
+if (CLRTaskHosted()) \
+{ \
+ __hr = REHolder.AcquireNoThrow(); \
+} \
+ \
+if (SUCCEEDED(__hr)) \
+{ \
+#define EndSetupForComCallHRWithEscapingCorruptingExceptions() \
+} \
+ \
+if (FAILED(__hr)) \
+{ \
+ return __hr; \
+} \
+#define SetupForComCallDWORD() \
+InternalSetupForComCall(-1, -1, -1, true) \
+ReverseEnterRuntimeHolderNoThrow REHolder; \
+if (CLRTaskHosted()) \
+{ \
+ if (FAILED(REHolder.AcquireNoThrow())) \
+ { \
+ return -1; \
+ } \
+// Special version of SetupForComCallDWORD that doesn't call
+// CanRunManagedCode() to avoid firing LoaderLock MDA
+#define SetupForComCallDWORDNoCheckCanRunManagedCode() \
+InternalSetupForComCall(-1, -1, -1, false) \
+ReverseEnterRuntimeHolderNoThrow REHolder; \
+if (CLRTaskHosted()) \
+{ \
+ if (FAILED(REHolder.AcquireNoThrow())) \
+ { \
+ return -1; \
+ } \
+#include "unsafe.h"
+inline void UnsafeTlsFreeForHolder(DWORD* addr)
+ if (addr && *addr != TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES) {
+ UnsafeTlsFree(*addr);
+ }
+// A holder to make sure tls slot is released and memory for allocated one is set to TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES
+typedef Holder<DWORD*, DoNothing<DWORD*>, UnsafeTlsFreeForHolder> TlsHolder;
+// A holder for HMODULE.
+FORCEINLINE void VoidFreeLibrary(HMODULE h) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; CLRFreeLibrary(h); }
+typedef Wrapper<HMODULE, DoNothing<HMODULE>, VoidFreeLibrary, NULL> ModuleHandleHolder;
+#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
+// A holder for memory blocks allocated by Windows. This holder (and any OS APIs you call
+// that allocate objects on your behalf) should not be used when the CLR is memory-hosted.
+FORCEINLINE void VoidFreeWinAllocatedBlock(LPVOID pv)
+ _ASSERTE(!CLRMemoryHosted());
+#pragma push_macro("GetProcessHeap")
+#pragma push_macro("HeapFree")
+#undef GetProcessHeap
+#undef HeapFree
+ // 0: no special flags
+ ::HeapFree(::GetProcessHeap(), 0, pv);
+#pragma pop_macro("HeapFree")
+#pragma pop_macro("GetProcessHeap")
+typedef Wrapper<LPVOID, DoNothing<LPVOID>, VoidFreeWinAllocatedBlock, NULL> WinAllocatedBlockHolder;
+#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
+// For debugging, we can track arbitrary Can't-Stop regions.
+// In V1.0, this was on the Thread object, but we need to track this for threads w/o a Thread object.
+FORCEINLINE void IncCantStopCount()
+ ClrFlsIncrementValue(TlsIdx_CantStopCount, 1);
+FORCEINLINE void DecCantStopCount()
+ ClrFlsIncrementValue(TlsIdx_CantStopCount, -1);
+typedef StateHolder<IncCantStopCount, DecCantStopCount> CantStopHolder;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+// For debug-only, this can be used w/ a holder to ensure that we're keeping our CS count balanced.
+// We should never use this w/ control flow.
+inline int GetCantStopCount()
+ return (int) (size_t) ClrFlsGetValue(TlsIdx_CantStopCount);
+// At places where we know we're calling out to native code, we can assert that we're NOT in a CS region.
+// This is _debug only since we only use it for asserts; not for real code-flow control in a retail build.
