path: root/src/vm/encee.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/vm/encee.cpp')
1 files changed, 1753 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/vm/encee.cpp b/src/vm/encee.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca4e7fe553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vm/encee.cpp
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+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// ===========================================================================
+// File: EnC.CPP
+// Handles EditAndContinue support in the EE
+// ===========================================================================
+#include "common.h"
+#include "dbginterface.h"
+#include "dllimport.h"
+#include "eeconfig.h"
+#include "excep.h"
+#include "stackwalk.h"
+// can't get this on the helper thread at runtime in ResolveField, so make it static and get when add a field.
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+static int g_BreakOnEnCResolveField = -1;
+// Module initialization occurs in two phases: the constructor phase and the Initialize phase.
+// The constructor phase initializes just enough so that Destruct() can be safely called.
+// It cannot throw or fail.
+EditAndContinueModule::EditAndContinueModule(Assembly *pAssembly, mdToken moduleRef, PEFile *file)
+ : Module(pAssembly, moduleRef, file)
+ {
+ }
+ LOG((LF_ENC,LL_INFO100,"EACM::ctor 0x%x\n", this));
+// Module initialization occurs in two phases: the constructor phase and the Initialize phase.
+// The Initialize() phase completes the initialization after the constructor has run.
+// It can throw exceptions but whether it throws or succeeds, it must leave the Module
+// in a state where Destruct() can be safely called.
+void EditAndContinueModule::Initialize(AllocMemTracker *pamTracker)
+ {
+ }
+ LOG((LF_ENC,LL_INFO100,"EACM::Initialize 0x%x\n", this));
+ Module::Initialize(pamTracker);
+// Called when the module is being destroyed (eg. AD unload time)
+void EditAndContinueModule::Destruct()
+ LOG((LF_ENC,LL_EVERYTHING,"EACM::Destruct 0x%x\n", this));
+ // Call the superclass's Destruct method...
+ Module::Destruct();
+// ApplyEditAndContinue - updates this module for an EnC
+// Arguments:
+// cbDeltaMD - number of bytes pointed to by pDeltaMD
+// pDeltaMD - pointer to buffer holding the delta metadata
+// cbDeltaIL - number of bytes pointed to by pDeltaIL
+// pDeltaIL - pointer to buffer holding the delta IL
+// Return Value:
+// S_OK on success.
+// if the edit fails for any reason, at any point in this function,
+// we are toasted, so return out and IDE will end debug session.
+HRESULT EditAndContinueModule::ApplyEditAndContinue(
+ DWORD cbDeltaMD,
+ BYTE *pDeltaMD,
+ DWORD cbDeltaIL,
+ BYTE *pDeltaIL)
+ {
+ }
+ // Update the module's EnC version number
+ ++m_applyChangesCount;
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100, "EACM::AEAC:\n"));
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // Debugging hook to optionally break when this method is called
+ static BOOL shouldBreak = -1;
+ if (shouldBreak == -1)
+ shouldBreak = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_EncApplyChanges);
+ if (shouldBreak > 0) {
+ _ASSERTE(!"EncApplyChanges");
+ }
+ // Debugging hook to dump out all edits to dmeta and dil files
+ static BOOL dumpChanges = -1;
+ if (dumpChanges == -1)
+ dumpChanges = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_EncDumpApplyChanges);
+ if (dumpChanges> 0) {
+ SString fn;
+ int ec;
+ fn.Printf(W("ApplyChanges.%d.dmeta"), m_applyChangesCount);
+ FILE *fp;
+ ec = _wfopen_s(&fp, fn.GetUnicode(), W("wb"));
+ fwrite(pDeltaMD, 1, cbDeltaMD, fp);
+ fclose(fp);
+ fn.Printf(W("ApplyChanges.%d.dil"), m_applyChangesCount);
+ ec = _wfopen_s(&fp, fn.GetUnicode(), W("wb"));
+ fwrite(pDeltaIL, 1, cbDeltaIL, fp);
+ fclose(fp);
+ }
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ HENUMInternal enumENC;
+ CONTRACT_VIOLATION(GCViolation); // SafeComHolder goes to preemptive mode, which will trigger a GC
+ SafeComHolder<IMDInternalImportENC> pIMDInternalImportENC;
+ SafeComHolder<IMetaDataEmit> pEmitter;
+ // Apply the changes. Note that ApplyEditAndContinue() requires read/write metadata. If the metadata is
+ // not already RW, then ApplyEditAndContinue() will perform the conversion, invalidate the current
+ // metadata importer, and return us a new one. We can't let that happen. Other parts of the system are
+ // already using the current metadata importer, some possibly in preemptive GC mode at this very moment.
+ // Instead, we ensure that the metadata is RW by calling ConvertMDInternalToReadWrite(), which will make
+ // a new importer if necessary and ensure that new accesses to the metadata use that while still managing
+ // the lifetime of the old importer. Therefore, we can be sure that ApplyEditAndContinue() won't need to
+ // make a new importer.
+ // Ensure the metadata is RW.
+ {
+ // ConvertMetadataToRWForEnC should only ever be called on EnC capable files.
+ _ASSERTE(IsEditAndContinueCapable()); // this also checks that the file is EnC capable
+ GetFile()->ConvertMetadataToRWForEnC();
+ }
+ IfFailGo(hr);
+ // Grab the current importer.
+ IMDInternalImport *pMDImport = GetMDImport();
+ IMDInternalImport *pNewMDImport;
+ // Apply the EnC delta to this module's metadata.
+ IfFailGo(pMDImport->ApplyEditAndContinue(pDeltaMD, cbDeltaMD, &pNewMDImport));
+ // The importer should not have changed! We assert that, and back-stop in a retail build just to be sure.
+ if (pNewMDImport != pMDImport)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE( !"ApplyEditAndContinue should not have needed to create a new metadata importer!" );
+ }
+ // get the delta interface
+ IfFailGo(pMDImport->QueryInterface(IID_IMDInternalImportENC, (void **)&pIMDInternalImportENC));
+ // get an emitter interface
+ IfFailGo(GetMetaDataPublicInterfaceFromInternal(pMDImport, IID_IMetaDataEmit, (void **)&pEmitter));
+ // Copy the deltaIL into our RVAable IL memory
+ BYTE *pLocalILMemory = new BYTE[cbDeltaIL];
+ memcpy(pLocalILMemory, pDeltaIL, cbDeltaIL);
+ // Enumerate all of the EnC delta tokens
+ memset(&enumENC, 0, sizeof(HENUMInternal));
+ IfFailGo(pIMDInternalImportENC->EnumDeltaTokensInit(&enumENC));
+ mdToken token;
+ FieldDesc * pField = NULL;
+ while (pIMDInternalImportENC->EnumNext(&enumENC, &token))
+ {
+ STRESS_LOG3(LF_ENC, LL_INFO100, "EACM::AEAC: updated token 0x%x; type 0x%x; rid 0x%x\n", token, TypeFromToken(token), RidFromToken(token));
+ switch (TypeFromToken(token))
+ {
+ case mdtMethodDef:
+ // MethodDef token - update/add a method
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO10000, "EACM::AEAC: Found method 0x%x\n", token));
+ ULONG dwMethodRVA;
+ DWORD dwMethodFlags;
+ IfFailGo(pMDImport->GetMethodImplProps(token, &dwMethodRVA, &dwMethodFlags));
+ if (dwMethodRVA >= cbDeltaIL)
+ {
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO10000, "EACM::AEAC: failure RVA of %d with cbDeltaIl %d\n", dwMethodRVA, cbDeltaIL));
+ }
+ SetDynamicIL(token, (TADDR)(pLocalILMemory + dwMethodRVA), FALSE);
+ // use module to resolve to method
+ MethodDesc *pMethod;
+ pMethod = LookupMethodDef(token);
+ if (pMethod)
+ {
+ // Method exists already - update it
+ IfFailGo(UpdateMethod(pMethod));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This is a new method token - create a new method
+ IfFailGo(AddMethod(token));
+ }
+ break;
+ case mdtFieldDef:
+ // FieldDef token - add a new field
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO10000, "EACM::AEAC: Found field 0x%x\n", token));
+ pField = LookupFieldDef(token);
+ if (pField)
+ {
+ // Field already exists - just ignore for now
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Field is new - add it
+ IfFailGo(AddField(token));
+ break;
+ case mdtTypeRef:
+ EnsureTypeRefCanBeStored(token);
+ break;
+ case mdtAssemblyRef:
+ EnsureAssemblyRefCanBeStored(token);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pIMDInternalImportENC)
+ pIMDInternalImportENC->EnumClose(&enumENC);
+ return hr;
+// UpdateMethod - called when a method has been updated by EnC.
