path: root/src/vm/profdetach.cpp
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diff --git a/src/vm/profdetach.cpp b/src/vm/profdetach.cpp
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index 0000000000..78381fd03d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vm/profdetach.cpp
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+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// ProfDetach.cpp
+// Implementation of helper classes and structures used for Profiling API Detaching
+// ======================================================================================
+#include "common.h"
+#include "profdetach.h"
+#include "profilinghelper.h"
+// Class static member variables
+ProfilerDetachInfo ProfilingAPIDetach::s_profilerDetachInfo;
+CLREvent ProfilingAPIDetach::s_eventDetachWorkAvailable;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ProfilerDetachInfo constructor
+// Description:
+// Set every member variable to NULL or 0. They'll get initialized to real values
+// in ProfilingAPIDetach::RequestProfilerDetach.
+ // Executed during construction of a global object, therefore we cannot
+ // use real contracts, as this requires that utilcode has been initialized.
+ Init();
+void ProfilerDetachInfo::Init()
+ // Executed during construction of a global object, therefore we cannot
+ // use real contracts, as this requires that utilcode has been initialized.
+ m_pEEToProf = NULL;
+ m_ui64DetachStartTime = 0;
+ m_dwExpectedCompletionMilliseconds = 0;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Implementation of ProfilingAPIAttachDetach statics
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ProfilingAPIDetach::Initialize
+// Description:
+// Initialize static event
+// static
+HRESULT ProfilingAPIDetach::Initialize()
+ {
+ }
+ if (!s_eventDetachWorkAvailable.IsValid())
+ {
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ {
+ s_eventDetachWorkAvailable.CreateAutoEvent(FALSE);
+ }
+ {
+ hr = GET_EXCEPTION()->GetHR();
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // For exceptions that give us useless hr's, just use E_FAIL
+ hr = E_FAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ EX_END_CATCH(RethrowTerminalExceptions)
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ProfilingAPIDetach::RequestProfilerDetach
+// Description:
+// Initialize ProfilerDetachInfo structures with parameters passed from
+// ICorProfilerInfo3::RequestProfilerDetach
+// Arguments:
+// * dwExpectedCompletionMilliseconds - A hint to the CLR as to how long it should
+// wait before checking to see if execution has evacuated the profiler and all
+// profiler-instrumented code. If this is 0, the CLR will select a default.
+// Notes:
+// Invariants maintained by profiler:
+// * Before calling RequestProfilerDetach, the profiler must turn off all hijacking.
+// * If RequestProfilerDetach is called from a thread created by the CLR (i.e., from
+// within a callback), the profiler must first have exited all threads of its own
+// creation
+// * If RequestProfilerDetach is called from a thread of the profiler's own creation,
+// then
+// * The profiler must first have exited all OTHER threads of its own creation,
+// AND
+// * The profiler must immediately call FreeLibraryAndExitThread() after
+// RequestProfilerDetach returns.
+// The above invariants result in the following possiblities:
+// * RequestProfilerDetach() may be called multi-threaded, but only from within
+// profiler callbacks. As such, evacuation counters will have been incremented
+// before entry into RequestProfilerDetach(), so the DetachThread will be
+// blocked until all such threads have returned from RequestProfilerDetach and
+// the callback from which RequestProfilerDetach was called. OR
+// * RequestProfilerDetach() is called single-threaded, from a thread of the
+// profiler's creation, which promises not to make any more calls into the CLR
+// afterward. In this case, the DetachThread will be blocked until
+// RequestProfilerDetach signals s_eventDetachWorkAvailable at the end.
+// static
+HRESULT ProfilingAPIDetach::RequestProfilerDetach(DWORD dwExpectedCompletionMilliseconds)
+ {
+ // Crst is used so GC may be triggered
+ // Crst is used to synchronize the initialization of ProfilingAPIDetach internal structure
+ PRECONDITION(ProfilingAPIUtility::GetStatusCrst() != NULL);
+ PRECONDITION(s_eventDetachWorkAvailable.IsValid());
+ }
+ // Runtime must be fully started, or else CpuStoreBufferControl used below may not
+ // be initialized yet.
+ if (!g_fEEStarted)
+ {
+ }
+ if (dwExpectedCompletionMilliseconds == 0)
+ {
+ // Pick suitable default if the profiler just leaves this at 0. 5 seconds is
+ // reasonable.
