path: root/src/vm/mdaBoilerplate.exe.mda.config
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/vm/mdaBoilerplate.exe.mda.config')
1 files changed, 1134 insertions, 0 deletions
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+ Please add yourself to clrmda discussion alias (just paste this link into
+ IE: http://autogroup/JoinGroup.asp?GroupAlias=clrmda). Once you join,
+ please send out a "Hello World" mail letting us know what problem your
+ trying to solve with MDAs. We're interested in feedback on activation,
+ reporting, VS integration, new MDA requests etc. We'll also send out mail
+ for any breaking changes or new MDAs.
+ Managed Debugging Assistants (MDAs) are switches shipped in the retail
+ runtime to help debug managed code. Each MDA and the problem it addresses
+ is documented below.
+ Decide which MDAs you'd like enabled by reading their documentation below and then
+ set the environment variable COMPLUS_MDA equal to a semi-colen delemited list of
+ the names of the MDAs you want enabled. The list is not case sensitive. So, for
+ instance if you want the memberInfoCacheCreation, gcUnmanagedToManaged and
+ gcManagedToUnmanaged MDAs enabled
+ set complus_mda=mEmBeRInFoCacheCreation;gcUnmanagedToManaged;gcManagedToUnmanaged
+ Any managed program run from that command shell will now have these MDAs enabled. If
+ an MDA fires and no debugger is attached then the dialog very much like the dialog you
+ would get if an unhandled exception occurred which will tell you what MDA fired and
+ give you a chance to attach a debugger so you can get a stack trace indicating where
+ the MDA fired.
+ If you launch under a debugger you'll have to ensure that the debugger won't ignore the MDAs
+ you enabled. You can force VS to report all MDAs by checking the "Managed Debugging Assistants"
+ box in the exceptions dialog. VS uses the same dialog exceptions use to report MDA messages.
+ Cordbg and windbg report all MDAs by default by splashing the message to the console.
+ The MDA activation and reporting featurs support a variety of scenarios. Those scenarios
+ and the supporting features are described below.
+ Constrained Execution Region (CER) MDA
+ - InvalidCERCall
+ - VirtualCERCall
+ - OpenGenericCERCall
+ - IllegalPrepareConstrainedRegion
+ These all fire during the analysis of CER call graphs. This analysis
+ can occur for a number of reasons:
+ Early bound; triggered by jitting or ngen'ing a method containing a
+ RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions() call. Call graph is
+ rooted at the catch/finally/filter/fault blocks belonging to the
+ exception handler the PCR call is associated with.
+ At instantiation of "critical" objects. Instances derived from
+ CriticalFinalizerObject prepare a CER rooted at the finalizer method.
+ Instances derived from SafeHandle or CriticalHandle additionally have
+ the ReleaseHandle(), Dispose() and IsInvalid property getter methods
+ prepared as CER roots.
+ Explicitly via RuntimeHelpers.PrepareMethod() or PrepareDelegates() calls
+ (the CER root method is passed as an argument, indirectly in the case of
+ PrepareDelegate() and possibly with exact generic instantiation information
+ for PrepareMethod()).
+ Note that for the early bound (PCR precipitated) case the jit time semantics
+ imply the probe will fire some time before the method which contains the CER
+ root is called (typically just prior to the first call to that method). Since
+ the entire CER call graph is scanned in one go, probes relating to methods
+ deep within the CER will be reported at that time as well (putting the report
+ even further away from the execution). The probes will not fire each time the
+ method is executed (and if the image is ngen'd then they will not fire at runtime at all).
+ Even in the late bound cases a given probe will fire at most once (we remember
+ which CERs we've prepared already, subsequent prepare operations on the same
+ graphs are no-ops). Note that CER graphs that are qualified by generic type
+ parameters (i.e. those CERs whose root method has generic method or class
+ type variables) are considered to define distinct CERs for each possible
+ instantiation of that root method. Therefore multiple calls to PrepareMethod()
+ with such a root method and different instantiations will cause the analysis
+ to be run multiple times and therefore any probes will fire on each invocation
+ (provided the instantiation given hasn't been prepared for that method before).
+ This last case (multiple CER preparations from the same root differing only by
+ generic instantiation) will occur at jit time only for generic instantiations
+ that contain only non-reference types (we jit a separate copy of the code for
+ each of those instantiations). We will refuse to jit-time prepare any method
+ with a generic instantiation containing one or more reference types, since
+ code for those cases is shared (and thus at jit time we cannot predict which
+ exact instantiations will be required at runtime). See the description of
+ the openGenericCERCall probe.
