path: root/src/vm/arm/asmhelpers.asm
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/vm/arm/asmhelpers.asm')
1 files changed, 2727 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/vm/arm/asmhelpers.asm b/src/vm/arm/asmhelpers.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..796c1d14c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vm/arm/asmhelpers.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,2727 @@
+; Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+; The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+;; ==++==
+;; ==--==
+#include "ksarm.h"
+#include "asmconstants.h"
+#include "asmmacros.h"
+ SETALIAS CTPMethodTable__s_pThunkTable, ?s_pThunkTable@CTPMethodTable@@0PAVMethodTable@@A
+ SETALIAS g_pObjectClass, ?g_pObjectClass@@3PAVMethodTable@@A
+ IMPORT GetThread
+ IMPORT JIT_InternalThrow
+ IMPORT JIT_WriteBarrier
+ IMPORT TheUMEntryPrestubWorker
+ IMPORT CreateThreadBlockThrow
+ IMPORT UMThunkStubRareDisableWorker
+ IMPORT PreStubWorker
+ IMPORT NDirectImportWorker
+ IMPORT ObjIsInstanceOfNoGC
+ IMPORT ArrayStoreCheck
+ IMPORT VSD_ResolveWorker
+ IMPORT $g_pObjectClass
+ SETALIAS g_GCShadow, ?g_GCShadow@@3PAEA
+ SETALIAS g_GCShadowEnd, ?g_GCShadowEnd@@3PAEA
+ IMPORT g_lowest_address
+ IMPORT $g_GCShadow
+ IMPORT $g_GCShadowEnd
+ IMPORT $CTPMethodTable__s_pThunkTable
+ IMPORT VSD_GetTargetForTPWorker
+ IMPORT VSD_GetTargetForTPWorkerQuick
+ IMPORT TransparentProxyStubWorker
+ IMPORT ComPreStubWorker
+ IMPORT CallDescrWorkerUnwindFrameChainHandler
+ IMPORT UMEntryPrestubUnwindFrameChainHandler
+ IMPORT UMThunkStubUnwindFrameChainHandler
+ IMPORT ReverseComUnwindFrameChainHandler
+ IMPORT OnHijackWorker
+ IMPORT GetCurrentSavedRedirectContext
+ SETALIAS IJWNOADThunk__FindThunkTarget, ?FindThunkTarget@IJWNOADThunk@@QAAPBXXZ
+ IMPORT $IJWNOADThunk__FindThunkTarget
+ ;; Imports to support virtual import fixup for ngen images
+ IMPORT VirtualMethodFixupWorker
+ ;; Import to support cross-moodule external method invocation in ngen images
+ IMPORT ExternalMethodFixupWorker
+ IMPORT StubDispatchFixupWorker
+ IMPORT DynamicHelperWorker
+ IMPORT JIT_RareDisableHelperWorker
+ IMPORT s_gsCookie
+ IMPORT g_TrapReturningThreads
+ ;; Imports for singleDomain statics helpers
+ IMPORT JIT_GetSharedNonGCStaticBase_Helper
+ IMPORT JIT_GetSharedGCStaticBase_Helper
+;; LPVOID __stdcall GetCurrentIP(void);
+ mov r0, lr
+ bx lr
+;; LPVOID __stdcall GetCurrentSP(void);
+ mov r0, sp
+ bx lr
+;; This helper routine enregisters the appropriate arguments and makes the
+;; actual call.
+;;void CallDescrWorkerInternal(CallDescrData * pCallDescrData);
+ NESTED_ENTRY CallDescrWorkerInternal,,CallDescrWorkerUnwindFrameChainHandler
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r4,r5,r7,lr}
+ mov r5,r0 ; save pCallDescrData in r5
+ ldr r1, [r5,#CallDescrData__numStackSlots]
+ cbz r1, Ldonestack
+ ;; Add frame padding to ensure frame size is a multiple of 8 (a requirement of the OS ABI).
+ ;; We push four registers (above) and numStackSlots arguments (below). If this comes to an odd number
+ ;; of slots we must pad with another. This simplifies to "if the low bit of numStackSlots is set,
+ ;; extend the stack another four bytes".
+ lsls r2, r1, #2
+ and r3, r2, #4
+ sub sp, sp, r3
+ ;; This loop copies numStackSlots words
+ ;; from [pSrcEnd-4,pSrcEnd-8,...] to [sp-4,sp-8,...]
+ ldr r0, [r5,#CallDescrData__pSrc]
+ add r0,r0,r2
+ ldr r2, [r0,#-4]!
+ str r2, [sp,#-4]!
+ subs r1, r1, #1
+ bne Lstackloop
+ ;; If FP arguments are supplied in registers (r3 != NULL) then initialize all of them from the pointer
+ ;; given in r3. Do not use "it" since it faults in floating point even when the instruction is not executed.
+ ldr r3, [r5,#CallDescrData__pFloatArgumentRegisters]
+ cbz r3, LNoFloatingPoint
+ vldm r3, {s0-s15}
+ ;; Copy [pArgumentRegisters, ..., pArgumentRegisters + 12]
+ ;; into r0, ..., r3
+ ldr r4, [r5,#CallDescrData__pArgumentRegisters]
+ ldm r4, {r0-r3}
+ ;; call pTarget
+ ;; Note that remoting expect target in r4.
+ ldr r4, [r5,#CallDescrData__pTarget]
+ blx r4
+ ldr r3, [r5,#CallDescrData__fpReturnSize]
+ ;; Save FP return value if appropriate
+ cbz r3, LFloatingPointReturnDone
+ ;; Float return case
+ ;; Do not use "it" since it faults in floating point even when the instruction is not executed.
+ cmp r3, #4
+ bne LNoFloatReturn
+ vmov r0, s0
+ b LFloatingPointReturnDone
+ ;; Double return case
+ ;; Do not use "it" since it faults in floating point even when the instruction is not executed.
+ cmp r3, #8
+ bne LNoDoubleReturn
+ vmov r0, r1, s0, s1
+ b LFloatingPointReturnDone
+ add r2, r5, #CallDescrData__returnValue
+ cmp r3, #16
+ bne LNoFloatHFAReturn
+ vstm r2, {s0-s3}
+ b LReturnDone
+ cmp r3, #32
+ bne LNoDoubleHFAReturn
+ vstm r2, {d0-d3}
+ b LReturnDone
+ EMIT_BREAKPOINT ; Unreachable
+ ;; Save return value into retbuf
+ str r0, [r5, #(CallDescrData__returnValue + 0)]
+ str r1, [r5, #(CallDescrData__returnValue + 4)]
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ ;; trash the floating point registers to ensure that the HFA return values
+ ;; won't survive by accident
+ vldm sp, {d0-d3}
+ EPILOG_POP {r4,r5,r7,pc}
+;; This helper routine is where returns for irregular tail calls end up
+:: so they can dynamically pop their stack arguments.
+; Stack Layout (stack grows up, 0 at the top, offsets relative to frame pointer, r7):
+; sp -> callee stack arguments
+; :
+; :
+; -0Ch gsCookie
+; TailCallHelperFrame ->
+; -08h __VFN_table
+; -04h m_Next
+; r7 ->
+; +00h m_calleeSavedRgisters.r4
+; +04h .r5
+; +08h .r6
+; +0Ch .r7
+; +10h .r8
+; +14h .r9
+; +18h .r10
+; r11->
+; +1Ch .r11
+; +20h .r14 -or- m_ReturnAddress
+; r6 -> GetThread()
+; r5 -> r6->m_pFrame (old Frame chain head)
+; r11 is used to preserve the ETW call stack
+ NESTED_ENTRY TailCallHelperStub
+ ;
+ ; This prolog is never executed, but we keep it here for reference
+ ; and for the unwind data it generates
+ ;
+ ; Spill callee saved registers and return address.
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r4-r11,lr}
+ ;
+ ; This is the code that would have to run to setup this frame
+ ; like the C++ helper does before calling RtlRestoreContext
+ ;
+ ; Allocate space for the rest of the frame and GSCookie.
+ ;
+ ; Set r11 for frame chain
+ ;add r11, r7, 0x1C
+ ;
+ ; Set the vtable for TailCallFrame
+ ;str r0, [r7, #-8]
+ ;
+ ; Initialize the GSCookie within the Frame
+ ;ldr r0, =s_gsCookie
+ ;str r0, [r7, #-0x0C]
+ ;
+ ; Link the TailCallFrameinto the Frame chain
+ ; and initialize r5 & r6 for unlinking later
+ ;mov r6, r0
+ ;ldr r5, [r6, #Thread__m_pFrame]
+ ;str r5, [r7, #-4]
+ ;sub r0, r7, 8
+ ;str r0, [r6, #Thread__m_pFrame]
+ ;
+ ; None of the previous stuff is ever executed,
+ ; but we keep it here for reference
+ ;
+ ;
+ ; Here's the pretend call (make it real so the unwinder
+ ; doesn't think we're in the prolog)
+ ;
+ bl TailCallHelperStub
+ ;
+ ; with the real return address pointing to this real epilog
+ ;
+ EXPORT JIT_TailCallHelperStub_ReturnAddress
+ ;
+ ; Our epilog (which also unlinks the StubHelperFrame)
+ ; Be careful not to trash the return registers
+ ;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ ldr r3, =s_gsCookie
+ ldr r3, [r3]
+ ldr r2, [r7, #-0x0C]
+ cmp r2, r3
+ beq GoodGSCookie
+ bl DoJITFailFast
+#endif ; _DEBUG
+ ;
+ ; unlink the TailCallFrame
+ ;
+ str r5, [r6, #Thread__m_pFrame]
+ ;
+ ; epilog
+ ;
+ EPILOG_POP {r4-r11,lr}
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; void LazyMachStateCaptureState(struct LazyMachState *pState);
+ LEAF_ENTRY LazyMachStateCaptureState
+ ;; marks that this is not yet valid
+ mov r1, #0
+ str r1, [r0, #MachState__isValid]
+ str lr, [r0, #LazyMachState_captureIp]
+ str sp, [r0, #LazyMachState_captureSp]
+ add r1, r0, #LazyMachState_captureR4_R11
+ stm r1, {r4-r11}
+ mov pc, lr
+; void SinglecastDelegateInvokeStub(Delegate *pThis)
+ LEAF_ENTRY SinglecastDelegateInvokeStub
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq LNullThis
+ ldr r12, [r0, #DelegateObject___methodPtr]
+ ldr r0, [r0, #DelegateObject___target]
+ bx r12
+ mov r0, #CORINFO_NullReferenceException_ASM
+ b JIT_InternalThrow
+; r12 = UMEntryThunk*
+ NESTED_ENTRY TheUMEntryPrestub,,UMEntryPrestubUnwindFrameChainHandler
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r0-r4,lr}
+ PROLOG_VPUSH {d0-d7}
+ mov r0, r12
+ bl TheUMEntryPrestubWorker
+ ; Record real target address in r12.
