path: root/src/vm/peimage.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/vm/peimage.h')
1 files changed, 501 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/vm/peimage.h b/src/vm/peimage.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12a4dd763e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vm/peimage.h
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// PEImage.h
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef PEIMAGE_H_
+#define PEIMAGE_H_
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Required headers
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "clrtypes.h"
+#include "peimagelayout.h"
+#include "sstring.h"
+#include "holder.h"
+#include "pefingerprint.h"
+class SimpleRWLock;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Forward declarations
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Crst;
+class Thread;
+Thread* GetThreadNULLOk();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// PEImage is a PE file loaded by our "simulated LoadLibrary" mechanism. A PEImage
+// can be loaded either FLAT (same layout as on disk) or MAPPED (PE sections
+// mapped into virtual addresses.)
+// The MAPPED format is currently limited to "IL only" images - this can be checked
+// for via PEDecoder::IsILOnlyImage.
+// NOTE: PEImage will NEVER call LoadLibrary.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define CV_SIGNATURE_RSDS 0x53445352
+// CodeView RSDS debug information -> PDB 7.00
+struct CV_INFO_PDB70
+ DWORD magic;
+ GUID signature; // unique identifier
+ DWORD age; // an always-incrementing value
+ char path[MAX_LONGPATH]; // zero terminated string with the name of the PDB file
+typedef DPTR(class PEImage) PTR_PEImage;
+class PEImage
+ friend class PEModule;
+ friend class CCLRDebugManager;
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Public constants
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------
+ enum
+ {
+ };
+ PTR_PEImageLayout GetLayout(DWORD imageLayoutMask,DWORD flags); //with ref
+ PTR_PEImageLayout GetLoadedLayout(); //no ref
+ PTR_PEImageLayout GetLoadedIntrospectionLayout(); //no ref, introspection only
+ BOOL IsOpened();
+ BOOL HasLoadedLayout();
+ BOOL HasLoadedIntrospectionLayout();
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Public API
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------
+ static void Startup();
+ // Normal constructed PEImages do NOT share images between calls and
+ // cannot be accessed by Get methods.
+ //
+ // DO NOT USE these unless you want a private copy-on-write mapping of
+ // the file.
+ ~PEImage();
+ PEImage();
+ static PTR_PEImage LoadFlat(
+ const void *flat,
+ COUNT_T size);
+#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
+ static PTR_PEImage LoadImage(
+ HMODULE hMod);
+#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
+ static PTR_PEImage OpenImage(
+ LPCWSTR pPath,
+ MDInternalImportFlags flags = MDInternalImport_Default);
+ static PTR_PEImage OpenImage(
+ IStream *pIStream,
+ UINT64 uStreamAsmId,
+ DWORD dwModuleId,
+ BOOL resourceFile,
+ MDInternalImportFlags flags = MDInternalImport_Default);
+ // clones the image with new flags (this is pretty much about cached / noncached difference)
+ void Clone(MDInternalImportFlags flags, PTR_PEImage* ppImage)
+ {
+ if (GetPath().IsEmpty())
+ {
+ AddRef();
+ *ppImage = this;
+ }
+ else
+ *ppImage = PEImage::OpenImage(GetPath(), flags);
+ };
+ // pUnkResource must be one of the ICLRPrivResource* interfaces defined in CLRPrivBinding.IDL.
+ // pUnkResource will be queried for each of these to find a match and
+ static PEImage * OpenImage(
+ ICLRPrivResource * pIResource,
+ MDInternalImportFlags flags = MDInternalImport_Default);
+ static PTR_PEImage FindById(UINT64 uStreamAsmId, DWORD dwModuleId);
+ static PTR_PEImage FindByPath(LPCWSTR pPath);
+ static PTR_PEImage FindByShortPath(LPCWSTR pPath);
+ static PTR_PEImage FindByLongPath(LPCWSTR pPath);
+ void AddToHashMap();
+ void Load();
+ void SetLoadedHMODULE(HMODULE hMod);
+ void LoadNoMetaData(BOOL bIntrospection);
+ void LoadNoFile();
+ void LoadFromMapped();
+ void LoadForIntrospection();
+ void AllocateLazyCOWPages();
+ BOOL HasID();
+ ULONG GetIDHash();
+ PTR_CVOID GetStrongNameSignature(COUNT_T *pSize = NULL);
+ // Refcount above images.
+ ULONG AddRef();
+ ULONG Release();
+ // Accessors
+ const SString &GetPath();
+ BOOL IsFile();
+ HANDLE GetFileHandle();
+ HANDLE GetFileHandleLocking();
+ void SetFileHandle(HANDLE hFile);
+ HRESULT TryOpenFile();
+ HANDLE GetProtectingFileHandle(BOOL bProtectIfNotOpenedYet);
+ LPCWSTR GetPathForErrorMessages();
+ // Equality
+ BOOL Equals(PEImage *pImage);
+ static ULONG HashStreamIds(UINT64 id1, DWORD id2);
+ // Hashing utilities. (These require a flat version of the file, and
+ // will open one if necessary.)
