path: root/src/vm/interoputil.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/vm/interoputil.h')
1 files changed, 528 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/vm/interoputil.h b/src/vm/interoputil.h
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index 0000000000..6762c80f92
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+++ b/src/vm/interoputil.h
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+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+#ifndef _H_INTEROP_UTIL
+#define _H_INTEROP_UTIL
+#include "debugmacros.h"
+#include "interopconverter.h"
+struct VariantData;
+// Out of memory helper.
+#define IfNullThrow(EXPR) \
+do {if ((EXPR) == 0) {ThrowOutOfMemory();} } while (0)
+// Helper to determine the version number from an int.
+#define GET_VERSION_USHORT_FROM_INT(x) ((x < 0) || (x > (INT)((USHORT)-1))) ? 0 : static_cast<USHORT>(x)
+#include "winrttypenameconverter.h"
+#include "roparameterizediid.h"
+#include "../md/winmd/inc/adapter.h"
+#include <>
+// The format string to use to format unknown members to be passed to
+// invoke member
+// This method returns the default interface for the class as well as the
+// type of default interface we are dealing with.
+enum DefaultInterfaceType
+ DefaultInterfaceType_Explicit = 0,
+ DefaultInterfaceType_IUnknown = 1,
+ DefaultInterfaceType_AutoDual = 2,
+ DefaultInterfaceType_AutoDispatch = 3,
+ DefaultInterfaceType_BaseComClass = 4
+// System.Drawing.Color struct definition.
+#ifdef _WIN64
+ INT64 value;
+ INT64 value;
+ short knownColor;
+ short state;
+struct ComMethodTable;
+struct IUnkEntry;
+interface IStream;
+class ComCallWrapper;
+class InteropSyncBlockInfo;
+#include <restrictederrorInfo.h>
+#ifndef __IRestrictedErrorInfo_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+DEFINE_GUID(IID_IRestrictedErrorInfo, 0x82BA7092,0x4C88,0x427D,0xA7,0xBC,0x16,0xDD,0x93,0xFE,0xB6,0x7E);
+IRestrictedErrorInfo : public IUnknown
+#endif // !__IRestrictedErrorInfo_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+class FieldDesc;
+struct ExceptionData;
+ // setup error info for exception object
+HRESULT SetupErrorInfo(OBJECTREF pThrownObject, ComCallMethodDesc *pCMD);
+HRESULT SafeGetRestrictedErrorInfo(IRestrictedErrorInfo **ppIErrInfo);
+BOOL IsManagedObject(IUnknown *pErrInfo);
+IErrorInfo *GetCorrepondingErrorInfo_WinRT(HRESULT hr, IRestrictedErrorInfo *pResErrInfo, BOOL* bHasLangRestrictedErrInfo);
+HRESULT GetRestrictedErrorDetails(IRestrictedErrorInfo *pRestrictedErrorInfo, BSTR *perrorDescription, BSTR *pErrorRestrictedDescription, HRESULT *hr, BSTR *pErrorCapabilitySid);
+HRESULT SetupErrorInfo(OBJECTREF pThrownObject, BOOL bIsWinRTScenario = FALSE);
+ // Release helper, enables and disables GC during call-outs
+ULONG SafeRelease(IUnknown* pUnk, RCW* pRCW = NULL);
+// Release helper, must be called in preemptive mode. Only use this variant if
+// you already know you're in preemptive mode for other reasons.
+ULONG SafeReleasePreemp(IUnknown* pUnk, RCW* pRCW = NULL);
+// Determines if a COM object can be cast to the specified type.
+BOOL CanCastComObject(OBJECTREF obj, MethodTable * pTargetMT);
+// Read the BestFit custom attribute info from
+// both assembly level and interface level
+VOID ReadBestFitCustomAttribute(MethodDesc* pMD, BOOL* BestFit, BOOL* ThrowOnUnmappableChar);
+VOID ReadBestFitCustomAttribute(IMDInternalImport* pInternalImport, mdTypeDef cl, BOOL* BestFit, BOOL* ThrowOnUnmappableChar);
+int InternalWideToAnsi(__in_ecount(iNumWideChars) LPCWSTR szWideString, int iNumWideChars, __out_ecount_opt(cbAnsiBufferSize) LPSTR szAnsiString, int cbAnsiBufferSize, BOOL fBestFit, BOOL fThrowOnUnmappableChar);
+// Read the ClassInterfaceType custom attribute info from
+// both assembly level and interface level
+CorClassIfaceAttr ReadClassInterfaceTypeCustomAttribute(TypeHandle type);
+ // Called from DLLMain, to initialize com specific data structures.