+ mov r12, r0
+ ; Epilog
+ EPILOG_VPOP {d0-d7}
+ EPILOG_POP {r0-r4,lr}
+; r12 = UMEntryThunk*
+ NESTED_ENTRY UMThunkStub,,UMThunkStubUnwindFrameChainHandler
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r4,r5,r7,r11,lr}
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r0-r3,r12}
+ GBLA UMThunkStub_HiddenArg ; offset of saved UMEntryThunk *
+ GBLA UMThunkStub_StackArgs ; offset of original stack args (total size of UMThunkStub frame)
+UMThunkStub_HiddenArg SETA 4*4
+UMThunkStub_StackArgs SETA 10*4
+ bl GetThread
+ cbz r0, UMThunkStub_DoThreadSetup
+ mov r5, r0 ; r5 = Thread *
+ ldr r2, =g_TrapReturningThreads
+ mov r4, 1
+ str r4, [r5, #Thread__m_fPreemptiveGCDisabled]
+ ldr r3, [r2]
+ cbnz r3, UMThunkStub_DoTrapReturningThreads
+ ldr r12, [r7, #UMThunkStub_HiddenArg]
+ ldr r0, [r5, #Thread__m_pDomain]
+ ldr r1, [r12, #UMEntryThunk__m_dwDomainId]
+ ldr r0, [r0, #AppDomain__m_dwId]
+ ldr r3, [r12, #UMEntryThunk__m_pUMThunkMarshInfo]
+ cmp r0, r1
+ bne UMThunkStub_WrongAppDomain
+ ldr r2, [r3, #UMThunkMarshInfo__m_cbActualArgSize]
+ cbz r2, UMThunkStub_ArgumentsSetup
+ add r0, r7, #UMThunkStub_StackArgs ; Source pointer
+ add r0, r0, r2
+ lsr r1, r2, #2 ; Count of stack slots to copy
+ and r2, r2, #4 ; Align the stack
+ sub sp, sp, r2
+ ldr r2, [r0,#-4]!
+ str r2, [sp,#-4]!
+ subs r1, r1, #1
+ bne UMThunkStub_StackLoop
+ ldr r4, [r3, #UMThunkMarshInfo__m_pILStub]
+ ; reload argument registers
+ ldm r7, {r0-r3}
+ blx r4
+ mov r4, 0
+ str r4, [r5, #Thread__m_fPreemptiveGCDisabled]
+ EPILOG_POP {r4,r5,r7,r11,pc}
+ sub sp, #SIZEOF__FloatArgumentRegisters
+ vstm sp, {d0-d7}
+ bl CreateThreadBlockThrow
+ vldm sp, {d0-d7}
+ add sp, #SIZEOF__FloatArgumentRegisters
+ b UMThunkStub_HaveThread
+ sub sp, #SIZEOF__FloatArgumentRegisters
+ vstm sp, {d0-d7}
+ mov r0, r5 ; Thread* pThread
+ ldr r1, [r7, #UMThunkStub_HiddenArg] ; UMEntryThunk* pUMEntry
+ bl UMThunkStubRareDisableWorker
+ vldm sp, {d0-d7}
+ add sp, #SIZEOF__FloatArgumentRegisters
+ b UMThunkStub_InCooperativeMode
+ sub sp, #SIZEOF__FloatArgumentRegisters
+ vstm sp, {d0-d7}
+ ldr r0, [r7, #UMThunkStub_HiddenArg] ; UMEntryThunk* pUMEntry
+ mov r2, r7 ; void * pArgs
+ ; remaining arguments are unused
+ bl UM2MDoADCallBack
+ ; Restore non-FP return value.
+ ldr r0, [r7, #0]
+ ldr r1, [r7, #4]
+ ; Restore FP return value or HFA.
+ vldm sp, {d0-d3}
+ b UMThunkStub_PostCall
+; UM2MThunk_WrapperHelper(void *pThunkArgs, // r0
+; int cbStackArgs, // r1 (unused)
+; void *pAddr, // r2 (unused)
+; UMEntryThunk *pEntryThunk, // r3
+; Thread *pThread) // [sp, #0]
+ NESTED_ENTRY UM2MThunk_WrapperHelper
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r4-r7,r11,lr}
+ mov r12, r3 // r12 = UMEntryThunk *
+ ;
+ ; Note that layout of the arguments is given by UMThunkStub frame
+ ;
+ mov r5, r0 // r5 = pArgs
+ ldr r3, [r12, #UMEntryThunk__m_pUMThunkMarshInfo]
+ ldr r2, [r3, #UMThunkMarshInfo__m_cbActualArgSize]
+ cbz r2, UM2MThunk_WrapperHelper_ArgumentsSetup
+ add r0, r5, #UMThunkStub_StackArgs ; Source pointer
+ add r0, r0, r2
+ lsr r1, r2, #2 ; Count of stack slots to copy
+ and r2, r2, #4 ; Align the stack
+ sub sp, sp, r2
+ ldr r2, [r0,#-4]!
+ str r2, [sp,#-4]!
+ subs r1, r1, #1
+ bne UM2MThunk_WrapperHelper_StackLoop
+ ldr r4, [r3, #UMThunkMarshInfo__m_pILStub]
+ ; reload floating point registers
+ sub r6, r5, #SIZEOF__FloatArgumentRegisters
+ vldm r6, {d0-d7}
+ ; reload argument registers
+ ldm r5, {r0-r3}
+ blx r4
+ ; Save non-floating point return
+ str r0, [r5, #0]
+ str r1, [r5, #4]
+ ; Save FP return value or HFA.
+ vstm r6, {d0-d3}
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ ;; trash the floating point registers to ensure that the HFA return values
+ ;; won't survive by accident
+ vldm sp, {d0-d3}
+ EPILOG_POP {r4-r7,r11,pc}
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; IJWNOADThunk::MakeCall
+; On entry:
+; r12 : IJWNOADThunk *
+; On exit:
+; Tail calls to real managed target
+ ; Can't pass C++ mangled names to NESTED_ENTRY and my attempts to use EQU to define an alternate name
+ ; for a symbol didn't work. Just define a label for the decorated name of the method and export it
+ ; manually.
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r0-r4,lr}
+ PROLOG_VPUSH {d0-d7}
+ mov r0, r12 ; IJWNOADThunk * is this pointer for IJWNOADThunk::FindThunkTarget
+ bl $IJWNOADThunk__FindThunkTarget
+ mov r12, r0 ; Returns real jump target in r0, save this in r12
+ EPILOG_VPOP {d0-d7}
+ EPILOG_POP {r0-r4,lr}
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ add r0, sp, #__PWTB_TransitionBlock ; pTransitionBlock
+ mov r1, r12 ; pMethodDesc
+ bl PreStubWorker
+ mov r12, r0
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; This method does nothing. It's just a fixed function for the debugger to put a breakpoint on.
+ LEAF_ENTRY ThePreStubPatch
+ nop
+ EXPORT ThePreStubPatchLabel
+ bx lr
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; The call in ndirect import precode points to this function.
+ NESTED_ENTRY NDirectImportThunk
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r0-r4,lr} ; Spill general argument registers, return address and
+ ; arbitrary register to keep stack aligned
+ PROLOG_VPUSH {d0-d7} ; Spill floating point argument registers
+ mov r0, r12
+ bl NDirectImportWorker
+ mov r12, r0
+ EPILOG_VPOP {d0-d7}
+ EPILOG_POP {r0-r4,lr}
+ ; If we got back from NDirectImportWorker, the MD has been successfully
+ ; linked. Proceed to execute the original DLL call.
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; The call in fixup precode initally points to this function.
+; The pupose of this function is to load the MethodDesc and forward the call the prestub.
+ NESTED_ENTRY PrecodeFixupThunk
+ ; r12 = FixupPrecode *
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r0-r1}
+ ; Inline computation done by FixupPrecode::GetMethodDesc()
+ ldrb r0, [r12, #3] ; m_PrecodeChunkIndex
+ ldrb r1, [r12, #2] ; m_MethodDescChunkIndex
+ add r12,r12,r0,lsl #3
+ add r0,r12,r0,lsl #2
+ ldr r0, [r0,#8]
+ add r12,r0,r1,lsl #2
+ EPILOG_POP {r0-r1}
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; void ResolveWorkerAsmStub(r0, r1, r2, r3, r4:IndirectionCellAndFlags, r12:DispatchToken)
+; The stub dispatch thunk which transfers control to VSD_ResolveWorker.
+ NESTED_ENTRY ResolveWorkerAsmStub
+ add r0, sp, #__PWTB_TransitionBlock ; pTransitionBlock
+ mov r2, r12 ; token
+ ; indirection cell in r4 - should be consistent with REG_ARM_STUB_SPECIAL
+ bic r1, r4, #3 ; indirection cell
+ and r3, r4, #3 ; flags
+ bl VSD_ResolveWorker
+ mov r12, r0
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; void ResolveWorkerChainLookupAsmStub(r0, r1, r2, r3, r4:IndirectionCellAndFlags, r12:DispatchToken)
+ NESTED_ENTRY ResolveWorkerChainLookupAsmStub
+ ; ARMSTUB TODO: implement chained lookup
+ b ResolveWorkerAsmStub
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; setStubReturnValue
+; r0 - size of floating point return value (MetaSig::GetFPReturnSize())
+; r1 - pointer to the return buffer in the stub frame
+ LEAF_ENTRY setStubReturnValue
+ cbz r0, NoFloatingPointRetVal
+ ;; Float return case
+ ;; Do not use "it" since it faults in floating point even when the instruction is not executed.
+ cmp r0, #4
+ bne LNoFloatRetVal
+ vldr s0, [r1]
+ bx lr
+ ;; Double return case
+ ;; Do not use "it" since it faults in floating point even when the instruction is not executed.
+ cmp r0, #8
+ bne LNoDoubleRetVal
+ vldr d0, [r1]
+ bx lr
+ cmp r0, #16
+ bne LNoFloatHFARetVal
+ vldm r1, {s0-s3}
+ bx lr
+ cmp r0, #32
+ bne LNoDoubleHFARetVal
+ vldm r1, {d0-d3}
+ bx lr
+ EMIT_BREAKPOINT ; Unreachable
+ ;; Restore the return value from retbuf
+ ldr r0, [r1]
+ ldr r1, [r1, #4]
+ bx lr
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Remoting stub used to dispatch a method invocation. This is the choke point for all remoting calls; all
+; scenarios where we determine we're not a local or a COM call, regardless of whether the dispatch is
+; interface, virtual or direct will wind up here sooner or later.
+; On entry:
+; r0 : transparent proxy
+; r12 : target MethodDesc or slot number
+; plus user arguments in registers and on the stack
+ NESTED_ENTRY TransparentProxyStub_CrossContext
+ add r0, sp, #__PWTB_TransitionBlock ; pTransitionBlock
+ mov r1, r12 ; pMethodDesc
+ bl TransparentProxyStubWorker
+ ; r0 = fpRetSize
+ ; return value is stored before float argument registers
+ add r1, sp, #(__PWTB_FloatArgumentRegisters - 0x20)
+ bl setStubReturnValue
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; This method does nothing. It's just a fixed function for the debugger to put a breakpoint on.
