path: root/src/vm/clrprivbinderwinrt.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/vm/clrprivbinderwinrt.h')
1 files changed, 463 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/vm/clrprivbinderwinrt.h b/src/vm/clrprivbinderwinrt.h
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index 0000000000..caaefff6d2
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+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// Contains the types that implement code:ICLRPrivBinder and code:ICLRPrivAssembly for WinRT binding.
+#pragma once
+#include "holder.h"
+#include "internalunknownimpl.h"
+#include "clrprivbinding.h"
+#include "clrprivruntimebinders.h"
+#include "clrprivbinderutil.h"
+#include "clrprivtypecachewinrt.h"
+#include "clr_std/utility"
+#include "winrt/windowsstring.h"
+#include "appxutil.h"
+#include "coreclr/corebindresult.h"
+// IBindResult maps directly to its one and only implementation on CoreCLR.
+typedef CoreBindResult IBindResult;
+// Forward declarations
+class CLRPrivBinderWinRT;
+class CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT;
+class BINDER_SPACE::ApplicationContext;
+class BINDER_SPACE::Assembly;
+typedef DPTR(CLRPrivBinderWinRT) PTR_CLRPrivBinderWinRT;
+typedef DPTR(CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT) PTR_CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT;
+IsWindowsNamespace(const char * wszNamespace);
+class CLRPrivBinderWinRT :
+ public IUnknownCommon<ICLRPrivBinder
+ , IBindContext
+ >
+ friend class CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT;
+ //=============================================================================================
+ // Options of namespace resolution
+ enum NamespaceResolutionKind
+ {
+ NamespaceResolutionKind_WindowsAPI, // Using RoResolveNamespace Win8 API
+ NamespaceResolutionKind_DesignerResolveEvent // Using DesignerNamespaceResolve event
+ };
+ //=============================================================================================
+ // Data structures for Namespace -> FileNameList map (as returned by RoResolveNamespace API)
+ // Entry in SHash table that maps namespace to list of files
+ struct NamespaceToFileNameListMapEntry
+ {
+ PTR_WSTR m_wszNamespace;
+ CLRPrivBinderUtil::PTR_WStringList m_pFileNameList;
+ };
+ // SHash traits for Namespace -> FileNameList hash
+ class NamespaceToFileNameListMapTraits : public NoRemoveSHashTraits< DefaultSHashTraits< NamespaceToFileNameListMapEntry > >
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef PCWSTR key_t;
+ static const NamespaceToFileNameListMapEntry Null() { NamespaceToFileNameListMapEntry e; e.m_wszNamespace = PTR_WSTR(nullptr); return e; }
+ static bool IsNull(const NamespaceToFileNameListMapEntry & e) { return e.m_wszNamespace == nullptr; }
+ static PCWSTR GetKey(const NamespaceToFileNameListMapEntry & e) { return e.m_wszNamespace; }
+ static count_t Hash(PCWSTR str) { return HashString(str); }
+ static BOOL Equals(PCWSTR lhs, PCWSTR rhs) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (wcscmp(lhs, rhs) == 0); }
+ void OnDestructPerEntryCleanupAction(const NamespaceToFileNameListMapEntry & e)
+ {
+ delete [] e.m_wszNamespace;
+ CLRPrivBinderUtil::WStringList_Delete(e.m_pFileNameList);
+ }
+ static const bool s_DestructPerEntryCleanupAction = true;
+ };
+ typedef SHash<NamespaceToFileNameListMapTraits> NamespaceToFileNameListMap;
+ //=============================================================================================
+ // Data structure for FileName -> CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT * map
+ struct FileNameToAssemblyWinRTMapEntry
+ {
+ PTR_CWSTR m_wszFileName; // File name (owned by m_pAssembly)
+ PTR_CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT m_pAssembly;
+ };
+ class FileNameToAssemblyWinRTMapTraits : public DefaultSHashTraits<FileNameToAssemblyWinRTMapEntry>
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef PCWSTR key_t;
+ static const FileNameToAssemblyWinRTMapEntry Null() { FileNameToAssemblyWinRTMapEntry e; e.m_wszFileName = PTR_CWSTR(nullptr); return e; }
+ static bool IsNull(const FileNameToAssemblyWinRTMapEntry &e) { return e.m_wszFileName == PTR_CWSTR(nullptr); }
+ static const FileNameToAssemblyWinRTMapEntry Deleted() { FileNameToAssemblyWinRTMapEntry e; e.m_wszFileName = (PTR_CWSTR)-1; return e; }
+ static bool IsDeleted(const FileNameToAssemblyWinRTMapEntry & e) { return dac_cast<TADDR>(e.m_wszFileName) == (TADDR)-1; }
+ static PCWSTR GetKey(const FileNameToAssemblyWinRTMapEntry & e) { return e.m_wszFileName; }
+ static count_t Hash(PCWSTR str) { return HashString(str); }
+ static BOOL Equals(PCWSTR lhs, PCWSTR rhs) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (wcscmp(lhs, rhs) == 0); }
+ };
+ typedef SHash<FileNameToAssemblyWinRTMapTraits> FileNameToAssemblyWinRTMap;
+ //=============================================================================================
+ // ICLRPrivBinder interface methods
+ // Implements interface method code:ICLRPrivBinder::BindAssemblyByName.
