path: root/src/vm/gcstress.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/vm/gcstress.h')
1 files changed, 554 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/vm/gcstress.h b/src/vm/gcstress.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..609276e148
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+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// #Overview
+// This file provides convenient wrappers for the GC stress functionality.
+// Exposed APIs:
+// GCStressPolicy::InhibitHolder
+// GCStressPolicy::GlobalEnable()
+// GCStressPolicy::GlobalDisable()
+// GCStressPolicy::IsEnabled()
+// GCStress<> template classes with its IsEnabled() & MaybeTrigger members.
+// Use GCStress<> to abstract away the GC stress related decissions. The
+// template definitions will resolve to nothing when STRESS_HEAP is not
+// defined, and will inline the function body at the call site otherwise.
+// Examples:
+// GCStress<cfg_any>::IsEnabled()
+// GCStress<cfg_any, EeconfigFastGcSPolicy, CoopGcModePolicy>::MaybeTrigger()
+#ifndef _GC_STRESS_
+#define _GC_STRESS_
+#include "mpl/type_list"
+struct alloc_context;
+enum gcs_trigger_points {
+ // generic handling based on EEConfig settings
+ cfg_any, // any bit set in EEConfig::iGCStress
+ cfg_alloc, // trigger on GC allocations
+ cfg_transition, // trigger on transitions
+ cfg_instr_jit, // trigger on JITted instructions
+ cfg_instr_ngen, // trigger on NGENed instructions
+ cfg_easy, // trigger on allocs or transitions
+ cfg_instr, // trigger on managed instructions (JITted or NGENed)
+ cfg_last, // boundary
+ // special handling at particular trigger points
+ jit_on_create_jump_stub,
+ jit_on_create_il_stub,
+ gc_on_alloc,
+ vsd_on_resolve
+namespace GCStressPolicy
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#define UNUSED_ATTR __attribute__ ((unused))
+#else // __GNUC__
+#define UNUSED_ATTR
+#endif // __GNUC__
+#ifndef __UNUSED
+#define __UNUSED(x) ((void)(x))
+#endif // __UNUSED
+ class InhibitHolder
+ {
+ private:
+ // This static controls whether GC stress may induce GCs. EEConfig::GetGCStressLevel() still
+ // controls when GCs may occur.
+ static Volatile<DWORD> s_nGcStressDisabled;
+ bool m_bAquired;
+ public:
+ InhibitHolder()
+ { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; ++s_nGcStressDisabled; m_bAquired = true; }
+ ~InhibitHolder()
+ void Release()
+ {
+ if (m_bAquired)
+ {
+ --s_nGcStressDisabled;
+ m_bAquired = false;
+ }
+ }
+ friend bool IsEnabled();
+ friend void GlobalDisable();
+ friend void GlobalEnable();
+ FORCEINLINE bool IsEnabled()
+ { return InhibitHolder::s_nGcStressDisabled == 0U; }
+ FORCEINLINE void GlobalDisable()
+ { ++InhibitHolder::s_nGcStressDisabled; }
+ FORCEINLINE void GlobalEnable()
+ { --InhibitHolder::s_nGcStressDisabled; }
+#else // STRESS_HEAP
+ class InhibitHolder
+ { void Release() {} };
+ FORCEINLINE bool IsEnabled()
+ { return false; }
+ FORCEINLINE void GlobalDisable()
+ {}
+ FORCEINLINE void GlobalEnable()
+ {}
+#endif // STRESS_HEAP
+namespace _GCStress
+ // Support classes to allow easy customization of GC Stress policies
+ namespace detail
+ {
+ using namespace mpl;
+ // Selecting a policy from a type list and a fallback/default policy
+ // GetPolicy<>:type will represent either a type in ListT with the same "tag" as DefPolicy
+ // or DefPolicy, based on the Traits passed in.