+ LEAF_ENTRY TransparentProxyStubPatch
+ add r0, r1, r2
+ EXPORT TransparentProxyStubPatchLabel
+ bx lr
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; VSD helper for performing an in-context interface dispatch on a TransparentProxy. This only happens for
+; ContextBoundObjects that are invoked in the correct context, never for general remoting.
+; On entry:
+; r0 : transparent proxy
+; r12 : interface MethodDesc
+; plus user arguments in registers and on the stack
+; On exit:
+; Tail calls to actual target which returns as normal to the caller.
+ NESTED_ENTRY InContextTPQuickDispatchAsmStub
+ ; Spill caller's volatile argument registers and some other state we wish to preserve.
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r0-r3,r12,lr}
+ PROLOG_VPUSH {d0-d7}
+ ; Set up arguments for VSD_GetTargetForTPWorkerQuick
+ ; mov r0, r0 ; this
+ mov r1, r12 ; Interface MethodDesc
+ bl VSD_GetTargetForTPWorkerQuick
+ ; If we didn't find a target head for the slow path.
+ cbz r0, CacheMiss
+ ; Save target address since we're about to restore the value of r0. Can't place it directly into r12
+ ; since that's about to be restored as well. Instead we overwrite the saved version of r12 on the
+ ; stack (we don't need it any more since the lookup succeeded).
+ str r0, [sp, #((16 * 4) + (4 * 4))]
+ ; Restore caller's argument registers.
+ EPILOG_VPOP {d0-d7}
+ EPILOG_POP {r0-r3,r12,lr}
+ ; Tail call to the real code using the previously computed target address.
+ ; Restore caller's argument registers.
+ EPILOG_VPOP {d0-d7}
+ EPILOG_POP {r0-r3,r12,lr}
+ EPILOG_BRANCH InContextTPDispatchAsmStub
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ NESTED_ENTRY InContextTPDispatchAsmStub
+ add r0, sp, #__PWTB_TransitionBlock ; pTransitionBlock
+ mov r1, r12 ; pMethodDesc / token
+ bl VSD_GetTargetForTPWorker
+ mov r12, r0
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Macro used to compare a MethodTable with that of __TransparentProxy. Sets the Z condition flag to indicate
+; the result (Z=1 for a match, Z=0 for a mismatch).
+ TP_TYPE_CHECK $methodTableReg, $scratchReg
+ ldr $scratchReg, =$CTPMethodTable__s_pThunkTable
+ ldr $scratchReg, [$scratchReg]
+ cmp $scratchReg, $methodTableReg
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Macro used to perform a context check.
+; Calls a user customizable routine that determines whether the current execution context warrants a context
+; transition for the call. Regular remoting (as opposed to context transitioning based on ContextBoundObjects)
+; always returns a context-mismatch from this call.
+; On entry:
+; r0 : this (TranparentProxy object)
+; On exit:
+; r0 : check result (0 == contexts match, non-zero == contexts mismatch)
+; r1-r3,r12,lr: trashed
+ ldr r1, [r0, #TransparentProxyObject___stub]
+ ldr r0, [r0, #TransparentProxyObject___stubData]
+ blx r1
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Used by the remoting precode for non-virtual dispatch to instance methods which might be remoted. Performs a
+; context and transparent proxy check and if both of these are negative (or the call has been made on a null
+; 'this') we simply return and the precode will dispatch the call locally as normal. Otherwise we redirect to
+; the remoting system and never return.
+; On entry:
+; r0 : this (may or may not be a TransparentProxy)
+; r1 : trashed
+; lr : return address into RemotingPrecode (RemotingPrecode* + REMOTING_PRECODE_RET_OFFSET)
+; [sp, #0] : caller's saved r1
+; [sp, #4] : caller's saved lr (i.e. return address into caller of RemotingPrecode)
+; plus user arguments in registers and on the stack
+ LEAF_ENTRY PrecodeRemotingThunk
+ ; Send null 'this' case to local dispatch case (else we'd need to handle an A/V from this stub).
+ cbz r0, LocalDispatch ; predicted not taken
+ ; Load MethodTable* in r12.
+ ldr r12, [r0]
+ ; Compare MethodTable in 'this' with that of __TransparentProxy; if they're not equal we dispatch
+ ; locally.
+ TP_TYPE_CHECK r12, r1 ; r1 is a scratch register
+ beq TransparentProxyDispatch ; predicted not taken
+ ; Recover target MethodDesc pointer from the RemotingPrecode (we have the address of this +
+ ; REMOTING_PRECODE_RET_OFFSET in lr). Subtract extra 1 to account for the low-bit being set in LR to
+ ; indicate thumb mode.
+ ; We do this here because even the local case needs r12 initialized.
+ ldr r12, [lr, #(RemotingPrecode__m_pMethodDesc - REMOTING_PRECODE_RET_OFFSET - 1)]
+ bx lr
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Handles the atypical path for the remoting precode above (typically the non-local dispatch cases). The
+; regular entry point defined by NESTED_ENTRY below is never called directly; it serves only to generate
+; prolog unwind data matching the pushes of the caller's r1 and lr done in the remoting precode so we can
+; unwind out of this frame. The real entry point is TransparentProxyDispatch called directly from
+; PrecodeRemotingThunk.
+ NESTED_ENTRY TransparentProxyDispatch_FakeProlog
+ ; Match what the remoting precode has pushed.
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r1,lr}
+ ; This is where execution really starts.
+ ; We need some temporary registers and to preserve lr.
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r0,r2-r5,lr}
+ ; Recover target MethodDesc pointer from the RemotingPrecode (we have the address of this +
+ ; REMOTING_PRECODE_RET_OFFSET in lr). Subtract extra 1 to account for the low-bit being set in LR to
+ ; indicate thumb mode. Stash the result in a non-volatile register to preserve it over the call to
+ ldr r4, [lr, #(RemotingPrecode__m_pMethodDesc - REMOTING_PRECODE_RET_OFFSET - 1)]
+ ; Check whether the TP is already in the correct context. This can happen for ContextBoundObjects
+ ; only. The following macro will trash volatile registers and lr and return the result in r0 (0 ==
+ ; context match, non-zero for everything else). All other registers are preserved.
+ ; Place MethodDesc* in r12 ready for wherever we dispatch to next.
+ mov r12, r4
+ ; Check the result of TP_CONTEXT_CHECK
+ cbnz r0, ContextMismatch1
+ ; At this point we know we're being called on a transparent proxy but the source and destination
+ ; contexts match. This only happens for a ContextBoundObject. For an non-interface dispatch we can
+ ; just return to the local dispatch case; the precode will eventually redirect to the jitted code
+ ; which knows how to handle a TP-wrapped ContextBoundObject. For interface calls we need to hand off
+ ; to VSD so it can resolve to the real target method. The quickest way to determine which of these
+ ; cases we need is to look at the classification of the method desc. All interface methods for which a
+ ; remoting precode is used are marked as mcComInterop, which though non-intuitive is generally OK
+ ; since only COM interop and remoting can dispatch directly on an interface method desc. (Generic
+ ; interface methods are not classified as mcComInterop but we use a different mechanism to intercept
+ ; those).
+ ldrh r0, [r4, #MethodDesc__m_wFlags]
+ and r0, #MethodDesc__mdcClassification
+ cmp r0, #MethodDesc__mcComInterop
+ bne LocalDispatch1
+ ; Local interface dispatch case. Restore argument registers saved here and in the RemotingPrecode,
+ ; discard return address into the RemotingPrecode (we're not going back there) and restore the real
+ ; caller's return address to LR before tail calling into the interface dispatch helper.
+ EPILOG_POP {r0,r2-r5,lr} ; Restore arg registers saved by this routine and RemotingPrecode lr
+ EPILOG_POP {r1,lr} ; Restore r1 saved by RemotingPrecode and real return address
+ EPILOG_BRANCH InContextTPQuickDispatchAsmStub
+ ; Local dispatch case. Restore argument registers saved here and return to the remoting precode.
+ EPILOG_POP {r0,r2-r5,pc}
+ ; Context-mismatch (remoted) dispatch case. Restore argument registers saved here and in the
+ ; RemotingPrecode, discard return address into the RemotingPrecode (we're not going back there) and
+ ; restore the real caller's return address to LR before tail calling into the cross-context helper.
+ EPILOG_POP {r0,r2-r5,lr} ; Restore arg registers saved by this routine and RemotingPrecode lr
+ EPILOG_POP {r1,lr} ; Restore r1 saved by RemotingPrecode and real return address
+ EPILOG_BRANCH TransparentProxyStub_CrossContext
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Used to dispatch an interface call that is possibly be cross-context or remoted. Normally this is handled
+; by the remoting precode stub above but there is an edge case for generic interface methods that falls
+; through the cracks (it is not easy to cover since the precode stub makes use of it as a quick means
+; to differentiate between interface and non-interface calls in the non-cross context case).
+; On entry:
+; r0 : this (TransparentProxy object)
+; r12 : interface MethodDesc
+; plus user arguments in registers and on the stack
+; On exit:
+; Tail calls to the VSD in-context TP dispatcher or remoting system as appropriate.
+ NESTED_ENTRY CRemotingServices__DispatchInterfaceCall
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r0-r3,r12,lr}
+ ; Check whether the TP is already in the correct context. This can happen for ContextBoundObjects
+ ; only. The following macro will trash volatile registers and lr and return the result in r0 (0 ==
+ ; context match, non-zero for everything else). All other registers are preserved.
+ cbnz r0, ContextMismatch2
+ ; Local interface dispatch case. Tail call to VSD helper specifically for the in-context TP dispatch
+ ; scenario. Interface MethodDesc is restored to r12.
+ EPILOG_POP {r0-r3,r12,lr}
+ EPILOG_BRANCH InContextTPQuickDispatchAsmStub
+ ; Context-mismatch (remoted) dispatch case. Tail call to the general remoting dispatch code. Interface
+ ; MethodDesc is restored to r12.
+ EPILOG_POP {r0-r3,r12,lr}
+ EPILOG_BRANCH TransparentProxyStub_CrossContext
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Common stub used for vtable dispatch of remoted methods. A small prestub will load the vtable slot index
+; into r12 and then jump here. This stub determines whether we're already in the correct context (which can
+; only happen for ContextBoundObjects). Depending on the answers we'll either dispatch the call locally or
+; re-direct it to the remoting system (via TransparentProxyStub_CrossContext).
+; On entry:
+; r0 : this (TransparentProxy object)
+; r12 : virtual method slot number
+; plus user arguments in registers and on the stack
+; On exit:
+; Tail calls to the VSD in-context TP dispatcher or remoting system as appropriate.
+ NESTED_ENTRY TransparentProxyStub
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r0-r3,r12,lr}
+ ; Check whether the TP is already in the correct context. This can happen for ContextBoundObjects
+ ; only. The following macro will trash volatile registers and lr and return the result in r0 (0 ==
+ ; context match, non-zero for everything else). All other registers are preserved.
