path: root/src/vm/securitytransparentassembly.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/vm/securitytransparentassembly.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 314 deletions
diff --git a/src/vm/securitytransparentassembly.cpp b/src/vm/securitytransparentassembly.cpp
index f798df159f..c1823fc034 100644
--- a/src/vm/securitytransparentassembly.cpp
+++ b/src/vm/securitytransparentassembly.cpp
@@ -324,7 +324,6 @@ BOOL SecurityTransparent::CheckCriticalAccess(AccessCheckContext* pContext,
return TRUE;
// On the coreCLR, a method can be transparent even if the containing type is marked Critical.
// This will happen when that method is an override of a base transparent method, and the type that
// contains the override is marked Critical. And that's the only case it can happen.
@@ -334,7 +333,6 @@ BOOL SecurityTransparent::CheckCriticalAccess(AccessCheckContext* pContext,
return TRUE;
// an attached profiler may wish to have these checks suppressed
if (Security::BypassSecurityChecksForProfiler(pCurrentMD))
@@ -395,41 +393,9 @@ BOOL SecurityTransparent::IsAllowedToAssert(MethodDesc *pMD)
return TRUE;
// On CoreCLR only critical code may ever assert - there are no compatibility reasons to allow
// transparent asserts.
return FALSE;
- // We must be in a heterogenous AppDomain for transparent asserts to work
- if (GetAppDomain()->GetSecurityDescriptor()->IsHomogeneous())
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- ModuleSecurityDescriptor *pMSD = ModuleSecurityDescriptor::GetModuleSecurityDescriptor(pMD->GetAssembly());
- // Only assemblies whose version requires them to use legacy transparency (rather than assemblies which
- // get legacy transparency via RuleSet.Level1) can assert from transparent code
- if (!pMSD->AssemblyVersionRequiresLegacyTransparency())
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Finally, the assembly must not have had any of the transparency attributes on it
- const TokenSecurityDescriptorFlags transparencyAwareFlags =
- TokenSecurityDescriptorFlags_AllCritical | // [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.All)]
- TokenSecurityDescriptorFlags_Critical | // [SecurityCritical]
- TokenSecurityDescriptorFlags_SafeCritical | // [SecuritySafeCritical]
- TokenSecurityDescriptorFlags_Transparent | // [SecurityTransparent]
- TokenSecurityDescriptorFlags_TreatAsSafe; // [SecurityTreatAsSafe]
- TokenSecurityDescriptorFlags moduleAttributes = pMSD->GetTokenFlags();
- if ((moduleAttributes & transparencyAwareFlags) != TokenSecurityDescriptorFlags_None)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
// Functor class to aid in determining if a type requires a transparency check
@@ -528,40 +494,6 @@ CorInfoCanSkipVerificationResult SecurityTransparent::JITCanSkipVerification(Met
CorInfoCanSkipVerificationResult canSkipVerif = hasSkipVerificationPermisson ? CORINFO_VERIFICATION_CAN_SKIP : CORINFO_VERIFICATION_CANNOT_SKIP;
- // also check to see if the method is marked transparent
- if (hasSkipVerificationPermisson)
- {
- if (pDomainAssembly == GetAppDomain()->GetAnonymouslyHostedDynamicMethodsAssembly())
- {
- // This assembly is FullTrust. However, it cannot contain unverifiable code.
- // The JIT compiler is not hardened to deal with invalid code. Hence, we cannot
- // return CORINFO_VERIFICATION_RUNTIME_CHECK for IL that could have been generated
- // by a low-trust assembly.
- }
- // also check to see if the method is marked transparent
- else if (SecurityTransparent::IsMethodTransparent(pMD))
- {
- // If the assembly requested that even its transparent members not be verified, then we can skip
- // verification. Otherwise, we need to either inject a runtime demand in the v2 model, or fail
- // verification in the v4 model.