+ dwExpectedCompletionMilliseconds = 5000;
+ }
+ {
+ CRITSEC_Holder csh(ProfilingAPIUtility::GetStatusCrst());
+ // return immediately if detach is in progress
+ if (s_profilerDetachInfo.m_pEEToProf != NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ ProfilerStatus curProfStatus = g_profControlBlock.curProfStatus.Get();
+ if ((curProfStatus == kProfStatusInitializingForStartupLoad) ||
+ (curProfStatus == kProfStatusInitializingForAttachLoad))
+ {
+ }
+ if (curProfStatus != kProfStatusActive)
+ {
+ // Before we acquired the lock, someone else must have unloaded the profiler
+ // for us (e.g., shutdown or the DetachThread in response to a prior
+ // RequestProfilerDetach call).
+ }
+ EEToProfInterfaceImpl * pEEToProf = g_profControlBlock.pProfInterface;
+ // Since prof status was active after entering the lock, the profiler must not
+ // have unloaded out from under us.
+ _ASSERTE(pEEToProf != NULL);
+ if (!pEEToProf->IsCallback3Supported())
+ {
+ }
+ // Did the profiler do anything immutable? That will prevent us from allowing it to
+ // detach.
+ HRESULT hr = pEEToProf->EnsureProfilerDetachable();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ s_profilerDetachInfo.m_pEEToProf = pEEToProf;
+ s_profilerDetachInfo.m_ui64DetachStartTime = CLRGetTickCount64();
+ s_profilerDetachInfo.m_dwExpectedCompletionMilliseconds = dwExpectedCompletionMilliseconds;
+ // Ok, time to seal the profiler from receiving or making calls with the CLR.
+ // (This will force a FlushStoreBuffers().)
+ g_profControlBlock.curProfStatus.Set(kProfStatusDetaching);
+ }
+ // Sealing done. Wake up the DetachThread so it can loop until the profiler code is
+ // fully evacuated off of all stacks.
+ if (!s_eventDetachWorkAvailable.Set())
+ {
+ return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
+ }
+ // FUTURE: Currently, kProfStatusDetaching prevents callbacks from being sent to the
+ // profiler AND prevents another profiler from attaching. In the future, when
+ // implementing the reattach-with-neutered-profilers feature crew, we may want to add
+ // another block here to call ProfilingAPIUtility::SetProfStatus(kProfStatusNone), so callbacks are
+ // prevented but a new profiler may attempt to attach.
+ {
+ ProfilingAPIUtility::LogProfInfo(IDS_PROF_DETACH_INITIATED);
+ }
+ {
+ // Oh well, rest of detach succeeded, so we should still return success to the
+ // profiler.
+ }
+ EX_END_CATCH(RethrowTerminalExceptions);
+ return S_OK;
+// This is where the DetachThread spends its life. This waits until there's a profiler
+// to detach, then loops until the profiler code is completely evacuated off all stacks.
+// This will then unload the profiler.
+// static
+void ProfilingAPIDetach::ExecuteEvacuationLoop()
+ {
+ }
+ // Wait until there's a profiler to detach (or until this thread should "wake up"
+ // for some other reason, such as exiting due to an unsuccessful startup-load of a
+ // profiler).
+ DWORD dwRet = s_eventDetachWorkAvailable.Wait(INFINITE, FALSE /* alertable */);
+ if (dwRet != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
+ {
+ // The wait ended due to a failure or a reason other than the event getting
+ // signaled (e.g., WAIT_ABANDONED)
+ DWORD dwErr;
+ if (dwRet == WAIT_FAILED)
+ {
+ dwErr = GetLastError();
+ LOG((
+ "**PROF: DetachThread wait for s_eventDetachWorkAvailable failed with GetLastError = %d.\n",
+ dwErr));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dwErr = dwRet; // No extra error info available beyond the return code
+ LOG((
+ "**PROF: DetachThread wait for s_eventDetachWorkAvailable terminated with %d.\n",
+ dwErr));
+ }
+ ProfilingAPIUtility::LogProfError(IDS_PROF_DETACH_THREAD_ERROR, dwErr);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Peek to make sure there's actually a profiler to detach
+ {
+ CRITSEC_Holder csh(ProfilingAPIUtility::GetStatusCrst());
+ if (s_profilerDetachInfo.m_pEEToProf == NULL)
+ {
+ // Nothing to detach. This can happen if the DetachThread (i.e., current
+ // thread) was created but then the profiler failed to load.
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ do
+ {
+ // Give profiler a chance to return from its procs
+ SleepWhileProfilerEvacuates();
+ }
+ while (!IsProfilerEvacuated());
+ UnloadProfiler();
+// This is called in between evacuation counter checks. This calculates how long to
+// sleep, and then sleeps.
