path: root/src/vm/profilingenumerators.cpp
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+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// FILE: ProfilingEnumerators.cpp
+// All enumerators returned by the profiling API to enumerate objects or to catch up on
+// the current CLR state (usually for attaching profilers) are defined in
+// ProfilingEnumerators.h,cpp.
+// This cpp file contains implementations specific to the derived enumerator classes, as
+// well as helpers for iterating over AppDomains, assemblies, modules, etc., that have
+// been loaded enough that they may be made visible to profilers.
+#include "common.h"
+#include "proftoeeinterfaceimpl.h"
+#include "profilingenumerators.h"
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ProfilerFunctionEnum/ICorProfilerFunctionEnum implementation
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BOOL ProfilerFunctionEnum::Init(BOOL fWithReJITIDs)
+ {
+ // Yay!
+ // Yay!
+ // If we needs to get rejit ID, which requires a lock (which, in turn may switch us to
+ // preemptive mode).
+ // Yay!
+ // Depending on our GC mode, the jit manager may have to take a
+ // reader lock to prevent things from changing while reading...
+ EEJitManager::CodeHeapIterator heapIterator;
+ while(heapIterator.Next())
+ {
+ MethodDesc *pMD = heapIterator.GetMethod();
+ // On AMD64 JumpStub is used to call functions that is 2GB away. JumpStubs have a CodeHeader
+ // with NULL MethodDesc, are stored in code heap and are reported by EEJitManager::EnumCode.
+ if (pMD == NULL)
+ continue;
+ // There are two possible reasons to skip this MD.
+ //
+ // 1) If it has no metadata (i.e., LCG / IL stubs), then skip it
+ //
+ // 2) If it has no code compiled yet for it, then skip it.
+ //
+ if (pMD->IsNoMetadata() || !pMD->HasNativeCode())
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ COR_PRF_FUNCTION * element = m_elements.Append();
+ if (element == NULL)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ element->functionId = (FunctionID) pMD;
+ if (fWithReJITIDs)
+ {
+ // This guy causes triggering and locking, while the non-rejitid case does not.
+ element->reJitId = pMD->GetReJitManager()->GetReJitId(pMD, heapIterator.GetMethodCode());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ element->reJitId = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Catch-up helpers
+// #ProfilerEnumGeneral
+// The following functions factor out the iteration code to ensure we only consider
+// AppDomains, assemblies, modules, etc., that the profiler can safely query about. The
+// parameters to these functions are of types that may have confusing syntax, but all
+// that's going on is that the caller may supply an object instance and a member function
+// on that object (non-static) to be called for each iterated item. This is just a
+// statically-typed way of doing the usual pattern of providing a function pointer for
+// the callback plus a void * context object to pass to the function. If the
+// caller-supplied callback returns anything other than S_OK, the iteration code will
+// stop iterating, and immediately propagate the callback's return value to the original
+// caller. Start looking at code:ProfilerModuleEnum::Init for an example of how these
+// helpers get used.
+// The reason we have helpers to begin with is so we can centralize the logic that
+// enforces the following rather subtle invariants:
+// * Provide enough entities that the profiler gets a complete set of entities from
+// the union of catch-up enumeration and "callbacks" (e.g., ModuleLoadFinished).
+// * Exclude entities that have unloaded to the point where it's no longer safe to
+// query information about them.
+// The catch-up spec summarizes this via the following timeline for any given entity:
+// Entity available in catch-up enumeration
+// < Entity's LoadFinished (or equivalent) callback is issued
+// < Entity NOT available from catch-up enumeration
+// < Entity's UnloadStarted (or equivalent) callback is issued
+// These helpers avoid duplicate code in the ProfilerModuleEnum implementation, and will
+// also help avoid future duplicate code should we decide to provide more catch-up
+// enumerations for attaching profilers to find currently loaded AppDomains, Classes,
+// etc.
+// Note: The debugging API has similar requirements around which entities at which stage
+// of loading are permitted to be enumerated over. See code:IDacDbiInterface#Enumeration
+// for debugger details. Note that profapi's needs are not exactly the same. For example,
+// Assemblies appear in the debugging API enumerations as soon as they begin to load,
+// whereas Assemblies (like all other entities) appear in the profiling API enumerations
+// once their load is complete (i.e., just before AssemblyLoadFinished). Also,
+// debuggers enumerate DomainModules and DomainAssemblies, whereas profilers enumerate
+// Modules and Assemblies.