- ModuleSecurityDescriptor *pModuleSecDesc = ModuleSecurityDescriptor::GetModuleSecurityDescriptor(pMD->GetAssembly());
- if (pModuleSecDesc->CanTransparentCodeSkipVerification())
- {
- }
- else if (pMD->GetAssembly()->GetSecurityTransparencyBehavior()->CanTransparentCodeSkipVerification())
- {
- }
- else
- {
- }
- }
- }
return canSkipVerif;
@@ -587,14 +519,6 @@ CorInfoCanSkipVerificationResult SecurityTransparent::JITCanSkipVerification(Dom
// In CoreCLR, do not enable transparency checks here. We depend on this method being "honest" in
// JITCanSkipVerification to skip transparency checks on profile assemblies.
- ModuleSecurityDescriptor *pMsd = ModuleSecurityDescriptor::GetModuleSecurityDescriptor(pAssembly->GetAssembly());
- if (pMsd->IsAllTransparent() &&
- pAssembly->GetAssembly()->GetSecurityTransparencyBehavior()->CanTransparentCodeSkipVerification())
- {
- }
return canSkipVerif;
@@ -620,34 +544,6 @@ bool SecurityTransparent::SecurityCalloutQuickCheck(MethodDesc *pCallerMD)
// In coreclr, we modified the logic in the callout to also do some transparency method access checks
// These checks need to happen regardless of trust level and we shouldn't be bailing out early
// just because we happen to be in Full Trust
- // See if we need to process this callout for real, or if we can bail out early before setting up a HMF,
- // and spending a lot of time processing the transparency evaluation. The simplest case where we can do
- // this is if the caller is critical. In that case, we know that the caller is allowed to do whatever
- // it wants, so we quit out.
- //
- // Additionally, if the caller is using SecurityRuleSet.Level1, which turns transparency violations into
- // security demands, we can bail out early if we know for sure all demands will succeed on the current
- // call stack. (Note: this remains true as long as we don't start generating callouts for transparent
- // level 1 calling critical level 1, or transparent level 1 doing an assert, which are the only two
- // violations which do not succeed in the face of a successful demand).
- if (pCallerMD->IsCritical())
- {
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- // The caller is transparent, so let's see if demands can cause transparency violations to succeed,
- // and also if all demands issued from this context will succeed.
- const SecurityTransparencyBehavior *pCallerTransparency = pCallerMD->GetAssembly()->TryGetSecurityTransparencyBehavior();
- if (pCallerTransparency != NULL &&
- pCallerTransparency->CanTransparentCodeCallLinkDemandMethods() &&
- SecurityStackWalk::HasFlagsOrFullyTrustedIgnoreMode(0))
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
return false;
@@ -947,7 +843,6 @@ VOID SecurityTransparent::EnforceTransparentDelegateChecks(MethodTable* pDelegat
// We only enforce delegate binding rules in partial trust
if (GetAppDomain()->GetSecurityDescriptor()->IsFullyTrusted())
@@ -958,7 +853,6 @@ VOID SecurityTransparent::EnforceTransparentDelegateChecks(MethodTable* pDelegat
TypeString::AppendType(strDelegateType, pDelegateMT, TypeString::FormatNamespace | TypeString::FormatAngleBrackets| TypeString::FormatSignature);
COMPlusThrowHR(COR_E_METHODACCESS, IDS_E_DELEGATE_BINDING_TRANSPARENCY, strDelegateType.GetUnicode(), strMethod.GetUnicode());
@@ -1482,199 +1376,6 @@ public:
-// Transparency behavior implementation for v2 assemblies
-class LegacyTransparencyBehaviorImpl : public ISecurityTransparencyImpl
- // Get bits that indicate how transparency should behave in different situations
- virtual SecurityTransparencyBehaviorFlags GetBehaviorFlags() const
- {
- return SecurityTransparencyBehaviorFlags_IntroducedCriticalsMayAddTreatAsSafe |
- SecurityTransparencyBehaviorFlags_OpportunisticIsSafeCriticalMethods |
- SecurityTransparencyBehaviorFlags_PartialTrustImpliesAllTransparent |
- SecurityTransparencyBehaviorFlags_PublicImpliesTreatAsSafe |
- SecurityTransparencyBehaviorFlags_TransparentCodeCanCallLinkDemand |
- SecurityTransaprencyBehaviorFlags_TransparentCodeCanCallUnmanagedCode |
- SecurityTransparencyBehaviorFlags_TransparentCodeCanSkipVerification |
- SecurityTransparencyBehaviorFlags_UnsignedImpliesAPTCA;
- }
- // Legacy transparency field behavior mappings:
- // Attribute Behavior
- // -----------------------------------------------------
- // Critical (any) Critical
- // SafeCritical Safe critical
- // TAS (no critical) No effect
- // TAS (with any critical) Safe critical
- virtual FieldSecurityDescriptorFlags MapFieldAttributes(TokenSecurityDescriptorFlags tokenFlags) const
- {
- // Legacy transparency behaves the same for fields as the current transparency model, so we just forward
- // this call to that implementation.
