path: root/src/pal/src/thread/process.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/pal/src/thread/process.cpp')
1 files changed, 4615 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/pal/src/thread/process.cpp b/src/pal/src/thread/process.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..315145dc03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pal/src/thread/process.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,4615 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+Module Name:
+ process.cpp
+ Implementation of process object and functions related to processes.
+#include "pal/procobj.hpp"
+#include "pal/thread.hpp"
+#include "pal/file.hpp"
+#include "pal/handlemgr.hpp"
+#include "pal/module.h"
+#include "procprivate.hpp"
+#include "pal/palinternal.h"
+#include "pal/process.h"
+#include "pal/init.h"
+#include "pal/critsect.h"
+#include "pal/debug.h"
+#include "pal/dbgmsg.h"
+#include "pal/utils.h"
+#include "pal/environ.h"
+#include "pal/virtual.h"
+#include "pal/stackstring.hpp"
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <poll.h>
+#include "pal/fakepoll.h"
+#endif // HAVE_POLL
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/resource.h>
+#include <debugmacrosext.h>
+#include <semaphore.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+#ifdef __NetBSD__
+#include <sys/cdefs.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+#include <kvm.h>
+using namespace CorUnix;
+CObjectType CorUnix::otProcess(
+ otiProcess,
+ 0,
+ sizeof(CProcProcessLocalData),
+ 0,
+ CObjectType::SecuritySupported,
+ CObjectType::SecurityInfoNotPersisted,
+ CObjectType::UnnamedObject,
+ CObjectType::CrossProcessDuplicationAllowed,
+ CObjectType::WaitableObject,
+ CObjectType::SingleTransitionObject,
+ CObjectType::ThreadReleaseHasNoSideEffects,
+ CObjectType::NoOwner
+ );
+ LPVOID p);
+ IN DWORD processId,
+ OUT UINT64 *disambiguationKey);
+// Helper memory page used by the FlushProcessWriteBuffers
+static int s_helperPage[VIRTUAL_PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(int)] __attribute__((aligned(VIRTUAL_PAGE_SIZE)));
+// Mutex to make the FlushProcessWriteBuffersMutex thread safe
+pthread_mutex_t flushProcessWriteBuffersMutex;
+CAllowedObjectTypes aotProcess(otiProcess);
+// The representative IPalObject for this process
+IPalObject* CorUnix::g_pobjProcess;
+// Critical section that protects process data (e.g., the
+// list of active threads)/
+// List and count of active threads
+CPalThread* CorUnix::pGThreadList;
+DWORD g_dwThreadCount;
+// The command line and app name for the process
+LPWSTR g_lpwstrCmdLine = NULL;
+LPWSTR g_lpwstrAppDir = NULL;
+// Thread ID of thread that has started the ExitProcess process
+Volatile<LONG> terminator = 0;
+// Process and session ID of this process.
+// The lowest common supported semaphore length, including null character
+// NetBSD-7.99.25: 15 characters
+// MacOSX 10.11: 31 -- Core 1.0 RC2 compatibility
+#if defined(__NetBSD__)
+// Function to call during PAL/process shutdown/abort
+Volatile<PSHUTDOWN_CALLBACK> g_shutdownCallback = nullptr;
+// Key used for associating CPalThread's with the underlying pthread
+// (through pthread_setspecific)
+pthread_key_t CorUnix::thObjKey;
+static WCHAR W16_WHITESPACE[]= {0x0020, 0x0009, 0x000D, 0};
+static WCHAR W16_WHITESPACE_DQUOTE[]= {0x0020, 0x0009, 0x000D, '"', 0};
+ FILE_PE, /*PE/COFF file*/
+ FILE_UNIX, /*Unix Executable*/
+ FILE_DIR /*Directory*/
+ CPalThread *pThread,
+ HANDLE hProcess,
+ DWORD *pdwExitCode
+ );
+static BOOL getFileName(LPCWSTR lpApplicationName, LPWSTR lpCommandLine,
+ PathCharString& lpFileName);
+static char ** buildArgv(LPCWSTR lpCommandLine, PathCharString& lpAppPath,
+ UINT *pnArg, BOOL prependLoader);
+static BOOL getPath(PathCharString& lpFileName, PathCharString& lpPathFileName);
+static int checkFileType(LPCSTR lpFileName);
+static BOOL PROCEndProcess(HANDLE hProcess, UINT uExitCode,
+ BOOL bTerminateUnconditionally);
+ProcessModules *GetProcessModulesFromHandle(IN HANDLE hProcess, OUT LPDWORD lpCount);
+ProcessModules *CreateProcessModules(IN DWORD dwProcessId, OUT LPDWORD lpCount);
+void DestroyProcessModules(IN ProcessModules *listHead);
+ GetCurrentProcessId
+See MSDN doc.
+ PERF_ENTRY(GetCurrentProcessId);
+ ENTRY("GetCurrentProcessId()\n" );
+ LOGEXIT("GetCurrentProcessId returns DWORD %#x\n", gPID);
+ PERF_EXIT(GetCurrentProcessId);
+ return gPID;
+ GetCurrentSessionId
+See MSDN doc.
+ PERF_ENTRY(GetCurrentSessionId);
+ ENTRY("GetCurrentSessionId()\n" );
+ LOGEXIT("GetCurrentSessionId returns DWORD %#x\n", gSID);
+ PERF_EXIT(GetCurrentSessionId);
+ return gSID;
+ GetCurrentProcess
+See MSDN doc.
+ PERF_ENTRY(GetCurrentProcess);
+ ENTRY("GetCurrentProcess()\n" );
+ LOGEXIT("GetCurrentProcess returns HANDLE %p\n", hPseudoCurrentProcess);
+ PERF_EXIT(GetCurrentProcess);
+ /* return a pseudo handle */
+ return hPseudoCurrentProcess;
+ CreateProcessA
+ Only Standard handles need to be inherited.
+ Security attributes parameters are not used.
+See MSDN doc.
+ IN LPCSTR lpApplicationName,
+ IN LPSTR lpCommandLine,
+ IN BOOL bInheritHandles,
+ IN DWORD dwCreationFlags,
+ IN LPVOID lpEnvironment,
+ IN LPCSTR lpCurrentDirectory,
+ PAL_ERROR palError = NO_ERROR;
+ CPalThread *pThread;
+ LPWSTR CommandLineW = NULL;
+ LPWSTR ApplicationNameW = NULL;
+ LPWSTR CurrentDirectoryW = NULL;
+ int n;
+ PERF_ENTRY(CreateProcessA);
+ ENTRY("CreateProcessA(lpAppName=%p (%s), lpCmdLine=%p (%s), lpProcessAttr=%p, "
+ "lpThreadAttr=%p, bInherit=%d, dwFlags=%#x, lpEnv=%p, "
+ "lpCurrentDir=%p (%s), lpStartupInfo=%p, lpProcessInfo=%p)\n",
+ lpApplicationName?lpApplicationName:"NULL",
+ lpApplicationName?lpApplicationName:"NULL",
+ lpCommandLine?lpCommandLine:"NULL",
+ lpCommandLine?lpCommandLine:"NULL",
+ lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes, bInheritHandles,
+ dwCreationFlags, lpEnvironment,
+ lpCurrentDirectory?lpCurrentDirectory:"NULL",
+ lpCurrentDirectory?lpCurrentDirectory:"NULL",
+ lpStartupInfo, lpProcessInformation);
+ pThread = InternalGetCurrentThread();
+ if(lpStartupInfo == NULL)
+ {
+ ASSERT("lpStartupInfo is NULL!\n");
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* convert parameters to Unicode */
+ if(lpApplicationName)
+ {
+ n = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpApplicationName, -1, NULL, 0);
+ if(0 == n)
+ {
+ ASSERT("MultiByteToWideChar failed!\n");
+ goto done;
+ }
+ ApplicationNameW = (LPWSTR)InternalMalloc(sizeof(WCHAR)*n);
+ if(!ApplicationNameW)
+ {
+ ERROR("malloc() failed!\n");
+ goto done;
+ }
+ MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpApplicationName, -1, ApplicationNameW,
+ n);
+ }
+ if(lpCommandLine)
+ {
+ n = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpCommandLine, -1, NULL, 0);
+ if(0 == n)
+ {
+ ASSERT("MultiByteToWideChar failed!\n");
+ goto done;
+ }
+ CommandLineW = (LPWSTR)InternalMalloc(sizeof(WCHAR)*n);
+ if(!CommandLineW)
+ {
+ ERROR("malloc() failed!\n");
+ goto done;
+ }
+ MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpCommandLine, -1, CommandLineW, n);
+ }
+ if(lpCurrentDirectory)
+ {
+ n = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpCurrentDirectory, -1, NULL, 0);
+ if(0 == n)
+ {
+ ASSERT("MultiByteToWideChar failed!\n");
+ goto done;
+ }
+ CurrentDirectoryW = (LPWSTR)InternalMalloc(sizeof(WCHAR)*n);
+ if(!CurrentDirectoryW)
+ {
+ ERROR("malloc() failed!\n");
+ goto done;
+ }
+ MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpCurrentDirectory, -1,
+ CurrentDirectoryW, n);
+ }
+ // lpEnvironment should remain ansi on the call to CreateProcessW
+ StartupInfoW.cb = sizeof StartupInfoW;
+ StartupInfoW.dwFlags = lpStartupInfo->dwFlags;
+ StartupInfoW.hStdError = lpStartupInfo->hStdError;
+ StartupInfoW.hStdInput = lpStartupInfo->hStdInput;
+ StartupInfoW.hStdOutput = lpStartupInfo->hStdOutput;
+ /* all other members are PAL_Undefined, we can ignore them */
+ palError = InternalCreateProcess(
+ pThread,
+ ApplicationNameW,
+ CommandLineW,
+ lpProcessAttributes,
+ lpThreadAttributes,
+ bInheritHandles,
+ dwCreationFlags,
+ lpEnvironment,
+ CurrentDirectoryW,
+ &StartupInfoW,
+ lpProcessInformation
+ );
+ free(ApplicationNameW);
+ free(CommandLineW);
+ free(CurrentDirectoryW);
+ if (NO_ERROR != palError)
+ {
+ pThread->SetLastError(palError);
+ }
+ LOGEXIT("CreateProcessA returns BOOL %d\n", NO_ERROR == palError);
+ PERF_EXIT(CreateProcessA);
+ return NO_ERROR == palError;
+ CreateProcessW
+ Only Standard handles need to be inherited.
+ Security attributes parameters are not used.
+See MSDN doc.
+ IN LPCWSTR lpApplicationName,
+ IN LPWSTR lpCommandLine,
+ IN BOOL bInheritHandles,
+ IN DWORD dwCreationFlags,
+ IN LPVOID lpEnvironment,
+ IN LPCWSTR lpCurrentDirectory,
+ PAL_ERROR palError = NO_ERROR;
+ CPalThread *pThread;
+ PERF_ENTRY(CreateProcessW);
+ ENTRY("CreateProcessW(lpAppName=%p (%S), lpCmdLine=%p (%S), lpProcessAttr=%p,"
+ "lpThreadAttr=%p, bInherit=%d, dwFlags=%#x, lpEnv=%p,"
+ "lpCurrentDir=%p (%S), lpStartupInfo=%p, lpProcessInfo=%p)\n",
+ lpApplicationName?lpApplicationName:W16_NULLSTRING,
+ lpApplicationName?lpApplicationName:W16_NULLSTRING,
+ lpCommandLine?lpCommandLine:W16_NULLSTRING,
+ lpCommandLine?lpCommandLine:W16_NULLSTRING,lpProcessAttributes,
+ lpThreadAttributes, bInheritHandles, dwCreationFlags,lpEnvironment,
+ lpCurrentDirectory?lpCurrentDirectory:W16_NULLSTRING,
+ lpCurrentDirectory?lpCurrentDirectory:W16_NULLSTRING,
+ lpStartupInfo, lpProcessInformation);
+ pThread = InternalGetCurrentThread();
+ palError = InternalCreateProcess(
+ pThread,
+ lpApplicationName,
+ lpCommandLine,
+ lpProcessAttributes,
+ lpThreadAttributes,
+ bInheritHandles,
+ dwCreationFlags,
+ lpEnvironment,
+ lpCurrentDirectory,
+ lpStartupInfo,
+ lpProcessInformation
+ );
+ if (NO_ERROR != palError)
+ {
+ pThread->SetLastError(palError);
+ }
+ LOGEXIT("CreateProcessW returns BOOL %d\n", NO_ERROR == palError);
+ PERF_EXIT(CreateProcessW);
+ return NO_ERROR == palError;
+ CPalThread *pThread,
+ HANDLE hFile,
+ IPalObject **ppobjFile,
+ int *piFd
+ )
+ PAL_ERROR palError = NO_ERROR;
+ IPalObject *pobjFile = NULL;
+ IDataLock *pDataLock = NULL;
+ CFileProcessLocalData *pLocalData = NULL;
+ int iError = 0;
+ palError = g_pObjectManager->ReferenceObjectByHandle(
+ pThread,
+ hFile,
+ &aotFile,
+ 0,
+ &pobjFile
+ );
+ if (NO_ERROR != palError)
+ {
+ ERROR("Bad handle passed through CreateProcess\n");
+ goto PrepareStandardHandleExit;
+ }
+ palError = pobjFile->GetProcessLocalData(
+ pThread,
+ ReadLock,
+ &pDataLock,
+ reinterpret_cast<void **>(&pLocalData)
+ );
+ if (NO_ERROR != palError)
+ {
+ ASSERT("Unable to access file data\n");
+ goto PrepareStandardHandleExit;
+ }
+ //
+ // The passed in file needs to be inheritable
+ //
+ if (!pLocalData->inheritable)
+ {
+ ERROR("Non-inheritable handle passed through CreateProcess\n");
+ goto PrepareStandardHandleExit;
+ }
+ iError = fcntl(pLocalData->unix_fd, F_SETFD, 0);
+ if (-1 == iError)
+ {
+ ERROR("Unable to remove close-on-exec for file (errno %i)\n", errno);
+ goto PrepareStandardHandleExit;
+ }
+ *piFd = pLocalData->unix_fd;
+ pDataLock->ReleaseLock(pThread, FALSE);
+ pDataLock = NULL;
+ //
+ // Transfer pobjFile reference to out parameter
+ //
+ *ppobjFile = pobjFile;
+ pobjFile = NULL;
+ if (NULL != pDataLock)
+ {
+ pDataLock->ReleaseLock(pThread, FALSE);
+ }
+ if (NULL != pobjFile)
+ {
+ pobjFile->ReleaseReference(pThread);
+ }
+ return palError;
+ CPalThread *pThread,
+ LPCWSTR lpApplicationName,
+ LPWSTR lpCommandLine,
+ LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes,
+ BOOL bInheritHandles,
+ DWORD dwCreationFlags,
+ LPVOID lpEnvironment,
+ LPCWSTR lpCurrentDirectory,
+ LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation
+ )
+ PAL_ERROR palError = NO_ERROR;
+ IPalObject *pobjProcess = NULL;
+ IPalObject *pobjProcessRegistered = NULL;
+ IDataLock *pLocalDataLock = NULL;
+ CProcProcessLocalData *pLocalData;
+ IDataLock *pSharedDataLock = NULL;
+ CPalThread *pDummyThread = NULL;
+ HANDLE hDummyThread = NULL;
+ HANDLE hProcess = NULL;
+ CObjectAttributes oa(NULL, lpProcessAttributes);
+ IPalObject *pobjFileIn = NULL;
+ int iFdIn = -1;
+ IPalObject *pobjFileOut = NULL;
+ int iFdOut = -1;
+ IPalObject *pobjFileErr = NULL;
+ int iFdErr = -1;
+ pid_t processId;
+ PathCharString lpFileNamePS;
+ char **lppArgv = NULL;
+ UINT nArg;
+ int iRet;
+ char **EnvironmentArray=NULL;
+ int child_blocking_pipe = -1;
+ int parent_blocking_pipe = -1;
+ /* Validate parameters */
+ /* note : specs indicate lpApplicationName should always
+ be NULL; however support for it is already implemented. Leaving the code
+ in, specs can change; but rejecting non-NULL for now to conform to the
+ spec. */
+ if( NULL != lpApplicationName )