+ cbnz r0, ContextMismatch3
+ ; We need to perform a local vtable dispatch on the ContextBoundObject. Obviously this needs to be on
+ ; the real type held in the proxy, not TransparentProxy's MethodTable or we'll just end up back here
+ ; recursively.
+ ; Recover 'this' pointer and slot number.
+ ldr r0, [sp]
+ ldr r12, [sp, #0x10]
+ ; Extract real type from the TP.
+ ldr r0, [r0, #TransparentProxyObject___pMT]
+ ; Vtables are no longer a linear array. Instead they use a two-level indirection with the first level
+ ; consisting of fixed sized chunks of function pointer arrays. R12 has our slot number.
+ ; Calculate first level chunk index.
+ ; Load the address of the chunk from the MethodTable (the chunk table immediately follows the
+ ; MethodTable structure).
+ add r0, #SIZEOF__MethodTable
+ ldr r2, [r0, r1, lsl #2]
+ ; Calculate the slot index within the chunk.
+ and r0, r12, #(ASM__VTABLE_SLOTS_PER_CHUNK - 1)
+ ; Load the target address into r12 (we no longer need the slot number and we're about to restore the
+ ; other registers).
+ ldr r12, [r2, r0, lsl #2]
+ ; Restore the stack state and tail call to the local target.
+ EPILOG_POP {r0-r3}
+ EPILOG_STACK_FREE 4 ; Skip restore of r12 since we've overwritten it
+ ; Contexts don't match so we have to dispatch through remoting. Clean up the stack and tail call to
+ ; the helper.
+ EPILOG_POP {r0-r3,r12,lr}
+ EPILOG_BRANCH TransparentProxyStub_CrossContext
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Function used by remoting/COM interop to get floating point return value (since it's not in the same
+; register(s) as non-floating point values).
+; On entry;
+; r0 : size of the FP result (4 or 8 bytes)
+; r1 : pointer to 64-bit buffer to receive result
+; On exit:
+; buffer pointed to by r1 on entry contains the float or double argument as appropriate
+ LEAF_ENTRY getFPReturn
+ cmp r0, #4
+ bne LgetFP8
+ vmov r2, s0
+ str r2, [r1]
+ bx lr
+ vmov r2, r3, d0
+ strd r2, r3, [r1]
+ bx lr
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Function used by remoting/COM interop to set floating point return value (since it's not in the same
+; register(s) as non-floating point values).
+; On entry:
+; r0 : size of the FP result (4 or 8 bytes)
+; r2/r3 : 32-bit or 64-bit FP result
+; On exit:
+; s0 : float result if r0 == 4
+; d0 : double result if r0 == 8
+ LEAF_ENTRY setFPReturn
+ cmp r0, #4
+ bne LsetFP8
+ vmov s0, r2
+ bx lr
+ vmov d0, r2, r3
+ bx lr
+#endif defined(FEATURE_REMOTING) || defined(FEATURE_COMINTEROP)
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Tail call Object.FieldGetter remotely with the given arguments.
+; On entry:
+; r0 : pMD (MethodDesc * of the Object.FieldGetter method)
+; r1 : pThis (the transparent proxy)
+; r2 : pFirst
+; r3 : pSecond
+; [sp, #0] : pThird
+; On exit:
+; Tail calls to the managed method
+ LEAF_ENTRY CRemotingServices__CallFieldGetter
+ mov r12, r0
+ mov r0, r1
+ mov r1, r2
+ mov r2, r3
+ ldr r3, [sp, #0]
+ b TransparentProxyStub_CrossContext
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Tail call Object.FieldSetter remotely with the given arguments.
+; On entry:
+; r0 : pMD (MethodDesc * of the Object.FieldSetter method)
+; r1 : pThis (the transparent proxy)
+; r2 : pFirst
+; r3 : pSecond
+; [sp, #0] : pThird
+; On exit:
+; Tail calls to the managed method
+ LEAF_ENTRY CRemotingServices__CallFieldSetter
+ mov r12, r0
+ mov r0, r1
+ mov r1, r2
+ mov r2, r3
+ ldr r3, [sp, #0]
+ b TransparentProxyStub_CrossContext
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; General purpose remoting helper used to call given target with two parameters.
+; On entry:
+; r0 : pTarget
+; r1 : pFirst
+; r2 : pSecond
+ NESTED_ENTRY CTPMethodTable__CallTargetHelper2,,CallDescrWorkerUnwindFrameChainHandler
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r11, lr}
+ mov r12, r0
+ mov r0, r1
+ mov r1, r2
+ blx r12
+ ; Adding a nop so that unwind does not result in the IP being in epilog.
+ ; This ensures that the OS unwinder looks up the personality routine for this method.
+ nop
+ EPILOG_POP {r11, pc}
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; General purpose remoting helper used to call given target with three parameters.
+; On entry:
+; r0 : pTarget
+; r1 : pFirst
+; r2 : pSecond
+; r3 : pThird
+ NESTED_ENTRY CTPMethodTable__CallTargetHelper3,,CallDescrWorkerUnwindFrameChainHandler
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r11, lr}
+ mov r12, r0
+ mov r0, r1
+ mov r1, r2
+ mov r2, r3
+ blx r12
+ ; Adding a nop so that unwind does not result in the IP being in epilog.
+ ; This ensures that the OS unwinder looks up the personality routine for this method.
+ nop
+ EPILOG_POP {r11, pc}
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; GenericComPlusCallStub that erects a ComPlusMethodFrame and calls into the runtime
+; (CLRToCOMWorker) to dispatch rare cases of the interface call.
+; On entry:
+; r0 : 'this' object
+; r12 : Interface MethodDesc*
+; plus user arguments in registers and on the stack
+; On exit:
+; r0/r1/s0/d0 set to return value of the call as appropriate
+ NESTED_ENTRY GenericComPlusCallStub
+ add r0, sp, #__PWTB_TransitionBlock ; pTransitionBlock
+ mov r1, r12 ; pMethodDesc
+ ; Call CLRToCOMWorker(pFrame). This call will set up the rest of the frame (including the vfptr,
+ ; the GS cookie and linking to the thread), make the client call and return with correct registers set
+ ; (r0/r1/s0-s3/d0-d3 as appropriate).
+ bl CLRToCOMWorker
+ ; r0 = fpRetSize
+ ; return value is stored before float argument registers
+ add r1, sp, #(__PWTB_FloatArgumentRegisters - 0x20)
+ bl setStubReturnValue
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; COM to CLR stub called the first time a particular method is invoked.
+; On entry:
+; r12 : (MethodDesc* - ComCallMethodDesc_Offset_FromR12) provided by prepad thunk
+; plus user arguments in registers and on the stack
+; On exit:
+; tail calls to real method
+ GBLA ComCallPreStub_FrameSize
+ GBLA ComCallPreStub_FramePad
+ GBLA ComCallPreStub_StackAlloc
+ GBLA ComCallPreStub_Frame
+ GBLA ComCallPreStub_ErrorReturn
+; Set the defaults
+ComCallPreStub_FramePad SETA 8 ; error return
+ComCallPreStub_FrameSize SETA (ComCallPreStub_FramePad + SIZEOF__GSCookie + SIZEOF__ComMethodFrame)
+ IF ComCallPreStub_FrameSize:MOD:8 != 0
+ComCallPreStub_FramePad SETA ComCallPreStub_FramePad + 4
+ComCallPreStub_FrameSize SETA ComCallPreStub_FrameSize + 4
+ComCallPreStub_StackAlloc SETA ComCallPreStub_FrameSize - SIZEOF__ArgumentRegisters - 2 * 4
+ComCallPreStub_Frame SETA SIZEOF__FloatArgumentRegisters + ComCallPreStub_FramePad + SIZEOF__GSCookie
+ComCallPreStub_ErrorReturn SETA SIZEOF__FloatArgumentRegisters
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r0-r3} ; Spill general argument registers
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r11,lr} ; Save return address
+ PROLOG_STACK_ALLOC ComCallPreStub_StackAlloc ; Alloc non-spill portion of stack frame
+ PROLOG_VPUSH {d0-d7} ; Spill floating point argument registers
+ ; Finish initializing the frame. The C++ helper will fill in the GS cookie and vfptr and link us to
+ ; the Thread frame chain (see ComPrestubMethodFrame::Push). That leaves us with m_pFuncDesc.
+ ; The prepad thunk passes us a value which is the MethodDesc* - ComCallMethodDesc_Offset_FromR12 (due to encoding limitations in the
+ ; thunk). So we must correct this by adding 4 before storing the pointer.
+ add r12, #(ComCallMethodDesc_Offset_FromR12)
+ str r12, [sp, #(ComCallPreStub_Frame + UnmanagedToManagedFrame__m_pvDatum)]
+ ; Call the C++ worker: ComPreStubWorker(&Frame)
+ add r0, sp, #(ComCallPreStub_Frame)
+ add r1, sp, #(ComCallPreStub_ErrorReturn)
+ bl ComPreStubWorker
+ ; Handle failure case.
+ cbz r0, ErrorExit
+ ; Stash real target address where it won't be overwritten by restoring the calling state.
+ mov r12, r0
+ EPILOG_VPOP {d0-d7} ; Restore floating point argument registers
+ EPILOG_STACK_FREE ComCallPreStub_StackAlloc
+ EPILOG_POP {r11,lr}
+ EPILOG_POP {r0-r3} ; Restore argument registers
+ ; Tail call the real target. Actually ComPreStubWorker returns the address of the prepad thunk on ARM,
+ ; that way we don't run out of volatile registers trying to remember both the new target address and
+ ; the hidden MethodDesc* argument. ComPreStubWorker patched the prepad though so the second time
+ ; through we won't end up here again.
+ ; Failed to find a stub to call. Retrieve the return value ComPreStubWorker set for us.
+ ldr r0, [sp, #(ComCallPreStub_ErrorReturn)]
+ ldr r1, [sp, #(ComCallPreStub_ErrorReturn+4)]
+ EPILOG_STACK_FREE ComCallPreStub_StackAlloc + SIZEOF__FloatArgumentRegisters
+ EPILOG_POP {r11,lr}
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; COM to CLR stub which sets up a ComMethodFrame and calls COMToCLRWorker.
+; On entry:
+; r12 : (MethodDesc* - ComCallMethodDesc_Offset_FromR12) provided by prepad thunk
+; plus user arguments in registers and on the stack
+; On exit:
+; Result in r0/r1/s0/d0 as per the real method being called
+ NESTED_ENTRY GenericComCallStub,,ReverseComUnwindFrameChainHandler
+; Calculate space needed on stack for alignment padding, a GS cookie and a ComMethodFrame (minus the last
+; field, m_ReturnAddress, which we'll push explicitly).
