path: root/src/pal/tests/palsuite/threading/CreateProcessW/test2/parentprocess.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/pal/tests/palsuite/threading/CreateProcessW/test2/parentprocess.cpp')
1 files changed, 245 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/pal/tests/palsuite/threading/CreateProcessW/test2/parentprocess.cpp b/src/pal/tests/palsuite/threading/CreateProcessW/test2/parentprocess.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..439b7b5eef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pal/tests/palsuite/threading/CreateProcessW/test2/parentprocess.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+** Source: createprocessw/test2/parentprocess.c
+** Purpose: Test the following features of CreateProcessW:
+** - Check to see if hProcess & hThread are set in
+** return PROCESS_INFORMATION structure
+** - Check to see if stdin, stdout, & stderr handles
+** are used when STARTF_USESTDHANDLES is specified
+** in STARUPINFO flags and bInheritHandles = TRUE
+** - Check to see that proper arguments are passed to
+** child process
+** Dependencies: CreatePipe
+** strcpy, strlen, strncmp, memset
+** WaitForSingleObject
+** WriteFile, ReadFile
+** GetExitCodeProcess
+#define UNICODE
+#include <palsuite.h>
+#include "test2.h"
+int __cdecl main( int argc, char **argv )
+ /*******************************************
+ * Declarations
+ *******************************************/
+ HANDLE hTestStdInR = NULL;
+ HANDLE hTestStdInW = NULL;
+ HANDLE hTestStdOutR = NULL;
+ HANDLE hTestStdOutW = NULL;
+ HANDLE hTestStdErrR = NULL;
+ HANDLE hTestStdErrW = NULL;
+ BOOL bRetVal = FALSE;
+ DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0;
+ DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
+ DWORD dwExitCode = 0;
+ char szStdOutBuf[BUF_LEN];
+ char szStdErrBuf[BUF_LEN];
+ WCHAR szFullPathNameW[_MAX_PATH];
+ /*******************************************
+ * Initialization
+ *******************************************/
+ if(0 != (PAL_Initialize(argc, argv)))
+ {
+ return ( FAIL );
+ }
+ /*Setup SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure for CreatePipe*/
+ pipeAttributes.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
+ pipeAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
+ pipeAttributes.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
+ /*Create a StdIn pipe for child*/
+ bRetVal = CreatePipe(&hTestStdInR, /* read handle*/
+ &hTestStdInW, /* write handle */
+ &pipeAttributes, /* security attributes*/
+ 1024); /* pipe size*/
+ if (bRetVal == FALSE)
+ {
+ Fail("ERROR: %ld :Unable to create stdin pipe\n", GetLastError());
+ }
+ /*Create a StdOut pipe for child*/
+ bRetVal = CreatePipe(&hTestStdOutR, /* read handle*/
+ &hTestStdOutW, /* write handle */
+ &pipeAttributes, /* security attributes*/
+ 0); /* pipe size*/
+ if (bRetVal == FALSE)
+ {
+ Fail("ERROR: %ld :Unable to create stdout pipe\n", GetLastError());
+ }
+ /*Create a StdErr pipe for child*/
+ bRetVal = CreatePipe(&hTestStdErrR, /* read handle*/
+ &hTestStdErrW, /* write handle */
+ &pipeAttributes, /* security attributes*/
+ 0); /* pipe size*/
+ if (bRetVal == FALSE)
+ {
+ Fail("ERROR: %ld :Unable to create stderr pipe\n", GetLastError());
+ }
+ /* Zero the data structure space */
+ ZeroMemory ( &pi, sizeof(pi) );
+ ZeroMemory ( &si, sizeof(si) );
+ /* Set the process flags and standard io handles */
+ si.cb = sizeof(si);
+ si.hStdInput = hTestStdInR;
+ si.hStdOutput = hTestStdOutW;
+ si.hStdError = hTestStdErrW;
+ wcscpy(szFullPathNameW, szChildFileW);
+ wcscat(szFullPathNameW, szArgs);
+ /*******************************************
+ * Start Testing
+ *******************************************/