+// For information about other synchronization issues with profiler catch-up, see
+// code:ProfilingAPIUtility::LoadProfiler#ProfCatchUpSynchronization
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Iterates through exactly those AppDomains that should be visible to the profiler, and
+// calls a caller-supplied function to operate on each iterated AppDomain
+// Arguments:
+// * callbackObj - Caller-supplied object containing the callback method to call for
+// each AppDomain
+// * callbackMethod - Caller-supplied method to call for each AppDomain. If this
+// method returns anything other than S_OK, then the iteration is aborted, and
+// callbackMethod's return value is returned to our caller.
+template<typename CallbackObject>
+HRESULT IterateAppDomains(CallbackObject * callbackObj,
+ HRESULT (CallbackObject:: * callbackMethod)(AppDomain *))
+ {
+ // (See comments in code:ProfToEEInterfaceImpl::EnumModules for info about contracts.)
+ }
+ // #ProfilerEnumAppDomains (See also code:#ProfilerEnumGeneral)
+ //
+ // When enumerating AppDomains, ensure this timeline:
+ // AD available in catch-up enumeration
+ // < AppDomainCreationFinished issued
+ // < AD NOT available from catch-up enumeration
+ // < AppDomainShutdownStarted issued
+ //
+ // The AppDomainIterator constructor parameter m_bActive is set to be TRUE below,
+ // meaning only AppDomains in the range [STAGE_ACTIVE;STAGE_CLOSED) will be included
+ // in the iteration.
+ // * AppDomainCreationFinished (with S_OK hrStatus) is issued once the AppDomain
+ // reaches STAGE_ACTIVE.
+ // * AppDomainShutdownStarted is issued while the AppDomain is in STAGE_EXITED,
+ // * To prevent AppDomains from appearing in the enumeration after we would have
+ // sent the AppDomainShutdownStarted event for them, we must add an
+ // additional check in the enumeration loop to exclude ADs such that
+ // pAppDomain->IsUnloading() (i.e., > STAGE_UNLOAD_REQUESTED). Thus, for an
+ // AD for which AppDomainShutdownStarted callback is issued, we have AD >=
+ // STAGE_EXITED > STAGE_UNLOAD_REQUESTED, and thus, that AD will be excluded
+ // by the pAppDomain->IsUnloading() check.
+ AppDomainIterator appDomainIterator(TRUE);
+ while (appDomainIterator.Next())
+ {
+ AppDomain * pAppDomain = appDomainIterator.GetDomain();
+ if (pAppDomain->IsUnloading())
+ {
+ // Must skip app domains that are in the process of unloading, to ensure
+ // the rules around which entities the profiler should find in the
+ // enumeration. See code:#ProfilerEnumAppDomains for details.
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Of course, the AD could start unloading here, but if it does we're guaranteed
+ // the profiler has had a chance to see the Unload callback for the AD, and thus
+ // the profiler can block in that callback until it's done with the enumerator
+ // we provide.
+ // Call user-supplied callback, and cancel iteration if requested
+ HRESULT hr = (callbackObj->*callbackMethod)(pAppDomain);
+ if (hr != S_OK)
+ {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+// Iterates through exactly those Modules that should be visible to the profiler, and
+// calls a caller-supplied function to operate on each iterated Module. Any module that
+// is loaded domain-neutral is skipped.
+// Arguments:
+// * pAppDomain - Only unshared modules loaded into this AppDomain will be iterated
+// * callbackObj - Caller-supplied object containing the callback method to call for
+// each Module
+// * callbackMethod - Caller-supplied method to call for each Module. If this
+// method returns anything other than S_OK, then the iteration is aborted, and
+// callbackMethod's return value is returned to our caller.
+// Notes:
+// * In theory, this could be broken down into an unshared assembly iterator that
+// takes a callback, and an unshared module iterator (based on an input
+// assembly) that takes a callback. But that kind of granularity is unnecessary
+// now, and probably not useful in the future. If that turns out to be wrong,
+// this can still be broken down that way later on.
+template<typename CallbackObject>
+HRESULT IterateUnsharedModules(AppDomain * pAppDomain,
+ CallbackObject * callbackObj,
+ HRESULT (CallbackObject:: * callbackMethod)(Module *))
+ {
+ }
+ // #ProfilerEnumAssemblies (See also code:#ProfilerEnumGeneral)
+ //
+ // When enumerating assemblies, ensure this timeline:
+ // Assembly available in catch-up enumeration
+ // < AssemblyLoadFinished issued
+ // < Assembly NOT available from catch-up enumeration
+ // < AssemblyUnloadStarted issued
+ //
+ // The IterateAssembliesEx parameter below ensures we will only include assemblies at
+ // load level >= FILE_LOAD_LOADLIBRARY.