+ GBLA GenericComCallStub_FrameSize
+ GBLA GenericComCallStub_FramePad
+ GBLA GenericComCallStub_StackAlloc
+ GBLA GenericComCallStub_Frame
+; Set the defaults
+GenericComCallStub_FramePad SETA 0
+GenericComCallStub_FrameSize SETA (GenericComCallStub_FramePad + SIZEOF__GSCookie + SIZEOF__ComMethodFrame)
+ IF GenericComCallStub_FrameSize:MOD:8 != 0
+GenericComCallStub_FramePad SETA 4
+GenericComCallStub_FrameSize SETA GenericComCallStub_FrameSize + GenericComCallStub_FramePad
+GenericComCallStub_StackAlloc SETA GenericComCallStub_FrameSize - SIZEOF__ArgumentRegisters - 2 * 4
+GenericComCallStub_Frame SETA SIZEOF__FloatArgumentRegisters + GenericComCallStub_FramePad + SIZEOF__GSCookie
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r0-r3} ; Spill general argument registers
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r11,lr} ; Save return address
+ PROLOG_STACK_ALLOC GenericComCallStub_StackAlloc ; Alloc non-spill portion of stack frame
+ PROLOG_VPUSH {d0-d7} ; Spill floating point argument registers
+ ; Store MethodDesc* in frame. Due to a limitation of the prepad, r12 actually contains a value
+ ; "ComCallMethodDesc_Offset_FromR12" less than the pointer we want, so fix that up.
+ add r12, r12, #(ComCallMethodDesc_Offset_FromR12)
+ str r12, [sp, #(GenericComCallStub_Frame + UnmanagedToManagedFrame__m_pvDatum)]
+ ; Call COMToCLRWorker(pThread, pFrame). Note that pThread is computed inside the method so we don't
+ ; need to set it up here.
+ ;
+ ; Setup R1 to point to the start of the explicit frame. We account for alignment padding and
+ ; space for GSCookie.
+ add r1, sp, #(GenericComCallStub_Frame)
+ bl COMToCLRWorker
+ EPILOG_STACK_FREE GenericComCallStub_StackAlloc + SIZEOF__FloatArgumentRegisters
+ EPILOG_POP {r11,lr}
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; COM to CLR stub called from COMToCLRWorker that actually dispatches to the real managed method.
+; On entry:
+; r0 : dwStackSlots, count of argument stack slots to copy
+; r1 : pFrame, ComMethodFrame pushed by GenericComCallStub above
+; r2 : pTarget, address of code to call
+; r3 : pSecretArg, hidden argument passed to target above in r12
+; [sp, #0] : pDangerousThis, managed 'this' reference
+; On exit:
+; Result in r0/r1/s0/d0 as per the real method being called
+ NESTED_ENTRY COMToCLRDispatchHelper,,CallDescrWorkerUnwindFrameChainHandler
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r4-r5,r7,lr}
+ ; Copy stack-based arguments. Make sure the eventual SP ends up 8-byte aligned. Note that the
+ ; following calculations assume that the prolog has left the stack already aligned.
+ cbz r0, COMToCLRDispatchHelper_ArgumentsSetup
+ lsl r4, r0, #2 ; r4 = (dwStackSlots * 4)
+ and r5, r4, #4 ; Align the stack
+ sub sp, sp, r5
+ add r5, r1, #SIZEOF__ComMethodFrame
+ add r5, r5, r4
+ ldr r4, [r5,#-4]!
+ str r4, [sp,#-4]!
+ subs r0, r0, #1
+ bne COMToCLRDispatchHelper_StackLoop
+ ; Load floating point argument registers.
+ sub r4, r1, #(GenericComCallStub_Frame)
+ vldm r4, {d0-d7}
+ ; Prepare the call target and hidden argument prior to overwriting r0-r3.
+ mov r12, r3 ; r12 = hidden argument
+ mov lr, r2 ; lr = target code
+ ; Load general argument registers except r0.
+ add r4, r1, #(SIZEOF__ComMethodFrame - SIZEOF__ArgumentRegisters + 4)
+ ldm r4, {r1-r3}
+ ; Load r0 from the managed this, not the original incoming IUnknown*.
+ ldr r0, [r7, #(4 * 4)]
+ ; Make the call.
+ blx lr
+ EPILOG_POP {r4-r5,r7,pc}
+ ; Define the layout of the PROFILE_PLATFORM_SPECIFIC_DATA we push on the stack for all profiler
+ ; helpers.
+ map 0
+ field 4 ; r0
+ field 4 ; r1
+ field 4 ; r11
+ field 4 ; Pc (caller's PC, i.e. LR)
+ field SIZEOF__FloatArgumentRegisters ; spilled floating point argument registers
+functionId field 4
+probeSp field 4
+profiledSp field 4
+hiddenArg field 4
+flags field 4
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Macro used to generate profiler helpers. In all cases we push a partially initialized
+; PROFILE_PLATFORM_SPECIFIC_DATA structure on the stack and call into a C++ helper to continue processing.
+; On entry:
+; r0 : clientInfo
+; r1/r2 : return values (in case of leave)
+; frame pointer(r11) must be set (in case of enter)
+; all arguments are on stack at frame pointer (r11) + 8bytes (save lr & prev r11).
+; On exit:
+; All register values are preserved including volatile registers
+ DefineProfilerHelper $HelperName, $Flags
+ GBLS __ProfilerHelperFunc
+__ProfilerHelperFunc SETS "$HelperName":CC:"Naked"
+ NESTED_ENTRY $__ProfilerHelperFunc
+ IMPORT $HelperName ; The C++ helper which does most of the work
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r0,r3,r9,r12} ; save volatile general purpose registers. remaining r1 & r2 are saved below...saving r9 as it is required for virtualunwinding
+ PROLOG_STACK_ALLOC (6*4) ; Reserve space for tail end of structure (5*4 bytes) and extra 4 bytes is for aligning the stack at 8-byte boundary
+ PROLOG_VPUSH {d0-d7} ; Spill floting point argument registers
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r1,r11,lr} ; Save possible return value in r1, frame pointer and return address
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r2} ; Save possible return value in r0. Before calling Leave Hook Jit moves contents of r0 to r2
+ ; so pushing r2 instead of r0. This push statement cannot be combined with the above push
+ ; as r2 gets pushed before r1.
+ ; Zero r1 for use clearing fields in the PROFILE_PLATFORM_SPECIFIC_DATA.
+ eor r1, r1
+ ; Clear functionId.
+ str r1, [sp, #functionId]
+ ; Save caller's SP (at the point this helper was called).
+ str r2, [sp, #probeSp]
+ ; Save caller's SP (at the point where only argument registers have been spilled).
+ ldr r2, [r11]
+ add r2, r2, #8 ; location of arguments is at frame pointer(r11) + 8 (lr & prev frame ptr is saved before changing
+ str r2, [sp, #profiledSp]
+ ; Clear hiddenArg.
+ str r1, [sp, #hiddenArg]
+ ; Set flags to indicate type of helper called.
+ mov r1, #($Flags)
+ str r1, [sp, #flags]
+ ; Call C++ portion of helper (<$HelperName>(clientInfo, &profilePlatformSpecificData)).
+ mov r1, sp
+ bl $HelperName
+ EPILOG_POP {r1,r11,lr}
+ EPILOG_VPOP {d0-d7}
+ EPILOG_POP {r0,r3,r9,r12}
+ DefineProfilerHelper ProfileEnter, PROFILE_ENTER
+ DefineProfilerHelper ProfileLeave, PROFILE_LEAVE
+ DefineProfilerHelper ProfileTailcall, PROFILE_TAILCALL
+ ;
+ ; If a preserved register were pushed onto the stack between
+ ; the managed caller and the H_M_F, _R4_R11 will point to its
+ ; location on the stack and it would have been updated on the
+ ; stack by the GC already and it will be popped back into the
+ ; appropriate register when the appropriate epilog is run.
+ ;
+ ; Otherwise, the register is preserved across all the code
+ ; in this HCALL or FCALL, so we need to update those registers
+ ; here because the GC will have updated our copies in the
+ ; frame.
+ ;
+ ; So, if _R4_R11 points into the MachState, we need to update
+ ; the register here. That's what this macro does.
+ ;
+ RestoreRegMS $regIndex, $reg
+ ; Incoming:
+ ;
+ ; R0 = address of MachState
+ ;
+ ; $regIndex: Index of the register (R4-R11). For R4, index is 4.
+ ; For R5, index is 5, and so on.
+ ;
+ ; $reg: Register name (e.g. R4, R5, etc)
+ ;
+ ; Get the address of the specified captured register from machine state
+ add r2, r0, #(MachState__captureR4_R11 + (($regIndex-4)*4))
+ ; Get the address of the specified preserved register from machine state
+ ldr r3, [r0, #(MachState___R4_R11 + (($regIndex-4)*4))]
+ cmp r2, r3
+ bne %FT0
+ ldr $reg, [r2]
+; EXTERN_C int __fastcall HelperMethodFrameRestoreState(
+; INDEBUG_COMMA(HelperMethodFrame *pFrame)
+; MachState *pState
+; )
+ LEAF_ENTRY HelperMethodFrameRestoreState
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ mov r0, r1
+ ; If machine state is invalid, then simply exit
+ ldr r1, [r0, #MachState__isValid]
+ cmp r1, #0
+ beq Done
+ RestoreRegMS 4, R4
+ RestoreRegMS 5, R5
+ RestoreRegMS 6, R6
+ RestoreRegMS 7, R7
+ RestoreRegMS 8, R8
+ RestoreRegMS 9, R9
+ RestoreRegMS 10, R10
+ RestoreRegMS 11, R11
+ ; Its imperative that the return value of HelperMethodFrameRestoreState is zero
+ ; as it is used in the state machine to loop until it becomes zero.
+ ; Refer to HELPER_METHOD_FRAME_END macro for details.
+ mov r0,#0
+ bx lr
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Hijack function for functions which return a value type
+ NESTED_ENTRY OnHijackTripThread
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r0,r4-r11,lr}
+ PROLOG_VPUSH {d0-d3} ; saving as d0-d3 can have the floating point return value
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r1} ; saving as r1 can have partial return value when return is > 32 bits
+ PROLOG_STACK_ALLOC 4 ; 8 byte align
+ add r0, sp, #40
+ bl OnHijackWorker
+ EPILOG_VPOP {d0-d3}
+ EPILOG_POP {r0,r4-r11,pc}
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Macro to generate Redirection Stubs
+; $reason : reason for redirection
+; Eg. GCThreadControl
+; NOTE: If you edit this macro, make sure you update GetCONTEXTFromRedirectedStubStackFrame.
+; This function is used by both the personality routine and the debugger to retrieve the original CONTEXT.
+ GenerateRedirectedHandledJITCaseStub $reason
+ GBLS __RedirectionStubFuncName
+ GBLS __RedirectionStubEndFuncName
+ GBLS __RedirectionFuncName
+__RedirectionStubFuncName SETS "RedirectedHandledJITCaseFor":CC:"$reason":CC:"_Stub"
+__RedirectionStubEndFuncName SETS "RedirectedHandledJITCaseFor":CC:"$reason":CC:"_StubEnd"
+__RedirectionFuncName SETS "|?RedirectedHandledJITCaseFor":CC:"$reason":CC:"@Thread@@CAXXZ|"
+ IMPORT $__RedirectionFuncName
+ NESTED_ENTRY $__RedirectionStubFuncName
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r7,lr} ; return address
+ PROLOG_STACK_ALLOC 4 ; stack slot to save the CONTEXT *
+ ;REDIRECTSTUB_SP_OFFSET_CONTEXT is defined in asmconstants.h
+ ;If CONTEXT is not saved at 0 offset from SP it must be changed as well.