+ template <
+ typename ListT,
+ typename DefPolicy,
+ template <typename> class Traits
+ >
+ struct GetPolicy;
+ // Common case: recurse over the type list
+ template <
+ typename HeadT,
+ typename TailT,
+ typename DefPolicy,
+ template<typename> class Traits
+ >
+ struct GetPolicy<type_list<HeadT, TailT>, DefPolicy, Traits>
+ {
+ // is true if HeadT and DefPolicy evaluate to the same tag,
+ // through Traits<>
+ static const bool sameTag = std::is_same<
+ typename Traits<HeadT>::tag,
+ typename Traits<DefPolicy>::tag
+ >::value;
+ typedef typename std::conditional<
+ sameTag,
+ HeadT,
+ typename GetPolicy<TailT, DefPolicy, Traits>::type
+ >::type type;
+ };
+ // Termination case.
+ template <
+ typename DefPolicy,
+ template<typename> class Traits
+ >
+ struct GetPolicy <null_type, DefPolicy, Traits>
+ {
+ typedef DefPolicy type;
+ };
+ }
+ // GC stress specific EEConfig accessors
+ namespace detail
+ {
+ // no definition provided so that absence of concrete implementations cause compiler errors
+ template <enum gcs_trigger_points>
+ bool IsEnabled();
+ template<> FORCEINLINE
+ bool IsEnabled<cfg_any>()
+ {
+ // Most correct would be to test for each specific bits, but we've
+ // always only tested against 0...
+ return g_pConfig->GetGCStressLevel() != 0;
+ // return (g_pConfig->GetGCStressLevel() &
+ }
+ #define DefineIsEnabled(cfg_enum, eeconfig_bits) \
+ template<> FORCEINLINE \
+ bool IsEnabled<cfg_enum>() \
+ { \
+ return (g_pConfig->GetGCStressLevel() & (eeconfig_bits)) != 0; \
+ }
+ DefineIsEnabled(cfg_alloc, EEConfig::GCSTRESS_ALLOC);
+ DefineIsEnabled(cfg_transition, EEConfig::GCSTRESS_TRANSITION);
+ DefineIsEnabled(cfg_instr_jit, EEConfig::GCSTRESS_INSTR_JIT);
+ DefineIsEnabled(cfg_instr_ngen, EEConfig::GCSTRESS_INSTR_NGEN);
+ DefineIsEnabled(cfg_easy, EEConfig::GCSTRESS_ALLOC|EEConfig::GCSTRESS_TRANSITION);
+ DefineIsEnabled(cfg_instr, EEConfig::GCSTRESS_INSTR_JIT|EEConfig::GCSTRESS_INSTR_NGEN);
+ #undef DefineIsEnabled
+ }
+ //
+ // GC stress policy classes used by GCSBase and GCStress template classes
+ //
+ // Fast GS stress policies that dictate whether GCStress<>::MaybeTrigger()
+ // will consider g_pConfig->FastGCStressLevel() when deciding whether
+ // to trigger a GC or not.
+ // This is the default Fast GC stress policy that ignores the EEConfig
+ // setting
+ class IgnoreFastGcSPolicy
+ {
+ public:
+ static bool FastGcSEnabled(DWORD minValue = 0)
+ { return false; }
+ };
+ // This is the overriding Fast GC stress policy that considers the
+ // EEConfig setting on checked/debug builds
+ class EeconfigFastGcSPolicy
+ {
+ public:
+ static bool FastGcSEnabled(DWORD minValue = 0)
+ {
+ #ifdef _DEBUG
+ return g_pConfig->FastGCStressLevel() > minValue;
+ #else // _DEBUG
+ return false;
+ #endif // _DEBUG
+ }
+ };
+ // GC Mode policies that determines whether to switch the GC mode before
+ // triggering the GC.