+ // * AssemblyLoadFinished is issued once the Assembly reaches
+ // * AssemblyUnloadStarted is issued as a result of either:
+ // * AppDomain unloading. In this case such assemblies / modules would be
+ // excluded by the AD iterator above, because it excludes ADs if
+ // pAppDomain->IsUnloading()
+ // * Collectible assemblies unloading. Such assemblies will no longer be
+ // enumerable.
+ //
+ // Note: To determine what happens in a given load stage of a module or assembly,
+ // look at the switch statement in code:DomainFile::DoIncrementalLoad, and keep in
+ // mind that it takes cases on the *next* load stage; in other words, the actions
+ // that appear in a case for a given load stage are actually executed as we attempt
+ // to transition TO that load stage, and thus they actually execute while the module
+ // / assembly is still in the previous load stage.
+ //
+ // Note that the CLR may issue ModuleLoadFinished / AssemblyLoadFinished later, at
+ // FILE_LOAD_EAGER_FIXUPS stage, if for some reason MLF/ALF hadn't been issued
+ // earlier during FILE_LOAD_LOADLIBRARY. This does not affect the timeline, as either
+ // way the profiler receives the notification AFTER the assembly would appear in the
+ // enumeration.
+ //
+ // Although it's called an "AssemblyIterator", it actually iterates over
+ // DomainAssembly instances.
+ AppDomain::AssemblyIterator domainAssemblyIterator =
+ pAppDomain->IterateAssembliesEx(
+ (AssemblyIterationFlags) (kIncludeAvailableToProfilers | kIncludeExecution | kIncludeIntrospection));
+ CollectibleAssemblyHolder<DomainAssembly *> pDomainAssembly;
+ while (domainAssemblyIterator.Next(pDomainAssembly.This()))
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(pDomainAssembly != NULL);
+ _ASSERTE(pDomainAssembly->GetAssembly() != NULL);
+ // We're only adding unshared assemblies / modules
+ if (pDomainAssembly->GetAssembly()->IsDomainNeutral())
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // #ProfilerEnumModules (See also code:#ProfilerEnumGeneral)
+ //
+ // When enumerating modules, ensure this timeline:
+ // Module available in catch-up enumeration
+ // < ModuleLoadFinished issued
+ // < Module NOT available from catch-up enumeration
+ // < ModuleUnloadStarted issued
+ //
+ // The IterateModules parameter below ensures only modules at level >=
+ // code:FILE_LOAD_LOADLIBRARY will be included in the iteration.
+ //
+ // Details for module callbacks are the same as those for assemblies, so see
+ // code:#ProfilerEnumAssemblies for info on how the timing works.
+ DomainModuleIterator domainModuleIterator =
+ pDomainAssembly->IterateModules(kModIterIncludeAvailableToProfilers);
+ while (domainModuleIterator.Next())
+ {
+ // Call user-supplied callback, and cancel iteration if requested
+ HRESULT hr = (callbackObj->*callbackMethod)(domainModuleIterator.GetModule());
+ if (hr != S_OK)
+ {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+// ProfilerModuleEnum implementation
+// This is a helper class used by ProfilerModuleEnum when determining which shared
+// modules should be added to the enumerator. See code:ProfilerModuleEnum::Init for how
+// this gets used
+class IterateAppDomainsForSharedModule
+ IterateAppDomainsForSharedModule(CDynArray< ModuleID > * pElements, Module * pModule)
+ : m_pElements(pElements), m_pModule(pModule)
+ {
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Callback passed to IterateAppDomains, that takes the currently iterated AppDomain,
+ // and adds m_pModule to the enumerator if it's loaded into the AppDomain. See
+ // code:ProfilerModuleEnum::Init for how this gets used.
+ //
+ // Arguments:
+ // * pAppDomain - Current AppDomain being iterated.
+ //
+ // Return Value:
+ // * S_OK = the iterator should continue after we return.
