path: root/src/vm/generics.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/vm/generics.h')
1 files changed, 180 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/vm/generics.h b/src/vm/generics.h
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index 0000000000..dfd91ef829
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+++ b/src/vm/generics.h
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+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// File: generics.cpp
+// Helper functions for generics prototype
+// ============================================================================
+#ifndef _GENERICS_H
+#define _GENERICS_H
+#include "typehandle.h"
+#include "arraylist.h"
+class CrawlFrame;
+class DictionaryEntryLayout;
+// Generics helper functions
+namespace Generics
+ // Part of the recursive inheritance graph as defined by ECMA part.II Section 9.2.
+ //
+ // code:MethodTable.DoFullyLoad and code:TypeDesc.DoFullyLoad declare local variable of
+ // this type and initialize it with:
+ // - pointer to the previous (in terms of callstack) RecursionGraph instance,
+ // - the type handle representing the type that is being fully-loaded.
+ //
+ // By walking the RecursionGraph chain, it is possible to tell whether the same type is
+ // not being fully-loaded already. So far this could as well be a description of the
+ // code:TypeHandleList. But aside from the "owner type", RecursionGraph can also hold
+ // part of a directed graph in which nodes are generic variables and edges represent the
+ // is-substituted-by relation. In particular, one RecursionGraph instance maintains nodes
+ // corresponding to generic variables declared by the owner type, and all edges going
+ // out of these nodes.
+ //
+ // As an example consider:
+ // class B<U> { }
+ // class A<T> : B<T> { }
+ //
+ // B's RecursionGraph has one node (U) and no edges. A's RecursionGraph has one node (T)
+ // and one edge from T to U.
+ //
+ // This is how it looks like on the stack:
+ //
+ // A's DoFullyLoad activation - RecursionGraph(NULL, A<>) -> [T]
+ // ^-------- |
+ // | v
+ // B's DoFullyLoad activation - RecursionGraph( | , B<>) -> [U]
+ //
+ // The edges are obviously not real pointers because the destination may not yet be
+ // present on the stack when the edge is being added. Instead the edge end points are
+ // identified by TypeVarTypeDesc pointers. Edges come in two flavors - non-expanding
+ // and expanding, please see ECMA for detailed explanation. Finding an expanding cycle
+ // (i.e. cycle with at least one expanding edge) in the graph means that the types
+ // currently on stack are defined recursively and should be refused by the loader.
+ // Reliable detection of this condition is the ultimate purpose of this class.
+ //
+ // We do not always see all dependencies of a type on the stack. If the dependencies
+ // have been loaded earlier, loading stops there and part of the graph may be missing.
+ // However, this is of no concern because we are only interested in types with cyclic
+ // dependencies, and loading any type from such a closure will cause loading the rest
+ // of it. If part of the rest had been loaded earlier, it would have triggered loading
+ // the current type so there's really no way how expanding cycles can go undetected.
+ //
+ // Observation: if there is a cycle in type dependencies, there will be a moment when
+ // we'll have all the types participating in the cycle on the stack.
+ //
+ // Note that having a cycle in type dependencies is OK as long as it is not an expanding
+ // cycle. The simplest example of a cycle that is not expanding is A<T> : B<A<T>>. That
+ // is a perfectly valid type.
+ //
+ // The most interesting methods in this class are:
+ // * code:RecursionGraph.AddDependency - adds edges according to a type's instantiation.
+ // * code:RecursionGraph.HasExpandingCycle - looks for expanding cycles in the graph.
+ //
+ class RecursionGraph
+ {
+ public:
+ // Just records the owner and links to the previous graph. To actually construct the
+ // graph, call CheckForIllegalRecursion. Without CheckForIllegalRecursion, the
+ // functionality is limited to that of code:TypeHandleList.
+ RecursionGraph(RecursionGraph *pPrev, TypeHandle thOwner);
+ ~RecursionGraph();
+ // Adds edges generated by the parent and implemented interfaces; returns TRUE iff
+ // an expanding cycle was found after adding the edges.