+ {
+ ASSERT("lpApplicationName should be NULL, but is %S instead\n",
+ lpApplicationName);
+ goto InternalCreateProcessExit;
+ }
+ if (0 != (dwCreationFlags & ~(CREATE_SUSPENDED|CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE)))
+ {
+ ASSERT("Unexpected creation flags (%#x)\n", dwCreationFlags);
+ goto InternalCreateProcessExit;
+ }
+ /* Security attributes parameters are ignored */
+ if (lpProcessAttributes != NULL &&
+ (lpProcessAttributes->lpSecurityDescriptor != NULL ||
+ lpProcessAttributes->bInheritHandle != TRUE))
+ {
+ ASSERT("lpProcessAttributes is invalid, parameter ignored (%p)\n",
+ lpProcessAttributes);
+ goto InternalCreateProcessExit;
+ }
+ if (lpThreadAttributes != NULL)
+ {
+ ASSERT("lpThreadAttributes parameter must be NULL (%p)\n",
+ lpThreadAttributes);
+ goto InternalCreateProcessExit;
+ }
+ /* note : Win32 crashes in this case */
+ if(NULL == lpStartupInfo)
+ {
+ ERROR("lpStartupInfo is NULL\n");
+ goto InternalCreateProcessExit;
+ }
+ /* Validate lpStartupInfo.cb field */
+ if (lpStartupInfo->cb < sizeof(STARTUPINFOW))
+ {
+ ASSERT("lpStartupInfo parameter structure size is invalid (%u)\n",
+ lpStartupInfo->cb);
+ goto InternalCreateProcessExit;
+ }
+ /* lpStartupInfo should be either zero or STARTF_USESTDHANDLES */
+ if (lpStartupInfo->dwFlags & ~STARTF_USESTDHANDLES)
+ {
+ ASSERT("lpStartupInfo parameter invalid flags (%#x)\n",
+ lpStartupInfo->dwFlags);
+ goto InternalCreateProcessExit;
+ }
+ /* validate given standard handles if we have any */
+ if (lpStartupInfo->dwFlags & STARTF_USESTDHANDLES)
+ {
+ palError = PrepareStandardHandle(
+ pThread,
+ lpStartupInfo->hStdInput,
+ &pobjFileIn,
+ &iFdIn
+ );
+ if (NO_ERROR != palError)
+ {
+ goto InternalCreateProcessExit;
+ }
+ palError = PrepareStandardHandle(
+ pThread,
+ lpStartupInfo->hStdOutput,
+ &pobjFileOut,
+ &iFdOut
+ );
+ if (NO_ERROR != palError)
+ {
+ goto InternalCreateProcessExit;
+ }
+ palError = PrepareStandardHandle(
+ pThread,
+ lpStartupInfo->hStdError,
+ &pobjFileErr,
+ &iFdErr
+ );
+ if (NO_ERROR != palError)
+ {
+ goto InternalCreateProcessExit;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!getFileName(lpApplicationName, lpCommandLine, lpFileNamePS))
+ {
+ ERROR("Can't find executable!\n");
+ goto InternalCreateProcessExit;
+ }
+ /* check type of file */
+ iRet = checkFileType(lpFileNamePS);
+ switch (iRet)
+ {
+ case FILE_ERROR: /* file not found, or not an executable */
+ WARN ("File is not valid (%s)", lpFileNamePS.GetString());
+ goto InternalCreateProcessExit;
+ case FILE_PE: /* PE/COFF file */
+ //Get the path name where the PAL DLL was loaded from
+ if ( PAL_GetPALDirectoryA( lpFileNamePS ))
+ {
+ if (lpFileNamePS.Append("/", 1) == FALSE ||
+ {
+ ERROR("Append failed!\n");
+ goto InternalCreateProcessExit;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ASSERT("PAL_GetPALDirectoryA failed to return the"
+ "pal installation directory \n");
+ goto InternalCreateProcessExit;
+ }
+ break;
+ case FILE_UNIX: /* Unix binary file */
+ break; /* nothing to do */
+ case FILE_DIR:/*Directory*/
+ WARN ("File is a Directory (%s)", lpFileNamePS.GetString());
+ goto InternalCreateProcessExit;
+ break;
+ default: /* not supposed to get here */
+ ASSERT ("Invalid return type from checkFileType");
+ goto InternalCreateProcessExit;
+ }
+ /* build Argument list, lppArgv is allocated in buildArgv function and
+ requires to be freed */
+ lppArgv = buildArgv(lpCommandLine, lpFileNamePS, &nArg, iRet==1);
+ /* set the Environment variable */
+ if (lpEnvironment != NULL)
+ {
+ unsigned i;
+ // Since CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT isn't supported we know the string is ansi
+ unsigned EnvironmentEntries = 0;
+ // Convert the environment block to array of strings
+ // Count the number of entries
+ // Is it a string that contains null terminated string, the end is delimited
+ // by two null in a row.
+ for (i = 0; ((char *)lpEnvironment)[i]!='\0'; i++)
+ {
+ EnvironmentEntries ++;
+ for (;((char *)lpEnvironment)[i]!='\0'; i++)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ EnvironmentEntries++;
+ EnvironmentArray = (char **)InternalMalloc(EnvironmentEntries * sizeof(char *));
+ EnvironmentEntries = 0;
+ // Convert the environment block to array of strings
+ // Count the number of entries
+ // Is it a string that contains null terminated string, the end is delimited
+ // by two null in a row.
+ for (i = 0; ((char *)lpEnvironment)[i]!='\0'; i++)
+ {
+ EnvironmentArray[EnvironmentEntries] = &((char *)lpEnvironment)[i];
+ EnvironmentEntries ++;
+ for (;((char *)lpEnvironment)[i]!='\0'; i++)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ EnvironmentArray[EnvironmentEntries] = NULL;
+ }
+ //
+ // Allocate and register the process object for the new process
+ //
+ palError = g_pObjectManager->AllocateObject(
+ pThread,
+ &otProcess,
+ &oa,
+ &pobjProcess
+ );
+ if (NO_ERROR != palError)
+ {
+ ERROR("Unable to allocate object for new proccess\n");
+ goto InternalCreateProcessExit;
+ }
+ palError = g_pObjectManager->RegisterObject(
+ pThread,
+ pobjProcess,
+ &aotProcess,
+ &hProcess,
+ &pobjProcessRegistered
+ );
+ //
+ // pobjProcess is invalidated by the above call, so
+ // NULL it out here
+ //
+ pobjProcess = NULL;
+ if (NO_ERROR != palError)
+ {
+ ERROR("Unable to register new process object\n");
+ goto InternalCreateProcessExit;
+ }
+ //
+ // Create a new "dummy" thread object
+ //
+ palError = InternalCreateDummyThread(
+ pThread,
+ lpThreadAttributes,
+ &pDummyThread,
+ &hDummyThread
+ );
+ if (dwCreationFlags & CREATE_SUSPENDED)
+ {
+ int pipe_descs[2];
+ if (-1 == pipe(pipe_descs))
+ {
+ ERROR("pipe() failed! error is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
+ goto InternalCreateProcessExit;
+ }
+ /* [0] is read end, [1] is write end */
+ pDummyThread->suspensionInfo.SetBlockingPipe(pipe_descs[1]);
+ parent_blocking_pipe = pipe_descs[1];
+ child_blocking_pipe = pipe_descs[0];
+ }
+ palError = pobjProcessRegistered->GetProcessLocalData(
+ pThread,
+ WriteLock,
+ &pLocalDataLock,
+ reinterpret_cast<void **>(&pLocalData)
+ );
+ if (NO_ERROR != palError)
+ {
+ ASSERT("Unable to obtain local data for new process object\n");
+ goto InternalCreateProcessExit;
+ }
+ /* fork the new process */
+ processId = fork();
+ if (processId == -1)
+ {
+ ASSERT("Unable to create a new process with fork()\n");
+ if (-1 != child_blocking_pipe)
+ {
+ close(child_blocking_pipe);
+ close(parent_blocking_pipe);
+ }
+ goto InternalCreateProcessExit;
+ }
+ /* From the time the child process begins running, to when it reaches execve,
+ the child process is not a real PAL process and does not own any PAL
+ resources, although it has access to the PAL resources of its parent process.
+ Thus, while the child process is in this window, it is dangerous for it to affect
+ its parent's PAL resources. As a consequence, no PAL code should be used
+ in this window; all code should make unix calls. Note the use of _exit
+ instead of exit to avoid calling PAL_Terminate and the lack of TRACE's and
+ ASSERT's. */
+ if (processId == 0) /* child process */
+ {
+ // At this point, the PAL should be considered uninitialized for this child process.
+ // Don't want to enter the init_critsec here since we're trying to avoid
+ // calling PAL functions. Furthermore, nothing should be changing
+ // the init_count in the child process at this point since this is the only
+ // thread executing.
+ init_count = 0;
+ sigset_t sm;
+ //
+ // Clear out the signal mask for the new process.
+ //
+ sigemptyset(&sm);
+ iRet = sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &sm, NULL);
+ if (iRet != 0)
+ {
+ _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ if (dwCreationFlags & CREATE_SUSPENDED)
+ {
+ BYTE resume_code = 0;
+ ssize_t read_ret;
+ /* close the write end of the pipe, the child doesn't need it */
+ close(parent_blocking_pipe);
+ read_again:
+ /* block until ResumeThread writes something to the pipe */
+ read_ret = read(child_blocking_pipe, &resume_code, sizeof(resume_code));
+ if (sizeof(resume_code) != read_ret)
+ {
+ if (read_ret == -1 && EINTR == errno)
+ {
+ goto read_again;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* note : read might return 0 (and return EAGAIN) if the other
+ end of the pipe gets closed - for example because the parent
+ process dies (very) abruptly */
+ _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ }
+ if (WAKEUPCODE != resume_code)
+ {
+ // resume_code should always equal WAKEUPCODE.
+ _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ close(child_blocking_pipe);
+ }
+ /* Set the current directory */
+ if (lpCurrentDirectory)
+ {
+ SetCurrentDirectoryW(lpCurrentDirectory);
+ }
+ /* Set the standard handles to the incoming values */
+ if (lpStartupInfo->dwFlags & STARTF_USESTDHANDLES)
+ {
+ /* For each handle, we need to duplicate the incoming unix
+ fd to the corresponding standard one. The API that I use,
+ dup2, will copy the source to the destination, automatically
+ closing the existing destination, in an atomic way */
+ if (dup2(iFdIn, STDIN_FILENO) == -1)
+ {
+ // Didn't duplicate standard in.
+ _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ if (dup2(iFdOut, STDOUT_FILENO) == -1)
+ {
+ // Didn't duplicate standard out.
+ _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ if (dup2(iFdErr, STDERR_FILENO) == -1)
+ {
+ // Didn't duplicate standard error.
+ _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ /* now close the original FDs, we don't need them anymore */
+ close(iFdIn);
+ close(iFdOut);
+ close(iFdErr);
+ }
+ /* execute the new process */
+ if (EnvironmentArray)
+ {
+ execve(lpFileNamePS, lppArgv, EnvironmentArray);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ execve(lpFileNamePS, lppArgv, palEnvironment);
+ }
+ /* if we get here, it means the execve function call failed so just exit */
+ _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ /* parent process */
+ /* close the read end of the pipe, the parent doesn't need it */
+ close(child_blocking_pipe);
+ /* Set the process ID */
+ pLocalData->dwProcessId = processId;
+ pLocalDataLock->ReleaseLock(pThread, TRUE);
+ pLocalDataLock = NULL;
+ //
+ // Release file handle info; we don't need them anymore. Note that
+ // this must happen after we've released the data locks, as
+ // otherwise a deadlock could result.
+ //
+ if (lpStartupInfo->dwFlags & STARTF_USESTDHANDLES)
+ {
+ pobjFileIn->ReleaseReference(pThread);
+ pobjFileIn = NULL;
+ pobjFileOut->ReleaseReference(pThread);
+ pobjFileOut = NULL;
+ pobjFileErr->ReleaseReference(pThread);
+ pobjFileErr = NULL;
+ }
+ /* fill PROCESS_INFORMATION strucutre */
+ lpProcessInformation->hProcess = hProcess;
+ lpProcessInformation->hThread = hDummyThread;
+ lpProcessInformation->dwProcessId = processId;
+ lpProcessInformation->dwThreadId_PAL_Undefined = 0;
+ TRACE("New process created: id=%#x\n", processId);
+ if (NULL != pLocalDataLock)
+ {
+ pLocalDataLock->ReleaseLock(pThread, FALSE);
+ }
+ if (NULL != pSharedDataLock)
+ {
+ pSharedDataLock->ReleaseLock(pThread, FALSE);
+ }
+ if (NULL != pobjProcess)
+ {
+ pobjProcess->ReleaseReference(pThread);
+ }
+ if (NULL != pobjProcessRegistered)
+ {
+ pobjProcessRegistered->ReleaseReference(pThread);
+ }
+ if (NO_ERROR != palError)
+ {
+ if (NULL != hProcess)
+ {
+ g_pObjectManager->RevokeHandle(pThread, hProcess);
+ }
+ if (NULL != hDummyThread)
+ {
+ g_pObjectManager->RevokeHandle(pThread, hDummyThread);
+ }
+ }
+ if (EnvironmentArray)
+ {
+ free(EnvironmentArray);
+ }
+ /* if we still have the file structures at this point, it means we
+ encountered an error sometime between when we acquired them and when we
+ fork()ed. We not only have to release them, we have to give them back
+ their close-on-exec flag */
+ if (NULL != pobjFileIn)
+ {
+ if(-1 == fcntl(iFdIn, F_SETFD, 1))
+ {
+ WARN("couldn't restore close-on-exec flag to stdin descriptor! "
+ "errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
+ }
+ pobjFileIn->ReleaseReference(pThread);
+ }
+ if (NULL != pobjFileOut)
+ {
+ if(-1 == fcntl(iFdOut, F_SETFD, 1))
+ {
+ WARN("couldn't restore close-on-exec flag to stdout descriptor! "
+ "errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
+ }
+ pobjFileOut->ReleaseReference(pThread);
+ }
+ if (NULL != pobjFileErr)
+ {
+ if(-1 == fcntl(iFdErr, F_SETFD, 1))
+ {
+ WARN("couldn't restore close-on-exec flag to stderr descriptor! "
+ "errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
+ }
+ pobjFileErr->ReleaseReference(pThread);
+ }
+ /* free allocated memory */
+ if (lppArgv)
+ {
+ free(*lppArgv);
+ free(lppArgv);
+ }
+ return palError;
+ GetExitCodeProcess
+See MSDN doc.