+void FillExceptionData(ExceptionData* pedata, IErrorInfo* pErrInfo, IRestrictedErrorInfo* pRestrictedErrInfo);
+ // helper to access fields from an object
+INT64 FieldAccessor(FieldDesc* pFD, OBJECTREF oref, INT64 val, BOOL isGetter, U1 cbSize);
+//returns true if pImport has DefaultDllImportSearchPathsAttribute
+//if true, also returns dllImportSearchPathFlag and searchAssemblyDirectory values.
+BOOL GetDefaultDllImportSearchPathsAttributeValue(IMDInternalImport *pImport, mdToken token, DWORD * pDlImportSearchPathFlag);
+// Returns the index of the LCID parameter if one exists and -1 otherwise.
+int GetLCIDParameterIndex(MethodDesc *pMD);
+// Transforms an LCID into a CultureInfo.
+void GetCultureInfoForLCID(LCID lcid, OBJECTREF *pCultureObj);
+// This method determines if a member is visible from COM.
+BOOL IsMemberVisibleFromCom(MethodTable *pDeclaringMT, mdToken tk, mdMethodDef mdAssociate);
+// This method generates a stringized version of an interface that contains the
+// name of the interface along with the signature of all the methods.
+SIZE_T GetStringizedItfDef(TypeHandle InterfaceType, CQuickArray<BYTE> &rDef);
+// Helper to get the stringized form of typelib guid.
+HRESULT GetStringizedTypeLibGuidForAssembly(Assembly *pAssembly, CQuickArray<BYTE> &rDef, ULONG cbCur, ULONG *pcbFetched);
+// GetErrorInfo helper, enables and disables GC during call-outs
+HRESULT SafeGetErrorInfo(IErrorInfo **ppIErrInfo);
+// QI helper, enables and disables GC during call-outs
+HRESULT SafeQueryInterface(IUnknown* pUnk, REFIID riid, IUnknown** pResUnk);
+// QI helper, must be called in preemptive mode. Faster than the MODE_ANY version
+// because it doesn't need to toggle the mode. Use this version only if you already
+// know that you're in preemptive mode for other reasons.
+HRESULT SafeQueryInterfacePreemp(IUnknown* pUnk, REFIID riid, IUnknown** pResUnk);
+// Convert an IUnknown to CCW, does not handle aggregation and ICustomQI.
+ComCallWrapper* MapIUnknownToWrapper(IUnknown* pUnk);
+// Convert an IUnknown to CCW, returns NULL if the pUnk is not on
+// a managed tear-off (OR) if the pUnk is to a managed tear-off that
+// has been aggregated
+ComCallWrapper* GetCCWFromIUnknown(IUnknown* pUnk, BOOL bEnableCustomization = TRUE);
+// A version of LoadRegTypeLib that loads based on bitness and platform support
+// and loads with LCID == LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT
+HRESULT LoadRegTypeLibWithFlags(REFGUID rguid,
+ unsigned short wVerMajor,
+ unsigned short wVerMinor,
+ int flags,
+ ITypeLib FAR* FAR* pptlib);
+// A version of LoadTypeLibEx that loads based on bitness and platform support.
+HRESULT LoadTypeLibExWithFlags(LPCOLESTR szFile,
+ int flags,
+ ITypeLib** pptlib);
+// Given an IErrorInfo pointer created on a com exception obect
+// obtain the hresult stored in the exception object
+HRESULT GetHRFromCLRErrorInfo(IErrorInfo* pErr);
+// Called from EEStartup, to initialize com Interop specific data structures.
+void InitializeComInterop();
+// Clean up Helpers
+// called by syncblock, on the finalizer thread to do major cleanup
+void CleanupSyncBlockComData(InteropSyncBlockInfo* pInteropInfo);
+// called by syncblock, during GC, do only minimal work
+void MinorCleanupSyncBlockComData(InteropSyncBlockInfo* pInteropInfo);
+// Helper to release all of the RCWs in the specified context, across all caches.
+// If context is null, release all RCWs, otherwise release RCWs created in the
+// given context, including Jupiter RCWs
+void ReleaseRCWsInCaches(LPVOID pCtxCookie);
+// A wrapper that catches all exceptions - used in the OnThreadTerminate case.