+ -->
+ <assistants>
+ <!--
+ AsynchronousThreadAbort (weiwenli)
+ Causes the runtime to fire a MDA message when someone attempts to abort another thread.
+ None.
+ -->
+ <asynchronousThreadAbort enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ BindingFailure (t-daveh)
+ This probe fires when an Assembly fails to load.
+ This probe is intended for use in debugging Assembly binding failures. In addition to general information
+ identifying the failure and Assembly, the binding context the Assembly would have been loaded in is included.
+ See for more information.
+ OUTPUT: An MDA message is output for each Assembly that fails to load. It includes the failing HRESULT as well
+ as the display name, code base, binding context index, and AppDomain ID that the Assembly would have had.
+ -->
+ <bindingFailure enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ CallbackOnCollectedDelegate (chriseck)
+ DESCRIPTION: Detects when unmanaged code is trying to call back into the runtime via a delegate which
+ has been garbage collected. Will store up to listSize number of delegates after the GC has released them.
+ The default listSize is 1000 members. The minimum is 50 members. The maximum is 2000.
+ User code AVs when trying to call back into the runtime on a function pointer which was marshaled from
+ a managed delegate. The failure is non-deterministic; sometimes the call on the function
+ pointer succeeds and sometimes it fails.
+ The delegate which from which the function pointer was created and exposed to unmanaged code was collected
+ so when the unmanaged component tries to call on the function pointer it AVs. By enabling this assistant the runtime
+ will not collect "all" of the delegate - instead it leaks just enough of the delegate so that if someone
+ tries to call back on it the MDA will fire.
+ -->
+ <callbackOnCollectedDelegate listSize="1000" enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ ContextSwitchDeadlock (chriseck)
+ Causes the runtime to fire a MDA message when a deadlock is detected during an attempted context transition
+ None.
+ A native context transition appears to be deadlocked.
+ Most likely cause is a non-pumping STA thread.
+ An XML message specifying the violation.
+ -->
+ <contextSwitchDeadlock enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ DangerousThreadingAPI (weiwenli)
+ Causes the runtime to fire a MDA message when someone attempts to call dangerous threading API.
+ None.
+ -->
+ <dangerousThreadingAPI enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ DateTimeInvalidLocalFormat (amoore)
+ Activated by default under a managed debugger.
+ Indicates when a DateTime instance that represents a UTC time is formatted with a format that should
+ only be used with local instances.
+ None.
+ An application is manually serializing a UTC DateTime instance using a local format:
+ DateTime myDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
+ Serialize(myDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.fffffffzzz"));
+ The 'z' format for DateTime.ToString outputs the local time zone offset, e.g "+10:00" for Sydney time.
+ As such, it will only output a meaningful result if the value of the DateTime is local. If the value
+ is UTC, DateTime.ToString will still output the local time zone offset.
+ UTC DateTime instances should be formatted in a way that indicates that they are UTC. The recommended
+ format for UTC times to use a 'Z' to denote UTC time:
+ DateTime myDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
+ Serialize(myDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.fffffffZ"));
+ There is also a short-hand "o" format that will serialize a DateTime making use of the DateTime.Kind
+ property that will serialize correctly regardless of whether the instance is Local, Utc or Unspecified:
+ DateTime myDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
+ Serialize(myDateTime.ToString("o"));
+ An application is indirectly serializing a UTC DateTime with a library like XMLConvert or DataSet
+ serialization :
+ DateTime myDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
+ String serialized = XMLConvert.ToString(myDateTime);
+ XmlConvert and DataSet serialization use local formats for serialization by default.
+ Additional options are required to serialize other kinds of DateTime, such as UTC.
+ For XML Convert, pass in XmlConvertDateTimeOption.RoundTrip.
+ DateTime myDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
+ String serialized = XmlConvert.ToString(myDateTime, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.RoundtripKind);
+ If using DataSet, set the DateTimeMode on the DataColumn object to DataSetDateTime.Utc.
+ -->
+ <dateTimeInvalidLocalFormat enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ DirtyCastAndCallOnInterface (chriseck)
+ A native component makes a call on an IUnknown or IDispatch interface without first QI-ing for the correct interface.
+ None.
+ AVs or unexpected memory corruption when making a call from native code into the CLR on a CCW.
+ Caller neglected to QI for the correct interface.
+ An XML message specifying the violation.