+// The module's metadata has already been updated. Here we notify the
+// debugger of the update, and swap the new IL in as the current
+// version of the method.
+// Arguments:
+// pMethod - the method being updated
+// Return Value:
+// S_OK on success.
+// if the edit fails for any reason, at any point in this function,
+// we are toasted, so return out and IDE will end debug session.
+// Assumptions:
+// The CLR must be suspended for debugging.
+HRESULT EditAndContinueModule::UpdateMethod(MethodDesc *pMethod)
+ {
+ }
+ // Notify the debugger of the update
+ HRESULT hr = g_pDebugInterface->UpdateFunction(pMethod, m_applyChangesCount);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ // Notify the JIT that we've got new IL for this method
+ // This will ensure that all new calls to the method will go to the new version.
+ // The runtime does this by never backpatching the methodtable slots in EnC-enabled modules.
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100000, "EACM::UM: Updating function %s to version %d\n", pMethod->m_pszDebugMethodName, m_applyChangesCount));
+ // Reset any flags relevant to the old code
+ //
+ // Note that this only works since we've very carefullly made sure that _all_ references
+ // to the Method's code must be to the call/jmp blob immediately in front of the
+ // MethodDesc itself. See MethodDesc::IsEnCMethod()
+ //
+ pMethod->Reset();
+ return S_OK;
+// AddMethod - called when a new method is added by EnC.
+// The module's metadata has already been updated. Here we notify the
+// debugger of the update, and create and add a new MethodDesc to the class.
+// Arguments:
+// token - methodDef token for the method being added
+// Return Value:
+// S_OK on success.
+// if the edit fails for any reason, at any point in this function,
+// we are toasted, so return out and IDE will end debug session.
+// Assumptions:
+// The CLR must be suspended for debugging.
+HRESULT EditAndContinueModule::AddMethod(mdMethodDef token)
+ {
+ }
+ mdTypeDef parentTypeDef;
+ HRESULT hr = GetMDImport()->GetParentToken(token, &parentTypeDef);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100, "**Error** EnCModule::AM can't find parent token for method token %p\n", token));
+ return E_FAIL;
+ }
+ // see if the class is loaded yet.
+ MethodTable * pParentType = LookupTypeDef(parentTypeDef).AsMethodTable();
+ if (pParentType == NULL)
+ {
+ // Class isn't loaded yet, don't have to modify any existing EE data structures beyond the metadata.
+ // Just notify debugger and return.
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100, "EnCModule::AM class %p not loaded, our work is done\n", parentTypeDef));
+ hr = g_pDebugInterface->UpdateNotYetLoadedFunction(token, this, m_applyChangesCount);
+ return hr;
+ }
+ // Add the method to the runtime's Class data structures
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100000, "EACM::AM: Adding function %p\n", token));
+ MethodDesc *pMethod = NULL;
+ hr = EEClass::AddMethod(pParentType, token, 0, &pMethod);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(!"Failed to add function");
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100000, "**Error** EACM::AM: Failed to add function %p with hr 0x%x\n", token));
+ return hr;
+ }
+ // Tell the debugger about the new method so it get's the version number properly
+ hr = g_pDebugInterface->AddFunction(pMethod, m_applyChangesCount);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(!"Failed to add function");
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100000, "**Error** EACM::AF: Failed to add method %p to debugger with hr 0x%x\n", token));
+ }
+ return hr;
+// AddField - called when a new field is added by EnC.
+// The module's metadata has already been updated. Here we notify the
+// debugger of the update,
+// Arguments:
+// token - fieldDef for the field being added
+// Return Value:
+// S_OK on success.
+// if the edit fails for any reason, at any point in this function,
+// we are toasted, so return out and IDE will end debug session.
+// Assumptions:
+// The CLR must be suspended for debugging.
+HRESULT EditAndContinueModule::AddField(mdFieldDef token)
+ {
+ }
+ mdTypeDef parentTypeDef;
+ HRESULT hr = GetMDImport()->GetParentToken(token, &parentTypeDef);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100, "**Error** EnCModule::AF can't find parent token for field token %p\n", token));
+ return E_FAIL;
+ }
+ // see if the class is loaded yet. If not we don't need to do anything. When this class is
+ // loaded (with the updated metadata), it will have this field like any other normal field.
+ // If the class hasn't been loaded, than the debugger shouldn't know anything about it
+ // so there shouldn't be any harm in not notifying it of the update. For completeness,
+ // we may want to consider changing this to notify the debugger here as well.
+ MethodTable * pParentType = LookupTypeDef(parentTypeDef).AsMethodTable();
+ if (pParentType == NULL)
+ {
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100, "EnCModule::AF class %p not loaded, our work is done\n", parentTypeDef));
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ // Create a new EnCFieldDesc for the field and add it to the class
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100000, "EACM::AM: Adding field %p\n", token));
+ EnCFieldDesc *pField;
+ hr = EEClass::AddField(pParentType, token, &pField);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100000, "**Error** EACM::AF: Failed to add field %p to EE with hr 0x%x\n", token));
+ return hr;
+ }
+ // Tell the debugger about the new field
+ hr = g_pDebugInterface->AddField(pField, m_applyChangesCount);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100000, "**Error** EACM::AF: Failed to add field %p to debugger with hr 0x%x\n", token));
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ if (g_BreakOnEnCResolveField == -1)
+ {
+ g_BreakOnEnCResolveField = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_EnCResolveField);
+ }
+ return hr;
+// JitUpdatedFunction - Jit the new version of a function for EnC.
+// Arguments:
+// pMD - the MethodDesc for the method we want to JIT
+// pOrigContext - context of thread pointing into original version of the function
+// Return value:
+// Return the address of the newly jitted code or NULL on failure.