+void ReleaseRCWsInCachesNoThrow(LPVOID pCtxCookie);
+// AddRef helper, enables and disables GC during call-outs
+ULONG SafeAddRef(IUnknown* pUnk);
+// AddRef helper, must be called in preemptive mode. Only use this variant if
+// you already know you're in preemptive mode for other reasons.
+ULONG SafeAddRefPreemp(IUnknown* pUnk);
+// Release helper, enables and disables GC during call-outs
+HRESULT SafeVariantChangeType(_Inout_ VARIANT* pVarRes, _In_ VARIANT* pVarSrc,
+ unsigned short wFlags, VARTYPE vt);
+// Release helper, enables and disables GC during call-outs
+HRESULT SafeVariantChangeTypeEx(_Inout_ VARIANT* pVarRes, _In_ VARIANT* pVarSrc,
+ LCID lcid, unsigned short wFlags, VARTYPE vt);
+// Init helper, enables and disables GC during call-outs
+void SafeVariantInit(VARIANT* pVar);
+// Releases the data in the stream and then releases the stream itself.
+void SafeReleaseStream(IStream *pStream);
+// Ole RPC seems to return an inconsistent SafeArray for arrays created with
+// SafeArrayVector(VT_BSTR). OleAut's SafeArrayGetVartype() doesn't notice
+// the inconsistency and returns a valid-seeming (but wrong vartype.)
+// Our version is more discriminating. This should only be used for
+// marshaling scenarios where we can assume unmanaged code permissions
+// (and hence are already in a position of trusting unmanaged data.)
+HRESULT ClrSafeArrayGetVartype(SAFEARRAY *psa, VARTYPE *vt);
+// Macros that defines how to recognize tear off
+#define TEAR_OFF_SLOT 1
+#define TEAR_OFF_STANDARD Unknown_AddRef
+#define TEAR_OFF_SIMPLE_INNER Unknown_AddRefInner
+#define TEAR_OFF_SIMPLE Unknown_AddRefSpecial
+BOOL ComInterfaceSlotIs(IUnknown* pUnk, int slot, LPVOID pvFunction);
+// Is the tear-off a CLR created tear-off
+BOOL IsInProcCCWTearOff(IUnknown* pUnk);
+// is the tear-off represent one of the standard interfaces such as IProvideClassInfo, IErrorInfo etc.
+BOOL IsSimpleTearOff(IUnknown* pUnk);
+// Is the tear-off represent the inner unknown or the original unknown for the object
+BOOL IsInnerUnknown(IUnknown* pUnk);
+// Is this one of our "standard" ComCallWrappers
+BOOL IsStandardTearOff(IUnknown* pUnk);
+ // is the iid represent an IClassX for this class
+BOOL IsIClassX(MethodTable *pMT, REFIID riid, ComMethodTable **ppComMT);
+// Returns TRUE if we support IClassX for the given class.
+BOOL ClassSupportsIClassX(MethodTable *pMT);
+ // Calls COM class factory and instantiates a new RCW.
+OBJECTREF AllocateComObject_ForManaged(MethodTable* pMT);
+ // get/load data for a given clsid
+MethodTable* GetTypeForCLSID(REFCLSID rclsid, BOOL* pfAssemblyInReg = NULL);
+ // get/load a value class for a given guid
+MethodTable* GetValueTypeForGUID(REFCLSID guid);
+DefaultInterfaceType GetDefaultInterfaceForClassInternal(TypeHandle hndClass, TypeHandle *pHndDefClass);
+DefaultInterfaceType GetDefaultInterfaceForClassWrapper(TypeHandle hndClass, TypeHandle *pHndDefClass);
+HRESULT TryGetDefaultInterfaceForClass(TypeHandle hndClass, TypeHandle *pHndDefClass, DefaultInterfaceType *pDefItfType);
+MethodTable *GetDefaultInterfaceMTForClass(MethodTable *pMT, BOOL *pbDispatch);
+// This method retrieves the list of source interfaces for a given class.
+void GetComSourceInterfacesForClass(MethodTable *pClassMT, CQuickArray<MethodTable *> &rItfList);
+// This methods converts an IEnumVARIANT to a managed IEnumerator.
+OBJECTREF ConvertEnumVariantToMngEnum(IEnumVARIANT *pNativeEnum);
+// These methods convert an OLE_COLOR to a System.Color and vice versa.
+void ConvertOleColorToSystemColor(OLE_COLOR SrcOleColor, SYSTEMCOLOR *pDestSysColor);
+OLE_COLOR ConvertSystemColorToOleColor(SYSTEMCOLOR *pSrcSysColor);
+OLE_COLOR ConvertSystemColorToOleColor(OBJECTREF *pSrcObj);
+// This method generates a stringized version of a class interface that contains
+// the signatures of all the methods and fields.