+ -->
+ <dirtyCastAndCallOnInterface enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ DisconnectedContext (chriseck)
+ The CLR attempts to transition into a dead context while trying to service a request concerning a
+ COM object living in that dead context. This can happen while cleaning up RCWs or servicing QIs.
+ None.
+ Calls on RCWs living in dead contexts are not serviced, or cleanup of COM interface pointers occurs in
+ a context other than the one in which the interface pointers live.
+ The OLE context is disconnected.
+ An XML message specifying the violation.
+ -->
+ <disconnectedContext enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ DllMainReturnsFalse (slidin)
+ Activated by default under a managed debugger.
+ -->
+ <dllMainReturnsFalse enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ ExceptionSwallowedOnCallFromCom (dmortens)
+ Causes the runtime to fire a MDA message when an error occurs while determining how to marshal the parameters
+ of a member member to be called from COM.
+ None.
+ A failure HRESULT is returned to COM without the managed method having been called.
+ This is most likely due to an incompatible MarshalAs attribute on one of the parameters.
+ An XML message specifying the violation.
+ -->
+ <exceptionSwallowedOnCallFromCom enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ FailedQI (chriseck)
+ Causes the runtime to fire a MDA message when the runtime calls QueryInterface on a COM interface pointer
+ on behalf of a RCW, and the QueryInterface call fails because the call was attempted in the wrong context or
+ because an OLE owned proxy returned a failure HRESULT.
+ None.
+ A cast on a RCW fails, or a call to COM from a RCW fails unexpectedly.
+ Calling from the wrong context or the registered proxy is failing the QueryInterface call.
+ An XML message specifying the violation.
+ -->
+ <failedQI enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ GcManagedToUnmanaged (chrisk)
+ DESCRIPTION: Causes a garbage collection whenever a thread transitions from managed to unmanaged
+ code (also see gcUnmanagedToManaged).
+ SYMPTOM: An unmanaged user component AVs when trying to use a managed object which had been exposed to
+ COM. The COM object appears to have been released. The AV is non-deterministic.
+ CAUSE: If an unmanaged component is not ref counting a managed COM object correctly
+ then the runtime could collect a managed object exposed to COM when the unmanaged component still
+ holds a reference to the object. The runtime calls release during GCs so if the user component uses the
+ object before the GC than it will not yet have been collected which is the source of the non-determinism.
+ Enabling this assistant will reduce the time between when the object is eligible for collection and release
+ is called helping to track down which unmanaged component first tries to access the collected object.
+ OUTPUT: None
+ -->
+ <gcManagedToUnmanaged enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ GcUnmanagedToManaged (chrisk)
+ Causes a garbage collection whenever a thread transitions from unmanaged to
+ managed code (also see gcManagedToUnmanaged).
+ This assistant changes the behavior of the runtime. When enabled more GC will occur.
+ An application running unmanaged user components (COM\PInvoke) is showing a non-deterministic AV
+ in runtime code.
+ If an application is running unmanaged user components then those components may have corrupted
+ the GC heap. This will cause the runtime to AV when the GC tries to walk the object graph.
+ Enabling this assistant will reduce the time between when the unmanaged component corrupts the GC
+ heap and when the AV happens by forcing a GC to occur before every managed transition.
+ OUTPUT: None
+ -->
+ <gcUnmanagedToManaged enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ IllegalPrepareConstrainedRegion (rudim)
+ This is an error event. The RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions() method (PCR)
+ call we use to mark exception handlers as introducing CERs in their catch/finally/fault/filter
+ blocks are only valid when used in that context. They must immediately precede the try
+ statement of the exception handler. (This is at the IL level, so it's obviously permissible
+ to have non-code generating source in between the two, such as comments). In the future
+ these markers will be generated by a compiler (from a new, higher level syntax for marking
+ CERs) and the code author won't have to worry about this. But until then we help the author
+ out by generating this MDA when the PCR call appears anywhere else in the code:
+ If this MDA is firing the sort of symptoms you'd expect are probably as if CERs had
+ stopped working (i.e. runtime errors from jitting, thread aborts or generics lazy type
+ loading occurring inside CER regions). This is because they probably intended to declare
+ a CER region but failed by mispositioning the PCR call.
+ -->
+ <illegalPrepareConstrainedRegion enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ InvalidApartmentStateChange (chriseck)
+ Causes the runtime to fire a MDA message when someone attempts to change the COM apartment state of a thread which
+ has already been COM initialized to a different apartment state.