+ ; Runtime check for 8-byte alignment. This check is necessary as this function can be
+ ; entered before complete execution of the prolog of another function.
+ and r0, r7, #4
+ sub sp, sp, r0
+ ; stack must be 8 byte aligned
+ ;
+ ; Save a copy of the redirect CONTEXT*.
+ ; This is needed for the debugger to unwind the stack.
+ ;
+ bl GetCurrentSavedRedirectContext
+ str r0, [r7]
+ ;
+ ; Fetch the interrupted pc and save it as our return address.
+ ;
+ ldr r1, [r0, #CONTEXT_Pc]
+ str r1, [r7, #8]
+ ;
+ ; Call target, which will do whatever we needed to do in the context
+ ; of the target thread, and will RtlRestoreContext when it is done.
+ ;
+ bl $__RedirectionFuncName
+ EMIT_BREAKPOINT ; Unreachable
+; Put a label here to tell the debugger where the end of this function is.
+ EXPORT $__RedirectionStubEndFuncName
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Redirection Stub for GC in fully interruptible method
+ GenerateRedirectedHandledJITCaseStub GCThreadControl
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ GenerateRedirectedHandledJITCaseStub DbgThreadControl
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ GenerateRedirectedHandledJITCaseStub UserSuspend
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ GenerateRedirectedHandledJITCaseStub YieldTask
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Redirection Stub for GC Stress
+ GenerateRedirectedHandledJITCaseStub GCStress
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Functions to probe for stack space
+; Input reg r4 = amount of stack to probe for
+; value of reg r4 is preserved on exit from function
+; r12 is trashed
+; The below two functions were copied from vctools\crt\crtw32\startup\arm\chkstk.asm
+ NESTED_ENTRY checkStack
+ subs r12,sp,r4
+ mrc p15,#0,r4,c13,c0,#2 ; get TEB *
+ ldr r4,[r4,#8] ; get Stack limit
+ bcc checkStack_neg ; if r12 is less then 0 set it to 0
+ cmp r12, r4
+ bcc stackProbe ; must probe to extend guardpage if r12 is beyond stackLimit
+ sub r4, sp, r12 ; restore value of r4
+ mov r12, #0
+ b checkStack_label1
+ NESTED_ENTRY stackProbe
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r5,r6}
+ mov r6, r12
+ bfc r6, #0, #0xc ; align down (4K)
+ sub r4,r4,#0x1000 ; dec stack Limit by 4K as page size is 4K
+ ldr r5,[r4] ; try to read ... this should move the guard page
+ cmp r4,r6
+ bne stackProbe_loop
+ EPILOG_POP {r5,r6}
+ EPILOG_NOP sub r4,sp,r12
+; VirtualMethodFixupStub
+; In NGEN images, virtual slots inherited from cross-module dependencies
+; point to a jump thunk that calls into the following function that will
+; call into a VM helper. The VM helper is responsible for patching up
+; thunk, upon executing the precode, so that all subsequent calls go directly
+; to the actual method body.
+; This is done lazily for performance reasons.
+; On entry:
+; R0 = "this" pointer
+; R12 = Address of thunk + 4
+ NESTED_ENTRY VirtualMethodFixupStub
+ ; Save arguments and return address
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r0-r3, lr}
+ ; Align stack
+ PROLOG_STACK_ALLOC SIZEOF__FloatArgumentRegisters + 4
+ vstm sp, {d0-d7}
+ ; R12 contains an address that is 4 bytes ahead of
+ ; where the thunk starts. Refer to ZapImportVirtualThunk::Save
+ ; for details on this.
+ ;
+ ; Move the correct thunk start address in R1
+ sub r1, r12, #4
+ ; Call the helper in the VM to perform the actual fixup
+ ; and tell us where to tail call. R0 already contains
+ ; the this pointer.
+ bl VirtualMethodFixupWorker
+ ; On return, R0 contains the target to tailcall to
+ mov r12, r0
+ ; pop the stack and restore original register state
+ vldm sp, {d0-d7}
+ EPILOG_STACK_FREE SIZEOF__FloatArgumentRegisters + 4
+ EPILOG_POP {r0-r3, lr}
+ PATCH_LABEL VirtualMethodFixupPatchLabel
+ ; and tailcall to the actual method
+; ExternalMethodFixupStub
+; In NGEN images, calls to cross-module external methods initially
+; point to a jump thunk that calls into the following function that will
+; call into a VM helper. The VM helper is responsible for patching up the
+; thunk, upon executing the precode, so that all subsequent calls go directly
+; to the actual method body.
+; This is done lazily for performance reasons.
+; On entry:
+; R12 = Address of thunk + 4
+ NESTED_ENTRY ExternalMethodFixupStub
+ add r0, sp, #__PWTB_TransitionBlock ; pTransitionBlock
+ ; Adjust (read comment above for details) and pass the address of the thunk
+ sub r1, r12, #4 ; pThunk
+ mov r2, #0 ; sectionIndex
+ mov r3, #0 ; pModule
+ bl ExternalMethodFixupWorker
+ ; mov the address we patched to in R12 so that we can tail call to it
+ mov r12, r0
+ PATCH_LABEL ExternalMethodFixupPatchLabel
+; StubDispatchFixupStub
+; In NGEN images, calls to interface methods initially
+; point to a jump thunk that calls into the following function that will
+; call into a VM helper. The VM helper is responsible for patching up the
+; thunk with actual stub dispatch stub.
+; On entry:
+; R4 = Address of indirection cell
+ NESTED_ENTRY StubDispatchFixupStub
+ ; address of StubDispatchFrame
+ add r0, sp, #__PWTB_TransitionBlock ; pTransitionBlock
+ mov r1, r4 ; siteAddrForRegisterIndirect
+ mov r2, #0 ; sectionIndex
+ mov r3, #0 ; pModule
+ bl StubDispatchFixupWorker
+ ; mov the address we patched to in R12 so that we can tail call to it
+ mov r12, r0
+ PATCH_LABEL StubDispatchFixupPatchLabel
+; JIT_RareDisableHelper
+; The JIT expects this helper to preserve registers used for return values
+ NESTED_ENTRY JIT_RareDisableHelper
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r0-r1, r11, lr} ; save integer return value
+ PROLOG_VPUSH {d0-d3} ; floating point return value
+ bl JIT_RareDisableHelperWorker
+ EPILOG_VPOP {d0-d3}
+ EPILOG_POP {r0-r1, r11, pc}
+; JIT Static access helpers for single appdomain case
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; void* JIT_GetSharedNonGCStaticBase(SIZE_T moduleDomainID, DWORD dwClassDomainID)
+ LEAF_ENTRY JIT_GetSharedNonGCStaticBase_SingleAppDomain
+ ; If class is not initialized, bail to C++ helper
+ add r2, r0, #DomainLocalModule__m_pDataBlob
+ ldrb r2, [r2, r1]
+ tst r2, #1
+ beq CallCppHelper1
+ bx lr
+ ; Tail call JIT_GetSharedNonGCStaticBase_Helper
+ b JIT_GetSharedNonGCStaticBase_Helper
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; void* JIT_GetSharedNonGCStaticBaseNoCtor(SIZE_T moduleDomainID, DWORD dwClassDomainID)
+ LEAF_ENTRY JIT_GetSharedNonGCStaticBaseNoCtor_SingleAppDomain
+ bx lr
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; void* JIT_GetSharedGCStaticBase(SIZE_T moduleDomainID, DWORD dwClassDomainID)
+ LEAF_ENTRY JIT_GetSharedGCStaticBase_SingleAppDomain
+ ; If class is not initialized, bail to C++ helper
+ add r2, r0, #DomainLocalModule__m_pDataBlob
+ ldrb r2, [r2, r1]
+ tst r2, #1
+ beq CallCppHelper3
+ ldr r0, [r0, #DomainLocalModule__m_pGCStatics]
+ bx lr
+ ; Tail call Jit_GetSharedGCStaticBase_Helper
+ b JIT_GetSharedGCStaticBase_Helper
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; void* JIT_GetSharedGCStaticBaseNoCtor(SIZE_T moduleDomainID, DWORD dwClassDomainID)
+ LEAF_ENTRY JIT_GetSharedGCStaticBaseNoCtor_SingleAppDomain
+ ldr r0, [r0, #DomainLocalModule__m_pGCStatics]
+ bx lr
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; __declspec(naked) void F_CALL_CONV JIT_Stelem_Ref(PtrArray* array, unsigned idx, Object* val)
+ ; We retain arguments as they were passed and use r0 == array; r1 == idx; r2 == val
+ ; check for null array
+ cbz r0, ThrowNullReferenceException
+ ; idx bounds check
+ ldr r3,[r0,#ArrayBase__m_NumComponents]
+ cmp r3,r1
+ bls ThrowIndexOutOfRangeException
+ ; fast path to null assignment (doesn't need any write-barriers)
+ cbz r2, AssigningNull
+ ; Verify the array-type and val-type matches before writing
+ ldr r12, [r0] ; r12 = array MT
+ ldr r3, [r2] ; r3 = val->GetMethodTable()
+ ldr r12, [r12, #MethodTable__m_ElementType] ; array->GetArrayElementTypeHandle()
+ cmp r3, r12
+ beq JIT_Stelem_DoWrite
+ ; Types didnt match but allow writing into an array of objects
+ ldr r3, =$g_pObjectClass
+ ldr r3, [r3] ; r3 = *g_pObjectClass
+ cmp r3, r12 ; array type matches with Object*
+ beq JIT_Stelem_DoWrite
+ ; array type and val type do not exactly match. Raise frame and do detailed match
+ b JIT_Stelem_Ref_NotExactMatch
+ ; Assigning null doesn't need write barrier
+ adds r0, r1, LSL #2 ; r0 = r0 + (r1 x 4) = array->m_array[idx]
+ str r2, [r0, #PtrArray__m_Array] ; array->m_array[idx] = val
+ bx lr
+ ; Tail call JIT_InternalThrow(NullReferenceException)
+ ldr r0, =CORINFO_NullReferenceException_ASM
+ b JIT_InternalThrow
+ ; Tail call JIT_InternalThrow(NullReferenceException)
+ ldr r0, =CORINFO_IndexOutOfRangeException_ASM
+ b JIT_InternalThrow
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; __declspec(naked) void F_CALL_CONV JIT_Stelem_Ref_NotExactMatch(PtrArray* array,
+; unsigned idx, Object* val)
+; r12 = array->GetArrayElementTypeHandle()
+ NESTED_ENTRY JIT_Stelem_Ref_NotExactMatch
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r0-r2}
+ ; allow in case val can be casted to array element type
+ ; call ObjIsInstanceOfNoGC(val, array->GetArrayElementTypeHandle())
+ mov r1, r12 ; array->GetArrayElementTypeHandle()
+ mov r0, r2
+ bl ObjIsInstanceOfNoGC
+ cmp r0, TypeHandle_CanCast
+ beq DoWrite ; ObjIsInstance returned TypeHandle::CanCast
+ ; check via raising frame
+ mov r1, sp ; r1 = &array
+ adds r0, sp, #8 ; r0 = &val
+ bl ArrayStoreCheck ; ArrayStoreCheck(&val, &array)
+ EPILOG_POP {r0-r2}
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; __declspec(naked) void F_CALL_CONV JIT_Stelem_DoWrite(PtrArray* array, unsigned idx, Object* val)
+ LEAF_ENTRY JIT_Stelem_DoWrite
+ ; Setup args for JIT_WriteBarrier. r0 = &array->m_array[idx]; r1 = val
+ adds r0, #PtrArray__m_Array ; r0 = &array->m_array
+ adds r0, r1, LSL #2
+ mov r1, r2 ; r1 = val
+ ; Branch to the write barrier (which is already correctly overwritten with
+ ; single or multi-proc code based on the current CPU
+ b JIT_WriteBarrier
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; GC write barrier support.