+ void GetImageBits(DWORD layout, SBuffer &result);
+ void ComputeHash(ALG_ID algorithm, SBuffer &result);
+ CHECK CheckHash(ALG_ID algorithm, const void *pbHash, COUNT_T cbHash);
+ void GetMVID(GUID *pMvid);
+ const BOOL HasV1Metadata();
+ IMDInternalImport* GetMDImport();
+ BOOL MDImportLoaded();
+ IMDInternalImport* GetNativeMDImport(BOOL loadAllowed = TRUE);
+ BOOL HasSecurityDirectory();
+ BOOL HasContents() ;
+ BOOL HasNativeHeader() ;
+ BOOL IsPtrInImage(PTR_CVOID data);
+ CHECK CheckFormat();
+ // Check utilites
+ CHECK CheckILFormat();
+ CHECK CheckNativeFormat();
+ static CHECK CheckCanonicalFullPath(const SString &path);
+ static CHECK CheckStartup();
+ PTR_CVOID GetMetadata(COUNT_T *pSize = NULL);
+ void GetHashedStrongNameSignature(SBuffer &result);
+#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
+ static void GetPathFromDll(HINSTANCE hMod, SString &result);
+#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
+ static LocaleID GetFileSystemLocale();
+ static BOOL PathEquals(const SString &p1, const SString &p2);
+ BOOL IsTrustedNativeImage(){LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_bIsTrustedNativeImage;};
+ void SetIsTrustedNativeImage(){LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_bIsTrustedNativeImage=TRUE;};
+ BOOL IsNativeImageInstall(){LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_bIsNativeImageInstall;}
+ void SetIsNativeImageInstall(){LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_bIsNativeImageInstall=TRUE;};
+ void SetModuleFileNameHintForDAC();
+ void EnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags);
+ const SString &GetModuleFileNameHintForDAC();
+ const BOOL HasNTHeaders();
+ const BOOL HasCorHeader();
+ const BOOL HasReadyToRunHeader();
+ void SetPassiveDomainOnly();
+ BOOL PassiveDomainOnly();
+ BOOL IsReferenceAssembly();
+ const BOOL GetNativeILHasSecurityDirectory();
+ const BOOL IsNativeILILOnly();
+ const BOOL IsNativeILDll();
+ void GetNativeILPEKindAndMachine(DWORD* pdwKind, DWORD* pdwMachine);
+ PTR_CVOID GetNativeManifestMetadata(COUNT_T *pSize = NULL);
+ const BOOL HasDirectoryEntry(int entry);
+ const mdToken GetEntryPointToken();
+ const DWORD GetCorHeaderFlags();
+ const BOOL IsILOnly();
+ const BOOL IsDll();
+ const WORD GetSubsystem();
+ BOOL IsFileLocked();
+ const BOOL HasStrongNameSignature();
+ const HRESULT VerifyStrongName(DWORD* verifyOutputFlags);
+ BOOL IsStrongNameSigned();
+ BOOL IsIbcOptimized();
+ BOOL Has32BitNTHeaders();
+ void VerifyIsAssembly();
+ void VerifyIsNIAssembly();
+ BOOL IsReportedToUsageLog();
+ void SetReportedToUsageLog();
+ HRESULT GetILFingerprint(IILFingerprint **ppFingerprint);
+ static void GetAll(SArray<PEImage*> &images);
+ // Get or create the layout corresponding to the mask, with an AddRef
+ PTR_PEImageLayout GetLayoutInternal(DWORD imageLayoutMask, DWORD flags);
+ // Get an existing layout corresponding to the mask, no AddRef
+ PTR_PEImageLayout GetExistingLayoutInternal(DWORD imageLayoutMask);
+ void OpenMDImport();
+ void OpenNativeMDImport();
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Private routines
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------
+ void Init(LPCWSTR pPath);
+ void Init(IStream* pStream, UINT64 uStreamAsmId,
+ DWORD dwModuleId, BOOL resourceFile);
+ void VerifyIsILOrNIAssembly(BOOL fIL);
+ struct PEImageLocator
+ {
+ BOOL m_fIsIStream;
+ DWORD m_dwStreamModuleId;
+ UINT64 m_StreamAsmId;
+ LPCWSTR m_pPath;
+ PEImageLocator(LPCWSTR pPath)
+ : m_fIsIStream(FALSE), m_pPath(pPath)
+ {
+ }
+ PEImageLocator(UINT64 uStreamAsmId, DWORD dwModuleId)
+ : m_fIsIStream(TRUE), m_dwStreamModuleId(dwModuleId), m_StreamAsmId(uStreamAsmId)
+ {
+ }
+ PEImageLocator(PEImage * pImage)
+ : m_fIsIStream(pImage->m_fIsIStream),
+ m_dwStreamModuleId(pImage->m_dwStreamModuleId),
+ m_StreamAsmId(pImage->m_StreamAsmId),
+ m_pPath(pImage->m_path.GetUnicode())
+ {
+ }
+ PEImageLocator(LPCWSTR pPath)
+ : m_pPath(pPath)
+ {
+ }
+ PEImageLocator(PEImage * pImage)
+ : m_pPath(pImage->m_path.GetUnicode())
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ static BOOL CompareImage(UPTR image1, UPTR image2);
+ static BOOL CompareIJWDataBase(UPTR base, UPTR mapping);
+ static CHECK CheckLayoutFormat(PEDecoder *pe);
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Instance members
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------
+ SString m_path;
+ LONG m_refCount;
+ // This variable will have the data of module name.