+ None.
+ A thread's COM apartment state is not what was requested.
+ The thread was previously initialized to a different COM apartment state.
+ An XML message specifying the violation.
+ -->
+ <invalidApartmentStateChange enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ InvalidCERCall (rudim)
+ This is an error report. It occurs whenever a location within the CER graph
+ calls a method which has no reliability contract or an excessively weak contract.
+ A weak contract is one which declares that the worst case state corruption is of
+ greater scope than the instance passed to the call (i.e. the appdomain or process
+ state may become corrupted) or that its result is not always deterministically
+ computable when called within a CER. Either of these states indicates that the
+ code called may thwart the efforts of the rest of the CER to maintain consistent
+ state (CERs allow an author to treat errors in a very deterministic manner as a
+ way on maintaining whatever internal invariants are important to the particular
+ application and thus allow it to continue running in the face of transient errors
+ such as out of memory).
+ In terms of reliability contract syntax a weak contract is one that does not specify
+ a Consistency enumeration or specifies ones one of Consistency.MayCorruptProcess or
+ Consistency.MayCorruptAppDomain or that does not specify a CER enumeration or specifies CER.None.
+ When this probe fires there's a chance that the method being called in the CER
+ can fail in a way that the caller didn't expect or that leaves the appdomain or
+ process state corrupted or non-recoverable. Of course the called code may actually
+ work perfectly and the author merely hasn't gotten round to adding a contract. But
+ the issues involved in hardening code in this way are subtle and most "random"
+ code doesn't fall out this way. The contracts serve as markers that the author
+ has done their homework and hardened their algorithms and also as promises that
+ these guarantees will never backslide in future revisions of the code. (I.e.
+ they're declarations of intent rather than mere indicators of implementation).
+ Because any method with a weak or non-existent contract may potentially fail in
+ all sorts of unpredictable manners anyway, the runtime doesn't attempt to remove
+ any of its own unpredictable failures from the method (introduced by lazy jitting
+ or generics dictionary population or thread aborts for instance). That is, when
+ this MDA fires it indicates that the runtime didn't include the called method in
+ the CER being defined; the call graph was pruned at this node (to carry on preparing
+ this sub-tree would just serve to help mask the potential error).
+ So the symptoms this MDA may indicate are unfortunately very broad. They could see
+ an unexpected OutOfMemory or ThreadAbort exception (among others, we don't guarantee
+ the list) at the callsite into the "bad" method because the runtime didn't prepare
+ it ahead of time or protect it from ThreadAbort exceptions at runtime. But worse than
+ that, any exception that comes from this method at runtime could be leaving the
+ appdomain or process in a bad state, which is presumably counter to the wishes of
+ the CER author, since the only reason to declare a CER is to avoid large scale state
+ corruptions such as these in the first place. How corrupt state manifests itself is
+ very application specific (since the definition of consistent state belongs to the
+ application).
+ -->
+ <invalidCERCall enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ InvalidFunctionPointerInDelegate (chriseck)
+ An invalid function pointer is passed in to construct a delegate over a native function pointer.
+ None.
+ AVs or unexpected memory corruption when using a delegate over a function pointer.
+ An invalid function pointer was specified.
+ An XML message specifying the violation.
+ -->
+ <invalidFunctionPointerInDelegate enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ InvalidGCHandleCookie (chriseck)
+ This error event is fired when an invalid IntPtr cookie->GCHandle retrieval is attempted.
+ The cookie is likely invalid because it was not originally created from a GCHandle,
+ represents a GCHandle that has already been freed, is a cookie to a GCHandle in
+ a different appdomain, or was marshaled to native code as a GCHandle but passed back into
+ the CLR as an IntPtr where a cast was attempted.
+ The symptoms the user will see is undefined behavior (AVs, memory corruption, etc.) while
+ attempting to use or retrieve a GCHandle from a IntPtr.
+ -->
+ <invalidGCHandleCookie enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ InvalidIUnknown (chriseck)
+ An invalid IUnknown* is passed to managed code from native code. The IUnknown fails to return success
+ when queried for the IUnknown interface.
+ None.
+ Unexpected error when marshaling a COM interface pointer during argument marshaling.
+ A misbehaving QueryInterface implemenation on the COM interface passed to the runtime.
+ An XML message specifying the violation.
+ -->
+ <invalidIUnknown enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ InvalidMemberDeclaration (dmortens)
+ Causes the runtime to fire a MDA message when an error occurs while determining how to marshal the parameters
+ of a member member to be called from COM.
