path: root/src/vm/ngenhash.h
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1 files changed, 484 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/vm/ngenhash.h b/src/vm/ngenhash.h
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+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// NgenHash is an abstract base class (actually a templated base class) designed to factor out the
+// functionality common to hashes persisted into ngen images.
+// * Arbitrary entry payload via payload.
+// * 32-bit hash code for entries.
+// * Separate entry allocation and insertion (allowing reliable insertion if required).
+// * Enumerate all entries or entries matching a particular hash.
+// * No entry deletion.
+// * Base logic to efficiently serialize hash contents at ngen time. Hot/cold splitting of entries is
+// supported (along with the ability to tweak the Save and Fixup stages of each entry if needed).
+// * Base logic to support DAC memory enumeration of the hash (including per-entry tweaks as needed).
+// * Lock free lookup (the caller must follow the protocol laid out below under USER REQUIREMENTS).
+// * Automatic hash expansion (with dialable scale factor).
+// * Hash insertion is supported at runtime even when an ngen image is loaded with previously serialized hash
+// entries.
+// * Base logic to support formatting hashes in the nidump tool (only need to supply code for the unique
+// aspects of your hash).
+// * Removes next pointer from all persisted hash entries:
+// o Reduces data footprint of each entry.
+// o Increases density of entries.
+// o Removes a base relocation entry.
+// o Removes a runtime write to each entry (from the relocation above).
+// * Serializes all hot/cold hash entries contigiuously:
+// o Helps keeps hash entries in the same bucket in the same cache line.
+// * Compresses persisted bucket list and removes the use of pointers:
+// o Reduces working set hit of reading hash table (especially on 64-bit systems).
+// o Allows bucket list to be saved in read-only memory and thus use shared rather than private pages.
+// * Factors out common code:
+// o Less chance of bugs, one place to make fixes.
+// o Less code overall.
+// To author a new NgenHash-based hashtable, the following steps are required:
+// 1) In most cases (where each hash entry will have multiple fields) a structure defining the hash entry
+// should be declared (see EEClassHashEntry in ClassHash.h for an example). This structure need not
+// include a field for the hash code or pointer to the next entry in the hash bucket; these are taken care
+// of automatically by the base class. If the entry must reference another entry in the hash (this should
+// be rare) the NgenHashEntryRef<> template class should be used to abstract the reference (this class
+// hides some of the transformation work that must take place when entries are re-ordered during ngen
+// serialization).
+// 2) Declare your new hash class deriving from NgenHash and providing the following template parameters:
+// FINAL_CLASS : The class you're declaring (this is used by the base class to locate certain helper
+// methods in your class used to tweak hash behavior).
+// VALUE : The type of your hash entries (the class defined in the previous step).
+// SCALE_FACTOR : A multipler on bucket count every time the hash table is grown (currently once the
+// number of hash entries exceeds twice the number of buckets). A value of 2 would double
+// the number of buckets on each grow operation for example.
+// 3) Define a constructor that invokes the base class constructor with various setup parameters (see
+// NgenHash constructor in this header). If your hash table is created via a static method rather than
+// direct construction (common) then call your constructor using an in-place new inside the static method
+// (see EEClassHashTable::Create in ClassHash.cpp for an example).
+// 4) Define your basic hash functionality (creation, insertion, lookup, enumeration, ngen Save/Fixup and DAC
+// memory enumeration) using the Base* methods provided by NgenHash.
+// 5) Tweak the operation of BaseSave, BaseFixup and BaseEnumMemoryRegions by providing definitions of the
+// following methods (note that all methods must be defined though they may be no-ops):
+// bool ShouldSave(DataImage *pImage, VALUE *pEntry);
+// Return true if the given entry should be persisted into the ngen image (otherwise it won't be
+// saved with the rest).
+// bool IsHotEntry(VALUE *pEntry, CorProfileData *pProfileData);
+// Return true is the entry is considered hot given the profiling data.