+PCODE EditAndContinueModule::JitUpdatedFunction( MethodDesc *pMD,
+ CONTEXT *pOrigContext)
+ {
+ }
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100, "EnCModule::JitUpdatedFunction for %s\n",
+ pMD->m_pszDebugMethodName));
+ PCODE jittedCode = NULL;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ BOOL shouldBreak = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(
+ CLRConfig::INTERNAL_EncJitUpdatedFunction);
+ if (shouldBreak > 0) {
+ _ASSERTE(!"EncJitUpdatedFunction");
+ }
+ // Setup a frame so that has context for the exception
+ // so that gc can crawl the stack and do the right thing.
+ _ASSERTE(pOrigContext);
+ Thread *pCurThread = GetThread();
+ _ASSERTE(pCurThread);
+ FrameWithCookie<ResumableFrame> resFrame(pOrigContext);
+ resFrame.Push(pCurThread);
+ CONTEXT *pCtxTemp = NULL;
+ // We need to zero out the filter context so a multi-threaded GC doesn't result
+ // in somebody else tracing this thread & concluding that we're in JITted code.
+ // We need to remove the filter context so that if we're in preemptive GC
+ // mode, we'll either have the filter context, or the ResumableFrame,
+ // but not both, set.
+ // Since we're in cooperative mode here, we can swap the two non-atomically here.
+ pCtxTemp = pCurThread->GetFilterContext();
+ _ASSERTE(pCtxTemp != NULL); // currently called from within a filter context, protects us during GC-toggle.
+ pCurThread->SetFilterContext(NULL);
+ // get the code address (may jit the fcn if not already jitted)
+ EX_TRY {
+ if (!pMD->IsPointingToNativeCode())
+ {
+ pMD->DoPrestub(NULL);
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100, "EnCModule::ResumeInUpdatedFunction JIT successful\n"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100, "EnCModule::ResumeInUpdatedFunction function already JITed\n"));
+ }
+ jittedCode = pMD->GetNativeCode();
+ } EX_CATCH {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ {
+ // This is debug-only code to print out the error string, but SString can throw.
+ // This function is no-throw, and we can't put an EX_TRY inside an EX_CATCH block, so
+ // we just have the violation.
+ CONTRACT_VIOLATION(ThrowsViolation);
+ StackSString exceptionMessage;
+ SString errorMessage;
+ GetExceptionMessage(GET_THROWABLE(), exceptionMessage);
+ errorMessage.AppendASCII("**Error: Probable rude edit.**\n\n"
+ "EnCModule::JITUpdatedFunction JIT failed with the following exception:\n\n");
+ errorMessage.Append(exceptionMessage);
+ StackScratchBuffer buffer;
+ DbgAssertDialog(__FILE__, __LINE__, errorMessage.GetANSI(buffer));
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100, errorMessage.GetANSI(buffer)));
+ }
+ } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions)
+ resFrame.Pop(pCurThread);
+ // Restore the filter context here (see comment above)
+ pCurThread->SetFilterContext(pCtxTemp);
+ return jittedCode;
+// Called by EnC to resume the code in a new version of the function.
+// This will:
+// 1) jit the new function
+// 2) set the IP to newILOffset within that new function
+// 3) adjust local variables (particularly enregistered vars) to the new func.
+// It will not return.
+// Params:
+// pMD - method desc for method being updated. This is not enc-version aware.
+// oldDebuggerFuncHandle - Debugger DJI to uniquely identify old function.
+// This is enc-version aware.
+// newILOffset - the IL offset to resume execution at within the new function.
+// pOrigContext - context of thread pointing into original version of the function.
+// This function must be called on the thread that's executing the old function.
+// This function does not return. Instead, it will remap this thread directly
+// to be executing the new function.
+HRESULT EditAndContinueModule::ResumeInUpdatedFunction(
+ MethodDesc *pMD,
+ void *oldDebuggerFuncHandle,
+ SIZE_T newILOffset,
+ CONTEXT *pOrigContext)
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100, "EnCModule::ResumeInUpdatedFunction for %s at IL offset 0x%x, ",
+ pMD->m_pszDebugMethodName, newILOffset));
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ BOOL shouldBreak = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(
+ CLRConfig::INTERNAL_EncResumeInUpdatedFunction);
+ if (shouldBreak > 0) {
+ _ASSERTE(!"EncResumeInUpdatedFunction");
+ }
+ // JIT-compile the updated version of the method
+ PCODE jittedCode = JitUpdatedFunction(pMD, pOrigContext);
+ if ( jittedCode == NULL )
+ // This will create a new frame and copy old vars to it
+ // need pointer to old & new code, old & new info
+ EECodeInfo oldCodeInfo(GetIP(pOrigContext));
+ _ASSERTE(oldCodeInfo.GetMethodDesc() == pMD);
+ // Get the new native offset & IP from the new IL offset
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO10000, "EACM::RIUF: About to map IL forwards!\n"));
+ SIZE_T newNativeOffset = 0;
+ g_pDebugInterface->MapILInfoToCurrentNative(pMD,
+ newILOffset,
+ jittedCode,
+ &newNativeOffset);
+ EECodeInfo newCodeInfo(jittedCode + newNativeOffset);
+ _ASSERTE(newCodeInfo.GetMethodDesc() == pMD);
+ _ASSERTE(newCodeInfo.GetRelOffset() == newNativeOffset);
+ _ASSERTE(oldCodeInfo.GetCodeManager() == newCodeInfo.GetCodeManager());
+ DWORD oldFrameSize = oldCodeInfo.GetFixedStackSize();
+ DWORD newFrameSize = newCodeInfo.GetFixedStackSize();
+ // FixContextAndResume() will replace the old stack frame of the function with the new
+ // one and will initialize that new frame to null. Anything on the stack where that new
+ // frame sits will be wiped out. This could include anything on the stack right up to or beyond our
+ // current stack from in ResumeInUpdatedFunction. In order to prevent our current frame from being
+ // trashed we determine the maximum amount that the stack could grow by and allocate this as a buffer using
+ // alloca. Then we call FixContextAndResume which can safely rely on the stack because none of it's frames
+ // state or anything lower can be reached by the new frame.
+ if( newFrameSize > oldFrameSize)
+ {
+ DWORD frameIncrement = newFrameSize - oldFrameSize;
+ (void)alloca(frameIncrement);
+ }
+ // Ask the EECodeManager to actually fill in the context and stack for the new frame so that
+ // values of locals etc. are preserved.
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100, "EnCModule::ResumeInUpdatedFunction calling FixContextAndResume oldNativeOffset: 0x%x, newNativeOffset: 0x%x,"
+ "oldFrameSize: 0x%x, newFrameSize: 0x%x\n",
+ oldCodeInfo.GetRelOffset(), newCodeInfo.GetRelOffset(), oldFrameSize, newFrameSize));
+ FixContextAndResume(pMD,
+ oldDebuggerFuncHandle,
+ pOrigContext,
+ &oldCodeInfo,
+ &newCodeInfo);
+ // At this point we shouldn't have failed, so this is genuinely erroneous.
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_ERROR, "**Error** EnCModule::ResumeInUpdatedFunction returned from ResumeAtJit"));
+ _ASSERTE(!"Should not return from FixContextAndResume()");
+ hr = E_FAIL;
+ // If we fail for any reason we have already potentially trashed with new locals and we have also unwound any
+ // Win32 handlers on the stack so cannot ever return from this function.
