path: root/src/vm/securitydeclarative.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/vm/securitydeclarative.h')
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/vm/securitydeclarative.h b/src/vm/securitydeclarative.h
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index 0000000000..625e6840b9
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+++ b/src/vm/securitydeclarative.h
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+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+class SecurityStackWalk;
+class MethodSecurityDescriptor;
+class TokenSecurityDescriptor;
+struct TokenDeclActionInfo;
+class TypeSecurityDescriptor;
+class PsetCacheEntry;
+// Reasons why a method may have been flagged as requiring a LinkDemand
+enum LinktimeCheckReason
+ LinktimeCheckReason_None = 0x00000000, // The method does not require a LinkDemand
+ LinktimeCheckReason_CasDemand = 0x00000001, // The method has CAS LinkDemands
+ LinktimeCheckReason_NonCasDemand = 0x00000002, // The method has non-CAS LinkDemands
+ LinktimeCheckReason_AptcaCheck = 0x00000004, // The method is a member of a non-APTCA assembly that requires its caller to be trusted
+ LinktimeCheckReason_NativeCodeCall = 0x00000008 // The method may represent a call to native code
+struct DeclActionInfo
+ DWORD dwDeclAction; // This'll tell InvokeDeclarativeSecurity whats the action needed
+ PsetCacheEntry *pPCE; // The cached permissionset on which to demand/assert/deny/blah
+ DeclActionInfo *pNext; // Next declarative action needed on this method, if any.
+ static DeclActionInfo *Init(MethodDesc *pMD, DWORD dwAction, PsetCacheEntry *pPCE);
+inline LinktimeCheckReason operator|(LinktimeCheckReason lhs, LinktimeCheckReason rhs);
+inline LinktimeCheckReason operator|=(LinktimeCheckReason &lhs, LinktimeCheckReason rhs);
+inline LinktimeCheckReason operator&(LinktimeCheckReason lhs, LinktimeCheckReason rhs);
+inline LinktimeCheckReason operator&=(LinktimeCheckReason &lhs, LinktimeCheckReason rhs);
+namespace SecurityDeclarative
+ // Returns an instance of a well-known permission. (It caches them, so each permission is created only once.)
+ void _GetSharedPermissionInstance(OBJECTREF *perm, int index);
+ // Perform the declarative actions
+ // Callers:
+ // DoDeclarativeSecurity
+ void DoDeclarativeActions(MethodDesc *pMD, DeclActionInfo *pActions, LPVOID pSecObj, MethodSecurityDescriptor *pMSD = NULL);
+ void DoDeclarativeStackModifiers(MethodDesc *pMeth, AppDomain* pAppDomain, LPVOID pSecObj);
+ void DoDeclarativeStackModifiersInternal(MethodDesc *pMeth, LPVOID pSecObj);
+ void EnsureAssertAllowed(MethodDesc *pMeth, MethodSecurityDescriptor* pMSD); // throws exception if assert is not allowed for MethodDesc
+ // Determine which declarative SecurityActions are used on this type and return a
+ // DWORD of flags to represent the results
+ // Callers:
+ // MethodTableBuilder::CreateClass
+ // MethodTableBuilder::EnumerateClassMembers
+ // MethodDesc::GetSecurityFlags
+ HRESULT GetDeclarationFlags(IMDInternalImport *pInternalImport, mdToken token, DWORD* pdwFlags, DWORD* pdwNullFlags, BOOL* fHasSuppressUnmanagedCodeAccessAttr = NULL);
+ // Query the metadata to get all LinkDemands on this method (and it's class)
+ // Callers:
+ // CanAccess (ReflectionInvocation)
+ // ReflectionInvocation::GetSpecialSecurityFlags
+ // RuntimeMethodHandle::InvokeMethod_Internal
+ // Security::CheckLinkDemandAgainstAppDomain
+ void RetrieveLinktimeDemands(MethodDesc* pMD,
+ OBJECTREF* pClassCas,
+ OBJECTREF* pClassNonCas,
+ OBJECTREF* pMethodCas,
+ OBJECTREF* pMethodNonCas);
+ // Determine why the method is marked as requiring a linktime check, optionally returning the declared
+ // CAS link demands on the method itself.
+ LinktimeCheckReason GetLinktimeCheckReason(MethodDesc *pMD,
+ OBJECTREF *pClassCasDemands,
+ OBJECTREF *pClassNonCasDemands,
+ OBJECTREF *pMethodCasDemands,
+ OBJECTREF *pMethodNonCasDemands);
+ // Used by interop to simulate the effect of link demands when the caller is
+ // in fact script constrained by an appdomain setup by IE.