+ None.
+ A failure HRESULT is returned to COM without the managed method having been called.
+ This is most likely due to an incompatible MarshalAs attribute on one of the parameters.
+ An XML message specifying the violation.
+ -->
+ <invalidMemberDeclaration enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ InvalidOverlappedToPinvoke (mstanton)
+ This probe fires when an overlapped pointer not created on the gc heap is passed to a popular
+ Win32 function. The potential for heap corruption is high when this is done because the
+ AppDomain where the call is made may unload. In that case, the user code will either free
+ the memory for the overlapped pointer, causing corruption when the operation finishes, or
+ the code will leak the memory, causing difficulties later.
+ Here are the functions that this MDA tracks:
+ Module Function
+ HttpApi.dll HttpReceiveHttpRequest
+ IpHlpApi.dll NotifyAddrChange
+ IpHlpApi.dll NotifyRouteChange
+ kernel32.dll ReadFile
+ kernel32.dll ReadFileEx
+ kernel32.dll WriteFile
+ kernel32.dll WriteFileEx
+ kernel32.dll ReadDirectoryChangesW
+ kernel32.dll PostQueuedCompletionStatus
+ MSWSock.dll ConnectEx
+ WS2_32.dll WSASend
+ WS2_32.dll WSASendTo
+ WS2_32.dll WSARecv
+ WS2_32.dll WSARecvFrom
+ MQRT.dll MQReceiveMessage
+ The way to fix this problem is to use a System.Threading.Overlapped object, calling
+ Overlapped.Pack() to get a NativeOverlapped structure that can be passed to the
+ function. If the AppDomain unloads, the CLR will wait until the async operation completes
+ before freeing the pointer.
+ Note that this MDA is by default only fires if the P/Invoke is defined in your
+ code, using your debugger to report the JustMyCode status of each method.
+ A debugger that doesn't understand JustMyCode (such as mdbg with no extensions)
+ will not let this MDA fire. You can activate this MDA using a config file
+ if you explicitly set justMyCode="false" in your .mda.config file.
+ An XML message specifying the overlapped pointer address, the module name, and the win32
+ function that was called.
+ -->
+ <invalidOverlappedToPinvoke enable="false" justMyCode="true"/>
+ <!--
+ InvalidVariant (chriseck)
+ Causes the runtime to fire a MDA message when an invalid VARIANT structure is encountered.
+ None.
+ Unexpected behavior during a transition between native and managed code involving the marshaling
+ of an object to a VARIANT or vice versa.
+ The native code is passing a malformed VARIANT structure to the runtime.
+ An XML message specifying the violation.
+ -->
+ <invalidVariant enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ JitCompilationStart (chrisk)
+ Enabling this assistant causes a message to be generated whenever a method which matches the filter is jitted.
+ This assistant was primarily used to test the MDA framework but could also be used.
+ None. The performance difference should also be negligible as this assistant is only fired when the method is
+ first jitted.
+ clrjit.dll is loaded in a performance scenario in which all assemblies are ngened.
+ This would likely be a bug in the runtime. Enabling this assistant will help determine which method is
+ being jitted.
+ Methods which match the filter that are being jitted.
+ -->
+ <jitCompilationStart enable="false">
+ <methods justMyCode="true">
+ <match break="false" name="MyMethod" />
+ </methods>
+ </jitCompilationStart >
+ <!--
+ LoaderLock (cbrumme)
+ It is unsafe to execute managed code on a thread that holds the operating system's LoaderLock.
+ Violating this rule can lead to deadlocks or calls into DLLs that have not yet been initialized.
+ Such failures are somewhat random and can appear or disappear from run to run of a process.
+ On some platforms, we can detect whether the current thread holds the LoaderLock during a
+ transition from native to managed code.
+ The extra checks can cause a slight slowdown on calls from native code to managed code. This
+ slowdown is on the order of 10 instructions.
+ -->
+ <loaderLock enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ LoadFromContext (t-daveh)
+ This probe fires when an Assembly loads in the LoadFrom binding context. This happens on some but not all calls
+ to Assembly.LoadFrom and can also occur when loading dependencies for a separate Assembly loading call.
+ This probe is primarily intended for use in debugging Assembly binding failures, which often occur because a call
+ to Assembly.LoadFrom does not imply that the Assembly will be loaded in the LoadFrom context. Binding contexts
+ affect Assembly behavior, and in almost all cases it is recommended that the LoadFrom context be avoided. See
+ for more information.