+// bool SaveEntry(DataImage *pImage, CorProfileData *pProfileData, VALUE *pOldEntry, VALUE *pNewEntry, EntryMappingTable *pMap);
+// Gives your hash class a chance to save any additional data needed into the ngen image during
+// the Save phase or otherwise make entry updates prior to saving. The saving process creates a
+// new copy of each hash entry and this method is passed pointers both to the original entry and
+// the new version along with a mapping class that can translate any old entry address in the
+// table into the corresponding new address. If you have inter-entry pointer fields this is your
+// chance to fix up those fields with the new location of their target entries.
+// void FixupEntry(DataImage *pImage, VALUE *pEntry, void *pFixupBase, DWORD cbFixupOffset);
+// Similar to SaveEntry but called during BaseFixup. This is your chance to register fixups for
+// any pointer type fields in your entry. Due to the way hash entries are packed during ngen
+// serialization individual hash entries are not saved as separate ngen zap nodes. So this method
+// is passed a pointer to the enclosing zapped data structure (pFixupBase) and the offset of the
+// entry from this base (cbFixupOffset). When calling pImage->FixupPointerField(...) for
+// instance, pass pFixupBase as the first parameter and cbFixupOffset + offsetof(YourEntryClass,
+// yourField) as the second parameter.
+// void EnumMemoryRegionsForEntry(EEClassHashEntry_t *pEntry, CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags);
+// Called during BaseEnumMemoryRegions for each entry in the hash. Use to enumerate any memory
+// referenced by the entry (but not the entry itself).
+// Synchronization: It is permissable to read data from the hash without taking a lock as long as:
+// 1) Any hash modifications are performed under a lock or otherwise serialized.
+// 2) Any miss on a lookup is handled by taking a lock are retry-ing the lookup.
+// The hash contains up to three groups of hash entries. These consist of two groups of entries persisted to
+// disk at ngen time (split into hot and cold based on profile data) and live entries added at runtime (or
+// during the ngen process itself, prior to the save operation).
+// The persisted entries are tightly packed together and can eliminate some pointers and other metadata since
+// we statically know about every entry at the time we format the hash entries (the save phase of ngen
+// generation).
+// Each persisted entry is assigned to a bucket based on its hash code and all entries that collide on a given
+// bucket are placed contiguously in memory. The bucket list itself therefore consists of an array or pairs,
+// each pair containing the count of entries in the bucket and the location of the first entry in the chain.
+// Since all entries are allocated contiguously entry location can be specified by an index into the array of
+// entries.
+// Separate bucket lists and entry arrays are stored for hot and cold entries.
+// The live entries (referred to here as volatile or warm entries) follow a more traditional hash
+// implementation where entries are allocated individually from a loader heap and are chained together with a
+// singly linked list if they collide. Here the bucket list is a simple array of pointers to the first entry
+// in each chain (if any).
+// Unlike the persisted entris the warm section of the table must cope with entry insertions and growing the
+// bucket list when the table becomes too loaded (too many entries causing excessive bucket collisions). This
+// happens when an entry insertion notes that there are twice as many entries as buckets. The bucket list is
+// then reallocated (from a loader heap, consequently the old one is leaked) and resized based on a scale
+// factor supplied by the hash sub-class.
+// At runtime we lookup or enumerate entries by visiting all three sets of entries in the order Hot, Warm and
+// Cold. This imposes a slight but constant time overhead.
+#include "corcompile.h"
+// The type used to contain an entry hash value. This is not customizable on a per-hash class basis: all
+// NgenHash derived hashes will share the same definition. Note that we only care about the data size, and the
+// fact that it is an unsigned integer value (so we can take a modulus for bucket computation and use bitwise
+// equality checks). The base class does not care about or participate in how these hash values are calculated.
+typedef DWORD NgenHashValue;
+// The following code (and code in NgenHash.inl) has to replicate the base class template parameters (and in
+// some cases the arguments) many many times. In the interests of brevity (and to make it a whole lot easier
+// to modify these parameters in the future) we define macro shorthands for them here. Scan through the code
+// to see how these are used.