+ // * S_FALSE = we verified m_pModule is loaded into this AppDomain, so no need
+ // for the iterator to continue with the next AppDomain
+ // * error indicating a failure
+ //
+ HRESULT AddSharedModuleForAppDomain(AppDomain * pAppDomain)
+ {
+ {
+ }
+ DomainFile * pDomainFile = m_pModule->FindDomainFile(pAppDomain);
+ if ((pDomainFile == NULL) || !pDomainFile->IsAvailableToProfilers())
+ {
+ // This AD doesn't contain a fully loaded DomainFile for m_pModule. So continue
+ // iterating with the next AD
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ ModuleID * pElement = m_pElements->Append();
+ if (pElement == NULL)
+ {
+ // Stop iteration with error
+ }
+ // If we're here, we found a fully loaded DomainFile for m_pModule. So add
+ // m_pModule to our array, and no need to look at other other ADs for this
+ // m_pModule.
+ *pElement = (ModuleID) m_pModule;
+ return S_FALSE;
+ }
+ // List of ModuleIDs in the enumerator we're building
+ CDynArray< ModuleID > * m_pElements;
+ // Shared Module we're testing for load status in the iterated ADs.
+ Module * m_pModule;
+// Callback passed to IterateAppDomains, that takes the currently iterated AppDomain,
+// and then iterates through the unshared modules loaded into that AD. See
+// code:ProfilerModuleEnum::Init for how this gets used.
+// Arguments:
+// * pAppDomain - Current AppDomain being iterated.
+// Return Value:
+// * S_OK = the iterator should continue after we return.
+// * S_FALSE = we verified m_pModule is loaded into this AppDomain, so no need
+// for the iterator to continue with the next AppDomain
+// * error indicating a failure
+HRESULT ProfilerModuleEnum::AddUnsharedModulesFromAppDomain(AppDomain * pAppDomain)
+ {
+ }
+ return IterateUnsharedModules<ProfilerModuleEnum>(
+ pAppDomain,
+ this,
+ &ProfilerModuleEnum::AddUnsharedModule);
+// Callback passed to IterateUnsharedModules, that takes the currently iterated unshared
+// Module, and adds it to the enumerator. See code:ProfilerModuleEnum::Init for how this
+// gets used.
+// Arguments:
+// * pModule - Current Module being iterated.
+// Return Value:
+// * S_OK = the iterator should continue after we return.
+// * error indicating a failure
+HRESULT ProfilerModuleEnum::AddUnsharedModule(Module * pModule)
+ {
+ }
+ ModuleID * pElement = m_elements.Append();
+ if (pElement == NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ *pElement = (ModuleID) pModule;
+ return S_OK;
+// Populate the module enumerator that's about to be given to the profiler. This is
+// called from the ICorProfilerInfo3::EnumModules implementation.
+// This code controls how the above iterator helpers and callbacks are used, so you might
+// want to look here first to understand how how the helpers and callbacks are used.
+// Return Value:
+// HRESULT indicating success or failure.
+HRESULT ProfilerModuleEnum::Init()
+ {
+ // (See comments in code:ProfToEEInterfaceImpl::EnumModules for info about contracts.)
+ }
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ // When an assembly or module is loaded into an AppDomain, a separate DomainFile is
+ // created (one per pairing of the AppDomain with the module or assembly). This means
+ // that we'll create multiple DomainFiles for the same module if it is loaded
+ // domain-neutral (i.e., "shared"). The profiling API callbacks shield the profiler
+ // from this, and only report a given module the first time it's loaded. So a
+ // profiler sees only one ModuleLoadFinished for a module loaded domain-neutral, even
+ // though the module may be used by multiple AppDomains. The module enumerator must
+ // mirror the behavior of the profiling API callbacks, by avoiding duplicate Modules
+ // in the module list we return to the profiler. So first add unshared modules (non
+ // domain-neutral) to the enumerator, and then separately add any shared modules that
+ // were loaded into at least one AD.
+ // First, iterate through all ADs. For each one, call
+ // AddUnsharedModulesFromAppDomain, which iterates through all UNSHARED modules and
+ // adds them to the enumerator.
+ hr = IterateAppDomains<ProfilerModuleEnum>(
+ this,
+ &ProfilerModuleEnum::AddUnsharedModulesFromAppDomain);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ // Next, find all SHARED modules that have a corresponding DomainModule loaded into
+ // at least one AppDomain with a load level high enough that it should be visible to
+ // profilers. For each such shared module, add it once to the enumerator. Note that
+ // enumerating assemblies/modules from the SharedDomain uses different internal CLR
+ // interators than enumerating DomainAssemblies/DomainModules from AppDomains. So we
+ // need to special case the iteration here. We could probably factor the following
+ // into yet more iterator helpers the same way we've already done for the
+ // DomainAssembly/DomainModule iterators above, but it's unclear how useful that
+ // would be.