+// FixContextAndResume - Modify the thread context for EnC remap and resume execution
+// Arguments:
+// pMD - MethodDesc for the method being remapped
+// oldDebuggerFuncHandle - Debugger DJI to uniquely identify old function.
+// pContext - the thread's original CONTEXT when the remap opportunity was hit
+// pOldCodeInfo - collection of various information about the current frame state
+// pNewCodeInfo - information about how we want the frame state to be after the remap
+// Return Value:
+// Doesn't return
+// Notes:
+// WARNING: This method cannot access any stack-data below its frame on the stack
+// (i.e. anything allocated in a caller frame), so all stack-based arguments must
+// EXPLICITLY be copied by value and this method cannot be inlined. We may need to expand
+// the stack frame to accomodate the new method, and so extra buffer space must have
+// been allocated on the stack. Note that passing a struct by value (via C++) is not
+// enough to ensure its data is really copied (on x64, large structs may internally be
+// passed by reference). Thus we explicitly make copies of structs passed in, at the
+// beginning.
+NOINLINE void EditAndContinueModule::FixContextAndResume(
+ MethodDesc *pMD,
+ void *oldDebuggerFuncHandle,
+ T_CONTEXT *pContext,
+ EECodeInfo *pOldCodeInfo,
+ EECodeInfo *pNewCodeInfo)
+ // Create local copies of all structs passed as arguments to prevent them from being overwritten
+ CONTEXT context;
+ memcpy(&context, pContext, sizeof(CONTEXT));
+ pContext = &context;
+#if defined(_TARGET_AMD64_)
+ // Since we made a copy of the incoming CONTEXT in context, clear any new flags we
+ // don't understand (like XSAVE), since we'll eventually be passing a CONTEXT based
+ // on this copy to RtlRestoreContext, and this copy doesn't have the extra info
+ // required by the XSAVE or other flags.
+ //
+ // FUTURE: No reason to ifdef this for amd64-only, except to make this late fix as
+ // surgical as possible. Would be nice to enable this on x86 early in the next cycle.
+ pContext->ContextFlags &= CONTEXT_ALL;
+#endif // defined(_TARGET_AMD64_)
+ EECodeInfo oldCodeInfo;
+ memcpy(&oldCodeInfo, pOldCodeInfo, sizeof(EECodeInfo));
+ pOldCodeInfo = &oldCodeInfo;
+ EECodeInfo newCodeInfo;
+ memcpy(&newCodeInfo, pNewCodeInfo, sizeof(EECodeInfo));
+ pNewCodeInfo = &newCodeInfo;
+ const ICorDebugInfo::NativeVarInfo *pOldVarInfo = NULL;
+ const ICorDebugInfo::NativeVarInfo *pNewVarInfo = NULL;
+ SIZE_T oldVarInfoCount = 0;
+ SIZE_T newVarInfoCount = 0;
+ // Get the var info which the codemanager will use for updating
+ // enregistered variables correctly, or variables whose lifetimes differ
+ // at the update point
+ g_pDebugInterface->GetVarInfo(pMD, oldDebuggerFuncHandle, &oldVarInfoCount, &pOldVarInfo);
+ g_pDebugInterface->GetVarInfo(pMD, NULL, &newVarInfoCount, &pNewVarInfo);
+#ifdef _TARGET_X86_
+ // save the frame pointer as FixContextForEnC might step on it.
+ LPVOID oldSP = dac_cast<PTR_VOID>(GetSP(pContext));
+ // need to pop the SEH records before write over the stack in FixContextForEnC
+ PopSEHRecords(oldSP);
+ // Ask the EECodeManager to actually fill in the context and stack for the new frame so that
+ // values of locals etc. are preserved.
+ HRESULT hr = pNewCodeInfo->GetCodeManager()->FixContextForEnC(
+ pContext,
+ pOldCodeInfo,
+ pOldVarInfo, oldVarInfoCount,
+ pNewCodeInfo,
+ pNewVarInfo, newVarInfoCount);
+ // If FixContextForEnC succeeded, the stack is potentially trashed with any new locals and we have also unwound
+ // any Win32 handlers on the stack so cannot ever return from this function. If FixContextForEnC failed, can't
+ // assume that the stack is still intact so apply the proper policy for a fatal EE error to bring us down
+ // "gracefully" (it's all relative).
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100, "**Error** EnCModule::ResumeInUpdatedFunction for FixContextForEnC failed\n"));
+ }
+ // Set the new IP
+ // Note that all we're really doing here is setting the IP register. We unfortunately don't
+ // share any code with the implementation of debugger SetIP, despite the similarities.
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100, "EnCModule::ResumeInUpdatedFunction: Resume at EIP=0x%x\n", pNewCodeInfo->GetCodeAddress()));
+ Thread *pCurThread = GetThread();
+ _ASSERTE(pCurThread);
+ pCurThread->SetFilterContext(pContext);
+ SetIP(pContext, pNewCodeInfo->GetCodeAddress());
+ // Notify the debugger that we're about to resume execution in the new version of the method
+ HRESULT hrIgnore = g_pDebugInterface->RemapComplete(pMD, pNewCodeInfo->GetCodeAddress(), pNewCodeInfo->GetRelOffset());
+ // Now jump into the new version of the method. Note that we can't just setup the filter context
+ // and return because we are potentially writing new vars onto the stack.
+ pCurThread->SetFilterContext( NULL );
+#if defined(_TARGET_X86_)
+ ResumeAtJit(pContext, oldSP);
+ RtlRestoreContext(pContext, NULL);
+ // At this point we shouldn't have failed, so this is genuinely erroneous.
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_ERROR, "**Error** EnCModule::ResumeInUpdatedFunction returned from ResumeAtJit"));
+ _ASSERTE(!"Should not return from ResumeAtJit()");
+#endif // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE
+// ResolveField - get a pointer to the value of a field that was added by EnC
+// Arguments:
+// thisPointer - For instance fields, a pointer to the object instance of interest.
+// For static fields this is unused and should be NULL.
+// pFD - FieldDesc describing the field we're interested in
+// fAllocateNew - If storage doesn't yet exist for this field and fAllocateNew is true
+// then we will attempt to allocate the storage (throwing an exception
+// if it fails). Otherwise, if fAllocateNew is false, then we will just
+// return NULL when the storage is not yet available.
+// Return Value:
+// If storage doesn't yet exist for this field we return NULL, otherwise, we return a pointer
+// to the contents of the field on success.