+ // It is only used by DAC to remap fusion loaded modules back to
+ // disk IL. This really is a workaround. The real fix is for fusion loader
+ // hook (public API on hosting) to take an additional file name hint.
+ // We are piggy backing on the fact that module name is the same as file name!!!
+ //
+ SString m_sModuleFileNameHintUsedByDac; // This is only used by DAC
+ BOOL m_bIsTrustedNativeImage;
+ BOOL m_bIsNativeImageInstall;
+ BOOL m_bPassiveDomainOnly;
+ BOOL m_fReportedToUsageLog;
+ BOOL m_bAllocatedLazyCOWPages;
+ enum
+ {
+ };
+ SimpleRWLock *m_pLayoutLock;
+ PTR_PEImageLayout m_pLayouts[IMAGE_COUNT] ;
+ BOOL m_bInHashMap;
+ void SetLayout(DWORD dwLayout, PTR_PEImageLayout pLayout);
+ class MetaDataTracker *m_pMDTracker;
+ IMDInternalImport* m_pMDImport;
+ IMDInternalImport* m_pNativeMDImport;
+ UINT64 m_StreamAsmId;
+ DWORD m_dwStreamModuleId;
+ BOOL m_fIsIStream;
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Static members
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------
+ static CrstStatic s_hashLock;
+ static PtrHashMap *s_Images;
+ HANDLE m_hFile;
+ bool m_bOwnHandle;
+ BOOL m_bSignatureInfoCached;
+ HRESULT m_hrSignatureInfoStatus;
+ DWORD m_dwSignatureInfo;
+ //@TODO:workaround: Remove this when we have one PEImage per mapped image,
+ //@TODO:workaround: and move the lock there
+ // This is for IJW thunk initialization, as it is no longer guaranteed
+ // that the initialization will occur under the loader lock.
+ static CrstStatic s_ijwHashLock;
+ static PtrHashMap *s_ijwFixupDataHash;
+ class IJWFixupData
+ {
+ private:
+ Crst m_lock;
+ void *m_base;
+ DWORD m_flags;
+ PTR_LoaderHeap m_DllThunkHeap;
+ // the fixup for the next iteration in FixupVTables
+ // we use it to make sure that we do not try to fix up the same entry twice
+ // if there was a pass that was aborted in the middle
+ COUNT_T m_iNextFixup;
+ COUNT_T m_iNextMethod;
+ enum {
+ e_FIXED_UP = 0x1
+ };
+ public:
+ IJWFixupData(void *pBase);
+ ~IJWFixupData();
+ void *GetBase() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_base; }
+ Crst *GetLock() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return &m_lock; }
+ BOOL IsFixedUp() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_flags & e_FIXED_UP; }
+ void SetIsFixedUp() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_flags |= e_FIXED_UP; }
+ PTR_LoaderHeap GetThunkHeap();
+ void MarkMethodFixedUp(COUNT_T iFixup, COUNT_T iMethod);
+ BOOL IsMethodFixedUp(COUNT_T iFixup, COUNT_T iMethod);
+ };
+ static IJWFixupData *GetIJWData(void *pBase);
+ static PTR_LoaderHeap GetDllThunkHeap(void *pBase);
+ static void UnloadIJWModule(void *pBase);
+ DWORD m_dwPEKind;
+ DWORD m_dwMachine;
+ BOOL m_fCachedKindAndMachine;
+ BOOL m_fMayBeConditionalAptca;
+#endif // FEATURE_APTCA
+ PEFingerprint *m_pILFingerprint; // has to be the real type (as opposed to an interface) so we can delete it
+ void CachePEKindAndMachine();
+ void GetPEKindAndMachine(DWORD* pdwKind, DWORD* pdwMachine);
+ PEKIND GetFusionProcessorArchitecture();
+ inline BOOL MayBeConditionalAptca();
+ inline void SetIsNotConditionalAptca();
+#endif // FEATURE_APTCA
+FORCEINLINE void PEImageRelease(PEImage *i)
+ i->Release();
+typedef Wrapper<PEImage *, DoNothing, PEImageRelease> PEImageHolder;
+// ================================================================================
+// Inline definitions
+// ================================================================================
+#include "peimage.inl"
+#endif // PEIMAGE_H_