+ STDMETHOD(BindAssemblyByName)(
+ IAssemblyName * pAssemblyName,
+ ICLRPrivAssembly ** ppAssembly);
+ // Implements interface method code:ICLRPrivBinder::VerifyBind.
+ STDMETHOD(VerifyBind)(
+ IAssemblyName * pAssemblyName,
+ ICLRPrivAssembly * pAssembly,
+ ICLRPrivAssemblyInfo * pAssemblyInfo);
+ // Implements interface method code:ICLRPrivBinder::GetBinderFlags
+ STDMETHOD(GetBinderFlags)(
+ DWORD *pBinderFlags)
+ {
+ if (pBinderFlags == NULL)
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ if (m_pParentBinder != NULL)
+ hr = m_pParentBinder->GetBinderFlags(pBinderFlags);
+ else
+ *pBinderFlags = BINDER_NONE;
+ return hr;
+ }
+ // Implements interface method code:ICLRPrivBinder::GetBinderID.
+ UINT_PTR * pBinderId);
+ STDMETHOD(FindAssemblyBySpec)(
+ LPVOID pvAppDomain,
+ LPVOID pvAssemblySpec,
+ HRESULT * pResult,
+ ICLRPrivAssembly ** ppAssembly)
+ {
+ // CLRPrivBinderWinRT instances only have parent binders in Metro processes (not in classic).
+ _ASSERTE((AppX::IsAppXProcess()) == (m_pParentBinder != nullptr));
+ if (m_pParentBinder != NULL)
+ {
+ return m_pParentBinder->FindAssemblyBySpec(pvAppDomain, pvAssemblySpec, pResult, ppAssembly);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Note: should never get here if caller is Module::GetAssemblyIfLoaded, but can
+ // be called from AssemblySpec::LoadDomainAssembly..
+ return FindWinRTAssemblyBySpec(pvAppDomain, pvAssemblySpec, pResult, ppAssembly);
+ }
+ }
+ HRESULT FindWinRTAssemblyBySpec(
+ LPVOID pvAppDomain,
+ LPVOID pvAssemblySpec,
+ HRESULT * pResult,
+ ICLRPrivAssembly ** ppAssembly);
+ //=============================================================================================
+ // IBindContext interface methods
+ // Implements interface method code:IBindContext::PreBind.
+ IAssemblyName * pIAssemblyName,
+ DWORD dwPreBindFlags,
+ IBindResult ** ppIBindResult);
+ // Implements interface method code:IBindContext::IsDefaultContext.
+ STDMETHOD(IsDefaultContext)();
+ //=============================================================================================
+ // Class methods
+ CLRPrivBinderWinRT(
+ ICLRPrivBinder * pParentBinder,
+ CLRPrivTypeCacheWinRT * pWinRtTypeCache,
+ LPCWSTR * rgwzAltPath,
+ UINT cAltPaths,
+ NamespaceResolutionKind fNamespaceResolutionKind,
+ BOOL fCanUseNativeImages);
+ static
+ CLRPrivBinderWinRT * GetOrCreateBinder(
+ CLRPrivTypeCacheWinRT * pWinRtTypeCache,
+ NamespaceResolutionKind fNamespaceResolutionKind);
+ ~CLRPrivBinderWinRT();
+ // Binds WinRT assemblies only.