+PTR_CBYTE EditAndContinueModule::ResolveField(OBJECTREF thisPointer,
+ EnCFieldDesc * pFD)
+ {
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ if (g_BreakOnEnCResolveField == 1)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE( !"EditAndContinueModule::ResolveField");
+ }
+ // If it's static, we stash in the EnCFieldDesc
+ if (pFD->IsStatic())
+ {
+ _ASSERTE( thisPointer == NULL );
+ EnCAddedStaticField *pAddedStatic = pFD->GetStaticFieldData();
+ if (!pAddedStatic)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ _ASSERTE( pAddedStatic->m_pFieldDesc == pFD );
+ return PTR_CBYTE(pAddedStatic->GetFieldData());
+ }
+ // not static so get it out of the syncblock
+ SyncBlock * pBlock = NULL;
+ // Get the SyncBlock, failing if not available
+ pBlock = thisPointer->PassiveGetSyncBlock();
+ if( pBlock == NULL )
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ EnCSyncBlockInfo * pEnCInfo = NULL;
+ // Attempt to get the EnC information from the sync block
+ pEnCInfo = pBlock->GetEnCInfo();
+ if (!pEnCInfo)
+ {
+ // No EnC info on this object yet, fail since we don't want to allocate it
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Lookup the actual field value from the EnCSyncBlockInfo
+ return pEnCInfo->ResolveField(thisPointer, pFD);
+} // EditAndContinueModule::ResolveField
+// ResolveOrAllocateField - get a pointer to the value of a field that was added by EnC,
+// allocating storage for it if necessary
+// Arguments:
+// thisPointer - For instance fields, a pointer to the object instance of interest.
+// For static fields this is unused and should be NULL.
+// pFD - FieldDesc describing the field we're interested in
+// Return Value:
+// Returns a pointer to the contents of the field on success. This should only fail due
+// to out-of-memory and will therefore throw an OOM exception.
+PTR_CBYTE EditAndContinueModule::ResolveOrAllocateField(OBJECTREF thisPointer,
+ EnCFieldDesc * pFD)
+ {
+ }
+ // first try getting a pre-existing field
+ PTR_CBYTE fieldAddr = ResolveField(thisPointer, pFD);
+ if (fieldAddr != NULL)
+ {
+ return fieldAddr;
+ }
+ // we didn't find the field already allocated
+ if (pFD->IsStatic())
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(thisPointer == NULL);
+ EnCAddedStaticField * pAddedStatic = pFD->GetOrAllocateStaticFieldData();
+ _ASSERTE(pAddedStatic->m_pFieldDesc == pFD);
+ return PTR_CBYTE(pAddedStatic->GetFieldData());
+ }
+ // not static so get it out of the syncblock
+ SyncBlock* pBlock = NULL;
+ // Get the SyncBlock, creating it if necessary
+ pBlock = thisPointer->GetSyncBlock();
+ EnCSyncBlockInfo * pEnCInfo = NULL;
+ // Attempt to get the EnC information from the sync block
+ pEnCInfo = pBlock->GetEnCInfo();
+ if (!pEnCInfo)
+ {
+ // Attach new EnC field info to this object.
+ pEnCInfo = new EnCSyncBlockInfo;
+ if (!pEnCInfo)
+ {
+ COMPlusThrowOM();
+ }
+ pBlock->SetEnCInfo(pEnCInfo);
+ }
+ // Lookup the actual field value from the EnCSyncBlockInfo
+ return pEnCInfo->ResolveOrAllocateField(thisPointer, pFD);
+} // EditAndContinueModule::ResolveOrAllocateField
+// Get or optionally create an EnCEEClassData object for the specified
+// EEClass in this module.
+// Arguments:
+// pClass - the EEClass of interest
+// getOnly - if false (the default), we'll create a new entry of none exists yet
+// Note: If called in a DAC build, GetOnly must be TRUE
+PTR_EnCEEClassData EditAndContinueModule::GetEnCEEClassData(MethodTable * pMT, BOOL getOnly /*=FALSE*/ )
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(getOnly == TRUE);
+ DPTR(PTR_EnCEEClassData) ppData = m_ClassList.Table();
+ DPTR(PTR_EnCEEClassData) ppLast = ppData + m_ClassList.Count();
+ // Look for an existing entry for the specified class
+ while (ppData < ppLast)
+ {
+ if ((*ppData)->GetMethodTable() == pMT)
+ return *ppData;
+ ++ppData;
+ }
+ // No match found. Return now if we don't want to create a new entry
+ if (getOnly)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Create a new entry and add it to the end our our table
+ EnCEEClassData *pNewData = (EnCEEClassData*)(void*)pMT->GetLoaderAllocator()->GetLowFrequencyHeap()->AllocMem_NoThrow(S_SIZE_T(sizeof(EnCEEClassData)));
+ pNewData->Init(pMT);
+ ppData = m_ClassList.Append();
+ if (!ppData)
+ return NULL;
+ *ppData = pNewData;
+ return pNewData;
+ DacNotImpl();
+ return NULL;
+// Computes the address of this field within the object "o"
+void *EnCFieldDesc::GetAddress( void *o)
+ // can't throw through FieldDesc::GetInstanceField if FORBIDGC_LOADER_USE_ENABLED
+ EditAndContinueModule *pModule = (EditAndContinueModule*)GetModule();
+ _ASSERTE(pModule->IsEditAndContinueEnabled());
+ // EnC added fields aren't just at some static offset in the object like normal fields
+ // are. Get the EditAndContinueModule to compute the address for us.
+ return (void *)pModule->ResolveOrAllocateField(ObjectToOBJECTREF((Object *)o), this);
+ DacNotImpl();
+ return NULL;
+// Do simple field initialization
+// We do this when the process is suspended for debugging (in a GC_NOTRIGGER).
+// Full initialization will be done in Fixup when the process is running.
+void EnCFieldDesc::Init(mdFieldDef token, BOOL fIsStatic)
+ {
+ }
+ // Clear out the FieldDesc incase someone attempts to use any of the fields
+ memset( this, 0, sizeof(EnCFieldDesc) );
+ // Initialize our members
+ m_pStaticFieldData = NULL;
+ m_bNeedsFixup = TRUE;
+ // Initialize the bare minimum of FieldDesc necessary for now
+ if (fIsStatic)
+ FieldDesc::m_isStatic = TRUE;
+ SetMemberDef(token);
+ SetEnCNew();
+// Allocate a new EnCAddedField instance and hook it up to hold the value for an instance
+// field which was added by EnC to the specified object. This effectively adds a reference from
+// the object to the new field value so that the field's lifetime is managed properly.
+// Arguments:
+// pFD - description of the field being added
+// thisPointer - object instance to attach the new field to
+EnCAddedField *EnCAddedField::Allocate(OBJECTREF thisPointer, EnCFieldDesc *pFD)
+ {
+ }
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO1000, "\tEnCAF:Allocate for this %p, FD %p\n", thisPointer, pFD->GetMemberDef()));
+ // Create a new EnCAddedField instance
+ EnCAddedField *pEntry = new EnCAddedField;
+ pEntry->m_pFieldDesc = pFD;
+ _ASSERTE(!pFD->GetApproxEnclosingMethodTable()->IsDomainNeutral());
+ AppDomain *pDomain = (AppDomain*) pFD->GetApproxEnclosingMethodTable()->GetDomain();
+ // We need to associate the contents of the new field with the object it is attached to
+ // in a way that mimics the lifetime behavior of a normal field reference. Specifically,
+ // when the object is collected, the field should also be collected (assuming there are no
+ // other references), but references to the field shouldn't keep the object alive.
+ // To acheive this, we have introduced the concept of a "dependent handle" which provides
+ // the appropriate semantics. The dependent handle has a weak reference to a "primary object"
+ // (the object getting a new field in this case), and a strong reference to a secondary object.
+ // When the primary object is collected, the reference to the secondary object is released.