+ULONG GetStringizedClassItfDef(TypeHandle InterfaceType, CQuickArray<BYTE> &rDef);
+// Helper to get the GUID of a class interface.
+void GenerateClassItfGuid(TypeHandle InterfaceType, GUID *pGuid);
+// Try/Catch wrapped version of the method.
+HRESULT TryGenerateClassItfGuid(TypeHandle InterfaceType, GUID *pGuid);
+// Helper to get the GUID of the typelib that is created from an assembly.
+HRESULT GetTypeLibGuidForAssembly(Assembly *pAssembly, GUID *pGuid);
+// Helper to get the version of the typelib that is created from an assembly.
+HRESULT GetTypeLibVersionForAssembly(Assembly *pAssembly, USHORT *pMajorVersion, USHORT *pMinorVersion);
+// This method determines if a member is visible from COM.
+BOOL IsMethodVisibleFromCom(MethodDesc *pMD);
+// This method determines if a type is visible from COM or not based on
+// its visibility. This version of the method works with a type handle.
+// This version will ignore a type's generic attributes.
+// This API should *never* be called directly!!!
+BOOL SpecialIsGenericTypeVisibleFromCom(TypeHandle hndType);
+// This method determines if a type is visible from COM or not based on
+// its visibility. This version of the method works with a type handle.
+BOOL IsTypeVisibleFromCom(TypeHandle hndType);
+// Determines if a method is likely to be used for forward COM/WinRT interop.
+BOOL MethodNeedsForwardComStub(MethodDesc *pMD, DataImage *pImage);
+// Determines if a method is visible from COM in a way that requires a marshaling stub.
+BOOL MethodNeedsReverseComStub(MethodDesc *pMD);
+// InvokeDispMethod will convert a set of managed objects and call IDispatch. The
+// result will be returned as a COM+ Variant pointed to by pRetVal.
+void IUInvokeDispMethod(REFLECTCLASSBASEREF* pRefClassObj, OBJECTREF* pTarget,OBJECTREF* pName, DISPID *pMemberID, OBJECTREF* pArgs, OBJECTREF* pModifiers,
+ OBJECTREF* pNamedArgs, OBJECTREF* pRetVal, LCID lcid, WORD flags, BOOL bIgnoreReturn, BOOL bIgnoreCase);
+// Class Factory helpers
+// GetComClassFromProgID used by reflection class to setup a Class based on ProgID
+void GetComClassFromProgID(STRINGREF srefProgID, STRINGREF srefServer, OBJECTREF* pRef);
+// GetComClassFromCLSID used by reflection class to setup a Class based on CLSID
+void GetComClassFromCLSID(REFCLSID clsid, STRINGREF srefServer, OBJECTREF* pRef);
+// Helper used by GetComClassFromProgID and GetComClassFromCLSID
+void GetComClassHelper(OBJECTREF *pRef,
+ EEClassFactoryInfoHashTable *pClassFactHash,
+ ClassFactoryInfo *pClassFactInfo,
+ __in_opt WCHAR *wszProgID);
+// check if a ComClassFactory/WinRTClassFactory has been setup for this class
+// if not set one up
+ClassFactoryBase *GetComClassFactory(MethodTable* pClassMT);
+// logging APIs
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+VOID LogInterop(__in_z LPSTR szMsg);
+VOID LogInterop(__in_z LPWSTR szMsg);
+VOID LogInteropLeak(IUnkEntry * pEntry);
+VOID LogInteropLeak(IUnknown* pItf);
+VOID LogInteropQI(IUnknown* pItf, REFIID riid, HRESULT hr, __in_z LPCSTR szMsg);
+VOID LogInteropAddRef(IUnknown* pItf, ULONG cbRef, __in_z LPCSTR szMsg);
+VOID LogInteropRelease(IUnknown* pItf, ULONG cbRef, __in_z LPCSTR szMsg);
+VOID LogRCWCreate(RCW* pWrap, IUnknown* pUnk);
+VOID LogRCWMinorCleanup(RCW* pWrap);
+VOID LogRCWDestroy(RCW* pWrap);
+#define LogInterop(x)
+#define LogInteropLeak(x)
+#define LogInteropQI(x, y, z, w)
+#define LogInteropAddRef(x, y, z)
+#define LogInteropRelease(x, y, z)
+#define LogRCWCreate(x, y)
+#define LogRCWMinorCleanup(x)
+#define LogRCWDestroy(x)
+// Ensure COM is started up.
