path: root/src/vm/profilingenumerators.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/vm/profilingenumerators.h')
1 files changed, 533 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/vm/profilingenumerators.h b/src/vm/profilingenumerators.h
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index 0000000000..7162ba0552
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+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// FILE: ProfilingEnumerators.h
+// All enumerators returned by the profiling API to enumerate objects or to catch up on
+// the current CLR state (usually for attaching profilers) are defined in
+// ProfilingEnumerators.h,cpp.
+// This header file contains the base enumerator template implementation, plus the
+// definitions of the derived enumerators.
+// ProfilerEnum
+// This class is a one-size-fits-all implementation for COM style enumerators
+// Template parameters:
+// EnumInterface -- the parent interface for this enumerator
+// (e.g., ICorProfilerObjectEnum)
+// Element -- the type of the objects this enumerator returns.
+template< typename EnumInterface, typename Element >
+class ProfilerEnum : public EnumInterface
+ ProfilerEnum(CDynArray< Element >* elements);
+ ProfilerEnum();
+ virtual ~ProfilerEnum();
+ // IUnknown functions
+ virtual HRESULT __stdcall QueryInterface(REFIID id, void** pInterface);
+ virtual ULONG __stdcall AddRef();
+ virtual ULONG __stdcall Release();
+ // This template assumes that the enumerator confors to the interface
+ //
+ // (this matches the IEnumXXX interface documented in MSDN)
+ virtual HRESULT __stdcall Skip(ULONG count);
+ virtual HRESULT __stdcall Reset();
+ virtual HRESULT __stdcall Clone(EnumInterface** ppEnum);
+ virtual HRESULT __stdcall GetCount(ULONG *count);
+ virtual HRESULT __stdcall Next(ULONG count,
+ Element elements[],
+ ULONG* elementsFetched);
+ ULONG m_currentElement;
+ CDynArray< Element > m_elements;
+ LONG m_refCount;
+ static const IID& m_pEnumInterfaceIID;
+template< typename EnumInterface, typename Element >
+const IID& ProfilerEnum< EnumInterface, Element >::m_pEnumInterfaceIID = __uuidof(EnumInterface);
+// ProfilerEnum implementation
+// ProfilerEnum::ProfilerEnum
+// Description
+// The enumerator constructor
+// Parameters
+// elements -- the array of elements in the enumeration.
+// Notes
+// The enumerator does NOT take ownership of data in the array of elements;
+// it maintains its own private copy.
+// <TODO>
+// nickbe 12/12/2003 11:31:34
+// If someone comes back and complains that the enumerators are too slow or use
+// too much memory, I can reference count or otherwise garbage collect the data
+// used by the enumerators
+// </TODO>
+template< typename EnumInterface, typename Element >
+ProfilerEnum< EnumInterface, Element >::ProfilerEnum(CDynArray< Element >* elements) :
+ m_currentElement(0),
+ m_refCount(1)
+ {
+ }
+ const ULONG count = elements->Count();
+ m_elements.AllocateBlockThrowing(count);
+ for (ULONG i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ m_elements[i] = (*elements)[i];
+ }
+template< typename EnumInterface, typename Element >
+ProfilerEnum< EnumInterface, Element >::ProfilerEnum() :
+ m_currentElement(0),
+ m_refCount(1)
+// ProfilerEnum::ProfileEnum
+// Description
+// Destructor for enumerators
+// Parameters
+// None
+// Returns
+// None
+template< typename EnumInterface, typename Element >
+ProfilerEnum< EnumInterface, Element >::~ProfilerEnum()
+// ProfilerEnum::QueryInterface
+// Description
+// dynamically cast this object to a specific interface.
