path: root/src/vm/threadsuspend.h
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diff --git a/src/vm/threadsuspend.h b/src/vm/threadsuspend.h
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index 0000000000..428c914372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vm/threadsuspend.h
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+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// threadsuspend.h
+#if defined(TIME_SUSPEND) || defined(GC_STATS)
+enum timeUnit { usec, msec, sec };
+// running aggregations
+struct MinMaxTot
+ DWORD minVal, maxVal, totVal;
+ void Accumulate(DWORD time)
+ {
+ if (time < minVal || minVal == 0)
+ minVal = time;
+ if (time > maxVal)
+ maxVal = time;
+ // We are supposed to anticipate overflow and clear our totals
+ // However we still see this assert and for now, let's ignore it...
+ // _ASSERTE(((DWORD) (totVal + time)) > ((DWORD) totVal));
+ if (((DWORD) (totVal + time)) > ((DWORD) totVal))
+ totVal += time;
+ }
+ void Reset()
+ {
+ minVal = maxVal = 0;
+ }
+ void DisplayAndUpdate(FILE* logFile, __in_z const char *pName, MinMaxTot *pLastOne, int fullCount, int priorCount, timeUnit=usec);
+// A note about timings. We use QueryPerformanceCounter to measure all timings in units. During
+// Initialization, we compute a divisor to convert those timings into microseconds. This means
+// that we can accumulate about 4,000 seconds (over one hour) of GC time into 32-bit quantities
+// before we must reinitialize.
+// A note about performance: derived classes have taken a dependency on cntDisplay being the first
+// field of this class, following the vtable*. When this is violated a compile time assert will fire.
+struct StatisticsBase
+ // display the statistics every so many seconds.
+ static DWORD secondsToDisplay;
+ // we must re-initialize after an hour of GC time, to avoid overflow. It's more convenient to
+ // re-initialize after an hour of wall-clock time, instead
+ int cntDisplay;
+ // convert all timings into microseconds
+ DWORD divisor;
+ DWORD GetTime();
+ static DWORD GetElapsed(DWORD start, DWORD stop);
+ // we want to print statistics every 10 seconds - this is to remember the start of the 10 sec interval.
+ DWORD startTick;
+ // derived classes must call this regularly (from a logical "end of a cycle")
+ void RollOverIfNeeded();
+ virtual void Initialize() = 0;
+ virtual void DisplayAndUpdate() = 0;
+#endif // defined(TIME_SUSPEND) || defined(GC_STATS)
+struct SuspendStatistics
+ : public StatisticsBase
+ static WCHAR* logFileName;
+ // number of times we call SuspendEE, RestartEE
+ int cntSuspends, cntRestarts;
+ int cntSuspendsInBGC, cntNonGCSuspends, cntNonGCSuspendsInBGC;
+ // Times for current suspension & restart
+ DWORD startSuspend, startRestart;
+ // min, max and total time spent performing a Suspend, a Restart, or Paused from the start of
+ // a Suspend to the end of a Restart. We can compute 'avg' using 'cnt' and 'tot' values.
+ MinMaxTot suspend, restart, paused;
+ // We know there can be contention on acquiring the ThreadStoreLock, or yield points when hosted (like
+ // BeginThreadAffinity on the leading edge and EndThreadAffinity on the trailing edge).
+ MinMaxTot acquireTSL, releaseTSL;
+ // And if we OS suspend a thread that is blocking or perhaps throwing an exception and is therefore
+ // stuck in the kernel, it could take approximately a second. So track the time taken for OS
+ // suspends
+ MinMaxTot osSuspend;
+ // And if we place a hijack, we need to crawl a stack to do so.
+ MinMaxTot crawl;
+ // And waiting can be a significant part of the total suspension time.
+ MinMaxTot wait;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // There are some interesting events that are worth counting, because they show where the time is going:
+ // number of times we waited on g_pGCSuspendEvent while trying to suspend the EE
+ int cntWaits;
+ // and the number of times those Waits timed out rather than being signalled by a cooperating thread
+ int cntWaitTimeouts;
+ // number of times we did an OS (or hosted) suspend or resume on a thread
+ int cntOSSuspendResume;
+ // number of times we crawled a stack for a hijack
+ int cntHijackCrawl;
+ // and the number of times the hijack actually trapped a thread for us
+ int cntHijackTrap;
+ // the number of times we redirected a thread in fully interruptible code, by rewriting its EIP
+ // so it will throw to a blocking point
+ int cntRedirections;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // And there are some "failure" cases that should never or almost never occur.
+ // number of times we have a collision between e.g. Debugger suspension & GC suspension.
+ // In these cases, everyone yields to the GC but at some cost.
+ int cntCollideRetry;
+ // number of times the OS or Host was unable to ::SuspendThread a thread for us. This count should be
+ // approximately 0.
+ int cntFailedSuspends;
+ // number of times we were unable to redirect a thread by rewriting its register state in a
+ // suspended context. This count should be approximately 0.