+ SharedDomain::SharedAssemblyIterator sharedAssemblyIterator;
+ while (sharedAssemblyIterator.Next())
+ {
+ Assembly * pAssembly = sharedAssemblyIterator.GetAssembly();
+ Assembly::ModuleIterator moduleIterator = pAssembly->IterateModules();
+ while (moduleIterator.Next())
+ {
+ Module * pModule = moduleIterator.GetModule();
+ // Create an instance of this helper class (IterateAppDomainsForSharedModule)
+ // to remember which Module we're testing. This will be used as our callback
+ // for when we iterate AppDomains trying to find at least one AD that has loaded
+ // pModule enough that pModule would be made visible to profilers.
+ IterateAppDomainsForSharedModule iterateAppDomainsForSharedModule(&m_elements, pModule);
+ hr = IterateAppDomains<IterateAppDomainsForSharedModule>(
+ &iterateAppDomainsForSharedModule,
+ &IterateAppDomainsForSharedModule::AddSharedModuleForAppDomain);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+// Callback passed to IterateAppDomains, that takes the currently iterated AppDomain,
+// and adds it to the enumerator if it has loaded the given module. See
+// code:IterateAppDomainContainingModule::PopulateArray for how this gets used.
+// Arguments:
+// * pAppDomain - Current AppDomain being iterated.
+// Return Value:
+// * S_OK = the iterator should continue after we return.
+// * error indicating a failure
+HRESULT IterateAppDomainContainingModule::AddAppDomainContainingModule(AppDomain * pAppDomain)
+ {
+ // This method iterates over AppDomains, which adds, then releases, a reference on
+ // each AppDomain iterated. This causes locking, and can cause triggering if the
+ // AppDomain gets destroyed as a result of the release. (See code:AppDomainIterator::Next
+ // and its call to code:AppDomain::Release.)
+ }
+ DomainFile * pDomainFile = m_pModule->FindDomainFile(pAppDomain);
+ if ((pDomainFile != NULL) && (pDomainFile->IsAvailableToProfilers()))
+ {
+ if (m_index < m_cAppDomainIds)
+ {
+ m_rgAppDomainIds[m_index] = reinterpret_cast<AppDomainID>(pAppDomain);
+ }
+ m_index++;
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+// Populate the array with AppDomains in which the given module has been loaded
+// Return Value:
+// HRESULT indicating success or failure.
+HRESULT IterateAppDomainContainingModule::PopulateArray()
+ {
+ // This method iterates over AppDomains, which adds, then releases, a reference on
+ // each AppDomain iterated. This causes locking, and can cause triggering if the
+ // AppDomain gets destroyed as a result of the release. (See code:AppDomainIterator::Next
+ // and its call to code:AppDomain::Release.)
+ }
+ HRESULT hr = IterateAppDomains<IterateAppDomainContainingModule>(
+ this,
+ &IterateAppDomainContainingModule::AddAppDomainContainingModule);
+ *m_pcAppDomainIds = m_index;
+ return hr;
+// Populate the thread enumerator that's about to be given to the profiler. This is
+// called from the ICorProfilerInfo4::EnumThread implementation.
+// Return Value:
+// HRESULT indicating success or failure.
+HRESULT ProfilerThreadEnum::Init()
+ {
+ }
+ ThreadStoreLockHolder tsLock;
+ Thread * pThread = NULL;
+ //
+ // Walk through all the threads with the lock taken
+ // Because the thread enumeration status need to change before the ThreadCreated/ThreadDestroyed
+ // callback, we need to:
+ // 1. Include Thread::TS_FullyInitialized threads for ThreadCreated
+ // 2. Exclude Thread::TS_Dead | Thread::TS_ReportDead for ThreadDestroyed
+ //
+ while((pThread = ThreadStore::GetAllThreadList(
+ pThread,
+ Thread::TS_Dead | Thread::TS_ReportDead | Thread::TS_FullyInitialized,
+ Thread::TS_FullyInitialized
+ )))
+ {
+ if (pThread->IsGCSpecial())
+ continue;
+ *m_elements.Append() = (ThreadID) pThread;
+ }
+ return S_OK;