+#define NGEN_HASH_PARAMS typename FINAL_CLASS, typename VALUE, int SCALE_FACTOR
+// Forward definition of NgenHashEntryRef (it takes the same template parameters as NgenHash and simplifies
+// hash entries that need to refer to other hash entries).
+template <NGEN_HASH_PARAMS>
+class NgenHashEntryRef;
+// The base hash class itself. It's abstract and exposes its functionality via protected members (nothing is
+// public).
+template <NGEN_HASH_PARAMS>
+class NgenHashTable
+ // NgenHashEntryRef needs access to the base table internal during Fixup in order to compute zap node
+ // bases.
+ friend class NgenHashEntryRef<NGEN_HASH_ARGS>;
+ // Nidump knows how to walk this data structure.
+ friend class NativeImageDumper;
+ // This opaque structure provides enumeration context when walking the set of entries which share a common
+ // hash code. Initialized by BaseFindFirstEntryByHash and read/updated by BaseFindNextEntryByHash.
+ class LookupContext
+ {
+ friend class NgenHashTable<NGEN_HASH_ARGS>;
+ TADDR m_pEntry; // The entry the caller is currently looking at (or NULL to begin
+ // with). This is a VolatileEntry* or PersistedEntry* (depending on
+ // m_eType below) and should always be a target address not a DAC
+ // PTR_.
+ DWORD m_eType; // The entry types we're currently walking (Hot, Warm, Cold in that order)
+ DWORD m_cRemainingEntries; // The remaining entries in the bucket chain (Hot or Cold entries only)
+ };
+ // This opaque structure provides enumeration context when walking all entries in the table. Initialized
+ // by BaseInitIterator and updated via the BaseIterator::Next. Note that this structure is somewhat
+ // similar to LookupContext above (though it requires a bit more state). It's possible we could factor
+ // these two iterators into some common base code but the actual implementations have enough differing
+ // requirements that the resultant code could be less readable (and slightly less performant).
+ class BaseIterator
+ {
+ public:
+ // Returns a pointer to the next entry in the hash table or NULL once all entries have been
+ // enumerated. Once NULL has been return the only legal operation is to re-initialize the iterator
+ // with BaseInitIterator.
+ DPTR(VALUE) Next();
+ private:
+ friend class NgenHashTable<NGEN_HASH_ARGS>;
+ NgenHashTable<NGEN_HASH_ARGS> *m_pTable; // Pointer back to the table being enumerated.
+ TADDR m_pEntry; // The entry the caller is currently looking at (or
+ // NULL to begin with). This is a VolatileEntry* or
+ // PersistedEntry* (depending on m_eType below) and
+ // should always be a target address not a DAC PTR_.
+ DWORD m_eType; // The entry types we're currently walking (Hot, Warm,
+ // Cold in that order).
+ union
+ {
+ DWORD m_dwBucket; // Index of bucket we're currently walking (Warm).
+ DWORD m_cRemainingEntries; // Number of entries remaining in hot/cold section
+ // (Hot, Cold).
+ };
+ };
+ // Base constructor. Call this from your derived constructor to provide the owning module, loader heap and
+ // initial number of buckets (which must be non-zero). Module must be provided if this hash is to be
+ // serialized into an ngen image. It is exposed to the derived hash class (many need it) but otherwise is
+ // only used to locate a loader heap for allocating bucket lists and entries unless an alternative heap is
+ // provided. Note that the heap provided is not serialized (so you'll allocate from that heap at
+ // ngen-time, but revert to allocating from the module's heap at runtime). If no Module pointer is
+ // supplied (non-ngen'd hash table) you must provide a direct heap pointer.
+ NgenHashTable(Module *pModule, LoaderHeap *pHeap, DWORD cInitialBuckets);
+ // Allocate an uninitialized entry for the hash table (it's not inserted). The AllocMemTracker is optional
+ // and may be specified as NULL for untracked allocations. This is split from the hash insertion logic so
+ // that callers can pre-allocate entries and then perform insertions which cannot fault.