+ // See the definition of code:HNDTYPE_DEPENDENT and code:Ref_ScanDependentHandles for more details.
+ //
+ // We create a helper object and store it as the secondary object in the dependant handle
+ // so that its liveliness can be maintained along with the primary object.
+ // The helper then contains an object reference to the real field value that we are adding.
+ // The reason for doing this is that we cannot hand out the handle address for
+ // the OBJECTREF address so we need to hand out something else that is hooked up to the handle.
+ GCPROTECT_BEGIN(thisPointer);
+ MethodTable *pHelperMT = MscorlibBinder::GetClass(CLASS__ENC_HELPER);
+ pEntry->m_FieldData = pDomain->CreateDependentHandle(thisPointer, AllocateObject(pHelperMT));
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO1000, "\tEnCAF:Allocate created dependent handle %p\n",pEntry->m_FieldData));
+ // The EnC helper object stores a reference to the actual field value. For fields which are
+ // reference types, this is simply a normal object reference so we don't need to do anything
+ // special here.
+ if (pFD->GetFieldType() != ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS)
+ {
+ // The field is a value type so we need to create storage on the heap to hold a boxed
+ // copy of the value and have the helper's objectref point there.
+ if (pFD->IsByValue())
+ {
+ // Create a boxed version of the value class. This allows the standard GC algorithm
+ // to take care of internal pointers into the value class.
+ obj = AllocateObject(pFD->GetFieldTypeHandleThrowing().GetMethodTable());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // In the case of primitive types, we use a reference to a 1-element array on the heap.
+ // I'm not sure why we bother treating primitives specially, it seems like we should be able
+ // to just box any value type including primitives.
+ obj = AllocatePrimitiveArray(ELEMENT_TYPE_I1, GetSizeForCorElementType(pFD->GetFieldType()));
+ }
+ // Get a FieldDesc for the object reference field in the EnC helper object (warning: triggers)
+ FieldDesc *pHelperField = MscorlibBinder::GetField(FIELD__ENC_HELPER__OBJECT_REFERENCE);
+ // store the empty boxed object into the helper object
+ OBJECTREF pHelperObj = GetDependentHandleSecondary(pEntry->m_FieldData);
+ OBJECTREF *pHelperRef = (OBJECTREF *)pHelperField->GetAddress( pHelperObj->GetAddress() );
+ SetObjectReference( pHelperRef, obj, pDomain );
+ }
+ return pEntry;
+// EnCSyncBlockInfo::GetEnCFieldAddrFromHelperFieldDesc
+// Gets the address of an EnC field accounting for its type: valuetype, class or primitive
+// Arguments:
+// input: pHelperFieldDesc - FieldDesc for the enc helper object
+// pHelper - EnC helper (points to list of added fields)
+// pFD - fieldDesc describing the field of interest
+// Return value: the address of the EnC added field
+PTR_CBYTE EnCSyncBlockInfo::GetEnCFieldAddrFromHelperFieldDesc(FieldDesc * pHelperFieldDesc,
+ OBJECTREF pHelper,
+ EnCFieldDesc * pFD)
+ _ASSERTE(pHelperFieldDesc != NULL);
+ _ASSERTE(pHelper != NULL);
+ // Get the address of the reference inside the helper object which points to
+ // the field contents
+ PTR_OBJECTREF pOR = dac_cast<PTR_OBJECTREF>(pHelperFieldDesc->GetAddress(pHelper->GetAddress()));
+ PTR_CBYTE retAddr = NULL;
+ // Compute the address to the actual field contents based on the field type
+ // See the description above Allocate for details
+ if (pFD->IsByValue())
+ {
+ // field value is a value type, we store it boxed so get the pointer to the first field
+ retAddr = dac_cast<PTR_CBYTE>((*pOR)->UnBox());
+ }
+ else if (pFD->GetFieldType() == ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS)
+ {
+ // field value is a reference type, we store the objref directly
+ retAddr = dac_cast<PTR_CBYTE>(pOR);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // field value is a primitive, we store it inside a 1-element array
+ OBJECTREF objRef = *pOR;
+ I1ARRAYREF primitiveArray = dac_cast<I1ARRAYREF>(objRef);
+ retAddr = dac_cast<PTR_CBYTE>(primitiveArray->GetDirectPointerToNonObjectElements());
+ }
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO1000, "\tEnCSBI:RF address of %s type member is %p\n",
+ (pFD->IsByValue() ? "ByValue" : pFD->GetFieldType() == ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS ? "Class" : "Other"), retAddr));
+ return retAddr;
+} // EnCSyncBlockInfo::GetEnCFieldAddrFromHelperFieldDesc
+// EnCSyncBlockInfo::ResolveField
+// Get the address of the data referenced by an instance field that was added with EnC
+// Arguments:
+// thisPointer - the object instance whose field to access
+// pFD - fieldDesc describing the field of interest
+// Return value: Returns a pointer to the data referenced by an EnC added instance field
+PTR_CBYTE EnCSyncBlockInfo::ResolveField(OBJECTREF thisPointer, EnCFieldDesc *pFD)
+ {
+ }
+ // We should only be passed FieldDescs for instance fields
+ _ASSERTE(!pFD->IsStatic());
+ PTR_EnCAddedField pEntry = NULL;
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO1000, "EnCSBI:RF for this %p, FD %p\n", thisPointer, pFD->GetMemberDef()));
+ // This list is not synchronized--it hasn't proved a problem, but we could conceivably see race conditions
+ // arise here.
+ // Look for an entry for the requested field in our linked list
+ pEntry = m_pList;
+ while (pEntry && pEntry->m_pFieldDesc != pFD)
+ {
+ pEntry = pEntry->m_pNext;
+ }
+ if (!pEntry)
+ {
+ // No existing entry - we have to return NULL
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // we found a matching entry in the list of EnCAddedFields
+ // Get the EnC helper object (see the detailed description in Allocate above)
+ OBJECTREF pHelper = GetDependentHandleSecondary(pEntry->m_FieldData);
+ _ASSERTE(pHelper != NULL);
+ FieldDesc *pHelperFieldDesc = NULL;
+ // We _HAVE_ to call GetExistingField b/c (a) we can't throw exceptions, and
+ // (b) we _DON'T_ want to run class init code, either.
+ pHelperFieldDesc = MscorlibBinder::GetExistingField(FIELD__ENC_HELPER__OBJECT_REFERENCE);
+ if (pHelperFieldDesc == NULL)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return GetEnCFieldAddrFromHelperFieldDesc(pHelperFieldDesc, pHelper, pFD);
+ }
+} // EnCSyncBlockInfo::ResolveField
+// EnCSyncBlockInfo::ResolveOrAllocateField
+// get the address of an EnC added field, allocating it if it doesn't yet exist
+// Arguments:
+// thisPointer - the object instance whose field to access
+// pFD - fieldDesc describing the field of interest
+// Return value: Returns a pointer to the data referenced by an instance field that was added with EnC
+PTR_CBYTE EnCSyncBlockInfo::ResolveOrAllocateField(OBJECTREF thisPointer, EnCFieldDesc *pFD)
+ {
+ }
+ // We should only be passed FieldDescs for instance fields
+ _ASSERTE( !pFD->IsStatic() );
+ // first try to get the address of a pre-existing field (storage has already been allocated)
+ PTR_CBYTE retAddr = ResolveField(thisPointer, pFD);
+ if (retAddr != NULL)
+ {
+ return retAddr;
+ }
+ // if the field doesn't yet have available storage, we'll have to allocate it.