+// static
+void ProfilingAPIDetach::SleepWhileProfilerEvacuates()
+ {
+ }
+ // Don't want to check evacuation any more frequently than every 300ms
+ const DWORD kdwDefaultMinSleepMs = 300;
+ // The default "steady state" max sleep is how long we'll wait if, after a couple
+ // tries the profiler still hasn't evacuated. Default to every 10 minutes
+ const DWORD kdwDefaultMaxSleepMs = 600000;
+ static DWORD s_dwMinSleepMs = 0;
+ static DWORD s_dwMaxSleepMs = 0;
+ // First time through, initialize the static min / max sleep times. Normally, we'll
+ // just use the constants above, but the user may customize these (within reason).
+ // They should either both be uninitialized or both initialized
+ ((s_dwMinSleepMs == 0) && (s_dwMaxSleepMs == 0)) ||
+ ((s_dwMinSleepMs != 0) && (s_dwMaxSleepMs != 0)));
+ if (s_dwMaxSleepMs == 0)
+ {
+ // No race here, since only the DetachThread runs this code
+ s_dwMinSleepMs = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::EXTERNAL_ProfAPI_DetachMinSleepMs);
+ s_dwMaxSleepMs = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::EXTERNAL_ProfAPI_DetachMaxSleepMs);
+ // Here's the "within reason" part: the user may not customize these values to
+ // be more "extreme" than the constants, or to be 0 (which would confuse the
+ // issue of whether these statics were intialized yet).
+ if ((s_dwMinSleepMs < kdwDefaultMinSleepMs) || (s_dwMinSleepMs > kdwDefaultMaxSleepMs))
+ {
+ // Sleeping less than 300ms between evac checks could negatively affect the
+ // app by having the DetachThread execute too often. And a min sleep time
+ // that's too high could result in a profiler hanging around way too long
+ // when it's actually ready to be unloaded.
+ s_dwMinSleepMs = kdwDefaultMinSleepMs;
+ }
+ if ((s_dwMaxSleepMs < kdwDefaultMinSleepMs) || (s_dwMaxSleepMs > kdwDefaultMaxSleepMs))
+ {
+ // A steady state that's too small would retry the evac checks too often on
+ // an ongoing basis. A steady state that's too high could result in a
+ // profiler hanging around way too long when it's actually ready to be
+ // unloaded.
+ s_dwMaxSleepMs = kdwDefaultMaxSleepMs;
+ }
+ }
+ // Take note of when the detach was requested and how long to sleep for
+ ULONGLONG ui64ExpectedCompletionMilliseconds;
+ ULONGLONG ui64DetachStartTime;
+ {
+ CRITSEC_Holder csh(ProfilingAPIUtility::GetStatusCrst());
+ _ASSERTE(s_profilerDetachInfo.m_pEEToProf != NULL);
+ ui64ExpectedCompletionMilliseconds = s_profilerDetachInfo.m_dwExpectedCompletionMilliseconds;
+ ui64DetachStartTime = s_profilerDetachInfo.m_ui64DetachStartTime;
+ }
+ // ui64SleepMilliseconds is calculated to ensure that CLR checks evacuation status roughly:
+ // * After profiler's ui64ExpectedCompletionMilliseconds hint has elapsed (but not
+ // too soon)
+ // * At least once more after 2*ui64ExpectedCompletionMilliseconds have elapsed
+ // (but not too soon)
+ // * Occasionally thereafter (steady state)
+ ULONGLONG ui64ElapsedMilliseconds = CLRGetTickCount64() - ui64DetachStartTime;
+ ULONGLONG ui64SleepMilliseconds;
+ if (ui64ExpectedCompletionMilliseconds > ui64ElapsedMilliseconds)
+ {
+ // Haven't hit ui64ExpectedCompletionMilliseconds yet, so sleep for remainder
+ ui64SleepMilliseconds = ui64ExpectedCompletionMilliseconds - ui64ElapsedMilliseconds;
+ }
+ else if ((2*ui64ExpectedCompletionMilliseconds) > ui64ElapsedMilliseconds)
+ {
+ // We're between ui64ExpectedCompletionMilliseconds &
+ // 2*ui64ExpectedCompletionMilliseconds, so sleep until
+ // 2*ui64ExpectedCompletionMilliseconds have transpired
+ ui64SleepMilliseconds = (2*ui64ExpectedCompletionMilliseconds) - ui64ElapsedMilliseconds;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Steady state
+ ui64SleepMilliseconds = s_dwMaxSleepMs;
+ }
+ // ...but keep it in bounds!