+ VALUE *BaseAllocateEntry(AllocMemTracker *pamTracker);
+ // Insert an entry previously allocated via BaseAllocateEntry (you cannot allocated entries in any other
+ // manner) and associated with the given hash value. The entry should have been initialized prior to
+ // insertion.
+ void BaseInsertEntry(NgenHashValue iHash, VALUE *pEntry);
+ // Return the number of entries held in the table (does not include entries allocated but not inserted
+ // yet).
+ DWORD BaseGetElementCount();
+ // Initializes the iterator context passed by the caller to make it ready to walk every entry in the table
+ // in an arbitrary order. Call pIterator->Next() to retrieve the first entry.
+ void BaseInitIterator(BaseIterator *pIterator);
+ // Find first entry matching a given hash value (returns NULL on no match). Call BaseFindNextEntryByHash
+ // to iterate the remaining matches (until it returns NULL). The LookupContext supplied by the caller is
+ // initialized by BaseFindFirstEntryByHash and read/updated by BaseFindNextEntryByHash to keep track of
+ // where we are.
+ DPTR(VALUE) BaseFindFirstEntryByHash(NgenHashValue iHash, LookupContext *pContext);
+ DPTR(VALUE) BaseFindNextEntryByHash(LookupContext *pContext);
+#if defined(FEATURE_PREJIT) && !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE)
+ // Call during ngen to save hash table data structures into the ngen image. Calls derived-class
+ // implementations of ShouldSave to determine which entries should be serialized, IsHotEntry to hot/cold
+ // split the entries and SaveEntry to allow per-entry extension of the saving process.
+ void BaseSave(DataImage *pImage, CorProfileData *pProfileData);
+ // Call during ngen to register fixups for hash table data structure fields. Calls derived-class
+ // implementation of FixupEntry to allow per-entry extension of the fixup process.
+ void BaseFixup(DataImage *pImage);
+ // Opaque structure used to store state will BaseSave is re-arranging hash entries and also passed to
+ // sub-classes' SaveEntry method to facilitate mapping old entry addresses to their new locations.
+ class EntryMappingTable
+ {
+ public:
+ ~EntryMappingTable();
+ // Given an old entry address (pre-BaseSave) return the address of the entry relocated ready for
+ // saving to disk. Note that this address is the (ngen) runtime address, not the disk image address
+ // you can further obtain by calling DataImage::GetImagePointer().
+ VALUE *GetNewEntryAddress(VALUE *pOldEntry);
+ private:
+ friend class NgenHashTable<NGEN_HASH_ARGS>;
+ // Each Entry holds the mapping from one old-to-new hash entry.
+ struct Entry
+ {
+ VALUE *m_pOldEntry; // Pointer to the user part of the old entry
+ VALUE *m_pNewEntry; // Pointer to the user part of the new version
+ NgenHashValue m_iHashValue; // The hash code of the entry
+ DWORD m_dwNewBucket; // The new bucket index of the entry
+ DWORD m_dwChainOrdinal; // The 0-based position within the chain of that bucket
+ bool m_fHot; // If true this entry was identified as hot by the sub-class
+ };
+ Entry *m_pEntries; // Pointer to array of Entries
+ DWORD m_cEntries; // Count of valid entries in the above (may be smaller than
+ // allocated size)
+ };
+ // Call during DAC enumeration of memory regions to save in mini-dump to enumerate all hash table data
+ // structures. Calls derived-class implementation of EnumMemoryRegionsForEntry to allow additional
+ // per-entry memory to be reported.
+ void BaseEnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags);
+ // Owning module set at hash creation time (possibly NULL if this hash instance is not to be ngen'd).
+ PTR_Module m_pModule;
+ // Internal implementation details. Nothing of interest to sub-classers for here on.
+ // This is the format of each hash entry that is persisted to disk (Hot or Cold entries).
+ struct PersistedEntry
+ {
+ VALUE m_sValue; // The sub-class supplied entry layout
+ NgenHashValue m_iHashValue; // The hash code associated with the entry (comes after m_sValue to
+ // minimize chance of pad bytes on a 64-bit system).