+ PTR_EnCAddedField pEntry = NULL;
+ LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO1000, "EnCSBI:RF for this %p, FD %p\n", thisPointer, pFD->GetMemberDef()));
+ // This list is not synchronized--it hasn't proved a problem, but we could conceivably see race conditions
+ // arise here.
+ // Because we may have additions to the head of m_pList at any time, we have to keep searching this
+ // until we either find a match or succeed in allocating a new entry and adding it to the list
+ do
+ {
+ // Look for an entry for the requested field in our linked list (maybe it was just added)
+ pEntry = m_pList;
+ while (pEntry && pEntry->m_pFieldDesc != pFD)
+ {
+ pEntry = pEntry->m_pNext;
+ }
+ if (pEntry)
+ {
+ // match found
+ break;
+ }
+ // Allocate an entry and tie it to the object instance
+ pEntry = EnCAddedField::Allocate(thisPointer, pFD);
+ // put at front of list so the list is in order of most recently added
+ pEntry->m_pNext = m_pList;
+ if (FastInterlockCompareExchangePointer(&m_pList, pEntry, pEntry->m_pNext) == pEntry->m_pNext)
+ break;
+ // There was a race and another thread modified the list here, so we need to try again
+ // We should do this so rarely, and EnC perf is of relatively little
+ // consequence, we should just be taking a lock here to simplify this code.
+ // @todo - We leak a GC handle here. Allocate() above alloced a GC handle in m_FieldData.
+ // There's no dtor for pEntry to free it.
+ delete pEntry;
+ } while (TRUE);
+ // we found a matching entry in the list of EnCAddedFields
+ // Get the EnC helper object (see the detailed description in Allocate above)
+ OBJECTREF pHelper = GetDependentHandleSecondary(pEntry->m_FieldData);
+ _ASSERTE(pHelper != NULL);
+ FieldDesc * pHelperField = NULL;
+ pHelperField = MscorlibBinder::GetField(FIELD__ENC_HELPER__OBJECT_REFERENCE);
+ return GetEnCFieldAddrFromHelperFieldDesc(pHelperField, pHelper, pFD);
+} // EnCSyncBlockInfo::ResolveOrAllocateField
+// Free all the resources associated with the fields added to this object instance
+// This is invoked after the object instance has been collected, and the SyncBlock is
+// being reclaimed.
+// Note, this is not threadsafe, and so should only be called when we know no-one else
+// maybe using this SyncBlockInfo.
+void EnCSyncBlockInfo::Cleanup()
+ {
+ }
+ // Walk our linked list of all the fields that were added
+ EnCAddedField *pEntry = m_pList;
+ while (pEntry)
+ {
+ // Clean up the handle we created in EnCAddedField::Allocate
+ DestroyDependentHandle(*(OBJECTHANDLE*)&pEntry->m_FieldData);
+ // Delete this list entry and move onto the next
+ EnCAddedField *next = pEntry->m_pNext;
+ delete pEntry;
+ pEntry = next;
+ }
+ // Finally, delete the sync block info itself
+ delete this;
+// Allocate space to hold the value for the new static field
+EnCAddedStaticField *EnCAddedStaticField::Allocate(EnCFieldDesc *pFD)
+ {
+ }
+ _ASSERTE(!pFD->GetEnclosingMethodTable()->IsDomainNeutral());
+ AppDomain *pDomain = (AppDomain*) pFD->GetApproxEnclosingMethodTable()->GetDomain();
+ // Compute the size of the fieldData entry
+ size_t fieldSize;
+ if (pFD->IsByValue() || pFD->GetFieldType() == ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS) {
+ // We store references to reference types or boxed value types
+ fieldSize = sizeof(OBJECTREF*);
+ } else {
+ // We store primitives inline
+ fieldSize = GetSizeForCorElementType(pFD->GetFieldType());
+ }
+ // allocate an instance with space for the field data
+ EnCAddedStaticField *pEntry = (EnCAddedStaticField *)
+ (void*)pDomain->GetHighFrequencyHeap()->AllocMem(S_SIZE_T(offsetof(EnCAddedStaticField, m_FieldData)) + S_SIZE_T(fieldSize));
+ pEntry->m_pFieldDesc = pFD;
+ // Create a static objectref to point to the field contents, except for primitives
+ // which will use the memory available in-line at m_FieldData for storage.
+ // We use static object refs for static fields as these fields won't go away
+ // unless the module is unloaded, and they can easily be found by GC.
+ if (pFD->IsByValue())
+ {
+ // create a boxed version of the value class. This allows the standard GC
+ // algorithm to take care of internal pointers in the value class.
+ OBJECTREF **pOR = (OBJECTREF**)&pEntry->m_FieldData;
+ *pOR = pDomain->AllocateStaticFieldObjRefPtrs(1);
+ OBJECTREF obj = AllocateObject(pFD->GetFieldTypeHandleThrowing().GetMethodTable());
+ SetObjectReference( *pOR, obj, pDomain );
+ }
+ else if (pFD->GetFieldType() == ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS)
+ {
+ // references to reference-types are stored directly in the field data
+ OBJECTREF **pOR = (OBJECTREF**)&pEntry->m_FieldData;
+ *pOR = pDomain->AllocateStaticFieldObjRefPtrs(1);
+ }
+ return pEntry;
+// GetFieldData - return the ADDRESS where the field data is located
+PTR_CBYTE EnCAddedStaticField::GetFieldData()
+ if ( (m_pFieldDesc->IsByValue()) || (m_pFieldDesc->GetFieldType() == ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS) )
+ {
+ // It's indirect via an ObjRef at m_FieldData. This is a TADDR, so we need to make a PTR_CBYTE from
+ // the ObjRef
+ return *(PTR_CBYTE *)&m_FieldData;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // An elementry type. It's stored directly in m_FieldData. In this case, we need to get the target
+ // address of the m_FieldData data member and marshal it via the DAC.
+ return dac_cast<PTR_CBYTE>(PTR_HOST_MEMBER_TADDR(EnCAddedStaticField, this, m_FieldData));
+ }
+// Gets a pointer to the field's contents (assuming this is a static field)
+// We'll return NULL if we don't yet have a pointer to the data.
+// Arguments: none
+// Return value: address of the static field data if available or NULL otherwise
+EnCAddedStaticField * EnCFieldDesc::GetStaticFieldData()
+ {
+ }
+ _ASSERTE(IsStatic());
+ return m_pStaticFieldData;
+// Gets a pointer to the field's contents (assuming this is a static field)
+// Arguments: none
+// Return value: address of the field data. If we don't yet have a pointer to the data,
+// this will allocate space to store it.
+// May throw OOM.