+ IN HANDLE hProcess,
+ IN LPDWORD lpExitCode)
+ CPalThread *pThread;
+ PAL_ERROR palError = NO_ERROR;
+ DWORD dwExitCode;
+ PERF_ENTRY(GetExitCodeProcess);
+ ENTRY("GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess = %p, lpExitCode = %p)\n",
+ hProcess, lpExitCode);
+ pThread = InternalGetCurrentThread();
+ if(NULL == lpExitCode)
+ {
+ WARN("Got NULL lpExitCode\n");
+ goto done;
+ }
+ palError = PROCGetProcessStatus(
+ pThread,
+ hProcess,
+ &ps,
+ &dwExitCode
+ );
+ if (NO_ERROR != palError)
+ {
+ ASSERT("Couldn't get process status information!\n");
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if( PS_DONE == ps )
+ {
+ *lpExitCode = dwExitCode;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *lpExitCode = STILL_ACTIVE;
+ }
+ if (NO_ERROR != palError)
+ {
+ pThread->SetLastError(palError);
+ }
+ LOGEXIT("GetExitCodeProcess returns BOOL %d\n", NO_ERROR == palError);
+ PERF_EXIT(GetExitCodeProcess);
+ return NO_ERROR == palError;
+ ExitProcess
+See MSDN doc.
+ IN UINT uExitCode)
+ DWORD old_terminator;
+ PERF_ENTRY_ONLY(ExitProcess);
+ ENTRY("ExitProcess(uExitCode=0x%x)\n", uExitCode );
+ old_terminator = InterlockedCompareExchange(&terminator, GetCurrentThreadId(), 0);
+ if (GetCurrentThreadId() == old_terminator)
+ {
+ // This thread has already initiated termination. This can happen
+ // in two ways:
+ // 1) DllMain(DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) triggers a call to ExitProcess.
+ // 2) PAL_exit() is called after the last PALTerminate().
+ // If the PAL is still initialized, we go straight through to
+ // PROCEndProcess. If it isn't, we simply exit.
+ if (!PALIsInitialized())
+ {
+ exit(uExitCode);
+ ASSERT("exit has returned\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WARN("thread re-called ExitProcess\n");
+ PROCEndProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), uExitCode, FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (0 != old_terminator)
+ {
+ /* another thread has already initiated the termination process. we
+ could just block on the PALInitLock critical section, but then
+ PROCSuspendOtherThreads would hang... so sleep forever here, we're
+ terminating anyway
+ Update: [TODO] PROCSuspendOtherThreads has been removed. Can this
+ code be changed? */
+ WARN("termination already started from another thread; blocking.\n");
+ poll(NULL, 0, INFTIM);
+ }
+ /* ExitProcess may be called even if PAL is not initialized.
+ Verify if process structure exist
+ */
+ if (PALInitLock() && PALIsInitialized())
+ {
+ PROCEndProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), uExitCode, FALSE);
+ /* Should not get here, because we terminate the current process */
+ ASSERT("PROCEndProcess has returned\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ exit(uExitCode);
+ /* Should not get here, because we terminate the current process */
+ ASSERT("exit has returned\n");
+ }
+ /* this should never get executed */
+ ASSERT("ExitProcess should not return!\n");
+ for (;;);
+ TerminateProcess
+ hProcess is a handle on the current process.
+See MSDN doc.
+ IN HANDLE hProcess,
+ IN UINT uExitCode)
+ BOOL ret;
+ PERF_ENTRY(TerminateProcess);
+ ENTRY("TerminateProcess(hProcess=%p, uExitCode=%u)\n",hProcess, uExitCode );
+ ret = PROCEndProcess(hProcess, uExitCode, TRUE);
+ LOGEXIT("TerminateProcess returns BOOL %d\n", ret);
+ PERF_EXIT(TerminateProcess);
+ return ret;
+ PROCEndProcess
+ Called from TerminateProcess and ExitProcess. This does the work of
+ TerminateProcess, but also takes a flag that determines whether we
+ shut down unconditionally. If the flag is set, the PAL will do very
+ little extra work before exiting. Most importantly, it won't shut
+ down any DLLs that are loaded.
+static BOOL PROCEndProcess(HANDLE hProcess, UINT uExitCode, BOOL bTerminateUnconditionally)
+ DWORD dwProcessId;
+ BOOL ret = FALSE;
+ dwProcessId = PROCGetProcessIDFromHandle(hProcess);
+ if (dwProcessId == 0)
+ {
+ }
+ else if(dwProcessId != GetCurrentProcessId())
+ {
+ if (uExitCode != 0)
+ WARN("exit code 0x%x ignored for external process.\n", uExitCode);
+ if (kill(dwProcessId, SIGKILL) == 0)
+ {
+ ret = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (errno) {
+ case ESRCH:
+ break;
+ case EPERM:
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Unexpected failure.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // WARN/ERROR before starting the termination process and/or leaving the PAL.
+ if (bTerminateUnconditionally)
+ {
+ WARN("exit code 0x%x ignored for terminate.\n", uExitCode);
+ }
+ else if ((uExitCode & 0xff) != uExitCode)
+ {
+ // TODO: Convert uExitCodes into sysexits(3)?
+ ERROR("exit() only supports the lower 8-bits of an exit code. "
+ "status will only see error 0x%x instead of 0x%x.\n", uExitCode & 0xff, uExitCode);
+ }
+ TerminateCurrentProcessNoExit(bTerminateUnconditionally);
+ LOGEXIT("PROCEndProcess will not return\n");
+ // exit() runs atexit handlers possibly registered by foreign code.
+ // The right thing to do here is to leave the PAL. If our client
+ // registered our own PAL_Terminate with atexit(), the latter will
+ // explicitly re-enter us.
+ PAL_Leave(PAL_BoundaryBottom);
+ if (bTerminateUnconditionally)
+ {
+ // abort() has the semantics that
+ // (1) it doesn't run atexit handlers
+ // (2) can invoke CrashReporter or produce a coredump,
+ // which is appropriate for TerminateProcess calls
+ abort();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ exit(uExitCode);
+ }
+ ASSERT(FALSE); // we shouldn't get here
+ }
+ return ret;
+ PAL_SetShutdownCallback
+ Sets a callback that is executed when the PAL is shut down because of
+ ExitProcess, TerminateProcess or PAL_Shutdown but not PAL_Terminate/Ex.
+ NOTE: Currently only one callback can be set at a time.
+ _ASSERTE(g_shutdownCallback == nullptr);
+ g_shutdownCallback = callback;
+static bool IsCoreClrModule(const char* pModulePath)
+ // Strip off everything up to and including the last slash in the path to get name
+ const char* pModuleName = pModulePath;
+ while (strchr(pModuleName, '/') != NULL)
+ {
+ pModuleName = strchr(pModuleName, '/');
+ pModuleName++; // pass the slash
+ }
+ return _stricmp(pModuleName, MAKEDLLNAME_A("coreclr")) == 0;
+// Build the semaphore names using the PID and a value that can be used for distinguishing
+// between processes with the same PID (which ran at different times). This is to avoid
+// cases where a prior process with the same PID exited abnormally without having a chance
+// to clean up its semaphore.
+// Note to anyone modifying these names in the future: Semaphore names on OS X are limited
+// to SEM_NAME_LEN characters, including null. SEM_NAME_LEN is 31 (at least on OS X 10.11).
+// NetBSD limits semaphore names to 15 characters, including null (at least up to 7.99.25).
+// Keep 31 length for Core 1.0 RC2 compatibility
+#if defined(__NetBSD__)
+static const char* RuntimeStartupSemaphoreName = "/clrst%08llx";
+static const char* RuntimeContinueSemaphoreName = "/clrco%08llx";
+static const char* RuntimeStartupSemaphoreName = "/clrst%08x%016llx";
+static const char* RuntimeContinueSemaphoreName = "/clrco%08x%016llx";
+#if defined(__NetBSD__)
+static uint64_t HashSemaphoreName(uint64_t a, uint64_t b)
+ return (a ^ b) & 0xffffffff;
+#define HashSemaphoreName(a,b) a,b
+static const char* PipeNameFormat = "/tmp/clr-debug-pipe-%d-%llu-%s";
+class PAL_RuntimeStartupHelper
+ LONG m_ref;
+ bool m_canceled;
+ PVOID m_parameter;
+ DWORD m_threadId;
+ HANDLE m_threadHandle;
+ DWORD m_processId;
+ // A value that, used in conjunction with the process ID, uniquely identifies a process.
+ // See the format we use for debugger semaphore names for why this is necessary.
+ UINT64 m_processIdDisambiguationKey;
+ // Debugger waits on this semaphore and the runtime signals it on startup.
+ sem_t *m_startupSem;
+ // Debuggee waits on this semaphore and the debugger signals it after the startup callback
+ // registered (m_callback) returns.
+ sem_t *m_continueSem;
+ PAL_RuntimeStartupHelper(DWORD dwProcessId, PPAL_STARTUP_CALLBACK pfnCallback, PVOID parameter) :
+ m_ref(1),
+ m_canceled(false),
+ m_callback(pfnCallback),
+ m_parameter(parameter),
+ m_threadId(0),
+ m_threadHandle(NULL),
+ m_processId(dwProcessId),
+ m_startupSem(SEM_FAILED),
+ m_continueSem(SEM_FAILED)
+ {
+ }
+ ~PAL_RuntimeStartupHelper()
+ {
+ if (m_startupSem != SEM_FAILED)
+ {
+ char startupSemName[CLR_SEM_MAX_NAMELEN];
+ sprintf_s(startupSemName,
+ sizeof(startupSemName),
+ RuntimeStartupSemaphoreName,
+ HashSemaphoreName(m_processId,
+ m_processIdDisambiguationKey));
+ sem_close(m_startupSem);
+ sem_unlink(startupSemName);
+ }
+ if (m_continueSem != SEM_FAILED)
+ {
+ char continueSemName[CLR_SEM_MAX_NAMELEN];
+ sprintf_s(continueSemName,
+ sizeof(continueSemName),
+ RuntimeContinueSemaphoreName,
+ HashSemaphoreName(m_processId,
+ m_processIdDisambiguationKey));
+ sem_close(m_continueSem);
+ sem_unlink(continueSemName);
+ }
+ if (m_threadHandle != NULL)
+ {
+ CloseHandle(m_threadHandle);
+ }
+ }
+ LONG AddRef()
+ {
+ LONG ref = InterlockedIncrement(&m_ref);
+ return ref;
+ }
+ LONG Release()
+ {
+ LONG ref = InterlockedDecrement(&m_ref);
+ if (ref == 0)
+ {
+ delete this;
+ }
+ return ref;
+ }
+ PAL_ERROR GetSemError()
+ {
+ switch (errno)
+ {
+ case ENOENT:
+ break;
+ case EACCES:
+ break;
+ case EINVAL:
+ break;
+ case ENOMEM:
+ break;
+ case EEXIST:
+ break;
+ case ENOSPC:
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return pe;
+ }
+ PAL_ERROR Register()
+ {
+ CPalThread *pThread = InternalGetCurrentThread();
+ char startupSemName[CLR_SEM_MAX_NAMELEN];
+ char continueSemName[CLR_SEM_MAX_NAMELEN];
+ // See semaphore name format for details about this value. We store it so that
+ // it can be used by the cleanup code that removes the semaphore with sem_unlink.
+ INDEBUG(BOOL disambiguationKeyRet = )
+ GetProcessIdDisambiguationKey(m_processId, &m_processIdDisambiguationKey);
+ _ASSERTE(disambiguationKeyRet == TRUE || m_processIdDisambiguationKey == 0);
+ sprintf_s(startupSemName,
+ sizeof(startupSemName),
+ RuntimeStartupSemaphoreName,
+ HashSemaphoreName(m_processId,
+ m_processIdDisambiguationKey));
+ sprintf_s(continueSemName,
+ sizeof(continueSemName),
+ RuntimeContinueSemaphoreName,
+ HashSemaphoreName(m_processId,
+ m_processIdDisambiguationKey));
+ TRACE("PAL_RuntimeStartupHelper.Register creating startup '%s' continue '%s'\n", startupSemName, continueSemName);
+ // Create the continue semaphore first so we don't race with PAL_NotifyRuntimeStarted. This open will fail if another
+ // debugger is trying to attach to this process because the name will already exist.
+ m_continueSem = sem_open(continueSemName, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, S_IRWXU, 0);
+ if (m_continueSem == SEM_FAILED)
+ {
+ TRACE("sem_open(continue) failed: errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
+ pe = GetSemError();
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ // Create the debuggee startup semaphore so the runtime (debuggee) knows to wait for a debugger connection.
+ m_startupSem = sem_open(startupSemName, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, S_IRWXU, 0);
+ if (m_startupSem == SEM_FAILED)
+ {
+ TRACE("sem_open(startup) failed: errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
+ pe = GetSemError();
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ // Add a reference for the thread handler
+ AddRef();
+ pe = InternalCreateThread(
+ pThread,
+ 0,
+ ::StartupHelperThread,
+ this,
+ 0,
+ UserCreatedThread,
+ &m_threadId,
+ &m_threadHandle);
+ if (NO_ERROR != pe)
+ {
+ TRACE("InternalCreateThread failed %d\n", pe);
+ Release();
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ exit:
+ return pe;
+ }
+ void Unregister()
+ {
+ m_canceled = true;
+ // Tell the runtime to continue
+ if (sem_post(m_continueSem) != 0)
+ {
+ ASSERT("sem_post(continueSem) failed: errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
+ }
+ // Tell the worker thread to continue
+ if (sem_post(m_startupSem) != 0)
+ {
+ ASSERT("sem_post(startupSem) failed: errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
+ }
+ // Don't need to wait for the worker thread if unregister called on it
+ if (m_threadId != (DWORD)THREADSilentGetCurrentThreadId())
+ {
+ // Wait for work thread to exit
+ if (WaitForSingleObject(m_threadHandle, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
+ {
+ ASSERT("WaitForSingleObject\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // There are a couple race conditions that need to be considered here:
+ //
+ // * On launch, between the fork and execv in the PAL's CreateProcess where the target process
+ // may contain a coreclr module image if the debugger process is running managed code. This
+ // makes just checking if the coreclr module exists not enough.
+ //
+ // * On launch (after the execv) or attach when the coreclr is loaded but before the DAC globals
+ // table is initialized where it is too soon to use/initialize the DAC on the debugger side.
+ //
+ // They are both fixed by check if the one of transport pipe files has been created.
+ //
+ bool IsCoreClrProcessReady()
+ {
+ PAL_GetTransportPipeName(pipeName, m_processId, "in");
+ struct stat buf;
+ if (stat(pipeName, &buf) == 0)
+ {
+ TRACE("IsCoreClrProcessReady: stat(%s) SUCCEEDED\n", pipeName);
+ return true;
+ }
+ TRACE("IsCoreClrProcessReady: stat(%s) FAILED: errno is %d (%s)\n", pipeName, errno, strerror(errno));
+ return false;
+ }
+ PAL_ERROR InvokeStartupCallback()
+ {
+ ProcessModules *listHead = NULL;
+ DWORD count;
+ if (m_canceled)
+ {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ // Enumerate all the modules in the process and invoke the callback
+ // for the coreclr module if found.