+ };
+ typedef DPTR(PersistedEntry) PTR_PersistedEntry;
+ typedef ArrayDPTR(PersistedEntry) APTR_PersistedEntry;
+ // This class encapsulates a bucket list identifying chains of related persisted entries. It's compressed
+ // rather than being a simple array, hence the encapsulation.
+ // A bucket list represents a non-zero sequence of buckets, each bucket identified by a zero-based index.
+ // Each bucket holds the index of the entry at the start of the bucket chain and a count of entries in
+ // that chain. (In persisted form hash entries are collated into hot and cold entries which are then
+ // allocated in contiguous blocks: this allows entries to be identified by an index into the entry block).
+ // Buckets with zero entries have an undefined start index (and a zero count obviously).
+ class PersistedBucketList
+ {
+ friend class NativeImageDumper;
+ public:
+ // Allocate and initialize a new list with the given count of buckets and configured to hold no more
+ // than the given number of entries or have a bucket chain longer than the specified maximum. These
+ // two maximums allow the implementation to choose an optimal data format for the bucket list at
+ // runtime and are enforced by asserts in the debug build.
+ static PersistedBucketList *CreateList(DWORD cBuckets, DWORD cEntries, DWORD cMaxEntriesInBucket);
+ // For the given bucket set the index of the initial entry and the count of entries in the chain. If
+ // the count is zero the initial entry index is meaningless and ignored.
+ void SetBucket(DWORD dwIndex, DWORD dwFirstEntry, DWORD cEntries);
+ // Get the size in bytes of this entire bucket list (need to pass in the bucket count since we save
+ // space by not storing it here, but we do validate this in debug mode).
+ size_t GetSize(DWORD cBuckets);
+ // Get the initial entry index and entry count for the given bucket. Initial entry index value is
+ // undefined when count comes back as zero.
+ void GetBucket(DWORD dwIndex, DWORD *pdwFirstEntry, DWORD *pdwCount);
+ // Simplified initial entry index when you don't need the count (don't call this for buckets with zero
+ // entries).
+ DWORD GetInitialEntry(DWORD dwIndex);
+ private:
+ // Return the number of bits required to express a unique ID for the number of entities given.
+ static DWORD BitsRequired(DWORD cEntities);
+ // Return the minimum size (in bytes) of each bucket list entry that can express all buckets given the
+ // max count of entries and entries in a single bucket chain.
+ static DWORD GetBucketSize(DWORD cEntries, DWORD cMaxEntriesInBucket);
+ // Each bucket is represented by a variable sized bitfield (16, 32 or 64 bits) whose low-order bits
+ // contain the index of the first entry in the chain and higher-order (just above the initial entry
+ // bits) contain the count of entries in the chain.
+ DWORD m_cbBucket; // The size in bytes of each bucket descriptor (2, 4 or 8)
+ DWORD m_dwInitialEntryMask; // The bitmask used to extract the initial entry index from a bucket
+ DWORD m_dwEntryCountShift; // The bit shift used to extract the entry count from a bucket
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // In debug mode we remember more initial state to catch common errors.
+ DWORD m_cBuckets; // Number of buckets in the list
+ DWORD m_cEntries; // Total number of entries mapped by the list
+ DWORD m_cMaxEntriesInBucket; // Largest bucket chain in the list
+ };
+ typedef DPTR(PersistedBucketList) PTR_PersistedBucketList;
+ // Pointers and counters for entries and buckets persisted to disk during ngen. Collected into a structure
+ // because this logic is replicated for Hot and Cold entries so we can factor some common code.
+ struct PersistedEntries
+ {
+ APTR_PersistedEntry m_pEntries; // Pointer to a contiguous block of PersistedEntry structures
+ // (NULL if zero entries)
+ PTR_PersistedBucketList m_pBuckets; // Pointer to abstracted bucket list mapping above entries
+ // into a hash (NULL if zero buckets, which is iff zero
+ // entries)
+ DWORD m_cEntries; // Count of entries in the above block
+ DWORD m_cBuckets; // Count of buckets in the above bucket list
+ };
+ // This is the format of a Warm entry, defined for our purposes to be a non-persisted entry (i.e. those
+ // created at runtime or during the creation of the ngen image itself).