+ ui64SleepMilliseconds = min(
+ max(ui64SleepMilliseconds, s_dwMinSleepMs),
+ s_dwMaxSleepMs);
+ // At this point it's safe to cast ui64SleepMilliseconds down to a DWORD since we
+ // know it's between s_dwMinSleepMs & s_dwMaxSleepMs
+ _ASSERTE(ui64SleepMilliseconds <= 0xFFFFffff);
+ ClrSleepEx((DWORD) ui64SleepMilliseconds, FALSE /* alertable */);
+// Performs the evacuation checks by grabbing the thread store lock, iterating through
+// all EE Threads, and querying each one's evacuation counter. If they're all 0, the
+// profiler is ready to be unloaded.
+// Return Value:
+// Nonzero iff the profiler is fully evacuated and ready to be unloaded.
+// static
+BOOL ProfilingAPIDetach::IsProfilerEvacuated()
+ {
+ }
+ _ASSERTE(g_profControlBlock.curProfStatus.Get() == kProfStatusDetaching);
+ // Check evacuation counters on all the threads (see
+ // code:ProfilingAPIUtility::InitializeProfiling#LoadUnloadCallbackSynchronization
+ // for details). Doing this under the thread store lock not only ensures we can
+ // iterate through the Thread objects safely, but also forces us to serialize with
+ // the GC. The latter is important, as server GC enters the profiler on non-EE
+ // Threads, and so no evacuation counters might be incremented during server GC even
+ // though control could be entering the profiler.
+ {
+ ThreadStoreLockHolder TSLockHolder;
+ Thread * pThread = ThreadStore::GetAllThreadList(
+ NULL, // cursor thread; always NULL to begin with
+ 0, // mask to AND with Thread::m_State to filter returned threads
+ 0); // bits to match the result of the above AND. (m_State & 0 == 0,
+ // so we won't filter out any threads)
+ // Note that, by not filtering out any of the threads, we're intentionally including
+ // stuff like TS_Dead or TS_Unstarted. But that keeps us on the safe
+ // side. If an EE Thread object exists, we want to check its counters to be
+ // absolutely certain it isn't executing in a profiler.
+ while (pThread != NULL)
+ {
+ // Note that pThread is still in motion as we check its evacuation counter.
+ // This is ok, because we've already changed the profiler status to
+ // kProfStatusDetaching and flushed CPU buffers. So at this point the counter
+ // will typically only go down to 0 (and not increment anymore), with one
+ // small exception (below). So if we get a read of 0 below, the counter will
+ // typically stay there. Specifically:
+ // * pThread is most likely not about to increment its evacuation counter
+ // from 0 to 1 because pThread sees that the status is
+ // kProfStatusDetaching.
+ // * Note that there is a small race where pThread might actually
+ // increment its evac counter from 0 to 1 (if it dirty-read the
+ // profiler status a tad too early), but that implies that when
+ // pThread rechecks the profiler status (clean read) then pThread
+ // will immediately decrement the evac counter back to 0 and avoid
+ // calling into the EEToProfInterfaceImpl pointer.
+ //
+ // (see
+ // code:ProfilingAPIUtility::InitializeProfiling#LoadUnloadCallbackSynchronization
+ // for details)
+ DWORD dwEvacCounter = pThread->GetProfilerEvacuationCounter();
+ if (dwEvacCounter != 0)
+ {
+ LOG((
+ LL_INFO100,
+ "**PROF: Profiler not yet evacuated because OS Thread ID 0x%x has evac counter of %d (decimal).\n",
+ pThread->GetOSThreadId(),
+ dwEvacCounter));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ pThread = ThreadStore::GetAllThreadList(pThread, 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ // FUTURE: When rejit feature crew complete, add code to verify all rejitted
+ // functions are fully reverted and off of all stacks. If this is very easy to
+ // verify (e.g., checking a single value), consider putting it above the loop
+ // above so we can early-out quicker if rejitted code is still around.
+ // We got this far without returning, so the profiler is fully evacuated
+ return TRUE;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// After we've verified a detaching profiler has fully evacuated, call this to unload the
+// profiler and clean up state.
+// Assumptions:
+// Since this is called well after the profiler called RequestProfilerDetach, the
+// profiler must not have any other threads in use. Also, now that the profiler has
+// been evacuated, no CLR threads will be calling into the profiler (thus the
+// profiler will not gain control via CLR threads either). That means the profiler
+// may not call back into the CLR on any other threads.