+ listHead = CreateProcessModules(m_processId, &count);
+ if (listHead == NULL)
+ {
+ TRACE("CreateProcessModules failed for pid %d\n", m_processId);
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ for (ProcessModules *entry = listHead; entry != NULL; entry = entry->Next)
+ {
+ if (IsCoreClrModule(entry->Name))
+ {
+ {
+ TRACE("InvokeStartupCallback executing callback %p %s\n", entry->BaseAddress, entry->Name);
+ m_callback(entry->Name, entry->BaseAddress, m_parameter);
+ }
+ {
+ }
+ // Currently only the first coreclr module in a process is supported
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ exit:
+ // Wake up the runtime
+ if (sem_post(m_continueSem) != 0)
+ {
+ ASSERT("sem_post(continueSem) failed: errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
+ }
+ if (listHead != NULL)
+ {
+ DestroyProcessModules(listHead);
+ }
+ return pe;
+ }
+ void StartupHelperThread()
+ {
+ if (IsCoreClrProcessReady())
+ {
+ pe = InvokeStartupCallback();
+ }
+ else {
+ TRACE("sem_wait(startup)\n");
+ // Wait until the coreclr runtime (debuggee) starts up
+ if (sem_wait(m_startupSem) == 0)
+ {
+ pe = InvokeStartupCallback();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRACE("sem_wait(startup) failed: errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
+ pe = GetSemError();
+ }
+ }
+ // Invoke the callback on errors
+ if (pe != NO_ERROR && !m_canceled)
+ {
+ SetLastError(pe);
+ m_callback(NULL, NULL, m_parameter);
+ }
+ }
+StartupHelperThread(LPVOID p)
+ TRACE("PAL's StartupHelperThread starting\n");
+ PAL_RuntimeStartupHelper *helper = (PAL_RuntimeStartupHelper *)p;
+ helper->StartupHelperThread();
+ helper->Release();
+ return 0;
+ PAL_RegisterForRuntimeStartup
+ dwProcessId - process id of runtime process
+ pfnCallback - function to callback for coreclr module found
+ parameter - data to pass to callback
+ ppUnregisterToken - pointer to put PAL_UnregisterForRuntimeStartup token.
+Return value:
+ If the modulePath or hModule is NULL when the callback is invoked, an error occured
+ and GetLastError() will return the Win32 error code.
+ The callback is always invoked on a separate thread and this API returns immediately.
+ Only the first coreclr module is currently supported.
+ IN DWORD dwProcessId,
+ IN PVOID parameter,
+ OUT PVOID *ppUnregisterToken)
+ _ASSERTE(pfnCallback != NULL);
+ _ASSERTE(ppUnregisterToken != NULL);
+ PAL_RuntimeStartupHelper *helper = new PAL_RuntimeStartupHelper(dwProcessId, pfnCallback, parameter);
+ // Create the debuggee startup semaphore so the runtime (debuggee) knows to wait for
+ // a debugger connection.
+ PAL_ERROR pe = helper->Register();
+ if (NO_ERROR != pe)
+ {
+ helper->Release();
+ helper = NULL;
+ }
+ *ppUnregisterToken = helper;
+ return pe;
+ PAL_UnregisterForRuntimeStartup
+ Stops/cancels startup notification. This API can be called in the startup callback. Otherwise,
+ it will block until the callback thread finishes and no more callbacks will be initiated after
+ this API returns.
+ dwUnregisterToken - token from PAL_RegisterForRuntimeStartup or NULL.
+Return value:
+ IN PVOID pUnregisterToken)
+ if (pUnregisterToken != NULL)
+ {
+ PAL_RuntimeStartupHelper *helper = (PAL_RuntimeStartupHelper *)pUnregisterToken;
+ helper->Unregister();
+ helper->Release();
+ }
+ return NO_ERROR;
+ PAL_NotifyRuntimeStarted
+ Signals the debugger waiting for runtime startup notification to continue and
+ waits until the debugger signals us to continue.
+ None
+Return value:
+ TRUE - succeeded, FALSE - failed
+ char startupSemName[CLR_SEM_MAX_NAMELEN];
+ char continueSemName[CLR_SEM_MAX_NAMELEN];
+ sem_t *startupSem = SEM_FAILED;
+ sem_t *continueSem = SEM_FAILED;
+ BOOL result = TRUE;
+ UINT64 processIdDisambiguationKey = 0;
+ GetProcessIdDisambiguationKey(gPID, &processIdDisambiguationKey);
+ sprintf_s(startupSemName, sizeof(startupSemName), RuntimeStartupSemaphoreName, HashSemaphoreName(gPID, processIdDisambiguationKey));
+ sprintf_s(continueSemName, sizeof(continueSemName), RuntimeContinueSemaphoreName, HashSemaphoreName(gPID, processIdDisambiguationKey));
+ TRACE("PAL_NotifyRuntimeStarted opening continue '%s' startup '%s'\n", continueSemName, startupSemName);
+ // Open the debugger startup semaphore. If it doesn't exists, then we do nothing and
+ // the function is successful.
+ startupSem = sem_open(startupSemName, 0);
+ if (startupSem == SEM_FAILED)
+ {
+ TRACE("sem_open(%s) failed: %d (%s)\n", startupSemName, errno, strerror(errno));
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ continueSem = sem_open(continueSemName, 0);
+ if (continueSem == SEM_FAILED)
+ {
+ ASSERT("sem_open(%s) failed: %d (%s)\n", continueSemName, errno, strerror(errno));
+ result = FALSE;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ // Wake up the debugger waiting for startup
+ if (sem_post(startupSem) != 0)
+ {
+ ASSERT("sem_post(startupSem) failed: errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
+ result = FALSE;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ // Now wait until the debugger's runtime startup notification is finished
+ if (sem_wait(continueSem) != 0)
+ {
+ ASSERT("sem_wait(continueSem) failed: errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
+ result = FALSE;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ if (startupSem != SEM_FAILED)
+ {
+ sem_close(startupSem);
+ }
+ if (continueSem != SEM_FAILED)
+ {
+ sem_close(continueSem);
+ }
+ return result;
+ Function:
+ GetProcessIdDisambiguationKey
+ Get a numeric value that can be used to disambiguate between processes with the same PID,
+ provided that one of them is still running. The numeric value can mean different things
+ on different platforms, so it should not be used for any other purpose. Under the hood,
+ it is implemented based on the creation time of the process.
+GetProcessIdDisambiguationKey(DWORD processId, UINT64 *disambiguationKey)
+ if (disambiguationKey == nullptr)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(!"disambiguationKey argument cannot be null!");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ *disambiguationKey = 0;
+#if defined(__APPLE__)
+ // On OS X, we return the process start time expressed in Unix time (the number of seconds
+ // since the start of the Unix epoch).
+ struct kinfo_proc info = {};
+ size_t size = sizeof(info);
+ int mib[4] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_PID, processId };
+ int ret = ::sysctl(mib, sizeof(mib)/sizeof(*mib), &info, &size, nullptr, 0);
+ if (ret == 0)
+ {
+ timeval procStartTime = info.kp_proc.p_starttime;
+ long secondsSinceEpoch = procStartTime.tv_sec;
+ *disambiguationKey = secondsSinceEpoch;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(!"Failed to get start time of a process.");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+#elif defined(__NetBSD__)
+ // On NetBSD, we return the process start time expressed in Unix time (the number of seconds
+ // since the start of the Unix epoch).
+ kvm_t *kd;
+ int cnt;
+ struct kinfo_proc2 *info;
+ kd = kvm_open(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, KVM_NO_FILES, "kvm_open");
+ if (kd == nullptr)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(!"Failed to get start time of a process.");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ info = kvm_getproc2(kd, KERN_PROC_PID, processId, sizeof(struct kinfo_proc2), &cnt);
+ if (info == nullptr || cnt < 1)
+ {
+ kvm_close(kd);
+ _ASSERTE(!"Failed to get start time of a process.");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ kvm_close(kd);
+ long secondsSinceEpoch = info->p_ustart_sec;
+ *disambiguationKey = secondsSinceEpoch;
+ return TRUE;
+ // Here we read /proc/<pid>/stat file to get the start time for the process.
+ // We return this value (which is expressed in jiffies since boot time).
+ // Making something like: /proc/123/stat
+ char statFileName[64];
+ INDEBUG(int chars = )
+ snprintf(statFileName, sizeof(statFileName), "/proc/%d/stat", processId);
+ _ASSERTE(chars > 0 && chars <= sizeof(statFileName));
+ FILE *statFile = fopen(statFileName, "r");
+ if (statFile == nullptr)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ char *line = nullptr;
+ size_t lineLen = 0;
+ if (getline(&line, &lineLen, statFile) == -1)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(!"Failed to getline from the stat file for a process.");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ unsigned long long starttime;
+ // According to `man proc`, the second field in the stat file is the filename of the executable,
+ // in parentheses. Tokenizing the stat file using spaces as separators breaks when that name
+ // has spaces in it, so we start using sscanf after skipping everything up to and including the
+ // last closing paren and the space after it.
+ char *scanStartPosition = strrchr(line, ')') + 2;
+ // All the format specifiers for the fields in the stat file are provided by 'man proc'.
+ int sscanfRet = sscanf(scanStartPosition,
+ "%*c %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*u %*lu %*lu %*lu %*lu %*lu %*lu %*ld %*ld %*ld %*ld %*ld %*ld %llu \n",
+ &starttime);
+ if (sscanfRet != 1)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(!"Failed to parse stat file contents with sscanf.");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ free(line);
+ fclose(statFile);
+ *disambiguationKey = starttime;
+ return TRUE;
+ // If this is not OS X and we don't have /proc, we just return FALSE.
+ WARN("GetProcessIdDisambiguationKey was called but is not implemented on this platform!");
+ return FALSE;
+ Function:
+ PAL_GetTransportPipeName
+ Builds the transport pipe names from the process id.
+PAL_GetTransportPipeName(char *name, DWORD id, const char *suffix)
+ UINT64 disambiguationKey = 0;
+ BOOL ret = GetProcessIdDisambiguationKey(id, &disambiguationKey);
+ // If GetProcessIdDisambiguationKey failed for some reason, it should set the value
+ // to 0. We expect that anyone else making the pipe name will also fail and thus will
+ // also try to use 0 as the value.
+ _ASSERTE(ret == TRUE || disambiguationKey == 0);
+ int chars = _snprintf(name, MAX_DEBUGGER_TRANSPORT_PIPE_NAME_LENGTH, PipeNameFormat, id, disambiguationKey, suffix);
+ GetProcessTimes
+See MSDN doc.
+ IN HANDLE hProcess,
+ OUT LPFILETIME lpCreationTime,
+ OUT LPFILETIME lpKernelTime,
+ BOOL retval = FALSE;
+ struct rusage resUsage;
+ __int64 calcTime;
+ const __int64 SECS_TO_NS = 1000000000; /* 10^9 */
+ const __int64 USECS_TO_NS = 1000; /* 10^3 */
+ PERF_ENTRY(GetProcessTimes);
+ ENTRY("GetProcessTimes(hProcess=%p, lpExitTime=%p, lpKernelTime=%p,"
+ "lpUserTime=%p)\n",
+ hProcess, lpCreationTime, lpExitTime, lpKernelTime, lpUserTime );
+ /* Make sure hProcess is the current process, this is the only supported
+ case */
+ if(PROCGetProcessIDFromHandle(hProcess)!=GetCurrentProcessId())
+ {
+ ASSERT("GetProcessTimes() does not work on a process other than the "
+ "current process.\n");
+ goto GetProcessTimesExit;
+ }
+ /* First, we need to actually retrieve the relevant statistics from the
+ OS */
+ if (getrusage (RUSAGE_SELF, &resUsage) == -1)
+ {
+ ASSERT("Unable to get resource usage information for the current "
+ "process\n");
+ goto GetProcessTimesExit;
+ }
+ TRACE ("getrusage User: %ld sec,%ld microsec. Kernel: %ld sec,%ld"
+ " microsec\n",
+ resUsage.ru_utime.tv_sec, resUsage.ru_utime.tv_usec,
+ resUsage.ru_stime.tv_sec, resUsage.ru_stime.tv_usec);
+ if (lpUserTime)
+ {
+ /* Get the time of user mode execution, in 100s of nanoseconds */
+ calcTime = (__int64)resUsage.ru_utime.tv_sec * SECS_TO_NS;
+ calcTime += (__int64)resUsage.ru_utime.tv_usec * USECS_TO_NS;
+ calcTime /= 100; /* Produce the time in 100s of ns */
+ /* Assign the time into lpUserTime */
+ lpUserTime->dwLowDateTime = (DWORD)calcTime;
+ lpUserTime->dwHighDateTime = (DWORD)(calcTime >> 32);
+ }
+ if (lpKernelTime)
+ {
+ /* Get the time of kernel mode execution, in 100s of nanoseconds */
+ calcTime = (__int64)resUsage.ru_stime.tv_sec * SECS_TO_NS;
+ calcTime += (__int64)resUsage.ru_stime.tv_usec * USECS_TO_NS;
+ calcTime /= 100; /* Produce the time in 100s of ns */
+ /* Assign the time into lpUserTime */
+ lpKernelTime->dwLowDateTime = (DWORD)calcTime;
+ lpKernelTime->dwHighDateTime = (DWORD)(calcTime >> 32);
+ }
+ retval = TRUE;
+ LOGEXIT("GetProcessTimes returns BOOL %d\n", retval);
+ PERF_EXIT(GetProcessTimes);
+ return (retval);
+ (((ULONGLONG)(f).dwHighDateTime << 32) | ((ULONGLONG)(f).dwLowDateTime))
+ PAL_GetCPUBusyTime
+The main purpose of this function is to compute the overall CPU utilization
+for the CLR thread pool to regulate the number of I/O completion port
+worker threads.
+Since there is no consistent API on Unix to get the CPU utilization
+from a user process, getrusage and gettimeofday are used to
+compute the current process's CPU utilization instead.
+This function emulates the ThreadpoolMgr::GetCPUBusyTime_NT function in
+win32threadpool.cpp of the CLR.
+See MSDN doc for GetSystemTimes.
+ ULONGLONG nLastRecordedCurrentTime = 0;
+ ULONGLONG nLastRecordedUserTime = 0;
+ ULONGLONG nLastRecordedKernelTime = 0;
+ ULONGLONG nKernelTime = 0;
+ ULONGLONG nUserTime = 0;
+ ULONGLONG nCurrentTime = 0;
+ ULONGLONG nCpuBusyTime = 0;
+ ULONGLONG nCpuTotalTime = 0;
+ DWORD nReading = 0;
+ struct rusage resUsage;
+ struct timeval tv;
+ static DWORD dwNumberOfProcessors = 0;
+ if (dwNumberOfProcessors <= 0)
+ {
+ SYSTEM_INFO SystemInfo;
+ GetSystemInfo(&SystemInfo);
+ dwNumberOfProcessors = SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
+ if (dwNumberOfProcessors <= 0)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &resUsage) == -1)
+ {
+ ASSERT("getrusage() failed; errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nKernelTime = (ULONGLONG)resUsage.ru_stime.tv_sec*tccSecondsTo100NanoSeconds +
+ resUsage.ru_stime.tv_usec*tccMicroSecondsTo100NanoSeconds;
+ nUserTime = (ULONGLONG)resUsage.ru_utime.tv_sec*tccSecondsTo100NanoSeconds +
+ resUsage.ru_utime.tv_usec*tccMicroSecondsTo100NanoSeconds;
+ }
+ if (gettimeofday(&tv, NULL) == -1)
+ {
+ ASSERT("gettimeofday() failed; errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nCurrentTime = (ULONGLONG)tv.tv_sec*tccSecondsTo100NanoSeconds +
+ tv.tv_usec*tccMicroSecondsTo100NanoSeconds;
+ }
+ nLastRecordedCurrentTime = FILETIME_TO_ULONGLONG(lpPrevCPUInfo->LastRecordedTime.ftLastRecordedCurrentTime);
+ nLastRecordedUserTime = FILETIME_TO_ULONGLONG(lpPrevCPUInfo->ftLastRecordedUserTime);
+ nLastRecordedKernelTime = FILETIME_TO_ULONGLONG(lpPrevCPUInfo->ftLastRecordedKernelTime);
+ if (nCurrentTime > nLastRecordedCurrentTime)
+ {
+ nCpuTotalTime = (nCurrentTime - nLastRecordedCurrentTime);
+ // For systems that run multiple threads of a process on multiple processors,
+ // the accumulated userTime and kernelTime of this process may exceed
+ // the elapsed time. In this case, the cpuTotalTime needs to be adjusted
+ // according to number of processors so that the cpu utilization
+ // will not be greater than 100.