+// Parameters
+// id -- the interface ID requested
+// ppInterface -- [out] pointer to the appropriate interface
+// Returns
+// S_OK -- if the QueryInterface succeeded
+// E_NOINTERFACE -- if the enumerator does not implement the requested interface
+template< typename EnumInterface, typename Element >
+ProfilerEnum< EnumInterface, Element >::QueryInterface(REFIID id, void** pInterface)
+ if (m_pEnumInterfaceIID == id)
+ {
+ *pInterface = static_cast< EnumInterface* >(this);
+ }
+ else if (IID_IUnknown == id)
+ {
+ *pInterface = static_cast< IUnknown* >(this);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *pInterface = NULL;
+ }
+ this->AddRef();
+ return S_OK;
+template< typename EnumInterface, typename Element >
+ProfilerEnum< EnumInterface, Element >::AddRef()
+ return InterlockedIncrement(&m_refCount);
+template< typename EnumInterface, typename Element >
+ProfilerEnum< EnumInterface, Element >::Release()
+ ULONG refCount = InterlockedDecrement(&m_refCount);
+ if (0 == refCount)
+ {
+ delete this;
+ }
+ return refCount;
+// ProfilerEnum::Next
+// Description
+// Retrieves elements from the enumeration and advances the enumerator
+// Parameters
+// elementsRequested -- the number of elements to read
+// elements -- [out] an array to store the retrieved elements
+// elementsFetched -- [out] the number of elements actually retrieved
+// Returns
+// S_OK -- elementedRequested was fully satisfied
+// S_FALSE -- less than elementsRequested were returned
+// Notes
+// if elementsRequested is 1 and elementsFetched is NULL, the enumerator will
+// try to advance 1 item and return S_OK if it is successful
+template< typename EnumInterface, typename Element >
+ProfilerEnum< EnumInterface, Element >::Next(ULONG elementsRequested,
+ Element elements[],
+ ULONG* elementsFetched)
+ // sanity check the location of the iterator
+ _ASSERTE(0 <= m_currentElement);
+ _ASSERTE(m_currentElement <= static_cast< ULONG >(m_elements.Count()));
+ // It's illegal to try and advance more than one element without giving a
+ // legitimate pointer for elementsRequested
+ if ((NULL == elementsFetched) && (1 < elementsRequested))
+ {
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ // If, for some reason, you ask for zero elements, well, we'll just tell
+ // you that's fine.
+ if (0 == elementsRequested)
+ {
+ if (NULL != elementsFetched)
+ {
+ *elementsFetched = 0;
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ if (elements == NULL)
+ {
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ // okay, enough with the corner cases.
+ // We don't want to walk past the end of our array, so figure out how far we
+ // need to walk.
+ const ULONG elementsToCopy = min(elementsRequested, m_elements.Count() - m_currentElement);
+ for (ULONG i = 0; i < elementsToCopy; ++i)
+ {
+ elements[i] = m_elements[m_currentElement + i];
+ }
+ // advance the enumerator
+ m_currentElement += elementsToCopy;
+ // sanity check that we haven't gone any further than we were supposed to
+ _ASSERTE(0 <= m_currentElement);
+ _ASSERTE(m_currentElement <= static_cast< ULONG >(m_elements.Count()));
+ if (NULL != elementsFetched)
+ {
+ *elementsFetched = elementsToCopy;
+ }
+ if (elementsToCopy < elementsRequested)
+ {
+ return S_FALSE;
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+// ProfilerEnum:GetCount
+// Description
+// Computes the number of elements remaining in the enumeration
+// Parameters
+// count -- [out] the number of element remaining in the enumeration
+// Returns
+// S_OK
+// E_INVALIDARG -- if count is an invalid pointer
+template< typename EnumInterface, typename Element >
+ProfilerEnum< EnumInterface, Element >::GetCount(ULONG* count)
+ {
+ }
+ if (NULL == count)
+ {
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ *count = m_elements.Count() - m_currentElement;
+ return S_OK;
+// ProfilerEnum::Skip
+// Description
+// Advances the enumerator without retrieving any elements.