+ HRESULT BindWinRTAssemblyByName(
+ IAssemblyName * pIAssemblyName,
+ CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT ** ppAssembly,
+ BOOL fPreBind = FALSE);
+ // Binds WinRT assemblies only.
+ HRESULT BindWinRTAssemblyByName(
+ IAssemblyName * pIAssemblyName,
+ ICLRPrivAssembly ** ppPrivAssembly,
+ BOOL fPreBind = FALSE);
+ // Binds WinRT assemblies only.
+ HRESULT BindWinRTAssemblyByName(
+ IAssemblyName * pIAssemblyName,
+ IBindResult ** ppIBindResult,
+ BOOL fPreBind = FALSE);
+ HRESULT GetAssemblyAndTryFindNativeImage(SString &sWinmdFilename, LPCWSTR pwzSimpleName, BINDER_SPACE::Assembly ** ppAssembly);
+ // On Phone the application's APP_PATH CoreCLR hosting config property is used as the app
+ // package graph for RoResolveNamespace to find 3rd party WinMDs. This method wires up
+ // the app paths so the WinRT binder will find 3rd party WinMDs.
+ HRESULT SetApplicationContext(BINDER_SPACE::ApplicationContext *pApplicationContext, SString &appLocalWinMD);
+ // Finds assembly with WinRT type if it is already loaded
+ // Note: This method could implement interface code:ICLRPrivWinRtTypeBinder if it is ever needed
+ PTR_Assembly FindAssemblyForTypeIfLoaded(
+ PTR_AppDomain pAppDomain,
+ LPCUTF8 szNamespace,
+ LPCUTF8 szClassName);
+ BOOL SetLocalWinMDPath(HSTRING localWinMDPath);
+ //=============================================================================================
+ // Accessors for FileName -> CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT * map
+ ReleaseHolder<CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT> FindAssemblyByFileName(
+ PCWSTR wzsFileName);
+ ReleaseHolder<CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT> AddFileNameToAssemblyMapping(
+ PCWSTR wszFileName,
+ CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT * pAssembly);
+ void RemoveFileNameToAssemblyMapping(
+ PCWSTR wszFileName);
+ //=============================================================================================
+ // Internal methods
+ // Returns list of file names from code:m_NamespaceToFileNameListMap for the namespace
+ HRESULT GetFileNameListForNamespace(LPCWSTR wszNamespace, CLRPrivBinderUtil::WStringList ** ppFileNameList);
+ // Adds (thread-safe) list of file names to code:m_NamespaceToFileNameListMap for the namespace.
+ // Returns TRUE if the list was added to the cache.
+ BOOL AddFileNameListForNamespace(
+ LPCWSTR wszNamespace,
+ CLRPrivBinderUtil::WStringList * pFileNameList,
+ CLRPrivBinderUtil::WStringList ** ppFileNameList);
+ HRESULT BindAssemblyToNativeAssembly(CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT *pAssembly);
+ //=============================================================================================
+ // Namespace -> FileName list map ... items are never removed
+ NamespaceToFileNameListMap m_NamespaceToFileNameListMap;
+ // FileName -> CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT * map ... items can be removed when CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT dies
+ FileNameToAssemblyWinRTMap m_FileNameToAssemblyMap;
+ // Lock for the above maps
+ CrstExplicitInit m_MapsLock;
+ // Lock for adding into the above maps, in addition to the read-lock above
+ CrstExplicitInit m_MapsAddLock;
+ //=============================================================================================
+ PTR_CLRPrivTypeCacheWinRT m_pTypeCache;
+ // The kind of namespace resolution (RoResolveNamespace Win8 API or DesignerNamespaceResolve event)
+ NamespaceResolutionKind m_fNamespaceResolutionKind;
+ static CLRPrivBinderWinRT * s_pSingleton;
+ // Parent binder used to delegate bind requests up the binder hierarchy.