+ nCpuTotalTime *= dwNumberOfProcessors;
+ }
+ if (nUserTime >= nLastRecordedUserTime &&
+ nKernelTime >= nLastRecordedKernelTime)
+ {
+ nCpuBusyTime =
+ (nUserTime - nLastRecordedUserTime)+
+ (nKernelTime - nLastRecordedKernelTime);
+ }
+ if (nCpuTotalTime > 0 && nCpuBusyTime > 0)
+ {
+ nReading = (DWORD)((nCpuBusyTime*100)/nCpuTotalTime);
+ TRACE("PAL_GetCPUBusyTime: nCurrentTime=%lld, nKernelTime=%lld, nUserTime=%lld, nReading=%d\n",
+ nCurrentTime, nKernelTime, nUserTime, nReading);
+ }
+ if (nReading > 100)
+ {
+ ERROR("cpu utilization(%d) > 100\n", nReading);
+ }
+ lpPrevCPUInfo->LastRecordedTime.ftLastRecordedCurrentTime.dwLowDateTime = (DWORD)nCurrentTime;
+ lpPrevCPUInfo->LastRecordedTime.ftLastRecordedCurrentTime.dwHighDateTime = (DWORD)(nCurrentTime >> 32);
+ lpPrevCPUInfo->ftLastRecordedUserTime.dwLowDateTime = (DWORD)nUserTime;
+ lpPrevCPUInfo->ftLastRecordedUserTime.dwHighDateTime = (DWORD)(nUserTime >> 32);
+ lpPrevCPUInfo->ftLastRecordedKernelTime.dwLowDateTime = (DWORD)nKernelTime;
+ lpPrevCPUInfo->ftLastRecordedKernelTime.dwHighDateTime = (DWORD)(nKernelTime >> 32);
+ return (DWORD)nReading;
+ GetCommandLineW
+See MSDN doc.
+ PERF_ENTRY(GetCommandLineW);
+ ENTRY("GetCommandLineW()\n");
+ LPWSTR lpwstr = g_lpwstrCmdLine ? g_lpwstrCmdLine : (LPWSTR)W("");
+ LOGEXIT("GetCommandLineW returns LPWSTR %p (%S)\n",
+ g_lpwstrCmdLine,
+ lpwstr);
+ PERF_EXIT(GetCommandLineW);
+ return lpwstr;
+ OpenProcess
+See MSDN doc.
+Notes :
+dwDesiredAccess is ignored (all supported operations will be allowed)
+bInheritHandle is ignored (no inheritance)
+ DWORD dwDesiredAccess,
+ BOOL bInheritHandle,
+ DWORD dwProcessId)
+ PAL_ERROR palError;
+ CPalThread *pThread;
+ IPalObject *pobjProcess = NULL;
+ IPalObject *pobjProcessRegistered = NULL;
+ IDataLock *pDataLock;
+ CProcProcessLocalData *pLocalData;
+ CObjectAttributes oa;
+ HANDLE hProcess = NULL;
+ PERF_ENTRY(OpenProcess);
+ ENTRY("OpenProcess(dwDesiredAccess=0x%08x, bInheritHandle=%d, "
+ "dwProcessId = 0x%08x)\n",
+ dwDesiredAccess, bInheritHandle, dwProcessId );
+ pThread = InternalGetCurrentThread();
+ if (0 == dwProcessId)
+ {
+ goto OpenProcessExit;
+ }
+ palError = g_pObjectManager->AllocateObject(
+ pThread,
+ &otProcess,
+ &oa,
+ &pobjProcess
+ );
+ if (NO_ERROR != palError)
+ {
+ goto OpenProcessExit;
+ }
+ palError = pobjProcess->GetProcessLocalData(
+ pThread,
+ WriteLock,
+ &pDataLock,
+ reinterpret_cast<void **>(&pLocalData)
+ );
+ if (NO_ERROR != palError)
+ {
+ goto OpenProcessExit;
+ }
+ pLocalData->dwProcessId = dwProcessId;
+ pDataLock->ReleaseLock(pThread, TRUE);
+ palError = g_pObjectManager->RegisterObject(
+ pThread,
+ pobjProcess,
+ &aotProcess,
+ dwDesiredAccess,
+ &hProcess,
+ &pobjProcessRegistered
+ );
+ //
+ // pobjProcess was invalidated by the above call, so NULL
+ // it out here
+ //
+ pobjProcess = NULL;
+ //
+ // TODO: check to see if the process actually exists?
+ //
+ if (NULL != pobjProcess)
+ {
+ pobjProcess->ReleaseReference(pThread);
+ }
+ if (NULL != pobjProcessRegistered)
+ {
+ pobjProcessRegistered->ReleaseReference(pThread);
+ }
+ if (NO_ERROR != palError)
+ {
+ pThread->SetLastError(palError);
+ }
+ LOGEXIT("OpenProcess returns HANDLE %p\n", hProcess);
+ PERF_EXIT(OpenProcess);
+ return hProcess;
+ EnumProcessModules
+ Returns a process's module list
+ TRUE if it succeeded, FALSE otherwise
+ This API is tricky because the module handles are never closed/freed so there can't be any
+ allocations for the module handle or name strings, etc. The "handles" are actually the base
+ addresses of the modules. The module handles should only be used by GetModuleFileNameExW
+ below.
+ IN HANDLE hProcess,
+ OUT HMODULE *lphModule,
+ IN DWORD cb,
+ OUT LPDWORD lpcbNeeded)
+ PERF_ENTRY(EnumProcessModules);
+ ENTRY("EnumProcessModules(hProcess=0x%08x, cb=%d)\n", hProcess, cb);
+ BOOL result = TRUE;
+ DWORD count = 0;
+ ProcessModules *listHead = GetProcessModulesFromHandle(hProcess, &count);
+ if (listHead != NULL)
+ {
+ for (ProcessModules *entry = listHead; entry != NULL; entry = entry->Next)
+ {
+ if (cb <= 0)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ cb -= sizeof(HMODULE);
+ *lphModule = (HMODULE)entry->BaseAddress;
+ lphModule++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (lpcbNeeded)
+ {
+ // This return value isn't exactly up to spec because it should return the actual
+ // number of modules in the process even if "cb" isn't big enough but for our use
+ // it works just fine.
+ (*lpcbNeeded) = count * sizeof(HMODULE);
+ }
+ LOGEXIT("EnumProcessModules returns %d\n", result);
+ PERF_EXIT(EnumProcessModules);
+ return result;
+ GetModuleFileNameExW
+ Used only with module handles returned from EnumProcessModule (for dbgshim).
+ IN HANDLE hProcess,
+ IN HMODULE hModule,
+ OUT LPWSTR lpFilename,
+ IN DWORD nSize
+ DWORD result = 0;
+ DWORD count = 0;
+ ProcessModules *listHead = GetProcessModulesFromHandle(hProcess, &count);
+ if (listHead != NULL)
+ {
+ for (ProcessModules *entry = listHead; entry != NULL; entry = entry->Next)
+ {
+ if ((HMODULE)entry->BaseAddress == hModule)
+ {
+ // Convert CHAR string into WCHAR string
+ result = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, entry->Name, -1, lpFilename, nSize);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ GetProcessModulesFromHandle
+ Returns a process's module list
+ ProcessModules * list
+ProcessModules *
+ IN HANDLE hProcess,
+ OUT LPDWORD lpCount)
+ CPalThread* pThread = InternalGetCurrentThread();
+ CProcProcessLocalData *pLocalData = NULL;
+ ProcessModules *listHead = NULL;
+ IPalObject *pobjProcess = NULL;
+ IDataLock *pDataLock = NULL;
+ PAL_ERROR palError = NO_ERROR;
+ DWORD dwProcessId = 0;
+ DWORD count = 0;
+ _ASSERTE(lpCount != NULL);
+ if (hPseudoCurrentProcess == hProcess)
+ {
+ pobjProcess = g_pobjProcess;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CAllowedObjectTypes aotProcess(otiProcess);
+ palError = g_pObjectManager->ReferenceObjectByHandle(
+ pThread,
+ hProcess,
+ &aotProcess,
+ 0,
+ &pobjProcess);
+ if (NO_ERROR != palError)
+ {
+ pThread->SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE);
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ }
+ palError = pobjProcess->GetProcessLocalData(
+ pThread,
+ WriteLock,
+ &pDataLock,
+ reinterpret_cast<void **>(&pLocalData));
+ _ASSERTE(NO_ERROR == palError);
+ dwProcessId = pLocalData->dwProcessId;
+ listHead = pLocalData->pProcessModules;
+ count = pLocalData->cProcessModules;
+ // If the module list hasn't been created yet, create it now
+ if (listHead == NULL)
+ {
+ listHead = CreateProcessModules(dwProcessId, &count);
+ if (listHead == NULL)
+ {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ if (pLocalData != NULL)
+ {
+ pLocalData->pProcessModules = listHead;
+ pLocalData->cProcessModules = count;
+ }
+ }
+ if (NULL != pDataLock)
+ {
+ pDataLock->ReleaseLock(pThread, TRUE);
+ }
+ if (NULL != pobjProcess)
+ {
+ pobjProcess->ReleaseReference(pThread);
+ }
+ *lpCount = count;
+ return listHead;
+ CreateProcessModules
+ Returns a process's module list
+ ProcessModules * list
+ProcessModules *
+ IN DWORD dwProcessId,
+ OUT LPDWORD lpCount)
+ ProcessModules *listHead = NULL;
+ _ASSERTE(lpCount != NULL);
+#if defined(__APPLE__)
+ // For OS X, the "vmmap" command outputs something similar to the /proc/*/maps file so popen the
+ // command and read the relevant lines:
+ //
+ // ...
+ // ==== regions for process 347 (non-writable and writable regions are interleaved)
+ // __TEXT 000000010446d000-0000000104475000 [ 32K] r-x/rwx SM=COW /Users/mikem/coreclr/bin/Product/OSx.x64.Debug/corerun
+ // __DATA 0000000104475000-0000000104476000 [ 4K] rw-/rwx SM=PRV /Users/mikem/coreclr/bin/Product/OSx.x64.Debug/corerun
+ // __LINKEDIT 0000000104476000-000000010447a000 [ 16K] r--/rwx SM=COW /Users/mikem/coreclr/bin/Product/OSx.x64.Debug/corerun
+ // Kernel Alloc Once 000000010447a000-000000010447b000 [ 4K] rw-/rwx SM=PRV
+ // MALLOC (admin) 000000010447b000-000000010447c000 [ 4K] r--/rwx SM=ZER
+ // ...
+ // MALLOC (admin) 00000001044ab000-00000001044ac000 [ 4K] r--/rwx SM=PRV
+ // __TEXT 00000001044ac000-0000000104c84000 [ 8032K] r-x/rwx SM=COW /Users/mikem/coreclr/bin/Product/OSx.x64.Debug/libcoreclr.dylib
+ // __TEXT 0000000104c84000-0000000104c85000 [ 4K] rwx/rwx SM=PRV /Users/mikem/coreclr/bin/Product/OSx.x64.Debug/libcoreclr.dylib
+ // __TEXT 0000000104c85000-000000010513b000 [ 4824K] r-x/rwx SM=COW /Users/mikem/coreclr/bin/Product/OSx.x64.Debug/libcoreclr.dylib
+ // __TEXT 000000010513b000-000000010513c000 [ 4K] rwx/rwx SM=PRV /Users/mikem/coreclr/bin/Product/OSx.x64.Debug/libcoreclr.dylib
+ // __TEXT 000000010513c000-000000010516f000 [ 204K] r-x/rwx SM=COW /Users/mikem/coreclr/bin/Product/OSx.x64.Debug/libcoreclr.dylib
+ // __DATA 000000010516f000-00000001051ce000 [ 380K] rw-/rwx SM=COW /Users/mikem/coreclr/bin/Product/OSx.x64.Debug/libcoreclr.dylib
+ // __DATA 00000001051ce000-00000001051fa000 [ 176K] rw-/rwx SM=PRV /Users/mikem/coreclr/bin/Product/OSx.x64.Debug/libcoreclr.dylib
+ // __LINKEDIT 00000001051fa000-0000000105bac000 [ 9928K] r--/rwx SM=COW /Users/mikem/coreclr/bin/Product/OSx.x64.Debug/libcoreclr.dylib
+ // VM_ALLOCATE 0000000105bac000-0000000105bad000 [ 4K] r--/rw- SM=SHM
+ // MALLOC (admin) 0000000105bad000-0000000105bae000 [ 4K] r--/rwx SM=ZER
+ // MALLOC 0000000105bae000-0000000105baf000 [ 4K] rw-/rwx SM=ZER
+ char *line = NULL;
+ size_t lineLen = 0;
+ int count = 0;
+ ssize_t read;
+ char vmmapCommand[100];
+ int chars = snprintf(vmmapCommand, sizeof(vmmapCommand), "/usr/bin/vmmap -interleaved %d -wide", dwProcessId);
+ _ASSERTE(chars > 0 && chars <= sizeof(vmmapCommand));
+ FILE *vmmapFile = popen(vmmapCommand, "r");
+ if (vmmapFile == NULL)
+ {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ // Reading maps file line by line
+ while ((read = getline(&line, &lineLen, vmmapFile)) != -1)
+ {
+ void *startAddress, *endAddress;
+ char moduleName[PATH_MAX];
+ int size;
+ if (sscanf(line, "__TEXT %p-%p [ %dK] %*[-/rwxsp] SM=%*[A-Z] %s\n", &startAddress, &endAddress, &size, moduleName) == 4)
+ {
+ bool dup = false;
+ for (ProcessModules *entry = listHead; entry != NULL; entry = entry->Next)
+ {
+ if (strcmp(moduleName, entry->Name) == 0)
+ {
+ dup = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!dup)
+ {
+ int cbModuleName = strlen(moduleName) + 1;
+ ProcessModules *entry = (ProcessModules *)InternalMalloc(sizeof(ProcessModules) + cbModuleName);
+ if (entry == NULL)
+ {
+ DestroyProcessModules(listHead);
+ listHead = NULL;
+ count = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ strcpy_s(entry->Name, cbModuleName, moduleName);
+ entry->BaseAddress = startAddress;
+ entry->Next = listHead;
+ listHead = entry;
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *lpCount = count;
+ free(line); // We didn't allocate line, but as per contract of getline we should free it
+ pclose(vmmapFile);
+ // Here we read /proc/<pid>/maps file in order to parse it and figure out what it says
+ // about a library we are looking for. This file looks something like this:
+ //
+ // [address] [perms] [offset] [dev] [inode] [pathname] - HEADER is not preset in an actual file
+ //
+ // 35b1800000-35b1820000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 135522 /usr/lib64/
+ // 35b1a1f000-35b1a20000 r--p 0001f000 08:02 135522 /usr/lib64/
+ // 35b1a20000-35b1a21000 rw-p 00020000 08:02 135522 /usr/lib64/
+ // 35b1a21000-35b1a22000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [heap]
+ // 35b1c00000-35b1dac000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 135870 /usr/lib64/
+ // 35b1dac000-35b1fac000 ---p 001ac000 08:02 135870 /usr/lib64/
+ // 35b1fac000-35b1fb0000 r--p 001ac000 08:02 135870 /usr/lib64/
+ // 35b1fb0000-35b1fb2000 rw-p 001b0000 08:02 135870 /usr/lib64/
+ // Making something like: /proc/123/maps
+ char mapFileName[100];
+ char *line = NULL;
+ size_t lineLen = 0;
+ int count = 0;
+ ssize_t read;
+ INDEBUG(int chars = )
+ snprintf(mapFileName, sizeof(mapFileName), "/proc/%d/maps", dwProcessId);
+ _ASSERTE(chars > 0 && chars <= sizeof(mapFileName));
+ FILE *mapsFile = fopen(mapFileName, "r");
+ if (mapsFile == NULL)
+ {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ // Reading maps file line by line
+ while ((read = getline(&line, &lineLen, mapsFile)) != -1)
+ {
+ void *startAddress, *endAddress, *offset;
+ int devHi, devLo, inode;
+ char moduleName[PATH_MAX];
+ if (sscanf(line, "%p-%p %*[-rwxsp] %p %x:%x %d %s\n", &startAddress, &endAddress, &offset, &devHi, &devLo, &inode, moduleName) == 7)
+ {
+ if (inode != 0)
+ {
+ bool dup = false;
+ for (ProcessModules *entry = listHead; entry != NULL; entry = entry->Next)
+ {
+ if (strcmp(moduleName, entry->Name) == 0)
+ {
+ dup = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!dup)
+ {
+ int cbModuleName = strlen(moduleName) + 1;
+ ProcessModules *entry = (ProcessModules *)InternalMalloc(sizeof(ProcessModules) + cbModuleName);
+ if (entry == NULL)
+ {
+ DestroyProcessModules(listHead);
+ listHead = NULL;
+ count = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ strcpy_s(entry->Name, cbModuleName, moduleName);
+ entry->BaseAddress = startAddress;
+ entry->Next = listHead;
+ listHead = entry;
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *lpCount = count;
+ free(line); // We didn't allocate line, but as per contract of getline we should free it
+ fclose(mapsFile);
+ _ASSERTE(!"Not implemented on this platform");
+ return listHead;
+ DestroyProcessModules
+ Cleans up the process module table.