+inline bool IsInCantStopRegion()
+ return (GetCantStopCount() > 0);
+#endif // _DEBUG
+// PAL does not support per-thread locales. The holder is no-op for FEATURE_PALs
+class ThreadLocaleHolder
+#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
+ ThreadLocaleHolder()
+ {
+ m_locale = GetThreadLocale();
+ }
+ ~ThreadLocaleHolder();
+ LCID m_locale;
+#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
+BOOL IsValidMethodCodeNotification(USHORT Notification);
+typedef DPTR(struct JITNotification) PTR_JITNotification;
+struct JITNotification
+ USHORT state; // values from CLRDataMethodCodeNotification
+ TADDR clrModule;
+ mdToken methodToken;
+ JITNotification() { SetFree(); }
+ BOOL IsFree() { return state == CLRDATA_METHNOTIFY_NONE; }
+ void SetFree() { state = CLRDATA_METHNOTIFY_NONE; clrModule = NULL; methodToken = 0; }
+ void SetState(TADDR moduleIn, mdToken tokenIn, USHORT NType)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(IsValidMethodCodeNotification(NType));
+ clrModule = moduleIn;
+ methodToken = tokenIn;
+ state = NType;
+ }
+// The maximum number of TADDR sized arguments that the SOS exception notification can use
+GARY_DECL(size_t, g_clrNotificationArguments, MAX_CLR_NOTIFICATION_ARGS);
+extern void InitializeClrNotifications();
+GPTR_DECL(JITNotification, g_pNotificationTable);
+GVAL_DECL(ULONG32, g_dacNotificationFlags);
+#if defined(FEATURE_PAL) && !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE)
+inline void
+ g_pNotificationTable = new (nothrow) JITNotification[1001];
+class JITNotifications
+ JITNotifications(JITNotification *jitTable);
+ BOOL SetNotification(TADDR clrModule, mdToken token, USHORT NType);
+ USHORT Requested(TADDR clrModule, mdToken token);
+ // if clrModule is NULL, all active notifications are changed to NType
+ BOOL SetAllNotifications(TADDR clrModule,USHORT NType,BOOL *changedOut);
+ inline BOOL IsActive() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_jitTable!=NULL; }
+ UINT GetTableSize();
+ static JITNotification *InitializeNotificationTable(UINT TableSize);
+ // Updates target table from host copy
+ BOOL UpdateOutOfProcTable();
+ UINT GetLength();
+ void IncrementLength();
+ void DecrementLength();
+ BOOL FindItem(TADDR clrModule, mdToken token, UINT *indexOut);
+ JITNotification *m_jitTable;
+typedef DPTR(struct GcNotification) PTR_GcNotification;
+BOOL IsValidGcNotification(GcEvt_t evType)
+{ return (evType < GC_EVENT_TYPE_MAX); }
+#define CLRDATA_GC_NONE 0
+struct GcNotification
+ GcEvtArgs ev;
+ GcNotification() { SetFree(); }
+ BOOL IsFree() { return ev.typ == CLRDATA_GC_NONE; }
+ void SetFree() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); ev.typ = (GcEvt_t) CLRDATA_GC_NONE; }
+ void Set(GcEvtArgs ev_)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(IsValidGcNotification(ev_.typ));
+ ev = ev_;
+ }
+ BOOL IsMatch(GcEvtArgs ev_)
+ {
+ if (ev.typ != ev_.typ)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ switch (ev.typ)
+ {
+ case GC_MARK_END:
+ if (ev_.condemnedGeneration == 0 ||
+ (ev.condemnedGeneration & ev_.condemnedGeneration) != 0)
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+GPTR_DECL(GcNotification, g_pGcNotificationTable);
+class GcNotifications
+ GcNotifications(GcNotification *gcTable);
+ BOOL SetNotification(GcEvtArgs ev);
+ GcEvtArgs* GetNotification(GcEvtArgs ev)
+ {
+ UINT idx;
+ if (FindItem(ev, &idx))
+ {
+ return &m_gcTable[idx].ev;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // if clrModule is NULL, all active notifications are changed to NType
+ inline BOOL IsActive()
+ { return m_gcTable != NULL; }
+ UINT GetTableSize()
+ { return Size(); }
+ static GcNotification *InitializeNotificationTable(UINT TableSize);
+ // Updates target table from host copy
+ BOOL UpdateOutOfProcTable();
+ UINT& Length()
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(IsActive());
+ UINT *pLen = (UINT *) &(m_gcTable[-1].ev.typ);
+ return *pLen;
+ }
+ UINT& Size()
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(IsActive());
+ UINT *pLen = (UINT *) &(m_gcTable[-1].ev.typ);
+ return *(pLen+1);
+ }
+ void IncrementLength()
+ { ++Length(); }
+ void DecrementLength()
+ { --Length(); }
+ BOOL FindItem(GcEvtArgs ev, UINT *indexOut);
+ GcNotification *m_gcTable;
+class MethodDesc;
+class Module;
+class DACNotify
+ // types
+ enum {
+ };
+ // called from the runtime
+ static void DoJITNotification(MethodDesc *MethodDescPtr);
+ static void DoJITDiscardNotification(MethodDesc *MethodDescPtr);
+ static void DoModuleLoadNotification(Module *Module);