+EnCAddedStaticField * EnCFieldDesc::GetOrAllocateStaticFieldData()
+ {
+ }
+ _ASSERTE(IsStatic());
+ // If necessary and requested, allocate space for the static field data
+ if (!m_pStaticFieldData)
+ {
+ m_pStaticFieldData = EnCAddedStaticField::Allocate(this);
+ }
+ return m_pStaticFieldData;
+// Adds the provided new field to the appropriate linked list and updates the appropriate count
+void EnCEEClassData::AddField(EnCAddedFieldElement *pAddedField)
+ // Determine the appropriate field list and update the field counter
+ EnCFieldDesc *pFD = &pAddedField->m_fieldDesc;
+ EnCAddedFieldElement **pList;
+ if (pFD->IsStatic())
+ {
+ ++m_dwNumAddedStaticFields;
+ pList = &m_pAddedStaticFields;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++m_dwNumAddedInstanceFields;
+ pList = &m_pAddedInstanceFields;
+ }
+ // If the list is empty, just add this field as the only entry
+ if (*pList == NULL)
+ {
+ *pList = pAddedField;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, add this field to the end of the field list
+ EnCAddedFieldElement *pCur = *pList;
+ while (pCur->m_next != NULL)
+ {
+ pCur = pCur->m_next;
+ }
+ pCur->m_next = pAddedField;
+#endif // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE
+EnCEEClassData::EnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags)
+ if (m_pMT.IsValid())
+ {
+ m_pMT->EnumMemoryRegions(flags);
+ }
+ PTR_EnCAddedFieldElement elt = m_pAddedInstanceFields;
+ while (elt.IsValid())
+ {
+ elt.EnumMem();
+ elt = elt->m_next;
+ }
+ elt = m_pAddedStaticFields;
+ while (elt.IsValid())
+ {
+ elt.EnumMem();
+ elt = elt->m_next;
+ }
+EditAndContinueModule::EnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags,
+ bool enumThis)
+ if (enumThis)
+ {
+ }
+ Module::EnumMemoryRegions(flags, false);
+ m_ClassList.EnumMemoryRegions();
+ DPTR(PTR_EnCEEClassData) classData = m_ClassList.Table();
+ DPTR(PTR_EnCEEClassData) classLast = classData + m_ClassList.Count();
+ while (classData.IsValid() && classData < classLast)
+ {
+ if ((*classData).IsValid())
+ {
+ (*classData)->EnumMemoryRegions(flags);
+ }
+ classData++;
+ }
+#endif // #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE
+// Create a field iterator which includes EnC fields in addition to the fields from an
+// underlying ApproxFieldDescIterator.
+// Arguments:
+// pMT - MethodTable indicating the type of interest
+// iteratorType - one of the ApproxFieldDescIterator::IteratorType values specifying which fields
+// are of interest.
+// fixupEnC - if true, then any partially-initialized EnC FieldDescs will be fixed up to be complete
+// initialized FieldDescs as they are returned by Next(). This may load types and do
+// other things to trigger a GC.
+EncApproxFieldDescIterator::EncApproxFieldDescIterator(MethodTable *pMT, int iteratorType, BOOL fixupEnC) :
+ m_nonEnCIter( pMT, iteratorType )
+ {
+ }
+ m_fixupEnC = fixupEnC;
+ // can't fixup for EnC on the debugger thread
+ _ASSERTE((g_pDebugInterface->GetRCThreadId() != GetCurrentThreadId()) || fixupEnC == FALSE);
+ m_pCurrListElem = NULL;
+ m_encClassData = NULL;
+ m_encFieldsReturned = 0;
+ // If this is an EnC module, then grab a pointer to the EnC data
+ if( pMT->GetModule()->IsEditAndContinueEnabled() )
+ {
+ PTR_EditAndContinueModule encMod = PTR_EditAndContinueModule(pMT->GetModule());
+ m_encClassData = encMod->GetEnCEEClassData( pMT, TRUE);
+ }
+// Iterates through all fields, returns NULL when done.
+PTR_FieldDesc EncApproxFieldDescIterator::Next()
+ {
+ if (m_fixupEnC) {GC_TRIGGERS;} else {GC_NOTRIGGER;}
+ }
+ // If we still have non-EnC fields to look at, return one of them
+ if( m_nonEnCIter.CountRemaining() > 0 )
+ {
+ _ASSERTE( m_encFieldsReturned == 0 );
+ return m_nonEnCIter.Next();
+ }
+ // Get the next EnC field Desc if any
+ PTR_EnCFieldDesc pFD = NextEnC();
+ if( pFD == NULL )
+ {
+ // No more fields
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Fixup the fieldDesc if requested and necessary
+ if ( m_fixupEnC && (pFD->NeedsFixup()) )
+ {
+ // if we get an OOM during fixup, the field will just not get fixed up
+ {
+ pFD->Fixup(pFD->GetMemberDef());
+ }
+ {
+ }
+ EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions)
+ }
+ // Either it's been fixed up so we can use it, or we're the Debugger RC thread, we can't fix it up,
+ // but it's ok since our logic will check & make sure we don't try and use it. If haven't asked to
+ // have the field fixed up, should never be trying to get at non-fixed up field in
+ // this list. Can't simply fixup the field always because loading triggers GC and many
+ // code paths can't tolerate that.
+ _ASSERTE( !(pFD->NeedsFixup()) ||
+ ( g_pDebugInterface->GetRCThreadId() == GetCurrentThreadId() ) );
+ return dac_cast<PTR_FieldDesc>(pFD);
+// Iterate through EnC added fields.
+// Returns NULL when done.
+PTR_EnCFieldDesc EncApproxFieldDescIterator::NextEnC()
+ {
+ }
+ // If this module doesn't have any EnC data then there aren't any EnC fields
+ if( m_encClassData == NULL )
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ BOOL doInst = ( GetIteratorType() & (int)ApproxFieldDescIterator::INSTANCE_FIELDS);
+ BOOL doStatic = ( GetIteratorType() & (int)ApproxFieldDescIterator::STATIC_FIELDS);
+ int cNumAddedInst = doInst ? m_encClassData->GetAddedInstanceFields() : 0;
+ int cNumAddedStatics = doStatic ? m_encClassData->GetAddedStaticFields() : 0;
+ // If we haven't returned anything yet
+ if ( m_encFieldsReturned == 0 )
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(m_pCurrListElem == NULL);
+ // We're at the start of the instance list.
+ if ( doInst )
+ {
+ m_pCurrListElem = m_encClassData->m_pAddedInstanceFields;
+ }
+ }
+ // If we've finished the instance fields (or never wanted to do any)
+ if ( m_encFieldsReturned == cNumAddedInst)
+ {
+ // We should be at the end of the instance list if doInst is true
+ _ASSERTE(m_pCurrListElem == NULL);
+ // We're at the start of the statics list.
+ if ( doStatic )
+ {
+ m_pCurrListElem = m_encClassData->m_pAddedStaticFields;
+ }
+ }
+ // If we don't have any elements to return, then we're done
+ if (m_pCurrListElem == NULL)
+ {
+ // Verify that we returned the number we expected to
+ _ASSERTE( m_encFieldsReturned == cNumAddedInst + cNumAddedStatics );
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Advance the list pointer and return the element
+ m_encFieldsReturned++;
+ PTR_EnCFieldDesc fd = PTR_EnCFieldDesc(PTR_HOST_MEMBER_TADDR(EnCAddedFieldElement, m_pCurrListElem, m_fieldDesc));
+ m_pCurrListElem = m_pCurrListElem->m_next;
+ return fd;
+#endif // EnC_SUPPORTED