+ None
+DestroyProcessModules(IN ProcessModules *listHead)
+ for (ProcessModules *entry = listHead; entry != NULL; )
+ {
+ ProcessModules *next = entry->Next;
+ free(entry);
+ entry = next;
+ }
+ PROCNotifyProcessShutdown
+ Calls the abort handler to do any shutdown cleanup. Call be called
+ from the unhandled native exception handler.
+(no return value)
+void PROCNotifyProcessShutdown()
+ // Call back into the coreclr to clean up the debugger transport pipes
+ PSHUTDOWN_CALLBACK callback = InterlockedExchangePointer(&g_shutdownCallback, NULL);
+ if (callback != NULL)
+ {
+ callback();
+ }
+ PROCAbort()
+ Aborts the process after calling the shutdown cleanup handler. This function
+ should be called instead of calling abort() directly.
+ Does not return
+ PROCNotifyProcessShutdown();
+ abort();
+ InitializeFlushProcessWriteBuffers
+ This function initializes data structures needed for the FlushProcessWriteBuffers
+ TRUE if it succeeded, FALSE otherwise
+BOOL InitializeFlushProcessWriteBuffers()
+ // Verify that the s_helperPage is really aligned to the VIRTUAL_PAGE_SIZE
+ _ASSERTE((((SIZE_T)s_helperPage) & (VIRTUAL_PAGE_SIZE - 1)) == 0);
+ // Locking the page ensures that it stays in memory during the two mprotect
+ // calls in the FlushProcessWriteBuffers below. If the page was unmapped between
+ // those calls, they would not have the expected effect of generating IPI.
+ int status = mlock(s_helperPage, VIRTUAL_PAGE_SIZE);
+ if (status != 0)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ status = pthread_mutex_init(&flushProcessWriteBuffersMutex, NULL);
+ if (status != 0)
+ {
+ munlock(s_helperPage, VIRTUAL_PAGE_SIZE);
+ }
+ return status == 0;
+#define FATAL_ASSERT(e, msg) \
+ do \
+ { \
+ if (!(e)) \
+ { \
+ fprintf(stderr, "FATAL ERROR: " msg); \
+ PROCAbort(); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ while(0)
+ FlushProcessWriteBuffers
+See MSDN doc.
+ int status = pthread_mutex_lock(&flushProcessWriteBuffersMutex);
+ FATAL_ASSERT(status == 0, "Failed to lock the flushProcessWriteBuffersMutex lock");
+ // Changing a helper memory page protection from read / write to no access
+ // causes the OS to issue IPI to flush TLBs on all processors. This also
+ // results in flushing the processor buffers.
+ status = mprotect(s_helperPage, VIRTUAL_PAGE_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
+ FATAL_ASSERT(status == 0, "Failed to change helper page protection to read / write");
+ // Ensure that the page is dirty before we change the protection so that
+ // we prevent the OS from skipping the global TLB flush.
+ InterlockedIncrement(s_helperPage);
+ status = mprotect(s_helperPage, VIRTUAL_PAGE_SIZE, PROT_NONE);
+ FATAL_ASSERT(status == 0, "Failed to change helper page protection to no access");
+ status = pthread_mutex_unlock(&flushProcessWriteBuffersMutex);
+ FATAL_ASSERT(status == 0, "Failed to unlock the flushProcessWriteBuffersMutex lock");
+ PROCGetProcessIDFromHandle
+ Return the process ID from a process handle
+ hProcess: process handle
+ Return the process ID, or 0 if it's not a valid handle
+ HANDLE hProcess)
+ PAL_ERROR palError;
+ IPalObject *pobjProcess = NULL;
+ CPalThread *pThread = InternalGetCurrentThread();
+ DWORD dwProcessId = 0;
+ if (hPseudoCurrentProcess == hProcess)
+ {
+ dwProcessId = gPID;
+ goto PROCGetProcessIDFromHandleExit;
+ }
+ palError = g_pObjectManager->ReferenceObjectByHandle(
+ pThread,
+ hProcess,
+ &aotProcess,
+ 0,
+ &pobjProcess
+ );
+ if (NO_ERROR == palError)
+ {
+ IDataLock *pDataLock;
+ CProcProcessLocalData *pLocalData;
+ palError = pobjProcess->GetProcessLocalData(
+ pThread,
+ ReadLock,
+ &pDataLock,
+ reinterpret_cast<void **>(&pLocalData)
+ );
+ if (NO_ERROR == palError)
+ {
+ dwProcessId = pLocalData->dwProcessId;
+ pDataLock->ReleaseLock(pThread, FALSE);
+ }
+ pobjProcess->ReleaseReference(pThread);
+ }
+ return dwProcessId;
+ void
+ )
+ PAL_ERROR palError = NO_ERROR;
+ bool fLockInitialized = FALSE;
+ pGThreadList = NULL;
+ g_dwThreadCount = 0;
+ InternalInitializeCriticalSection(&g_csProcess);
+ fLockInitialized = TRUE;
+ if (NO_ERROR != palError)
+ {
+ if (fLockInitialized)
+ {
+ InternalDeleteCriticalSection(&g_csProcess);
+ }
+ }
+ return palError;
+ InitializeProcessCommandLine
+ Initializes (or re-initializes) the saved command line and exe path.
+ lpwstrCmdLine
+ lpwstrFullPath
+ This function takes ownership of lpwstrCmdLine, but not of lpwstrFullPath
+ LPWSTR lpwstrCmdLine,
+ LPWSTR lpwstrFullPath
+ PAL_ERROR palError = NO_ERROR;
+ LPWSTR initial_dir = NULL;
+ //
+ // Save the command line and initial directory
+ //
+ if (lpwstrFullPath)
+ {
+ LPWSTR lpwstr = PAL_wcsrchr(lpwstrFullPath, '/');
+ lpwstr[0] = '\0';
+ INT n = lstrlenW(lpwstrFullPath) + 1;
+ int iLen = n;
+ initial_dir = reinterpret_cast<LPWSTR>(InternalMalloc(iLen*sizeof(WCHAR)));
+ if (NULL == initial_dir)
+ {
+ ERROR("malloc() failed! (initial_dir) \n");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ if (wcscpy_s(initial_dir, iLen, lpwstrFullPath) != SAFECRT_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ ERROR("wcscpy_s failed!\n");
+ free(initial_dir);
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ lpwstr[0] = '/';
+ free(g_lpwstrAppDir);
+ g_lpwstrAppDir = initial_dir;
+ }
+ free(g_lpwstrCmdLine);
+ g_lpwstrCmdLine = lpwstrCmdLine;
+ return palError;
+ CreateInitialProcessAndThreadObjects
+ Creates the IPalObjects that represent the current process
+ and the initial thread
+ pThread - the initial thread
+ CPalThread *pThread
+ )
+ PAL_ERROR palError = NO_ERROR;
+ HANDLE hThread;
+ IPalObject *pobjProcess = NULL;
+ IDataLock *pDataLock;
+ CProcProcessLocalData *pLocalData;
+ CObjectAttributes oa;
+ HANDLE hProcess;
+ //
+ // Create initial thread object
+ //
+ palError = CreateThreadObject(pThread, pThread, &hThread);
+ if (NO_ERROR != palError)
+ {
+ goto CreateInitialProcessAndThreadObjectsExit;
+ }
+ //
+ // This handle isn't needed
+ //
+ (void) g_pObjectManager->RevokeHandle(pThread, hThread);
+ //
+ // Create and initialize process object
+ //
+ palError = g_pObjectManager->AllocateObject(
+ pThread,
+ &otProcess,
+ &oa,
+ &pobjProcess
+ );
+ if (NO_ERROR != palError)
+ {
+ ERROR("Unable to allocate process object");
+ goto CreateInitialProcessAndThreadObjectsExit;
+ }
+ palError = pobjProcess->GetProcessLocalData(
+ pThread,
+ WriteLock,
+ &pDataLock,
+ reinterpret_cast<void **>(&pLocalData)
+ );
+ if (NO_ERROR != palError)
+ {
+ ASSERT("Unable to access local data");
+ goto CreateInitialProcessAndThreadObjectsExit;
+ }
+ pLocalData->dwProcessId = gPID;
+ pLocalData->ps = PS_RUNNING;
+ pDataLock->ReleaseLock(pThread, TRUE);
+ palError = g_pObjectManager->RegisterObject(
+ pThread,
+ pobjProcess,
+ &aotProcess,
+ &hProcess,
+ &g_pobjProcess
+ );
+ //
+ // pobjProcess is invalidated by the call to RegisterObject, so
+ // NULL it out here to prevent it from being released later
+ //
+ pobjProcess = NULL;
+ if (NO_ERROR != palError)
+ {
+ ASSERT("Failure registering process object");
+ goto CreateInitialProcessAndThreadObjectsExit;
+ }
+ //
+ // There's no need to keep this handle around, so revoke
+ // it now
+ //
+ g_pObjectManager->RevokeHandle(pThread, hProcess);
+ if (NULL != pobjProcess)
+ {
+ pobjProcess->ReleaseReference(pThread);
+ }
+ return palError;
+ PROCCleanupInitialProcess
+ Cleanup all the structures for the initial process.
+ CPalThread *pThread = InternalGetCurrentThread();
+ InternalEnterCriticalSection(pThread, &g_csProcess);
+ /* Free the application directory */
+ free(g_lpwstrAppDir);
+ /* Free the stored command line */
+ free(g_lpwstrCmdLine);
+ InternalLeaveCriticalSection(pThread, &g_csProcess);
+ //
+ // Object manager shutdown will handle freeing the underlying
+ // thread and process data
+ //
+ PROCAddThread
+ Add a thread to the thread list of the current process
+ pThread: Thread object
+ CPalThread *pCurrentThread,
+ CPalThread *pTargetThread
+ )
+ /* protect the access of the thread list with critical section for
+ mutithreading access */
+ InternalEnterCriticalSection(pCurrentThread, &g_csProcess);
+ pTargetThread->SetNext(pGThreadList);
+ pGThreadList = pTargetThread;
+ g_dwThreadCount += 1;
+ TRACE("Thread 0x%p (id %#x) added to the process thread list\n",
+ pTargetThread, pTargetThread->GetThreadId());
+ InternalLeaveCriticalSection(pCurrentThread, &g_csProcess);
+ PROCRemoveThread
+ Remove a thread form the thread list of the current process
+ CPalThread *pThread : thread object to remove
+(no return value)
+ CPalThread *pCurrentThread,
+ CPalThread *pTargetThread
+ )
+ CPalThread *curThread, *prevThread;
+ /* protect the access of the thread list with critical section for
+ mutithreading access */
+ InternalEnterCriticalSection(pCurrentThread, &g_csProcess);
+ curThread = pGThreadList;
+ /* if thread list is empty */
+ if (curThread == NULL)
+ {
+ ASSERT("Thread list is empty.\n");
+ goto EXIT;
+ }
+ /* do we remove the first thread? */
+ if (curThread == pTargetThread)
+ {
+ pGThreadList = curThread->GetNext();
+ TRACE("Thread 0x%p (id %#x) removed from the process thread list\n",
+ pTargetThread, pTargetThread->GetThreadId());
+ goto EXIT;
+ }
+ prevThread = curThread;
+ curThread = curThread->GetNext();
+ /* find the thread to remove */
+ while (curThread != NULL)
+ {
+ if (curThread == pTargetThread)
+ {
+ /* found, fix the chain list */
+ prevThread->SetNext(curThread->GetNext());
+ g_dwThreadCount -= 1;
+ TRACE("Thread %p removed from the process thread list\n", pTargetThread);
+ goto EXIT;
+ }
+ prevThread = curThread;
+ curThread = curThread->GetNext();
+ }
+ WARN("Thread %p not removed (it wasn't found in the list)\n", pTargetThread);
+ InternalLeaveCriticalSection(pCurrentThread, &g_csProcess);
+ PROCGetNumberOfThreads
+ Return the number of threads in the thread list.
+ void
+ the number of threads.
+ void)
+ return g_dwThreadCount;
+ PROCProcessLock
+ Enter the critical section associated to the current process
+ void
+ void
+ CPalThread * pThread =
+ (PALIsThreadDataInitialized() ? InternalGetCurrentThread() : NULL);
+ InternalEnterCriticalSection(pThread, &g_csProcess);
+ PROCProcessUnlock
+ Leave the critical section associated to the current process
+ void
+ void
+ CPalThread * pThread =
+ (PALIsThreadDataInitialized() ? InternalGetCurrentThread() : NULL);
+ InternalLeaveCriticalSection(pThread, &g_csProcess);
+ PROCCleanupThreadSemIds
+ Cleanup SysV semaphore ids for all threads
+(no parameters, no return value)
+ //
+ // When using SysV semaphores, the semaphore ids used by PAL threads must be removed
+ // so they can be used again.
+ //
+ PROCProcessLock();
+ CPalThread *pTargetThread = pGThreadList;
+ while (NULL != pTargetThread)
+ {
+ pTargetThread->suspensionInfo.DestroySemaphoreIds();
+ pTargetThread = pTargetThread->GetNext();
+ }
+ PROCProcessUnlock();
+ TerminateCurrentProcessNoExit
+ Terminate current Process, but leave the caller alive
+ BOOL bTerminateUnconditionally - If this is set, the PAL will exit as
+ quickly as possible. In particular, it will not unload DLLs.