+HRESULT EnsureComStartedNoThrow(BOOL fCoInitCurrentThread = TRUE);
+VOID EnsureComStarted(BOOL fCoInitCurrentThread = TRUE);
+// check if the class is OR extends a COM Imported class
+BOOL ExtendsComImport(MethodTable* pMT);
+// Gets the CLSID from the specified Prog ID.
+HRESULT GetCLSIDFromProgID(__in_z WCHAR *strProgId, GUID *pGuid);
+// Check if the pUnk implements IProvideClassInfo and try to figure
+// out the class from there
+MethodTable* GetClassFromIProvideClassInfo(IUnknown* pUnk);
+// Try to load a WinRT type.
+TypeHandle GetWinRTType(SString* ssTypeName, BOOL bThrowIfNotFound);
+// Try to get the class from IInspectable.
+TypeHandle GetClassFromIInspectable(IUnknown* pUnk, bool *pfSupportsIInspectable, bool *pfSupportsIReference, bool *pfSupportsIReferenceArray);
+// Build a WinRT URI for a given raw URI
+ABI::Windows::Foundation::IUriRuntimeClass *CreateWinRTUri(LPCWSTR wszUri, INT32 cchUri);
+// Global process GUID to identify the process
+BSTR GetProcessGUID();
+ // switch objects for this wrapper
+// used by JIT&ObjectPooling to ensure a deactivated CCW can point to a new object
+// during reactivate
+BOOL ReconnectWrapper(OBJECTREF* pOldRef, OBJECTREF* pNewRef);
+// Generates GUIDs for parameterized WinRT types.
+class WinRTGuidGenerator
+ class MetaDataLocator : public IRoMetaDataLocator
+ {
+ // IRoMetaDataLocator implementation:
+ STDMETHOD(Locate)(PCWSTR nameElement, IRoSimpleMetaDataBuilder &metaDataDestination) const;
+ // helper methods:
+ static HRESULT LocateTypeWithDefaultInterface(MethodTable *pMT, LPCWSTR pszName, IRoSimpleMetaDataBuilder &metaDataDestination);
+ static HRESULT LocateStructure(MethodTable *pMT, LPCWSTR pszName, IRoSimpleMetaDataBuilder &metaDataDestination);
+ static HRESULT LocateRedirectedType(MethodTable *pMT, IRoSimpleMetaDataBuilder &metaDataDestination);
+ };
+ static void PopulateNames(MethodTable *pMT, SArray<BYTE> &namesBuf, PCWSTR* &pszNames, COUNT_T &cNames);
+ static void PopulateNamesAppendNamePointers(MethodTable *pMT, SArray<BYTE> &namesBuf, PCWSTR* &pszNames, COUNT_T cNames);
+ static void PopulateNamesAppendTypeName(MethodTable *pMT, SArray<BYTE> &namesBuf, COUNT_T &cNames);
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // pGuid is filled with the constructed IID by the function.
+ static void ComputeGuidForGenericType(MethodTable *pMT, GUID *pGuid);
+}; // class WinRTGuidGenerator
+// includes Types which hold a "ComObject" class
+// and types which are imported through typelib
+BOOL IsComWrapperClass(TypeHandle type);
+// includes Type which hold a "__ComObject" class
+BOOL IsComObjectClass(TypeHandle type);
+IUnknown* MarshalObjectToInterface(OBJECTREF* ppObject, MethodTable* pItfMT, MethodTable* pClassMT, DWORD dwFlags);
+void UnmarshalObjectFromInterface(OBJECTREF *ppObjectDest, IUnknown **ppUnkSrc, MethodTable *pItfMT, MethodTable *pClassMT, DWORD dwFlags);
+#define DEFINE_ASM_QUAL_TYPE_NAME(varname, typename, asmname, version, publickeytoken) static const char varname##[] = { typename##", "##asmname##", Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken="##publickeytoken##", Version="##version };
+class ICOMInterfaceMarshalerCallback;
+void GetNativeWinRTFactoryObject(MethodTable *pMT, Thread *pThread, MethodTable *pFactoryIntfMT, BOOL bNeedUniqueRCW, ICOMInterfaceMarshalerCallback *pCallback, OBJECTREF *prefFactory);
+inline HRESULT EnsureComStartedNoThrow()
+ return S_OK;
+inline VOID EnsureComStarted()
+#define LogInteropRelease(x, y, z)
+#endif // _H_INTEROP_UTIL