+; There's some complexity here for a couple of reasons:
+; Firstly, there are a few variations of barrier types (input registers, checked vs unchecked, UP vs MP etc.).
+; So first we define a number of helper macros that perform fundamental pieces of a barrier and then we define
+; the final barrier functions by assembling these macros in various combinations.
+; Secondly, for performance reasons we believe it's advantageous to be able to modify the barrier functions
+; over the lifetime of the CLR. Specifically ARM has real problems reading the values of external globals (we
+; need two memory indirections to do this) so we'd like to be able to directly set the current values of
+; various GC globals (e.g. g_lowest_address and g_card_table) into the barrier code itself and then reset them
+; every time they change (the GC already calls the VM to inform it of these changes). The handle this without
+; creating too much fragility such as hardcoding instruction offsets in the VM update code, we wrap write
+; barrier creation and GC globals access in a set of macros that create a table of descriptors describing each
+; offset that must be patched.
+; Many of the following macros need a scratch register. Define a name for it here so it's easy to modify this
+; in the future.
+ GBLS __wbscratch
+__wbscratch SETS "r3"
+; First define the meta-macros used to support dynamically patching write barriers.
+ ;
+ ; As we assemble each write barrier function we build a descriptor for the offsets within that function
+ ; that need to be patched at runtime. We write these descriptors into a read-only portion of memory. Use a
+ ; specially-named linker section for this to ensure all the descriptors are contiguous and form a table.
+ ; During the final link of the CLR this section should be merged into the regular read-only data section.
+ ;
+ ; This macro handles switching assembler output to the above section (similar to the TEXTAREA or
+ ; RODATAAREA macros defined by kxarm.h).
+ ;
+ ;
+ ; This macro must be invoked before any write barriers are defined. It sets up and exports a symbol,
+ ; g_rgWriteBarrierDescriptors, used by the VM to locate the start of the table describing the offsets in
+ ; each write barrier that need to be modified dynamically.
+ ;
+ ; Define a global boolean to track whether we're currently in a BEGIN_WRITE_BARRIERS section. This is
+ ; used purely to catch incorrect attempts to define a write barrier outside the section.
+ GBLL __defining_write_barriers
+__defining_write_barriers SETL {true}
+ ; Switch to the descriptor table section.
+ ; Define and export a symbol pointing to the start of the descriptor table.
+ EXPORT g_rgWriteBarrierDescriptors
+ ; Switch back to the code section.
+ ;
+ ; This macro must be invoked after all write barriers have been defined. It finalizes the creation of the
+ ; barrier descriptor table by writing a sentinel value at the end.
+ ;
+ ASSERT __defining_write_barriers
+__defining_write_barriers SETL {false}
+ ; Switch to the descriptor table section.
+ ; Write the sentinel value to the end of the descriptor table (a function entrypoint address of zero).
+ DCD 0
+ ; Switch back to the code section.
+ ;
+ ; Declare the start of a write barrier function. Use similarly to NESTED_ENTRY. This is the only legal way
+ ; to declare a write barrier function.
+ ;
+ ; Ensure we're called inside a BEGIN_WRITE_BARRIERS section.
+ ASSERT __defining_write_barriers
+ ; Do the standard function declaration logic. Must use a NESTED_ENTRY since we require unwind info to
+ ; be registered (for the case where the barrier AVs and the runtime needs to recover).
+ LEAF_ENTRY $name
+ ; Record the function name as it's used as the basis for unique label name creation in some of the
+ ; macros below.
+ GBLS __write_barrier_name
+__write_barrier_name SETS "$name"
+ ; Declare globals to collect the values of the offsets of instructions that load GC global values.
+ GBLA __g_lowest_address_offset
+ GBLA __g_highest_address_offset
+ GBLA __g_ephemeral_low_offset
+ GBLA __g_ephemeral_high_offset
+ GBLA __g_card_table_offset
+ ; Initialize the above offsets to 0xffff. The default of zero is unsatisfactory because we could
+ ; legally have an offset of zero and we need some way to distinguish unset values (both for debugging
+ ; and because some write barriers don't use all the globals).
+__g_lowest_address_offset SETA 0xffff
+__g_highest_address_offset SETA 0xffff
+__g_ephemeral_low_offset SETA 0xffff
+__g_ephemeral_high_offset SETA 0xffff
+__g_card_table_offset SETA 0xffff
+ ;
+ ; The partner to WRITE_BARRIER_ENTRY, used like NESTED_END.
+ ;
+ LTORG ; force the literal pool to be emitted here so that copy code picks it up
+ ; Use the standard macro to end the function definition.
+ LEAF_END_MARKED $__write_barrier_name
+; Define a local string to hold the name of a label identifying the end of the write barrier function.
+ LCLS __EndLabelName
+__EndLabelName SETS "$__write_barrier_name":CC:"_End"
+ ; Switch to the descriptor table section.
+ ; Emit the descripter for this write barrier. The order of these datums must be kept in sync with the
+ ; definition of the WriteBarrierDescriptor structure in vm\arm\stubs.cpp.
+ DCD $__write_barrier_name
+ DCD $__EndLabelName
+ DCD __g_lowest_address_offset
+ DCD __g_highest_address_offset
+ DCD __g_ephemeral_low_offset
+ DCD __g_ephemeral_high_offset
+ DCD __g_card_table_offset
+ ; Switch back to the code section.
+ ;
+ ; Used any time we want to load the value of one of the supported GC globals into a register. This records
+ ; the offset of the instructions used to do this (a movw/movt pair) so we can modify the actual value
+ ; loaded at runtime.
+ ;
+ ; Note that a given write barrier can only load a given global once (which will be compile-time asserted
+ ; below).
+ ;
+ LOAD_GC_GLOBAL $regName, $globalName
+ ; Map the GC global name to the name of the variable tracking the offset for this function.
+ LCLS __offset_name
+__offset_name SETS "__$globalName._offset"
+ ; Ensure that we only attempt to load this global at most once in the current barrier function (we
+ ; have this limitation purely because we only record one offset for each GC global).
+ ASSERT $__offset_name == 0xffff
+ ; Define a unique name for a label we're about to define used in the calculation of the current
+ ; function offset.
+ LCLS __offset_label_name
+__offset_label_name SETS "$__write_barrier_name$__offset_name"
+ ; Define the label.
+ ; Write the current function offset into the tracking variable.
+$__offset_name SETA ($__offset_label_name - $__FuncStartLabel)
+ ; Emit the instructions which will be patched to provide the value of the GC global (we start with a
+ ; value of zero, so the write barriers have to be patched at least once before first use).
+ movw $regName, #0
+ movt $regName, #0
+; Now define the macros used in the bodies of write barrier implementations.
+ ;
+ ; Update the GC shadow heap to aid debugging (no-op unless WRITE_BARRIER_CHECK is defined). Assumes the
+ ; location being written lies on the GC heap (either we've already performed the dynamic check or this is
+ ; statically asserted by the JIT by calling the unchecked version of the write barrier).
+ ;
+ ; Input:
+ ; $ptrReg : register containing the location (in the real heap) to be updated
+ ; $valReg : register containing the value (an objref) to be written to the location above
+ ;
+ ; Output:
+ ; $__wbscratch : trashed
+ ;
+ UPDATE_GC_SHADOW $ptrReg, $valReg
+ ; Need one additional temporary register to hold the shadow pointer. Assume r7 is OK for now (and
+ ; assert it). If this becomes a problem in the future the register choice can be parameterized.
+ LCLS pShadow
+pShadow SETS "r7"
+ ASSERT "$ptrReg" != "$pShadow"
+ ASSERT "$valReg" != "$pShadow"
+ push {$pShadow}
+ ; Compute address of shadow heap location:
+ ; pShadow = g_GCShadow + ($ptrReg - g_lowest_address)
+ ldr $__wbscratch, =g_lowest_address
+ ldr $__wbscratch, [$__wbscratch]
+ sub $pShadow, $ptrReg, $__wbscratch
+ ldr $__wbscratch, =$g_GCShadow
+ ldr $__wbscratch, [$__wbscratch]
+ add $pShadow, $__wbscratch
+ ; if (pShadow >= g_GCShadow) goto end
+ ldr $__wbscratch, =$g_GCShadowEnd
+ ldr $__wbscratch, [$__wbscratch]
+ cmp $pShadow, $__wbscratch
+ bhs %FT0
+ ; *pShadow = $valReg
+ str $valReg, [$pShadow]
+ ; Ensure that the write to the shadow heap occurs before the read from the GC heap so that race
+ ; conditions are caught by INVALIDGCVALUE.
+ dmb
+ ; if (*$ptrReg == $valReg) goto end
+ ldr $__wbscratch, [$ptrReg]
+ cmp $__wbscratch, $valReg
+ beq %FT0
+ ; *pShadow = INVALIDGCVALUE (0xcccccccd)
+ movw $__wbscratch, #0xcccd
+ movt $__wbscratch, #0xcccc
+ str $__wbscratch, [$pShadow]
+ pop {$pShadow}
+ ;
+ ; Update the card table as necessary (if the object reference being assigned in the barrier refers to an
+ ; object in the ephemeral generation). Otherwise this macro is a no-op. Assumes the location being written
+ ; lies on the GC heap (either we've already performed the dynamic check or this is statically asserted by
+ ; the JIT by calling the unchecked version of the write barrier).
+ ;
+ ; Additionally this macro can produce a uni-proc or multi-proc variant of the code. This governs whether
+ ; we bother to check if the card table has been updated before making our own update (on an MP system it
+ ; can be helpful to perform this check to avoid cache line thrashing, on an SP system the code path length
+ ; is more important).