+ struct VolatileEntry;
+ typedef DPTR(struct VolatileEntry) PTR_VolatileEntry;
+ struct VolatileEntry
+ {
+ VALUE m_sValue; // The derived-class format of an entry
+ PTR_VolatileEntry m_pNextEntry; // Pointer to the next entry in the bucket chain (or NULL)
+ NgenHashValue m_iHashValue; // The hash value associated with the entry
+ };
+ // Types of hash entry.
+ enum EntryType
+ {
+ Cold, // Persisted, profiling suggests this data is not read typically
+ Warm, // Volatile (in-memory)
+ Hot // Persisted, profiling suggests this data is probably read (or no profiling data was available)
+ };
+ // Find the first persisted entry (hot or cold based on pEntries) that matches the given hash. Looks only
+ // in the persisted block given (i.e. searches only hot *or* cold entries). Returns NULL on failure.
+ // Otherwise returns pointer to the derived class portion of the entry and initializes the provided
+ // LookupContext to allow enumeration of any further matches.
+ DPTR(VALUE) FindPersistedEntryByHash(PersistedEntries *pEntries, NgenHashValue iHash, LookupContext *pContext);
+ // Find the first volatile (warm) entry that matches the given hash. Looks only at warm entries. Returns
+ // NULL on failure. Otherwise returns pointer to the derived class portion of the entry and initializes
+ // the provided LookupContext to allow enumeration of any further matches.
+ DPTR(VALUE) FindVolatileEntryByHash(NgenHashValue iHash, LookupContext *pContext);
+ // Determine loader heap to be used for allocation of entries and bucket lists.
+ LoaderHeap *GetHeap();
+ // Increase the size of the bucket list in order to reduce the size of bucket chains. Does nothing on
+ // failure to allocate (since this impacts perf, not correctness).
+ void GrowTable();
+ // Returns the next prime larger (or equal to) than the number given.
+ DWORD NextLargestPrime(DWORD dwNumber);
+ // Loader heap provided at construction time. May be NULL (in which case m_pModule must *not* be NULL).
+ LoaderHeap *m_pHeap;
+ // Fields related to the runtime (volatile or warm) part of the hash.
+ DPTR(PTR_VolatileEntry) m_pWarmBuckets; // Pointer to a simple bucket list (array of VolatileEntry pointers)
+ DWORD m_cWarmBuckets; // Count of buckets in the above array (always non-zero)
+ DWORD m_cWarmEntries; // Count of elements in the warm section of the hash
+ PersistedEntries m_sHotEntries; // Hot persisted hash entries (if any)
+ PersistedEntries m_sColdEntries; // Cold persisted hash entries (if any)
+ DWORD m_cInitialBuckets; // Initial number of warm buckets we started with. Only used
+ // to reset warm bucket count in ngen-persisted table.
+// Abstraction around cross-hash entry references (e.g. EEClassHashTable, where entries for nested types point
+// to entries for their enclosing types). Under the covers we use a relative pointer which avoids the need to
+// allocate a base relocation fixup and the resulting write into the entry at load time. The abstraction hides
+// some of the complexity needed to achieve this.
+template <NGEN_HASH_PARAMS>
+class NgenHashEntryRef
+ // Get a pointer to the referenced entry.
+ DPTR(VALUE) Get();
+ // Set the reference to point to the given entry.
+ void Set(VALUE *pEntry);
+ // Call this during the ngen Fixup phase to adjust the relative pointer to account for ngen image layout.
+ void Fixup(DataImage *pImage, NgenHashTable<NGEN_HASH_ARGS> *pTable);
+ RelativePointer<DPTR(VALUE)> m_rpEntryRef; // Entry ref encoded as a delta from this field's location.