+ // Callers:
+ // DispatchInfo::InvokeMember
+ // COMToCLRWorkerBody (COMToCLRCall)
+ void CheckLinkDemandAgainstAppDomain(MethodDesc *pMD);
+ // Perform a LinkDemand
+ // Callers:
+ // COMCustomAttribute::CreateCAObject
+ // CheckMethodAccess
+ // InvokeUtil::CheckLinktimeDemand
+ // CEEInfo::findMethod
+ // RuntimeMethodHandle::InvokeMethod_Internal
+ void LinktimeCheckMethod(Assembly *pCaller, MethodDesc *pCallee);
+ // Perform inheritance link demand
+ // Called by:
+ // MethodTableBuilder::ConvertLinkDemandToInheritanceDemand
+ void InheritanceLinkDemandCheck(Assembly *pTargetAssembly, MethodDesc * pMDLinkDemand);
+ // Perform an InheritanceDemand against the target assembly
+ void InheritanceDemand(Assembly *pTargetAssembly, OBJECTREF refDemand);
+ // Perform a FullTrust InheritanceDemand against the target assembly
+ void FullTrustInheritanceDemand(Assembly *pTargetAssembly);
+ // Perform a FullTrust LinkDemand against the target assembly
+ void FullTrustLinkDemand(Assembly *pTargetAssembly);
+ // Do InheritanceDemands on the type
+ // Called by:
+ // MethodTableBuilder::VerifyInheritanceSecurity
+ void ClassInheritanceCheck(MethodTable *pClass, MethodTable *pParent);
+ // Do InheritanceDemands on the Method
+ // Callers:
+ // MethodTableBuilder::VerifyInheritanceSecurity
+ void MethodInheritanceCheck(MethodDesc *pMethod, MethodDesc *pParent);
+ // Returns a managed instance of a well-known PermissionSet
+ // Callers:
+ // COMCodeAccessSecurityEngine::SpecialDemand
+ // ReflectionSerialization::GetSafeUninitializedObject
+ inline void GetPermissionInstance(OBJECTREF *perm, int index);
+ inline BOOL FullTrustCheckForLinkOrInheritanceDemand(Assembly *pAssembly);
+ // Returns TRUE if an APTCA check is necessary
+ // Callers:
+ // CanAccess
+ BOOL IsUntrustedCallerCheckNeeded(MethodDesc *pCalleeMD, Assembly *pCallerAssem = NULL);
+ // Perform the APTCA check
+ // Callers:
+ // CanAccess
+ // Security::CheckLinkDemandAgainstAppDomain
+ void DoUntrustedCallerChecks(
+ Assembly *pCaller, MethodDesc *pCalee,
+ BOOL fFullStackWalk);
+#endif // FEATURE_APTCA
+ // Calls PermissionSet.Demand
+ // Callers:
+ // CanAccess (ReflectionInvocation)
+ // Security::CheckLinkDemandAgainstAppDomain
+ void CheckNonCasDemand(OBJECTREF *prefDemand);
+#endif // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE
+ // Returns TRUE if the method is visible outside its assembly
+ // Callers:
+ // MethodTableBuilder::SetSecurityFlagsOnMethod
+ inline BOOL MethodIsVisibleOutsideItsAssembly(MethodDesc * pMD);
+ inline BOOL MethodIsVisibleOutsideItsAssembly(DWORD dwMethodAttr, DWORD dwClassAttr, BOOL fIsGlobalClass);
+ BOOL TokenMightHaveDeclarations(IMDInternalImport *pInternalImport, mdToken token, CorDeclSecurity action);
+ DeclActionInfo *DetectDeclActions(MethodDesc *pMeth, DWORD dwDeclFlags);
+ void DetectDeclActionsOnToken(mdToken tk, DWORD dwDeclFlags, PsetCacheEntry** pSets, IMDInternalImport *pInternalImport);
+ void InvokeLinktimeChecks(Assembly *pCaller,
+ Module *pModule,
+ mdToken token);
+ inline BOOL MethodIsVisibleOutsideItsAssembly(DWORD dwMethodAttr);
+ inline BOOL ClassIsVisibleOutsideItsAssembly(DWORD dwClassAttr, BOOL fIsGlobalClass);
+ // Returns an instance of a SecurityException with the message "This method doesn't allow partially trusted callers"
+ // Callers:
+ // DoUntrustedCallerChecks
+ void DECLSPEC_NORETURN ThrowAPTCAException(Assembly *pCaller, MethodDesc *pCallee);
+#endif // FEATURE_APTCA
+ void DECLSPEC_NORETURN ThrowHPException(EApiCategories protectedCategories, EApiCategories demandedCategories);
+ // Add a declarative action and PermissionSet index to the linked list
+ void AddDeclAction(CorDeclSecurity action, PsetCacheEntry *pClassPCE, PsetCacheEntry *pMethodPCE, DeclActionInfo** ppActionList, MethodDesc *pMeth);
+ // Helper for DoDeclarativeActions
+ void InvokeDeclarativeActions(MethodDesc *pMeth, DeclActionInfo *pActions, MethodSecurityDescriptor *pMSD);
+ void InvokeDeclarativeStackModifiers (MethodDesc *pMeth, DeclActionInfo *pActions, OBJECTREF * pSecObj);
+ bool BlobMightContainNonCasPermission(PBYTE pbPerm, ULONG cbPerm, DWORD dwAction, bool* pHostProtectionOnly);
+// Delayed Declarative Security processing
+ inline void DoDeclarativeSecurityAtStackWalk(MethodDesc* pFunc, AppDomain* pAppDomain, OBJECTREF* pFrameObjectSlot);