- TransparencyBehaviorImpl forwardImpl;
- return forwardImpl.MapFieldAttributes(tokenFlags);
- }
- // Legacy transparency method behavior mappings:
- // Attribute Behavior
- // -----------------------------------------------------
- // Critical (any) Critical
- // SafeCritical Safe critical
- // TAS (no critical) No effect
- // TAS (with any critical) Safe critical
- virtual MethodSecurityDescriptorFlags MapMethodAttributes(TokenSecurityDescriptorFlags tokenFlags) const
- {
- // Legacy transparency behaves the same for methods as the current transparency model, so we just forward
- // this call to that implementation.
- TransparencyBehaviorImpl forwardImpl;
- return forwardImpl.MapMethodAttributes(tokenFlags);
- }
- // Legacy transparency module behavior mappings:
- // Attribute Behavior
- // -----------------------------------------------------
- // ConditionlAPTCA Exception
- // Critical (scoped) Mixed transparency
- // Critical (all) All critical
- // SafeCritical All safe critical
- // TAS (no critical) No effect
- // TAS (with scoped critical) No effect
- // TAS (with all critical) All safe critical
- // Transparent All transparent
- //
- // Having no transparent, critical, or safe critical attributes means that the assembly should have all
- // transparent types and all safe critical methods.
- virtual ModuleSecurityDescriptorFlags MapModuleAttributes(TokenSecurityDescriptorFlags tokenFlags) const
- {
- {
- }
- ModuleSecurityDescriptorFlags moduleFlags = ModuleSecurityDescriptorFlags_None;
- bool fShouldBeOpportunisticallyCritical = true;
- if (tokenFlags & TokenSecurityDescriptorFlags_APTCA)
- {
- moduleFlags |= ModuleSecurityDescriptorFlags_IsAPTCA;
- }
- if (tokenFlags & TokenSecurityDescriptorFlags_Transparent)
- {
- moduleFlags |= ModuleSecurityDescriptorFlags_IsAllTransparent;
- fShouldBeOpportunisticallyCritical = false;
- }
- if (tokenFlags & TokenSecurityDescriptorFlags_Critical)
- {
- fShouldBeOpportunisticallyCritical = false;
- // If we're critical, but not all critical that means we're mixed.
- if (tokenFlags & TokenSecurityDescriptorFlags_AllCritical)
- {
- moduleFlags |= ModuleSecurityDescriptorFlags_IsAllCritical;
- // If we're all critical and treat as safe, that means we're safe critical
- if (tokenFlags & TokenSecurityDescriptorFlags_TreatAsSafe)
- {
- moduleFlags |= ModuleSecurityDescriptorFlags_IsTreatAsSafe;
- }
- }
- }
- // SafeCritical always means Critical + TreatAsSafe; we can get in this case for legacy assemblies if the
- // assembly is actually a v4 assembly which is using the Legacy attribute.