+ // This is the default GC Mode stress policy that does not switch GC modes
+ class AnyGcModePolicy
+ {
+ };
+ // This is the overriding GC Mode stress policy that forces a switch to
+ // cooperative mode before MaybeTrigger() will trigger a GC
+ class CoopGcModePolicy
+ {
+ // implicit constructor an destructor will do the right thing
+ GCCoop m_coop;
+ public:
+ FORCEINLINE CoopGcModePolicy()
+ FORCEINLINE ~CoopGcModePolicy()
+ // GC Trigger policy classes define how a garbage collection is triggered
+ // This is the default GC Trigger policy that simply calls
+ // GCHeap::StressHeap
+ class StressGcTriggerPolicy
+ {
+ public:
+ static void Trigger()
+ { GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->StressHeap(); }
+ static void Trigger(::alloc_context* acontext)
+ { GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->StressHeap(acontext); }
+ };
+ // This is an overriding GC Trigger policy that triggers a GC by calling
+ // PulseGCMode
+ class PulseGcTriggerPolicy
+ {
+ public:
+ static void Trigger()
+ {
+ GetThread()->PulseGCMode();
+ }
+ };
+ // GC stress policy tags
+ struct fast_gcs_policy_tag {};
+ struct gc_mode_policy_tag {};
+ struct gc_trigger_policy_tag {};
+ template <class GCSPolicy>
+ struct GcStressTraits
+ { typedef mpl::null_type tag; };
+ #define DefineGCStressTraits(Policy, policy_tag) \
+ template <> struct GcStressTraits<Policy> \
+ { typedef policy_tag tag; }
+ DefineGCStressTraits(IgnoreFastGcSPolicy, fast_gcs_policy_tag);
+ DefineGCStressTraits(EeconfigFastGcSPolicy, fast_gcs_policy_tag);
+ DefineGCStressTraits(AnyGcModePolicy, gc_mode_policy_tag);
+ DefineGCStressTraits(CoopGcModePolicy, gc_mode_policy_tag);
+ DefineGCStressTraits(StressGcTriggerPolicy, gc_trigger_policy_tag);
+ DefineGCStressTraits(PulseGcTriggerPolicy, gc_trigger_policy_tag);
+ #undef DefineGCStressTraits
+ // Special handling for GC stress policies
+ template <class GCPolicies, class DefPolicy>
+ struct GetPolicy:
+ public detail::GetPolicy<GCPolicies, DefPolicy, GcStressTraits>
+ {};
+ //
+ // The base for any customization GCStress class. It accepts an identifying
+ // GC stress trigger point and at most three overriding policies.
+ //
+ // It defines FastGcSPolicy, GcModePolicy, and GcTriggerPolicy as either
+ // the overriding policy or the default policy, if no corresponding
+ // overriding policy is specified in the list. These names can then be
+ // accessed from the derived GCStress class.
+ //
+ // Additionally it defines the static methods IsEnabled and MaybeTrigger and
+ // how the policy classes influence their behavior.
+ //
+ template <
+ enum gcs_trigger_points tp,
+ class Policy1 = mpl::null_type,
+ class Policy2 = mpl::null_type,
+ class Policy3 = mpl::null_type
+ >
+ class GCSBase
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef typename mpl::make_type_list<Policy1, Policy2, Policy3>::type Policies;
+ typedef typename GetPolicy<Policies, IgnoreFastGcSPolicy>::type FastGcSPolicy;
+ typedef typename GetPolicy<Policies, AnyGcModePolicy>::type GcModePolicy;
+ typedef typename GetPolicy<Policies, StressGcTriggerPolicy>::type GcTriggerPolicy;
+ typedef GCSBase<tp, FastGcSPolicy, GcModePolicy, GcTriggerPolicy> GcStressBase;
+ // Returns true iff:
+ // . the bitflag in EEConfig::GetStressLevel() corresponding to the
+ // gc stress trigger point is set AND
+ // . when a Fast GC Stress policy is specified, if the minFastGC argument
+ // is below the EEConfig::FastGCStressLevel
+ static bool IsEnabled(DWORD minFastGc = 0)
+ {
+ static_assert(tp < cfg_last, "GCSBase only supports cfg_ trigger points.");
+ return detail::IsEnabled<tp>() && !FastGcSPolicy::FastGcSEnabled(minFastGc);
+ }
+ // Triggers a GC iff
+ // . the GC stress is not disabled globally (thru GCStressPolicy::GlobalDisable)
+ // AND
+ // . IsEnabled() returns true.
+ // Additionally it switches the GC mode as specified by GcModePolicy, and it
+ // uses GcTriggerPolicy::Trigger() to actually trigger the GC
+ static void MaybeTrigger(DWORD minFastGc = 0)
+ {
+ if (IsEnabled(minFastGc) && GCStressPolicy::IsEnabled())
+ {
+ GcModePolicy gcModeObj; __UNUSED(gcModeObj);
+ GcTriggerPolicy::Trigger();
+ }
+ }
+ // Triggers a GC iff
+ // . the GC stress is not disabled globally (thru GCStressPolicy::GlobalDisable)
+ // AND
+ // . IsEnabled() returns true.