+ OUTPUT: An MDA message is output for each Assembly loaded in the LoadFrom context. It includes the display name
+ of the Assembly and its code base.
+ -->
+ <loadFromContext enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ MarshalCleanupError (chriseck)
+ The CLR encounters an error while attempting to clean up temporary structures and memory required for marshaling data types between
+ native / managed code boundaries. It is likely that a memory leak will occur.
+ None.
+ Memory leak occurs when making native / managed code transitions, runtime state such as thread culture is not restored, or errors occur
+ in SafeHandle cleanup.
+ An unexpected error occurred while cleaning up temporary structures. Review all SafeHandle destructor / finalizer implementations and
+ custom-marshaler implementations for errors.
+ An XML message specifying the encountered problem.
+ -->
+ <marshalCleanupError enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ Reflection (chrisk)
+ This probe fires when reflection creates a MemberInfo cache. This happens on calls to
+ Type.GetMethod, Type.GetProperty, Type.GetField etc. Creation of this cache is expensive in working set
+ because it pages in metadata which is usually stored in a cold section of the PE file and because
+ reflection eagerly caches MemberInfos. The Reflection team has plans in Beta2 to make the cache lazy.
+ This probe is primarily intended for use in a regression test which ensures that "heavy" reflection is
+ not used is an optimized scenario.
+ OUTPUT: A MDA message is output for each time a MemberInfoCache is created.
+ -->
+ <memberInfoCacheCreation enable="false"/>
+ <!--
+ ModuloObjectHashcode (chrisk)
+ Enabling this assistant causes Object.GetHashcode to return the modulus of the hashcode it would
+ have otherwise returned. This does not affect any other implementation of GetHashcode.
+ See Description.
+ Varied. Generally, after debugging, it is discovered that an object with the wrong identity
+ is being manipulated.
+ Program is using an objects hashcode to identify the object. While it is true that if two
+ object references are the same their hashcodes are the same, the converse is not true. If two
+ object references have the same hashcodes that does not imply they refer to the same object.
+ Making this assumption will cause incorrect program behavior in the very rare case when it is false.
+ Enabling this assistant will make it much more likely to have "hashcode collisions" and flesh out bugs.
+ OUTPUT: None
+ -->
+ <moduloObjectHashcode modulus="1" enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ NonComVisibleBaseClass (dmortens)
+ This error event is fired when a QueryInterface call is made on a CCW requesting the class
+ interface or the default IDispatch, not implemented by an explicit interface, of a COM visible
+ managed class that derives from a non COM visible base class.
+ The symptoms the user will see is the QueryInterface call failing with a
+ -->
+ <nonComVisibleBaseClass enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ NotMarshalable (chriseck)
+ The CLR encounters a COM interface pointer with no valid proxy/stub registered or a misbehaving IMarshalable implementation while attempting
+ to marshal the interface across contexts.
+ None.
+ Calls are not serviced, or calls occur in the wrong context for COM interface pointers.
+ The CLR encounters a COM interface pointer with no valid proxy/stub registered or a misbehaving IMarshalable implementation.
+ An XML message specifying the violation.
+ -->
+ <notMarshalable enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ OpenGenericCERCall (rudim)
+ This event is a warning. It is generated when a CER graph with generic type
+ variables at the root method is being processed at jit/ngen time and at least
+ one of the generic type variables is an object reference type. Since at jit time
+ an instantiation containing an object reference type is only representative (the
+ resultant code is shared such that each of the object reference type variables may
+ in fact be any object reference type) we cannot guarantee prepare all runtime
+ resources ahead of time. In particular methods with generic type variables sometimes
+ lazily allocate resources behind the user's back (these are referred to as generic
+ dictionary entries). For instance the statement "List<T> list = new List<T>();" where
+ T is a generic type variable will need to lookup and possibly create the exact
+ instantiation (e.g. List<Object>, List<String> etc.) at runtime and this might
+ fail for a variety of reasons beyond the author's control (out of memory, for instance).
+ This probe shouldn't fire for any of the non-jit cases (they always provide an
+ exact instantiation to work with).
+ When this probe fires the likely symptoms you might see are that CERs will appear not
+ to work at all for the bad instantiations (in fact we don't even attempt to implement
+ a CER in the circumstances where the event fires). So if the author uses a shared
+ instantiation of the CER they will not avoid runtime injected jit or generics type
+ loading errors or thread aborts within the region of the supposed CER.