- if (tokenFlags & TokenSecurityDescriptorFlags_SafeCritical)
- {
- moduleFlags |= ModuleSecurityDescriptorFlags_IsAllCritical |
- ModuleSecurityDescriptorFlags_IsTreatAsSafe;
- fShouldBeOpportunisticallyCritical = false;
- }
- // If we didn't find an attribute that indicates the assembly cares about transparency, then it is
- // opportunistically critical.
- if (fShouldBeOpportunisticallyCritical)
- {
- _ASSERTE(!(moduleFlags & ModuleSecurityDescriptorFlags_IsAllTransparent));
- _ASSERTE(!(moduleFlags & ModuleSecurityDescriptorFlags_IsAllCritical));
- moduleFlags |= ModuleSecurityDescriptorFlags_IsOpportunisticallyCritical;
- }
- // If the token asks to not have IL verification done in full trust, propigate that to the module
- if (tokenFlags & TokenSecurityDescriptorFlags_SkipFullTrustVerification)
- {
- moduleFlags |= ModuleSecurityDescriptorFlags_SkipFullTrustVerification;
- }
- return moduleFlags;
- }
- // Legacy transparency type behavior mappings:
- // Attribute Behavior
- // -----------------------------------------------------
- // Critical (scoped) Critical, but not all critical
- // Critical (all) All critical
- // SafeCritical All safe critical
- // TAS (no critical) No effect on the type, but save TAS bit for members of the type
- // TAS (with scoped critical) SafeCritical, but not all critical
- // TAS (with all critical) All SafeCritical
- virtual TypeSecurityDescriptorFlags MapTypeAttributes(TokenSecurityDescriptorFlags tokenFlags) const
- {
- {
- }
- TypeSecurityDescriptorFlags typeFlags = TypeSecurityDescriptorFlags_None;
- if (tokenFlags & TokenSecurityDescriptorFlags_Critical)
- {
- typeFlags |= TypeSecurityDescriptorFlags_IsCritical;
- // We only consider all critical if the critical attribute was present
- if (tokenFlags & TokenSecurityDescriptorFlags_AllCritical)
- {
- typeFlags |= TypeSecurityDescriptorFlags_IsAllCritical;
- }
- }
- // SafeCritical always means all critical + TAS
- if (tokenFlags & TokenSecurityDescriptorFlags_SafeCritical)
- {
- typeFlags |= TypeSecurityDescriptorFlags_IsCritical |
- TypeSecurityDescriptorFlags_IsAllCritical |
- TypeSecurityDescriptorFlags_IsTreatAsSafe;
- }
- if (tokenFlags & TokenSecurityDescriptorFlags_TreatAsSafe)
- {
- typeFlags |= TypeSecurityDescriptorFlags_IsTreatAsSafe;
- }
- return typeFlags;
- }
// Shared transparency behavior objects
@@ -1720,13 +1421,6 @@ const SecurityTransparencyBehavior *GetOrCreateTransparencyBehavior(SecurityTran
// static
SecurityTransparencyBehavior *SecurityTransparencyBehavior::s_pStandardTransparencyBehavior = NULL;
-// Transpraency behavior object for v2 transparent assemblies
-// static
-SecurityTransparencyBehavior *SecurityTransparencyBehavior::s_pLegacyTransparencyBehavior = NULL;
@@ -1749,14 +1443,6 @@ const SecurityTransparencyBehavior *SecurityTransparencyBehavior::GetTransparenc
- if (ruleSet == SecurityRuleSet_Level1)
- {
- // Level 1 rules - v2.0 behavior
- RETURN(GetOrCreateTransparencyBehavior<LegacyTransparencyBehaviorImpl>(&s_pLegacyTransparencyBehavior));
- }
- else
// Level 2 rules - v4.0 behavior