+Return value :
+ No return
+ This function is used in ExitThread and TerminateProcess
+CorUnix::TerminateCurrentProcessNoExit(BOOL bTerminateUnconditionally)
+ BOOL locked;
+ DWORD old_terminator;
+ old_terminator = InterlockedCompareExchange(&terminator, GetCurrentThreadId(), 0);
+ if (0 != old_terminator && GetCurrentThreadId() != old_terminator)
+ {
+ /* another thread has already initiated the termination process. we
+ could just block on the PALInitLock critical section, but then
+ PROCSuspendOtherThreads would hang... so sleep forever here, we're
+ terminating anyway
+ Update: [TODO] PROCSuspendOtherThreads has been removed. Can this
+ code be changed? */
+ /* note that if *this* thread has already started the termination
+ process, we want to proceed. the only way this can happen is if a
+ call to DllMain (from ExitProcess) brought us here (because DllMain
+ called ExitProcess, or TerminateProcess, or ExitThread);
+ TerminateProcess won't call DllMain, so there's no danger to get
+ caught in an infinite loop */
+ WARN("termination already started from another thread; blocking.\n");
+ poll(NULL, 0, INFTIM);
+ }
+ /* Try to lock the initialization count to prevent multiple threads from
+ terminating/initializing the PAL simultaneously */
+ /* note : it's also important to take this lock before the process lock,
+ because Init/Shutdown take the init lock, and the functions they call
+ may take the process lock. We must do it in the same order to avoid
+ deadlocks */
+ locked = PALInitLock();
+ if(locked && PALIsInitialized())
+ {
+ PROCNotifyProcessShutdown();
+ PALCommonCleanup();
+ }
+ PROCGetProcessStatus
+ Retrieve process state information (state & exit code).
+ DWORD process_id : PID of process to retrieve state for
+ PROCESS_STATE *state : state of process (starting, running, done)
+ DWORD *exit_code : exit code of process (from ExitProcess, etc.)
+Return value :
+ TRUE on success
+ CPalThread *pThread,
+ HANDLE hProcess,
+ DWORD *pdwExitCode
+ )
+ PAL_ERROR palError = NO_ERROR;
+ IPalObject *pobjProcess = NULL;
+ IDataLock *pDataLock;
+ CProcProcessLocalData *pLocalData;
+ pid_t wait_retval;
+ int status;
+ //
+ // First, check if we already know the status of this process. This will be
+ // the case if this function has already been called for the same process.
+ //
+ palError = g_pObjectManager->ReferenceObjectByHandle(
+ pThread,
+ hProcess,
+ &aotProcess,
+ 0,
+ &pobjProcess
+ );
+ if (NO_ERROR != palError)
+ {
+ goto PROCGetProcessStatusExit;
+ }
+ palError = pobjProcess->GetProcessLocalData(
+ pThread,
+ WriteLock,
+ &pDataLock,
+ reinterpret_cast<void **>(&pLocalData)
+ );
+ if (PS_DONE == pLocalData->ps)
+ {
+ TRACE("We already called waitpid() on process ID %#x; process has "
+ "terminated, exit code is %d\n",
+ pLocalData->dwProcessId, pLocalData->dwExitCode);
+ *pps = pLocalData->ps;
+ *pdwExitCode = pLocalData->dwExitCode;
+ pDataLock->ReleaseLock(pThread, FALSE);
+ goto PROCGetProcessStatusExit;
+ }
+ /* By using waitpid(), we can even retrieve the exit code of a non-PAL
+ process. However, note that waitpid() can only provide the low 8 bits
+ of the exit code. This is all that is required for the PAL spec. */
+ TRACE("Looking for status of process; trying wait()");
+ while(1)
+ {
+ /* try to get state of process, using non-blocking call */
+ wait_retval = waitpid(pLocalData->dwProcessId, &status, WNOHANG);
+ if ( wait_retval == (pid_t) pLocalData->dwProcessId )
+ {
+ /* success; get the exit code */
+ if ( WIFEXITED( status ) )
+ {
+ *pdwExitCode = WEXITSTATUS(status);
+ TRACE("Exit code was %d\n", *pdwExitCode);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WARN("process terminated without exiting; can't get exit "
+ "code. faking it.\n");
+ *pdwExitCode = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ *pps = PS_DONE;
+ }
+ else if (0 == wait_retval)
+ {
+ // The process is still running.
+ TRACE("Process %#x is still active.\n", pLocalData->dwProcessId);
+ *pps = PS_RUNNING;
+ *pdwExitCode = 0;
+ }
+ else if (-1 == wait_retval)
+ {
+ // This might happen if waitpid() had already been called, but
+ // this shouldn't happen - we call waitpid once, store the
+ // result, and use that afterwards.
+ // One legitimate cause of failure is EINTR; if this happens we
+ // have to try again. A second legitimate cause is ECHILD, which
+ // happens if we're trying to retrieve the status of a currently-
+ // running process that isn't a child of this process.
+ if(EINTR == errno)
+ {
+ TRACE("waitpid() failed with EINTR; re-waiting");
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (ECHILD == errno)
+ {
+ TRACE("waitpid() failed with ECHILD; calling kill instead");
+ if (kill(pLocalData->dwProcessId, 0) != 0)
+ {
+ if(ESRCH == errno)
+ {
+ WARN("kill() failed with ESRCH, i.e. target "
+ "process exited and it wasn't a child, "
+ "so can't get the exit code, assuming "
+ "it was 0.\n");
+ *pdwExitCode = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ERROR("kill(pid, 0) failed; errno is %d (%s)\n",
+ errno, strerror(errno));
+ *pdwExitCode = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ *pps = PS_DONE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *pps = PS_RUNNING;
+ *pdwExitCode = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Ignoring unexpected waitpid errno and assuming that
+ // the process is still running
+ ERROR("waitpid(pid=%u) failed with unexpected errno=%d (%s)\n",
+ pLocalData->dwProcessId, errno, strerror(errno));
+ *pps = PS_RUNNING;
+ *pdwExitCode = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ASSERT("waitpid returned unexpected value %d\n",wait_retval);
+ *pdwExitCode = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ *pps = PS_DONE;
+ }
+ // Break out of the loop in all cases except EINTR.
+ break;
+ }
+ // Save the exit code for future reference (waitpid will only work once).
+ if(PS_DONE == *pps)
+ {
+ pLocalData->ps = PS_DONE;
+ pLocalData->dwExitCode = *pdwExitCode;
+ }
+ TRACE( "State of process 0x%08x : %d (exit code %d)\n",
+ pLocalData->dwProcessId, *pps, *pdwExitCode );
+ pDataLock->ReleaseLock(pThread, TRUE);
+ if (NULL != pobjProcess)
+ {
+ pobjProcess->ReleaseReference(pThread);
+ }
+ return palError;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+void PROCDumpThreadList()
+ CPalThread *pThread;
+ PROCProcessLock();
+ TRACE ("Threads:{\n");
+ pThread = pGThreadList;
+ while (NULL != pThread)
+ {
+ TRACE (" {pThr=0x%p tid=%#x lwpid=%#x state=%d finsusp=%d}\n",
+ pThread, (int)pThread->GetThreadId(), (int)pThread->GetLwpId(),
+ (int)pThread->synchronizationInfo.GetThreadState(),
+ (int)pThread->suspensionInfo.GetSuspendedForShutdown());
+ pThread = pThread->GetNext();
+ }
+ TRACE ("Threads:}\n");
+ PROCProcessUnlock();
+/* Internal function definitions **********************************************/
+ getFileName
+ Helper function for CreateProcessW, it retrieves the executable filename
+ from the application name, and the command line.
+ IN lpApplicationName: first parameter from CreateProcessW (an unicode string)
+ IN lpCommandLine: second parameter from CreateProcessW (an unicode string)
+ OUT lpFileName: file to be executed (the new process)
+ TRUE: if the file name is retrieved
+ FALSE: otherwise
+ LPCWSTR lpApplicationName,
+ LPWSTR lpCommandLine,
+ PathCharString& lpPathFileName)
+ LPWSTR lpEnd;
+ WCHAR wcEnd;
+ char * lpFileName;
+ PathCharString lpFileNamePS;
+ char *lpTemp;
+ if (lpApplicationName)
+ {
+ int length = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpApplicationName, -1,
+ /* if only a file name is specified, prefix it with "./" */
+ if ((*lpApplicationName != '.') && (*lpApplicationName != '/') &&
+ (*lpApplicationName != '\\'))
+ {
+ length += 2;
+ lpTemp = lpPathFileName.OpenStringBuffer(length);
+ if (strcpy_s(lpTemp, length, "./") != SAFECRT_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ ERROR("strcpy_s failed!\n");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ lpTemp+=2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lpTemp = lpPathFileName.OpenStringBuffer(length);
+ }
+ /* Convert to ASCII */
+ length = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpApplicationName, -1,
+ lpTemp, length, NULL, NULL);
+ if (length == 0)
+ {
+ lpPathFileName.CloseBuffer(0);
+ ASSERT("WideCharToMultiByte failure\n");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ lpPathFileName.CloseBuffer(length -1);
+ /* Replace '\' by '/' */
+ FILEDosToUnixPathA(lpTemp);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* use the Command line */
+ /* filename should be the first token of the command line */
+ /* first skip all leading whitespace */
+ lpCommandLine = UTIL_inverse_wcspbrk(lpCommandLine,W16_WHITESPACE);
+ if(NULL == lpCommandLine)
+ {
+ ERROR("CommandLine contains only whitespace!\n");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* check if it is starting with a quote (") character */
+ if (*lpCommandLine == 0x0022)
+ {
+ lpCommandLine++; /* skip the quote */
+ /* file name ends with another quote */
+ lpEnd = PAL_wcschr(lpCommandLine+1, 0x0022);
+ /* if no quotes found, set lpEnd to the end of the Command line */
+ if (lpEnd == NULL)
+ lpEnd = lpCommandLine + PAL_wcslen(lpCommandLine);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* filename is end out by a whitespace */
+ lpEnd = PAL_wcspbrk(lpCommandLine, W16_WHITESPACE);
+ /* if no whitespace found, set lpEnd to end of the Command line */
+ if (lpEnd == NULL)
+ {
+ lpEnd = lpCommandLine + PAL_wcslen(lpCommandLine);
+ }
+ }
+ if (lpEnd == lpCommandLine)
+ {
+ ERROR("application name and command line are both empty!\n");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* replace the last character by a null */
+ wcEnd = *lpEnd;
+ *lpEnd = 0x0000;
+ /* Convert to ASCII */
+ int size = 0;
+ int length = (PAL_wcslen(lpCommandLine)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
+ lpFileName = lpFileNamePS.OpenStringBuffer(length);
+ if (NULL == lpFileName)
+ {
+ ERROR("Not Enough Memory!\n");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!(size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpCommandLine, -1,
+ lpFileName, length, NULL, NULL)))
+ {
+ ASSERT("WideCharToMultiByte failure\n");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ lpFileNamePS.CloseBuffer(size - 1);
+ /* restore last character */
+ *lpEnd = wcEnd;
+ /* Replace '\' by '/' */
+ FILEDosToUnixPathA(lpFileName);
+ if (!getPath(lpFileNamePS, lpPathFileName))
+ {
+ /* file is not in the path */
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+Functions: VAL16 & VAL32
+ Byte swapping functions for reading in little endian format files
+static inline USHORT VAL16(USHORT x)
+ return ( ((x & 0xFF00) >> 8) | ((x & 0x00FF) << 8) );
+static inline ULONG VAL32(DWORD x)
+ return( ((x & 0xFF000000L) >> 24) |
+ ((x & 0x00FF0000L) >> 8) |
+ ((x & 0x0000FF00L) << 8) |
+ ((x & 0x000000FFL) << 24) );
+#else // BIGENDIAN
+// For little-endian machines, do nothing
+static __inline USHORT VAL16(unsigned short x) { return x; }
+static __inline DWORD VAL32(DWORD x){ return x; }
+#endif // BIGENDIAN
+static const DWORD IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE = 0x5A4D;
+static const DWORD IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE = 0x00004550;
+static const DWORD IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC = 0x10b;
+typedef struct _IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY {
+ DWORD VirtualAddress;
+ DWORD Size;
+typedef struct _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER {
+ //
+ // Standard fields.
+ //
+ WORD Magic;
+ BYTE MajorLinkerVersion;
+ BYTE MinorLinkerVersion;
+ DWORD SizeOfCode;
+ DWORD SizeOfInitializedData;
+ DWORD SizeOfUninitializedData;
+ DWORD AddressOfEntryPoint;
+ DWORD BaseOfCode;
+ DWORD BaseOfData;
+ //
+ // NT additional fields.
+ //
+ DWORD ImageBase;
+ DWORD SectionAlignment;
+ DWORD FileAlignment;
+ WORD MajorOperatingSystemVersion;
+ WORD MinorOperatingSystemVersion;
+ WORD MajorImageVersion;
+ WORD MinorImageVersion;
+ WORD MajorSubsystemVersion;
+ WORD MinorSubsystemVersion;
+ DWORD Win32VersionValue;
+ DWORD SizeOfImage;
+ DWORD SizeOfHeaders;
+ DWORD CheckSum;
+ WORD Subsystem;
+ WORD DllCharacteristics;
+ DWORD SizeOfStackReserve;
+ DWORD SizeOfStackCommit;
+ DWORD SizeOfHeapReserve;
+ DWORD SizeOfHeapCommit;
+ DWORD LoaderFlags;
+ DWORD NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
+ IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY DataDirectory[16];
+typedef struct _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER {
+ WORD Machine;
+ WORD NumberOfSections;
+ DWORD TimeDateStamp;
+ DWORD PointerToSymbolTable;
+ DWORD NumberOfSymbols;
+ WORD SizeOfOptionalHeader;
+ WORD Characteristics;
+typedef struct _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS {
+ DWORD Signature;
+typedef struct _IMAGE_DOS_HEADER { /* DOS .EXE header*/
+ WORD e_magic; /* Magic number*/
+ WORD e_cblp; /* Bytes on last page of file*/
+ WORD e_cp; /* Pages in file*/
+ WORD e_crlc; /* Relocations*/
+ WORD e_cparhdr; /* Size of header in paragraphs*/
+ WORD e_minalloc; /* Minimum extra paragraphs needed*/
+ WORD e_maxalloc; /* Maximum extra paragraphs needed*/
+ WORD e_ss; /* Initial (relative) SS value*/
+ WORD e_sp; /* Initial SP value*/
+ WORD e_csum; /* Checksum*/
+ WORD e_ip; /* Initial IP value*/
+ WORD e_cs; /* Initial (relative) CS value*/
+ WORD e_lfarlc; /* File address of relocation table*/
+ WORD e_ovno; /* Overlay number*/
+ WORD e_res[4]; /* Reserved words*/
+ WORD e_oemid; /* OEM identifier (for e_oeminfo)*/
+ WORD e_oeminfo; /* OEM information; e_oemid specific*/
+ WORD e_res2[10]; /* Reserved words*/
+ LONG e_lfanew; /* File address of new exe header*/
+ isManagedExecutable
+Determines if the passed in file is a managed executable
+isManagedExecutable(LPCSTR lpFileName)
+ DWORD cbRead;
+ IMAGE_DOS_HEADER dosheader;
+ BOOL ret = 0;
+ /* then check if it is a PE/COFF file */
+ if((hFile = CreateFileA(lpFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL,
+ {
+ goto isManagedExecutableExit;
+ }
+ /* Open the file and read the IMAGE_DOS_HEADER structure */
+ if(!ReadFile(hFile, &dosheader, sizeof(IMAGE_DOS_HEADER), &cbRead, NULL) || cbRead != sizeof(IMAGE_DOS_HEADER) )
+ goto isManagedExecutableExit;
+ /* check the DOS headers */
+ if ( (dosheader.e_magic != VAL16(IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE)) || (VAL32(dosheader.e_lfanew) <= 0) )
+ goto isManagedExecutableExit;
+ /* Advance the file pointer to File address of new exe header */
+ if( SetFilePointer(hFile, VAL32(dosheader.e_lfanew), NULL, FILE_BEGIN) == 0xffffffff)
+ goto isManagedExecutableExit;
+ if( !ReadFile(hFile, &NtHeaders , sizeof(IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32), &cbRead, NULL) || cbRead != sizeof(IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32) )
+ goto isManagedExecutableExit;
+ /* check the NT headers */
+ if ((NtHeaders.Signature != VAL32(IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE)) ||
+ (NtHeaders.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader != VAL16(IMAGE_SIZEOF_NT_OPTIONAL32_HEADER)) ||
+ (NtHeaders.OptionalHeader.Magic != VAL16(IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC)))
+ goto isManagedExecutableExit;
+ /* Check that the virtual address of IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COMHEADER is non-null */
+ if ( NtHeaders.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COM_DESCRIPTOR].VirtualAddress == 0 )
+ goto isManagedExecutableExit;
+ /* The file is a managed executable */
+ ret = 1;
+ isManagedExecutableExit:
+ /* Close the file handle if we opened it */
+ if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
+ CloseHandle(hFile);
+ return ret;
+ checkFileType
+ Return the type of the file.