+ BOOL CheckForIllegalRecursion();
+ // Returns TRUE iff the given type is already on the stack (in fact an analogue of
+ // code:TypeHandleList.Exists). This is to prevent recursively loading exactly the
+ // same type.
+ static BOOL HasSeenType(RecursionGraph *pDepGraph, TypeHandle thType);
+ protected:
+ // Adds the specified MT as a dependency (parent or interface) of the owner.
+ // pExpansionVars used internally.
+ void AddDependency(MethodTable *pMT, TypeHandleList *pExpansionVars = NULL);
+ // Adds an edge from pFromVar to pToVar, non-expanding or expanding.
+ void AddEdge(TypeVarTypeDesc *pFromVar, TypeVarTypeDesc *pToVar, BOOL fExpanding);
+ // Represents a node (a generic variable).
+ class Node
+ {
+ friend class RecursionGraph;
+ union
+ {
+ TypeVarTypeDesc *m_pFromVar; // The generic variable represented by this node.
+ ULONG_PTR m_pFromVarAsPtr; // The lowest bit determines the is-visited state.
+ };
+ ArrayList m_edges; // The outgoing edges (pointers to TypeVarTypeDesc).
+ enum
+ {
+ NODE_VISITED_FLAG = 0x1, // ORed with m_pFromVar if this node is currently being visited.
+ EDGE_EXPANDING_FLAG = 0x1 // ORed with an m_edges element if the edge is expanding.
+ };
+ public:
+ Node() : m_pFromVar(NULL)
+ inline ArrayList *GetEdges() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return &m_edges; }
+ inline TypeVarTypeDesc *GetSourceVar() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return ((TypeVarTypeDesc *)(m_pFromVarAsPtr & ~NODE_VISITED_FLAG)); }
+ inline void SetSourceVar(TypeVarTypeDesc *pVar) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(!m_pFromVar); m_pFromVar = pVar; }
+ inline BOOL IsVisited() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_pFromVarAsPtr & NODE_VISITED_FLAG); }
+ inline void SetVisited() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_pFromVarAsPtr |= NODE_VISITED_FLAG; }
+ inline void ClearVisited() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_pFromVarAsPtr &= ~NODE_VISITED_FLAG; }
+ };
+ // Recursive worker that checks whether a node is part of an expanding cycle.
+ BOOL HasExpandingCycle(Node *pCurrentNode, Node *pStartNode, BOOL fExpanded = FALSE);
+ protected:
+ // Array of nodes, each representing a generic variable owned by m_thOwner. The
+ // number of nodes is m_thOwner.GetNumGenericArgs() and the order corresponds
+ // to m_thOwner's instantiation.
+ Node *m_pNodes;
+ protected:
+ RecursionGraph *m_pPrev;
+ TypeHandle m_thOwner;
+ };
+ // Check for legal instantiations. Returns true if the instantiation is legal.
+ BOOL CheckInstantiation(Instantiation inst);
+ BOOL GetExactInstantiationsOfMethodAndItsClassFromCallInformation(
+ /* in */ MethodDesc *pRepMethod,
+ /* in */ OBJECTREF pThis,
+ /* in */ PTR_VOID pParamTypeArg,
+ /* out*/ TypeHandle *pSpecificClass,
+ /* out*/ MethodDesc** pSpecificMethod);
+ BOOL GetExactInstantiationsOfMethodAndItsClassFromCallInformation(
+ /* in */ MethodDesc *pRepMethod,
+ /* in */ PTR_VOID pExactGenericArgsToken,
+ /* out*/ TypeHandle *pSpecificClass,
+ /* out*/ MethodDesc** pSpecificMethod);
+ inline void DetermineCCWTemplateAndGUIDPresenceOnNonCanonicalMethodTable(
+ // Input
+ MethodTable *pOldMT,
+ BOOL fNewMTContainsGenericVariables,
+ // Output
+ BOOL *pfHasGuidInfo, BOOL *pfHasCCWTemplate);