path: root/src/vm/debugdebugger.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/vm/debugdebugger.h')
1 files changed, 393 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/vm/debugdebugger.h b/src/vm/debugdebugger.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9cf5c3c0f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vm/debugdebugger.h
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+** Header: DebugDebugger.h
+** Purpose: Native methods on System.Debug.Debugger
+#ifndef __DEBUG_DEBUGGER_h__
+#define __DEBUG_DEBUGGER_h__
+#include <object.h>
+// ! WARNING !
+// The following constants mirror the constants
+// declared in the class LoggingLevelEnum in the
+// System.Diagnostic package. Any changes here will also
+// need to be made there.
+#define TraceLevel0 0
+#define TraceLevel1 1
+#define TraceLevel2 2
+#define TraceLevel3 3
+#define TraceLevel4 4
+#define StatusLevel0 20
+#define StatusLevel1 21
+#define StatusLevel2 22
+#define StatusLevel3 23
+#define StatusLevel4 24
+#define WarningLevel 40
+#define ErrorLevel 50
+#define PanicLevel 100
+// ! WARNING !
+// The following constants mirror the constants
+// declared in the class AssertLevelEnum in the
+// System.Diagnostic package. Any changes here will also
+// need to be made there.
+#define FailDebug 0
+#define FailIgnore 1
+#define FailTerminate 2
+#define FailContinueFilter 3
+class DebugDebugger
+ static FCDECL0(void, Break);
+ static FCDECL0(FC_BOOL_RET, Launch);
+ static FCDECL0(FC_BOOL_RET, IsDebuggerAttached);
+ static FCDECL3(void, Log, INT32 Level, StringObject* strModule, StringObject* strMessage);
+ // receives a custom notification object from the target and sends it to the RS via
+ // code:Debugger::SendCustomDebuggerNotification
+ static FCDECL1(void, CustomNotification, Object * dataUNSAFE);
+ static FCDECL0(FC_BOOL_RET, IsLogging);
+ static BOOL IsLoggingHelper();
+class StackFrameHelper : public Object
+ // READ ME:
+ // Modifying the order or fields of this object may require other changes to the
+ // classlib defintion of the StackFrameHelper class.
+ THREADBASEREF targetThread;
+ I4ARRAYREF rgiOffset;
+ I4ARRAYREF rgiILOffset;
+ BASEARRAYREF rgMethodBase;
+ PTRARRAYREF dynamicMethods;
+ BASEARRAYREF rgMethodHandle;
+ PTRARRAYREF rgAssemblyPath;
+ BASEARRAYREF rgLoadedPeAddress;
+ I4ARRAYREF rgiLoadedPeSize;
+ BASEARRAYREF rgInMemoryPdbAddress;
+ I4ARRAYREF rgiInMemoryPdbSize;
+ // if rgiMethodToken[i] == 0, then don't attempt to get the portable PDB source/info
+ I4ARRAYREF rgiMethodToken;
+ PTRARRAYREF rgFilename;
+ I4ARRAYREF rgiLineNumber;
+ I4ARRAYREF rgiColumnNumber;
+ BOOLARRAYREF rgiLastFrameFromForeignExceptionStackTrace;
+ OBJECTREF getSourceLineInfo;
+ int iFrameCount;
+ StackFrameHelper() {}
+ ~StackFrameHelper() {}
+ void SetFrameCount (int iCount)
+ {
+ iFrameCount = iCount;
+ }
+ int GetFrameCount (void)
+ {
+ return iFrameCount;
+ }
+typedef REF <StackFrameHelper> STACKFRAMEHELPERREF;
+typedef StackFrameHelper* STACKFRAMEHELPERREF;
+class DebugStackTrace
+// the DAC directly uses the GetStackFramesData and DebugStackTraceElement types
+ struct DebugStackTraceElement {
+ DWORD dwOffset; // native offset
+ DWORD dwILOffset;
+ MethodDesc *pFunc;
+ PCODE ip;
+ // TRUE if this element represents the last frame of the foreign
+ // exception stack trace.
+ BOOL fIsLastFrameFromForeignStackTrace;
+ // Initialization done under TSL.
+ // This is used when first collecting the stack frame data.
+ void InitPass1(
+ DWORD dwNativeOffset,
+ MethodDesc *pFunc,
+ PCODE ip
+ , BOOL fIsLastFrameFromForeignStackTrace = FALSE
+ );
+ // Initialization done outside the TSL.
+ // This will init the dwILOffset field (and potentially anything else
+ // that can't be done under the TSL).