+ -->
+ <openGenericCERCall enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ OverlappedFreeError (mstanton)
+ This probe fires if code calls System.Threading.Overlapped.Free(NativeOverlapped *) before
+ the overlapped operation has completed. The overlapped operation needs to be cancelled
+ before this.
+ An XML message specifying the overlapped pointer address that was freed pre-maturely.
+ -->
+ <overlappedFreeError enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ PInvokeLog (chrisk)
+ Logs a message the first time a PInvoke call is call is made.
+ An XML message specifying the managed PInvoke signature and target which was called for the first time.
+ -->
+ <pInvokeLog enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ PInvokeStackImbalance (chrisk)
+ Causes the runtime to compare the actual stack depth before and after a PInvoke call against
+ what the call depth should be given the calling conventions specified in the DllImport attribute
+ and the arguments. If the depths do not agree than the MDA will fire. (Future versions of this
+ assistant will also check the stack depth of "reverse-PInvoke" or calling back into managed code via
+ a function pointer representing a managed delegate.)
+ This assistants disables PInvoke marshaling optimizations and so PInvoke calls will be slower.
+ Activated by default under a managed debugger.
+ An application AVs when placing or just after placing a PInvoke call.
+ Very likely that the managed signature, the DllImportAttribute, does not match the unmanaged
+ signature. Either the number or size of the parameters does not match or the calling convention
+ does not match. Try explicitly specifying the calling convention on both the managed and unmanaged
+ sides. It is also possible, though much less likely, that the unmanaged function unbalanced the
+ stack for some other reason such as a bug in the unmanaged compiler.
+ An XML message specifying the managed PInvoke signature which detected the unbalanced stack.
+ -->
+ <pInvokeStackImbalance enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ RaceOnRCWCleanup (chriseck)
+ Causes the runtime to fire a MDA message when it detects that a RCW is in use while the user attempts
+ to free it via Marshal.ReleaseComObject or other such construct.
+ None.
+ AVs or memory corruption during or after freeing a RCW via Marshal.ReleaseComObject or other such construct.
+ The RCW is in use on another thread or further up the freeing thread stack. It is illegal to free
+ a RCW that is in use.
+ An XML message specifying the violation.
+ -->
+ <raceOnRCWCleanup enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ Reentrancy (cbrumme)
+ Threads that switch between native and managed code in either direction must perform an
+ orderly transition. However, certain low level extensibility points in the operating system
+ (like the Vectored Exception Handler) allow switches from managed to native code without
+ performing an orderly transition. Any native code that executes inside these extensibility points
+ must avoid calling back into managed code. If this rule is violated, the object heap can become
+ corrupted and other serious errors can occur. This assistant can detect attempts to transition
+ from native to managed code in cases where a prior switch from managed to native code was
+ not performed through an orderly transition.
+ The extra checks can cause a slight slowdown on calls from native code to managed code. This
+ slowdown is on the order of 5 instructions.
+ -->
+ <reentrancy enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ ReleaseHandleFailed (rudim)
+ This is an error event. It fired when the ReleaseHandle method of a SafeHandle or
+ CriticalHandle subclass returns false. These methods are provided by the author subclassing
+ SafeHandle or CriticalHandle so the circumstances are handle specific, but the contract
+ is the following:
+ Safe and critical handles represent wrappers around vital process resources that
+ cannot be permitted to leak (otherwise the process will become unusable over time).
+ Therefore the ReleaseHandle method must not fail to perform its function
+ (once we've acquired such a resource, ReleaseHandle is the only means we have
+ of releasing it, so failure implies resource leakage).
+ Therefore any failure which does occur during ReleaseHandle (and impedes the
+ release of the resource) is a serious bug on the part of the author of the ReleaseHandle
+ method itself (it is their responsibility to make sure the contract is fulfilled, even
+ if they're calling other people's code to achieve the end effect).
+ To aid in debugging such leaks we allow ReleaseHandle to return a boolean result and
+ if that result is false we generate this MDA with some state information that might
+ help track down the problem. (We used to throw an IOException in earlier builds of Whidbey).
+ The symptoms the user might see in situations where this MDA fires is resource
+ leakage (for whatever resource the safe or critical handle is a wrapper for or at
+ least handles against that resource which can be scarce in their own rite).