+ /* Launch the child */
+ if ( !CreateProcess (NULL, szFullPathNameW, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi ))
+ {
+ Fail("ERROR: CreateProcess call failed. GetLastError returned %d\n",
+ GetLastError() );
+ }
+ /* Check the returned process information for validity */
+ if (pi.hProcess == 0 || pi.hThread == 0)
+ {
+ Fail("ERROR: CreateProcess Error: Process Handle = %u, Thread Handle = %u\n",
+ pi.hProcess, pi.hThread);
+ }
+ /* Write the Constructed string to stdin pipe for the child process */
+ if (WriteFile(hTestStdInW, szTestString, strlen(szTestString), &dwBytesWritten, NULL) == FALSE
+ || WriteFile(hTestStdInW, "\n", strlen("\n"), &dwBytesWritten, NULL) == FALSE)
+ {
+ Fail("ERROR: %ld :unable to write to write pipe handle "
+ "hTestStdInW=0x%lx\n", GetLastError(), hTestStdInW);
+ }
+ /* Wait for the child to finish, Max 20 seconds */
+ dwExitCode = WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, 20000);
+ /* If the child failed then whole thing fails */
+ if (dwExitCode != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
+ {
+ TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, 0);
+ Fail("ERROR: The child failed to run properly.\n");
+ }
+ /* Check for problems in the child process */
+ if (GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &dwExitCode) == FALSE)
+ {
+ Fail("ERROR: Call to GetExitCodeProcess failed.\n");
+ }
+ else if (dwExitCode == EXIT_ERR_CODE1)
+ {
+ Fail("ERROR: The Child process could not reead the string "
+ "written to the stdin pipe.\n");
+ }
+ else if (dwExitCode == EXIT_ERR_CODE2)
+ {
+ Fail("ERROR: The Child process could not write the string "
+ "the stdout pipe or stderr pipe.\n");
+ }
+ else if (dwExitCode == EXIT_ERR_CODE3)
+ {
+ Fail("ERROR: The Child received the wrong number of "
+ "command line arguments.\n");
+ }
+ else if (dwExitCode == EXIT_ERR_CODE4)
+ {
+ Fail("ERROR: The Child received the wrong "
+ "command line arguments.\n");
+ }
+ else if (dwExitCode != EXIT_OK_CODE)
+ {
+ Fail("ERROR: Unexpected exit code returned: %u. Child process "
+ "did not complete its part of the test.\n", dwExitCode);
+ }
+ /* The child ran ok, so check to see if we received the proper */
+ /* strings through the pipes. */
+ /* clear our buffers */
+ memset(szStdOutBuf, 0, BUF_LEN);
+ memset(szStdErrBuf, 0, BUF_LEN);
+ /* Read the data back from the child process stdout */
+ bRetVal = ReadFile(hTestStdOutR, /* handle to read pipe*/
+ szStdOutBuf, /* buffer to write to*/
+ BUF_LEN, /* number of bytes to read*/
+ &dwBytesRead, /* number of bytes read*/
+ NULL); /* overlapped buffer*/
+ /*Read the data back from the child process stderr */
+ bRetVal = ReadFile(hTestStdErrR, /* handle to read pipe*/
+ szStdErrBuf, /* buffer to write to*/
+ BUF_LEN, /* number of bytes to read*/
+ &dwBytesRead, /* number of bytes read*/
+ NULL); /* overlapped buffer*/
+ /* Confirm that we recieved the same string that we originally */
+ /* wrote to the child and was received on both stdout & stderr.*/
+ if (strncmp(szTestString, szStdOutBuf, strlen(szTestString)) != 0
+ || strncmp(szTestString, szStdErrBuf, strlen(szTestString)) != 0)
+ {
+ Fail("ERROR: The data read back from child does not match "
+ "what was written. STDOUT: %s STDERR: %s\n",
+ szStdOutBuf, szStdErrBuf);
+ }
+ /*******************************************
+ * Clean Up
+ *******************************************/
+ /* Close process and thread handle */
+ CloseHandle ( pi.hProcess );
+ CloseHandle ( pi.hThread );
+ CloseHandle(hTestStdInR);
+ CloseHandle(hTestStdInW);
+ CloseHandle(hTestStdOutR);
+ CloseHandle(hTestStdOutW);
+ CloseHandle(hTestStdErrR);
+ CloseHandle(hTestStdErrW);
+ PAL_Terminate();
+ return ( PASS );