+ void InitPass2();
+ };
+ struct GetStackFramesData {
+ // Used for the integer-skip version
+ INT32 skip;
+ INT32 NumFramesRequested;
+ INT32 cElementsAllocated;
+ INT32 cElements;
+ DebugStackTraceElement* pElements;
+ AppDomain *pDomain;
+ BOOL fDoWeHaveAnyFramesFromForeignStackTrace;
+ GetStackFramesData() : skip(0),
+ NumFramesRequested (0),
+ cElementsAllocated(0),
+ cElements(0),
+ pElements(NULL),
+ {
+ fDoWeHaveAnyFramesFromForeignStackTrace = FALSE;
+ }
+ ~GetStackFramesData()
+ {
+ delete [] pElements;
+ }
+ };
+ static FCDECL4(void,
+ GetStackFramesInternal,
+ StackFrameHelper* pStackFrameHelper,
+ INT32 iSkip,
+ CLR_BOOL fNeedFileInfo,
+ Object* pException
+ );
+ static void GetStackFramesFromException(OBJECTREF * e, GetStackFramesData *pData, PTRARRAYREF * pDynamicMethodArray = NULL);
+// the DAC directly calls GetStackFramesFromException
+ static void GetStackFramesHelper(Frame *pStartFrame, void* pStopStack, GetStackFramesData *pData);
+ static void GetStackFrames(Frame *pStartFrame, void* pStopStack, GetStackFramesData *pData);
+ static StackWalkAction GetStackFramesCallback(CrawlFrame* pCf, VOID* data);
+class DebuggerAssert
+ static FCDECL4(INT32,
+ ShowDefaultAssertDialog,
+ StringObject* strConditionUNSAFE,
+ StringObject* strMessageUNSAFE,
+ StringObject* strStackTraceUNSAFE,
+ StringObject* strWindowTitleUNSAFE
+ );
+// The following code is taken from object.h and modified to suit
+// LogSwitchBaseObject
+class LogSwitchObject : public Object
+ protected:
+ // README:
+ // Modifying the order or fields of this object may require other changes to the
+ // classlib class defintion of the LogSwitch object.
+ STRINGREF m_strName;
+ STRINGREF strDescription;
+ OBJECTREF m_ParentSwitch;
+ INT32 m_iLevel;
+ INT32 m_iOldLevel;
+ protected:
+ LogSwitchObject() {}
+ ~LogSwitchObject() {}
+ public:
+ // check for classes that wrap Ole classes
+ void SetLevel(INT32 iLevel)
+ {
+ m_iLevel = iLevel;
+ }
+ INT32 GetLevel(void)
+ {
+ return m_iLevel;
+ }
+ OBJECTREF GetParent (void)
+ {
+ return m_ParentSwitch;
+ }
+ STRINGREF GetName (void)
+ {
+ return m_strName;
+ }
+typedef REF <LogSwitchObject> LOGSWITCHREF;
+typedef LogSwitchObject* LOGSWITCHREF;
+#define MAX_KEY_LENGTH 64
+#define MAX_HASH_BUCKETS 20
+class HashElement
+ SString m_strKey;
+ HashElement *m_pNext;
+ HashElement ()
+ {
+ m_pData = NULL;
+ m_pNext = NULL;
+ }
+ ~HashElement()
+ {
+ if (m_pNext!= NULL)
+ {
+ delete m_pNext;
+ }
+ m_pNext=NULL;
+ }// ~HashElement
+ void SetData (OBJECTHANDLE pData, const WCHAR *pKey)
+ {
+ m_pData = pData;
+ m_strKey.Set(pKey);
+ }
+ OBJECTHANDLE GetData (void)
+ {
+ return m_pData;
+ }
+ const WCHAR *GetKey (void)
+ {
+ return m_strKey.GetUnicode();
+ }
+ void SetNext (HashElement *pNext)
+ {
+ m_pNext = pNext;
+ }
+ HashElement *GetNext (void)
+ {
+ return m_pNext;
+ }
+class LogHashTable
+ HashElement *m_Buckets [MAX_HASH_BUCKETS];
+ // static global object, no constructors/destructors, assumes zero initialized memory
+ HRESULT AddEntryToHashTable (const WCHAR *pKey, OBJECTHANDLE pData);
+ OBJECTHANDLE GetEntryFromHashTable (const WCHAR *pKey);
+extern LogHashTable g_sLogHashTable;
+class Log
+ static FCDECL1(void, AddLogSwitch, LogSwitchObject * m_LogSwitch);
+ static FCDECL3(void,
+ ModifyLogSwitch,
+ INT32 Level,
+ StringObject* strLogSwitchNameUNSAFE,
+ StringObject* strParentNameUNSAFE
+ );
+ // The following method is called when the level of a log switch is modified
+ // from the debugger. It is not an ecall.
+ static void DebuggerModifyingLogSwitch (int iNewLevel, const WCHAR *pLogSwitchName);
+// Returns a textual representation of the current stack trace. The format of the stack
+// trace is the same as returned by StackTrace.ToString.
+void GetManagedStackTraceString(BOOL fNeedFileInfo, SString &result);
+#endif // __DEBUG_DEBUGGER_h__