+// static
+void ProfilingAPIDetach::UnloadProfiler()
+ {
+ }
+ _ASSERTE(g_profControlBlock.curProfStatus.Get() == kProfStatusDetaching);
+ {
+ CRITSEC_Holder csh(ProfilingAPIUtility::GetStatusCrst());
+ // Notify profiler it's about to be unloaded
+ _ASSERTE(s_profilerDetachInfo.m_pEEToProf != NULL);
+ s_profilerDetachInfo.m_pEEToProf->ProfilerDetachSucceeded();
+ // Reset detach state.
+ s_profilerDetachInfo.Init();
+ // This deletes the EEToProfInterfaceImpl object managing the detaching profiler,
+ // releases the profiler's callback interfaces, unloads the profiler DLL, sets
+ // the status to kProfStatusNone, and resets g_profControlBlock for use next time
+ // a profiler tries to attach.
+ //
+ // Note that s_profilerDetachInfo.Init() has already NULL'd out
+ // s_profilerDetachInfo.m_pEEToProf, so we won't have a dangling pointer to the
+ // EEToProfInterfaceImpl that's about to be destroyed.
+ ProfilingAPIUtility::TerminateProfiling();
+ }
+ ProfilingAPIUtility::LogProfInfo(IDS_PROF_DETACH_COMPLETE);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ProfilingAPIDetach::ProfilingAPIDetachThreadStart
+// Description:
+// Thread proc for DetachThread. Serves as a simple try/catch wrapper around a call to
+// ProfilingAPIDetach::ExecuteEvacuationLoop. This thread proc is specified by
+// code:ProfilingAPIDetach::CreateDetachThread when it spins up the new DetachThread.
+// This occurs when a profiler is either startup-loaded or attach-loaded.
+// Arguments:
+// * LPVOID thread proc param is ignored
+// Return Value:
+// Just returns 0 always.
+// static
+DWORD WINAPI ProfilingAPIDetach::ProfilingAPIDetachThreadStart(LPVOID)
+ {
+ }
+ // At start of this thread, set its type so SOS !threads and anyone else knows who we
+ // are.
+ ClrFlsSetThreadType(ThreadType_ProfAPI_Detach);
+ LOG((
+ LL_INFO10,
+ "**PROF: DetachThread created and executing.\n"));
+ // This try block is a last-ditch stop-gap to prevent an unhandled exception on the
+ // DetachThread from bringing down the process. Note that if the unhandled
+ // exception is a terminal one, then hey, sure, let's tear everything down. Also
+ // note that any naughtiness in the profiler (e.g., throwing an exception from its
+ // Initialize callback) should already be handled before we pop back to here, so this
+ // is just being super paranoid.
+ {
+ // Don't care about return value, thread proc will just return 0 regardless
+ ExecuteEvacuationLoop();
+ }
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(!"Unhandled exception on profiling API detach thread");
+ }
+ EX_END_CATCH(RethrowTerminalExceptions);
+ LOG((
+ LL_INFO10,
+ "**PROF: DetachThread exiting.\n"));
+ return 0;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Called during startup or attach load of a profiler to create a new thread to fill the role of
+// the DetachThread.
+// static
+HRESULT ProfilingAPIDetach::CreateDetachThread()
+ // This function is practically a leaf (though not quite), so keeping the contract
+ // strict to allow for maximum flexibility on when this may called.
+ {
+ }
+ // FUTURE: When reattach with neutered profilers is implemented, this
+ // function should check if a DetachThread already exists (use synchronization
+ // to prevent race), and just return if so.
+ HandleHolder hDetachThread;
+ // The DetachThread is intentionally not an EE Thread-object thread (it won't
+ // execute managed code).
+ hDetachThread = ::CreateThread(
+ NULL, // lpThreadAttributes; don't want child processes inheriting this handle
+ 0, // dwStackSize (0 = use default)
+ ProfilingAPIDetachThreadStart,
+ NULL, // lpParameter (none to pass)
+ 0, // dwCreationFlags (0 = use default flags, start thread immediately)
+ NULL // lpThreadId (don't need therad ID)
+ );
+ if (hDetachThread == NULL)
+ {
+ DWORD dwErr = GetLastError();
+ LOG((
+ "**PROF: Failed to create DetachThread. GetLastError=%d.\n",
+ dwErr));
+ return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr);
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+// Accessor for ProfilingAPIDetach::s_profilerDetachInfo.m_pEEToProf, which is the
+// profiler being detached (or NULL if no profiler is being detached).
+// Return Value:
+// EEToProfInterfaceImpl * for the profiler being detached.
+// static
+EEToProfInterfaceImpl * ProfilingAPIDetach::GetEEToProfPtr()
+ return s_profilerDetachInfo.m_pEEToProf;