+ ;
+ ; Input:
+ ; $ptrReg : register containing the location to be updated
+ ; $valReg : register containing the value (an objref) to be written to the location above
+ ; $mp : boolean indicating whether the code will run on an MP system
+ ; $tmpReg : additional register that can be trashed (can alias $ptrReg or $valReg if needed)
+ ;
+ ; Output:
+ ; $tmpReg : trashed (defaults to $ptrReg)
+ ; $__wbscratch : trashed
+ ;
+ UPDATE_CARD_TABLE $ptrReg, $valReg, $mp, $postGrow, $tmpReg
+ ASSERT "$ptrReg" != "$__wbscratch"
+ ASSERT "$valReg" != "$__wbscratch"
+ ASSERT "$tmpReg" != "$__wbscratch"
+ ; In most cases the callers of this macro are fine with scratching $ptrReg, the exception being the
+ ; ref write barrier, which wants to scratch $valReg instead. Ideally we could set $ptrReg as the
+ ; default for the $tmpReg parameter, but limitations in armasm won't allow that. Similarly it doesn't
+ ; seem to like us trying to redefine $tmpReg in the body of the macro. Instead we define a new local
+ ; string variable and set that either with the value of $tmpReg or $ptrReg if $tmpReg wasn't
+ ; specified.
+ LCLS tempReg
+ IF "$tmpReg" == ""
+tempReg SETS "$ptrReg"
+tempReg SETS "$tmpReg"
+ ; Check whether the value object lies in the ephemeral generations. If not we don't have to update the
+ ; card table.
+ LOAD_GC_GLOBAL $__wbscratch, g_ephemeral_low
+ cmp $valReg, $__wbscratch
+ blo %FT0
+ ; Only in post grow higher generation can be beyond ephemeral segment
+ IF $postGrow
+ LOAD_GC_GLOBAL $__wbscratch, g_ephemeral_high
+ cmp $valReg, $__wbscratch
+ bhs %FT0
+ ; Update the card table.
+ LOAD_GC_GLOBAL $__wbscratch, g_card_table
+ add $__wbscratch, $__wbscratch, $ptrReg, lsr #10
+ ; On MP systems make sure the card hasn't already been set first to avoid thrashing cache lines
+ ; between CPUs.
+ ; @ARMTODO: Check that the conditional store doesn't unconditionally gain exclusive access to the
+ ; cache line anyway. Compare perf with a branch over and verify that omitting the compare on uniproc
+ ; machines really is a perf win.
+ IF $mp
+ ldrb $tempReg, [$__wbscratch]
+ cmp $tempReg, #0xff
+ movne $tempReg, #0xff
+ strbne $tempReg, [$__wbscratch]
+ mov $tempReg, #0xff
+ strb $tempReg, [$__wbscratch]
+ ;
+ ; Verifies that the given value points into the GC heap range. If so the macro will fall through to the
+ ; following code. Otherwise (if the value points outside the GC heap) a branch to the supplied label will
+ ; be made.
+ ;
+ ; Input:
+ ; $ptrReg : register containing the location to be updated
+ ; $label : label branched to on a range check failure
+ ;
+ ; Output:
+ ; $__wbscratch : trashed
+ ;
+ CHECK_GC_HEAP_RANGE $ptrReg, $label
+ ASSERT "$ptrReg" != "$__wbscratch"
+ LOAD_GC_GLOBAL $__wbscratch, g_lowest_address
+ cmp $ptrReg, $__wbscratch
+ blo $label
+ LOAD_GC_GLOBAL $__wbscratch, g_highest_address
+ cmp $ptrReg, $__wbscratch
+ bhs $label
+; Finally define the write barrier functions themselves. Currently we don't provide variations that use
+; different input registers. If the JIT wants this at a later stage in order to improve code quality it would
+; be a relatively simply change to implement via an additional macro parameter to WRITE_BARRIER_ENTRY.
+; The calling convention for the first batch of write barriers is:
+; On entry:
+; r0 : the destination address (LHS of the assignment)
+; r1 : the object reference (RHS of the assignment)
+; On exit:
+; r0 : trashed
+; $__wbscratch : trashed
+ ; If you update any of the writebarrier be sure to update the sizes of patchable
+ ; writebarriers in
+ ; see ValidateWriteBarriers()
+ ; The write barriers are macro taking arguments like
+ ; $name: Name of the write barrier
+ ; $mp: {true} for multi-proc, {false} otherwise
+ ; $post: {true} for post-grow version, {false} otherwise
+ JIT_WRITEBARRIER $name, $mp, $post
+ IF $mp
+ dmb ; Perform a memory barrier
+ str r1, [r0] ; Write the reference
+ UPDATE_GC_SHADOW r0, r1 ; Update the shadow GC heap for debugging
+ UPDATE_CARD_TABLE r0, r1, $mp, $post ; Update the card table if necessary
+ bx lr
+ str r1, [r0] ; Write the reference
+ CHECK_GC_HEAP_RANGE r0, %F1 ; Check whether the destination is in the GC heap
+ UPDATE_GC_SHADOW r0, r1 ; Update the shadow GC heap for debugging
+ UPDATE_CARD_TABLE r0, r1, {false}, $post; Update the card table if necessary
+ bx lr
+ CHECK_GC_HEAP_RANGE r0, %F1 ; Check whether the destination is in the GC heap
+ dmb ; Perform a memory barrier
+ str r1, [r0] ; Write the reference
+ UPDATE_GC_SHADOW r0, r1 ; Update the shadow GC heap for debugging
+ UPDATE_CARD_TABLE r0, r1, {true}, $post ; Update the card table if necessary
+ bx lr
+ str r1, [r0] ; Write the reference
+ bx lr
+; The ByRef write barriers have a slightly different interface:
+; On entry:
+; r0 : the destination address (object reference written here)
+; r1 : the source address (points to object reference to write)
+; On exit:
+; r0 : incremented by 4
+; r1 : incremented by 4
+; r2 : trashed
+; $__wbscratch : trashed
+ JIT_BYREFWRITEBARRIER $name, $mp, $post
+ IF $mp
+ dmb ; Perform a memory barrier
+ ldr r2, [r1] ; Load target object ref from source pointer
+ str r2, [r0] ; Write the reference to the destination pointer
+ CHECK_GC_HEAP_RANGE r0, %F1 ; Check whether the destination is in the GC heap
+ UPDATE_GC_SHADOW r0, r2 ; Update the shadow GC heap for debugging
+ UPDATE_CARD_TABLE r0, r2, $mp, $post, r2 ; Update the card table if necessary (trash r2 rather than r0)
+ add r0, #4 ; Increment the destination pointer by 4
+ add r1, #4 ; Increment the source pointer by 4
+ bx lr
+ ; There 4 versions of each write barriers. A 2x2 combination of multi-proc/single-proc and pre/post grow version
+ JIT_WRITEBARRIER JIT_WriteBarrier_SP_Pre, {false}, {false}
+ JIT_WRITEBARRIER JIT_WriteBarrier_SP_Post, {false}, {true}
+ JIT_WRITEBARRIER JIT_WriteBarrier_MP_Pre, {true}, {false}
+ JIT_WRITEBARRIER JIT_WriteBarrier_MP_Post, {true}, {true}
+ JIT_CHECKEDWRITEBARRIER_SP JIT_CheckedWriteBarrier_SP_Pre, {false}
+ JIT_CHECKEDWRITEBARRIER_SP JIT_CheckedWriteBarrier_SP_Post, {true}
+ JIT_CHECKEDWRITEBARRIER_MP JIT_CheckedWriteBarrier_MP_Pre, {false}
+ JIT_CHECKEDWRITEBARRIER_MP JIT_CheckedWriteBarrier_MP_Post, {true}
+ JIT_BYREFWRITEBARRIER JIT_ByRefWriteBarrier_SP_Pre, {false}, {false}
+ JIT_BYREFWRITEBARRIER JIT_ByRefWriteBarrier_SP_Post, {false}, {true}
+ JIT_BYREFWRITEBARRIER JIT_ByRefWriteBarrier_MP_Pre, {true}, {false}
+ JIT_BYREFWRITEBARRIER JIT_ByRefWriteBarrier_MP_Post, {true}, {true}
+ NESTED_ENTRY DelayLoad_MethodCall_FakeProlog
+ ; Match what the lazy thunk has pushed. The actual method arguments will be spilled later.
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r1-r3}
+ ; This is where execution really starts.
+ EXPORT DelayLoad_MethodCall
+ PROLOG_WITH_TRANSITION_BLOCK 0x0, {true}, DoNotPushArgRegs
+ ; Load the helper arguments
+ ldr r5, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+10*4)] ; pModule
+ ldr r6, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+11*4)] ; sectionIndex
+ ldr r7, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+12*4)] ; indirection
+ ; Spill the actual method arguments
+ str r1, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+10*4)]
+ str r2, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+11*4)]
+ str r3, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+12*4)]
+ add r0, sp, #__PWTB_TransitionBlock ; pTransitionBlock
+ mov r1, r7 ; pIndirection
+ mov r2, r6 ; sectionIndex
+ mov r3, r5 ; pModule
+ bl ExternalMethodFixupWorker
+ ; mov the address we patched to in R12 so that we can tail call to it
+ mov r12, r0
+ ; Share the patch label
+ EPILOG_BRANCH ExternalMethodFixupPatchLabel
+ DynamicHelper $frameFlags, $suffix
+ GBLS __FakePrologName
+__FakePrologName SETS "DelayLoad_Helper":CC:"$suffix":CC:"_FakeProlog"
+ NESTED_ENTRY $__FakePrologName
+ ; Match what the lazy thunk has pushed. The actual method arguments will be spilled later.
+ PROLOG_PUSH {r1-r3}
+ GBLS __RealName
+__RealName SETS "DelayLoad_Helper":CC:"$suffix"
+ ; This is where execution really starts.
+ EXPORT $__RealName
+ PROLOG_WITH_TRANSITION_BLOCK 0x4, {false}, DoNotPushArgRegs
+ ; Load the helper arguments
+ ldr r5, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+10*4)] ; pModule
+ ldr r6, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+11*4)] ; sectionIndex
+ ldr r7, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+12*4)] ; indirection
+ ; Spill the actual method arguments
+ str r1, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+10*4)]
+ str r2, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+11*4)]
+ str r3, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+12*4)]
+ add r0, sp, #__PWTB_TransitionBlock ; pTransitionBlock
+ mov r1, r7 ; pIndirection
+ mov r2, r6 ; sectionIndex
+ mov r3, r5 ; pModule
+ mov r4, $frameFlags
+ str r4, [sp,#0]
+ bl DynamicHelperWorker
+ cbnz r0, %FT0
+ ldr r0, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+9*4)] ; The result is stored in the argument area of the transition block
+ mov r12, r0
+ DynamicHelper DynamicHelperFrameFlags_Default
+ DynamicHelper DynamicHelperFrameFlags_ObjectArg, _Obj
+ DynamicHelper DynamicHelperFrameFlags_ObjectArg | DynamicHelperFrameFlags_ObjectArg2, _ObjObj
+; Must be at very end of file