+ int cntFailedRedirections;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Internal mechanism:
+ virtual void Initialize();
+ virtual void DisplayAndUpdate();
+ // Public API
+ void StartSuspend();
+ void EndSuspend(BOOL bForGC);
+ DWORD CurrentSuspend();
+ void StartRestart();
+ void EndRestart();
+ DWORD CurrentRestart();
+extern SuspendStatistics g_SuspendStatistics;
+extern SuspendStatistics g_LastSuspendStatistics;
+#endif // TIME_SUSPEND
+BOOL EEGetThreadContext(Thread *pThread, CONTEXT *pContext);
+BOOL EnsureThreadIsSuspended(HANDLE hThread, Thread* pThread);
+class ThreadSuspend
+ friend class Thread;
+ friend class ThreadStore;
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ SUSPEND_FOR_DEBUGGER_SWEEP = 7 // This must only be used in Thread::SysSweepThreadsForDebug
+ static SUSPEND_REASON m_suspendReason; // This contains the reason
+ // that the runtime was suspended
+ static Thread* m_pThreadAttemptingSuspendForGC;
+ static HRESULT SuspendRuntime(ThreadSuspend::SUSPEND_REASON reason);
+ static void ResumeRuntime(BOOL bFinishedGC, BOOL SuspendSucceded);
+ // Initialize thread suspension support
+ static void Initialize();
+ static CLREvent * g_pGCSuspendEvent;
+ // This is true iff we're currently in the process of suspending threads. Once the
+ // threads have been suspended, this is false. This is set via an instance of
+ // SuspendRuntimeInProgressHolder placed in SuspendRuntime, SysStartSuspendForDebug,
+ // and SysSweepThreadsForDebug. Code outside Thread reads this via
+ // Thread::SysIsSuspendInProgress.
+ //
+ // This value is only useful for code that can be more efficient if it has a good guess
+ // as to whether we're suspending the runtime. This is NOT to be used by code that
+ // *requires* this knowledge with 100% accuracy in order to behave correctly, unless
+ // you add synchronization yourself. An example of where Thread::SysIsSuspendInProgress
+ // is used is by the profiler API, in ProfToEEInterfaceImpl::DoStackSnapshot. The profiler
+ // API needs to suspend the target thread whose stack it is about to walk. But the profiler
+ // API should avoid this if the runtime is being suspended. Otherwise, the thread trying to
+ // suspend the runtime (thread A) might get stuck when it tries to suspend the thread
+ // executing ProfToEEInterfaceImpl::DoStackSnapshot (thread B), since thread B will be
+ // busy trying to suspend the target of the stack walk (thread C). Bad luck with timing
+ // could cause A to try to suspend B over and over again while B is busy suspending C, and
+ // then suspending D, etc., assuming the profiler does a lot of stack walks. This, in turn,
+ // could cause the deadlock detection assert in Thread::SuspendThread to fire. So the
+ // moral here is that, if B realizes the runtime is being suspended, it can just fail the stackwalk
+ // immediately without trying to do the suspend. But if B occasionally gets false positives or
+ // false negatives from calling Thread::SysIsSuspendInProgress, the worst is we might
+ // delay the EE suspension a little bit, or we might too eagerly fail from ProfToEEInterfaceImpl::DoStackSnapshot.
+ // But there won't be any corruption or AV. More details on the profiler API scenario in VsWhidbey bug 454936.
+ static bool s_fSuspendRuntimeInProgress;
+ static void SetSuspendRuntimeInProgress();
+ static void ResetSuspendRuntimeInProgress();
+ typedef StateHolder<ThreadSuspend::SetSuspendRuntimeInProgress, ThreadSuspend::ResetSuspendRuntimeInProgress> SuspendRuntimeInProgressHolder;
+ static bool SysIsSuspendInProgress() { return s_fSuspendRuntimeInProgress; }
+ //suspend all threads
+ static void SuspendEE(SUSPEND_REASON reason);
+ static void RestartEE(BOOL bFinishedGC, BOOL SuspendSucceded); //resume threads.
+ static void LockThreadStore(ThreadSuspend::SUSPEND_REASON reason);
+ static void UnlockThreadStore(BOOL bThreadDestroyed = FALSE,
+ ThreadSuspend::SUSPEND_REASON reason = ThreadSuspend::SUSPEND_OTHER);
+ static Thread * GetSuspensionThread()
+ {
+ return g_pSuspensionThread;
+ }
+ // This is used to avoid thread starvation if non-GC threads are competing for
+ // the thread store lock when there is a real GC-thread waiting to get in.
+ // This is initialized lazily when the first non-GC thread backs out because of
+ // a waiting GC thread. The s_hAbortEvtCache is used to store the handle when
+ // it is not being used.
+ static CLREventBase *s_hAbortEvt;
+ static CLREventBase *s_hAbortEvtCache;
+ static LONG m_DebugWillSyncCount;
+#endif // _THREAD_SUSPEND_H_