+ ICLRPrivBinder * m_pParentBinder;
+ // Alternative paths for use with RoGetNamespace api
+ CLRPrivBinderUtil::HSTRINGArrayHolder m_rgAltPaths;
+ // Native binder assisting logic
+ BOOL m_fCanUseNativeImages;
+ ReleaseHolder<IILFingerprintFactory> m_pFingerprintFactory;
+ HRESULT GetParentIBindContext(IBindContext **ppIBindContext);
+ BINDER_SPACE::ApplicationContext * m_pApplicationContext;
+ NewArrayHolder<WCHAR> m_appLocalWinMDPath;
+ // App-local location that can be probed for WinMD files
+ BOOL m_fCanSetLocalWinMDPath;
+ CrstExplicitInit m_localWinMDPathLock;
+ clr::winrt::String m_localWinMDPath;
+}; // class CLRPrivBinderWinRT
+class CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT :
+ public IUnknownCommon<ICLRPrivAssembly, ICLRPrivAssemblyID_WinRT>
+ friend class CLRPrivBinderWinRT;
+ //=============================================================================================
+ // Class methods
+ CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT(
+ CLRPrivBinderWinRT * pBinder,
+ CLRPrivBinderUtil::CLRPrivResourcePathImpl * pResourceIL,
+ IBindResult * pIBindResult,
+ BOOL fShareable);
+ ~CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT();
+ HRESULT GetIBindResult(
+ IBindResult ** ppIBindResult);
+ static HRESULT GetIBindResult(
+ ICLRPrivAssembly * pPrivAssembly,
+ IBindResult ** ppIBindResult);
+ //=============================================================================================
+ // IUnknown interface methods
+ // Implements interface method code:IUnknown::Release.
+ // Overridden to implement self-removal from assembly map code:CLRPrivBinderWinRT::m_FileNameToAssemblyMap.
+ STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)();
+ //=============================================================================================
+ // ICLRPrivBinder interface methods
+ // Implements interface method code:ICLRPrivBinder::BindAssemblyByName.
+ STDMETHOD(BindAssemblyByName)(
+ IAssemblyName * pAssemblyName,
+ ICLRPrivAssembly ** ppAssembly)
+ {
+ return m_pBinder->BindAssemblyByName(pAssemblyName, ppAssembly);
+ }
+ // Implements interface method code:ICLRPrivBinder::VerifyBind.
+ STDMETHOD(VerifyBind)(
+ IAssemblyName * pAssemblyName,
+ ICLRPrivAssembly * pAssembly,
+ ICLRPrivAssemblyInfo * pAssemblyInfo)
+ {
+ return m_pBinder->VerifyBind(pAssemblyName, pAssembly, pAssemblyInfo);
+ }
+ // Implements interface method code:ICLRPrivBinder::GetBinderFlags
+ STDMETHOD(GetBinderFlags)(
+ DWORD *pBinderFlags)
+ {
+ return m_pBinder->GetBinderFlags(pBinderFlags);
+ }
+ // Implements interface method code:ICLRPrivBinder::GetBinderID.
+ UINT_PTR * pBinderId)
+ {
+ return m_pBinder->GetBinderID(pBinderId);
+ }
+ // Implements code:ICLRPrivBinder::FindAssemblyBySpec
+ STDMETHOD(FindAssemblyBySpec)(
+ LPVOID pvAppDomain,
+ LPVOID pvAssemblySpec,
+ HRESULT * pResult,
+ ICLRPrivAssembly ** ppAssembly)
+ {
+ return m_pBinder->FindAssemblyBySpec(pvAppDomain, pvAssemblySpec, pResult, ppAssembly);
+ }
+ //=============================================================================================
+ // ICLRPrivAssembly interface methods
+ // Implements interface method code:ICLRPrivAssembly::IsShareable.
+ STDMETHOD(IsShareable)(
+ BOOL * pbIsShareable);
+ // Implements interface method code:ICLRPrivAssembly::GetAvailableImageTypes.
+ STDMETHOD(GetAvailableImageTypes)(
+ LPDWORD pdwImageTypes);
+ // Implements interface method code:ICLRPrivAssembly::GetImageResource.
+ STDMETHOD(GetImageResource)(
+ DWORD dwImageType,
+ DWORD * pdwImageType,
+ ICLRPrivResource ** ppIResource);
+ //=============================================================================================
+ HRESULT EnsureAvailableImageTypes();
+ ReleaseHolder<CLRPrivBinderWinRT> m_pBinder;
+ ReleaseHolder<CLRPrivBinderUtil::CLRPrivResourcePathImpl> m_pResourceIL;
+ // This cannot be a holder as there can be a race to assign to it.
+ ICLRPrivResource * m_pIResourceNI;
+ ReleaseHolder<IBindResult> m_pIBindResult;
+ BOOL m_fShareable;
+ Volatile<DWORD> m_dwImageTypes;
+}; // class CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT