path: root/src/vm/arm/asmhelpers.S
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1 files changed, 1361 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/vm/arm/asmhelpers.S b/src/vm/arm/asmhelpers.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e6e46b211
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vm/arm/asmhelpers.S
@@ -0,0 +1,1361 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// ==++==
+// ==--==
+#include ""
+#include "asmconstants.h"
+.syntax unified
+// LPVOID __stdcall GetCurrentIP(void)//
+ mov r0, lr
+ bx lr
+ LEAF_END GetCurrentIP, _TEXT
+// LPVOID __stdcall GetCurrentSP(void)//
+ mov r0, sp
+ bx lr
+ LEAF_END GetCurrentSP, _TEXT
+// This helper routine enregisters the appropriate arguments and makes the
+// actual call.
+//void CallDescrWorkerInternal(CallDescrData * pCallDescrData)//
+ NESTED_ENTRY CallDescrWorkerInternal,_TEXT,NoHandler
+ push {r4,r5,r7,lr}
+ mov r7, sp
+ mov r5,r0 // save pCallDescrData in r5
+ ldr r1, [r5,#CallDescrData__numStackSlots]
+ cbz r1, LOCAL_LABEL(Ldonestack)
+ // Add frame padding to ensure frame size is a multiple of 8 (a requirement of the OS ABI).
+ // We push four registers (above) and numStackSlots arguments (below). If this comes to an odd number
+ // of slots we must pad with another. This simplifies to "if the low bit of numStackSlots is set,
+ // extend the stack another four bytes".
+ lsls r2, r1, #2
+ and r3, r2, #4
+ sub sp, sp, r3
+ // This loop copies numStackSlots words
+ // from [pSrcEnd-4,pSrcEnd-8,...] to [sp-4,sp-8,...]
+ ldr r0, [r5,#CallDescrData__pSrc]
+ add r0,r0,r2
+ ldr r2, [r0,#-4]!
+ str r2, [sp,#-4]!
+ subs r1, r1, #1
+ bne LOCAL_LABEL(Lstackloop)
+ // If FP arguments are supplied in registers (r3 != NULL) then initialize all of them from the pointer
+ // given in r3. Do not use "it" since it faults in floating point even when the instruction is not executed.
+ ldr r3, [r5,#CallDescrData__pFloatArgumentRegisters]
+ cbz r3, LOCAL_LABEL(LNoFloatingPoint)
+ vldm r3, {s0-s15}
+ // Copy [pArgumentRegisters, ..., pArgumentRegisters + 12]
+ // into r0, ..., r3
+ ldr r4, [r5,#CallDescrData__pArgumentRegisters]
+ ldm r4, {r0-r3}
+ // call pTarget
+ // Note that remoting expect target in r4.
+ ldr r4, [r5,#CallDescrData__pTarget]
+ blx r4
+ ldr r3, [r5,#CallDescrData__fpReturnSize]
+ // Save FP return value if appropriate
+ cbz r3, LOCAL_LABEL(LFloatingPointReturnDone)
+ // Float return case
+ // Do not use "it" since it faults in floating point even when the instruction is not executed.
+ cmp r3, #4
+ bne LOCAL_LABEL(LNoFloatReturn)
+ vmov r0, s0
+ b LOCAL_LABEL(LFloatingPointReturnDone)
+ // Double return case
+ // Do not use "it" since it faults in floating point even when the instruction is not executed.
+ cmp r3, #8
+ bne LOCAL_LABEL(LNoDoubleReturn)
+ vmov r0, r1, s0, s1
+ b LOCAL_LABEL(LFloatingPointReturnDone)
+ add r2, r5, #CallDescrData__returnValue
+ cmp r3, #16
+ bne LOCAL_LABEL(LNoFloatHFAReturn)
+ vstm r2, {s0-s3}
+ b LOCAL_LABEL(LReturnDone)
+ cmp r3, #32
+ bne LOCAL_LABEL(LNoDoubleHFAReturn)
+ vstm r2, {d0-d3}
+ b LOCAL_LABEL(LReturnDone)
+ EMIT_BREAKPOINT // Unreachable
+ // Save return value into retbuf
+ str r0, [r5, #(CallDescrData__returnValue + 0)]
+ str r1, [r5, #(CallDescrData__returnValue + 4)]
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // trash the floating point registers to ensure that the HFA return values
+ // won't survive by accident
+ vldm sp, {d0-d3}
+ mov sp, r7
+ pop {r4,r5,r7,pc}
+ NESTED_END CallDescrWorkerInternal,_TEXT
+// This helper routine is where returns for irregular tail calls end up
+// so they can dynamically pop their stack arguments.
+// Stack Layout (stack grows up, 0 at the top, offsets relative to frame pointer, r7):
+// sp -> callee stack arguments
+// :
+// :
+// -0Ch gsCookie
+// TailCallHelperFrame ->
+// -08h __VFN_table
+// -04h m_Next
+// r7 ->
+// +00h m_calleeSavedRgisters.r4
+// +04h .r5
+// +08h .r6
+// +0Ch .r7
+// +10h .r8
+// +14h .r9
+// +18h .r10
+// r11->
+// +1Ch .r11
+// +20h .r14 -or- m_ReturnAddress
+// r6 -> GetThread()
+// r5 -> r6->m_pFrame (old Frame chain head)
+// r11 is used to preserve the ETW call stack
+ NESTED_ENTRY TailCallHelperStub, _TEXT, NoHandler
+ //
+ // This prolog is never executed, but we keep it here for reference
+ // and for the unwind data it generates
+ //
+ // Spill callee saved registers and return address.
+ push {r4-r11,lr}
+ mov r7, sp
+ //
+ // This is the code that would have to run to setup this frame
+ // like the C++ helper does before calling RtlRestoreContext
+ //
+ // Allocate space for the rest of the frame and GSCookie.
+ //
+ // Set r11 for frame chain
+ //add r11, r7, 0x1C
+ //
+ // Set the vtable for TailCallFrame
+ //str r0, [r7, #-8]
+ //
+ // Initialize the GSCookie within the Frame
+ //ldr r0, =s_gsCookie
+ //str r0, [r7, #-0x0C]
+ //
+ // Link the TailCallFrameinto the Frame chain
+ // and initialize r5 & r6 for unlinking later
+ //mov r6, r0
+ //ldr r5, [r6, #Thread__m_pFrame]
+ //str r5, [r7, #-4]
+ //sub r0, r7, 8
+ //str r0, [r6, #Thread__m_pFrame]
+ //
+ // None of the previous stuff is ever executed,
+ // but we keep it here for reference
+ //
+ //
+ // Here's the pretend call (make it real so the unwinder
+ // doesn't think we're in the prolog)
+ //
+ bl C_FUNC(TailCallHelperStub)
+ //
+ // with the real return address pointing to this real epilog
+ //
+C_FUNC(JIT_TailCallHelperStub_ReturnAddress): C_FUNC(JIT_TailCallHelperStub_ReturnAddress)
+ //
+ // Our epilog (which also unlinks the StubHelperFrame)
+ // Be careful not to trash the return registers
+ //
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ ldr r3, =s_gsCookie
+ ldr r3, [r3]
+ ldr r2, [r7, #-0x0C]
+ cmp r2, r3
+ beq LOCAL_LABEL(GoodGSCookie)
+ bl C_FUNC(DoJITFailFast)
+#endif // _DEBUG
+ //
+ // unlink the TailCallFrame
+ //
+ str r5, [r6, #Thread__m_pFrame]
+ //
+ // epilog
+ //
+ mov sp, r7
+ pop {r4-r11,lr}
+ bx lr
+ NESTED_END TailCallHelperStub, _TEXT
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// void LazyMachStateCaptureState(struct LazyMachState *pState)//
+ LEAF_ENTRY LazyMachStateCaptureState, _TEXT
+ // marks that this is not yet valid
+ mov r1, #0
+ str r1, [r0, #MachState__isValid]
+ str lr, [r0, #LazyMachState_captureIp]
+ str sp, [r0, #LazyMachState_captureSp]
+ add r1, r0, #LazyMachState_captureR4_R11
+ stm r1, {r4-r11}
+ mov pc, lr
+ LEAF_END LazyMachStateCaptureState, _TEXT
+// void SinglecastDelegateInvokeStub(Delegate *pThis)
+ LEAF_ENTRY SinglecastDelegateInvokeStub, _TEXT
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq LOCAL_LABEL(LNullThis)
+ ldr r12, [r0, #DelegateObject___methodPtr]
+ ldr r0, [r0, #DelegateObject___target]
+ bx r12
+ mov r0, #CORINFO_NullReferenceException_ASM
+ b C_FUNC(JIT_InternalThrow)
+ LEAF_END SinglecastDelegateInvokeStub, _TEXT
+// r12 = UMEntryThunk*
+ NESTED_ENTRY TheUMEntryPrestub,_TEXT,NoHandler
+ push {r0-r4,lr}
+ vpush {d0-d7}
+ mov r0, r12
+ bl C_FUNC(TheUMEntryPrestubWorker)
+ // Record real target address in r12.
+ mov r12, r0
+ // Epilog
+ vpop {d0-d7}
+ pop {r0-r4,lr}
+ bx r12
+ NESTED_END TheUMEntryPrestub,_TEXT
+// r12 = UMEntryThunk*
+ NESTED_ENTRY UMThunkStub,_TEXT,NoHandler
+ push {r4,r5,r7,r11,lr}
+ push {r0-r3,r12}
+ mov r7, sp
+ //GBLA UMThunkStub_HiddenArg // offset of saved UMEntryThunk *
+ //GBLA UMThunkStub_StackArgs // offset of original stack args (total size of UMThunkStub frame)
+UMThunkStub_HiddenArg = 4*4
+UMThunkStub_StackArgs = 10*4
+ bl C_FUNC(GetThread)
+ cbz r0, LOCAL_LABEL(UMThunkStub_DoThreadSetup)
+ mov r5, r0 // r5 = Thread *
+ ldr r2, =g_TrapReturningThreads
+ mov r4, 1
+ str r4, [r5, #Thread__m_fPreemptiveGCDisabled]
+ ldr r3, [r2]
+ cbnz r3, LOCAL_LABEL(UMThunkStub_DoTrapReturningThreads)
+ ldr r12, [r7, #UMThunkStub_HiddenArg]
+ ldr r0, [r5, #Thread__m_pDomain]
+ ldr r1, [r12, #UMEntryThunk__m_dwDomainId]
+ ldr r0, [r0, #AppDomain__m_dwId]
+ ldr r3, [r12, #UMEntryThunk__m_pUMThunkMarshInfo]
+ cmp r0, r1
+ bne LOCAL_LABEL(UMThunkStub_WrongAppDomain)
+ ldr r2, [r3, #UMThunkMarshInfo__m_cbActualArgSize]
+ cbz r2, LOCAL_LABEL(UMThunkStub_ArgumentsSetup)
+ add r0, r7, #UMThunkStub_StackArgs // Source pointer
+ add r0, r0, r2
+ lsr r1, r2, #2 // Count of stack slots to copy
+ and r2, r2, #4 // Align the stack
+ sub sp, sp, r2
+ ldr r2, [r0,#-4]!
+ str r2, [sp,#-4]!
+ subs r1, r1, #1
+ bne LOCAL_LABEL(UMThunkStub_StackLoop)
+ ldr r4, [r3, #UMThunkMarshInfo__m_pILStub]
+ // reload argument registers
+ ldm r7, {r0-r3}
+ blx r4
+ mov r4, 0
+ str r4, [r5, #Thread__m_fPreemptiveGCDisabled]
+ mov sp, r7
+ add sp, sp, #(4 * 5)
+ pop {r4,r5,r7,r11,pc}
+ sub sp, #SIZEOF__FloatArgumentRegisters
+ vstm sp, {d0-d7}
+ bl C_FUNC(CreateThreadBlockThrow)
+ vldm sp, {d0-d7}
+ add sp, #SIZEOF__FloatArgumentRegisters
+ b LOCAL_LABEL(UMThunkStub_HaveThread)
+ sub sp, #SIZEOF__FloatArgumentRegisters
+ vstm sp, {d0-d7}
+ mov r0, r5 // Thread* pThread
+ ldr r1, [r7, #UMThunkStub_HiddenArg] // UMEntryThunk* pUMEntry
+ bl C_FUNC(UMThunkStubRareDisableWorker)
+ vldm sp, {d0-d7}
+ add sp, #SIZEOF__FloatArgumentRegisters
+ b LOCAL_LABEL(UMThunkStub_InCooperativeMode)
+ sub sp, #SIZEOF__FloatArgumentRegisters
+ vstm sp, {d0-d7}
+ ldr r0, [r7, #UMThunkStub_HiddenArg] // UMEntryThunk* pUMEntry
+ mov r2, r7 // void * pArgs
+ // remaining arguments are unused
+ bl C_FUNC(UM2MDoADCallBack)
+ // Restore non-FP return value.
+ ldr r0, [r7, #0]
+ ldr r1, [r7, #4]
+ // Restore FP return value or HFA.
+ vldm sp, {d0-d3}
+ b LOCAL_LABEL(UMThunkStub_PostCall)
+// UM2MThunk_WrapperHelper(void *pThunkArgs, // r0
+// int cbStackArgs, // r1 (unused)
+// void *pAddr, // r2 (unused)
+// UMEntryThunk *pEntryThunk, // r3
+// Thread *pThread) // [sp, #0]
+ NESTED_ENTRY UM2MThunk_WrapperHelper, _TEXT, NoHandler
+ push {r4-r7,r11,lr}
+ mov r7, sp
+ mov r12, r3 // r12 = UMEntryThunk *
+ //
+ // Note that layout of the arguments is given by UMThunkStub frame
+ //
+ mov r5, r0 // r5 = pArgs
+ ldr r3, [r12, #UMEntryThunk__m_pUMThunkMarshInfo]
+ ldr r2, [r3, #UMThunkMarshInfo__m_cbActualArgSize]
+ cbz r2, LOCAL_LABEL(UM2MThunk_WrapperHelper_ArgumentsSetup)
+ add r0, r5, #UMThunkStub_StackArgs // Source pointer
+ add r0, r0, r2
+ lsr r1, r2, #2 // Count of stack slots to copy
+ and r2, r2, #4 // Align the stack
+ sub sp, sp, r2
+ ldr r2, [r0,#-4]!
+ str r2, [sp,#-4]!
+ subs r1, r1, #1
+ bne LOCAL_LABEL(UM2MThunk_WrapperHelper_StackLoop)
+ ldr r4, [r3, #UMThunkMarshInfo__m_pILStub]
+ // reload floating point registers
+ sub r6, r5, #SIZEOF__FloatArgumentRegisters
+ vldm r6, {d0-d7}
+ // reload argument registers
+ ldm r5, {r0-r3}
+ blx r4
+ // Save non-floating point return
+ str r0, [r5, #0]
+ str r1, [r5, #4]
+ // Save FP return value or HFA.
+ vstm r6, {d0-d3}
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // trash the floating point registers to ensure that the HFA return values
+ // won't survive by accident
+ vldm sp, {d0-d3}
+ mov sp, r7
+ pop {r4-r7,r11,pc}
+ NESTED_END UM2MThunk_WrapperHelper, _TEXT
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ NESTED_ENTRY ThePreStub, _TEXT, NoHandler
+ add r0, sp, #__PWTB_TransitionBlock // pTransitionBlock
+ mov r1, r12 // pMethodDesc
+ bl C_FUNC(PreStubWorker)
+ mov r12, r0
+ bx r12
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This method does nothing. It's just a fixed function for the debugger to put a breakpoint on.
+ LEAF_ENTRY ThePreStubPatch, _TEXT
+ nop
+ .global ThePreStubPatchLabel
+ bx lr
+ LEAF_END ThePreStubPatch, _TEXT
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// The call in ndirect import precode points to this function.
+ NESTED_ENTRY NDirectImportThunk, _TEXT, NoHandler
+ push {r0-r4,lr} // Spill general argument registers, return address and
+ // arbitrary register to keep stack aligned
+ vpush {d0-d7} // Spill floating point argument registers
+ mov r0, r12
+ bl C_FUNC(NDirectImportWorker)
+ mov r12, r0
+ vpop {d0-d7}
+ pop {r0-r4,lr}
+ // If we got back from NDirectImportWorker, the MD has been successfully
+ // linked. Proceed to execute the original DLL call.
+ bx r12
+ NESTED_END NDirectImportThunk, _TEXT
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// The call in fixup precode initally points to this function.
+// The pupose of this function is to load the MethodDesc and forward the call the prestub.
+ NESTED_ENTRY PrecodeFixupThunk, _TEXT, NoHandler
+ // r12 = FixupPrecode *
+ push {r0-r1}
+ // Inline computation done by FixupPrecode::GetMethodDesc()
+ ldrb r0, [r12, #3] // m_PrecodeChunkIndex
+ ldrb r1, [r12, #2] // m_MethodDescChunkIndex
+ add r12,r12,r0,lsl #3
+ add r0,r12,r0,lsl #2
+ ldr r0, [r0,#8]
+ add r12,r0,r1,lsl #2
+ pop {r0-r1}
+ b C_FUNC(ThePreStub)
+ NESTED_END PrecodeFixupThunk, _TEXT
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// void ResolveWorkerAsmStub(r0, r1, r2, r3, r4:IndirectionCellAndFlags, r12:DispatchToken)
+// The stub dispatch thunk which transfers control to VSD_ResolveWorker.
+ NESTED_ENTRY ResolveWorkerAsmStub, _TEXT, NoHandler
+ add r0, sp, #__PWTB_TransitionBlock // pTransitionBlock
+ mov r2, r12 // token
+ // indirection cell in r4 - should be consistent with REG_ARM_STUB_SPECIAL
+ bic r1, r4, #3 // indirection cell
+ and r3, r4, #3 // flags
+ bl C_FUNC(VSD_ResolveWorker)
+ mov r12, r0
+ bx r12
+ NESTED_END ResolveWorkerAsmStub, _TEXT
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// void ResolveWorkerChainLookupAsmStub(r0, r1, r2, r3, r4:IndirectionCellAndFlags, r12:DispatchToken)
+ NESTED_ENTRY ResolveWorkerChainLookupAsmStub, _TEXT, NoHandler
+ // ARMSTUB TODO: implement chained lookup
+ b C_FUNC(ResolveWorkerAsmStub)
+ NESTED_END ResolveWorkerChainLookupAsmStub, _TEXT
+ //
+ // If a preserved register were pushed onto the stack between
+ // the managed caller and the H_M_F, _R4_R11 will point to its
+ // location on the stack and it would have been updated on the
+ // stack by the GC already and it will be popped back into the
+ // appropriate register when the appropriate epilog is run.
+ //
+ // Otherwise, the register is preserved across all the code
+ // in this HCALL or FCALL, so we need to update those registers
+ // here because the GC will have updated our copies in the
+ // frame.
+ //
+ // So, if _R4_R11 points into the MachState, we need to update
+ // the register here. That's what this macro does.
+ //
+ .macro RestoreRegMS regIndex, reg
+ // Incoming:
+ //
+ // R0 = address of MachState
+ //
+ // $regIndex: Index of the register (R4-R11). For R4, index is 4.
+ // For R5, index is 5, and so on.
+ //
+ // $reg: Register name (e.g. R4, R5, etc)
+ //
+ // Get the address of the specified captured register from machine state
+ add r2, r0, #(MachState__captureR4_R11 + ((\regIndex-4)*4))
+ // Get the address of the specified preserved register from machine state
+ ldr r3, [r0, #(MachState___R4_R11 + ((\regIndex-4)*4))]
+ cmp r2, r3
+ bne 0f
+ ldr \reg, [r2]
+ .endm
+// EXTERN_C int __fastcall HelperMethodFrameRestoreState(
+// INDEBUG_COMMA(HelperMethodFrame *pFrame)
+// MachState *pState
+// )
+ LEAF_ENTRY HelperMethodFrameRestoreState, _TEXT
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ mov r0, r1
+ // If machine state is invalid, then simply exit
+ ldr r1, [r0, #MachState__isValid]
+ cmp r1, #0
+ beq LOCAL_LABEL(Done)
+ RestoreRegMS 4, R4
+ RestoreRegMS 5, R5
+ RestoreRegMS 6, R6
+ RestoreRegMS 7, R7
+ RestoreRegMS 8, R8
+ RestoreRegMS 9, R9
+ RestoreRegMS 10, R10
+ RestoreRegMS 11, R11
+ // Its imperative that the return value of HelperMethodFrameRestoreState is zero
+ // as it is used in the state machine to loop until it becomes zero.
+ // Refer to HELPER_METHOD_FRAME_END macro for details.
+ mov r0,#0
+ bx lr
+ LEAF_END HelperMethodFrameRestoreState, _TEXT
+#if 0
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Macro to generate Redirection Stubs
+// $reason : reason for redirection
+// Eg. GCThreadControl
+// NOTE: If you edit this macro, make sure you update GetCONTEXTFromRedirectedStubStackFrame.
+// This function is used by both the personality routine and the debugger to retrieve the original CONTEXT.
+ .macro GenerateRedirectedHandledJITCaseStub reason
+ NESTED_ENTRY RedirectedHandledJITCaseFor\reason\()_Stub, _TEXT, NoHandler
+ push {r7,lr} // return address
+ alloc_stack 4 // stack slot to save the CONTEXT *
+ mov r7, sp
+ //REDIRECTSTUB_SP_OFFSET_CONTEXT is defined in asmconstants.h
+ //If CONTEXT is not saved at 0 offset from SP it must be changed as well.
+ // Runtime check for 8-byte alignment. This check is necessary as this function can be
+ // entered before complete execution of the prolog of another function.
+ and r0, r7, #4
+ sub sp, sp, r0
+ // stack must be 8 byte aligned
+ //
+ // Save a copy of the redirect CONTEXT*.
+ // This is needed for the debugger to unwind the stack.
+ //
+ bl GetCurrentSavedRedirectContext
+ str r0, [r7]
+ //
+ // Fetch the interrupted pc and save it as our return address.
+ //
+ ldr r1, [r0, #CONTEXT_Pc]
+ str r1, [r7, #8]
+ //
+ // Call target, which will do whatever we needed to do in the context
+ // of the target thread, and will RtlRestoreContext when it is done.
+ //
+ bl _RedirectedHandledJITCaseFor\reason\()_Stub@Thread@@CAXXZ
+ EMIT_BREAKPOINT // Unreachable
+// Put a label here to tell the debugger where the end of this function is.
+ .global RedirectedHandledJITCaseFor\reason\()_StubEnd
+ NESTED_END RedirectedHandledJITCaseFor\reason\()_Stub, _TEXT
+ .endm
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Redirection Stub for GC in fully interruptible method
+ GenerateRedirectedHandledJITCaseStub GCThreadControl
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ GenerateRedirectedHandledJITCaseStub DbgThreadControl
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ GenerateRedirectedHandledJITCaseStub UserSuspend
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ GenerateRedirectedHandledJITCaseStub YieldTask
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Redirection Stub for GC Stress
+ GenerateRedirectedHandledJITCaseStub GCStress
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Functions to probe for stack space
+// Input reg r4 = amount of stack to probe for
+// value of reg r4 is preserved on exit from function
+// r12 is trashed
+// The below two functions were copied from vctools\crt\crtw32\startup\arm\chkstk.asm
+ NESTED_ENTRY checkStack, _TEXT, NoHandler
+ subs r12,sp,r4
+ mrc p15,#0,r4,c13,c0,#2 // get TEB *
+ ldr r4,[r4,#8] // get Stack limit
+ bcc LOCAL_LABEL(checkStack_neg) // if r12 is less then 0 set it to 0
+ cmp r12, r4
+ bcc C_FUNC(stackProbe) // must probe to extend guardpage if r12 is beyond stackLimit
+ sub r4, sp, r12 // restore value of r4
+ bx lr
+ mov r12, #0
+ b LOCAL_LABEL(checkStack_label1)
+ NESTED_END checkStack, _TEXT
+ NESTED_ENTRY stackProbe, _TEXT, NoHandler
+ push {r5,r6}
+ mov r6, r12
+ bfc r6, #0, #0xc // align down (4K)
+ sub r4,r4,#0x1000 // dec stack Limit by 4K as page size is 4K
+ ldr r5,[r4] // try to read ... this should move the guard page
+ cmp r4,r6
+ bne LOCAL_LABEL(stackProbe_loop)
+ pop {r5,r6}
+ sub r4,sp,r12
+ bx lr
+ NESTED_END stackProbe, _TEXT
+// VirtualMethodFixupStub
+// In NGEN images, virtual slots inherited from cross-module dependencies
+// point to a jump thunk that calls into the following function that will
+// call into a VM helper. The VM helper is responsible for patching up
+// thunk, upon executing the precode, so that all subsequent calls go directly
+// to the actual method body.
+// This is done lazily for performance reasons.
+// On entry:
+// R0 = "this" pointer
+// R12 = Address of thunk + 4
+ NESTED_ENTRY VirtualMethodFixupStub, _TEXT, NoHandler
+ // Save arguments and return address
+ push {r0-r3, lr}
+ // Align stack
+ alloc_stack SIZEOF__FloatArgumentRegisters + 4
+ vstm sp, {d0-d7}
+ // R12 contains an address that is 4 bytes ahead of
+ // where the thunk starts. Refer to ZapImportVirtualThunk::Save
+ // for details on this.
+ //
+ // Move the correct thunk start address in R1
+ sub r1, r12, #4
+ // Call the helper in the VM to perform the actual fixup
+ // and tell us where to tail call. R0 already contains
+ // the this pointer.
+ bl C_FUNC(VirtualMethodFixupWorker)
+ // On return, R0 contains the target to tailcall to
+ mov r12, r0
+ // pop the stack and restore original register state
+ vldm sp, {d0-d7}
+ free_stack SIZEOF__FloatArgumentRegisters + 4
+ pop {r0-r3, lr}
+ PATCH_LABEL VirtualMethodFixupPatchLabel
+ // and tailcall to the actual method
+ bx r12
+ NESTED_END VirtualMethodFixupStub, _TEXT
+// ExternalMethodFixupStub
+// In NGEN images, calls to cross-module external methods initially
+// point to a jump thunk that calls into the following function that will
+// call into a VM helper. The VM helper is responsible for patching up the
+// thunk, upon executing the precode, so that all subsequent calls go directly
+// to the actual method body.
+// This is done lazily for performance reasons.
+// On entry:
+// R12 = Address of thunk + 4
+ NESTED_ENTRY ExternalMethodFixupStub, _TEXT, NoHandler
+ add r0, sp, #__PWTB_TransitionBlock // pTransitionBlock
+ // Adjust (read comment above for details) and pass the address of the thunk
+ sub r1, r12, #4 // pThunk
+ mov r2, #0 // sectionIndex
+ mov r3, #0 // pModule
+ bl C_FUNC(ExternalMethodFixupWorker)
+ // mov the address we patched to in R12 so that we can tail call to it
+ mov r12, r0
+ PATCH_LABEL ExternalMethodFixupPatchLabel
+ bx r12
+ NESTED_END ExternalMethodFixupStub, _TEXT
+// StubDispatchFixupStub
+// In NGEN images, calls to interface methods initially
+// point to a jump thunk that calls into the following function that will
+// call into a VM helper. The VM helper is responsible for patching up the
+// thunk with actual stub dispatch stub.
+// On entry:
+// R4 = Address of indirection cell
+ NESTED_ENTRY StubDispatchFixupStub, _TEXT, NoHandler
+ // address of StubDispatchFrame
+ add r0, sp, #__PWTB_TransitionBlock // pTransitionBlock
+ mov r1, r4 // siteAddrForRegisterIndirect
+ mov r2, #0 // sectionIndex
+ mov r3, #0 // pModule
+ bl C_FUNC(StubDispatchFixupWorker)
+ // mov the address we patched to in R12 so that we can tail call to it
+ mov r12, r0
+ PATCH_LABEL StubDispatchFixupPatchLabel
+ bx r12
+ NESTED_END StubDispatchFixupStub, _TEXT
+// JIT_RareDisableHelper
+// The JIT expects this helper to preserve registers used for return values
+ NESTED_ENTRY JIT_RareDisableHelper, _TEXT, NoHandler
+ push {r0-r1, r11, lr} // save integer return value
+ vpush {d0-d3} // floating point return value
+ bl C_FUNC(JIT_RareDisableHelperWorker)
+ vpop {d0-d3}
+ pop {r0-r1, r11, pc}
+ NESTED_END JIT_RareDisableHelper, _TEXT
+// JIT Static access helpers for single appdomain case
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// void* JIT_GetSharedNonGCStaticBase(SIZE_T moduleDomainID, DWORD dwClassDomainID)
+ LEAF_ENTRY JIT_GetSharedNonGCStaticBase_SingleAppDomain, _TEXT
+ // If class is not initialized, bail to C++ helper
+ add r2, r0, #DomainLocalModule__m_pDataBlob
+ ldrb r2, [r2, r1]
+ tst r2, #1
+ beq LOCAL_LABEL(CallCppHelper1)
+ bx lr
+ // Tail call JIT_GetSharedNonGCStaticBase_Helper
+ b C_FUNC(JIT_GetSharedNonGCStaticBase_Helper)
+ LEAF_END JIT_GetSharedNonGCStaticBase_SingleAppDomain, _TEXT
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// void* JIT_GetSharedNonGCStaticBaseNoCtor(SIZE_T moduleDomainID, DWORD dwClassDomainID)
+ LEAF_ENTRY JIT_GetSharedNonGCStaticBaseNoCtor_SingleAppDomain, _TEXT
+ bx lr
+ LEAF_END JIT_GetSharedNonGCStaticBaseNoCtor_SingleAppDomain, _TEXT
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// void* JIT_GetSharedGCStaticBase(SIZE_T moduleDomainID, DWORD dwClassDomainID)
+ LEAF_ENTRY JIT_GetSharedGCStaticBase_SingleAppDomain, _TEXT
+ // If class is not initialized, bail to C++ helper
+ add r2, r0, #DomainLocalModule__m_pDataBlob
+ ldrb r2, [r2, r1]
+ tst r2, #1
+ beq LOCAL_LABEL(CallCppHelper3)
+ ldr r0, [r0, #DomainLocalModule__m_pGCStatics]
+ bx lr
+ // Tail call Jit_GetSharedGCStaticBase_Helper
+ b C_FUNC(JIT_GetSharedGCStaticBase_Helper)
+ LEAF_END JIT_GetSharedGCStaticBase_SingleAppDomain, _TEXT
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// void* JIT_GetSharedGCStaticBaseNoCtor(SIZE_T moduleDomainID, DWORD dwClassDomainID)
+ LEAF_ENTRY JIT_GetSharedGCStaticBaseNoCtor_SingleAppDomain, _TEXT
+ ldr r0, [r0, #DomainLocalModule__m_pGCStatics]
+ bx lr
+ LEAF_END JIT_GetSharedGCStaticBaseNoCtor_SingleAppDomain, _TEXT
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// __declspec(naked) void F_CALL_CONV JIT_Stelem_Ref(PtrArray* array, unsigned idx, Object* val)
+ // We retain arguments as they were passed and use r0 == array// r1 == idx// r2 == val
+ // check for null array
+ cbz r0, LOCAL_LABEL(ThrowNullReferenceException)
+ // idx bounds check
+ ldr r3,[r0,#ArrayBase__m_NumComponents]
+ cmp r3,r1
+ bls LOCAL_LABEL(ThrowIndexOutOfRangeException)
+ // fast path to null assignment (doesn't need any write-barriers)
+ cbz r2, LOCAL_LABEL(AssigningNull)
+ // Verify the array-type and val-type matches before writing
+ ldr r12, [r0] // r12 = array MT
+ ldr r3, [r2] // r3 = val->GetMethodTable()
+ ldr r12, [r12, #MethodTable__m_ElementType] // array->GetArrayElementTypeHandle()
+ cmp r3, r12
+ beq C_FUNC(JIT_Stelem_DoWrite)
+ // Types didnt match but allow writing into an array of objects
+ ldr r3, =g_pObjectClass
+ ldr r3, [r3] // r3 = *g_pObjectClass
+ cmp r3, r12 // array type matches with Object*
+ beq C_FUNC(JIT_Stelem_DoWrite)
+ // array type and val type do not exactly match. Raise frame and do detailed match
+ b C_FUNC(JIT_Stelem_Ref_NotExactMatch)
+ // Assigning null doesn't need write barrier
+ adds r0, r1, LSL #2 // r0 = r0 + (r1 x 4) = array->m_array[idx]
+ str r2, [r0, #PtrArray__m_Array] // array->m_array[idx] = val
+ bx lr
+ // Tail call JIT_InternalThrow(NullReferenceException)
+ ldr r0, =CORINFO_NullReferenceException_ASM
+ b C_FUNC(JIT_InternalThrow)
+ // Tail call JIT_InternalThrow(NullReferenceException)
+ ldr r0, =CORINFO_IndexOutOfRangeException_ASM
+ b C_FUNC(JIT_InternalThrow)
+ LEAF_END JIT_Stelem_Ref, _TEXT
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// __declspec(naked) void F_CALL_CONV JIT_Stelem_Ref_NotExactMatch(PtrArray* array,
+// unsigned idx, Object* val)
+// r12 = array->GetArrayElementTypeHandle()
+ NESTED_ENTRY JIT_Stelem_Ref_NotExactMatch, _TEXT, NoHandler
+ push {lr}
+ push {r0-r2}
+ // allow in case val can be casted to array element type
+ // call ObjIsInstanceOfNoGC(val, array->GetArrayElementTypeHandle())
+ mov r1, r12 // array->GetArrayElementTypeHandle()
+ mov r0, r2
+ bl C_FUNC(ObjIsInstanceOfNoGC)
+ cmp r0, TypeHandle_CanCast
+ beq LOCAL_LABEL(DoWrite) // ObjIsInstance returned TypeHandle::CanCast
+ // check via raising frame
+ mov r1, sp // r1 = &array
+ adds r0, sp, #8 // r0 = &val
+ bl C_FUNC(ArrayStoreCheck) // ArrayStoreCheck(&val, &array)
+ pop {r0-r2}
+ pop {lr}
+ b C_FUNC(JIT_Stelem_DoWrite)
+ NESTED_END JIT_Stelem_Ref_NotExactMatch, _TEXT
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// __declspec(naked) void F_CALL_CONV JIT_Stelem_DoWrite(PtrArray* array, unsigned idx, Object* val)
+ LEAF_ENTRY JIT_Stelem_DoWrite, _TEXT
+ // Setup args for JIT_WriteBarrier. r0 = &array->m_array[idx]// r1 = val
+ adds r0, #PtrArray__m_Array // r0 = &array->m_array
+ adds r0, r1, LSL #2
+ mov r1, r2 // r1 = val
+ // Branch to the write barrier (which is already correctly overwritten with
+ // single or multi-proc code based on the current CPU
+ b C_FUNC(JIT_WriteBarrier)
+ LEAF_END JIT_Stelem_DoWrite, _TEXT
+#define __wbScratch r3
+#define pShadow r7
+ __\name\()__g_lowest_address_offset = 0xffff
+ __\name\()__g_highest_address_offset = 0xffff
+ __\name\()__g_ephemeral_low_offset = 0xffff
+ __\name\()__g_ephemeral_high_offset = 0xffff
+ __\name\()__g_card_table_offset = 0xffff
+ .endm
+ .macro LOAD_GC_GLOBAL name, regName, globalName
+ __\name\()__\globalName\()_offset = (\name\()__\globalName\()_offset - \name)
+ movw \regName, #0
+ movt \regName, #0
+ .endm
+ .macro UPDATE_GC_SHADOW name, ptrReg, valReg
+ // Todo: implement, debugging helper
+ .endm
+ .macro UPDATE_CARD_TABLE name, ptrReg, valReg, mp, postGrow, tmpReg
+ LOAD_GC_GLOBAL \name, __wbScratch, g_ephemeral_low
+ cmp \valReg, __wbScratch
+ blo 0f
+ .if(\postGrow)
+ LOAD_GC_GLOBAL \name, __wbScratch, g_ephemeral_high
+ cmp \valReg, __wbScratch
+ bhs 0f
+ .endif
+ LOAD_GC_GLOBAL \name, __wbScratch, g_card_table
+ add __wbScratch, __wbScratch, \ptrReg, lsr #10
+ .if(\mp)
+ ldrb \tmpReg, [__wbScratch]
+ cmp \tmpReg, #0xff
+ itt ne
+ movne \tmpReg, 0xff
+ strbne \tmpReg, [__wbScratch]
+ .else
+ mov \tmpReg, #0xff
+ strb \tmpReg, [__wbScratch]
+ .endif
+ .endm
+ .macro CHECK_GC_HEAP_RANGE name, ptrReg, label
+ LOAD_GC_GLOBAL \name, __wbScratch, g_lowest_address
+ cmp \ptrReg, __wbScratch
+ blo \label
+ LOAD_GC_GLOBAL \name, __wbScratch, g_highest_address
+ cmp \ptrReg, __wbScratch
+ bhs \label
+ .endm
+ .macro JIT_WRITEBARRIER name, mp, post
+ .if(\mp)
+ dmb
+ .endif
+ str r1, [r0]
+ UPDATE_GC_SHADOW \name, r0, r1
+ UPDATE_CARD_TABLE \name, r0, r1, \mp, \post, r0
+ bx lr
+ LEAF_END \name, _TEXT
+ .endm
+ str r1, [r0]
+ CHECK_GC_HEAP_RANGE \name, r0, 1f
+ UPDATE_GC_SHADOW \name, r0, r1
+ UPDATE_CARD_TABLE \name, r0, r1, 0, \post, r0
+ bx lr
+ LEAF_END \name, _TEXT
+ .endm
+ dmb
+ str r1, [r0]
+ CHECK_GC_HEAP_RANGE \name, r0, 1f
+ UPDATE_GC_SHADOW \name, r0, r1
+ UPDATE_CARD_TABLE \name, r0, r1, 1, \post, r0
+ bx lr
+ str r1, [r0]
+ bx lr
+ LEAF_END \name, _TEXT
+ .endm
+ .macro JIT_BYREFWRITEBARRIER name, mp, post
+ .if(\mp)
+ dmb
+ .endif
+ ldr r2, [r1]
+ str r2, [r0]
+ CHECK_GC_HEAP_RANGE \name, r0, 1f
+ UPDATE_GC_SHADOW \name, r0, r2
+ UPDATE_CARD_TABLE \name, r0, r2, \mp, \post, r2
+ add r0, #4
+ add r1, #4
+ bx lr
+ LEAF_END \name, _TEXT
+ .endm
+ .word \name
+ .word \name\()_End
+ .word __\name\()__g_lowest_address_offset
+ .word __\name\()__g_highest_address_offset
+ .word __\name\()__g_ephemeral_low_offset
+ .word __\name\()__g_ephemeral_high_offset
+ .word __\name\()__g_card_table_offset
+ .endm
+ // There 4 versions of each write barriers. A 2x2 combination of multi-proc/single-proc and pre/post grow version
+ JIT_WRITEBARRIER JIT_WriteBarrier_SP_Pre, 0, 0
+ JIT_WRITEBARRIER JIT_WriteBarrier_SP_Post, 0, 1
+ JIT_WRITEBARRIER JIT_WriteBarrier_MP_Pre, 1, 0
+ JIT_WRITEBARRIER JIT_WriteBarrier_MP_Post, 1, 1
+// .section .clrwb, "d"
+ // Sentinel value
+ .word 0
+// .text
+ .global g_rgWriteBarrierDescriptors
+ NESTED_ENTRY DelayLoad_MethodCall_FakeProlog, _TEXT, NoHandler
+ // Match what the lazy thunk has pushed. The actual method arguments will be spilled later.
+ push {r1-r3}
+ // This is where execution really starts.
+ .global DelayLoad_MethodCall
+ push {r0}
+ // Load the helper arguments
+ ldr r5, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+10*4)] // pModule
+ ldr r6, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+11*4)] // sectionIndex
+ ldr r7, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+12*4)] // indirection
+ // Spill the actual method arguments
+ str r1, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+10*4)]
+ str r2, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+11*4)]
+ str r3, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+12*4)]
+ add r0, sp, #__PWTB_TransitionBlock // pTransitionBlock
+ mov r1, r7 // pIndirection
+ mov r2, r6 // sectionIndex
+ mov r3, r5 // pModule
+ bl C_FUNC(ExternalMethodFixupWorker)
+ // mov the address we patched to in R12 so that we can tail call to it
+ mov r12, r0
+ // Share the patch label
+ b C_FUNC(ExternalMethodFixupPatchLabel)
+ NESTED_END DelayLoad_MethodCall_FakeProlog, _TEXT
+ .macro DynamicHelper frameFlags, suffix
+ NESTED_ENTRY DelayLoad_Helper\suffix\()_FakeProlog, _TEXT, NoHandler
+ // Match what the lazy thunk has pushed. The actual method arguments will be spilled later.
+ push {r1-r3}
+ // This is where execution really starts.
+ .global DelayLoad_Helper\suffix
+ push {r0}
+ // Load the helper arguments
+ ldr r5, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+10*4)] // pModule
+ ldr r6, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+11*4)] // sectionIndex
+ ldr r7, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+12*4)] // indirection
+ // Spill the actual method arguments
+ str r1, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+10*4)]
+ str r2, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+11*4)]
+ str r3, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+12*4)]
+ add r0, sp, #__PWTB_TransitionBlock // pTransitionBlock
+ mov r1, r7 // pIndirection
+ mov r2, r6 // sectionIndex
+ mov r3, r5 // pModule
+ mov r4, \frameFlags
+ str r4, [sp,#0]
+ bl C_FUNC(DynamicHelperWorker)
+ cbnz r0, 0f
+ ldr r0, [sp,#(__PWTB_TransitionBlock+9*4)] // The result is stored in the argument area of the transition block
+ mov r12, r0
+ bx r12
+ NESTED_END DelayLoad_Helper\suffix\()_FakeProlog, _TEXT
+ .endm
+ DynamicHelper DynamicHelperFrameFlags_Default
+ DynamicHelper DynamicHelperFrameFlags_ObjectArg, _Obj
+ DynamicHelper DynamicHelperFrameFlags_ObjectArg | DynamicHelperFrameFlags_ObjectArg2, _ObjObj
+LEAF_ENTRY StartUnwindingNativeFrames, _TEXT
+ // TODO: Implement
+ bx lr
+LEAF_END StartUnwindingNativeFrames, _TEXT