+ // Additionally it switches the GC mode as specified by GcModePolicy, and it
+ // uses GcTriggerPolicy::Trigger(alloc_context*) to actually trigger the GC
+ static void MaybeTrigger(::alloc_context* acontext, DWORD minFastGc = 0)
+ {
+ if (IsEnabled(minFastGc) && GCStressPolicy::IsEnabled())
+ {
+ GcModePolicy gcModeObj; __UNUSED(gcModeObj);
+ GcTriggerPolicy::Trigger(acontext);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ template <
+ enum gcs_trigger_points tp,
+ class Policy1 = mpl::null_type,
+ class Policy2 = mpl::null_type,
+ class Policy3 = mpl::null_type
+ >
+ class GCStress
+ : public GCSBase<tp, Policy1, Policy2, Policy3>
+ {
+ };
+ //
+ // Partial specializations of GCStress for trigger points requiring non-default
+ // handling.
+ //
+ template <>
+ class GCStress<jit_on_create_jump_stub>
+ : public GCSBase<cfg_any>
+ {
+ public:
+ static void MaybeTrigger(DWORD minFastGc = 0)
+ {
+ if ((GetThreadNULLOk() != NULL) && (GetThreadNULLOk()->PreemptiveGCDisabled()))
+ {
+ // Force a GC if the stress level is high enough
+ GcStressBase::MaybeTrigger(minFastGc);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ template <>
+ class GCStress<gc_on_alloc>
+ : public GCSBase<cfg_alloc>
+ {
+ public:
+ static void MaybeTrigger(::alloc_context* acontext)
+ {
+ GcStressBase::MaybeTrigger(acontext);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ Thread *pThread = GetThread();
+ if (pThread)
+ {
+ pThread->EnableStressHeap();
+ }
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ }
+ };
+ template <>
+ class GCStress<vsd_on_resolve>
+ : public GCSBase<cfg_any>
+ {
+ public:
+ // Triggers a GC iff
+ // . the GC stress is not disabled globally (thru GCStressPolicy::GlobalDisable)
+ // AND
+ // . IsEnabled() returns true.
+ // Additionally it protects the passed in OBJECTREF&, and it uses
+ // GcTriggerPolicy::Trigger() to actually trigger the GC
+ //
+ // Note: the OBJECTREF must be passed by reference so MaybeTrigger can protect
+ // the calling function's stack slot.
+ static void MaybeTriggerAndProtect(OBJECTREF& objref)
+ {
+ if (GcStressBase::IsEnabled() && GCStressPolicy::IsEnabled())
+ {
+ GcTriggerPolicy::Trigger();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+#else // STRESS_HEAP
+ class IgnoreFastGcSPolicy {};
+ class EeconfigFastGcSPolicy {};
+ class AnyGcModePolicy {};
+ class CoopGcModePolicy {};
+ class StressGcTriggerPolicy {};
+ class PulseGcTriggerPolicy {};
+ // Everything here should resolve to inlined empty blocks or "false"
+ template <
+ enum gcs_trigger_points tp,
+ class Policy1 = mpl::null_type,
+ class Policy2 = mpl::null_type,
+ class Policy3 = mpl::null_type
+ >
+ class GCStress
+ {
+ public:
+ static bool IsEnabled(DWORD minFastGc = 0)
+ {
+ static_assert(tp < cfg_last, "GCStress::IsEnabled only supports cfg_ trigger points.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ static void MaybeTrigger(DWORD minFastGc = 0)
+ {}
+ static void MaybeTrigger(::alloc_context* acontext, DWORD minFastGc = 0)
+ {}
+ template<typename T>
+ static void MaybeTrigger(T arg)
+ {}
+ };
+#endif // STRESS_HEAP
+using _GCStress::IgnoreFastGcSPolicy;
+using _GCStress::EeconfigFastGcSPolicy;
+using _GCStress::AnyGcModePolicy;
+using _GCStress::CoopGcModePolicy;
+using _GCStress::StressGcTriggerPolicy;
+using _GCStress::PulseGcTriggerPolicy;
+using _GCStress::GCStress;