path: root/src/vm/securityattributes.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/vm/securityattributes.h')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/vm/securityattributes.h b/src/vm/securityattributes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5bcff51ec9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vm/securityattributes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+#include "vars.hpp"
+#include "eehash.h"
+#include "corperm.h"
+class SecurityDescriptor;
+class AssemblySecurityDescriptor;
+class SecurityStackWalk;
+class COMCustomAttribute;
+class PsetCacheEntry;
+struct TokenDeclActionInfo;
+extern HRESULT BlobToAttributeSet(BYTE* pBuffer, ULONG cbBuffer, CORSEC_ATTRSET* pAttrSet, DWORD dwAction);
+namespace SecurityAttributes
+ // Retrieves a previously loaded PermissionSet
+ // object index (this will work even if the permission set was loaded in
+ // a different appdomain).
+ OBJECTREF GetPermissionSet(DWORD dwIndex, DWORD dwAction);
+ // Locate the index of a permission set in the cache (returns false if the
+ // permission set has not yet been seen and decoded).
+ BOOL LookupPermissionSet(IN PBYTE pbPset,
+ IN DWORD cbPset,
+ OUT DWORD *pdwSetIndex);
+ // Creates a new permission set
+ OBJECTREF CreatePermissionSet(BOOL fTrusted);
+ // Takes two PermissionSets (referenced by index) and merges them (unions or intersects
+ // depending on fIntersect) and returns the index of the merged PermissionSet
+ PsetCacheEntry* MergePermissionSets(IN PsetCacheEntry *pPCE1, IN PsetCacheEntry *pPCE2, IN bool fIntersect, IN DWORD dwAction);
+ // Uses new to create the byte array that is returned.
+ void CopyByteArrayToEncoding(IN U1ARRAYREF* pArray,
+ OUT PBYTE* pbData,
+ OUT DWORD* cbData);
+ void EncodePermissionSet(IN OBJECTREF* pRef,
+ OUT PBYTE* ppbData,
+ OUT DWORD* pcbData);
+ // Generic routine, use with encoding calls that
+ // use the EncodePermission client data
+ // Uses new to create the byte array that is returned.
+ void CopyEncodingToByteArray(IN PBYTE pbData,
+ IN DWORD cbData,
+ IN OBJECTREF* pArray);
+ BOOL RestrictiveRequestsInAssembly(IMDInternalImport* pImport);
+ // Returns the declared PermissionSet or PermissionSetCollection for the
+ // specified action type.
+ HRESULT GetDeclaredPermissions(IN IMDInternalImport *pInternalImport,
+ IN mdToken token, // token for method, class, or assembly
+ IN CorDeclSecurity action, // SecurityAction
+ OUT OBJECTREF *pDeclaredPermissions, // The returned PermissionSet for that SecurityAction
+ OUT PsetCacheEntry **pPSCacheEntry = NULL); // The cache entry for the PermissionSet blob.
+ HRESULT TranslateSecurityAttributesHelper(
+ BYTE **ppbOutput,
+ DWORD *pcbOutput,
+ BYTE **ppbNonCasOutput,
+ DWORD *pcbNonCasOutput,
+ DWORD *pdwErrorIndex);
+ HRESULT FixUpPermissionSetAttribute(CORSEC_ATTRIBUTE* pPerm);
+ HRESULT SerializeAttribute(CORSEC_ATTRIBUTE* pAttr, BYTE* pBuffer, SIZE_T* pCount, IMetaDataAssemblyImport *pImport);
+ HRESULT DeserializeAttribute(CORSEC_ATTRIBUTE *pAttr, BYTE* pBuffer, ULONG cbBuffer, SIZE_T* pPos);
+ inline bool ContainsBuiltinCASPermsOnly(CORSEC_ATTRSET* pAttrSet);
+ inline bool ContainsBuiltinCASPermsOnly(CORSEC_ATTRSET* pAttrSet, bool* pHostProtectionOnly);
+ void CreateAndCachePermissions(IN PBYTE pbPerm,
+ IN ULONG cbPerm,
+ IN CorDeclSecurity action,
+ OUT OBJECTREF *pDeclaredPermissions,
+ OUT PsetCacheEntry **pPSCacheEntry);
+ HRESULT GetPermissionsFromMetaData(IN IMDInternalImport *pInternalImport,
+ IN mdToken token,
+ IN CorDeclSecurity action,
+ OUT PBYTE* ppbPerm,
+ OUT ULONG* pcbPerm);
+ bool IsUnrestrictedPermissionSetAttribute(CORSEC_ATTRIBUTE* pAttr);
+ bool IsBuiltInCASPermissionAttribute(CORSEC_ATTRIBUTE* pAttr);
+ bool IsHostProtectionAttribute(CORSEC_ATTRIBUTE* pAttr);
+ void LoadPermissionRequestsFromAssembly(IN IMDInternalImport *pImport,
+ OUT OBJECTREF* pReqdPermissions,
+ OUT OBJECTREF* pOptPermissions,
+ OUT OBJECTREF* pDenyPermissions);
+ // Insert a decoded permission set into the cache. Duplicates are discarded.
+ void InsertPermissionSet(IN PBYTE pbPset,
+ IN DWORD cbPset,
+ OUT DWORD *pdwSetIndex);
+ Assembly* LoadAssemblyFromToken(IMetaDataAssemblyImport *pImport, mdAssemblyRef tkAssemblyRef);
+ Assembly* LoadAssemblyFromNameString(__in_z WCHAR* pAssemblyName);
+ HRESULT AttributeSetToManaged(OBJECTREF* /*OUT*/obj, CORSEC_ATTRSET* pAttrSet, OBJECTREF* pThrowable, DWORD* pdwErrorIndex, bool bLazy);
+ HRESULT SetAttrFieldsAndProperties(CORSEC_ATTRIBUTE *pAttr, OBJECTREF* pThrowable, MethodTable* pMT, OBJECTREF* pObj);
+ HRESULT SetAttrField(BYTE** ppbBuffer, SIZE_T* pcbBuffer, DWORD dwType, TypeHandle hEnum, MethodTable* pMT, __in_z LPSTR szName, OBJECTREF* pObj, DWORD dwLength, BYTE* pbName, DWORD cbName, CorElementType eEnumType);
+ HRESULT SetAttrProperty(BYTE** ppbBuffer, SIZE_T* pcbBuffer, MethodTable* pMT, DWORD dwType, __in_z LPSTR szName, OBJECTREF* pObj, DWORD dwLength, BYTE* pbName, DWORD cbName, CorElementType eEnumType);
+ void AttrArrayToPermissionSet(OBJECTREF* attrArray, bool fSerialize, DWORD attrCount, BYTE **ppbOutput, DWORD *pcbOutput, BYTE **ppbNonCasOutput, DWORD *pcbNonCasOutput, bool fAllowEmptyPermissionSet, OBJECTREF* pPermSet);
+ void AttrSetBlobToPermissionSets(IN BYTE* pbRawPermissions, IN DWORD cbRawPermissions, OUT OBJECTREF* pObj, IN DWORD dwAction);
+ void XmlToPermissionSet(PBYTE pbXmlBlob,
+ DWORD cbXmlBlob,
+ OBJECTREF* pPermSet,
+ OBJECTREF* pEncoding,
+ PBYTE pbNonCasXmlBlob,
+ DWORD cbNonCasXmlBlob,
+ OBJECTREF* pNonCasPermSet,
+ OBJECTREF* pNonCasEncoding);
+ bool ActionAllowsNullPermissionSet(CorDeclSecurity action);
+#define LAZY_DECL_SEC_FLAG '.'