+ -->
+ <releaseHandleFailed enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ ReportAvOnComRelease (chriseck)
+ Occasionally an exception is thrown due to user refcount errors while performing COM Interop and
+ using Marshal.Release or Marshal.ReleaseComObject mixed with raw COM calls. Today, this exception
+ is simply discarded, since not doing so would cause an AV in the runtime and bring it down. Using
+ this assistant, such exceptions can be detected and reported instead of simply discarded.
+ Two modes are available " if AllowAV is true, then the assistant simply strips the exception handling
+ from the function. If it is false (by default), then the exception handling occurs, but a warning
+ message is reported to the user to indicate that an exception was handled.
+ -->
+ <reportAvOnComRelease allowAv="false" enable="false" />
+ <!--
+ Marshaling (chriseck)
+ This assistant fires when the CLR sets up marshaling information for a method parameter or a field of a structure.
+ It prints out the type of the parameter or field both in the managed and unmanaged worlds, as well as indicating
+ the structure or method where the type lives.
+ <marshaling enable="false" />
+ -->
+ <!--
+ StreamWriterBufferedDataLost (BrianGru)
+ Intended to detect when users write data to a StreamWriter but
+ don't flush or close the StreamWriter. That data is then lost,
+ because StreamWriter cannot reliably write data to the underlying
+ Stream from its finalizer. Users should use a using block when
+ possible to ensure they always close the StreamWriter.
+ Poorly written code:
+ void Foo() {
+ StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("file.txt");
+ sw.WriteLine("Data");
+ // Forgot to close the StreamWriter.
+ }
+ This MDA was implemented by adding a finalizer to StreamWriter
+ that looks for data in its buffer. As such, it requires your
+ program to get around to running finalizers before exiting.
+ This should happen in long-running apps automatically over time,
+ but can be forced in short-lived test apps (like the above) by
+ calling GC.Collect then GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers.
+ None.
+ User attempts to write to a file, but the last 1K - 4K of data
+ haven't been written to the file. This MDA detects this
+ data loss during finalization of the StreamWriter.
+ User did not properly close their StreamWriter, or arrange for
+ it to be flushed.
+ Use the using statement in C# & VB. In managed C++, use a
+ try/finally to call Dispose.
+ void Foo() {
+ using(StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("file.txt")) {
+ sw.WriteLine("Data");
+ }
+ }
+ Or users can use the long form, expanding out the using clause:
+ void Foo() {
+ StreamWriter sw;
+ try {
+ sw = new StreamWriter("file.txt"));
+ sw.WriteLine("Data");
+ }
+ finally {
+ if (sw != null)
+ sw.Close();
+ }
+ }
+ If neither of these solutions can be used (say, if you have a
+ StreamWriter stored in a static variable and thus you cannot
+ easily run code at the end of its lifetime), then calling Flush
+ on the StreamWriter after its last use or setting its AutoFlush
+ property to true before its first use will be sufficient.
+ Here's an example:
+ internal static class Foo {
+ private static StreamWriter _log;
+ static Foo() { // Static class constructor
+ StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("log.txt");
+ sw.AutoFlush = true;
+ // Now publish the StreamWriter for other threads.
+ _log = sw;
+ }
+ }
+ An XML message, indicating this violation occurred. To the
+ effect of "You lost data because you didn't close your
+ StreamWriter." It may include a file name and a stack trace
+ showing where the StreamWriter was allocated, to help track
+ down incorrect code.
+ -->
+ <streamWriterBufferedDataLost enable="true" captureAllocatedCallStack="false"/>
+ <!--
+ VirtualCERCall (rudim)
+ This is just a warning. It indicates that a callsite within a CER call graph
+ refers to a virtual target (i.e. a virtual call to a non-final virtual method
+ or a call via an interface). The runtime cannot predict the destination method
+ of these calls from IL and metadata analysis alone (which is all we have), so
+ we won't descend into that call tree and prepare it as part of the CER graph (or
+ automatically block thread aborts in that subtree either). So this warns of cases
+ where a CER might need to be extended manually via explicit calls to PrepareMethod()
+ (once the additional information required to compute the call target is known at
+ runtime).
+ Symptoms of a problem reported via this probe are pretty much the same as above. The
+ callsite can experience a failure from the runtime if the target wasn't explicitly
+ prepared by another means (e.g. PrepareMethod) and it's not defined whether or not
+ the code to be run meets any reliability contracts since the runtime couldn't scan
+ ahead to tell. If the eventual target wasn't hardened for deterministic operation
+ then it could surprise the author of the CER as above.
+ -->
+ <virtualCERCall enable="false" />
+ </assistants>