+// Parameters
+// count -- number of elements to skip
+// Returns
+// S_OK -- if the number of elements skipped was equal to count
+// S_FALSE -- if the number of elements skipped was less than count
+// TODO
+// The API for IEnumXXX listed in MSDN here is broken. We should really have an
+// out parameter that represents the number of elements actually skipped ... all
+// though you could theoretically work that number out by calling GetCount()
+// before and after calling Skip()
+template< typename EnumInterface, typename Element >
+ProfilerEnum< EnumInterface, Element >::Skip(ULONG count)
+ {
+ }
+ const ULONG elementsToSkip = min(count, m_elements.Count() - m_currentElement);
+ m_currentElement += elementsToSkip;
+ if (elementsToSkip < count)
+ {
+ return S_FALSE;
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+// ProfilerEnum::Reset
+// Description
+// Returns the enumerator to the beginning of the enumeration
+// Parameters
+// None
+// Returns
+// S_OK -- always (function never fails)
+template< typename EnumInterface, typename Element >
+ProfilerEnum< EnumInterface, Element >::Reset()
+ {
+ }
+ m_currentElement = 0;
+ return S_OK;
+// ProfilerEnum::Clone
+// Description
+// Creates a copy of this enumerator.
+// Parameters
+// None
+// Returns
+// S_OK -- if copying is successful
+// E_OUTOFMEMORY -- if OOM occurs
+// E_INVALIDARG -- if pInterface is an invalid pointer
+template< typename EnumInterface, typename Element >
+ProfilerEnum< EnumInterface, Element >::Clone(EnumInterface** pInterface)
+ {
+ }
+ if (pInterface == NULL)
+ {
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ {
+ *pInterface = new ProfilerEnum< EnumInterface, Element >(&m_elements);
+ }
+ {
+ *pInterface = NULL;
+ }
+ EX_END_CATCH(RethrowTerminalExceptions)
+ return hr;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Enumerators have their base class defined here, as an instantiation of ProfilerEnum
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+typedef ProfilerEnum< ICorProfilerObjectEnum, ObjectID > ProfilerObjectEnum;
+typedef ProfilerEnum< ICorProfilerFunctionEnum, COR_PRF_FUNCTION > ProfilerFunctionEnumBase;
+typedef ProfilerEnum< ICorProfilerModuleEnum, ModuleID > ProfilerModuleEnumBase;
+typedef ProfilerEnum< ICorProfilerThreadEnum, ThreadID > ProfilerThreadEnumBase;
+typedef ProfilerEnum< ICorProfilerMethodEnum, COR_PRF_METHOD > ProfilerMethodEnum;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This class derives from the template enumerator instantiation, and provides specific
+// code to populate the enumerator with the function list
+class ProfilerFunctionEnum : public ProfilerFunctionEnumBase
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This class derives from the template enumerator instantiation, and provides specific
+// code to populate the enumerator with the module list
+class ProfilerModuleEnum : public ProfilerModuleEnumBase
+ HRESULT Init();
+ HRESULT AddUnsharedModulesFromAppDomain(AppDomain * pAppDomain);
+ HRESULT AddUnsharedModule(Module * pModule);
+class IterateAppDomainContainingModule
+ IterateAppDomainContainingModule(Module * pModule, ULONG32 cAppDomainIds, ULONG32 * pcAppDomainIds, AppDomainID * pAppDomainIds)
+ : m_pModule(pModule), m_cAppDomainIds(cAppDomainIds), m_pcAppDomainIds(pcAppDomainIds), m_rgAppDomainIds(pAppDomainIds), m_index(0)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE((pModule != NULL) &&
+ ((m_rgAppDomainIds != NULL) || (m_cAppDomainIds == 0)) &&
+ (m_pcAppDomainIds != NULL));
+ }
+ HRESULT PopulateArray();
+ HRESULT AddAppDomainContainingModule(AppDomain * pAppDomain);
+ Module * m_pModule;
+ ULONG32 m_cAppDomainIds;
+ ULONG32 * m_pcAppDomainIds;
+ AppDomainID * m_rgAppDomainIds;
+ ULONG32 m_index;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This class derives from the template enumerator instantiation, and provides specific
+// code to populate the enumerator with the thread store
+class ProfilerThreadEnum : public ProfilerThreadEnumBase
+public :
+ HRESULT Init();