+ static void DoModuleUnloadNotification(Module *Module);
+ static void DoExceptionNotification(class Thread* ThreadPtr);
+ static void DoGCNotification(const GcEvtArgs& evtargs);
+ static void DoExceptionCatcherEnterNotification(MethodDesc *MethodDescPtr, DWORD nativeOffset);
+ // called from the DAC
+ static int GetType(TADDR Args[]);
+ static BOOL ParseJITNotification(TADDR Args[], TADDR& MethodDescPtr);
+ static BOOL ParseJITDiscardNotification(TADDR Args[], TADDR& MethodDescPtr);
+ static BOOL ParseModuleLoadNotification(TADDR Args[], TADDR& ModulePtr);
+ static BOOL ParseModuleUnloadNotification(TADDR Args[], TADDR& ModulePtr);
+ static BOOL ParseExceptionNotification(TADDR Args[], TADDR& ThreadPtr);
+ static BOOL ParseGCNotification(TADDR Args[], GcEvtArgs& evtargs);
+ static BOOL ParseExceptionCatcherEnterNotification(TADDR Args[], TADDR& MethodDescPtr, DWORD& nativeOffset);
+void DACNotifyCompilationFinished(MethodDesc *pMethodDesc);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
+// NOTE: Windows Vista RTM SDK defines CaptureStackBackTrace as RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (in winbase.h)
+// Renamed CaptureStackBackTrace to UtilCaptureBackTrace in order to avoid conflicts with the Windows definition
+USHORT UtilCaptureStackBackTrace(
+ ULONG FramesToSkip,
+ ULONG FramesToCapture,
+ PVOID * BackTrace,
+ OUT PULONG BackTraceHash);
+#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
+#endif //_DEBUG
+// These wrap the SString:L:CompareCaseInsenstive function in a way that makes it
+// easy to fix code that uses _stricmp. _stricmp should be avoided as it uses the current
+// C-runtime locale rather than the invariance culture.
+// Note that unlike the real _stricmp, these functions unavoidably have a throws/gc_triggers/inject_fault
+// contract. So if need a case-insensitive comparison in a place where you can't tolerate this contract,
+// you've got a problem.
+int __cdecl stricmpUTF8(const char* szStr1, const char* szStr2);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+class DisableDelayLoadCheckForOleaut32
+ DisableDelayLoadCheckForOleaut32();
+ ~DisableDelayLoadCheckForOleaut32();
+extern LONG g_OLEAUT32_Loaded;
+{ \
+ /* Should only be used in FCALL */ \
+ _ASSERTE (__me != 0); \
+ if (g_OLEAUT32_Loaded == 0) \
+ { \
+ /* CLRLoadLibrary/CLRFreeLibrary claim they trigger, but this */ \
+ /* isn't really true in this case because we're loading oleaut32 */ \
+ /* which we know doesn't contain any managed code in its DLLMain */ \
+ CONTRACT_VIOLATION(GCViolation|SOToleranceViolation); \
+ HMODULE hMod = CLRLoadLibrary(W("oleaut32")); \
+ if (hMod == NULL) \
+ { \
+ __FCThrow(__me, kOutOfMemoryException, 0, 0, 0, 0); \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { \
+ if (FastInterlockExchange(&g_OLEAUT32_Loaded, 1) == 1) \
+ { \
+ CLRFreeLibrary(hMod); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ } \
+} \
+INDEBUG(DisableDelayLoadCheckForOleaut32 _disableOleaut32Check);
+BOOL DbgIsExecutable(LPVOID lpMem, SIZE_T length);
+// returns if ARM was already enabled or not.
+BOOL EnableARM();
+int GetRandomInt(int maxVal);
+class InternalCasingHelper {
+ private:
+ // Convert szIn to lower case in the Invariant locale.
+ // TODO: NLS Arrowhead -Called by the two ToLowers)
+ static INT32 InvariantToLowerHelper(__out_bcount_opt(cMaxBytes) LPUTF8 szOut, int cMaxBytes, __in_z LPCUTF8 szIn, BOOL fAllowThrow);
+ public:
+ //
+ // Native helper functions to do correct casing operations in
+ // runtime native code.
+ //
+ // Convert szIn to lower case in the Invariant locale. (WARNING: May throw.)
+ static INT32 InvariantToLower(__out_bcount_opt(cMaxBytes) LPUTF8 szOut, int cMaxBytes, __in_z LPCUTF8 szIn);
+ // Convert szIn to lower case in the Invariant locale. (WARNING: This version
+ // won't throw but it will use stack space as an intermediary (so don't
+ // use for ridiculously long strings.)
+ static INT32 InvariantToLowerNoThrow(__out_bcount_opt(cMaxBytes) LPUTF8 szOut, int cMaxBytes, __in_z LPCUTF8 szIn);
+class COMCharacter {
+ //These are here for support from native code. They are never called from our managed classes.
+ static BOOL nativeIsWhiteSpace(WCHAR c);
+ static BOOL nativeIsDigit(WCHAR c);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
+// Extract the file version from an executable.
+HRESULT GetFileVersion(LPCWSTR wszFilePath, ULARGE_INTEGER* pFileVersion);
+#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
+#endif /* _H_UTIL */