+ IN lpFileName: file name
+ FILE_DIR: Directory
+ FILE_UNIX: Unix executable file
+ FILE_PE: managed PE/COFF file
+checkFileType( LPCSTR lpFileName)
+ struct stat stat_data;
+ /* check if the file exist */
+ if ( access(lpFileName, F_OK) != 0 )
+ {
+ return FILE_ERROR;
+ }
+ if( isManagedExecutable(lpFileName) )
+ {
+ return FILE_PE;
+ }
+ /* if it's not a PE/COFF file, check if it is executable */
+ if ( -1 != stat( lpFileName, &stat_data ) )
+ {
+ if((stat_data.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR )
+ {
+ /*The given file is a directory*/
+ return FILE_DIR;
+ }
+ if ( UTIL_IsExecuteBitsSet( &stat_data ) )
+ {
+ return FILE_UNIX;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return FILE_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ return FILE_ERROR;
+ buildArgv
+ Helper function for CreateProcessW, it builds the array of argument in
+ a format than can be passed to execve function.lppArgv is allocated
+ in this function and must be freed by the caller.
+ IN lpCommandLine: second parameter from CreateProcessW (an unicode string)
+ IN lpAppPath: cannonical name of the application to launched
+ OUT lppArgv: array of arguments to be passed to the new process
+ IN prependLoader: If True first argument should be the PE loader
+ the number of arguments
+note: this doesn't yet match precisely the behavior of Windows, but should be
+what's here:
+1) stripping nonquoted whitespace
+2) handling of quoted parameters and quoted "parts" of parameters, removal of
+ doublequotes (<aaaa"b bbb b"ccc> becomes <aaaab bbb bccc>)
+3) \" as an escaped doublequote, both within doublequoted sequences and out
+what's known missing :
+1) \\ as an escaped backslash, but only if the string of '\'
+ is followed by a " (escaped or not)
+2) "alternate" escape sequence : double-doublequote within a double-quoted
+ argument (<"aaa a""aa aaa">) expands to a single-doublequote(<aaa a"aa aaa>)
+note that there may be other special cases
+char **
+ LPCWSTR lpCommandLine,
+ PathCharString& lpAppPath,
+ UINT *pnArg,
+ BOOL prependLoader)
+ CPalThread *pThread = NULL;
+ UINT iWlen;
+ char *lpAsciiCmdLine;
+ char *pChar;
+ char **lppArgv;
+ char **lppTemp;
+ UINT i,j;
+ *pnArg = 0;
+ iWlen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,lpCommandLine,-1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL);
+ if(0 == iWlen)
+ {
+ ASSERT("Can't determine length of command line\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pThread = InternalGetCurrentThread();
+ /* make sure to allocate enough space, up for the worst case scenario */
+ int iLength = (iWlen + strlen(PROCESS_PELOADER_FILENAME) + lpAppPath.GetCount() + 2);
+ lpAsciiCmdLine = (char *) InternalMalloc(iLength);
+ if (lpAsciiCmdLine == NULL)
+ {
+ ERROR("Unable to allocate memory\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pChar = lpAsciiCmdLine;
+ /* Prepend the PE loader, if it's required */
+ if (prependLoader)
+ {
+ if ((strcpy_s(lpAsciiCmdLine, iLength, PROCESS_PELOADER_FILENAME) != SAFECRT_SUCCESS) ||
+ (strcat_s(lpAsciiCmdLine, iLength, " ") != SAFECRT_SUCCESS))
+ {
+ ERROR("strcpy_s/strcat_s failed!\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pChar = lpAsciiCmdLine + strlen (lpAsciiCmdLine);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* put the cannonical name of the application as the first parameter */
+ if ((strcpy_s(lpAsciiCmdLine, iLength, "\"") != SAFECRT_SUCCESS) ||
+ (strcat_s(lpAsciiCmdLine, iLength, lpAppPath) != SAFECRT_SUCCESS) ||
+ (strcat_s(lpAsciiCmdLine, iLength, "\"") != SAFECRT_SUCCESS) ||
+ (strcat_s(lpAsciiCmdLine, iLength, " ") != SAFECRT_SUCCESS))
+ {
+ ERROR("strcpy_s/strcat_s failed!\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pChar = lpAsciiCmdLine + strlen (lpAsciiCmdLine);
+ /* let's skip the first argument in the command line */
+ /* strip leading whitespace; function returns NULL if there's only
+ whitespace, so the if statement below will work correctly */
+ lpCommandLine = UTIL_inverse_wcspbrk((LPWSTR)lpCommandLine, W16_WHITESPACE);
+ if (lpCommandLine)
+ {
+ LPCWSTR stringstart = lpCommandLine;
+ do
+ {
+ /* find first whitespace or dquote character */
+ lpCommandLine = PAL_wcspbrk(lpCommandLine,W16_WHITESPACE_DQUOTE);
+ if(NULL == lpCommandLine)
+ {
+ /* no whitespace or dquote found : first arg is only arg */
+ break;
+ }
+ else if('"' == *lpCommandLine)
+ {
+ /* got a dquote; skip over it if it's escaped; make sure we
+ don't try to look before the first character in the
+ string */
+ if(lpCommandLine > stringstart && '\\' == lpCommandLine[-1])
+ {
+ lpCommandLine++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* found beginning of dquoted sequence, run to the end */
+ /* don't stop if we hit an escaped dquote */
+ lpCommandLine++;
+ while( *lpCommandLine )
+ {
+ lpCommandLine = PAL_wcschr(lpCommandLine, '"');
+ if(NULL == lpCommandLine)
+ {
+ /* no ending dquote, arg runs to end of string */
+ break;
+ }
+ if('\\' != lpCommandLine[-1])
+ {
+ /* dquote is not escaped, dquoted sequence is over*/
+ break;
+ }
+ lpCommandLine++;
+ }
+ if(NULL == lpCommandLine || '\0' == *lpCommandLine)
+ {
+ /* no terminating dquote */
+ break;
+ }
+ /* step over dquote, keep looking for end of arg */
+ lpCommandLine++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* found whitespace : end of arg. */
+ lpCommandLine++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }while(lpCommandLine);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Convert to ASCII */
+ if (lpCommandLine)
+ {
+ if (!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpCommandLine, -1,
+ pChar, iWlen+1, NULL, NULL))
+ {
+ ASSERT("Unable to convert to a multibyte string\n");
+ free(lpAsciiCmdLine);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ pChar = lpAsciiCmdLine;
+ /* loops through all the arguments, to find out how many arguments there
+ are; while looping replace whitespace by \0 */
+ /* skip leading whitespace (and replace by '\0') */
+ /* note : there shouldn't be any, command starts either with PE loader name
+ or computed application path, but this won't hurt */
+ while (*pChar)
+ {
+ if (!isspace((unsigned char) *pChar))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ WARN("unexpected whitespace in command line!\n");
+ *pChar++ = '\0';
+ }
+ while (*pChar)
+ {
+ (*pnArg)++;
+ /* find end of current arg */
+ while(*pChar && !isspace((unsigned char) *pChar))
+ {
+ if('"' == *pChar)
+ {
+ /* skip over dquote if it's escaped; make sure we don't try to
+ look before the start of the string for the \ */
+ if(pChar > lpAsciiCmdLine && '\\' == pChar[-1])
+ {
+ pChar++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* found leading dquote : look for ending dquote */
+ pChar++;
+ while (*pChar)
+ {
+ pChar = strchr(pChar,'"');
+ if(NULL == pChar)
+ {
+ /* no ending dquote found : argument extends to the end
+ of the string*/
+ break;
+ }
+ if('\\' != pChar[-1])
+ {
+ /* found a dquote, and it's not escaped : quoted
+ sequence is over*/
+ break;
+ }
+ /* found a dquote, but it was escaped : skip over it, keep
+ looking */
+ pChar++;
+ }
+ if(NULL == pChar || '\0' == *pChar)
+ {
+ /* reached the end of the string : we're done */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ pChar++;
+ }
+ if(NULL == pChar)
+ {
+ /* reached the end of the string : we're done */
+ break;
+ }
+ /* reached end of arg; replace trailing whitespace by '\0', to split
+ arguments into separate strings */
+ while (isspace((unsigned char) *pChar))
+ {
+ *pChar++ = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ /* allocate lppargv according to the number of arguments
+ in the command line */
+ lppArgv = (char **) InternalMalloc((((*pnArg)+1) * sizeof(char *)));
+ if (lppArgv == NULL)
+ {
+ free(lpAsciiCmdLine);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ lppTemp = lppArgv;
+ /* at this point all parameters are separated by NULL
+ we need to fill the array of arguments; we must also remove all dquotes
+ from arguments (new process shouldn't see them) */
+ for (i = *pnArg, pChar = lpAsciiCmdLine; i; i--)
+ {
+ /* skip NULLs */
+ while (!*pChar)
+ {
+ pChar++;
+ }
+ *lppTemp = pChar;
+ /* go to the next parameter, removing dquotes as we go along */
+ j = 0;
+ while (*pChar)
+ {
+ /* copy character if it's not a dquote */
+ if('"' != *pChar)
+ {
+ /* if it's the \ of an escaped dquote, skip over it, we'll
+ copy the " instead */
+ if( '\\' == pChar[0] && '"' == pChar[1] )
+ {
+ pChar++;
+ }
+ (*lppTemp)[j++] = *pChar;
+ }
+ pChar++;
+ }
+ /* re-NULL terminate the argument */
+ (*lppTemp)[j] = '\0';
+ lppTemp++;
+ }
+ *lppTemp = NULL;
+ return lppArgv;
+ getPath
+ Helper function for CreateProcessW, it looks in the path environment
+ variable to find where the process to executed is.
+ IN lpFileName: file name to search in the path
+ OUT lpPathFileName: returned string containing the path and the filename
+ TRUE if found
+ FALSE otherwise
+ PathCharString& lpFileNameString,
+ PathCharString& lpPathFileName)
+ LPSTR lpPath;
+ LPSTR lpNext;
+ LPSTR lpCurrent;
+ LPWSTR lpwstr;
+ INT n;
+ INT nextLen;
+ INT slashLen;
+ CPalThread *pThread = NULL;
+ LPCSTR lpFileName = lpFileNameString.GetString();
+ /* if a path is specified, only look there */
+ if(strchr(lpFileName, '/'))
+ {
+ if (access (lpFileName, F_OK) == 0)
+ {
+ if (!lpPathFileName.Set(lpFileNameString))
+ {
+ TRACE("Set of StackString failed!\n");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ TRACE("file %s exists\n", lpFileName);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRACE("file %s doesn't exist.\n", lpFileName);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ /* first look in directory from which the application loaded */
+ lpwstr = g_lpwstrAppDir;
+ if (lpwstr)
+ {
+ /* convert path to multibyte, check buffer size */
+ n = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpwstr, -1, NULL, 0,
+ if (!lpPathFileName.Reserve(n + lpFileNameString.GetCount() + 1 ))
+ {
+ ERROR("StackString Reserve failed!\n");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ lpPath = lpPathFileName.OpenStringBuffer(n);
+ n = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpwstr, -1, lpPath, n,
+ if (n == 0)
+ {
+ lpPathFileName.CloseBuffer(0);
+ ASSERT("WideCharToMultiByte failure!\n");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ lpPathFileName.CloseBuffer(n - 1);
+ lpPathFileName.Append("/", 1);
+ lpPathFileName.Append(lpFileNameString);
+ if (access(lpPathFileName, F_OK) == 0)
+ {
+ TRACE("found %s in application directory (%s)\n", lpFileName, lpPathFileName.GetString());
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ /* then try the current directory */
+ if (!lpPathFileName.Reserve(lpFileNameString.GetCount() + 2))
+ {
+ ERROR("StackString Reserve failed!\n");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ lpPathFileName.Set("./", 2);
+ lpPathFileName.Append(lpFileNameString);
+ if (access (lpPathFileName, R_OK) == 0)
+ {
+ TRACE("found %s in current directory.\n", lpFileName);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ pThread = InternalGetCurrentThread();
+ /* Then try to look in the path */
+ lpPath = EnvironGetenv("PATH");
+ if (!lpPath)
+ {
+ ERROR("EnvironGetenv returned NULL for $PATH\n");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ lpNext = lpPath;
+ /* search in every path directory */
+ TRACE("looking for file %s in $PATH (%s)\n", lpFileName, lpPath);
+ while (lpNext)
+ {
+ /* skip all leading ':' */
+ while(*lpNext==':')
+ {
+ lpNext++;
+ }
+ /* search for ':' */
+ lpCurrent = strchr(lpNext, ':');
+ if (lpCurrent)
+ {
+ *lpCurrent++ = '\0';
+ }
+ nextLen = strlen(lpNext);
+ slashLen = (lpNext[nextLen-1] == '/') ? 0:1;
+ if (!lpPathFileName.Reserve(nextLen + lpFileNameString.GetCount() + 1))
+ {
+ free(lpPath);
+ ERROR("StackString ran out of memory for full path\n");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ lpPathFileName.Set(lpNext, nextLen);
+ if( slashLen == 1)
+ {
+ /* append a '/' if there's no '/' at the end of the path */
+ lpPathFileName.Append("/", 1);
+ }
+ lpPathFileName.Append(lpFileNameString);
+ if ( access (lpPathFileName, F_OK) == 0)
+ {
+ TRACE("Found %s in $PATH element %s\n", lpFileName, lpNext);
+ free(lpPath);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ lpNext = lpCurrent; /* search in the next directory */
+ }
+ free(lpPath);
+ TRACE("File %s not found in $PATH\n", lpFileName);
+ return FALSE;
+ ~CProcProcessLocalData
+Process data destructor
+ if (pProcessModules != NULL)
+ {
+ DestroyProcessModules(pProcessModules);
+ }